Dr. Who - The Original Titular Line


Комментарии • 38

  • @IanHollis
    @IanHollis 13 лет назад +1

    You know, I once dreamed the real name of the Doctor (uttered in my dream by 10, who was the current Doctor at the time), but upon awaking, I totally forgot it. I also remember that there was a Cyberman lost in the TARDIS in my dream.

  • @LestatandBerial
    @LestatandBerial 13 лет назад

    I watched this episode just the other day. It's cool watching it when it fuirst started way back in 1963.

  • @ToaUmbra
    @ToaUmbra 13 лет назад

    I love the Doctor and this show is the best in the known history.Every single Doctor has been great, but my first Doctor was 9th, then I watched all the new series, the 8th Doctor film, some 7th Doctor episodes then 1st Doctor episodes, 2nd Doctor and now I am watching the Invasion of Dinosaurs. I have to say that the best episodes of the Doctor are multidoctor episodes and everything with Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, the Master, Weeping angels and The Silence. U, Whovian since Autumn 2011.

  • @kaizoisevil
    @kaizoisevil 11 лет назад

    No, silence is supposed to fall in order to prevent the answer from being spoken (hence, you remain silent).

  • @NickStedmon
    @NickStedmon 11 лет назад

    The Doctor AND Clara, since she was still linked with River. She also read it previously in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, which she forgot (and then she remembered).

  • @NickStedmon
    @NickStedmon 11 лет назад

    True, it depends how much she remembered from the timestream, they could write it either way.

  • @BillHartnelliscool27
    @BillHartnelliscool27 13 лет назад

    .... Silence hasn't fallen yet.

  • @LegendKiller1fan
    @LegendKiller1fan 11 лет назад

    Yes he did, a matter of fact. William Hartnell improvised alot in the series.

  • @Arancaytar
    @Arancaytar 13 лет назад

    The question has been asked hundreds of times; what matters is the specific circumstance at the fall of the Eleventh "when no living thing can speak falsely or fail to answer", whatever that means.

  • @MaxosGoji
    @MaxosGoji 13 лет назад

    @TheEndlessWarlock It's basically saying when the Doctor will regenarate into his 12 person.

  • @SqarrotMusic
    @SqarrotMusic 11 лет назад

    Good analyzation, but it was more over about how Silence will always fall when the question is asked. Even though River did provide the answer, nobody heard it apart from the Doctor, so Silence still technically fell.

  • @Zomegad
    @Zomegad 13 лет назад

    Surely there's some sort of loophole where the question needs to be asked in a completely serious manner as opposed to what is comparable to "Doctor what? When? Wha?"

  • @TheBanishedWind
    @TheBanishedWind 13 лет назад

    Silence will fall when the question is asked, but before it is answered. And though the question has been asked multiple times, the prophecy refers to the asking that occurs on the Fields Of Trenzalore at the Fall Of The Eleventh, when no creature that is asked a question can lie or fail to answer.
    If done at any other time, at any other place, the Doctor is permitted to either give a false answer or dodge the question entirely.

  • @68k
    @68k 13 лет назад


  • @SqarrotMusic
    @SqarrotMusic 11 лет назад

    Good point, but I don't think that she ever specifically remembered reading the Doctor's name.

  • @m22af91
    @m22af91 13 лет назад

    Hah hah! 1 Point to the writers of THAT one! But... Matt Smith just floored me with how he asked the same question! *Camera zooms in to Dr. #11 as he turns, cracking a bit of a smile [Oh do come on, even I can't say the coming line with a straight face] with a dramatic pause in the music... asking " Doctor, WHO?"*

  • @CaitieLou
    @CaitieLou 12 лет назад

    To be fair, this is the second episode, and it is sort of the title of the show :-P

  • @JakLS
    @JakLS 13 лет назад

    @Angryphil14 Actually, The Silence is the religious order, and they made the vow that the question must never be answered; their ultimate goal is to prevent the answer, and the would "fall" (die) for that cause (The Doctor never reaches Trenzalor). According to Dorium: "Silence MUST fall." So the silence still isn't actually actual silence.

  • @holmsatlarge
    @holmsatlarge 13 лет назад

    This Doctor was the reason I grew my hair long.

  • @scottmelanson4519
    @scottmelanson4519 11 лет назад

    Actually this is the first episode, the other one is the pilot.

  • @BillHartnelliscool27
    @BillHartnelliscool27 13 лет назад

    @Angryphil14 Thanks for that!

  • @galonski64
    @galonski64 13 лет назад

    @Angryphil14 You forgot the part when no one can tell a lie.

  • @CaptainAndyman
    @CaptainAndyman 13 лет назад

    The first question...

  • @HugoLuman
    @HugoLuman 12 лет назад

    So basically, all it means is that the doctor will awkwardly stand there with his mouth open after being asked his name?

  • @fury1031
    @fury1031 13 лет назад

    @haogar5 Oh dear boy, it's simply "The Doctor"

  • @GrimnEvil4Ever
    @GrimnEvil4Ever 13 лет назад

    @BillHartnelliscool27 no no no, silence will fall when the question is answered. said the gigantic blue head at the middle of the last episode

  • @AniDex
    @AniDex 13 лет назад

    @Angryphil14 You are brilliant. I wish my other Doctor Who friends were clever like you. :

  • @trickster7997
    @trickster7997 13 лет назад

    @BillHartnelliscool27 The question was asked but it was not answered....

    @OINMAS 13 лет назад

    @MrFredPickle Hey, we Know he will say it. Who says WE are going to hear it?


    Watchoo talkin' bout,Willis?

  • @halfpintgamescast
    @halfpintgamescast 13 лет назад

    @thatwhichisgiven Awesome, I'll bring the fish fingers n custard. ALMOST FORGOT, Here's some Jelly Babies too.

  • @JakLS
    @JakLS 13 лет назад

    @Jdmls27 No, wait, never mind. Yours was right.

  • @halfpintgamescast
    @halfpintgamescast 13 лет назад

    @thatwhichisgiven I've not really been much of a fan of the Doctor who franchise. I've watched the 9th doctor through 11th with my family. I will, however say that after watching some of the early series, that I am now a big fan. Can I have a party too bro?

  • @Dubzoomember
    @Dubzoomember 13 лет назад

    I'm going to call people charlatans from now on.

  • @memahselfni
    @memahselfni 13 лет назад

    @diehippie9000 were not all like that >.< I loved David first but Toms definitely my doctor now!

  • @BillHartnelliscool27
    @BillHartnelliscool27 13 лет назад

    @GrimnEvil4Ever And, also... I knew that.

  • @BillHartnelliscool27
    @BillHartnelliscool27 13 лет назад

    @GrimnEvil4Ever DON'T SPOIL MY FUN!!!!