That epoxy technique - Wow. Nicely done. I wouldn't have thought it possible. I fully expected you to dump it all over the emblems and then have to clean up all the edges manually.
Discolouring of epoxy is caused by UV light, for outdoor applications you'll have to find some 'UV resistant epoxy'. Technically that may not be the best term, but it'll probably work best.
I'm not capable of producing them in high enough quality and charge people for it yet. Just making this as a cheap replacement for my personal use. But thanks for expressing your interest!
That epoxy technique - Wow. Nicely done. I wouldn't have thought it possible. I fully expected you to dump it all over the emblems and then have to clean up all the edges manually.
Look it up, it's called resin doming. Pretty straightforward with the correct resin and it gives a nice "professional" look.
Very good 👍
which tin did you use to make this metal base?
Cómo haces que la resina sea tan líquida para trabajar Ami se me espeza mucho
And How Munch and Where is the gel Purchase
What is tha Gel name
Would last as an exterior sticker for the car? Or would it turn yellow?
Discolouring of epoxy is caused by UV light, for outdoor applications you'll have to find some 'UV resistant epoxy'.
Technically that may not be the best term, but it'll probably work best.
Want to make me some 🤣🤣
Can u pls make one for me. How much would charge??
I'm not capable of producing them in high enough quality and charge people for it yet.
Just making this as a cheap replacement for my personal use. But thanks for expressing your interest!
What brand of resins did you use ??
Aliexpress chinese resin. Just search for "A B resin"
@@denieru94 will you be able to make me a custom one ?