@@User-m6d9r سأكتب لك باللغة العربية وسوف تترجمها لتفهم لأن لغتي الإنجليزية ضعيفة. قبل أن تأتي إلى هذا العالم روحك تحملعفي DNA خاصتها جروح، ومهمتك في التجربة الأرضية هو شفاء تلك الجروح، ولكي تستطيع شفاءها يجب أولا أن ياتي شخص يقوم بتفعيل هذه الجروح والا فإنك لن تدرك وجودها اصلا حتى تقوم بعلاجها، لهذا الأشخاص هم مجرد رسل من الكون ليساعدوك على اكتشاف مكان جرحك لتعالجه والا فسوف تبقى في حلقة فارغة تكرر نفس الأحداث، وكن أكثر الجروح الروحية، هي جرح الرفض، روحك تحمل هذا الجرح لكنك لا تعلم ولكي تحس به يجب أن يأتي شخص ويقوم برفضك عندها يتفعل الجرح لديك ويصعد إلى السطح لكي تشفيه. لهذا كن ممتن لكل الذين سببوا لك الأذى لأن ذلك الأذى هو هدية من الكون لكي تشافي جروحك وترتفي تردداتك لتصل إلى الحب الغير مشروط. وكلنا لدينا جروح وفق قدرتنا على التحمل. هذا هو قانون التجربة الأرضية وهذا هو الهدف من وجودنا هنا على هذا الكوكب الجميل. نامستي 🙏💚
I was abused by my father as a small child and have held that resentment as he lives a happy care free life and I continued to suffer from ptsd for years after. This meditation really helps. This will be a process and I will start listening to this one every night now. I have noticed that listening many times to the same video in the area of struggle helps alot. Thank you Michael for all the good you bring to your listeners. You are a gift.
I know some of what you struggle with. I was mentally and physically abused growing up and still harbor anger, resentment, and struggle with depression and anxiety because of my childhood. You are never alone.
Thank you Michael. ❤️ I feel like I was born angry .. for as long as I can remember I've been angry .. grew up around anger and carried it on .. until now .. Healing from childhood trauma is quite possibly one of the hardest things I've been through. Reading other people's comments help because it makes me feel less alone with these heavy emotions. ❤️ Sending love to all who are suffering especially those who feel so alone .. ❤️
Replace man with woman and boy with girl... Anger comes from powerlessness.... usually from childhood and early triggers. We are angry that someone hurt us so badly when we were our most vulnerable... small children, little boy or little girl. Let that little boy in you have his anger in productive ways... sports, workouts, creativity, singing loud, screaming into a pillow and then let the man who survived it let it go. I know it's hard... I had so much anger too. It still bubbles up but anger is giving the person who harmed you in past or the person harming you in future (or perceived harming) way too much power. You ARE a powerful man now and capable of gentleness toward yourself or others. Find a productive outlet... feel it and then let it go. I swim to do this. And cry ... a lot. LOL! Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for sharing. I also find it helpful to read the comments . My neighbour is my pattern and I now must move because I feel a sense of powerlessness here. I ask God to take my burden from me🙏
@@maryrutkowski7195 omg Mary you are amazing ❤ this response helped me understand how to release so much!! I always wondered if I was doing it right and asked for guidance. Found you! Thank you ☺
The first night I listened to this, I felt refreshed and empowered. Two nights later after my husband said unkind things to me, I started to cry but continued to listen. I pushed through the feelings of feeling trapped, hopeless and lost. I sense myself at the core, the creativity that bubbles in my soul and have confidence that I can create the life I want. I will try again tomorrow. Thank you. Crying is better than fury and it's a step.
You are never truly alone, as we are connected to everything in the universe/cosmos whatever you want to call it, from star dust to dust again.You are always loved and supported the first step to realising this is called self love, learning to love and appreciate yourself and all your qualities and gifts. Once you do learn to begin to love and appreciate yourself more, you will not accept negative behaviour to yourself from anyone. You will either walk away or rise above it. If you feel lonely and isolated, I recommend getting some energy healing to deal with any issues you may have and take up a new hobby or sport to get out and meet people! Best of luck.
Thank you so much. As someone who feels lonely all the time- falling out with immediate family, used to be very "religious," I just... it's hard to breathe sometimes and this- it did make me tear up but in a grateful way so thank you. Thank you.
I've been falling asleep every night listening to this session for about four nights now, and I am a complete convert. I have been waking up and feeling absolutely like a new man. I've managed to start to get a handle on the anger and stress in my life. Thank you, sir, for the work you are doing here.
My fingers are numb as I’m typing this. I always thought hypnosis was a myth. Today was a day that anxiety took over my spirit from the moment I woke up. I’ve always been known for being small person with a fiery, angry character. Thankfully to God I somehow came across this video, and felt an inner peace I haven’t experienced since 2015. I wholeheartedly thank you. You’ve helped release some of the deepest childhood trauma and resentment I’ve been holding onto. Thank you immensely. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I suffer from depression. I'm able to work again, but have to be careful about the amount of time, the stress and with which people I work. Your Meditation helps me throughout the work. It feels as if you would stand behind me, lay your hands on my shoulder and keep me calm and safe. In addition I meditate in my break- and freetime, to gain calmness and inner strenght that depression sometimes tooks from me. But I will gain it back, I will get stronger, not today, but someday. I feel the strenght everyday in me growing, slowly, but strong. Thank you Michael.
This guided hypnosis saved my life, my neighbour's life, my wife's life, and everyone else near us. TY so much for helping me. During 4 years, a highly repetitive stimulus caused by my neighbour was triggering an automatic sequence of extremely violent revenge plots. It was so frequent that I developped an obsession based on self-righteous anger, a psychosis and a depression. I could not stop feeling angry and thinking about the neighbour. I can now hear the stimulus without feeling anger and the fight response of my reptilian brain is not triggered anymore. I cannot believe how good it feels to just be at peace after all this energy I spent fighting my urge for violent rétribution. Jesus Christ was a genius of psychology... Forgiveness is the key to inner peace... It does not requires willpower to stay calm anymore.
Freddy FuFu There is no doubt that Christ was heavily influenced by the teachings of Buddha. Several of their sermons and parables are so incredibly similar as to not possibly be coincidental. If you haven’t already familiarized yourself with the “middle path”, I strongly encourage you to do so. Cheers and positive thoughts of peace and contentment for you and your loved ones.
My child hood was filled with abuses. I never received love from my parents my family my friends and people whom I loved and cared for. These built lot of anger and resentment deep inside me. I started becoming rude and always had outbursts because of this rooted negative pattern and buried emotions I had since childhood. I am always scared that I will lose people because of this and infact I lost few people because of this. I have been listening to this since few nights and I have found positive changes in me mentally, emotionally and physically. I will continue this 👏🏻 thanks for your efforts and charity you are doing for people like us..! Namaste from India 🙏
This is probably the best feeling after so many years. All that anger and regrets just leaving your life and setting you free. Thanks Michael for this :)
Thank you for this Michael. I have been struggling from childhood abuse all my life. Even though I have a psych background and plenty of therapy, I still struggle. I have been listening consistently for almost a month. I have softened my heart a little. It is a start.
Wish I could fully forgive. Even with making a choice it's not succeeding because I've never had justice. Everyone got away with what they did to me but I retaliate guess who gets punished.
Forgiveness does not heal the past, but reckognizing that the past is not your fault, will help you to maybe understand it, and through understanding, you can heal.
Forgiveness is realizing that the past isn't still happening. It's in the past. It's over. And its not still happening, so we can stop reacting to it. And we can stop giving energy to trying to change it and make it be something that it never was and never can be.
I listened and found myself falling asleep but somehow my subconscious was paying attention. I woke up thirsty and when I woke up, i felt better. It is crazy how the brain can still work while asleep. Thank you. I will listen to many more. You have a lovely soothing voice.
Thank you for sharing this powerful meditation. I became very bitter and angry after my separation and divorce about 12 years ago and got into a dynamic with the people that surrounded me so negative that I ended up burning more bridges that I could count, I got fired from jobs, close relatives and friends no longer spoke to me. I began doing this meditation and the part where it says to reflect on what anger has done in your life helped me see my part in this whole gigantic mess to the point that I no longer see myself as a victim. Thank you very much, I can say this video pretty much saved what is left from my life.
Michael, you’ve done it again... The peace I got from this video will forever change my life.. If I lost my life today, I am at peace. I will not forget what my abusers done to me, but, I forgive them for me... Thank you!
I love all Michael's videos. If you enjoy them too, don't be a freeloading chump and at least listen to his Ad's for 30 seconds so he gets paid for this great collection. Yes that is how he gets an income from his hard work for us. Don't know him, but just found out how the ad thing works! Cheers!
I didn't know that either, I thought only YT made money from the ads. Good to know, I will starting listening to my subbed channels' ads. Thanks for the heads up!
I release all my anger and frustration on myself for the past choices I’ve made that have held me back ! Anything I think I’ve done that’s bad is not bad it is a lesson! It has brought me to where I am today’ I am proud of myself and I forgive myself! I released all my anger today and all my resentment is now given to the guides and angels and god to heal and transmute! I do not need to think negatively about any choices I’ve made! I am free of all the self negative talk! I am free and I am abundant and ready for my new story! I am that I am!
I was carrying three big huge rocks in my bag during the meditation,I thought I released the biggest rock when I was forgiving the person who hurt me but no the biggest and the heaviest rock was at the end when I was forgiving myself and I cried so much after doing that,now I feel so much better,this stuff really works.thank you sooooooooooo much.
I’ve done this meditation twice and had tears rolling down both times during the end scene while sitting on the beach. Just a welling up of emotion and gratitude for the sense of peace and calm. Thankyou
Michael, whilst I have heard other meditations etc from you. This really hit home with me. To let go of anger, not only to others but also towards myself and forgive both as well, was really uplifting for me. Thanks so much. This is just what I needed after a heavy time which started as I was a child and had affected me into my 50s. Whilst I’m going to seek additional help as previous assistance hasn’t been enough, this is things that I need into my future not only for me but when I’m frustrated with others and hopefully learn a better way to communicate my issues., as my way has never worked❤
I don’t know where within this I fell asleep, but I woke up feeling like anew me (no exaggeration at all). I have been giving my anger and pain power by trying so hard to think my way through it and talk it out with others but the whole time it was my choice to make them reality or not. I am free now. Thank you💕 Love to all💕
I cried during the moment of forgiving myself from my self harm and stress. Never knew how much hatred and low self-esteem existed for so long, and it's abundance. Just this short session made my anxieties of self image disappear, made me love myself for who I am and my actions towards others. Today is a new day filled with love, from now on only love and compassion will be shared to others and myself. The ignorance and anger shares no purpose to me anymore from the past and future. Crying in tears of joy from the realization that I've come so far to truly love myself, which has never been accepted since I was an infant. I could even confidentially say these meditations of healing have cured my depression and growing anorexia. Thank you for sharing these practices with the world, healing others. Peace and love.
Words can not express the gratitude I have to you.. I never knew something like this could completely transform my life! I am in perfect peace with my past ♥️
I suffer every night with such axeity because of my Anger and Resentment. Sometimes i just want to run away or I get really depressed and don't know what to do. I have listened to your hypnosis video's several times and they really help me. Sometimes my mind argues with it and I have to pull myself back. My daughter also suffers she is 14 and she loves to listen to you as well. Thank you for taking the time to keep these posted for all of us suffer so many different things and in different ways.God Bless you.
+Carolyn Jones It is a common issue, Carolyn, though well done to you for making a continued and positive effort to take more control of your own experience. Glad your daughter listen, along with you. May your relaxation and peacefulness always improve under your own powerful control. Peace and harmony.
I have needed this for the past 24 years. I’m in the process of making great changes for myself, my mental health and my inner being. This is exactly what I need to let go of the hurt and pain I experienced as a child. Thank you.
For the past four days I’ve seen 3:33. I opened my eyes as this session ended to again see 3:33. Synchronistic. I thank you kindly, for I feel lighter and smiled after each release after crying. This is truly transformational and I can’t wait to share this with the world. Keep shining, bright one 🤩💝
This was an excellent hypnosis for the almost 40 years of trauma/anger/resentment I hold on to. I would imagine this may need listening to multiple times. I found myself getting too overwhelmed but I was able to find a little peace. Self acceptance is my mission and yoga has also been incredibly helpful. Thank you Michael I look forward to letting more go as I move forward with this beautiful peaceful tool.
Thankyou Micheal ,i am a recovering alcoholic, i struggle with sleeping and anger and resentments, im waiting to go into rehab but i stumbled across your hypnosis purely by accident whilst looking for meditation music, i put his on and actually slept last night, i awoke this morning feeling lighter and more serene, im about to give it another go tonight ,i will be recomending you to the many groups i am with,Thankyou again x
+julie brawn You're welcome, Julie. Great to hear of your improved sleep and mood upon waking. I hope that positive hypnosis and meditation will accompany your healthy recovery. All best wishes - peace.
My anger is destroying me. Every single day someone or something irritates me to the point that my anger pounds on the door begging to be let out. I hate the feeling, but it sort of drives me to get through the day.
Deep down you know what is haunting you, fix that and the anger will go away. Try to see your life from the perspective of being in space. How big is your problem then? I bet it's not as important as you have made it to be.
Many a night of being a new farther, I have held nothing but resentment for my child, the reality is I resent myself for not being good enough for my child, this video has helped with this realisation and stopped me several times from just walking away. People show nothing but disdain to parents with mental health problems, they do not realise they we already hate ourselves enough without the additional help. Thank you for this video, it's helped me centre myself.
@Isual-Sin I certainly don't know anything about your general mental health, but your acknowledgement as a parent in the original comment is both extremely brave and mature. Sure, your child is true innocence and s/he desperately needs your love, but there is no parent under the moon who don't despair under the pressure that life and family life put them under. The common thing though is to deny all of this and to work on polishing the facade, which is nothing but denial and escape from life. Being truthful to the extent that you are is sometimes very painful, but if we get the help needed to deal with the pain that capacity for truth will set you free. I have dedicated 12 years to inner explorations and development. I lack neither talent nor success in this particular area. I just want to acknowledge that I was deeply impressed by your post, which does not happen too often anylonger. I wish you the best out of life and fatherhood! Love from Sweden
Isual -Sin Just acknowledging your feelings demonstrates the father your child deserves to have. Your love for child will grow as you discover life through her eyes. Trust in the power of life and everything will be added to you beyond measures,. Blessings to you and your family throughout 2020 💕🙏💕
I honestly don't know what would have become of me if it weren't for you and your associates. This anger has been a problem of mine for far to long and thanks to you, I was able to deal with the bigger part of it. My only weakness, is not being able to forgive myself. Thank you Michael, thank you for being here.
Kenneth J. Fox so great to hear man. I have been working relentlessly to forgive myself, for getting stuck in judgment of myself and others. I am wondering if you have some key things you would like to share about your journey to self acceptance and forgiveness. Thanks in advance, peace 🙏
Michael, when I can't sleep I tune into you. Your voice is very soothing and comforting, it helps me feel safe, when I feel safe I can access parts of me to change. This hypnosis has helped me find pockets of suppressed anger, etc, I never knew how to process them before. Thank you for all you give. So kind and compassionate. Thank you for being a light a d a wonderful example x
Thank you so much. It’s 2022 I’m now 29 have three boys. An today listening to this I finally let go of what was deeeeep in my brain buggin me an not letting me move forward. I said I had three boys my first was at 15 my mom an dad we’re not happy. But it’s deeper then that a year before my mom had cancer an made me move to cali to my aunts so I did. Moms cancers removed I move back to Mi. I had my kid for my Mom so she can see my kid an she wasn’t happy I finally let that go an figure THATS why i haven’t been myself the last 14 yrs but thanks so much for this video it’s GREAT AN I APPRECIATE YOU. For all you do
The only thing that can calm me down when I am in a state of anger and frustation. I will keep listening untill I can channel my anger more productively. Thank you!
I am finally letting go and forgiving my father, my mother, my stepfather, and my ex boyfriend for all the pain I have endured. I am glad to set them and myself free. They are changing with every passing day, as am I. It's about time that I have been reborn. The tears I have cried during this session were tears of bliss, remembrance, nostalgia, and peace, unlike any tears of the past. Thank you. A thousand times, thank you.
This was so timely you have no idea. Praying for guidance and calm towards others saved the night. God guided me to this video and I know this was no coincidence. First time commenting to social media about anything. God bless and glory be his!
Thank you for this. This helped me to recognize the source of my anger which stems from my childhood. I was able to show love to my inner child and to open the doors to forgiveness of others as well as myself.
I was abused as a child too and have suffered as a result my entire life feeling very angry whilst having poor mental health. This meditation is truly a life saver.
This guided meditation has changed my life and empowers me to be my best self. This helped me save my own life and strengthened me to be the best father not only to my children but to all of those in my life that require masculine guidance
Hello Michael, thank you so much. This meditation has been very helpful. An incident triggered me and I was so angry for 2 days that I couldn't sleep through the nights. Found this video at 4.30 in the morning and it has helped. Will need to do more sessions. I realise I have a lot of stored up anger from a life time of incidents from childhood into my now senior years when i felt hurt, lonely, fear, rejection, misunderstood, emotional pain and powerless. Always tried to be kind and understanding of where others are coming from and resisting lashing out but this has caused myself harm resulting in breast cancer. I didn't know how to process my own anger, or to validate myself. Over the years have tried different things to find inner peace and heal myself . I am in the process of healing, through Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations and natural remedies.. Thought I was doing pretty well until I got triggered - more inner work that I have to do. Trying to take this recent trigger as another opportunity for healing. As you said, underneath all the anger is a lot of pain and resisting the urge to lash out is so difficult creating turmoil within me.❤. However your hypnosis has calmed me down. Warmest thanks and appreciation. Best wishes to everyone in your healing journey. May we all find our joy and peace. ❤
I honestly do not think you get enough credit for what u do genuinely you have helped me through the worst time I've my life your the one I use I cant listen to the others and by the comments you have saved many lives thank you so much
Lots of pissed off people here looking to take positive measures to get rid of negative vibes, including me. Thank you for providing this free service. I feel better already!
I was abused by my father who also abused my brother. I didn’t realize it but I have held suppressed anger over him and his treatment of us. I want to release this suppressed anger towards him once and for all! Thank you for this .
Dear Michael: if I had to pick one person I am grateful for existing on RUclips it would be you. So glad I can receive your healing without any time and space constraints. Thank you for guiding me in ways unknown and for believing this is important work and contribution of yours. It truly is, the insights, impact and reach your videos have had on me is immense- sometimes more than what a therapist/ friend/ family member can bring about. Thank you for empowering me in ways I can be open and find freedom in. In gratitude & “deeper” recognition 🙏
I grew up with a narsasitic and abusive mother and sister along with a physically and verbally abusive father who targeted me alone because of them. Every night growing up I would cry myself to sleep and wake up from night terrors screaming and crying but your videos have helped me greatly and I no longer have night terrors and Im gradually letting go of my anger, resentment, and hurt. I am even starting to find myself and develop a personality of my own. ~thankyou for your videos
Dear Michael, i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this particular hypnosis. After many decades of holding anger to mother and myself i finally managed to let it go and heal. Im still processing my emotions but already feel so much better. So many thanks.
The most transformative hypnosis by Michael I've listened to. Those spoken words have been a catalyst to a significant release of pent-up anger. I appreciated the order of the sign posts, especially the third one. Thank you, Micheal.
This hypnotherapy makes me realize that not only you're hurting someone intentionally or unintentionally but yourself also, if you are not letting go of that anger. When I start unpacking those feelings that I dont need anymore, I started crying. I have hurt peeple due to ignorance. And I cried a lot while listening to this recording asking for their forgiveness...
Thank you all from my heart for your loving supporting text on this subject it’s help me feel better thanks Michael for bringing us together to heal this issue 🦋
It's been a couple years since I've felt completely calm and proud of myself. I went through very hard situations where my self value completely died, my routine turned into a permanent state of anxiety and rage towards people and life, I distanced myself from my friends, dropped out of school, and locked myself in my room all day, not really letting myself enjoy anything anymore. I felt completely empty, devoid of any joy, dream, or motivation...Thankfully, things started getting better some months ago, and this channel played a very important role in that. Never lose hope, you can change the way you feel about yourself as much as you fight it and it really is worth it, you are worth it.
Wow! how great God is an the universe. I needed this more than I thought. It was amazing and at some point I felt a heat around my face my hands and arms in particular felt vibrating. My lower lip begun to quiver which never happens to me then tears started to flow. I left this session feeling light, more grounded, open to accept others and calm. Thank you Michael Sealy love ❤️ and light 💡
Wow. I just said a little prayer that 1. you would release a new hypnosis video and 2. it would help me release anger. I listen to your videos every night to get to sleep. I was filled with anger today for the first time in a long time, and worried that it would keep me up all night. I cannot thank you enough for the work that you do. Thank you for listening to your inner guidance and sharing your gift with the world. Much love.
When I’m mad now I have such a healthier outlet that doesn’t hurt those around me and I can release and feel better . Your voice is like a seecret potion 😊
I found this so powerful, honestly i cried almost all the way through. faced a lot of things i have buried and angered over for years. i feel a peace I've yearned for so long. expecting just to look to forgive others. was not expecting allowing them to forgive me and to forgive myself. so many weights lifted tonight. thank you.
Michael, thank you for guiding me. I have been self sabotaging for years and I realized why. Thank you for helping me to forgive those of whom I have hurt, those who have hurt me, and my own self forgiveness. You, sir, are indeed a blessing ❤🙏
The expression of anger was discouraged in my family of origin; consequently, I swallowed it whole. I tried to release it through Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. I also turned it inward on myself😞. I am FINALLY beginning to release some very negative energy that I have been carrying for FAR too long!!!!! Thank you for this freeing experience Michael😘❤️
You couldn't have posted this at a more suitable time thank you! Dealing with anger and resentment from past wrongs from an ex and it's overwhelming at times. I hate feeling so angry all the time. I appreciate this upload.
I fell asleep while listening. I woke up and it is the true me again. I hurt my knee and can't do sport as much as I'd like to and I started to be stressed and kinda angry. Today I feel full of joy again. Thank you so much! :)
Thank you Michael. I've been listening to you for a few weeks now. Trying to reach peace of mind and soul. At first, I cried when forgiving others. Then I cried forgiving myself. Now, today, break thru to what truly blocked me from letting go. Realizing it was my own actions that set the course for my discontent. Thank you...
So relaxing! I feel so peaceful for the first time in a long time! Idk what happened, there were times where it wasn't like I fell asleep but I was drifting in and out of a comforting darkness. Very safe!
It's so cruel that people with such problems, hurt the innocent, gentle souls and we don't always get to find out why. Just know you did nothing wrong, you can remind yourself what a deserving person of love and kindness you are. Everyone it crops up, do something nice for yourself, whether it's a soothing massage, or pretty things around you. Perhaps buy some flowers, ring a friend that makes you feel happy. Put some nice music on and dance in the kitchen, whatever will delete that thought in your head. Sending you my best wishes 🤗.
I wanted to thank u so much for posting. i have been so filled with anger and resentment about the course of my life. since my divorce, 29 years ago. i am sure that i have pushed people away with my anger. i see friends who have made the same bad choices prosper, have mates, etc and all i feel is loss. i even wrote down a list of things i have lost. i stopped at 50. every day a new loss.ihave i am not religious person so prayer is not an option. i found this today and i am profoundly grateful. i still have problems, but the anger is abating, and i am taking responsibility for my bad choices. more importantly, i am in the process of forgiving myself. once again thanks.
Wow Michael! This was the most amazing moment in my Life! Finally Realizing that those angry instances, and situations where I felt attacked by people, were all experiences and learning situations for my better good, and when I tried to reject thy experience and react it made those situations far worse! Thank you sir! I will be returning again!💯👌😎👏
The content of the recording is done so well, as is the delivery, you feel as though Michael has known you for years and that this recording was made for you and you alone. Many Thanks...
Sweet dreams! May we all hear this and positive mindful life. Bad things happen, we all make mistakes, i will continue to strive towards living a compassionate loving life. Blessed ! Thank you
I’m trying to release the anger with myself , and change my inner monologue, I am trying to reset , I’m human, I have made mistakes I feel guilty of, and I am looking to apologize to the universe and fellow man and to myself for not forgiving and not moving forward..I just wanna be a better me
Thank you so much for this amazing hypnosis session! I especially appreciate that you give the listener the option to drift off to sleep at the end rather than finishing with a mandatory wake up sequence...perfect for nighttime listening. Thanks again!
These are all so wonderful. I find myself feeling so happy reading how this helps others, knowing they surely help me. Thank you everyone for your words of hope and gratitude. Thank you ever so much, Michael.
Thank you Michael, was feeling some old negative emotions around abandonment and rejection when my friendships have become confusing. I teach yoga and meditation but still feel alone when these feeling return. Just drifted in and out of consciousness and strangely woke at the right time with your voice holding and guiding. Feel exhausted afterwards and aware of my burn out! It has got me out of my mind and I can see my energy and how I need to self care right now! Deep gratitude for this 🙏🏻
This was amazing. Your voice is so beautiful. Before drifting into the subconscious I was aware going in and out of it, fading in and out of the conscience and subconscious. Lots of deep healing occurred and came out of it at the end very energized, gratitude and a reconnection deeper with my higher self and Source. We’re so blessed you were gifted uniquely with such a powerful and soothing voice in that frequency. I fell in love with your vibe.
In my recent turbulent times I have listened to your hypnosis, medications nearly every single night for the past year thank you for your guidance and your calm demeanor thank you for allowing me to get on with life
Thank you so much for this. These were literally the perfect affirmations. I grew up with alcoholic narcissistic parents. My life has been a nightmare. I finally went no contact. I'm going to listen to these affirmations every day as I heal. They are perfect. Thank you ❤
If you or a man or women and feel like your going to snap go to other room meditate take a walk if you can or call someone if you have someone you can trust to turn to or go to a therapist or go to a gym but find the right way to release the anger instead of hurting one other then when your calm come back to together but walk away when in dout thank you for this beautiful video....
Thank you so much Michael. You have put me on a path to forgiving, letting go of resentment and following who I am and living in my true self, not hiding from it. Love you always. Love everyone everything ever always.
I've enjoyed this and your other messages. I've been so angry at my son-in-law for swooping in (after five years ignoring them) and absconding with my two young grandsons. The hate and fury was consuming me. Now, I can tune in on Michael's hypnosis guidance and calm down. I can't really do anything else and continue to exist. Thank you.
Thank you so much for putting your work up here, I have been following your voice in a few of your sleep, pain, forgiveness hypnosis for aboub10 days ever since I have been medicated with some heavy duty steroids which have made sleep and tranquility elusive. You’ve literally helped me not fall apart. Thank you again soo much.💕🙏🏼💕
I just want to share my experience. I love your meditations, I want to say thank you for your work, i listen to your meditations regularly. Some of them were and are lifechanging for me, just like this one, I was crying when all of my life's burdens were washing away. It was the first time I felt for sure that my Sprit Guide was with me all the time during the meditation. It was just wonderful, my life is changing in a good way eventually. Thank you Michael. Your voice is so soothing and full of love.
@@MollyWat Not just your mental health either. I’m 24 and for the last week I’ve laid in bed too exhausted to move. It takes everything out of me to walk to the bathroom and back, all because I’ve neglected my mental health lately. I felt it getting worse over the last year but I avoided it, picked up extra hours at work, and started filling up my time as much as possible. Surprise, surprise it all came to an abrupt halt. It cost me my job and I’m blessed to have such understand people in my life or it would’ve costed me a lot more. Now it’s gonna take me months to get back to where I need to be, probably be a month or two before I’ll be able to work again. Heed my warnings, if you ignore your mental health or even neglect it just a little, it’ll make sure it starts letting you feel it in ways you can’t ignore.
Mr. Michael Sealey, you just keep getting better everyday. I just adopted a puppy today and my awesome full grown dog and the pup were getting WILD. Vying for pack leader position. I started to get stressed! Then I yelled, "MICHAEL SEALEY!" I quickly put on this Guided Meditation and now one dog is asleep, the puppy is quietly chewing on his toy and I... I am so relaxed and happy. Ty
forgive them, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve life a peaceful live, u deserve to experience inner peace 💚🙏
Your words made me feel tears flowing
How can you forgive that. Theres no excuse or reason for that behaviour . He abused his daughter theres no forgiving that
سأكتب لك باللغة العربية وسوف تترجمها لتفهم لأن لغتي الإنجليزية ضعيفة.
قبل أن تأتي إلى هذا العالم روحك تحملعفي DNA خاصتها جروح، ومهمتك في التجربة الأرضية هو شفاء تلك الجروح، ولكي تستطيع شفاءها يجب أولا أن ياتي شخص يقوم بتفعيل هذه الجروح والا فإنك لن تدرك وجودها اصلا حتى تقوم بعلاجها، لهذا الأشخاص هم مجرد رسل من الكون ليساعدوك على اكتشاف مكان جرحك لتعالجه والا فسوف تبقى في حلقة فارغة تكرر نفس الأحداث، وكن أكثر الجروح الروحية، هي جرح الرفض، روحك تحمل هذا الجرح لكنك لا تعلم ولكي تحس به يجب أن يأتي شخص ويقوم برفضك عندها يتفعل الجرح لديك ويصعد إلى السطح لكي تشفيه. لهذا كن ممتن لكل الذين سببوا لك الأذى لأن ذلك الأذى هو هدية من الكون لكي تشافي جروحك وترتفي تردداتك لتصل إلى الحب الغير مشروط. وكلنا لدينا جروح وفق قدرتنا على التحمل. هذا هو قانون التجربة الأرضية وهذا هو الهدف من وجودنا هنا على هذا الكوكب الجميل. نامستي 🙏💚
I was abused by my father as a small child and have held that resentment as he lives a happy care free life and I continued to suffer from ptsd for years after. This meditation really helps. This will be a process and I will start listening to this one every night now. I have noticed that listening many times to the same video in the area of struggle helps alot. Thank you Michael for all the good you bring to your listeners. You are a gift.
God bless you. Don't worry, your father will understand how he hurt you one day.
I hope you find inner peace and happiness = )
Kml Art I’m praying for your healing
I know some of what you struggle with. I was mentally and physically abused growing up and still harbor anger, resentment, and struggle with depression and anxiety because of my childhood. You are never alone.
Vengeance wouldn’t been the simpler alternative
Thank you Michael. ❤️ I feel like I was born angry .. for as long as I can remember I've been angry .. grew up around anger and carried it on .. until now .. Healing from childhood trauma is quite possibly one of the hardest things I've been through. Reading other people's comments help because it makes me feel less alone with these heavy emotions. ❤️ Sending love to all who are suffering especially those who feel so alone .. ❤️
Replace man with woman and boy with girl... Anger comes from powerlessness.... usually from childhood and early triggers. We are angry that someone hurt us so badly when we were our most vulnerable... small children, little boy or little girl. Let that little boy in you have his anger in productive ways... sports, workouts, creativity, singing loud, screaming into a pillow and then let the man who survived it let it go. I know it's hard... I had so much anger too. It still bubbles up but anger is giving the person who harmed you in past or the person harming you in future (or perceived harming) way too much power. You ARE a powerful man now and capable of gentleness toward yourself or others. Find a productive outlet... feel it and then let it go. I swim to do this. And cry ... a lot. LOL! Hope this helps.
Reading your post is like reading my own story. I pray for healing for all
Thank you so much for sharing. I also find it helpful to read the comments . My neighbour is my pattern and I now must move because I feel a sense of powerlessness here. I ask God to take my burden from me🙏
@@maryrutkowski7195 thanks love,,,
@@maryrutkowski7195 omg Mary you are amazing ❤ this response helped me understand how to release so much!! I always wondered if I was doing it right and asked for guidance. Found you! Thank you ☺
The first night I listened to this, I felt refreshed and empowered. Two nights later after my husband said unkind things to me, I started to cry but continued to listen. I pushed through the feelings of feeling trapped, hopeless and lost. I sense myself at the core, the creativity that bubbles in my soul and have confidence that I can create the life I want. I will try again tomorrow. Thank you. Crying is better than fury and it's a step.
Does it give practical help for those of us with emotionally unavailable family and who are isolated? x
You are never truly alone, as we are connected to everything in the universe/cosmos whatever you want to call it, from star dust to dust again.You are always loved and supported the first step to realising this is called self love, learning to love and appreciate yourself and all your qualities and gifts. Once you do learn to begin to love and appreciate yourself more, you will not accept negative behaviour to yourself from anyone. You will either walk away or rise above it. If you feel lonely and isolated, I recommend getting some energy healing to deal with any issues you may have and take up a new hobby or sport to get out and meet people! Best of luck.
louise heror
Thank you so much. As someone who feels lonely all the time- falling out with immediate family, used to be very "religious," I just... it's hard to breathe sometimes and this- it did make me tear up but in a grateful way so thank you. Thank you.
I've just read thread again and realised I have that book! by Melody Beattie...I'll dig it out, thank you! x
I've been falling asleep every night listening to this session for about four nights now, and I am a complete convert. I have been waking up and feeling absolutely like a new man. I've managed to start to get a handle on the anger and stress in my life. Thank you, sir, for the work you are doing here.
+wdwrxco You're welcome, and wonderful to hear of your positive results. Sleep well.
@@wdwrxco your testimonial gives me so much hope that I desperately need. Thank you for writing it❣️
My fingers are numb as I’m typing this. I always thought hypnosis was a myth. Today was a day that anxiety took over my spirit from the moment I woke up. I’ve always been known for being small person with a fiery, angry character. Thankfully to God I somehow came across this video, and felt an inner peace I haven’t experienced since 2015. I wholeheartedly thank you. You’ve helped release some of the deepest childhood trauma and resentment I’ve been holding onto. Thank you immensely. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I suffer from depression. I'm able to work again, but have to be careful about the amount of time, the stress and with which people I work. Your Meditation helps me throughout the work. It feels as if you would stand behind me, lay your hands on my shoulder and keep me calm and safe. In addition I meditate in my break- and freetime, to gain calmness and inner strenght that depression sometimes tooks from me. But I will gain it back, I will get stronger, not today, but someday. I feel the strenght everyday in me growing, slowly, but strong. Thank you Michael.
This guided hypnosis saved my life, my neighbour's life, my wife's life, and everyone else near us. TY so much for helping me. During 4 years, a highly repetitive stimulus caused by my neighbour was triggering an automatic sequence of extremely violent revenge plots. It was so frequent that I developped an obsession based on self-righteous anger, a psychosis and a depression. I could not stop feeling angry and thinking about the neighbour. I can now hear the stimulus without feeling anger and the fight response of my reptilian brain is not triggered anymore. I cannot believe how good it feels to just be at peace after all this energy I spent fighting my urge for violent rétribution. Jesus Christ was a genius of psychology... Forgiveness is the key to inner peace... It does not requires willpower to stay calm anymore.
Freddy FuFu There is no doubt that Christ was heavily influenced by the teachings of Buddha. Several of their sermons and parables are so incredibly similar as to not possibly be coincidental. If you haven’t already familiarized yourself with the “middle path”, I strongly encourage you to do so. Cheers and positive thoughts of peace and contentment for you and your loved ones.
Thats amazing!!! Great job committing to change.
How many times did you have to listen to this before you started seeing results?
Wow….i applaud you.
My child hood was filled with abuses. I never received love from my parents my family my friends and people whom I loved and cared for. These built lot of anger and resentment deep inside me. I started becoming rude and always had outbursts because of this rooted negative pattern and buried emotions I had since childhood. I am always scared that I will lose people because of this and infact I lost few people because of this. I have been listening to this since few nights and I have found positive changes in me mentally, emotionally and physically. I will continue this 👏🏻 thanks for your efforts and charity you are doing for people like us..! Namaste from India 🙏
This is probably the best feeling after so many years. All that anger and regrets just leaving your life and setting you free. Thanks Michael for this :)
Thank you for this Michael. I have been struggling from childhood abuse all my life. Even though I have a psych background and plenty of therapy, I still struggle. I have been listening consistently for almost a month. I have softened my heart a little. It is a start.
How are you now after 5 years from your last comment?
Forgiveness won't change the past, but neither will continuing to harbor the negative energy about it.
Forgiveness heals the past. There in lies the change.
Wish I could fully forgive. Even with making a choice it's not succeeding because I've never had justice. Everyone got away with what they did to me but I retaliate guess who gets punished.
Forgiveness does not heal the past, but reckognizing that the past is not your fault, will help you to maybe understand it, and through understanding, you can heal.
Forgiveness is realizing that the past isn't still happening. It's in the past. It's over. And its not still happening, so we can stop reacting to it. And we can stop giving energy to trying to change it and make it be something that it never was and never can be.
Some people deserve to die yesterday.
I listened and found myself falling asleep but somehow my subconscious was paying attention. I woke up thirsty and when I woke up, i felt better. It is crazy how the brain can still work while asleep.
Thank you. I will listen to many more.
You have a lovely soothing voice.
Thank you for sharing this powerful meditation. I became very bitter and angry after my separation and divorce about 12 years ago and got into a dynamic with the people that surrounded me so negative that I ended up burning more bridges that I could count, I got fired from jobs, close relatives and friends no longer spoke to me. I began doing this meditation and the part where it says to reflect on what anger has done in your life helped me see my part in this whole gigantic mess to the point that I no longer see myself as a victim. Thank you very much, I can say this video pretty much saved what is left from my life.
Michael, you’ve done it again... The peace I got from this video will forever change my life.. If I lost my life today, I am at peace. I will not forget what my abusers done to me, but, I forgive them for me... Thank you!
I love all Michael's videos. If you enjoy them too, don't be a freeloading chump and at least listen to his Ad's for 30 seconds so he gets paid for this great collection. Yes that is how he gets an income from his hard work for us. Don't know him, but just found out how the ad thing works! Cheers!
Esbe Esbe I didn't know that. Thank you. I will let the adds play.
thanks for sharing this! I absolutely will from now on.
Ive been a Freeloading chump for far too long
I didn't know that either, I thought only YT made money from the ads. Good to know, I will starting listening to my subbed channels' ads. Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for letting me know .
My daughter and I are absolutely obsessed with your videos. I actually look forward to bedtime now.
I release all my anger and frustration on myself for the past choices I’ve made that have held me back ! Anything I think I’ve done that’s bad is not bad it is a lesson! It has brought me to where I am today’ I am proud of myself and I forgive myself! I released all my anger today and all my resentment is now given to the guides and angels and god to heal and transmute! I do not need to think negatively about any choices I’ve made! I am free of all the self negative talk! I am free and I am abundant and ready for my new story! I am that I am!
I was carrying three big huge rocks in my bag during the meditation,I thought I released the biggest rock when I was forgiving the person who hurt me but no the biggest and the heaviest rock was at the end when I was forgiving myself and I cried so much after doing that,now I feel so much better,this stuff really works.thank you sooooooooooo much.
I’ve done this meditation twice and had tears rolling down both times during the end scene while sitting on the beach. Just a welling up of emotion and gratitude for the sense of peace and calm.
How do you do ir?
Damn after all I've been through, it turns out that my biggest abuser was me.
Wow.. so deep
Yes l know. Forgive yourself you did your best☺
Abuser maybe, or it's your subconscious just trying to help you survive. Regardless, it's good to just let go of the baggage and fear.
Usually is. :)
Michael, whilst I have heard other meditations etc from you. This really hit home with me. To let go of anger, not only to others but also towards myself and forgive both as well, was really uplifting for me. Thanks so much. This is just what I needed after a heavy time which started as I was a child and had affected me into my 50s. Whilst I’m going to seek additional help as previous assistance hasn’t been enough, this is things that I need into my future not only for me but when I’m frustrated with others and hopefully learn a better way to communicate my issues., as my way has never worked❤
I don’t know where within this I fell asleep, but I woke up feeling like anew me (no exaggeration at all). I have been giving my anger and pain power by trying so hard to think my way through it and talk it out with others but the whole time it was my choice to make them reality or not. I am free now. Thank you💕 Love to all💕
I cried during the moment of forgiving myself from my self harm and stress. Never knew how much hatred and low self-esteem existed for so long, and it's abundance. Just this short session made my anxieties of self image disappear, made me love myself for who I am and my actions towards others. Today is a new day filled with love, from now on only love and compassion will be shared to others and myself. The ignorance and anger shares no purpose to me anymore from the past and future. Crying in tears of joy from the realization that I've come so far to truly love myself, which has never been accepted since I was an infant. I could even confidentially say these meditations of healing have cured my depression and growing anorexia. Thank you for sharing these practices with the world, healing others. Peace and love.
Words can not express the gratitude I have to you.. I never knew something like this could completely transform my life! I am in perfect peace with my past ♥️
Thankyou so much Michael, you have really contributed to the quality of my life, I wholeheartedly appreciate it ♥️
You are very welcome, may you continue to find peace. 🙏
I suffer every night with such axeity because of my Anger and Resentment. Sometimes i just want to run away or I get really depressed and don't know what to do. I have listened to your hypnosis video's several times and they really help me. Sometimes my mind argues with it and I have to pull myself back. My daughter also suffers she is 14 and she loves to listen to you as well. Thank you for taking the time to keep these posted for all of us suffer so many different things and in different ways.God Bless you.
+Carolyn Jones It is a common issue, Carolyn, though well done to you for making a continued and positive effort to take more control of your own experience. Glad your daughter listen, along with you. May your relaxation and peacefulness always improve under your own powerful control. Peace and harmony.
Same! Thank you for sharing your experience with us i feel the same emotions
I have needed this for the past 24 years. I’m in the process of making great changes for myself, my mental health and my inner being. This is exactly what I need to let go of the hurt and pain I experienced as a child. Thank you.
Your hypnosis is so powerful Sir, even I calmed myself down just an hour after finding out that my girlfriend cheated on me. Thank you so much :)
Most powerful session I’ve had to date. Had no idea how much these deep seated memories/emotions were holding me back. Thank you 🙏
I am happy you found that session helpful. Wishing you continued peace and healing. 🙏
For the past four days I’ve seen 3:33. I opened my eyes as this session ended to again see 3:33. Synchronistic. I thank you kindly, for I feel lighter and smiled after each release after crying. This is truly transformational and I can’t wait to share this with the world. Keep shining, bright one 🤩💝
This was an excellent hypnosis for the almost 40 years of trauma/anger/resentment I hold on to. I would imagine this may need listening to multiple times. I found myself getting too overwhelmed but I was able to find a little peace. Self acceptance is my mission and yoga has also been incredibly helpful. Thank you Michael I look forward to letting more go as I move forward with this beautiful peaceful tool.
+MsTaraVlogs You're welcome. Well done for your positive steps towards your authentic self. Your intentions will guide your way. Peace.
Michael Sealey I love these videos!!! But why is it that I start the videos and wake up 30 mins before it finishes??
How many times did you have to listen to this before you saw results?
Hi....I was wondering if you have any updates 6 years later
Thankyou Micheal ,i am a recovering alcoholic, i struggle with sleeping and anger and resentments, im waiting to go into rehab but i stumbled across your hypnosis purely by accident whilst looking for meditation music, i put his on and actually slept last night, i awoke this morning feeling lighter and more serene, im about to give it another go tonight ,i will be recomending you to the many groups i am with,Thankyou again x
+julie brawn You're welcome, Julie. Great to hear of your improved sleep and mood upon waking. I hope that positive hypnosis and meditation will accompany your healthy recovery. All best wishes - peace.
My anger is destroying me. Every single day someone or something irritates me to the point that my anger pounds on the door begging to be let out. I hate the feeling, but it sort of drives me to get through the day.
Same here
I feel your you
Deep down you know what is haunting you, fix that and the anger will go away. Try to see your life from the perspective of being in space. How big is your problem then? I bet it's not as important as you have made it to be.
Express the Anger without hurting (for example running) and Tell Someone the Feeling behind the Anger.
Southern SwampWalker same here. I hope we all find peace. Listening to this every night.
Many a night of being a new farther, I have held nothing but resentment for my child, the reality is I resent myself for not being good enough for my child, this video has helped with this realisation and stopped me several times from just walking away. People show nothing but disdain to parents with mental health problems, they do not realise they we already hate ourselves enough without the additional help. Thank you for this video, it's helped me centre myself.
@Isual-Sin I certainly don't know anything about your general mental health, but your acknowledgement as a parent in the original comment is both extremely brave and mature. Sure, your child is true innocence and s/he desperately needs your love, but there is no parent under the moon who don't despair under the pressure that life and family life put them under. The common thing though is to deny all of this and to work on polishing the facade, which is nothing but denial and escape from life. Being truthful to the extent that you are is sometimes very painful, but if we get the help needed to deal with the pain that capacity for truth will set you free. I have dedicated 12 years to inner explorations and development. I lack neither talent nor success in this particular area. I just want to acknowledge that I was deeply impressed by your post, which does not happen too often anylonger. I wish you the best out of life and fatherhood! Love from Sweden
Thank you for sharing that, I hope you learn to love yourself and find peace while raising your child. I'm inspired by you
Isual -Sin Just acknowledging your feelings demonstrates the father your child deserves to have. Your love for child will grow as you discover life through her eyes. Trust in the power of life and everything will be added to you beyond measures,. Blessings to you and your family throughout 2020
I don’t usually comment on RUclips videos, but I felt I had to because you’ve made such a huge difference in my life. Thank you so much!
I honestly don't know what would have become of me if it weren't for you and your associates. This anger has been a problem of mine for far to long and thanks to you, I was able to deal with the bigger part of it. My only weakness, is not being able to forgive myself. Thank you Michael, thank you for being here.
Keep going....xx
James Fawkes you are not alone.
James Fawkes you can do it
I finally did it!
Kenneth J. Fox so great to hear man. I have been working relentlessly to forgive myself, for getting stuck in judgment of myself and others. I am wondering if you have some key things you would like to share about your journey to self acceptance and forgiveness. Thanks in advance, peace 🙏
Michael, when I can't sleep I tune into you. Your voice is very soothing and comforting, it helps me feel safe, when I feel safe I can access parts of me to change. This hypnosis has helped me find pockets of suppressed anger, etc, I never knew how to process them before. Thank you for all you give. So kind and compassionate. Thank you for being a light a d a wonderful example x
My feelings exactly. Peace to you Jackie. Joe
I find myself back here again. Thank you Joe x
Thank you so much. It’s 2022 I’m now 29 have three boys. An today listening to this I finally let go of what was deeeeep in my brain buggin me an not letting me move forward. I said I had three boys my first was at 15 my mom an dad we’re not happy. But it’s deeper then that a year before my mom had cancer an made me move to cali to my aunts so I did. Moms cancers removed I move back to Mi. I had my kid for my Mom so she can see my kid an she wasn’t happy I finally let that go an figure THATS why i haven’t been myself the last 14 yrs but thanks so much for this video it’s GREAT AN I APPRECIATE YOU. For all you do
The only thing that can calm me down when I am in a state of anger and frustation. I will keep listening untill I can channel my anger more productively. Thank you!
I just had a major breakthrough. This is exactly what I needed!
I am finally letting go and forgiving my father, my mother, my stepfather, and my ex boyfriend for all the pain I have endured. I am glad to set them and myself free. They are changing with every passing day, as am I. It's about time that I have been reborn. The tears I have cried during this session were tears of bliss, remembrance, nostalgia, and peace, unlike any tears of the past. Thank you. A thousand times, thank you.
This was so timely you have no idea. Praying for guidance and calm towards others saved the night. God guided me to this video and I know this was no coincidence. First time commenting to social media about anything. God bless and glory be his!
I started crying when you were saying to look at our past selves. I miss the happier version of me.
Thank you for this. This helped me to recognize the source of my anger which stems from my childhood. I was able to show love to my inner child and to open the doors to forgiveness of others as well as myself.
I was abused as a child too and have suffered as a result my entire life feeling very angry whilst having poor mental health. This meditation is truly a life saver.
This guided meditation has changed my life and empowers me to be my best self.
This helped me save my own life and strengthened me to be the best father not only to my children but to all of those in my life that require masculine guidance
Hello Michael, thank you so much. This meditation has been very helpful. An incident triggered me and I was so angry for 2 days that I couldn't sleep through the nights. Found this video at 4.30 in the morning and it has helped. Will need to do more sessions. I realise I have a lot of stored up anger from a life time of incidents from childhood into my now senior years when i felt hurt, lonely, fear, rejection, misunderstood, emotional pain and powerless. Always tried to be kind and understanding of where others are coming from and resisting lashing out but this has caused myself harm resulting in breast cancer. I didn't know how to process my own anger, or to validate myself. Over the years have tried different things to find inner peace and heal myself . I am in the process of healing, through Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations and natural remedies.. Thought I was doing pretty well until I got triggered - more inner work that I have to do. Trying to take this recent trigger as another opportunity for healing. As you said, underneath all the anger is a lot of pain and resisting the urge to lash out is so difficult creating turmoil within me.❤. However your hypnosis has calmed me down.
Warmest thanks and appreciation. Best wishes to everyone in your healing journey. May we all find our joy and peace. ❤
I honestly do not think you get enough credit for what u do genuinely you have helped me through the worst time I've my life your the one I use I cant listen to the others and by the comments you have saved many lives thank you so much
I look forward to hearing Michael's voice every night🙂. Best self care I have ever given myself
Lots of pissed off people here looking to take positive measures to get rid of negative vibes, including me. Thank you for providing this free service. I feel better already!
I was abused by my father who also abused my brother. I didn’t realize it but I have held suppressed anger over him and his treatment of us. I want to release this suppressed anger towards him once and for all! Thank you for this .
I hope you find peace with this meditation. 🙏
Dear Michael: if I had to pick one person I am grateful for existing on RUclips it would be you. So glad I can receive your healing without any time and space constraints. Thank you for guiding me in ways unknown and for believing this is important work and contribution of yours. It truly is, the insights, impact and reach your videos have had on me is immense- sometimes more than what a therapist/ friend/ family member can bring about. Thank you for empowering me in ways I can be open and find freedom in. In gratitude & “deeper” recognition 🙏
I grew up with a narsasitic and abusive mother and sister along with a physically and verbally abusive father who targeted me alone because of them. Every night growing up I would cry myself to sleep and wake up from night terrors screaming and crying but your videos have helped me greatly and I no longer have night terrors and Im gradually letting go of my anger, resentment, and hurt. I am even starting to find myself and develop a personality of my own. ~thankyou for your videos
Dear Michael, i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this particular hypnosis. After many decades of holding anger to mother and myself i finally managed to let it go and heal. Im still processing my emotions but already feel so much better. So many thanks.
The most transformative hypnosis by Michael I've listened to. Those spoken words have been a catalyst to a significant release of pent-up anger. I appreciated the order of the sign posts, especially the third one. Thank you, Micheal.
This hypnotherapy makes me realize that not only you're hurting someone intentionally or unintentionally but yourself also, if you are not letting go of that anger. When I start unpacking those feelings that I dont need anymore, I started crying. I have hurt peeple due to ignorance. And I cried a lot while listening to this recording asking for their forgiveness...
Thank you all from my heart for your loving supporting text on this subject it’s help me feel better thanks Michael for bringing us together to heal this issue 🦋
My pleasure, Denice.
It's been a couple years since I've felt completely calm and proud of myself. I went through very hard situations where my self value completely died, my routine turned into a permanent state of anxiety and rage towards people and life, I distanced myself from my friends, dropped out of school, and locked myself in my room all day, not really letting myself enjoy anything anymore. I felt completely empty, devoid of any joy, dream, or motivation...Thankfully, things started getting better some months ago, and this channel played a very important role in that.
Never lose hope, you can change the way you feel about yourself as much as you fight it and it really is worth it, you are worth it.
michael you have saved my life twice now and i have no doubt you will continue to do so when i relapse
Wow! how great God is an the universe. I needed this more than I thought. It was amazing and at some point I felt a heat around my face my hands and arms in particular felt vibrating. My lower lip begun to quiver which never happens to me then tears started to flow. I left this session feeling light, more grounded, open to accept others and calm. Thank you Michael Sealy love ❤️ and light 💡
Wow. I just said a little prayer that 1. you would release a new hypnosis video and 2. it would help me release anger. I listen to your videos every night to get to sleep. I was filled with anger today for the first time in a long time, and worried that it would keep me up all night. I cannot thank you enough for the work that you do. Thank you for listening to your inner guidance and sharing your gift with the world. Much love.
Amy Bennett You're very welcome.
When I’m mad now I have such a healthier outlet that doesn’t hurt those around me and I can release and feel better . Your voice is like a seecret potion 😊
Thank you so much for helping so many. We are all suffering, you helped me have a good cry instead of anger. My deepest gratitude goes out to you.
I will continue your Hypnosis daily.. I haven't felt this experience of calmness for a very long time....Feeling Grateful
I found this so powerful, honestly i cried almost all the way through. faced a lot of things i have buried and angered over for years. i feel a peace I've yearned for so long. expecting just to look to forgive others. was not expecting allowing them to forgive me and to forgive myself. so many weights lifted tonight. thank you.
+Helen loft You're welcome, Helen. Well done for your powerful work. Peace.
Michael, thank you for guiding me. I have been self sabotaging for years and I realized why. Thank you for helping me to forgive those of whom I have hurt, those who have hurt me, and my own self forgiveness. You, sir, are indeed a blessing ❤🙏
The expression of anger was discouraged in my family of origin; consequently, I swallowed it whole. I tried to release it through Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. I also turned it inward on myself😞. I am FINALLY beginning to release some very negative energy that I have been carrying for FAR too long!!!!!
Thank you for this freeing experience Michael😘❤️
You couldn't have posted this at a more suitable time thank you! Dealing with anger and resentment from past wrongs from an ex and it's overwhelming at times. I hate feeling so angry all the time. I appreciate this upload.
I fell asleep while listening. I woke up and it is the true me again. I hurt my knee and can't do sport as much as I'd like to and I started to be stressed and kinda angry. Today I feel full of joy again. Thank you so much! :)
It’s really hard to forgive but I don’t want to keep the hatred I feel. I want to set myself free from pain and trauma
Thank you Michael. I've been listening to you for a few weeks now. Trying to reach peace of mind and soul. At first, I cried when forgiving others. Then I cried forgiving myself. Now, today, break thru to what truly blocked me from letting go. Realizing it was my own actions that set the course for my discontent. Thank you...
So relaxing! I feel so peaceful for the first time in a long time! Idk what happened, there were times where it wasn't like I fell asleep but I was drifting in and out of a comforting darkness. Very safe!
It's so cruel that people with such problems, hurt the innocent, gentle souls and we don't always get to find out why. Just know you did nothing wrong, you can remind yourself what a deserving person of love and kindness you are. Everyone it crops up, do something nice for yourself, whether it's a soothing massage, or pretty things around you. Perhaps buy some flowers, ring a friend that makes you feel happy. Put some nice music on and dance in the kitchen, whatever will delete that thought in your head. Sending you my best wishes 🤗.
thank you. good idea. i will. i send you love and light.
I wanted to thank u so much for posting. i have been so filled with anger and resentment about the course of my life. since my divorce, 29 years ago. i am sure that i have pushed people away with my anger. i see friends who have made the same bad choices prosper, have mates, etc and all i feel is loss. i even wrote down a list of things i have lost. i stopped at 50. every day a new loss.ihave i am not religious person so prayer is not an option. i found this today and i am profoundly grateful. i still have problems, but the anger is abating, and i am taking responsibility for my bad choices. more importantly, i am in the process of forgiving myself. once again thanks.
Wow Michael! This was the most amazing moment in my Life! Finally Realizing that those angry instances, and situations where I felt attacked by people, were all experiences and learning situations for my better good, and when I tried to reject thy experience and react it made those situations far worse! Thank you sir! I will be returning again!💯👌😎👏
your voice is so comforting Michael. Amazing. Thanks for all free things you upload to RUclips for everyone's service.
So much abuse and we are still here. And trying to live a better life. We are truly warriors. ❤
I recently had my family fall apart due to something my sister did... This has helped me overcome the anger I had towards her and what she did
The content of the recording is done so well, as is the delivery, you feel as though Michael has known you for years and that this recording was made for you and you alone. Many Thanks...
Sweet dreams! May we all hear this and positive mindful life. Bad things happen, we all make mistakes, i will continue to strive towards living a compassionate loving life. Blessed ! Thank you
I’m trying to release the anger with myself , and change my inner monologue, I am trying to reset , I’m human, I have made mistakes I feel guilty of, and I am looking to apologize to the universe and fellow man and to myself for not forgiving and not moving forward..I just wanna be a better me
I have, single-handedly, listened to this video 1 and a half million times 😅
Thank you so much for this amazing hypnosis session! I especially appreciate that you give the listener the option to drift off to sleep at the end rather than finishing with a mandatory wake up sequence...perfect for nighttime listening. Thanks again!
cantisani311 Glad you're enjoying, and thanks for your appreciation of those options. Happy listening :)
I never heard any voice as soothing as yours. I feel relaxed once i hear this. Thanks much.
These are all so wonderful. I find myself feeling so happy reading how this helps others, knowing they surely help me. Thank you everyone for your words of hope and gratitude. Thank you ever so much, Michael.
Thank you Michael, was feeling some old negative emotions around abandonment and rejection when my friendships have become confusing. I teach yoga and meditation but still feel alone when these feeling return. Just drifted in and out of consciousness and strangely woke at the right time with your voice holding and guiding. Feel exhausted afterwards and aware of my burn out! It has got me out of my mind and I can see my energy and how I need to self care right now!
Deep gratitude for this 🙏🏻
This was amazing. Your voice is so beautiful. Before drifting into the subconscious I was aware going in and out of it, fading in and out of the conscience and subconscious. Lots of deep healing occurred and came out of it at the end very energized, gratitude and a reconnection deeper with my higher self and Source. We’re so blessed you were gifted uniquely with such a powerful and soothing voice in that frequency. I fell in love with your vibe.
In my recent turbulent times I have listened to your hypnosis, medications nearly every single night for the past year thank you for your guidance and your calm demeanor thank you for allowing me to get on with life
+jeffrey Cika You're welcome, Jeffrey, may you continue to benefit. Peace.
Thank you so much for this. These were literally the perfect affirmations. I grew up with alcoholic narcissistic parents. My life has been a nightmare. I finally went no contact. I'm going to listen to these affirmations every day as I heal. They are perfect. Thank you ❤
If you or a man or women and feel like your going to snap go to other room meditate take a walk if you can or call someone if you have someone you can trust to turn to or go to a therapist or go to a gym but find the right way to release the anger instead of hurting one other then when your calm come back to together but walk away when in dout thank you for this beautiful video....
Thank you for the gift of this meditation journey of releasing what I no longer need to move forward in my life !
Thank you so much Michael. You have put me on a path to forgiving, letting go of resentment and following who I am and living in my true self, not hiding from it. Love you always. Love everyone everything ever always.
This worked for me. Thank you. I have been battling the removal of a narcissistic relationship and this help.
Abuse from narcissists also brought me here
I've enjoyed this and your other messages. I've been so angry at my son-in-law for swooping in (after five years ignoring them) and absconding with my two young grandsons. The hate and fury was consuming me. Now, I can tune in on Michael's hypnosis guidance and calm down. I can't really do anything else and continue to exist. Thank you.
Thank you so much for putting your work up here, I have been following your voice in a few of your sleep, pain, forgiveness hypnosis for aboub10 days ever since I have been medicated with some heavy duty steroids which have made sleep and tranquility elusive. You’ve literally helped me not fall apart. Thank you again soo much.💕🙏🏼💕
I just want to share my experience. I love your meditations, I want to say thank you for your work, i listen to your meditations regularly. Some of them were and are lifechanging for me, just like this one, I was crying when all of my life's burdens were washing away. It was the first time I felt for sure that my Sprit Guide was with me all the time during the meditation. It was just wonderful, my life is changing in a good way eventually. Thank you Michael. Your voice is so soothing and full of love.
Learning to heal from my parents, sometimes with tears, but working. Thank you Michael.
This changed my life
How many times did you have to listen to this before you saw results?
Harboring a resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
@@MollyWat I laughed so hard thank you for that
Love this comment
A lot of times it just happens unconsciously, like when u were abused all ur infancy... 😒
True. But unfortunately whole world is full of hatred
@@MollyWat Not just your mental health either. I’m 24 and for the last week I’ve laid in bed too exhausted to move. It takes everything out of me to walk to the bathroom and back, all because I’ve neglected my mental health lately. I felt it getting worse over the last year but I avoided it, picked up extra hours at work, and started filling up my time as much as possible. Surprise, surprise it all came to an abrupt halt. It cost me my job and I’m blessed to have such understand people in my life or it would’ve costed me a lot more. Now it’s gonna take me months to get back to where I need to be, probably be a month or two before I’ll be able to work again. Heed my warnings, if you ignore your mental health or even neglect it just a little, it’ll make sure it starts letting you feel it in ways you can’t ignore.
Mr. Michael Sealey, you just keep getting better everyday. I just adopted a puppy today and my awesome full grown dog and the pup were getting WILD. Vying for pack leader position. I started to get stressed!
Then I yelled, "MICHAEL SEALEY!"
I quickly put on this Guided Meditation and now one dog is asleep, the puppy is quietly chewing on his toy and I... I am so relaxed and happy.
+C. Meagan Michael Hmm, seems dog whispering must be my secret talent ...
They say music calms the savage beast. I think your voice is music to their ears. :)