Well, we boosted, got it running, due to a low or near dead battery after it started it ran very rough and the lightning bolt lit up on the dash. So... I let it rough run anyway, then shut it off and then restarted it and all was well, I turned everything to 0zero my radio/CD works again and I started this morning like nothing... just let it run long enough to charge up again!!! BIG Thank you to you my friend for sharing your words and experience...
Your kidding, that is what's going on draining my new battery!!! That was easy!!! My radio/CD will not power the audio output, it plays but NO SOUND... i SHALL TRY THIS IN THE MORNING.. Thank you so far, let u know!!
Well, we boosted, got it running, due to a low or near dead battery after it started it ran very rough and the lightning bolt lit up on the dash. So... I let it rough run anyway, then shut it off and then restarted it and all was well, I turned everything to 0zero my radio/CD works again and I started this morning like nothing... just let it run long enough to charge up again!!! BIG Thank you to you my friend for sharing your words and experience...
And so far we don't have a need to pull any fuses yet!! Thanks again...
Your kidding, that is what's going on draining my new battery!!! That was easy!!! My radio/CD will not power the audio output, it plays but NO SOUND... i SHALL TRY THIS IN THE MORNING.. Thank you so far, let u know!!
you mean volts,,