The Lens of the Absolute

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
  • 'There is a sense of the 'I' as the 'I am' itself. Sometimes I refer to it as the lens of the Absolute, through which the manifest world is perceived. It is not an inert lens;
    it is the womb of all perceiving.
    Whatever is seen belongs to the phenomenal, to the passing, to the momentary.
    Even the sense 'I am' is phenomenal to This. If This is referred to as an phenomenon
    then it will became an object. You are That and That alone is.
    Offer you identity up on the shrine of Emptiness and step inside the non dual experience. It is all one.'
    A video extract from the Satsang DVD 'Offer Yourself up at the Shrine of Emptiness'
    Zmar Silent Retreat, Portugal 15th September 2013, Session 2
    The full DVD of this Satsang is available on the online shop:
    Music: 'Meet Me as I Am' with Krishnabai, Omkara, Samadhi and Satyadevi
    Videos with Subtitles in many Foreign Languages

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