Notice how the narrator tells his version of the story by saying “the Spanish” did this, “the Spanish” did that. He never once mentions the Portuguese as doing the same thing. He refers to the Muslims and Jewish as religious groups but refers to the Christians as “Spanish.” Never mind that the term “Spanish” didn’t exist during the time that all this happened. He never goes into detail why the Christian’s felt the need to start the Spanish Inquisition or where that started. Mind you other European countries had already established their inquisitions but you never hear about them it’s always closely related to the Spaniards and not Christians. If you truly want to learn about the history of Hispania, don’t do it by watching/listening to English speaking creators because they only give you ‘their version’ of what truly happened. There are great Spanish creators or even great articles written in Spanish that have been translated as close as possible to the original text that tell the truth. It amazes how the Spanish black legend goes that far back and always narrated by the English speaking world. We have the English, the Dutch, the Germans and French to thank for the lies that contributed to the Spanish Black Legend. It’s been so ingrained in our brains that even telling history prior to the black legend being created that we subconsciously use the black legend verbiage to tell or distort history.
@@MW_Asuraen Alemania hoy mismo he visto un reportage sobre Peru contando la misma m. sobre que España acabo con los pueblos nativos, en Francia no se pero hace 54 años que vivo aqui y siguen contando la Version anglomentira,si tuviesen un poco de cerebro se preguntarian porque en Hispanoamerica hay mas del 70 %de nativos y en EE.UU y Canada ni el 1%.
"mas del 70 %de nativos y en EE.UU y Canada ni el 1%" I'm Portuguese... and even I have to admit that English/Americans exagerate immensely when they accuse you guys of g in Americas... But I strongly suspect this video was done by a muslin... not by an Anglophone, because it's sooo full of incorrections and portray the invaders like victims and hide the bad things they done during the invasion and occupation
Quizás porqué ... durante 200 años España era la envidia y el terror de medio mundo. En Holanda a los niños les decían ....que vienen los españoles! Jajaja. Y ahora vienen todos de vacaciones a España.😄😅🤗
2:03 You're actually totally correct here. The Visigoths were only a tiny ruling elite, ruling over a much larger Roman population in Spain. For most people, life carried on as it had before with only gradual changes in trade and quality of goods. This is what makes Britain different from the rest of the Western Roman Empire, because in Britain the Romans leaving was very much apocalyptic, and everything went downhill very quickly. In the rest of the Western Roman Empire, things didn't change that much by comparison. The Visigothic Kingdom's relations with the Roman population can be divided into 2 phases: First, they ruled Spain as a small ruling elite, with their own distinct Gothic laws that applied to them. Romans kept their Roman laws, and both were seen as two distinct populations in the same kingdom. The second phase happens when the Visigoths convert from Arian Christianity to Catholicism in 587. From that point onwards, the Goths and Romans are no longer legally distinct people, and begin to slowly fuse into one people. 3:50 Some of their neighbors were ripe for conquest, that is true. But another factor that often goes unmentioned is that the Arabs were very good at working with the locals. Early Islam didn't seem to care too much for converting the local population to Islam, and allowed conquered people to largely keep to themselves (as long as they acknowledged Arab rule and paid tax of course). This meant that being conquered by the Arabs wasn't as big a change as you'd think, which meant resistance was much smaller. It took centuries for places the Muslims conquered to convert to Islam. Egypt for example, did not stop being majority Christian until 200-300 years after it was conquered, and even then Christians continued to make up a sizable part of the population for several more centuries.
You are a inept the vast of invasions of Spain is a military / cultural never quantitative the vast etnicity of Spaniard is a Iberian/ Celt DNA and Tartessians in South ; for exemple the Romans all cities founded in Spain for few Román soldiers never Román " normal" people and sone cities disapeared the Muslims exactly equal etc..
By being "very good at working with the locals" and "allowing conquered people to largely keep to themselves" you mean either massacring the Christians or demanding they pay tax to the Caliphate if they want to continue being Christian, which also came with oppression. And of course Muslims were never a majority during the Reconquista, and the Christians who "converted" to Islam most often only did so because there were benefits, not because they believed in the religion or liked Muslim culture, as they continued being Christians when in private
@@MW_Asura We do not have much evidence for the Jizya system this early on. The early sources for the period talk about Christians "paying their dues", but it's not exactly clear if this applies only to non-Believers or not. Also, simply paying an extra tax and in exchange being allowed to keep your religion was a fairly good deal for the time. Hell, the Caliphate's taxes were initially probably even a bit lower than the Roman or Sassanian taxation was, so for some it might have even been a (accidental) discount.
The arabs conquered spain is incorrect, It was conquered by Native North africans who are not arabs. They only had few arabs amongst them. Tarik Ibn Zayyed was not arabs and he did not even speak arabic. Have ever heard about the amazighs???? Egyptians are not arabs as well, they just speak arabic and have been brainwached to think they belong to some arab semite invention. The christians of Egypt welcomed somehow the muslim arabs because they were fighting the other christians from the North as they both did consider themselves heretics. Obviously, other egyptians rebeled againt arab rule but religious leaders in order to keep their power made an alliance with arabs from arabia. Whe you say christian be specific please! because it is misleading. Christians had so many versions of christianity at that time and even now 20 millions coptic othodox christians still live in Egypt, all considered by catholic church and greek orthodow church as heretics. The population have been convering to Islam slowly over time because of the oppression of the continuously changing muslim powers who were as well in conflict, heavy taxes played a huge role of course. The same happened to jews in Egypt and in most North Africa. When you say the arabs be specific too please, muslims the same. But you seem to choose whatever. I would agree with you that early arabs did not care about spreading the faith but by getting territory and money I would add that even early muslim faith was not clearly defined and even the coran was not unified or even written. it took ages till that happened and the so called muslims were not even united on what is the muslim law. Egypt has been conquered because the main christian church was oppressing other christians who let Muslims who are another Judeo-christian nestorian sect to come, but obviously those conqueres killed many people and enslaved many.
6:40 Just some technical detail: Castile & Aragon, were not just 2 kingdoms officially, but 2 _Crowns_ which means that each one of them was _officially_ a conglomerate of multiple previous kingdoms. → In the case of the Crown of Aragon : Aragon proper + Catalonia (known as County of Barcelona, Catalan Counties, or Principality of Catalonia) & then, progressively added through conquest, the _kingdoms_ of Valencia & Majorca (+outside of Iberia: Sicily, Sardinia & Naples). → As for the Crown of Castile : Castile proper + León Galicia & the Principality of Asturias, & then through conquest Toledo, Murcia, the _4 Kingdoms of Andalusia_ (Córdoba, Jaén, Seville, & post-1492 Granada) & then finally Navarre after 1512.
Religious intolerance also comes from resentment, after all, the muslims did invade the region, though going back to the map, muslims never really settled that far north, at some point the peninsula starts to get very mountainous and there wasn't much to gain, not to mention if revolts happened it would be harder to defend (if I recall correctly, the Romans also had issues with this area), in addition after the first 300 years, the Muslims had already lost control of a lot of the land and even started fighting among themsleves, from that point on, the Muslims were slowly pushed to the south of the peninsula and eventually started paying tribute to Castille which prolonged their stay in modern Andalusia.
Much like Swedish-Norweigan-Danish (and the different local dialects of those) can be thought of as dialects on a dialect spectrum rather than actual different languages, as can Portugese-Castillian-Catalan-Occetan as well. There are actual debates in linguistic circles about this.
It's more galician and portuguese as 1 language, and leonese and mirandese 1 language. But castilian - portuguese hardly as it has too many names and grammar that make them seperate.
True, in fact some of the most popular surnames are of Germanic origin. For example Gonzalez, which means son of Gonzalo. The name Gonzalo is of Germanic origin and is possibly derived from the Old High German gund, proto-Germanic. *gunþiz (battle , fight, combat); its second element could derive from *sal (in Old High German salo; dark, colored, colored, dyed)1, *salbō (balm, ointment)[citation pending], *albiz (elf, genie) or *saiwalō (root of Gothic 𐍃𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌰𐌻𐍉, romanized saiwalo, singular "saiwala"; possibly meaning soul)
Several languages are spoken within Spain, it is not just Portuguese in Portugal. In fact, there is more difference between an Andalusian and a Basque than between a Madrid native and a person from Lisbon.
Portugal gained a national identity early. Back in the old days language was not as consistent as it is today, across an entire nation. You could travel just a few miles and hear brand new words and dialects. So portugal was an isolated area of such dialects that managed to gain a national identity early and preserve that identity. While Spain unified and its various dialects became more and more homogenous.
As a spaniard I want to say that we don't see portuguese as a different culture, we are very similar. We identify as iberian. We have always been of the iberian or celtiberian etnic group. The portuguese comes from galaico-portuguese and wass spoken before in the area of galicia (the spanish region above portugal). We have castilian (spanish) as official language but we have other like 5 cooficial languages (some of them are very similar like aragonese and catalan) Are all romance languages except from euskera (which is similar to the iberian language).
Jibby, you are reacting to Spain at last. You will find you have more in common with the country. Most of your customs have been borrowed from this nation. You were pretty lost after 1776. So don't come down on your Latin neighbours.
I am Morrocan and the full origibal video is full of oversimplifications; and misleading, and huge incorrections as well. It is a very bad video to understand what happened in this region especially that it doesnt explain what was happening on the North African side. Isam did not conquer North Africa very easily, Mohammed was already dead when it arrived in Morroco and North African tribes (some christian, some jewish, soe pagan) fought fro more than 70 years just in area of what is know Tunisia/Algeria. Again, tribes were fighting each other and islam not too far from the religions they already had (christianity in many forms and judaism in many forms) so some of them joined the some arab conquerers. Islam arriveed to Morroco in 698 while muhammad died in 632. And only spread to the North because that was already the area where the roman christian empire was already established. The video doesnt talk about al morabittine and al mowahidine at all which is very dumb. Those Moors empires were never conquered by arabs or othomans. and by the way the vandals vigoths as well invaded North africa From their invasion of North Africa in 429 onward, the Vandals, who were predominantly followers of Arianism, persecuted Nicene Christians. So some Norh african going to help arabs invade the ibirian penusila was not only about religion it was political. the history of what happened in Spain is very complex and cannot just be oh muslim conquest reconquista the end. By the way, there were alliances based on ethnicity, religious stuff but not only. Sometimes christians would fight with muslims and pagans gainst other christians and the same for muslims. North african history is not well know even by north africans themselves because of all the money coming from saudi arabia in modern era so many people would even identify as arabs while they are not. The omeyads themselves did not practice the same islam as the abassids; if you are interested in the history of christiany and Europe you have to understand the history of all the other side of the meditterenian sea, the former roman empire. Religious bullshitters are always splitting the two sides because they dont want the people to understand. be smarter!!
Caliph Umar was the first real success, the second Caliph (634 - 644 CE). But there was civil war until 750 CE (Abbasid revolution that built Baghdad). That is when a sole surviving Umayyad prince founded independent Al Andalus.
Iberian peninsular was not simply Spanish or Portuguese Language. They had, Galego, Catalan, Basque, Aragonese, Leonese, Castillian. As well as Arabic. Look at this GIF:
Which is ironic, because many thought the internet would educate us better with access to far more information and being able to find the truth and facts on things, and for some, it's done just that, but clearly, it's also made a lot more people paranoid and more polarised around the world and that's probably because it's a lot harder to keep secrets in the world when we have the internet and smartphones, it basically uncovers a lot of things that were probably already happening but are being seen more on the surface thanks to the internet. The irony is, it probably makes it seem like the world is a lot more corrupt now, but it probably always was, just now, a lot of the backroom dealings are coming to the surface for all to see, giving the impression that things are much worse, basically, the internet and smartphones are exposing a lot more than we could decades ago. The real crime for me is the people not holding the corrupt to account to clean things up, you would think with a lot more being exposed, we would want to clean up a lot of the system, but clearly that isn't happening and that's probably why mainstream political parties are falling out of favour, in favour of popularise parties, people are getting fed up and voting accordingly, especially in Europe and North America,
The problem of this video, is Anglos speaking about Spanish history, basing themselves in Anglo sources, when they are the ones who rewrote history based on their anti-Spanish propaganda. This is just a wrong « historical » video based on nothing historical but propaganda.
Fue rápido porque Akila pidio ayuda a los musulmanes para recuperar el trono luchando contra Rodrigo. Los musulmanes tuvieron el camino libre para penetrar en Hispania, la población no intervino hasta que fué tarde. En el 722 Don Pelayo derrotó a los musulmanes en Asturias. Y......
@@Joan-kr1jo lol from roman time the christian got kicked from middle east to europe even eastern european was under muslim rule for centuries,on other side muslim almost came to france to beat french king,muslim always dominated over christian past time, what christian did is somehow saved their a$$
Islam was the first (and only) militant religion. It meant that 1. They had an addded incentive to be as brutal as possible 2. That brutality undermined the Christians resolve.
Do keep in mind that Muslim invasions were not only more numerous but they were one of the biggest reasons for the crusades, the religion itself spread to North Africa and West Asia through war. Christianity spread as a cult within the Roman empire and just stayed once the empire collapsed.
@@PVPTawawell the first part is argubly wrong crusaders are nothing more than modern isis paid young population mercenary of bankers cause god wills it
@@Houthiandtheblowfish Not the guys from the religion that doesn't glorify conquest and brutalisation of the non-believers as one of its reasons for existence, that I'm sure
@@MW_Asura well i have nothing against christianity we believe they are our abrahamic brothers we can talk about these cases but it is true that it was a political religion and required people to take arms and hold political power where as jesus rendered what is ceasers to ceaser although crusades were exception its not what jesus would do but just like isis it has nothing to with christianity
absolutely he should, as an Irish man who travelled North Africa and the Middle East, even living in Egypt for about a year. I find the culture the people and the food amazing well let's not forget about the landscape and the architecture...
About the Muslims conquering so fast: Persia and Byzantium had been slugging it out for decades by then, doing great damage on both sides and exhausting tax payers. Islam brought peace for most of this population and they didn't even have to change their religion. Religious minorities (Jews, but also Christian 'heretical' sects) especially were happy with the new regime.
Killed by Inquisition inept ? Spain is the countries has a less killed by Inquisition in fact one of the pillarse of Black Legend agaisnt Spain is the Inquisition and perdured ( for no known Spanish history) today
Yep! And they, which wented to northern Africa, started over into the slavery market. The result was, 1.200.000 Slaves were taken from Europe by North African slave hunters, between 1600 and 1800. In fact, the Americans ended this BS, a short while after foundin' the US...
« Or killed by the inquisition », no. The Muslims were kicked out of the peninsula, and as for the inquisition it only killed less than 300 people in more than 300 years.
Notice how the narrator tells his version of the story by saying “the Spanish” did this, “the Spanish” did that. He never once mentions the Portuguese as doing the same thing. He refers to the Muslims and Jewish as religious groups but refers to the Christians as “Spanish.” Never mind that the term “Spanish” didn’t exist during the time that all this happened. He never goes into detail why the Christian’s felt the need to start the Spanish Inquisition or where that started. Mind you other European countries had already established their inquisitions but you never hear about them it’s always closely related to the Spaniards and not Christians.
If you truly want to learn about the history of Hispania, don’t do it by watching/listening to English speaking creators because they only give you ‘their version’ of what truly happened. There are great Spanish creators or even great articles written in Spanish that have been translated as close as possible to the original text that tell the truth.
It amazes how the Spanish black legend goes that far back and always narrated by the English speaking world. We have the English, the Dutch, the Germans and French to thank for the lies that contributed to the Spanish Black Legend. It’s been so ingrained in our brains that even telling history prior to the black legend being created that we subconsciously use the black legend verbiage to tell or distort history.
I don't think the French and Germans really contributed to the Black Legend, it's really only an English and later Dutch thing
@@MW_Asuraen Alemania hoy mismo he visto un reportage sobre Peru contando la misma m. sobre que España acabo con los pueblos nativos, en Francia no se pero hace 54 años que vivo aqui y siguen contando la Version anglomentira,si tuviesen un poco de cerebro se preguntarian porque en Hispanoamerica hay mas del 70 %de nativos y en EE.UU y Canada ni el 1%.
"mas del 70 %de nativos y en EE.UU y Canada ni el 1%"
I'm Portuguese... and even I have to admit that English/Americans exagerate immensely when they accuse you guys of g in Americas...
But I strongly suspect this video was done by a muslin... not by an Anglophone, because it's sooo full of incorrections and portray the invaders like victims and hide the bad things they done during the invasion and occupation
Quizás porqué ... durante 200 años España era la envidia y el terror de medio mundo. En Holanda a los niños les decían ....que vienen los españoles! Jajaja. Y ahora vienen todos de vacaciones a España.😄😅🤗
@@anacasanova7350 Tem lá calma oh mariquinhas, Portugueses nunca tiveram medo de vocês pá. hahahah, você é que se borravam todos. Não sejas mentiroso
You're actually totally correct here. The Visigoths were only a tiny ruling elite, ruling over a much larger Roman population in Spain. For most people, life carried on as it had before with only gradual changes in trade and quality of goods. This is what makes Britain different from the rest of the Western Roman Empire, because in Britain the Romans leaving was very much apocalyptic, and everything went downhill very quickly. In the rest of the Western Roman Empire, things didn't change that much by comparison.
The Visigothic Kingdom's relations with the Roman population can be divided into 2 phases: First, they ruled Spain as a small ruling elite, with their own distinct Gothic laws that applied to them. Romans kept their Roman laws, and both were seen as two distinct populations in the same kingdom. The second phase happens when the Visigoths convert from Arian Christianity to Catholicism in 587. From that point onwards, the Goths and Romans are no longer legally distinct people, and begin to slowly fuse into one people.
Some of their neighbors were ripe for conquest, that is true. But another factor that often goes unmentioned is that the Arabs were very good at working with the locals. Early Islam didn't seem to care too much for converting the local population to Islam, and allowed conquered people to largely keep to themselves (as long as they acknowledged Arab rule and paid tax of course). This meant that being conquered by the Arabs wasn't as big a change as you'd think, which meant resistance was much smaller. It took centuries for places the Muslims conquered to convert to Islam. Egypt for example, did not stop being majority Christian until 200-300 years after it was conquered, and even then Christians continued to make up a sizable part of the population for several more centuries.
It seems that even then Brexit didn't go well...🤔
You are a inept the vast of invasions of Spain is a military / cultural never quantitative the vast etnicity of Spaniard is a Iberian/ Celt DNA and Tartessians in South ; for exemple the Romans all cities founded in Spain for few Román soldiers never Román " normal" people and sone cities disapeared the Muslims exactly equal etc..
By being "very good at working with the locals" and "allowing conquered people to largely keep to themselves" you mean either massacring the Christians or demanding they pay tax to the Caliphate if they want to continue being Christian, which also came with oppression. And of course Muslims were never a majority during the Reconquista, and the Christians who "converted" to Islam most often only did so because there were benefits, not because they believed in the religion or liked Muslim culture, as they continued being Christians when in private
We do not have much evidence for the Jizya system this early on. The early sources for the period talk about Christians "paying their dues", but it's not exactly clear if this applies only to non-Believers or not.
Also, simply paying an extra tax and in exchange being allowed to keep your religion was a fairly good deal for the time. Hell, the Caliphate's taxes were initially probably even a bit lower than the Roman or Sassanian taxation was, so for some it might have even been a (accidental) discount.
The arabs conquered spain is incorrect, It was conquered by Native North africans who are not arabs. They only had few arabs amongst them. Tarik Ibn Zayyed was not arabs and he did not even speak arabic. Have ever heard about the amazighs???? Egyptians are not arabs as well, they just speak arabic and have been brainwached to think they belong to some arab semite invention. The christians of Egypt welcomed somehow the muslim arabs because they were fighting the other christians from the North as they both did consider themselves heretics. Obviously, other egyptians rebeled againt arab rule but religious leaders in order to keep their power made an alliance with arabs from arabia. Whe you say christian be specific please! because it is misleading. Christians had so many versions of christianity at that time and even now 20 millions coptic othodox christians still live in Egypt, all considered by catholic church and greek orthodow church as heretics. The population have been convering to Islam slowly over time because of the oppression of the continuously changing muslim powers who were as well in conflict, heavy taxes played a huge role of course. The same happened to jews in Egypt and in most North Africa. When you say the arabs be specific too please, muslims the same. But you seem to choose whatever. I would agree with you that early arabs did not care about spreading the faith but by getting territory and money I would add that even early muslim faith was not clearly defined and even the coran was not unified or even written. it took ages till that happened and the so called muslims were not even united on what is the muslim law. Egypt has been conquered because the main christian church was oppressing other christians who let Muslims who are another Judeo-christian nestorian sect to come, but obviously those conqueres killed many people and enslaved many.
6:40 Just some technical detail: Castile & Aragon, were not just 2 kingdoms officially, but 2 _Crowns_ which means that each one of them was _officially_ a conglomerate of multiple previous kingdoms.
→ In the case of the Crown of Aragon : Aragon proper + Catalonia (known as County of Barcelona, Catalan Counties, or Principality of Catalonia) & then, progressively added through conquest, the _kingdoms_ of Valencia & Majorca (+outside of Iberia: Sicily, Sardinia & Naples).
→ As for the Crown of Castile : Castile proper + León Galicia & the Principality of Asturias, & then through conquest Toledo, Murcia, the _4 Kingdoms of Andalusia_ (Córdoba, Jaén, Seville, & post-1492 Granada) & then finally Navarre after 1512.
Religious intolerance also comes from resentment, after all, the muslims did invade the region, though going back to the map, muslims never really settled that far north, at some point the peninsula starts to get very mountainous and there wasn't much to gain, not to mention if revolts happened it would be harder to defend (if I recall correctly, the Romans also had issues with this area), in addition after the first 300 years, the Muslims had already lost control of a lot of the land and even started fighting among themsleves, from that point on, the Muslims were slowly pushed to the south of the peninsula and eventually started paying tribute to Castille which prolonged their stay in modern Andalusia.
This video it's just arab propaganda
It has so many lies
Much like Swedish-Norweigan-Danish (and the different local dialects of those) can be thought of as dialects on a dialect spectrum rather than actual different languages, as can Portugese-Castillian-Catalan-Occetan as well. There are actual debates in linguistic circles about this.
It's more galician and portuguese as 1 language, and leonese and mirandese 1 language. But castilian - portuguese hardly as it has too many names and grammar that make them seperate.
Yeah no, as a Portuguese this is nonsense
They are two completely different ways of building a society, and there is no way for them to coexist in the same state.
Islam cant coexist with any other culture
Many spanish names have germanic routs because of the visigoths.
True, in fact some of the most popular surnames are of Germanic origin. For example Gonzalez, which means son of Gonzalo. The name Gonzalo is of Germanic origin and is possibly derived from the Old High German gund, proto-Germanic.
*gunþiz (battle , fight, combat); its second element could derive from
*sal (in Old High German salo; dark, colored, colored, dyed)1,
*salbō (balm, ointment)[citation pending], *albiz (elf, genie) or *saiwalō (root of Gothic 𐍃𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌰𐌻𐍉, romanized saiwalo, singular "saiwala"; possibly meaning soul)
España es historia, cultura, arquitectura. Un pais diverso y plural.¡¡¡Viva España!!!
Spain had multiple pre-Roman languages. Then Latin was added on top of that. For a while under King Philip II in the 16th century, Madrid ruled both.
Several languages are spoken within Spain, it is not just Portuguese in Portugal. In fact, there is more difference between an Andalusian and a Basque than between a Madrid native and a person from Lisbon.
There are more diference between a Basque and something else than a person from Lisbon and a person from Bucarest
The Basques have there owen thing
Portugal gained a national identity early. Back in the old days language was not as consistent as it is today, across an entire nation. You could travel just a few miles and hear brand new words and dialects. So portugal was an isolated area of such dialects that managed to gain a national identity early and preserve that identity. While Spain unified and its various dialects became more and more homogenous.
As a spaniard I want to say that we don't see portuguese as a different culture, we are very similar. We identify as iberian. We have always been of the iberian or celtiberian etnic group. The portuguese comes from galaico-portuguese and wass spoken before in the area of galicia (the spanish region above portugal). We have castilian (spanish) as official language but we have other like 5 cooficial languages (some of them are very similar like aragonese and catalan) Are all romance languages except from euskera (which is similar to the iberian language).
Jibby, you are reacting to Spain at last. You will find you have more in common with the country. Most of your customs have been borrowed from this nation. You were pretty lost after 1776. So don't come down on your Latin neighbours.
I am Morrocan and the full origibal video is full of oversimplifications; and misleading, and huge incorrections as well. It is a very bad video to understand what happened in this region especially that it doesnt explain what was happening on the North African side. Isam did not conquer North Africa very easily, Mohammed was already dead when it arrived in Morroco and North African tribes (some christian, some jewish, soe pagan) fought fro more than 70 years just in area of what is know Tunisia/Algeria. Again, tribes were fighting each other and islam not too far from the religions they already had (christianity in many forms and judaism in many forms) so some of them joined the some arab conquerers. Islam arriveed to Morroco in 698 while muhammad died in 632. And only spread to the North because that was already the area where the roman christian empire was already established. The video doesnt talk about al morabittine and al mowahidine at all which is very dumb. Those Moors empires were never conquered by arabs or othomans. and by the way the vandals vigoths as well invaded North africa From their invasion of North Africa in 429 onward, the Vandals, who were predominantly followers of Arianism, persecuted Nicene Christians. So some Norh african going to help arabs invade the ibirian penusila was not only about religion it was political. the history of what happened in Spain is very complex and cannot just be oh muslim conquest reconquista the end. By the way, there were alliances based on ethnicity, religious stuff but not only. Sometimes christians would fight with muslims and pagans gainst other christians and the same for muslims. North african history is not well know even by north africans themselves because of all the money coming from saudi arabia in modern era so many people would even identify as arabs while they are not. The omeyads themselves did not practice the same islam as the abassids; if you are interested in the history of christiany and Europe you have to understand the history of all the other side of the meditterenian sea, the former roman empire. Religious bullshitters are always splitting the two sides because they dont want the people to understand. be smarter!!
That's a remarkable statement...
still a lot of tension in the world today over religion utmostly with Islam.
peacefull christians
Islam cant coexist with any other culture
Caliph Umar was the first real success, the second Caliph (634 - 644 CE). But there was civil war until 750 CE (Abbasid revolution that built Baghdad). That is when a sole surviving Umayyad prince founded independent Al Andalus.
Past and buried for many centuries time .
Don't forget the muslim defeat, by the Frankish Empire, 732...
Iberian peninsular was not simply Spanish or Portuguese Language.
They had, Galego, Catalan, Basque, Aragonese, Leonese, Castillian. As well as Arabic.
Look at this GIF:
Saludos connor 😊
The speed of communication has only added to the paranoia, not reduced it. Take a look around the Internet.
Which is ironic, because many thought the internet would educate us better with access to far more information and being able to find the truth and facts on things, and for some, it's done just that, but clearly, it's also made a lot more people paranoid and more polarised around the world and that's probably because it's a lot harder to keep secrets in the world when we have the internet and smartphones, it basically uncovers a lot of things that were probably already happening but are being seen more on the surface thanks to the internet.
The irony is, it probably makes it seem like the world is a lot more corrupt now, but it probably always was, just now, a lot of the backroom dealings are coming to the surface for all to see, giving the impression that things are much worse, basically, the internet and smartphones are exposing a lot more than we could decades ago.
The real crime for me is the people not holding the corrupt to account to clean things up, you would think with a lot more being exposed, we would want to clean up a lot of the system, but clearly that isn't happening and that's probably why mainstream political parties are falling out of favour, in favour of popularise parties, people are getting fed up and voting accordingly, especially in Europe and North America,
This is *really not* the best video... it's full of incorrections, major ones
There are videos made by a french guy about this that are more accurate
please react to geography now Spain
Visigoths ruled Spain for 200 years. They ruled S France for 100 years (allied to Romans fighting Huns) before that.
The problem of this video, is Anglos speaking about Spanish history, basing themselves in Anglo sources, when they are the ones who rewrote history based on their anti-Spanish propaganda.
This is just a wrong « historical » video based on nothing historical but propaganda.
Fue rápido porque Akila pidio ayuda a los musulmanes para recuperar el trono luchando contra Rodrigo. Los musulmanes tuvieron el camino libre para penetrar en Hispania, la población no intervino hasta que fué tarde.
En el 722 Don Pelayo derrotó a los musulmanes en Asturias. Y......
Akila *NO* pidio ayuda a los musulmanes
That was after the invasion
The Muslim population of Spain - and many other Western countries - has increased rapidly during the past few decades.
Yeah it's awful
pull out game is weak and somewhat against religion. Having 3 - 5 kids seems normal like Mexicans
@@QueeferSutherland1Our ancestors fought against it knowing the consequences. Now some people let them enter freely.
@@Joan-kr1jo lol from roman time the christian got kicked from middle east to europe even eastern european was under muslim rule for centuries,on other side muslim almost came to france to beat french king,muslim always dominated over christian past time, what christian did is somehow saved their a$$
Asturias nunca fue conquistada
Al menos, nunca fue _totalmente_ conquistada, y además recuperó rápidamente toda la costa cantábrica.
They outgrew it
Islam was the first (and only) militant religion. It meant that 1. They had an addded incentive to be as brutal as possible 2. That brutality undermined the Christians resolve.
i wonder who was brutal at war crusaders or muslims
Do keep in mind that Muslim invasions were not only more numerous but they were one of the biggest reasons for the crusades, the religion itself spread to North Africa and West Asia through war.
Christianity spread as a cult within the Roman empire and just stayed once the empire collapsed.
@@PVPTawawell the first part is argubly wrong crusaders are nothing more than modern isis paid young population mercenary of bankers cause god wills it
@@Houthiandtheblowfish Not the guys from the religion that doesn't glorify conquest and brutalisation of the non-believers as one of its reasons for existence, that I'm sure
@@MW_Asura well i have nothing against christianity we believe they are our abrahamic brothers we can talk about these cases but it is true that it was a political religion and required people to take arms and hold political power where as jesus rendered what is ceasers to ceaser although crusades were exception its not what jesus would do but just like isis it has nothing to with christianity
Plz react to more videos on Islamic history
absolutely he should, as an Irish man who travelled North Africa and the Middle East, even living in Egypt for about a year. I find the culture the people and the food amazing well let's not forget about the landscape and the architecture...
No, they are bastards.
@@anthonymullen6300 ♥️♥️♥️
Do you wanna bore us to death...?
Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰♥️
Shut up Islamist.
About the Muslims conquering so fast: Persia and Byzantium had been slugging it out for decades by then, doing great damage on both sides and exhausting tax payers. Islam brought peace for most of this population and they didn't even have to change their religion. Religious minorities (Jews, but also Christian 'heretical' sects) especially were happy with the new regime.
Some Iberian Muslims converted to Catholicism, some escaped to Morocco. The others were massacred in battle or killed by the Inquisition ;-(
Killed by Inquisition inept ? Spain is the countries has a less killed by Inquisition in fact one of the pillarse of Black Legend agaisnt Spain is the Inquisition and perdured ( for no known Spanish history) today
Yep! And they, which wented to northern Africa, started over into the slavery market. The result was, 1.200.000 Slaves were taken from Europe by North African slave hunters, between 1600 and 1800. In fact, the Americans ended this BS, a short while after foundin' the US...
« Or killed by the inquisition », no.
The Muslims were kicked out of the peninsula, and as for the inquisition it only killed less than 300 people in more than 300 years.