Tiffy should not mind Eamon talking to her was like talking to her mom. Tiffy asked Eamon if he was afraid of talking to adults, he replied ‘no’ and said it was just talking to his mom. When he talked to an adult like you, he would take mom as an example and did not mean your age was as old as his mom. 😅
first time hearing someone learning english from zoom thats a new thing 😚 (i laughed so hard when he said talking to you just like talking to mom 😂)
不過我留意到佢向Tiff 發問問題係「如何減壓」同埋佢話喜歡攝取別人意見,原因係佢怕會犯錯!唔知呢方面會唔會構成佢為其中一個壓力呢?希望Tiff嘅建議,同朋友仔一齊做運動,可以幫到佢啦!😊
He’s a positive person❤
Last time they said you are 41 years old, this time said like talking to mother, poor Tiffany.😂
第一次看大人和小孩對話的視頻, 覺得很有趣. Tiffy問的問題好有啟發性, 而Eamon回答很到位, 不像一個11歲的小孩, 知道自己的理想是做什麼, 他怕犯錯, 最好就是讀歷史, 因為以史為鑑. Tiffy又讓Eamon問她的問題, 這不是一個純訪問節目, 其實是交流, 值得讚賞. ❤
Tiffy can be a good mother.
Support Tiffany 💕
the boy is so smart
I love history too
Amazing Tiff
ahhahahahaha primary chicken ~
Tiffy should not mind Eamon talking to her was like talking to her mom. Tiffy asked Eamon if he was afraid of talking to adults, he replied ‘no’ and said it was just talking to his mom. When he talked to an adult like you, he would take mom as an example and did not mean your age was as old as his mom. 😅
Lmao tiff is a mom now ig lol!
Can you ask them what toys are trending?