Intro to Vedanta Part VI: Nature of Ignorance

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @vedikaglobal
    @vedikaglobal  11 лет назад +1

    That's wonderful, Phillius. Many blessings on your journey.

  • @krista96
    @krista96 11 лет назад

    It seems so plainly obvious . . how did I miss it!? I couldn't see for looking! I feel now like I'm my own sun illuminating my own world. Also that I have a place of safe refuge within. That there is all sorts of power, play, possibility and perhaps responsibility yet to be discovered. I can be my own sheltering sky. This is still very new to me and how it unfolds remains to be seen.I hope you won't mind if I stay in touch . . you've been an inspirational teacher.Thank you, Thank you. Namaste

  • @franzlisztish
    @franzlisztish 8 лет назад

    Vedanta is absolutely BRILLIANT! Thank you Shunya!

  • @vedikaglobal
    @vedikaglobal  11 лет назад

    Dear Richard: you have answered yourself. Indeed, "‪everyday awareness in fact a subtle mental phenomenon and merely another unreal layer and a reflection of the SELF? " Atman is Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness. It is not 'awareness of xyz" because there is no 'of-ness' present in it; this is what is meant by 'pure awareness.' It is imageless, it is possessive-less-ness, it is object less. Hence it is called nisangha: non attached to anything (such as awareness+everyday world)

  • @krista96
    @krista96 11 лет назад

    Hi, I believe that after decades of contemplation and 100 books e.t.c, the first pointer you gave enabled me to take one step further back and into deeper Self. I see now that the Real me/I is Prior to all else . . whereas before I was to a greater or lesser extent always holding subject and object together within the field of awareness and meditating on this awareness and hoping for realisation. I knew the truth was close but that there is no distance at all is . . . well . . . amazing!

  • @vijaynrao2499
    @vijaynrao2499 Год назад

    Thank you guruji, namaste 🙏

  • @krista96
    @krista96 11 лет назад

    thank you for your wonderful teachings. I have spent years contemplating Vedanta and have a question. Is my awareness, the space in which thoughts, emotions . . the world arises and is observed, also seen?Is it that awareness can become aware of itself or is everyday awareness in fact a subtle mental phenomenon and merely another unreal layer and a reflection of the SELF? I hope I've made my question clear.
    I'm really stuck on this and would really appreciate your guidance.
    Namaste, Richard.

  • @vedikaglobal
    @vedikaglobal  11 лет назад

    So one can say “ every day awareness is not an Absolute Reality (it is a compromoxed reality due to operation of maya) - it is only a experience, occurring due to misapprehension of Pramartha Reality - so its experiencer/ witness is also a compromised witness (bound in Maya to be aware of the every day world)…………
    Yet…..the world, the unreality, the observer of this unreality…they all lead back to the SELF as none exists but that ONE self.

  • @vedikaglobal
    @vedikaglobal  11 лет назад

    Nirvikara - the unchanging TRUTH -
    ‪Richard, as such , the world, does not exist (see video on levels of consciousness), but is a mere projection (vivarta), of the mind. It does not exist and has has much reality as the world projected in a dream with all its splendid details and the reality of the Self that witness that it the SELF or merely a mind based self (projected from Memory/ chitta) dreaming away? ….so keep peeling away….

  • @நம்மபாலாஜி
    @நம்மபாலாஜி 10 лет назад

    Thinking I am ignorant is ignorance. Thinking I am knowledgeable is also ignorance.
    Only the mind is ignorant or knowledgeable!
    "I" am neither ignorant, nor knowledgeable!

  • @rajarsi6438
    @rajarsi6438 9 лет назад

    In oneness with Brahman one doesn't lose one's individualtiy and identity. This ignorant babbling about oneness without individuality, form and variety is typically born of worldly thinking.

    • @amannoobs
      @amannoobs 7 лет назад

      Vijnana Dasa in oneness with paramatma one doesn't lose his identity but realises that there is no identity. there is only one self and everyone is a part of it

    • @rajarsi6438
      @rajarsi6438 7 лет назад

      @ Aman Mishra Even when one only realises the impersonal Brahman it's a personal, individual realisation. Ego and identity are eternal. Mayavadi's are simply world denying crybabies. These fake-philosophers are fully stuck in anthropomorfism.

    • @rajarsi6438
      @rajarsi6438 7 лет назад

      @ Aman Mishra Just give me all your money since we're all the same, we're all one, according to your childish nonsense. Also in that you of course fail. Completely.

    • @emrao7732
      @emrao7732 6 лет назад

      +Vijnana Dasa, it seems you are still wailing in your ISKCON brand of "nursery" worship, may be for a few decades now! How long do you want to stuck in the "elementary" school, and waste your precious life as "STREET SINGERS", shouting, druminng and dancing in the streets!? When are you going to grow to Secondary and University levels? Krishna himself declared: सर्वं कर्माखिलं पार्थः ज्ञाने परिसमाप्यते। नहि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते। ज्ञानाग्नि सर्व कर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुनः। (Gita: Ch. 4 & 5)!! What do these statements imply, if not progressive evolution to realise the non-dual Brahman!!??

    • @emrao7732
      @emrao7732 6 лет назад

      @@rajarsi6438, The greatest "Mayavadi" is Lord Krishna himself, and before Krishna, the Rg. Veda! You ignorant ISKCONITES follow that "Agjnanavadi" Prabhupada and are spending your time in abject ignorance!! The expression "MAYA" was not the creation of Sankara, but is as ancient as the Vedas themselves!!
      Here is a Mantra from Rg. Veda: इंद्रो मायाभिः पुरुरूप ईयते। (Rg. V: VI-xlvii-18). "The Supreme Lord is perceived as having manifold forms through his power of cosmic illusion (Maya Shakti)". Here are some more! मायां तु प्रक्रुतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम्। (Svet. Up: 4-10); संभवाम्यात्ममायया (Bh. G: 4-6); मम माया दुरत्यया (Bh. G: 7-14)! It will take eons for you blind guys to reach the heights of Sankara and Advaita!!