Japan Math Olympiad | A Very Nice Geometry Problem

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    / @mathbooster

Комментарии • 18

  • @oscarcastaneda5310
    @oscarcastaneda5310 Месяц назад

    Assign the square a side length of "2" and ...
    Take a glance at :
    1) The right triangle with R1 as a leg and point E as a vertex.
    2) The right triangle with R2 as a leg and point E as a vertex.
    Notice that they are similar and from this we have that R2/R1 = (1 + sqrt(5))/2.
    This follows because R2/(1 - R2) = (1 - R1)/R1 and since R2 = 2/(3 + sqrt(5)) from which we can find R1.

  • @markwu2939
    @markwu2939 Месяц назад +1

    Let's set AE=EB=a=1. So The radius of the inscribed circle of △ADE is R2 = (3-√5)/2.
    Suppose the center and tangent point of the right circle are P and N, and the center and tangent point of the left circle are Q and M.
    Then we find that ∠PEQ = 90° and △QME~ △PEN. So we know that R2/(a-R2) = (a-R1)/R1.
    Finally we solve R1 = (√5-1)/2 due to R2 = (3-√5)/2. Thus, R1/R2 = (3-√5)/(√5-1) = (√5+1)/2.

  • @zdrastvutye
    @zdrastvutye Месяц назад

    there are 2 solutions:
    either find the intersections of angle bisectors or a repeated calculation:
    10 print "mathbooster-japan math olympiad":dim x(1,3),y(1,3)
    20 l1=1:xg1=0:yg1=l1:xg2=l1/2:yg2=0:sw=l1/10
    30 a11=xg2-xg1:a12=yg2-yg1:a21=yg1-yg2:a22=xg2-xg1:a231=yg1*(xg2-xg1):a232=xg1*(yg1-yg2)
    40 a23=a231+a232:r1=sw:goto 140
    50 xp=r1:yp=xp:gosub 70:dgu1=(xp-xl)^2/l1^2:dgu2=(yp-yl)^2/l1^2:dg=dgu1+dgu2
    60 dgu3=r1^2/l1^2:dg=dgu1+dgu2-dgu3:goto 130
    70 a131=xp*(xg2-xg1):a132=yp*(yg2-yg1):a13=a131+a132
    80 ngl1=a12*a21:ngl2=a22*a11
    90 ngl=ngl1-ngl2:if ngl=0 then print "keine loesung":end
    100 zx1=a23*a12:zx2=a13*a22:zx=zx1-zx2
    110 zy1=a13*a21:zy2=a23*a11:zy=zy1-zy2
    120 xl=zx/ngl:yl=zy/ngl:rem print "x=";xl;"y=";yl
    130 return
    140 gosub 50
    150 dg1=dg:r11=r1:r1=r1+sw:r12=r1:gosub 50:if dg1*dg>0 then 150
    160 r1=(r11+r12)/2:gosub 50:if dg1*dg>0 then r11=r1 else r12=r1
    170 if abs(dg)>1E-10 then 160
    180 xm1=xp:ym1=yp:r2=sw:goto 210
    190 xp=l1-r2:yp=r2:gosub 70:dgu1=(xp-xl)^2/l1^2:dgu2=(yp-yl)^2/l1^2:dg=dgu1+dgu2
    200 dgu3=r2^2/l1^2:dg=dgu1+dgu2-dgu3:return
    210 gosub 190
    220 dg1=dg:r21=r2:r2=r2+sw:r22=r2:gosub 190:if dg1*dg>0 then 220
    230 r2=(r21+r22)/2:gosub 190:if dg1*dg>0 then r21=r2 else r22=r2
    240 if abs(dg)>1E-10 then 230
    250 print "das verhaeltnis r1/r2=";r1/r2:xm2=xp:ym2=yp
    260 x(0,0)=0:y(0,0)=0:x(0,1)=l1/4:y(0,1)=0:x(0,2)=l1/2:y(0,2)=0:x(0,3)=0:y(0,3)=l1
    270 x(1,0)=l1/2:y(1,0)=0:x(1,1)=l1:y(1,1)=0:x(1,2)=l1:y(1,2)=l1:x(1,3)=0:y(1,3)=l1
    280 mass=1000/l1:goto 300
    290 xbu=x*mass:ybu=y*mass:return
    300 for a=0 to 1:x=x(a,0):y=y(a,0):gosub 290:xba=xbu:yba=ybu:for b=1 to 4:c=b:if c=4 then c=0
    310 x=x(a,c):y=y(a,c):gosub 290:xbn=xbu:ybn=ybu:goto 330
    320 line xba,yba,xbn,ybn:xba=xbn:yba=ybn:return
    330 gosub 320:next b:next a:gcol 12:x=xm1:y=ym1:gosub 290:circle xbu,ybu,r1*mass
    340 x=xm2:y=ym2:gosub 290:circle xbu,ybu,r2*mass
    mathbooster-japan math olympiad
    das verhaeltnis r1/r2=0.618033989
    run in bbc basic sdl and hit ctrl tab to copy from the results window. you may add"@zoom%=1.4*@zoom%" at the start.

  • @ludmilaivanova1603
    @ludmilaivanova1603 Месяц назад +2

    @ 3:32 why do not you use the known formula for the inscribed circle in a triangle
    r = 2 Areas/ a+b+c ?

    • @WahranRai
      @WahranRai Месяц назад +1

      Yes. It is simple and easy to establish : Area = 0.5*a*b = 0.5*R*(a+b+c)
      you will find the same result with substitution of a, b, c in R = a*b / (a+b+c)

    • @ludmilaivanova1603
      @ludmilaivanova1603 Месяц назад

      @@WahranRai yes, but the formuls in the video is different.

    • @WahranRai
      @WahranRai Месяц назад +1

      @@ludmilaivanova1603 It is special formula in case of right triangle.
      I will recommend to forget it and use the general one as you said

  • @jimlocke9320
    @jimlocke9320 Месяц назад

    Solution by trigonometry. Label the center of the small circle as point F, the center of large circle as point G, the point of tangency of small circle with AE as point H and point of tangency of large circle with BE as point J. Let

  • @RealQinnMalloryu4
    @RealQinnMalloryu4 Месяц назад

    360°ABCDE/2 =180°ABCDE 2^90 2^3^30 2^3^5^6 2^3^5^3^2 1^15^1^3^2 1^1^3^2 3^2 (ABCDE ➖ 3ABCDE+2)

  • @quigonkenny
    @quigonkenny Месяц назад

    Let s be the side length of square ABCD. Let O be the center of the larger circle (with racius R₁), let P be the cemter of the smaller circle (with radius R₂), let M be the point of tangency between circle O and DE, let N be the point of tangency between circle O and AB, and let T be the point of tangency between circle O and BC.
    As ME and NE are tangents to circle O that meet at E, ME = NE = x. As NB = R₁ and BE = s/2, x = (s/2)-R₁.
    Mirror square ABCD about AB, forming square ABFG and draw EF. As E is the midpoint of AB and AD = CB = BF = GA = s, DF will be a straight line.
    As MF and TF are both tangents to circle O that meet at F, MF = TF = y. As BF = s and BT = R₁, y = R₁+s. As MF = ME+ EF, y also equals x+EF.
    Triangle ∆FBE:
    FB² + BE² = EF²
    s² + (s/2)² = EF²
    EF² = s² + s²/4 = 5s²/4
    EF = √(5s²/4) = √5s/2
    y = x + EF
    R₁+s = (s/2)-R₁ + √5s/2
    2R₁= √5s/2 - s/2 = s(√5-1)/2
    R₁ = s(√5-1)/4
    Draw JK, where J is a point on BC and K is a point on DE where JK is perpendicular to BC and is tangent to circle O opposite N, at point L. This forms a right triangle ∆FJK.
    As ∠DAE = ∠FJK = 90° and ∠EDA = ∠KFJ as alternate interior angles, triangles ∆DAE and ∆FJK are similar. Additionally, circles O and P are inscribed in each triangle in the same manner, so R₁ and R₂ are in the same ratio as the sides of the respective triangles.
    Triangle ∆DAE:
    R₁/R₂ = FJ/DA
    R₁/R₂ = (s+2R₁)/s
    R₁/R₂ = (s+2s(√5-1)/4)/s
    R₁/R₂ = 1 + (√5-1)/2
    R₁/R₂ = (2+√5-1)/2 = (1+√5)/2 = φ

  • @giuseppemalaguti435
    @giuseppemalaguti435 Месяц назад

    Le relazioni sono l-R1+(l/2)-R1=√5l/2...(l-2R1+R2)^2-(l-R2)^2=(l-R2)^2....dalla prima risulta l=4R1/(3-√5) che metto nella seconda,divido per R1R2,e risulta R2/R1=(1+√5)/2...NB..HO SCAMBIATO R1 CON R2

  • @Mediterranean81
    @Mediterranean81 Месяц назад

    Golden answer

  • @michaeldoerr5810
    @michaeldoerr5810 Месяц назад

    The answer is -1/2(-1-sqrt(5)). I actually think that you may have done a similar problem on your channel. I could be wrong.

    • @michaeldoerr5810
      @michaeldoerr5810 Месяц назад

      Apparently this shows that R1/R2 equals R2/R1.

    • @herbcruz4697
      @herbcruz4697 Месяц назад

      Or equivalently, ((1+sqrt(5))/2).

    • @michaeldoerr5810
      @michaeldoerr5810 Месяц назад

      @@herbcruz4697 Yes. I wished that I simplified that further. I appreciate that clarification. I hope that I do not sound like an idiot.

  • @alexniklas8777
    @alexniklas8777 Месяц назад
