today liv and i talk about how lance mcclain was wasted by the writers of Voltron 😔 twitter: / avorabo our instas: / sunshineshiba / _vistareal fan insta: / avorabo
Honestly yes, I am so glad you guys actually put this out. Lance deserves so much better as a character. Why couldn’t you guys become the writers for Voltron?
Lance is my favourite character but you are SOO right. Lance is honestly useless. I was hoping for a ‘Lance leaves the team and the team realises Lance is indeed relevant’, but they threw that arc out of the window and i’m so disappointed. He deserved so much better damn it
It's funny because it's true. From what I've come to see this show has been pulled three ways by the executive producers JDS, LM, DreamWorks and Studio Mir. From DW still wanting a boys action toy commercial to JDS/LM's blinding nostalgia & Mir being the only ones to be trying to keep the ship together.
GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA. what if we make a show with five to seven main characters at any given time. But instead of giving all of them development, we just develop one over and over again for no reason!?!?!? (*cough* Keith *cough*)
I feel like it should be noted that even though Lance''s only qualities are "dumbnes" and "I'm not as good as others" they still could've been that if it they fixed this mess. Having Lance feel less than others in a super genius school would actually fit quite well, I mean he's been there since he was like 12, he isn't stupid. But it would totally be realistic if he was behind. Not being "smart" doesn't mean absaloutly useless.
Amber Beam you are so right! I honestly read a fan fiction where he was invited to the garrison for linguistic purposes. Like the writers could've went that way with it and had lance learn Altean and galran instead of pidge! Like lance had so much potential but it was squashed because the writers dont know how to do multiple characters arcs. Hell I know more about Keith, Pidge and Allura than I know about lance and hunk. Hell we still don't know shit about Shiro. Honestly it really feels like the writers have favorites and thats jus not fair. Not to the fandom or the damn characters. Hell! Up until season seven I thought hunk had two moms! I didn't even know the names of his family. Like you dont put that shit in a book. You put that in the damn story!
lance in the original voltron was deemed as clever, they shouldve made him have a few scenes where he gets called genius like hunk, the whole sharpshooter thing doesnt work either. and he doesnt need to be good at technology he can be good with language
SPOILERS! Dixie dont forget Allura. She needed all the screentime in season 8 because poor her didnt get to sacrifice herself in the other seasons and actually die.
@@BabyGirlTiny well. As u can see by the time of my reply it seems Shiro is the 4th or 5th most popular now......Keith and Lance are #1 and #2 respectively.
I feel like a ton of people have a love hate relationship with his series. Personally I’d put it down to potential. We love so much of the show but there’s so much that could’ve been better. I will be sad with this show ending but I’m sadder that it couldn’t be better at the time
Pbbbbt. It’s like, Pidge and Lance’s relationship is perfectly set up with a mountain of potential and then they just drop it for unknown reasons. I wasn’t even a Plance shipper and even I saw the consistent build up of complimentary arcs and genuine care for eachother. Was Pidge’s crush really just built up to show you how she’d just give up her happiness in the end? Pidge in season 8 is just a less self assured version of herself, just like how Lance regresses in his confidence too, instead of improving from eachother’s values. There’s no interaction between them like we’ve had in previous seasons at all. (Most likely that footage was cut, because we see Lance glancing at Pidge in episode 2, just after Launch Date, with no explanation whatsoever.) I mean, I’d doubt myself too if the guy I genuinely liked all along went for a princess, when I’ve stuck by his side since before episode 1.
I literally agree with everything you said. Every single time a new season is announced, I'm like, "it's lance's season this time" but I'm always disappointed. In regards to whether he has time to develop, I think it's unlikely as this is the last season and crucial development for a character needs to be longer than one season to not seem forced. If they somehow pull it off, it would only be if they give the entire last season to him.
Anna Robins Ikr. I feel like they’re forcing Shiro and Keith down our throats and personally I find them boring. I would’ve wanted Shiro to have a flawed characteristic that they could’ve brought out more, and Keith to acknowledge the whole entire team more than just shiro, Lance and hunk. I would’ve loved friendships and definitely more character development for Lance. Also, Lance just seems like he only likes Allura for her looks. He doesn’t seem like he likes Allura for her personality. That is the only reason why I like the idea of Lance and Pidge together. I like it being if Lance was with Pidge, you’d know he likes her for her personality. Pidge isn’t Lances ideal type of girl despite her being extremely adorable to most fans, she isn’t really described as “hot” or “sexy.” Lance being able to notice her personality before her looks would really make Lance more likable. A conversation between the two about Lances purpose for being on the team would also work out well if it were written correctly. There should’ve also been a situation where Pidge couldn’t automatically solve it. That could’ve brought out her personality a lot more. She seems like a character with an interesting way to handle stress. It would’ve been so great and I honestly don’t believe they can fix it in 13 episodes.
Little Sade They really do shove Keith and Shiro down our throats but while I think Keith has actually changed from season one to now and become more interesting, I feel as though Shiro has not and it doesn’t help that he was like dead for 3 seasons or whatever lol But I adored Shiro’s character in season 1, I was so excited to see this leader who clearly had a strong sense of leadership and cared a lot for his team and goals, but was also struggling with trauma and the doubts that come with that. The scene where he jettisons Sendak into space is brilliant and intense and I was so ready to see Shiro heal from his past and learn how to cope with the help of his team and then...nothing. He was replaced for an extremely long time by that damn clone as a tool for surprise surprise, keith to get development and now that he’s back, I feel like the writers just want to find opportunities to kick Shiro while he’s down...because they think we like seeing him hurt with no payoff? For example, when he gets his new arm, there’s that moment of malfunction where the arm freaks out and he’s screaming in pain...why was that needed? Can we throw the poor man a bone please?
Fanon Lance is best Lance. They treat him like shit all the time in canon. I totally agree with everything man. Lance had so much potential, canon fucked him up so much thankfully theres fanon. It still sucks though.
Canon Lance is relatable. Fanon Lance? Oh he’s just the biggest sweet heart, most self sacrificing, family oriented, willing to die for you at any moment, easily aggravated, much more insecure than he looks (and actually tries to get help for it), and has much better moments than he ever has canon. Nothing special. -said the Lance stan who has JUSTICE for his fucking BOY-
At this point, I would seriously be okay with Lance having some sort of breakdown, y'know? Legit, gimme some Langst for crying out loud Love your videos!!!
Here I was workshipping Voltron and Lance without realising that ALL THE THINGS i thought about Lance's character were actually made by the fandom and my own imagination Bless you for opening my eyes lmao ((i still wish klance to be canon on s8 but i mean i wont die if it isnt))
Honestly, if Lance gets no character development in season 8, I am boycotting DreamWorks until I can accept the fact that a show I used to love neglected and wasted my favorite character and it's canon that he never got the chance to shine. But I guess that's why we have fanfictions. We can just try and force our brains to believe that what these amazing writers put out is canon, and what actually happened in the show is not.
@@mikeythemage_2688 She-Ra is trash though, I watched the whole thing and it's not good. Shoulda stayed in the 80s imo. Elaboration: Art is super inconsistent and the characters don't mesh well with the background Animation is super jittery plot is lame and doesn't make a lot of sense with them trying to portray the horde as both comedically useless but also a big threat
I think the writers sticking as close to the original series was a huge misstep on their part. Lotor's there and half altean because the original did it. Keith's half galra because he was half alien in the original. They had a lateral shifting of the pilots, along with shiro dying, because the original did it. I don't mind little nods and references to the original series, but this is honestly hindering the story. There are other things as well. Why do the lions look so much like the original lions? Why do they still have the heads as the hands and feet? You know what would have been cool? If the lions could transform into "mini-zords" and then combine into the megazord. Have each of the lions based off a different big cat. Give the black lion a mane like a lion. As for Lance? Well, I kinda think it's too late for anyreal character development or any truly meaningful moments for him. -Please just let allurance happen- We're now approaching the final season, and last season was supposed to be "Lance's season". But they squandered that for Hunk family rescue. Which was nice, but why not Lance's family instead? There's also the fact that the writers spent much of season 7 getting to earth. Coupled with the three year time skip the rest of the universe experienced and we just lose a whole lot. What about Lance's bayard evolving into a broadsword? Glad that went nowhere. I know you said Lance was boring, but honestly I'd take any scene with him over Keith. A few things I think would benefit both Lance and the story: 1) Have Lance talk about a grandfather he was close with. Past-tense. He passed away before the start of the show. Make the grandfather a former pilot and that's what inspired Lance to join the garrison. Perhaps have the grandfather die while he's in the garrison, and Lance becomes so distraught over this that he goes awol for like a week. Lance eventually returns and Hunk and Pidge convince the higher ups to let him stay with probation or something. This would give more credence to him being allowed to stay after Keith ran off. 2) eliminate the three year time skip at the end of season 6, and cut down the return to earth to just the season 7 premiere. Voltron season 6 ends with an "epic" battle with Lotor, just barely scraping out a win. Season 7 is two thirds long boring space trip capped off by a protracted fight against the galra. How about instead of that crap, season 7 is a cooldown from all of the space war? On earth too. Give some much needed focus on Lance's and Hunk's families, since the show won't shut the fuck up about Keith's or Pidge's. And then, at the end of the final episode of the season, the galra invasion starts. Also, let's completely eliminate admiral sanda. She was stupid, vindictive, betrayed earth to sendak, and had the most undeserved redemption. 3) Romelle was working for/with Lotor. So let's change Romelle's character entirely. Firstly, why was there some lone altean on the planet Keith and his mama found? Convenient she happened to know exactly what Lotor was scheming, right? Did she read the script? What are you hiding behind your back, Romelle? Anyway, after Lotor rounds up all the hidden alteans, Romelle quickly learns that he plans to drain them of quintessence. Instead of freaking out and screaming bloody murder, she approaches Lotor and tells him of a more efficient way to extract quintessence. Lotor agrees and they start a partnership. When Keith and mama show up, Romelle feeds them a story of a fake brothers, and the abominable things Lotor's done. She convinces them to "rescue" her, and they return to the other paladins. Same song and dance, but this time it's revealed that Lotor was going to use Allura to power his mech. When that fails, Romelle offers herself to the machine and the rest is the same. I could go on and on, but this is already a long comment.
Honestly I agree so much. I forgot about the broadsword just because of the fact that they NEVER brought it up. Ever. And, dont get me wrong, i love pidge, but goddamn. Why was her family a main focus for almost the ENTIRE SERIES. It just breaks my heart to know that lance could be so much more, but hes not. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FAMILY. it was built up about how Lance's family was every thing for him, but the only thing we get is a half assed reunion and his sister veronica?? Like, really?? There were many opportunities for lance to make even a messy comeback. Not to count the ones in previous seasons. It's just a huge letdown. Especially because the final season is on it's way, but there is not a chance in hell that hes going to get even a sliver of the arc he deserves. All I can hope for now is that maybe, just maybe, they come back and give it a better quality, more effort filled, season. Something that will fill the gaping hole that was left in Lance's place that he could of become.
Eh I think making Lotor the badguy was an huge mistake. I don't mind him being an villain but going from semi-hero to super evil just made the conflict more simple again.
Ima going to write my version of lance Lance is scared of being useless and wants to do something special like those heros on tv. So he gets into the garrison to get better because the garrison is full of important people like shiro. So when he finds out that he could pilot a lion and save the universe he wants to stay cause he can actually do something important in his life cause he’s just a boy from Cuba and that’s why he stays cause if he goes back to earth he’ll be back in square 1. Boom GOAL
I can't believe you just turned lance into a Real Person the writers have been trying for years but u did it in one fell swoop. maybe if dw just. put that information in. they could. make his character.... good?!
Shiro as Lance’s hero would have worked: he’s the reason he went to the Garrison, he wanted to get his respect so he stayed. He grew insecure because Shiro preferred Keith and vld would have done good arcs with Lance and the clone. But nope!
I feel like a lot of the "toxic" parts of the fandom, for example over the top shipping and the Langst. Come from the fact that there isn't any i the show and if there is, the writers have not handled it well. The crew haven't written any romance and not much progression, It reminds me alot of Legend Of Korra. In that I love the plot and I love the ideas but the execution is poor.
they've written romance, but it isn't very good since they just threw allurance at us in a couple episodes and expect us to be ok with it. Allura and Lance could have been such a great couple, but the writers butchered their whole development over the course of 7 freakin seasons, and expect us to like this half-assed attempt at a romantic charisma between the two characters. If they had hinted at allurance since the start of the show, I think a huge majority of the fandom would have liked it a lot more. The writers haven't drawn out and developed the connection between allura and lance, which is why so many people hate this ship. I think we were also disappointed because we were expecting to see how the writers would handle adam and shiro's relationship, since they had initially broken up. A lot of the fandom was interested in adam's character, how the writers were going to resolve the conflict between adam and shiro and how they were going to include LGBTQ rep, since there was so much hype about it. Instead, we got a dead gay, a sad gay space dad and a heterosexual relationship that no one asked for. In all honesty, I'm ok with allurance, I just hate how the ship was forced, unexpected and unnecessary.
Jay Elizabeth also dont froget about Allura! She deserved more than just getting over her whole planet and race where gone, that the race that destroyed her home and everything she loved can have good people in it and that she wasnt the last one of her species after months of fighting in a war and thinking she'll never see anything close to alteans ever again. Also her father died and because of evil, purple crystal venom she has to personally destroy the last of her last family member's memories. Noooooo, that wasn’t enough! Thats why season 8 is all about how great she is and also how stupid she is accepting thAT DAMN RIFT CREATURE!
What's interesting is that this has similar themes to you video on Pidge's arc. Theres an initial introduction, then nothing, then a few comments, then nothing, then some big finale and it;s super anticlimatic. It's the same with alot, like Allurance, I don't dislike Allurance because i don't like the pairing, I dislike it becasue if they get together then they will have to seriously rush in some stuff to get that to make sense. Thats why, okay I like Plance, I think it has the most sense and appeal. But also becasue it would form together quite organically. But at the moment I'm worried that whatever they do will be bad. Thats why with all the aggresive shipping going on should be settled with "As long as it is written well" I'll accept it.
They have the same scheme for canon couples and it goes something like this: "you saved my live, so we are in love now" (at least that's how i see it) *Hunk saves shay(more like her entire planet), after she helps him escape - they have a cute crush on each other *Keith saves axca and vice versa (he helps her inside that monster, she breaks him out of prison) - she's stalking him now *Lance saves Allura and vice versa (he takes a hit for her, she magic him back to live) - they make sweet eyes at each other, and then at the end of s7 she remembers she should be in love with him And that's it. With hunk and shay they at least had conversations
-The neglecting of Lance by the show and producers is the true Langst that i thrive off of.- I love me some Langst and its so sad that the prodicers and show just see him as a fucking joke. In season 4 when they where doing flight shows and performances to get people to join the coalition and all Lance talked about was putting on a good show and everyone reminded him that it wasn’t about the show they put on, it was the people that brought in. And i think it was so unfair to Lance to only be there to be scolded by others to remind the audience what the paladin's mission is. Thats what the producers and show use him as. That’s why he stays. Because others want him there just to remind someone else what everyone else is doing. Use him as an example, a tool, a screw up that others learn from but he doesn’t improve himself. He is stuck in this awful loop of neglecting and jokes and the writers dont give him a chance of escaping. Ever. And that’s the saddest langst there is.
SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Well, season 8 was shit. The first episode where Lance and Hunk are talking I literally screamed 'FINALLY! ITS LANCE SEASON!!' but that didnt really happen. It was Allura season. She got a lot more character development in the earlier seasons, but she got the whole season basically to herself. Lance was just a tool like always. He is just there supporting her and in the end he is a FUCKING FARMER AND SPENDS HIS LAST YEARS ALIVE TO SPREAD HIS EX'S MESSAGE! THATS SUCH AN AWFUL WAY TO END HIS STORY! I am also VERY confused at the 2 Klance moments this season. I was and will forever be a Klance stan because it meant Lance would finally get screentime of discovering that he likes boys and girls or just boys. So that would mean CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! and the 2 Klance moments where better than anything Allurance this season because Keith, a character who already had his arc completed and done, is comforting Lance, someone who, even in the last season didnt get his arc, who really needed it at that moment. Which made sense. What DIDNT make sense, but i should've seen a mile away was that Lance was shoved to the back as always, the promises from the creators of the show and the voice actors didnt even get a single scene in the final season of this show with writing so horrible that i dont know why i stick to this one character so much even though he has never and will never get a chance to improve by the people that control what he thinks, does, say and feel. Lance will forever be my favorite character of Voltron, and he will always be in my heart no matter what. He, at the moment, is my favorite character in all media, but that might change. It is so sad that the creators made a show with seemingly infinite potential, yet didnt act on it every chance they got. It seems like the creators wanted to make a shit show with bad character development and see how much money they could get and how many people they can keep until the end. Sorry I got a lil too deep into the negativity hole that I keep finding myself into when talking about Voltron's writing, characters or basically anything about the potential of the show.
"He must be either actually smart or just REALLY good at bullshitting his way through his entire educational career." Actually me tho (except I'm a girl but pft details details)
It's sad how this is still accurate even after s7. Now he's just a prop in Allura's romantic endgame. But, you know, he gets the girl 🤷♀️ what shit writing
I feel like its Ironic since jeremy shade the voice of lance was also the voice of another character who actually got real development that being finn from adventure time finn at the start of the series was a adolescent boy who wants to be the best hero ever and just fight monsters for fun and had very little care in the world,however after making mistakes he starts to understand his actions has consequences and starts to question who he is as a person and actually grow as person,so by the end of the series all he strives to be is a good person who is excepting of the world around him
Happy too know I'm not the only one that wouldn't die for Lance. I mean, not cannon Lance. But at the same time, I love nothing more then developing him within fanfic. And not just the smutty kind, but the legitamately romantic kind ya know? Or not even romantic, he's an amazing character too play with. Idk y'all, but we were given enough character too play with and develop within fanworks and that's enough for me.
2:29 “Smart courageous and makes me want to be a better person.” I flipped my shit during this scene, not in a good way. The thing is, Allura and Lance don’t have to do anything to like eachother. Their relationship is just... there. Which always felt underbaked to me. Dreamworks, if you plan to give me Allurance scenes, show me a reason why I should like it, not groan enducingly after every unnecessary moment they have. For example- do they have fun together? What about their hobbies or interests? What about saving eachother? Have they ever had a moment as powerful as ‘Don’t you touch her’? (Unless they aren’t planning to make it endgame then- why are you bothering with them? I just got really mad considering this description fits EXACTLY towards a certain small green Paladin, but then again, it could be foreshadowing and that’s probably the reason why he’s saying it- unless I’m looking too much into things and the writers simply made horrible writing choices.) Season 8, I’m counting on you to expand on Lance in this way, don’t let me down, and stop regressing characters like they’ve had no impact from what’s happened so far. Edit post season 8: I had low expectations and I am still disappointed.
I don't comment often, but the biggest gripe I have with this was when they gave Lance a sword, and I was so excited because I thought, "fucking finally, a character arch" And we haven't seen the sword since then God, I sure do love Keith: Legendary Defender
Lance sounds like a half-baked Sokka. An underdeveloped Ron Weasley... And that's saying something. A lukewarm Shikamaru with absolutely no career advancement.
Me before: Lance best boi, Lance best boi, Lance best boi me after: Lance is best boi, but what REALLY makes him best boi... Regardless I still love Lance,,
The writers definitely favorited Shiro, Keith, and Allura. Like Shiro is just some adult hanging out with kids trying to save the universe. He doesn’t really fit in and when he does it’s only as a kind of father figure or to favorite Keith. Keith doesn’t even want to be there 99.9% of the time and he’s so favorited by everyone that there aren’t consequences to his actions when he’s being an ass and just dumping everyone to do his own thing. He’s basically an emo Gary Stu. And Allura has so much potential but she just turned annoying with her whole “the universe is depending on me” bullshit. Nobody knows you exists princess! The writers even gave her a lion and totally messed up the whole “every lion has a personality” thing just so she wouldn’t be so useless and annoying with trying to fit in with saving the universe. She didn’t have to be a paladin to save the universe! And by making her one they totally turned her into a Mary Sue with giving her and her entire race extra powers (that don’t make sense), turning her into a shallow character like lance, and making her sacrifice herself for no reason. I’m done ranting for now but I just finished binge watching the whole show and wasted my whole time waiting for it to get better and live up to its potential and it never did. There were awesome animators and voice actors and even some the writers were top notch but I guess like GOT it only takes a small group of people to fuck things up. 🤬
I love this because I love Lance and want him to be an actual character so so much. I also love it because you posted a video about my favorite character on my birthday like, you guys are literal angels. I'm excited for more!
Okay Lance is imprtant BUT lets WRITE about how they haven't changed PIDGE at all i mean it's been 7 seasons how the frick has she not growed her hair😣😣😣😡
me everytime there's a timeskip tho like wtf her brother's hair magically grew but I thought she wouldn't be maintaining it cos it was literally just to sneak into the school like w h a t
Yeah it would’ve already grown fully by the time season 2 dropped, or we should’ve at least gotten an episode where Pidge’s hair is growing so she asks Allura for some scissors since she didn’t bring scissors so when Pidge cuts her hair and then takes a shower but instead of using her normal shampoo she used an Altean one that causes your hair to grow. So when she meets up with the rest of the paladins they’re all shocked by the fact that Pidge accidentally grew her hair. (I know this plot idea makes no sense but let’s roll with it, by the way they should’ve added more filler since the CGI robot fights got boring.)
Not trying to attack anyone but, Allura and Lance had no build-up. I enjoyed the first episode because Lance actually did something awesome. I actually smiled and laughed, because it was so enjoyable. Now I look back at how it has changed, it hurts me. Allura just randomly started liking Lance, I can kind of see why Klance is so popular, because even Keith and Lance had more bonding moments than Allura and Lance. I’m sorry, but they just threw Lance out and made a new story.
God, y'know what makes it worse now? (At least in my opinion) the fact that lance is supposed to be someone's 'first pick' (and as much as i like pance, latte, and hance god i would never want romance in Voltron) which just makes his character arc having a girlfriend (since i know for a fact DreamWorks is too much of a whimp to give him a boyfriend) and just make him all about finding his true love or some bullshit but not actual development. Also, as much as i fucking adore Hunk why isn't Lance's family the ones in danger? Since DW was giving hints on his family this whole fucking time. He's not a fuckimg Sokka where he does shit and trains when he feels inferior to his teammates to earn their respect, like learning his broad-sword developing his sniper skills, is there a reason he's good with guns? If he's from a low income family (like most immigrant latino families are) he probably wanted to attend a school for good money and could've shown some shit idk. Wtf happened to his, Hunk, amd Pidge's friendship? (Or rather his and Hunks, they were obviously bros but now he just hangs with pidge) He calls Shiro his hero all the time but does Shiro ever thank him for believing in him or talks to him? He and Coran seem to be buddies why not build on their father/son, mentor/pupil, uncle/nephew relationship? Like let them bond over their homesickness L: "i just... I just really miss home, coran" C: "y'know, my boy... Whenever i start to miss Altea, i like to think its still there, your home is where your memories are- and you carry them everywhere" or something. For fucking christ why the hell haven't we heard some fucking spanish from him? Or Whatever language Hunk speaks too. (The blue and red lion switch was bullshit too bc he had a great thing going and probably had the strongest bond after black, could've worked on that instead of this 'red doesn't respond bc she's a bitch' crap) Really, DW fucked up and my boy deserved better.
Damn I wrote a super quick tumblr post a couple months back on this exact same thing called "Why Fans Resonate with Lance So Much and Why We're Mad He's A False Protagonist" and you guys touched on (with much better clarity and persausiveness lmao) my exact thoughts. Glad I'm not the only one who sees it.
Lets just hope that the writers finally get the message and at least *try* and fix this issue in Season 8 But yeah, I 100% agree with this, not gonna lie
Finally, someone else besides me realized the issues with Lance's character. While I am a Lance stan and it kind of hurt to hear what you guys said, it was 1000% true. Pidge is the technology whiz. Hunk is the engineer. Allura is the alien with all the space knowledge. Shiro is the natural born leader. Keith is (i guess) the best at combat? And Lance, the so-called "sharpshooter," doesn't hold any value to the team, just like you said. They missed out on a character that could have been fantastic. Oh well, I still see Lance for what he could have been. And don't even get me started on Lance in s8...
Been thinking about the "Lance-character-assassination" thing a bit more, and I've come up with a couple more things. The whole "useless-Lance" character flaw they attached to him not only fails for the reasons you stated, but it's also a watered down version of Sokka's character arc from Avatar: the Last Airbender. In ATLA, the feeling of being useless works for Sokka because he's a normal-ass dude surrounded by super powered people. He has to think on his feet and come up with plans or else he'll be left behind. Lance, on the other hand, clearly has some kind of talent or worth, otherwise the garrison would have kicked him out already. So what do we do then? Well, instead of feeling useless, let's have Lance fear rejection. Not necessarily by Allura, or whatever girl he's flirting with. No, Lance fears being rejected by people, and being alone. He desires to be accepted, and as such acts like a goofball for attention. He wants people to like him. He wants people to go, "Hey, that guy's pretty cool. Let's hang out with him". Now, onto the "sharpshooter" trait the writers wanted you to think was so important and cool. Something the writers like to talk about, but only came up in perhaps two scenes out of the whole series. This can be something attributed with Lance, but it has to actually mean something to him. Let's go back to the hypothetical grandfather I mentioned before. Lance was taught how to shoot by his grandfather. An actual shotgun, too. Not just a phaser that everyone uses in the future. Now let's work this into the story. Early season one, Shiro has the paladins take up target practice. In the event they're ever in a firefight, they would be prepared. Hunk and Pidge struggle at first, but slowly get the hang of it. Keith fair's better, but misses every so often. Meanwhile, Lance is doing trick shots and landing every hit. Shiro: "Lance, stop messing around, and just shoot the gun." Lance: "Hey, don't worry. I'm making every shot." Bang, bang, bang. Shiro: "It's not about making every shot. It's about taking this seriously. What would happen if this was a real shootout?" Lance: "If it were, I'm pretty sure the enemy would be dead." Bang, bang, bang. Keith: "IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! THEN YOU CAN LEAVE! WE DON'T NEED PEOPLE WHO TREAT THIS LIKE A GAME!" Lance looks Keith dead in the eyes and aims his gun at the target. He fires several rounds, slams the gun down, and storms out of the room. "Is that serious enough for you?" Everyone turns to the target to see that all of the shots were made.
@@AvoRabo it was just some stupid-cool thing I came up with. The idea that Lance would have a high hand-eye coordination and be very spatially aware isn't too farfetched.
I just like to think only seasons one and two exist. Maaaaybe three because I liked Lotor then. The rest, ehhhh they can just get shot into space and never return tbh. Don't get me wrong, some parts I really damn enjoyed throughout 4-7, but as someone who's been here since the literal premiere over two years ago now (jesus that's gone fast), it's sad to see how the writing's gone downhill. *Especially* for Lance's character. It just sucks, knowing the potential the show had at the start just to see it fall into a hole. As for th whole shipping thing, I don't really care who ends up with who at this point. If it's written well, then heck I'll take it.
them: makes him irrelevant for seven seasons them: brings him back for one fucking season to be a mindless love interest them: *where did we go wrong?*
The truest words spoken were when you said he was relatable. Lance to me was the one I truly felt connected to in the early seasons. While my parents are divorced I still had them so I never connected to Keiths orphan background and sense of higher purpose and finding one self. Pidge is great but I never connected to her brilliant techy and too clever to be scared like attitude. (Though we are both nerdy), Shiro I never connected to because he was a clearly driven person while Im still figuring out things in my life (at least before more recent life changes after becoming a Dad), and Hunk and I both being a bit overweight actually disconnected me due to Hunk often being a fat joke. Not all overweight people need to be hooked on food and become chiefs, and I'm still pretty insecure about my weight to lots of bullying in my past, even with support from my loved ones and trying to make changes. Which leads me to Lance, a person full of insecurities who uses humor and relationships to others to hide these traits of self loathe and feelings of uselessness. Thats exactly how I had to cope with what Ive dealt with during my life during especially my teen and early adulthood (well, still a young adult lol). I used humor, was defensive, and pretended to be fine while hiding what was really going on. Seeing a character who was clearly suppose to be like that, but continue to grow and change was actually a big part in why I stuck with the show. I loved Lance (and the whole crew of course but to a slightly lesser extent) and wanted to see that go. But even after season 8, Lance feels wasted and never got the time to become this character who couldve easily of been both a mirror to lots of us while also a guide in helping us overcome that. Instead we got well what you said.
And the sad thing is it got even worse he went from being a main character with plans of developing to nothing but a shadow in the show. Honestly I think anyone could have written a better ending than the creators. They really just stopped giving a shit after season 5 and seasons 7 and 8 made me just feel so disappointed when I was so invested in this show.
Awhile ago I read an interesting post explaining to people who didn’t understand the appeal of voltron why it was so extremely popular and the answer was potential. Voltron is a great skeleton for fans to work off of. There’s the potential to write original little adventures the teams goes on, and because the characters are set up to have potential growth, but never do, the fan base is free to do with that what they want. I remember I used to read so much voltron fan fic because I wanted to see deeper emotional payoff and exploration of characters that the show just didn’t bother with and I loved seeing everyone’s take on it. Stepping back, it’s plain to see voltron is painfully average at best, but it’s a playground for fandom creative types. However, there are plenty of other stories that give full character development while still leaving room for fans to create, so voltron could have its cake and eat it too, but chooses not to and lets the fans echo chamber themselves into caring about a cardboard cutout It’s just unfortunate voltron decided to hastily jump from one plot to another and from one villain to another instead of focusing on what so many people came to see, the characters
Honestly, I love lance. But I agree with some of the things. He NEVER had an arc like the other characters. And he didn’t get a lot of screen time in previous seasons. I love lances character, and I do believe that he did have development, but they did him so dirty in the end.
I think lance being more emotional in the last few seasons is the writers attempt at character development, but they couldn't find a way to still keep his personality overall the same.
I honestly came to voltron by accident by watching animatics that featured Lance and his anguish, and after reviewing the show, I have come to realize that the fans and their content have given his character more depth and thought then the show has. All in all, I hope in later reboots of voltron will do better in character development and story writing.
Basically his character (considering the writers) is the Sokka without the nuance. I'm going to be blunt. Shiro should have died. What I mean is Shiro should have pulled a Kamina for the rest of the team and let Lance be the Simon and be a powerful right hand for Keith's leadership development
So after 8 seasons of not knowing why Lance is introduced in the Garrison, why he would fight in a war he has no personal stakes in, and why he sticks around as a Paladin when he has no character arc and interpersonal platonic relationships with Keith, Shiro, Allura, etc, all for the culmination of him as a sad farmer looking after weeds in the epilogue. Yay, writing? I personally feel bad for the Lance fans. Talk about a letdown.
I once saw this poster that referred to Lance's confidence through the Voltron posters. As each one goes by, Lance gets more and reserved and it is the most depressing thing. As the show itself goes on, Lance just gets deeper and deeper into this hole and season 8, the FINALE SEASON, didn't even address it.
I’m gonna start using “half-hazardous” as a term until it’s accepted. I’m also running a petition to make peanut butter a fruit if anybody is interested.
he literally closed his eyes more than ready to accept his death and then later DIES before coming back to life and its NEVER brought up again. his trauma and emotional turmoil is just... abandoned to serve as allura's boyfriend....
they ruined Shiro too, now he is only a secondary character that only serves to be rescued by Keith, the only and real hero. Allura was a leader and now is just a dumb girl who doesn't really aport anything and Lance got nothing 😢 this show should be called "Keith Legendary Defender"
Lmfao, shiro. Keith, and allura got absolutely no development what so ever. Allura got some new powers and that's it, shiro is sidelined, and Keith found his mom. That's literally all that happened to them. That's not development. If thata what you think development is then hunk got development
I will always mourn my son. Lets see what friday has (s8) and then I'm off to the wonderful land of Ao3 with lance-centric fanfics until people totally leave this fandom and the last word for a Voltron fanfic is written. Peace out my dudes see y'all @... probably not tumblr.
When they form Voltron and do that thingy show thing, everyone gets shown EXCEPT LANCE , or at least that is what I have been paying attention to... AND IT TRIGGERS ME HARD!!!!
voltron honestly turned to shit after the two years but theres always something that keeps us coming back. at least this roller coasters coming to an end in a week
To quote yourselves “After letting Lance be a main character for the first episode, the writers decided that he really didn’t matter any more.”
Ouch man but in my eyes he's still my no. 1 paladin tbh
HONESTLY, though. Ugh. He deserves way more than that.
(Sorry, I'm salty. Lol)
More like 99.9999%
Honestly yes, I am so glad you guys actually put this out. Lance deserves so much better as a character.
Why couldn’t you guys become the writers for Voltron?
-` Skoomie ́- *plays Voltron opening *
*plays bass boosted version of voltron opening*
I agree but also if they did could you imagine the memes?
*In the middle of space war: "WHERE ARE YOU. The angel of my nightmare" "ew."
@@chelbelle4188 and Plance would be everywhere, lol.
It actually hurts to see how neglected Lance is. I don't care about the ships I just want Lance to grow and be happy but at this point its impossible.
I feel your pain
I wanted that from the first episode😥
Lance is my favourite character but you are SOO right. Lance is honestly useless. I was hoping for a ‘Lance leaves the team and the team realises Lance is indeed relevant’, but they threw that arc out of the window and i’m so disappointed. He deserved so much better damn it
This is why fan stories exist
writers: hey lets gave lance develop-
also writers: kEiTh eMo iSsUes
lance is just staying so pidge doesn’t have to be a single mother to kaltenecker
Cupcakes Nightcore
So damm true
Kaltenecker's dad os hunk and we all know that ( hunk being a single farther)
No nonono Lance is and had been a single parent to kaltenecker from the beginning.
nO punk
So basically what I'm hearing Is That Lance is tree #3 in the preschool play lol Great video👍
Minnie VoltronEmo
Every character that’s not named “Keith” or “Shiro” at this point are basically trees.
Hunk= Tree #1
Pidge= Tree #2
Lance= Tree #3
Allura= Cloud#1
Coran=Cloud #2
And everybody else are the extras
Lance stans are the screaming mothers in the audience, waving their camera while crying when they see Lance slightly wave a branch.
Nah bro is he is the grass in the preschool play
Aubrie The Mage I, as a Lance stan... can’t even argue with that
“succumbed to the siren call of capitalism” IM CRYING 😂😂😂
Well the issue is theres only one more season
It's funny because it's true. From what I've come to see this show has been pulled three ways by the executive producers JDS, LM, DreamWorks and Studio Mir. From DW still wanting a boys action toy commercial to JDS/LM's blinding nostalgia & Mir being the only ones to be trying to keep the ship together.
GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA. what if we make a show with five to seven main characters at any given time. But instead of giving all of them development, we just develop one over and over again for no reason!?!?!? (*cough* Keith *cough*)
omg revolutionary
*cough* pidge *cough* even though i love her
*cOuGh* Pidge *cOuGh*
And except develop, we'll just continually tell the audience how awesome he is and that any "growth" happens off screen.
@@Xanegoh YES
I feel like it should be noted that even though Lance''s only qualities are "dumbnes" and "I'm not as good as others" they still could've been that if it they fixed this mess. Having Lance feel less than others in a super genius school would actually fit quite well, I mean he's been there since he was like 12, he isn't stupid. But it would totally be realistic if he was behind. Not being "smart" doesn't mean absaloutly useless.
Amber Beam you are so right! I honestly read a fan fiction where he was invited to the garrison for linguistic purposes. Like the writers could've went that way with it and had lance learn Altean and galran instead of pidge! Like lance had so much potential but it was squashed because the writers dont know how to do multiple characters arcs. Hell I know more about Keith, Pidge and Allura than I know about lance and hunk. Hell we still don't know shit about Shiro. Honestly it really feels like the writers have favorites and thats jus not fair. Not to the fandom or the damn characters. Hell! Up until season seven I thought hunk had two moms! I didn't even know the names of his family. Like you dont put that shit in a book. You put that in the damn story!
niyah0806 Yo, what's that fanfic's name? Link me please
lance in the original voltron was deemed as clever, they shouldve made him have a few scenes where he gets called genius like hunk, the whole sharpshooter thing doesnt work either. and he doesnt need to be good at technology he can be good with language
@jeshwithaa thank youuu
The Value of a Moment by A_Fools_Errand ?
Love that he only got one episode to actually be a main character before this turned into the Kieth and Shiro show
Dixie dont forget Allura. She needed all the screentime in season 8 because poor her didnt get to sacrifice herself in the other seasons and actually die.
You say as shiros been sidelined since ce season 2 and Keith hasn't been important to the narrative until season 5
Keith: Legendary Defender and Some Guys I Guess.
@@trishahernz7809 basically
This gave me more of an emotional reaction than season 7 did lmao
Henry Walsh
SAME LOL! It kinda made me sad!
Season 7 was absolutely dogshit after how good season 6 was
MakeTheInternet GreatAgain season 6 was meh
Henry Walsh maybe it’s season 4 I’m thinking of.... the season where Keith like saves shiro and he’s like PleaSe ShiRo I loVe yoU that season was dope
MakeTheInternet GreatAgain no yeah it was, I just don't like Keith lol 😂
“90% of the fandom is literally just here for Lance” deadass!!!!!!!!!
I'm the 10%
Not really. Shiro was stated to be the most popular character. It's just tumblr and a vocal minority that loves lance
Sadly Lance got a lot of angst fanart rather than the positive one
Homez18 Voltron trended on Lance’s birthday and when Jeremy got engaged. He’s still popular.
@@BabyGirlTiny well. As u can see by the time of my reply it seems Shiro is the 4th or 5th most popular now......Keith and Lance are #1 and #2 respectively.
I feel like a ton of people have a love hate relationship with his series. Personally I’d put it down to potential. We love so much of the show but there’s so much that could’ve been better. I will be sad with this show ending but I’m sadder that it couldn’t be better at the time
I'd say it's less potential and more bizzare writting choices on structural foundation.
yo why is this so painfully true
your profile name just earned you a sub
wow cool what should I do for my 1 subscriber special
@@tescoboy720 hit the dab like wus kalifa
walmart memeulous AGH IKRRRR
Boi oh boi the the truth hurts A LOT.
I honestly thought you said, bi boh bi and I feel dumb
@@supportivestraight5630 You don't have to, I feel dumb too because I could have actually done that but didn't :/
2:30 "and you've never meet a smart, courageous girl before?"
*aggressively zooms in on Pidge*
Argghhhh Plance was definitely endgame before S8
Pbbbbt. It’s like, Pidge and Lance’s relationship is perfectly set up with a mountain of potential and then they just drop it for unknown reasons. I wasn’t even a Plance shipper and even I saw the consistent build up of complimentary arcs and genuine care for eachother. Was Pidge’s crush really just built up to show you how she’d just give up her happiness in the end? Pidge in season 8 is just a less self assured version of herself, just like how Lance regresses in his confidence too, instead of improving from eachother’s values. There’s no interaction between them like we’ve had in previous seasons at all. (Most likely that footage was cut, because we see Lance glancing at Pidge in episode 2, just after Launch Date, with no explanation whatsoever.) I mean, I’d doubt myself too if the guy I genuinely liked all along went for a princess, when I’ve stuck by his side since before episode 1.
Pidge is perfect-
I don't think any ship was endgame.
I literally agree with everything you said. Every single time a new season is announced, I'm like, "it's lance's season this time" but I'm always disappointed. In regards to whether he has time to develop, I think it's unlikely as this is the last season and crucial development for a character needs to be longer than one season to not seem forced. If they somehow pull it off, it would only be if they give the entire last season to him.
Anna Robins
Ikr. I feel like they’re forcing Shiro and Keith down our throats and personally I find them boring. I would’ve wanted Shiro to have a flawed characteristic that they could’ve brought out more, and Keith to acknowledge the whole entire team more than just shiro, Lance and hunk.
I would’ve loved friendships and definitely more character development for Lance. Also, Lance just seems like he only likes Allura for her looks. He doesn’t seem like he likes Allura for her personality. That is the only reason why I like the idea of Lance and Pidge together. I like it being if Lance was with Pidge, you’d know he likes her for her personality.
Pidge isn’t Lances ideal type of girl despite her being extremely adorable to most fans, she isn’t really described as “hot” or “sexy.” Lance being able to notice her personality before her looks would really make Lance more likable. A conversation between the two about Lances purpose for being on the team would also work out well if it were written correctly.
There should’ve also been a situation where Pidge couldn’t automatically solve it. That could’ve brought out her personality a lot more. She seems like a character with an interesting way to handle stress. It would’ve been so great and I honestly don’t believe they can fix it in 13 episodes.
Aw. Thanks for being respectful! Most people in the fandom aren’t that open to others options.
@@littlesadeo I'm a multishipper, and I ship Klance, Shance, Sheith, Plance, Klotor, Kidge and Lancelot. ☺.
Little Sade They really do shove Keith and Shiro down our throats but while I think Keith has actually changed from season one to now and become more interesting, I feel as though Shiro has not and it doesn’t help that he was like dead for 3 seasons or whatever lol
But I adored Shiro’s character in season 1, I was so excited to see this leader who clearly had a strong sense of leadership and cared a lot for his team and goals, but was also struggling with trauma and the doubts that come with that. The scene where he jettisons Sendak into space is brilliant and intense and I was so ready to see Shiro heal from his past and learn how to cope with the help of his team and then...nothing. He was replaced for an extremely long time by that damn clone as a tool for surprise surprise, keith to get development and now that he’s back, I feel like the writers just want to find opportunities to kick Shiro while he’s down...because they think we like seeing him hurt with no payoff? For example, when he gets his new arm, there’s that moment of malfunction where the arm freaks out and he’s screaming in pain...why was that needed? Can we throw the poor man a bone please?
That’s true. Shiro is being made as a damsel.
Fanon Lance is best Lance. They treat him like shit all the time in canon. I totally agree with everything man. Lance had so much potential, canon fucked him up so much thankfully theres fanon. It still sucks though.
Dude, there's plenty of fucked up shit in fanon too. People can be very creative with their theories and fanfics.
Canon Lance is relatable.
Fanon Lance? Oh he’s just the biggest sweet heart, most self sacrificing, family oriented, willing to die for you at any moment, easily aggravated, much more insecure than he looks (and actually tries to get help for it), and has much better moments than he ever has canon. Nothing special.
-said the Lance stan who has JUSTICE for his fucking BOY-
@@isabellaatch6696 A good thing with fanon is you can choose to ignore specific parts of it and it wont change anything if you do.
“unlike the writers of the actual show.” IM-
At this point, I would seriously be okay with Lance having some sort of breakdown, y'know? Legit, gimme some Langst for crying out loud
Love your videos!!!
@Venteryx w HAT?
well in season 8 he acted like some depressed that good?
Langst is canon. He gives up his dream of a space pilot and quietly mourned for the rest of his life in a farm, watching the world goes by.
Here I was workshipping Voltron and Lance without realising that ALL THE THINGS i thought about Lance's character were actually made by the fandom and my own imagination
Bless you for opening my eyes lmao ((i still wish klance to be canon on s8 but i mean i wont die if it isnt))
Honestly, if Lance gets no character development in season 8, I am boycotting DreamWorks until I can accept the fact that a show I used to love neglected and wasted my favorite character and it's canon that he never got the chance to shine.
But I guess that's why we have fanfictions. We can just try and force our brains to believe that what these amazing writers put out is canon, and what actually happened in the show is not.
She-Ra and the princesses of power (aka dreamworks' new 80s reboot) is trash anyway so it's not that hard to boycott lmao
Have fun boycotting!
Honestly, with the new season, I'm not mad with Dreamworks.
I'm just very disappointed.
@@itsjustjelly2152 y'all seen season 8 yet? the shipping got kinda weird, but for the most part the ending wasn't complete trash
@@mikeythemage_2688 She-Ra is trash though, I watched the whole thing and it's not good. Shoulda stayed in the 80s imo.
Art is super inconsistent and the characters don't mesh well with the background
Animation is super jittery
plot is lame and doesn't make a lot of sense with them trying to portray the horde as both comedically useless but also a big threat
I think the writers sticking as close to the original series was a huge misstep on their part. Lotor's there and half altean because the original did it. Keith's half galra because he was half alien in the original. They had a lateral shifting of the pilots, along with shiro dying, because the original did it. I don't mind little nods and references to the original series, but this is honestly hindering the story. There are other things as well. Why do the lions look so much like the original lions? Why do they still have the heads as the hands and feet? You know what would have been cool? If the lions could transform into "mini-zords" and then combine into the megazord. Have each of the lions based off a different big cat. Give the black lion a mane like a lion.
As for Lance? Well, I kinda think it's too late for anyreal character development or any truly meaningful moments for him. -Please just let allurance happen- We're now approaching the final season, and last season was supposed to be "Lance's season". But they squandered that for Hunk family rescue. Which was nice, but why not Lance's family instead? There's also the fact that the writers spent much of season 7 getting to earth. Coupled with the three year time skip the rest of the universe experienced and we just lose a whole lot. What about Lance's bayard evolving into a broadsword? Glad that went nowhere. I know you said Lance was boring, but honestly I'd take any scene with him over Keith.
A few things I think would benefit both Lance and the story:
1) Have Lance talk about a grandfather he was close with. Past-tense. He passed away before the start of the show. Make the grandfather a former pilot and that's what inspired Lance to join the garrison. Perhaps have the grandfather die while he's in the garrison, and Lance becomes so distraught over this that he goes awol for like a week. Lance eventually returns and Hunk and Pidge convince the higher ups to let him stay with probation or something. This would give more credence to him being allowed to stay after Keith ran off.
2) eliminate the three year time skip at the end of season 6, and cut down the return to earth to just the season 7 premiere. Voltron season 6 ends with an "epic" battle with Lotor, just barely scraping out a win. Season 7 is two thirds long boring space trip capped off by a protracted fight against the galra. How about instead of that crap, season 7 is a cooldown from all of the space war? On earth too. Give some much needed focus on Lance's and Hunk's families, since the show won't shut the fuck up about Keith's or Pidge's. And then, at the end of the final episode of the season, the galra invasion starts. Also, let's completely eliminate admiral sanda. She was stupid, vindictive, betrayed earth to sendak, and had the most undeserved redemption.
3) Romelle was working for/with Lotor. So let's change Romelle's character entirely. Firstly, why was there some lone altean on the planet Keith and his mama found? Convenient she happened to know exactly what Lotor was scheming, right? Did she read the script? What are you hiding behind your back, Romelle? Anyway, after Lotor rounds up all the hidden alteans, Romelle quickly learns that he plans to drain them of quintessence. Instead of freaking out and screaming bloody murder, she approaches Lotor and tells him of a more efficient way to extract quintessence. Lotor agrees and they start a partnership. When Keith and mama show up, Romelle feeds them a story of a fake brothers, and the abominable things Lotor's done. She convinces them to "rescue" her, and they return to the other paladins. Same song and dance, but this time it's revealed that Lotor was going to use Allura to power his mech. When that fails, Romelle offers herself to the machine and the rest is the same.
I could go on and on, but this is already a long comment.
I am living for this meta 👌
☕️ ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
Honestly I agree so much.
I forgot about the broadsword just because of the fact that they NEVER brought it up. Ever. And, dont get me wrong, i love pidge, but goddamn. Why was her family a main focus for almost the ENTIRE SERIES. It just breaks my heart to know that lance could be so much more, but hes not. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FAMILY. it was built up about how Lance's family was every thing for him, but the only thing we get is a half assed reunion and his sister veronica?? Like, really?? There were many opportunities for lance to make even a messy comeback. Not to count the ones in previous seasons. It's just a huge letdown. Especially because the final season is on it's way, but there is not a chance in hell that hes going to get even a sliver of the arc he deserves. All I can hope for now is that maybe, just maybe, they come back and give it a better quality, more effort filled, season. Something that will fill the gaping hole that was left in Lance's place that he could of become.
If we could rewrite this whole series, I want you to write it
Eh I think making Lotor the badguy was an huge mistake. I don't mind him being an villain but going from semi-hero to super evil just made the conflict more simple again.
Ima going to write my version of lance
Lance is scared of being useless and wants to do something special like those heros on tv. So he gets into the garrison to get better because the garrison is full of important people like shiro. So when he finds out that he could pilot a lion and save the universe he wants to stay cause he can actually do something important in his life cause he’s just a boy from Cuba and that’s why he stays cause if he goes back to earth he’ll be back in square 1. Boom GOAL
I can't believe you just turned lance into a Real Person the writers have been trying for years but u did it in one fell swoop. maybe if dw just. put that information in. they could. make his character.... good?!
Shiro as Lance’s hero would have worked: he’s the reason he went to the Garrison, he wanted to get his respect so he stayed. He grew insecure because Shiro preferred Keith and vld would have done good arcs with Lance and the clone. But nope!
That's basically what they were going for.
I feel like a lot of the "toxic" parts of the fandom, for example over the top shipping and the Langst. Come from the fact that there isn't any i the show and if there is, the writers have not handled it well. The crew haven't written any romance and not much progression, It reminds me alot of Legend Of Korra. In that I love the plot and I love the ideas but the execution is poor.
they've written romance, but it isn't very good since they just threw allurance at us in a couple episodes and expect us to be ok with it. Allura and Lance could have been such a great couple, but the writers butchered their whole development over the course of 7 freakin seasons, and expect us to like this half-assed attempt at a romantic charisma between the two characters. If they had hinted at allurance since the start of the show, I think a huge majority of the fandom would have liked it a lot more. The writers haven't drawn out and developed the connection between allura and lance, which is why so many people hate this ship. I think we were also disappointed because we were expecting to see how the writers would handle adam and shiro's relationship, since they had initially broken up. A lot of the fandom was interested in adam's character, how the writers were going to resolve the conflict between adam and shiro and how they were going to include LGBTQ rep, since there was so much hype about it. Instead, we got a dead gay, a sad gay space dad and a heterosexual relationship that no one asked for. In all honesty, I'm ok with allurance, I just hate how the ship was forced, unexpected and unnecessary.
Langst fiction on watt pad have better character arcs for lance than the actual show
@Venteryx pretty sure his endgame's gonna be with some random chick from the garrison at this point
Venteryx why would you spoil that?
but Im glad she died XD gosh I hated her
Keith and Shiro: Legendary Defenders andalsosomeotherstooIguess
Nope, they ruined Shiro too, now he is only a secondary character that only serves to be rescued by Keith, the only and real hero.
Fair. I’m mostly thinking that the show is more about them than anyone else.
Jay Elizabeth also dont froget about Allura! She deserved more than just getting over her whole planet and race where gone, that the race that destroyed her home and everything she loved can have good people in it and that she wasnt the last one of her species after months of fighting in a war and thinking she'll never see anything close to alteans ever again. Also her father died and because of evil, purple crystal venom she has to personally destroy the last of her last family member's memories.
Noooooo, that wasn’t enough! Thats why season 8 is all about how great she is and also how stupid she is accepting thAT DAMN RIFT CREATURE!
At least no one will say Shiro is shallow. He’s an actual solid character.
@@trishahernz7809 he would be if his character was ever explored
What's interesting is that this has similar themes to you video on Pidge's arc. Theres an initial introduction, then nothing, then a few comments, then nothing, then some big finale and it;s super anticlimatic. It's the same with alot, like Allurance, I don't dislike Allurance because i don't like the pairing, I dislike it becasue if they get together then they will have to seriously rush in some stuff to get that to make sense. Thats why, okay I like Plance, I think it has the most sense and appeal. But also becasue it would form together quite organically. But at the moment I'm worried that whatever they do will be bad. Thats why with all the aggresive shipping going on should be settled with "As long as it is written well" I'll accept it.
They have the same scheme for canon couples and it goes something like this: "you saved my live, so we are in love now" (at least that's how i see it)
*Hunk saves shay(more like her entire planet), after she helps him escape - they have a cute crush on each other
*Keith saves axca and vice versa (he helps her inside that monster, she breaks him out of prison) - she's stalking him now
*Lance saves Allura and vice versa (he takes a hit for her, she magic him back to live) - they make sweet eyes at each other, and then at the end of s7 she remembers she should be in love with him
And that's it. With hunk and shay they at least had conversations
(I adore)
-The neglecting of Lance by the show and producers is the true Langst that i thrive off of.-
I love me some Langst and its so sad that the prodicers and show just see him as a fucking joke. In season 4 when they where doing flight shows and performances to get people to join the coalition and all Lance talked about was putting on a good show and everyone reminded him that it wasn’t about the show they put on, it was the people that brought in. And i think it was so unfair to Lance to only be there to be scolded by others to remind the audience what the paladin's mission is. Thats what the producers and show use him as. That’s why he stays. Because others want him there just to remind someone else what everyone else is doing. Use him as an example, a tool, a screw up that others learn from but he doesn’t improve himself. He is stuck in this awful loop of neglecting and jokes and the writers dont give him a chance of escaping. Ever.
And that’s the saddest langst there is.
Well, season 8 was shit. The first episode where Lance and Hunk are talking I literally screamed 'FINALLY! ITS LANCE SEASON!!' but that didnt really happen. It was Allura season. She got a lot more character development in the earlier seasons, but she got the whole season basically to herself. Lance was just a tool like always. He is just there supporting her and in the end he is a FUCKING FARMER AND SPENDS HIS LAST YEARS ALIVE TO SPREAD HIS EX'S MESSAGE! THATS SUCH AN AWFUL WAY TO END HIS STORY!
I am also VERY confused at the 2 Klance moments this season. I was and will forever be a Klance stan because it meant Lance would finally get screentime of discovering that he likes boys and girls or just boys. So that would mean CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! and the 2 Klance moments where better than anything Allurance this season because Keith, a character who already had his arc completed and done, is comforting Lance, someone who, even in the last season didnt get his arc, who really needed it at that moment. Which made sense. What DIDNT make sense, but i should've seen a mile away was that Lance was shoved to the back as always, the promises from the creators of the show and the voice actors didnt even get a single scene in the final season of this show with writing so horrible that i dont know why i stick to this one character so much even though he has never and will never get a chance to improve by the people that control what he thinks, does, say and feel.
Lance will forever be my favorite character of Voltron, and he will always be in my heart no matter what. He, at the moment, is my favorite character in all media, but that might change. It is so sad that the creators made a show with seemingly infinite potential, yet didnt act on it every chance they got. It seems like the creators wanted to make a shit show with bad character development and see how much money they could get and how many people they can keep until the end.
Sorry I got a lil too deep into the negativity hole that I keep finding myself into when talking about Voltron's writing, characters or basically anything about the potential of the show.
"He must be either actually smart or just REALLY good at bullshitting his way through his entire educational career."
Actually me tho (except I'm a girl but pft details details)
When both the 80s Lance and VF Lance have both more backstory and character than Vld Lance.
It's sad how this is still accurate even after s7. Now he's just a prop in Allura's romantic endgame. But, you know, he gets the girl 🤷♀️ what shit writing
I feel like its Ironic since jeremy shade the voice of lance was also the voice of another character who actually got real development that being finn from adventure time
finn at the start of the series was a adolescent boy who wants to be the best hero ever and just fight monsters for fun and had very little care in the world,however after making mistakes he starts to understand his actions has consequences and starts to question who he is as a person and actually grow as person,so by the end of the series all he strives to be is a good person who is excepting of the world around him
I wish i could meet you
Happy too know I'm not the only one that wouldn't die for Lance. I mean, not cannon Lance. But at the same time, I love nothing more then developing him within fanfic. And not just the smutty kind, but the legitamately romantic kind ya know? Or not even romantic, he's an amazing character too play with. Idk y'all, but we were given enough character too play with and develop within fanworks and that's enough for me.
“Smart courageous and makes me want to be a better person.”
I flipped my shit during this scene, not in a good way. The thing is, Allura and Lance don’t have to do anything to like eachother. Their relationship is just... there. Which always felt underbaked to me. Dreamworks, if you plan to give me Allurance scenes, show me a reason why I should like it, not groan enducingly after every unnecessary moment they have. For example- do they have fun together? What about their hobbies or interests? What about saving eachother? Have they ever had a moment as powerful as ‘Don’t you touch her’?
(Unless they aren’t planning to make it endgame then- why are you bothering with them? I just got really mad considering this description fits EXACTLY towards a certain small green Paladin, but then again, it could be foreshadowing and that’s probably the reason why he’s saying it- unless I’m looking too much into things and the writers simply made horrible writing choices.) Season 8, I’m counting on you to expand on Lance in this way, don’t let me down, and stop regressing characters like they’ve had no impact from what’s happened so far.
Edit post season 8: I had low expectations and I am still disappointed.
every like year or so i re-watch this entire channel and everytime i do i bust my ass laughing like a maniac
i cried in this video because I WANT LANCE HAVE A DEVELOPMENT !!!!!
My Lance doesn't need development he's perfect the way he is (although I wish in the last season we can see him shine so brightly my bb)
@@enbi5440 yeah but... the creator don't recognize him as a great character :(
You forgot about the altean broadsword. What a wasted opportunity Dreamworks had there.
I don't comment often, but the biggest gripe I have with this was when they gave Lance a sword, and I was so excited because I thought, "fucking finally, a character arch"
And we haven't seen the sword since then
God, I sure do love Keith: Legendary Defender
Lance sounds like a half-baked Sokka. An underdeveloped Ron Weasley... And that's saying something. A lukewarm Shikamaru with absolutely no career advancement.
Me before: Lance best boi, Lance best boi, Lance best boi
me after: Lance is best boi, but what REALLY makes him best boi...
Regardless I still love Lance,,
The writers definitely favorited Shiro, Keith, and Allura. Like Shiro is just some adult hanging out with kids trying to save the universe. He doesn’t really fit in and when he does it’s only as a kind of father figure or to favorite Keith. Keith doesn’t even want to be there 99.9% of the time and he’s so favorited by everyone that there aren’t consequences to his actions when he’s being an ass and just dumping everyone to do his own thing. He’s basically an emo Gary Stu. And Allura has so much potential but she just turned annoying with her whole “the universe is depending on me” bullshit. Nobody knows you exists princess! The writers even gave her a lion and totally messed up the whole “every lion has a personality” thing just so she wouldn’t be so useless and annoying with trying to fit in with saving the universe. She didn’t have to be a paladin to save the universe! And by making her one they totally turned her into a Mary Sue with giving her and her entire race extra powers (that don’t make sense), turning her into a shallow character like lance, and making her sacrifice herself for no reason.
I’m done ranting for now but I just finished binge watching the whole show and wasted my whole time waiting for it to get better and live up to its potential and it never did. There were awesome animators and voice actors and even some the writers were top notch but I guess like GOT it only takes a small group of people to fuck things up. 🤬
I love this because I love Lance and want him to be an actual character so so much. I also love it because you posted a video about my favorite character on my birthday like, you guys are literal angels. I'm excited for more!
happy birthday! 🥳 glad to hear you enjoyed the video! ♥️ 💕
Boy is this even more true after the ending he got in the last season.
lmao fair warning,,, if you're not happy with how things are going now then you do NOT want to watch season 8 :"))
Okay Lance is imprtant BUT lets WRITE about how they haven't changed PIDGE at all i mean it's been 7 seasons how the frick has she not growed her hair😣😣😣😡
me everytime there's a timeskip tho
like wtf her brother's hair magically grew but I thought she wouldn't be maintaining it cos it was literally just to sneak into the school like w h a t
Yeah it would’ve already grown fully by the time season 2 dropped, or we should’ve at least gotten an episode where Pidge’s hair is growing so she asks Allura for some scissors since she didn’t bring scissors so when Pidge cuts her hair and then takes a shower but instead of using her normal shampoo she used an Altean one that causes your hair to grow. So when she meets up with the rest of the paladins they’re all shocked by the fact that Pidge accidentally grew her hair. (I know this plot idea makes no sense but let’s roll with it, by the way they should’ve added more filler since the CGI robot fights got boring.)
Not trying to attack anyone but, Allura and Lance had no build-up. I enjoyed the first episode because Lance actually did something awesome. I actually smiled and laughed, because it was so enjoyable. Now I look back at how it has changed, it hurts me. Allura just randomly started liking Lance, I can kind of see why Klance is so popular, because even Keith and Lance had more bonding moments than Allura and Lance. I’m sorry, but they just threw Lance out and made a new story.
God, y'know what makes it worse now? (At least in my opinion) the fact that lance is supposed to be someone's 'first pick' (and as much as i like pance, latte, and hance god i would never want romance in Voltron) which just makes his character arc having a girlfriend (since i know for a fact DreamWorks is too much of a whimp to give him a boyfriend) and just make him all about finding his true love or some bullshit but not actual development. Also, as much as i fucking adore Hunk why isn't Lance's family the ones in danger? Since DW was giving hints on his family this whole fucking time. He's not a fuckimg Sokka where he does shit and trains when he feels inferior to his teammates to earn their respect, like learning his broad-sword developing his sniper skills, is there a reason he's good with guns? If he's from a low income family (like most immigrant latino families are) he probably wanted to attend a school for good money and could've shown some shit idk. Wtf happened to his, Hunk, amd Pidge's friendship? (Or rather his and Hunks, they were obviously bros but now he just hangs with pidge) He calls Shiro his hero all the time but does Shiro ever thank him for believing in him or talks to him? He and Coran seem to be buddies why not build on their father/son, mentor/pupil, uncle/nephew relationship? Like let them bond over their homesickness L: "i just... I just really miss home, coran" C: "y'know, my boy... Whenever i start to miss Altea, i like to think its still there, your home is where your memories are- and you carry them everywhere" or something. For fucking christ why the hell haven't we heard some fucking spanish from him? Or Whatever language Hunk speaks too. (The blue and red lion switch was bullshit too bc he had a great thing going and probably had the strongest bond after black, could've worked on that instead of this 'red doesn't respond bc she's a bitch' crap)
Really, DW fucked up and my boy deserved better.
Damn I wrote a super quick tumblr post a couple months back on this exact same thing called "Why Fans Resonate with Lance So Much and Why We're Mad He's A False Protagonist" and you guys touched on (with much better clarity and persausiveness lmao) my exact thoughts. Glad I'm not the only one who sees it.
Lets just hope that the writers finally get the message and at least *try* and fix this issue in Season 8
But yeah, I 100% agree with this, not gonna lie
Finally, someone else besides me realized the issues with Lance's character. While I am a Lance stan and it kind of hurt to hear what you guys said, it was 1000% true. Pidge is the technology whiz. Hunk is the engineer. Allura is the alien with all the space knowledge. Shiro is the natural born leader. Keith is (i guess) the best at combat? And Lance, the so-called "sharpshooter," doesn't hold any value to the team, just like you said. They missed out on a character that could have been fantastic. Oh well, I still see Lance for what he could have been. And don't even get me started on Lance in s8...
Been thinking about the "Lance-character-assassination" thing a bit more, and I've come up with a couple more things.
The whole "useless-Lance" character flaw they attached to him not only fails for the reasons you stated, but it's also a watered down version of Sokka's character arc from Avatar: the Last Airbender. In ATLA, the feeling of being useless works for Sokka because he's a normal-ass dude surrounded by super powered people. He has to think on his feet and come up with plans or else he'll be left behind. Lance, on the other hand, clearly has some kind of talent or worth, otherwise the garrison would have kicked him out already. So what do we do then? Well, instead of feeling useless, let's have Lance fear rejection. Not necessarily by Allura, or whatever girl he's flirting with. No, Lance fears being rejected by people, and being alone. He desires to be accepted, and as such acts like a goofball for attention. He wants people to like him. He wants people to go, "Hey, that guy's pretty cool. Let's hang out with him".
Now, onto the "sharpshooter" trait the writers wanted you to think was so important and cool. Something the writers like to talk about, but only came up in perhaps two scenes out of the whole series. This can be something attributed with Lance, but it has to actually mean something to him. Let's go back to the hypothetical grandfather I mentioned before. Lance was taught how to shoot by his grandfather. An actual shotgun, too. Not just a phaser that everyone uses in the future. Now let's work this into the story. Early season one, Shiro has the paladins take up target practice. In the event they're ever in a firefight, they would be prepared. Hunk and Pidge struggle at first, but slowly get the hang of it. Keith fair's better, but misses every so often. Meanwhile, Lance is doing trick shots and landing every hit.
Shiro: "Lance, stop messing around, and just shoot the gun."
Lance: "Hey, don't worry. I'm making every shot." Bang, bang, bang.
Shiro: "It's not about making every shot. It's about taking this seriously. What would happen if this was a real shootout?"
Lance: "If it were, I'm pretty sure the enemy would be dead." Bang, bang, bang.
Lance looks Keith dead in the eyes and aims his gun at the target. He fires several rounds, slams the gun down, and storms out of the room. "Is that serious enough for you?"
Everyone turns to the target to see that all of the shots were made.
why do I want that whole gun thing to be canon wth
@@AvoRabo it was just some stupid-cool thing I came up with. The idea that Lance would have a high hand-eye coordination and be very spatially aware isn't too farfetched.
I'm following the footsteps of the many post-season 8 Voltron fans: Lance deserved better.
I just like to think only seasons one and two exist. Maaaaybe three because I liked Lotor then. The rest, ehhhh they can just get shot into space and never return tbh.
Don't get me wrong, some parts I really damn enjoyed throughout 4-7, but as someone who's been here since the literal premiere over two years ago now (jesus that's gone fast), it's sad to see how the writing's gone downhill. *Especially* for Lance's character. It just sucks, knowing the potential the show had at the start just to see it fall into a hole.
As for th whole shipping thing, I don't really care who ends up with who at this point. If it's written well, then heck I'll take it.
them: makes him irrelevant for seven seasons
them: brings him back for one fucking season to be a mindless love interest
them: *where did we go wrong?*
The truest words spoken were when you said he was relatable. Lance to me was the one I truly felt connected to in the early seasons. While my parents are divorced I still had them so I never connected to Keiths orphan background and sense of higher purpose and finding one self. Pidge is great but I never connected to her brilliant techy and too clever to be scared like attitude. (Though we are both nerdy), Shiro I never connected to because he was a clearly driven person while Im still figuring out things in my life (at least before more recent life changes after becoming a Dad), and Hunk and I both being a bit overweight actually disconnected me due to Hunk often being a fat joke. Not all overweight people need to be hooked on food and become chiefs, and I'm still pretty insecure about my weight to lots of bullying in my past, even with support from my loved ones and trying to make changes. Which leads me to Lance, a person full of insecurities who uses humor and relationships to others to hide these traits of self loathe and feelings of uselessness. Thats exactly how I had to cope with what Ive dealt with during my life during especially my teen and early adulthood (well, still a young adult lol). I used humor, was defensive, and pretended to be fine while hiding what was really going on. Seeing a character who was clearly suppose to be like that, but continue to grow and change was actually a big part in why I stuck with the show. I loved Lance (and the whole crew of course but to a slightly lesser extent) and wanted to see that go. But even after season 8, Lance feels wasted and never got the time to become this character who couldve easily of been both a mirror to lots of us while also a guide in helping us overcome that.
Instead we got well what you said.
And now he’s a farmer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hate how well this aged lmao
This tea is so spicy i love it
And the sad thing is it got even worse he went from being a main character with plans of developing to nothing but a shadow in the show. Honestly I think anyone could have written a better ending than the creators. They really just stopped giving a shit after season 5 and seasons 7 and 8 made me just feel so disappointed when I was so invested in this show.
Awhile ago I read an interesting post explaining to people who didn’t understand the appeal of voltron why it was so extremely popular and the answer was potential. Voltron is a great skeleton for fans to work off of. There’s the potential to write original little adventures the teams goes on, and because the characters are set up to have potential growth, but never do, the fan base is free to do with that what they want. I remember I used to read so much voltron fan fic because I wanted to see deeper emotional payoff and exploration of characters that the show just didn’t bother with and I loved seeing everyone’s take on it.
Stepping back, it’s plain to see voltron is painfully average at best, but it’s a playground for fandom creative types. However, there are plenty of other stories that give full character development while still leaving room for fans to create, so voltron could have its cake and eat it too, but chooses not to and lets the fans echo chamber themselves into caring about a cardboard cutout
It’s just unfortunate voltron decided to hastily jump from one plot to another and from one villain to another instead of focusing on what so many people came to see, the characters
Honestly, I love lance. But I agree with some of the things. He NEVER had an arc like the other characters. And he didn’t get a lot of screen time in previous seasons. I love lances character, and I do believe that he did have development, but they did him so dirty in the end.
I think lance being more emotional in the last few seasons is the writers attempt at character development, but they couldn't find a way to still keep his personality overall the same.
I honestly came to voltron by accident by watching animatics that featured Lance and his anguish, and after reviewing the show, I have come to realize that the fans and their content have given his character more depth and thought then the show has. All in all, I hope in later reboots of voltron will do better in character development and story writing.
I can’t wait for a post-season 8 follow up to this lmao-just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, they found a way :’)
Basically his character (considering the writers) is the Sokka without the nuance.
I'm going to be blunt. Shiro should have died. What I mean is Shiro should have pulled a Kamina for the rest of the team and let Lance be the Simon and be a powerful right hand for Keith's leadership development
Shiros character wasnt finished
He was never intended to finish aj.
So after 8 seasons of not knowing why Lance is introduced in the Garrison, why he would fight in a war he has no personal stakes in, and why he sticks around as a Paladin when he has no character arc and interpersonal platonic relationships with Keith, Shiro, Allura, etc, all for the culmination of him as a sad farmer looking after weeds in the epilogue. Yay, writing?
I personally feel bad for the Lance fans. Talk about a letdown.
Here after Season 8.
Lance’s character and development is shoved off into the basement.
"well focus on Lance"
"unlike the writers of the actual show" jdjdjddhd going in hard I see
"Lance is a shit character"
The writers were projecting onto him
I once saw this poster that referred to Lance's confidence through the Voltron posters. As each one goes by, Lance gets more and reserved and it is the most depressing thing. As the show itself goes on, Lance just gets deeper and deeper into this hole and season 8, the FINALE SEASON, didn't even address it.
Video was film before season 7
*It still applies after it was realize*
omg gosh they need to hire ya'll Id honeslty loved to read a comic or show from ya'll (and yassss voltron content mmmf)
“90% of the fandom is here for lance” THATS SO FUCJING TRUE LMAO
i am so,, so bitter. they really did lance dirty in this new season. not even ship-wise, just in general.
I’m gonna start using “half-hazardous” as a term until it’s accepted.
I’m also running a petition to make peanut butter a fruit if anybody is interested.
I'm voting for you
Turn Reeses into fruity snacks
@@amberbeam4248 since my mom says Reeses is unhealthy peanut butter snacks.
What now, mom. I'm eating FRUIT TARTS
Where's that paper
that needs my signature on it
I felt like Hunk was placed as a D-list character
he literally closed his eyes more than ready to accept his death and then later DIES before coming back to life and its NEVER brought up again. his trauma and emotional turmoil is just... abandoned to serve as allura's boyfriend....
apologises for any inconsistencies
Wooo, seven hours until season 8. And here I am, watching roasts about voltron
*also the exact reason why season 1 is my favorite season*
us: we want lance/hunk development
they ruined Shiro too, now he is only a secondary character that only serves to be rescued by Keith, the only and real hero. Allura was a leader and now is just a dumb girl who doesn't really aport anything and Lance got nothing 😢 this show should be called "Keith Legendary Defender"
Wendy Ramos ikr!!!
Lmfao, shiro. Keith, and allura got absolutely no development what so ever. Allura got some new powers and that's it, shiro is sidelined, and Keith found his mom. That's literally all that happened to them. That's not development. If thata what you think development is then hunk got development
Except junk didn't do that much aj.
I will always mourn my son.
Lets see what friday has (s8) and then I'm off to the wonderful land of Ao3 with lance-centric fanfics until people totally leave this fandom and the last word for a Voltron fanfic is written.
Peace out my dudes see y'all @... probably not tumblr.
"He must be really smart or really good at bullshitting his entire educational career"
honestly yeah
Finally someone putted this into words. The fandom is so hyped for Lance and I can't understand it.
Anyways I love your channel 💕
anyone else realized the only way left for them to do anything with lance it to kill him...........................
the spirit syren NO NO NO not my Lancey lance
I mean I been thinking of this a lot so long I made a ship name for it
And then Allura took that
Wow that made me laugh.
“He bullshitted his career”.
Am I the only one who wants to hear about Hunk?? Does anyone even know his name
Nope! I wanna hear more about him too he's my favourite
To quote yourselves. :HEY..... WHY ARE YOU USELESS.??
When they form Voltron and do that thingy show thing, everyone gets shown EXCEPT LANCE , or at least that is what I have been paying attention to... AND IT TRIGGERS ME HARD!!!!
ya'll i cannot WAIT for voltorb season 8. tear it APART
*rubbing my hands together like a greedy rat*
@@AvoRabo it was trash lmao. 0 pidge content deserves a fat 0/5 stars
After season 8 watching this is so much more sad
Decent show but the writers are not exploring their ideas, so the show can't be anything more than an okay show.
voltron honestly turned to shit after the two years but theres always something that keeps us coming back. at least this roller coasters coming to an end in a week