I've attended Church of Christ for over 50 years, even went to a CoC school K through 12th grade, we never referred to each other or asked if someone was a disciple. I'm not sure where you got that bit of information, but it is not used commonly, if at all, by the CoCs near me.
I was going to say the exact same thing! I feel like the only thing close to correct about the churches of Christ that the creator got right was the acapella singing... and if acapella singing is all it takes to consider something a cult? ... idk man, sounds like a dicey foundation to me. 🤷♀
2:31 - you say the restorationists (Stone, Campbell, etc.) looked around at others and said they aren't real Christians. This is incorrect. Thomas Campbell, for example, was known for saying "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians." That which you describe became true of later members of the restoration movement, and in particular the CoC after the movement split b/w CoC and Disciples of Christ in the late 1800s, but early on the movement was one of unity and fellowship across denominational lines. Great content, just a minor correction I wanted to point out. Source: Thomas Campbell's "Declaration and Address" and my 43 years in the CoC which I just recently left.
Church of Christ is only a cult because they try to keep everyone to agree with their oligarchs and to not debate their non-biblical ideas such as “no instruments” “no crosses”, “bread and wine represents”, and are really upset if someone leaves or isn’t devoted enough, and rant about other denominations.
I'm a member of the church of Christ like named in Romans 16:16. The Bible says that "baptism now saves" in 1 Peter 3:21, also around there it says baptism is the answer of a good conscience to God. What people need to understand, especially the "Church of Christ," is that baptism is an act of faith. You have faith that this simple act of submission does anything, like Naaman did in 2 Kings 5. Just do the thing! Saying you are saved by baptism is not a contradiction of "saved by faith alone" because baptism is an act of faith, not works. Knowing that shows how Mark 16:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9 do not contradict. "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
Amen brother! Any good deed I do I had to learn from someone, giving to the poor, being kind, smiling and blessing those who curse me, are all acts that I model after someone else. God is good and all good things come from him, so whatever good I do it isn't me but rather for God's glory. So if I am baptized, although I do the act, deed, work, whatever people want to call it, it's God's doing for if he had not told me then it would have never crossed my mind to do it.
Your name has nothing to do with Rom. 16:16! I was raised in your cult and it certainly is NOT the NT Church!! I escaped.......thank God! Be a Berean!! Blessings!
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the "Church of Christ" but I said I'm a member of the church of Christ, not the "Church of Christ". I'm as much a member of the church of God as the church of the saints or the church of the firstborn (those are all Bible names for the Church if you didn't know, I just can't remember the verses). That's just a name on a sign. Though I do gather under that name, there's only one Church and God's Church can't be limited by walls or names, it dwells in the hearts of men. I understand where you're coming from though, I've tried to correct that thought in many brothers from the older generation that "the Church of Christ is the only one going to heaven." Not untrue but too often used in an incorrect manner.
I think one problem people have with the Church of Christ is people cant wrap their head around a church that is not a denomination. Nobody in the church of Christ would say “leave your denomination and come to ours” they are saying leave denominationalism all together and come to the Bible alone. Another thing is baptismal regeneration teaches that the water has a special power that washes away sins. The Bible teaches that the blood of christ washes away/remitts sins Matthew 26:28.. and baptism also washes away/remitts sins acts 2:38-acts 22:16. We believe the Bible doesnt contradict therefore the blood of Christ washes away our sins at the point in which we are baptized into Christ Romans 6:1-4. You are right we have no creed, but the Bible alone. Each local church is autonomous, thats why there may be variations in teachings. If it is found that a congregation is teaching unscripturally on a subject , we simply dont fellowship. As far as music, we simply dont find a new testament example of instruments in worship and choose to stay on the safe side. We know instruments were commanded under the old covenant. But now all new testament examples we have are sing, sang, sung, offer the fruit of our lips, etc. There is no difference in a church that is called “the church of Christ, the church of God, the church of the firsborn, the body of Christ, etc. if it is a scriptural name and follows the sound doctrine of Christ, then it is the church of Christ. I am writing this as a former baptist, troubled by the teaching if John Calvin and trying to reconcile them with the Word of God. Please dont follow the teaching of men and if you do stop. Again noone is saying “if you arent a part of our denomination youre going to hell”. Were saying flee denominations and become part of the Lords church not mans. By rejecting mens teachings and theology and going back to the Bible. Mark 7:7
Correct me if i’m wrong, but John Calvin, was a Calvinist, and not a Baptist. 2nd and i say this with no disrespect, but this comment just reeks of ignorance. most of “man’s” theology and teaching stems from the Bible. Correct me if i’m wrong, but would “man’s” teaching (or tradition) include the Catholic, and Orthodox churches too? If so 2 Timothy 2:2, and 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Most well established, denominations in Protestantism, and the branches of Orthodoxy and Catholicism stem from the Bible. The Nicene Creed was biblical, and just because men said it, doesn’t make it wrong to follow.
@@iggy9226 john calvin wasnt a baptist and i dont know where you got that i made that correlation. The statement refers to baptist churches that i attended that followed his teachings. And no just because a person says something is not what makes it wrong. Whats wrong is when we dont follow what the scriptures explicitly say, and we follow what some man says “it says this.. but this is what i think it really means” that would be following after the traditions of men. And im not really that concerned with what the catholic, orthodox, presbyterians teach because they are all a denomination. A division.. as im sure you are aware the mormons, jehovas whitnesses, sevent day adventists, etc also stem from the Bible originally but as you leave those teachings for your own you are no longer a part of the lords Body. Following scripture and not departing from the left or to the right. God has given us the way to become part of his body, the way to be set up and worship as his body, and the way to remain faithful to him. If you abide you are part of the Body of Christ
Clay, the gospel of the grace of God is recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved. God tells us in Ephesians 1:13-14 that when we rightly divide the gospel of the grace of God from the gospel of the kingdom that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. God has given me the opportunity to share the gospel with you today.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou your right. That is the good news. So are you saying you dont have to repent? Its not stated there.. You dont have to confess either?.. or be baptized because those all say they are unto salvation but are not listed in 1 Cor 15:1-4
The water doesn't wash away sins (that isn't taught in churches of Christ)...it is only the blood of Christ that washes away sins, which is reached and applied to a believer in the submissive and obedient faithful act of baptism into Christ and his body...the church. We are baptized into his death, into his body, into Christ, all by faith...not merit raising up washed in the saving and cleansing blood of Christ and added by God, not by ourselves or another, but by God to the church, the body of the saved.
Matt 7:24 " Every one who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man, And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man.." John 3:20 " every one who does evil hates the light....but he who does what is true comes to the light..." 1John 1:6 " if we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to the truth, BUT IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT, as he is in the light....the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin". Doing what Jesus says is not earning your salvation, it is called faith. Doing what you want, is trying to earn your salvation. I am saved by faith, an obedient faith and was saved by faith when I was baptized into Christ. Gal 3:26-27
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
Mr. Grant, Thank you for creating this video and sharing your insights, as well as for your dedication to exploring this topic. Having spent over 30 years in the Restoration Movement (RM), I would like to offer some additional context on a couple of points discussed in your video. Firstly, I want to clarify the initial intention of the Restoration Movement. It began as a unity movement, uniting Christians across denominations by encouraging them to reject divisive manmade creeds. The primary goal was to restore Christian fellowship and promote unity, rather than claiming to be "the one true church." It's crucial to understand that the movement emerged as a response to the divisive use of creeds in the 19th century. In the early decades of the RM, no one denied that there were Christians in other denominations. Unfortunately, in the latter part of the 19th and early 20th centuries, some within the movement drifted towards sectarianism. This shift led to certain sects within the RM denying the salvation of believers outside the movement. In this you are correct, and it is a sad fact that some RM churches to this day are sectarian. Regarding baptismal beliefs, I have never known anyone in the RM who believes in "baptismal regeneration." This simply is not taught, although I can understand why others conclude that they believe in baptismal regeneration. The belief is not that the water itself washes away sins; instead, those in the RM typically believe that it is during baptism that a believer is united with Christ. It’s not a question of what or who washes away sins, it’s a question of when. It is during immersion that God takes away sin. Baptism is seen as the God-given means of responding, in faith, to the gospel. However, they would do well to put a stronger emphasis on what God is doing in the process and less on the water. It's important to note that RM churches exhibit a diverse spectrum of beliefs. Are they a cult? Generally speaking, I'd say no, but many RM groups are sectarian. The non-instrumental Church of Christ is particularly known to fall into the sectarian category, but even here there are exceptions. The only RM group I am aware of that might fall into the cult category is the International Church of Christ; they are a fringe group within the movement. Best regards
Thanks for the response. I talked to an Evangelist in our local church of Christ assembly and he flat out told me you need to be baptized to be saved. For what its worth. Thanks again.
@@Pastor_Grant Yes, you are correct about that. I just wouldn't equate that to baptismal regeneration. I'm sure it depends on how one defines the term. Anyway, thanks for engaging. 🙂
I've also been active in non-instrumental churches of Christ for several decades across multiple regions of the US. @kf4zmt I think your summary is correct. We reject mechanical regeneration through water - and I've known of no-one that would teach it. Baptism is God's work where we are united with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. We believe that we're justified by faith, and that saving faith is faith that is obedient by trusting, repenting of sin, and putting on Christ in baptism. We would emphasize that according to the promise of God salvation is delivered to those who by faith obey - by bringing us into contact with the blood of Christ, cleansing us. "if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, ... the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." Not earning merit, but receiving the promise of God. When it comes to acapella worship, we believe that singing is what God has asked for so that is how we ought to seek to please him. There tends to be a dogmatic minority in most churches that would go further and say that instruments are sinful. But most people I've talked to don't believe that's true. Instruments in worship are seen as a gateway towards manipulating emotions in worship, to putting on a show, or to entertainment - and my experiences in other churches point to these being true many times though not all. I've not seen any of these churches that were outright sectarian or cults. We would say that you must be in the church that belongs to Christ to be saved - and that's true. That church is not equated with the visible congregation and building. Rarely you might find some that would say the building has to be labelled "church of christ" or you're not saved. But I don't believe this sort of thing is a CoC issue as it pops up in all churches in different ways. More often than that you'll find people who are seeking to honor God according to what he's said and come together to worship simply and acceptably in a way in which all can be unified.
Thank you for putting this together. I have been a pastor in the Christian Church/Church of Christ for 20 + years. There are true distinctions that get blurred in my opinion and experience. The Restoration Movement is the background from which our group comes. There have been branches out of the original group. There is the non-instrumental churches of Christ who refuse to use instruments in their worship. Then there are the Disciples of Christ which also branched out from the original RM group. Then there is the International Church of Christ, another branch. I've never encountered anyone from this group, that I am aware of, and at this point, I'm okay with that. I believe there is a blurred line. In the southern United States, it seems that if the building says "Church of Christ", then it is most likely a non-instrumental church. If it says, "Christian Church" then it would be a group that uses instruments in worship. In the northern portions of the U.S. Christian Church and Church of Christ are synonymous and utilize instruments in worship. However, there are non-instrumental Churches of Christ in the northern territory too. So, one must do their homework/research to discern which is which. I've started attending a Church of Christ in Iowa when I was in junior high. I accepted Jesus and was baptized at Bible camp when I was 13. I went to a Bible College associated with RM and Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. I have served as a youth minister, associate minister and senior minister within s handful of the churches. I have met many people over the years who presume to know what I believe, simply because of my association with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. I have told people before that I am not a "company man" when it comes to holding onto every single doctrine that has historically been associated with RM/CC/CoC. I strive to dig into Scripture, study the original languages, understanding there was an original audience, original writer and original purpose. I strive to understand what the passages meant in their time and how we can glean application for today. And I do not do this perfectly but strive to do so faithfully. Anyway, I appreciate you tackling the subject. I do not believe there is any one denomination that has cornered the market on God and the Bible. I personally believe that within every denomination that claims Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, and faith in Him is our only hope for salvation, that there are God-fearing, Christ-following, Spirit-filled, Bible believing Christians in each group. However, I also believe there are phonies just going through the motions in each of those groups as well. When there is obvious, blatant false teaching, it needs to be addressed. However, I also believe we need to demonstrate some patience, grace, and mercy, because we do not always know where an individual stands even though they may be part of a certain group. We should be careful with our assumptions and strive to have honest conversation. And I know... that is not always go to be a reality. Just recently our church received a message on its Facebook message board from a guy who simply wrote: "You know you're a cult don't you?" I wrote him back and asked him what qualifications he was using to say this. He went to the baptism argument right away. I shared my thoughts and perspective and had some back and forth with him. After about 20 minutes, he apologized for making his first statement about us being a cult. I said no worries, I forgive you, be blessed. Never heard any more from him. I think the secular culture does enough "lumping together" of all people who call themselves Christians. As brothers/sisters in Christ, we should always be willing to lead with grace while refusing to abandon truth. A difficult balance that needs to be on the foundation of love. Blessings to you, your family, your minsitry, and further work with these podcasts, Mr. Grant.
Some excellent observations here. I went to the church of Christ for many years. I wasn't raised in it so had some conflicts with some of their beliefs but overall it was a great learning experience to really understand the Bible in ways I had never learned before. Things I didn't like were trashing other denomination's from the pulpit. Didn't happen a lot but seemed to early on. Never understood the no instruments to this day. I was born with a musical talent that I couldn't share in the COC. Singing a cappella was fine actually but thinking it's a sin to have a piano or other instruments seemed odd. Even a choir was considered wrong. I grew up singing in church choirs with my mom. But no regrets raising my kids in the COC as they got a good foundation in the Bible and now that they are fine Christian adults.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
“Hyper-biblical”??? A cult is a cult. I was raised in C.O.C. Until I was 19. When I attended a “spirit-filled” church in college, I found out how “Real” God is. And how “real” the Holy Spirit is. Have you ever seen a demon manifest in someone? Have you ever seen someone who was diagnosed with a terminal illness healed, like for real for real healed. With documented proof by Drs. Scrutinize the scriptures for yourself and tell me if you don’t think that, doctrinally, what they are teaching is not “truth”.
Very nice posting brother, I appreciated reading it. And I am not a part of CoC, just another imperfect born again Christian from far away New Zealand.
Funny how COC forbids instruments in worship services since it was not done so in the NT but they have neon signs outside, air conditioning, electricity….etc. Where do you draw the line?
There's really nothing "funny" (here you're using it to mean contradictory) about your example. To address your comment in a very narrow sense, AC and electricity are not used in worship. But the material issue raised is: use of instruments in worship. As for this, it's not so much that they are "forbidden", but more that there is no New Testament basis for using them. So why add them in worship service? (If other groups of Christians want / feel they need to use instruments, then no problem. Is it an issue of salvation? I really don't think so... On a side note, there are a few Churches of Christ that use instruments now.)
@@AntiwokieThe light is just incidental. It's not used directly as part of worship. This seems extremely obvious. The music is used directly as part of worship. Whether you're using electric lights or gas lights or fire light or moonlight or sunlight. That's completely irrelevant. It's extremely odd that you're trying to stretch for this contradiction that doesn't exist. I think you just want to be argumentative. The main issue is whether to use instruments or not. Do you have anything to say about that?
Please sir accept my comments with the utmost respect for you, your opinion and the sincerity of your belief. It is not my intent to offend nor criticize you sir. But, you are using 2 different and separate examples that are not the same thing. Air conditioning, song books, overhead projectors, pews, the pulpit, the church building and electric lights do not ADD to our specifically commanded worship, but are only mere AIDS of convenience and expediency to help us properly worship God as He desires. They are not to add to, nor impair, impede, or change our worship. However they are AIDS to us in our commanded worship to God. They don’t affect the church’s specific commands of worship which include: 1) preaching ; 2) singing; 3) praying ; 4) partaking of the Lord’s Supper; 5) giving back as we’ve prospered; or 6) the public reading of scripture. They are aids just as a knife was an aid in slitting the sheep’s throat at Passover. An addition would have been to add a bull or a cow or something unspecified by God. Therefore ADDING an instrument is not an AID to our singing. It is an addition (of playing- strumming- banging, etc.) with our singing. That is not authorized in the New Testament. That may seem like a minor thing to you, but we take God’s commands to be explicit and exclusive for only what He commands. Please consider: (Lev. 10:1-20)- Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire to God that they wanted to offer, but God did not command, nor accept their worship. Also, (Rev. 22:18-19) “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone ADDS to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19) and if anyone TAKES AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” We believe God’s truth to be exclusive in nature. When He commands one thing, that excludes everything else. If it’s not authorized by God, we shouldn’t do it. We are only authorized to do what he has commanded us to do. I pray you and I have a better understanding of how we obey God’s holy word. May God bless us both in our searching of the truth.
Even my 16 year old granddaughter cannot understand why folks just cannot get the teaching on baptism right and she isn't a member of the church of Christ.
@@GordonMcElvany It's because they do not want to. That's my conclusion after 45 years. They erroneously view water baptism as a "work" - and go downhill from there.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
Spot on how? I agree EVERY Christian must be baptized, if they don't it casts massive doubt on their profession of faith since Biblically baptism was to act as your public profession , I just believe the blood of Jesus washes away sin not water. Its clearly a symbolic act as is the Lord's supper as were the I AM statements of Jesus but the mistake people make is they think symbolic = not important.
The movement was ultimately started by people who were tired of all the tradition and man-made doctrine (like needing a coin to take communion - Alexander Campbell) that had slipped into the church; they simply wanted to get back to the Bible and to "restore" the New Testament church. What they meant by that was that they wanted to model themselves after the first century church. They view a lot of Acts as prescriptive rather than descriptive. Ironically over the years they've created their own traditions. The issue of believing people outside the Church of Christ are not saved is definitely present in some congregations, although Alexander Campbell himself didn't believe that and worshiped with others at times. Thomas Campbell, for example, was known for saying "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians." That which you describe became true of later members of the restoration movement, and in particular the CoC. Many members of the CoC. today, think more along the lines of Thomas Campbell. They believe that if you were baptized of your own will, whether you understood it to be a necessary act of obedience or the moment you receive forgiveness, you’ve been forgiven. As for baptism. The Restoration Movement doesn't believe baptism itself saves you, they believe it is an act of faith and obedience and the moment when you receive God's grace and, according to Acts 2:38, the Holy Spirit (our seal [Eph. 1:13]). It is an act of God that you submit to in faith.
I grew up in the c of C. This hit home- it was so accurate. I’m not there anymore. I would add that if someone were ever to leave the denomination (like I have), they’d be judged- and told (possibly) they were going to hell (like I have been) if they didn’t come back.
I have learned in All churches there are good and bad ones.. I have a great COC congregation, They teach from the Bible , they are loving , They are always open to being corrected by biblical standards.. many churches today don’t even come close to preaching sound doctrine.. I believe most COC does ..
What I have learned from the Church of Christ is absolutly Biblcal. No pre trib rubbish, no false Calvinistic teachings, no once saved always saved doctrines. No triune 3 headed god teachings. Things I never could come to terms with. Babtism was a commanment from our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ himself as well as taught by Peter and all the Apostels.
@@mydejaynes i believe they're oneness pentecostals/modalist. Which believe God has switched "modes" or "hats" during our time on earth. They believe Jesus is the Father. And not in three distinct persons all separate but equal. They are not trinitarian. You may also know there doctrine as the "Jesus Only" movement which believe you must be baptized or even re-baptized in Jesus name only (Acts 2:38) and not the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit This belief is also called Saballianism which was a guy that brought this belief to the early church and was considered a heretic. This teaching of oneness pentecostal/Jesus only/Saballianism is a false doctrine by denying the deity of Jesus. Same as the Jehovah witnesses and Mormons...
@@justinoverton87153 so they are not descended from the Stone-Campbell movement then. I’ve heard of oneness Pentecostals, but never seen one that went by the name “Church of Christ.”
From the description: "One “minor” issue is the Church of Christ policy of not allowing musical instruments in their church services" "Such dogmatism on a clearly non-essential issue is often the mark of a cult, not the mark of a good biblical church." This could be seen as quite the shot at many of the great theologians across church history - would all the below be considered cult leaders? I would encourage that people look into Church history on this topic -- Musical Instruments were highly contested all throughout the history of Christianity. It is certainly not just a coC topic (which is a modern day misconception!)-- it spanned ALL denominations -- from protestants to catholics! Look into what happened when the catholics implented the organ for the first time! *John Calvin* quote: "Musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, and the restoration of the other shadows of the law. The Papists therefore, have foolishly borrowed, this, as well as many other things, from the Jews." Another *Calvin* quote: "the use of musical instruments in worship smelled of popery, and was an unnecessary aid, a form of distraction from worship which is contrary to Paul’s principles that the tongue be employed in the praise of God" *John Wesley* quote: "I have no objection to instruments of music in our worship, provided they are neither seen nor heard." *Clement* quote: "Leave the pipe to the shepherd, the flute to the men who are in fear of gods and intent on their idol worshipping. Such musical instruments must be excluded from our wingless feasts, for they arc more suited for beasts and for the class of men that is least capable of reason than for men" Spurgeon, Knox, Adam Clarke, This list goes on… Several good *Modern* books (not coC! baptist/presbyterian etc..) that are out there that reflect this sentiment (across denominations!) Instruments in church as being mainstream/popular is actually a fairly new thing in the 2,000 years of the Church!
@@francinesmith6893 That explanation does not logically hold through any type of scrutiny... That may be the case on an individual church basis -- but take a look at the quotes that were provided above --- each one of those were well before the American Civil War..... Think whoever told you that either was hoping you wouldnt look into it yourself or hasnt done there own digging.
There is no verse that that says so. We shouldn't simply go off what we are taught as children or what others have told us we need to do for salvation. JESUS is the authority and we will all be judged by His Words. Read and study the Bible for yourself. Only ONE church mentioned in the N.T. and that is the church that Jesus started (Acts 2) and He is the head of.
Just because a Christian doesn't go to church doesn't mean they're not a Christian. I have needed therapy after some of my church experiences, and I refuse to be abused any more. At the age of 70 I read my Bible and keep away from the wolves and Jezebel spirits.
Mutasis, the book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrews. The Jews were under the gospel of the kingdom. We have the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. Commandment #8 do not steal. I have shared with you the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
Space invader, you are correct. The gospel of the grace of God is recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved. Ephesians 1:13-14 says that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption when we believe the gospel of the grace of God. I call myself a child of God, since that is what God calls me when I believe the gospel and I have been saved. All denominations combine the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of the grace of God. Denominations are unsafe for those who want to be saved.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou I can’t imagine the writer of Hebrews not encouraging Christians to attend church - in whatever capacity “church” is. Tired of this cheap grace bit.
The simple purpose of The Creeds were to combat the various heresies. They came about through the many councils held among the churches to states what Christians believed and why without having to read the entire scriptures to someone.
There's a subtle difference in what this man is saying and what's actually practiced in the churches of Christ. There might be some among them who say that a person isn't saved until baptism but that would be the exception instead of the rule. The reason baptism is taught along with salvation is that nearly every time it's mentioned in the NT the people responding to the gospel message were baptized very soon after hearing it. The Apostles didn't wait until a scheduled baptism session but conducted the baptisms almost immediately. You can argue the point all you want but that's how it was soon after the church was established. In that you cannot fault the C of C but you have to blame the Apostles for doing that and then giving the example.
I support the immediate baptisms and think all believers should be baptized but CoC members have told me salvation doesn't happen until they hit the water.
@@Pastor_Grant yes that is the real sticking point. Many Christians would question the delay in people getting baptised also, until a baptism service or someone high enough up can do it etc.... but it's the not baptised, not saved issue that is the big one. One reason I don't think baptism is essential for salvation, because it puts the blame on the new convert instead of the church and pastor who many times much around waiting 6 months to baptise someone. The poor convert could be the victim of the procrastination of the pastor and then God judges them for failing to be baptised? That's a bit like stoning a women to death for promiscuity after she has been raped......... not as bad but the same idea. Inmy opinion.
I belong to a church founded out of the Restoration Movement, but not the non-instrumental Church of Christ. One of our primary affirmations is that we are Christians, but NOT the only Christians. We occasionally read from the two creeds you mentioned. I would like to plead with you not to put all Christians and congregations affiliated with the Restoration Movement into the same lump. This is exactly what Stone, Campbell, and others were trying to get away from. The non-credal traditions our churches uphold come not from the rejection of biblical, gospel creeds, but from the tradition of denominational creeds which were written to do exactly what you accuse the Church of Christ of doing, which is to separate us all into camps who must hold certain beliefs in order to belong. We're not by any standard perfect, but no church of men ever is.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou Are you saying that I believe in a false gospel? Why would you believe that I am? How would you know if I am? Please, tell me what I believe and the specific reasons I am wrong. Here's your opportunity. I'm listening.
@@jahintx Paul tells us that we are saved when we believe the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Paul tells us in II Thessalonians 1:8-9 and II Thessalonians 2:10 who Jesus Christ will destroy when He comes back to earth. Below are the relevant verses. II Thessalonians 1:8-9 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. II Thessalonians 2:10 - And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. We see that Paul says that he who believes that Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures is saved. Paul also says that those who do not obey (believe not) the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will be punished with everlasting destruction. Paul also says that those who perished received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. I have two questions for you. Do you believe the gospel and love the truth? If you don't believe the gospel and love the truth, then what do you believe and why do you believe it?
He gave a lot of "I believe" as opposed to, this is what the Bible says! He stated, the COC don't believe "creeds" only the Bible. Gal 1:6-9; even in the Old Testament Deut 4:2
There are so many misconceptions about what churches of Christ teach and practice. There is nothing inherently wrong with the desire to identify with what was believed and practiced in the first century before and without all of the additional denominational baggage. Simply Christians-nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.
I had a church of Christ pastor or evangelist. Tell me you need to be baptized to be saved and musical instruments are not allowed in church. Are you saying those are misconceptions because I verified that with many sources.
Word game: church means fellowship. Fellowship is closer to ekklesia. Even assembly is closer than the word church. Christ means Anointed One, capitalized because who it refers to. And so can you imagine if some churches of Christ changed their name to Fellowship of the Anointed One. Or Assembly of Christ. I say this since one of their tracts from an old publication used to make the case of not only one true church but One True Name. I say this since some will use Rom 16:16 to make the case of "one true name" for the body of Christ.
A Christian is a disciple of Christ, a follower of Christ, a member of the church belonging to Christ. I've never asked if someone was a disciple. LOL.
Crickets..... however they utilize the "god's grace" in this argument.... my argument towards that is the fact that I am Baptist and do not believe in the regerative part of the Baptism.... so if God's grace is great enough to cover your scenario, why wouldn't it be great enough to cover our misenterpretation of the bible in regards to how the CoC view baptism, or music, or women leading singing...etc... Why are they THE authority??
I’d be happy to share my thoughts since no one has answered. Before I begin, it’s important to note that emotive reasoning cannot be allowed to over ride the teaching of Scripture. The New Testament consistently affirms baptism is the line of demarcation between one in sin and one forgiven of sin (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12; 1 Pet. 3:21; 1 Cor. 12:13 & Eph. 5:23). How could such a clear line of demarcation be so easily dismissed? To answer your question, no. The actions of men, or their failure to act, cannot determine truth. The Bible plainly teaches that all men and women who are morally accountable for their sins (excluding those with special needs and children), must be baptized to be saved. What would happen if we just backed up the “dilemma” from the point of baptism to the point of confession, repentance, or even faith? Surely we’re all willing to admit that those who die prior to confessing, repenting, or believing would die in their sins since they’re all necessary to be saved (Jn. 8:24; Lk. 13:3; Rom. 10:9-10). If we don’t have an issue admitting that those who die prior to faith, repentance, or confession are lost, why then is it so hard to admit that those who die prior to being baptized are equally lost? Here’s the good news. Each day we wake up, we’re given another opportunity to obey the words of Christ (2 Cor. 6:2). Whether than waiting, why not obey the words of Christ right now? (Jm 4:13-14)
@@ethanfoister Thank you for addressing directly that question, I feel others tip toe around the answer. I completely disagree with you, but then I disagree with the question as I believe we enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the new earth post resurrection but that's another topic. By the way I believe the theif on the cross with be a part of God's kingdom in paradise. Your thoughts brother on that?
God knows someone who has genuinely repented, and decided to follow Christ in their heart, and confessed Christ is their savior. It's that change of heart, mind, and soul towards Christ that marks our salvation.
@SantaFe19484 if I say yes...I'm judging. If I say no...I'm judging. If I say he will be judged according to the given word John 12:48...God judges. This make believe situation doesn't apply to you however. You will answer according to your response or lack thereof according to the word.
Thank you for this message. I'm learning lots of interesting things about false doctrines and false teachings. The Holy Spirit has revealed so much to me in a very fast way. My specialty is the end times and the rapture. My experience in scriptures is less than a year. I'm 67 and it all started last January when a bishop said that there's no pre Trib rapture. Now I'm on fire with knowledge. What is wrong when my pastor cousin is afraid of me to teach something? Does she have something to hide? I now speak Boldly the words of God and with scriptures but people seem scared to death of it. I have changed because of the knowledge. What can I do with it?
Well the Bible does say that baptism washes sins away I've read it and also when asked 2:38 it also talks about baptism for the remission of sins Mark 16:16 talks about he that believeth and is baptized is saved and there's a lot of other verses that indicates that a part of Salvation is baptism so that 100% agree with what the Bible says and also you know Christ only made one Church according to the Bible I read and anyone who is baptized in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit is added to the church if everybody would read the New Testament they might find out the actual truth but I mean the Bible is something that we never stopped reading and never stop studying the more you study the more you probably going to know I'm saying this out of love and not hate people need to understand that you know even the demons believe in Jesus but they're not Christians and they're not going to heaven so if you read the New Testament you'll see that you know faith without works is dead and other things you will see about how important baptism is to your salvation
The churches of Christ are non-Zwinglian and non-Calvinist as opposed to Mr. Grant and his congregation. The restoration movement as started by Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone was a unity movement. They sought to base their unity on Biblical principles and not on man-made creeds or traditions. I don't like the disunity that developed, but there are still those pockets of us that are trying to follow a first century Christian model.
the original belief about baptism with the first couple hundred years after the apostles was that baptism was absolutely part of salvation. Baptism not being part of salvation was a later introduction into the church. the Bible never states "faith alone" and in James it specifically states that a person is NOT justified by faith alone but by works.
The baptism thing aside, the comment by works, as you know the Bible specifically says not by works in many more places so James 2 is justified before men, or not justified in a forensic sense like Paul in Romans who says faith and not works.
Church of christ was established on day of Pentecost not Alexander Campbell all he did was try to bring back what christ had already established and we are not big on anything your speaking about Jesus and his church.I can give you all kinds of scriptures just get the context
@chuckbrown2318 the church of christ is not just the building it is the Christians that obey what Jesus said to do and are baptized into christ a lot of people misunderstand that
How Do We Obey The Gospel? The Gospel That We Are To Obey In order to “obey the gospel,” we must know the gospel that we are to obey. In I Corinthians 15:1-4 our Apostle Paul tells us the gospel that we are to obey. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In these four verses we see that the gospel that we are to obey is the gospel that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” If We Do Not Obey The Gospel In II Thessalonians 1:7-9 we are told what happens if we do not obey the gospel. Those who have had the opportunity to obey the gospel and have not obeyed the gospel will be punished with everlasting destruction. These verses refer to the “second coming” of Jesus Christ when He will fight at the end of the Tribulation. II Thessalonians 1:7-9 7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. We see in II Thessalonians 1:7 that Paul tells those who are troubled to “rest with us.” Paul is referencing the fact that the “body of Christ” will have no need to fear the “second coming” of Christ. This is because the “body of Christ” will have been raptured or “caught up” before Christ’s second coming to as seen in I Thessalonians 4:13-17. I Thessalonians 4:13-17 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thessalonians 1:10 tells us that the “rapture” will precede the Tribulation and the “second coming” of Christ. I Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. How We Obey The Gospel We are told in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, so we know that we must have faith. In this verse we are told that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Ephesians 1:13-14 speaks of trusting Christ. These verses also speak of the gospel being the word of truth and being sealed by the Holy Spirit after we believe the gospel. The sealing by the Holy Spirit is the earnest (pledge from God) of our inheritance until Christ redeems us. Ephesians 1:13 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. In Ephesians 2:8-9 we are told that we have been given grace. Grace allows us to be saved at the exact moment that we believe the gospel, since there is no work that we must do to be saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. In the verses above, we see that faith, trust and belief of the gospel are associated with salvation. In the Book of Galatians we see Paul telling the Galatians that salvation is through faith alone. These Galatians were tempted to add works such as circumcision and keeping the Law of Moses as justification for their salvation. In Galatians 3:1 Paul speaks of obeying the truth of the gospel.
Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? To “obey the gospel” means to believe the gospel. We are to put our faith and trust in what Christ accomplished on the cross. In I Corinthians 12:13 we are told that the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the “body of Christ.” I Corinthians 12:13 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. In Colossians 2:12-13 we are told that we are buried with Christ in baptism and that we are risen with Christ through our faith in the resurrection. We are also told that all of our sins have been forgiven. Colossians 2:12-13 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses. In Romans 6:3-5 our Apostle Paul speaks of our spiritual baptism, our new life in Christ and our future resurrection and compares it to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Romans 6:3-5 3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. Verse 3 tells us that when the Holy Spirit baptized us into the “body of Christ,” that we were baptized into Christ’s death. Verse 4 tells us that after our spiritual baptism that we are to “walk in newness of life.” Verse 5 speaks of our resurrection as compared to Christ’s resurrection. We are not to add anything to the gospel. We “obey the gospel” through our belief of the gospel. We are to put our faith and trust in the finished cross work of Jesus Christ. We obtain salvation by believing the gospel and putting our faith and trust in what Christ has accomplished for us through His death, His burial and His resurrection.
When I was a child and in junior high school I attended and was confirmed in the UCC. I'm 70, so this is going back a while. We left when the student minister started teaching things like Bill Cosby's comedy record of Noah and the flood was just as believable as the Bible account among other wrong teachings. We then had no church. Mom's family came through town. They were Church of Christ. They pointed out that there was a Church of Christ in walking distance of us. We visited and joined. It was right across the street from my high school. The preacher talked three of us into going to Freed-Hardeman College in TN where he had attended. Very stringent rules. Women could not wear blue jeans except if involved in sports. Slacks could only be worn after 4pm or on weekends, and you had to wear a loose fitting tunic top that was mid hip length or longer. Back then in the 70's the only tunic tops like that were either maternity tops or looked like them. The modest school image really made us look like the school for unwed mothers. No dances. The school pool had set days for guys and set days for gals. Even though women were not swimming around men, only one piece suits. If you took, I am serious, if you took even one sip of alcohol, you were kicked out of school immediately! Your parents had to stop everything and get you and all your stuff even in the middle of the night. It happened a couple of times. Of course no instrumental music. One year Ann Murray did a concert. All was going well...until she started with her band playing singing...put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the waters...... Half of the students walked out because instruments were being used while she sang about Jesus. I felt so sorry for her. Singing a capella didn't bother me, but I didn't see anything wrong with instruments. I could really never buy into that. They do think they are the only church. After college my mom and I were in a ladies Bible study. The mother of one sweet gal died. Only a couple of them went to the funeral service at the church because her mom wasn't Church of Christ. The next time they were together one lady told her it's a shame her mom isn't going to heaven since she wasn't in "the" church. She tried to tell the lady that her mom was a Christian, but got told how that could not be because they are the only true church. That's horrible! A few years after college I left the Church of Christ. I made the mistake of going to a college class reunion. Everyone asks everyone where they are going to church. When I gave them a name that was not Church of Christ, I was totally shut down and shunned. I only have four people I met there who will still be casual friends. I think one may have passed away. No one has heard from him and he has not posted on Facebook for several months. All that shunning is very cult like. In my circles, I never remember hearing anyone ask a person if they were a disciple. They wanted to know where you went to church and if you were baptized. Things might be different regionally. I live in MO. I have rambled on far too long. So sorry! Thanks for all you do! Your ministry is such a blessing to me ❤❤❤
If a church believes in Trinity and adult baptism and most likely believing in local church autonomy, that church would never be a cult, but has link with Anabaptist churches. Church of Christ believes and practices on these things.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
Born, raised, and still attend a church of Christ of the most conservative kind here. The ones in my persuasion are independent in governance, that being said here’s what we believe: that God is Sovereign, He has decreed all of His matters in eternity, and will bring them to fruition, including the election and choosing of His people, the Scriptures are His breathed Word, which are inerrant and infallible, That God is Three Persons of One essence, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For the record John 3:5 is the “driest” verse in the Bible and speaks of the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit, of Whom if blasphemed, is unpardonable. Nice video!!
Thank you. I’ve had friends and some family that are hard core C of C. Depending on who you speak to, most c of c believe they are the restored church. That everyone else is wrong. You are right, that denomination hasn’t been around that long. I was given a book to read about c of c. Scripture pulled out of context often. I say, if they want the truth, they need to go back to the book of Acts where the Christian church began. Read the ancient church fathers and see how the church was organized and what was taught. I don’t know why they are against the Nicene Creed or any Christian creed. To me, it lays out what that church believes. Musical instruments: I understand they don’t want the instruments in the service because it can take away from the service, but again, it is taken out of context. Do I believe c of c are Christian or a cult? Yes to Christian, but some come pretty close to being a cult. I know some lovely people who are c of c. I’ve also seen people shoot scripture out of their mouth with no gentleness or kindness. Again, go back to the beginning of what the Christian church taught. Humble people laying their life down. Living for Christ.
As a CoC member, I would ask what verses you are referring to that we take out of context.. also, in terms of Nicea, I’m not against it.. there are things that I don’t agree with, but also things I do. Things before and at the counsel were still relatively on the right page.. however, as it started to look to Rome for authority, I feel there was a shift that even the Apostles would have disagreed with. Bishops should be in control of each church they belong to, if they have questions, it’s good to ask from more than one person.. I feel it’s strange to go to one mere person for all the answers and have what they say go.. even they could be wrong. Simply being placed in “Rome” shouldn’t make them the all authority especially since the Church didn’t even start in Rome… but that’s my opinion.
Born and raised in the CoC and was a preacher. I’ve never heard seen or asked anyone if they were a disciple. We would ask if you’ve been baptized for the remission of sins. Which of course would be in a CoC setting and you had to be aware that physically being baptized in water is when you become a Christian. If you weren’t baptized this way then you aren’t a member of the LORDS CHURCH.
Some points true about the church of Christ having been reared in that church. Churches of Christ are nnot centralized organizations, each is autonomous, but one church may share spiritual kinship with another church based on shared beliefs and faith. I do not have any problem with instrumental music in churches as psallo (psalms) denotes some musical accompanient. I do like the primitive aspect of a cappella music. One learns to sing by listening to voices around them. I have been to churches such as Assembly of God, Abundant Life, and Church of God that use instrumental music. The instrumental dominates. One cannot hear any one really sing and make melody in their hearts to the lord, nor edify anyone else because the loud music drowns out human voices. With regard to the church of Christ believing they are the true church, there are many ways of indicating this, whether one phrases it as such or one seeking or recruiting members or teaching one how a centrally organized church works. I think if one decodes the church of Christ statement they are the "true church" is that doctrine does matter. Still, like any church there is seed sown on rocks and tares. The church of Christ in that regard is no different than any other church. With regards to baptism, the Church of Christ does not believe that water literally washes away sins, but is symbolic of the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The faith is striving to follow the example of Christ, as is the Lord's supper, a ritualistic, symbolic act. The bread/wine represents, not is, but the social construction keeps the human plugged in to the great gift of Christ.
More disagreements from your speech with scripturally based doctrine. 1. Discipleship-Learner, pupil of Christ. Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. Acts 11:26 Man is considers the Lord’s church alone as Sectarianism, but the Bible declares it as not holding on to sound doctrine…2 Timothy 4:3-4 3. Praise to God- Is a subject I would love to discuss as well. The peculiar way that it can be done with the vessels that God created to praise him is truly enlightening. Heb 13:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16. Just a challenge: please locate in the New Testament where mechanical or man designed instruments were authorized in the worship? Then read Amos 5:23 & Amos 6:5. I just know we are the creature , created in God’s own image, and gave us the ability, the heart, the breath, & the mouth, to praise HIM! What else is needed or required by Him?
We are to worship God in spirit and in truth, that's all that matters. "Worship" is first mentioned in Genesis 22:5, it didn't talk about singing or playing instruments at all.
Wasn't Jesus called the son of David who wrote a large portion of Psalms. Wasn't David called a Man after Gods own heart. I don't see anywhere that God said he was a man after God's own heart except for the musical instrument thing
Answer................Revelations 5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign[b] on the earth.”
@@bbeard7 The challenge to you was: after Jesus said It is finished. (The law). Furthermore, after the day of Pentecost Acts chapter 2. In Christ’s Church that He built, Matthew 16:18, when there was no denominations set apart, denominated from the one, there is No New Testament instrumental example. Even After Psalms 150… Amos 5:23 God said take away the melody of the viols away. Then in Amos 6:5, God declared that man was inventing to themselves instruments of music like David. Man can continue their way, (free will), but the instrument that God requires is the one that can Let the word of Christ dwell in them richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs in grace in our hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16. Man can only can safely and emphatically do that with praise. Nothing I placed on this text nor the first one was biased. The scriptures are lining up with what I am presenting. In the Spirit of Christ
I know the Robertsons have fellowship with and collaborations with believers who are outside the Church of Christ.... I would love to be able to sit down with them and ask them their position on baptismal regeneration
This group does believe in baptismal regeneration, (but, for that matter, so do Lutherans) but there is more. It's not enough that you have been baptized, you have to be baptized by THEM.
Considering what we do see in churches today what you said sounds like a wonderful church to go to.. I was brought up catholic and was baptized as a baby.. Now 63 was baptized again as this was a mindful decision, which I do believe should be done as well as be born again. The churches have become cold! Being a real christian means that your life should reflect that. I have not and do not see that, and having been brought up in a catholic church I never saw that either ever. When you read Revelations it begins with the churches so that should tell us that Jesus has a lot to say about the churches and what / how they teach his word.. Personally that does NOT sound like a cult as all, it sounds refreshing.
You made it seem like baptism was the worst trait of the coc but that’s like the only thing the coc is right about lol. They are definitely cultish though in their tendency to believe that anyone who isn’t a member is going to hell.
Hi- I'd just like to say that I was raised in and still to this day attend the CoC (Texas). I have never been taught openly, been led to believe, or taught to others that those outside of the CoC are going to hell. I have seen this comment A LOT on this video, but in my personal experience I have never been around that sort of theology. So idk if maybe that was something years ago or what, but I can at least testify to the last 30 years or so - and down here in the south- that that's not the case.
At what point would you say Pauls sins were washed away? Was it when he called Jesus Lord? Was it when he fasted for 3 days? Was it when he prayed to God? Was it when he believed in the Lord and blindly obeyed? Was it when he regained his sight? Or, was Ananias correct after did all that and he said, " why do you wait, arise and be baptized washing away your sins, calling on the Lord." You see, Paul already believed, confessed, fasted(repented), yet he was still in his sins. Baptism washes away sins. Not the water, but the obedience of the command. Similar to Naaman.
Thoughtful presentation. True or false: there is one church? True or false: denominations are divisions? True or false: Christ's prayer 🙏 was for unity in the church? True or false: there are false teachers and false doctrines? True or false: musical instruments in worship is an addition dating from the 7th century? True or false: we are baptized into Christ? True or false: the first gospel sermon commands, "Repent and be baptized every one of you?" True or false: Jesus taught that the new birth involved "water and the Spirit?" "The churches of Christ salute you!" 😊 Oh, and I would add one more thought, the one church is a cult; hopefully, the cult of Christ.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us. II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it? Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die. We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went? Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die. Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises. Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places. No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about… …places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction. II Peter 3:15-16 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain. Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation? Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity. I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
1. The Church of Christ was not founded in the 19th century the Church of Christ is the only Church mentioned in the Bible see Romans 16:16 as Paul is addressing the Churches of Christ (not many different denominations but mutiple congregations of one church) we are told that we are members of the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:30) and that the body of Christ is his Church (Ephesians 1:23) 2. We are told in the Bible there is one church one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4:4 ) so yes there is only one church to be saved 3. Jesus told his followers to go out and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit )Matthew 28:19)if you didn’t need to be baptized he wouldn’t have told his disciples to go out and teach and baptize people. Instructions on how to be saved is not that hard to understand unless you’re not looking for the truth
The church of Christ that I grew up in and serve in today is a label, not a brand, religion or a organization. "The Church of Christ meets here". The name simply means what it means. This is Christ's church. There is no other Church in the bible. Yes we "Name" Them different but Christ died for HIS church, Not your made up church that mere "man" started. A true congregation with the label Church of Christ is self organized not ran by and controlled by a man made front office. So to say a church of Christ is a cult couldn't be more from the truth. Most denominations report and are controlled by a elected "earthly" front office. That is not the church of the bible. Elders and Decons guide the church. Not a centralized office or MAN. Each church was to appoint elders and deacons. There is no where in the bible where we read of the churchs congregations being controlled by group of people outside of a congregation. So if your "church" is told what to do by people that you have never seen at your congregation you might be in a cult.
I am a Christian that belongs to the Church of Christ and we are just scriptural and we sing praises to the Lord and we take the Lord's supper and all of this is Biblical.
@@Pastor_Grant It's not so much that they are "forbidden", but more that there is no New Testament basis for using them. So why add them in worship service? If other groups of Christians want / feel they need to use instruments, then no problem. Is it an issue of salvation? I really don't think so... On a side note, there are a few Churches of Christ that use instruments now.
Churches of Christ are primarily self-governed and congregational. They do not all hold to the same set of beliefs, not even about instruments. Most members do not think instruments are a sinful practice only that they are not authorized in worship. As you are aware, being a Calvinist, churches of Christ use a CENI (command, example, necessary inference) approach to doctrine. Since biblically and historically instruments were not used in the early church we follow the example. Many early church fathers looked at instruments as a pagan worship practice. We simply try to "restore" New Testament worship as much as possible, wanting God to have the glory and not take it for ourselves in a vain display on a stage. We also primarily do not believe water has regenerative properties. We believe God acts on the heart when we submit to Him. You are a Calvinist, so it is hard for you to understand that. We believe people choose God and the purpose of the Bible is to convince us of our sin. We then repent and are baptized. This is reflected in 1 Peter where he says baptism is not the removal of dirt from the flesh but an appeal for a clean conscience toward God. We also do not believe that we "are the only ones to be saved." This is a mistaken view. We believe that anyone who obeys the Gospel will be saved. We believe you do need to submit to baptism but so do many denominations. Even the Catholic church believes you have to be baptized. Does that make them a cult??? You would be better served speaking with an educated minister in a church of Christ before you say things and disparage a large evangelical movement that spans the globe. I would be willing to talk to you also. God bless.
@@PaulWayneJohnson-ie4cu Your comment unfortunately shows that you have much thoughtful prayer to do. Cessationalism has nothing to do with cult practices. You are just changing the topic because you recognized your error. A true humble heart would just admit it. Your beliefs, according to your video, align with Calvinist teachings. Many denominations believe some form of Calvinism without even realizing it. It appears that you are one such person. You should not make definitive statements on things you do not yet understand. It is better to say "it is my understanding" or "I believe it is thus but I may be mistaken." It is okay to be misinformed or wrong about something. It takes a stronger person to admit it.
@@eusebiusjosephus3164 I have zero videos on my channel. But yes, I do oppose cessationism and I am 99 %ly sure not to be in error. You however are yet to show any scripture that suggests the gifts would cease prior to Christ's return. I suggest you to read the early church fathers. We certainly do agree on baptism, no doubt. We do not agree on Augustine's "just war" doctrine, which the CoC, just like denominational churches do, supports. Besides, the CoC is no different from denominational churches. They also have a sign before their buildings.
@@eusebiusjosephus3164 "Many early church fathers looked at instruments as a pagan worship practice." Would you be able to name only one who did, brother? Prior to the 4th century, that is. It were the marcionites who viewed the material as sinful. The first one to actually view musical instruments as belonging to the OT was Nicetas, a Roman Catholic Bishop of the 4th century. No one wrote that Psalm 150 taught paganism. Did Tertullian and Clement write negative things in regarding to instruments? Absolutely. But not against the instruments themselves, but rather the purpose. Tertullian condemned the endorsement of worldly feasts, including the use of instruments, but not due to the instruments. Clement of Alexandria condemned the theaters, of which both instruments and singing played a part. Does this mean singing is wrong too? Certainly not. Therefore, your claim is incorrect. Also, the question whether there are evidence for them using instruments is disputable. Just like there is no evidence for them using camels or donkeys to travel. I see the church as one body as scripture does (Ephesians 4), but as far as assemblings are concerned, the bishop is to decide whether or not the assembling uses instruments, or whether they clap while singing. "We simply try to "restore" New Testament worship as much as possible, wanting God to have the glory and not take it for ourselves in a vain display on a stage." Worship is not limited to singing. Every breath of my life is worship. To cease from giving God glory is sin (Romans 14:23). I do agree to avoid big lights, stages etc. But the CoC does use elements not from the scriptures, such as the deacons wearing ties and using microphones. We certainly do agree on several doctrines, but not on the spiritual gifts.
The most true thing said in this video was “there was no denominations” when the church started. That is true. So when you read 1 cor 1 why does anybody think God will be happy with denominations today? There was a church. It belonged and still belongs to Christ. Not to Luther, Wesley, etc. In Ephesians it was called “the body of Christ” and in that same letter we are told that the body is the church. So if it’s the “body of Christ” it is also the “Church of Christ”. That’s why we put that on our sign. We are a body of believers that belongs to Christ.
you are a member of the body of Christ, if you are Orthodox Protestant or Catholic. (obviously according to Scripture) but to tackle your point about denominations, the disciples got mad that other people, that weren’t in their group were casting out demons, and Jesus told them let them be. there’s some correlation, so yeah. Here, as in other passages (Romans 14), Paul will clarify: he is not demanding everyone in the church agree with whomever is in charge. Nor is he teaching that believers can never disagree about something. The standard here is not to reach perfect conformity, only that they must reach unity. Disagreement does not have to mean division.
@@iggy9226 my point had to do with 1 Cor 1 where individuals within the church were dividing up by who baptized them. Paul said….that is wrong. What people have done is take an issue like that and leave and start there own congregation under some other name. Paul would say…that is wrong. Paul also had this no say in 1 Cor 1…10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Do you think the Baptist, Catholics, Methodist, Presbyterians and Lutherans would fit in with verse 10? Absolutely not!
My friend, I was raised from birth into the Church of Christ. I know what they teach. They believe every other church in the World that doesn’t believe what they believe is wrong and are teaching false doctrines, and they are right about some of them. They believe that one has no hope of being Saved unless they are Baptized with Water and even then God won’t do his part to Save them unless they do their part. That they could be In a “Saved condition today but lost tomorrow”, it all depends on them. I left because I lived in fear never knowing if I was Saved or not, and I was pretty sure I wasn’t because I knew I still Sinned. So why bother, I knew that if my Salvation depended on me that I would always fall short. Later in Life, God gave me an understanding through Scripture that My Salvation did depend on “works” but not on my works, but on the Works of Jesus Christ and He said it was finished on the Cross. I learned the Truth of Romans 10: 9-11. Ephesians 1:13-14. John 10:28 and Romans 8:1-4. These verses and more helped me understand that what I was taught in the CoC was not correct. Yes we should be Baptized as it is an outward testimony of Inward Faith. But we who know the Truth of Scripture serve the Lord BECAUSE we are Saved not in order to be Saved. I hope you consider these things.
@@randym.7238 that is what this is about. Denominations. There were no other “churches” in the New Testament. If today you are not a part of the body or church of Christ then you are teaching false doctrine. You find no other churches in the New Testament. The only place under the New covenant where you see sins being remitted, washed away, etc is in water baptism….acts 2:38, 22:16. Consider 1 Peter 3:21. In Eph 5:26 Paul told them they had been cleansed and sanctified “through the washing of water by the word”. You can deny it all you want but that is what the New Testament teaches. And yes if a converted individual does not remain faithful they can be lost and there are too many examples and verses to mention in such a short area as this. The Bible NEVER says baptism is “an outward testimony of inward faith”. You made that up.
@@chipspratlin2780 First of all just because the name of your Congregation is “The church of Christ” doesn’t mean it is. Any group of Religious people with a name is a Denomination. That includes the “Church of Christ”. The true Church must teach and adhere to what is taught in Scripture is this not true? The Bible teaches that Salvation is obtained through Faith alone in Christ alone to the Glory of God alone and Romans 10:9-11 proves it. The Church of Christ you belong to doesn’t teach that. The Church of Christ bases Salvation on Works of the person and not the power of the Holy Spirit alone. Even Titus 3: 5-8 clearly tells you that you’re not Saved based on your “Righteous Acts.” Jesus referred to Himself as the Living Waters which is a metaphor for the event that occurs in the regeneration of the Spirit that is laid out in Titus 3: 5-8. What is washing and regenerating those who are being Saved? It is the Holy Spirit that is cleansing you. The water doesn’t turn into the Holy Spirit. Spirit is Spirit and water is water. If your act of Being baptized Saved you then Ephesians 2: 8-9 is a lie. It’s all about Faith and even that is not of yourself as Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states. I never said we shouldn’t be Baptized but I know the Baptism of Water isn’t what Saves us. The Church you belong to won’t speak a lot on the Power of the Holy Spirit, because they were never taught about it. This is what you won’t hear from your preacher; You were chosen before the foundation of the World (Ephesians 1). You were dead in your Sins until you were washed and Regenerated by God’s Holy Spirit ( Titus 3: 5-8). and were made alive in Christ Jesus ( Ephesians 2) for the purposes of doing good works prepared in advance ( Ephesians 2:10). You were chosen to be an object of God’s Mercy ( Roman’s 9: 22-23) You were given to Christ Jesus and nothing can snatch you out of His hand ( John 10:28) and you are no longer condemned ( Roman’s 8:1) even if you are Faithless Jesus will not forsake you ( 2 Timothy 2:13). This is the “Good News” or “Gospel” of Christ. That all who believe will not Perish but have Everlasting life. I know that the CoC doesn’t teach “Once Saved always Saved” which is what the Previous Scripture prove, but is taught in Scripture. I know this is a lot for someone like you and I who were steeped in the “Church of Christ” but when you get it, you will really get it, Lord Willing. By the way according Scripture, if you believe your Saved by Faith through Christ’s Sacrificial Death and that God raised Him from the Dead and that Jesus is Lord, you will be Saved whether your a Baptist, a Presbyterian or anything in between. Attending a Church that Doesn’t teach what the Apostles teach is one to avoid. All Salvation is brought about by the Power of God’s Holy Spirit. You Salvation and your perseverance in Christ to the end is the Work of Jesus who is “The Author and Finisher of our Faith” (Hebrews 12:2 ) If Salvation depended on our efforts, none would be Saved. This doesn’t mean that we are supposed to sit on our Hands and do nothing. We have good works that God Has planned for us to do, and we can earn Rewards in Heaven too. The Saved are known by their “Fruit” which is the Fruit of the Spirit. ( Mathew 7: 15-20) I hope you consider these things.
Church of Christ teaching regarding those who will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: - But Jesus, I was baptized with the knowledge that baptism saves, I fed the poor, I lived below my means to give to the church and needy brethren every single week as I was taught, I endured great suffering and hardship for your name's sake, I clothed the naked, I visited the imprisioned, I loved and blessed my enemies in obedience to you. My children follow in your ways. I love you. - Yes, but you sang to the sound of the piano instead of making melody with your heart. Away from me, worker of iniquity!
I been condemned by an American CoC called Glenn Roper (from Oklahoma) pastor for not blaspheming the Holy Spirit because I did not agree with him that the gifts of the Holy Spirit supposedlly ceased.
Thayer on "faith" (pisteuo): "a conviction, full of joyful trust, that Jesus is the Messiah - the divinely appointed author of eternal salvation in the kingdom of God, conjoined with obedience to Christ." "Conjoined " is a bit archaic, but still used as in "conjoined twins". At any rate, the definition is simple, but do you know how many Baptist - not Christian, but Baptist - preachers I've heard actually quote it in nearly fifty years? Somewhere between a naught, a cipher, and a goose egg. Why? The church of Christ accepts Thayer's definitions. These Baptist and "Community Churches" do not. That's why they lose every debate with the church of Christ.
I go to the church of Christ but it's not mandatory to baptize its up to you, and our church adhere to doctrine scriptures and we have musical instruments..I guess every church is different..
Christ's church was established on the day of pentecost. Ephesians 4:4-6 - There is one body and one Spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. The "body" is the church. So there is only one church. Many congregations but one church. To call Christ's church a cult is blasphamy. So are you a part of Christ's Church? Or ar you in a man maid church, which is more of a cult?
You said: They believe you have to have faith AND be baptized" Notice: > Being baptized in water is an expression of your faith. Next: The water DOES NOT wash away your sins, God washes away your sins when you do what He has told you to do. Michael, why don't you except the plain and simple words on the page? If you have not been baptized in water "for the forgiveness of sins" (Acts 2:38), you ARE NOT saved. Ask me about it.
I attend Mid-Columbia Church of Christ in Dallesport, WA. Regarding what you said about that denomination, the only thing true is that the congregation sings acapella (w/out instruments). I've also preached there. The people are great. I know every regular attendee. I've sent the pastor Messianic songs with music, and he has never said anything derogatory about it. I think a lot members probably listen to old hymns with musical instruments when out of church. I am appreciated there because of my translation work in the Bible. I had discussions with one younger member about this topic. I told him: the definition of a psalm (מִזְמוֹר) is a hymn / song accompanied by a musical instrument(s). If the other things you were saying regarding the teaching of the Church of Christ were taught, then I would have to rebuke them. Our family has been there for ~7 years. Your video is new news to me. I never heard this stuff about their historical beginnings. If you are ever in the area then please come by. We would love to have you.
Didn’t the disciples in the gospels have to receive the gift of The Holy Spirit? Didn’t the disciples have to cast out demons? Didn’t the disciples have to heal the sick? When was the last time any of these things were done in a C.O.C.? They have an issue with Organized religion.
christ said to one of the criminals he was killed with that his sins were forgiven and that he would see him in heaven. baptism was not necesery for him, or all the obedient jews from pre-christ, including Lot. yes it is an owtwardly sign of obedience and i know people who after they are baptised thier walk takes on a new dimention. we are all works in progress
Rom 9:14-18 It’s not possible to be in Christ, when you haven’t put the old man away. Believe with your heart, repentance, and baptism. You have to bury the old man, and come up a new man.
Let's keep in mind that they are being hypocritical with the creed thing. They do have a creed, they just say they don't because on the front cover it reads "why i am a member of the Church of Christ" instead of "creed"
@@claymcgregor4856 that's what a creed is. Your argument is no different than someone calling abortion "reproductive rights" or someone calling extortion "child support".
@@Christianpreaching you know a creed would be a formal writing that goes along with all denominational bodies as a guideline. In which this does not. There is no headquarters to distribute this and im willing to bet most congregations dont even know what this booklet is. I happened to come across it online. Whether your a part of the church or not we should be honest and try not to misrepresent. A gospel tract is not a formal creed
There was a Church of Christ that was established and built in 1914 A.D. in Philippines. They claimed that they are the one mentioned in Matthew 16 : 18 and Isaiah 43 and on Acts 20 original manuscript says church of God. George Lamsa translations of Act 20 church of God becomes church of Christ. But then this said church opposed Romans 16 : 16 ....the churches of Christ salute you. They believed it's not plural its singular. They opposed also abt 1 John 5 : 20 Because their belief and doctrines that Jesus is only a man. They don't believed that Yeshua becomes human or flesh from God originally.
@@Orthodixi No...Jesus-Christ is God became and incarnate as a human being with flesh and blood for 33 years. Crucified, died and rose again and ascended back to heaven and returned as (Matthew 28 : 19) true God and of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and eternal life. (1 John 5 : 20)
@@Orthodixi The Church of Christ (Misyon Kristiyana) originally brought by the American missionaries in 1901 A.D. in which a former minister named Felix M. Ysagun was used to served in 1909 to 1911. Then 1914 a.d. bro. Felix M. Ysagun established his own and officially named his church as iglesia ni cristo aka inc, who believes that Jesus-Christ is only human with flesh and blood. Church of Christ 1901 named in Tagalog as Iglesya ni Kristo aka INK, and registered to Manila Patent and Trademark Office who believes that Jesus-Christ is God.
@@Orthodixi The 1914 a.d. Philippines' established iglesia ni cristo or church of christ (all lowercase means on their beliefs that jesus-christ is only human, died as human, second coming as human). They were not submit to Christ doctrine as pattern to new testament Christians established in Jerusalem. Their communion is once a year, no christmas celebration. Tithing is mandatory. Conducts 2 Sundays in a week mainly: Thursday and Sunday are both same worship service. Baptism followed after 27 lessons of indoctrination or 2 years. Bringing bibles inside chapel are not allowed for they had no doubt at all. Shutting down the door when you are late. Segregation of men and women seat. Must wore all white garments. Rarely use KJV bible translations who tells exact truth.
There certainly are many spiritually loving Christians in the church of Christ. They are right on baptism, wrong however on teaching cessationism. Also, their opposition against instruments makes them double minded. They say not to add to worship - wonder where microphones were authorized? - yet I see no CoC opposing Christ-Mass (which is not only not in the OT, but even warned of there against, see Jeremiah 10)
@Nick-wn1xwtechnically speaking, in Romans 16:16 Paul refers to the church as Churches of Christ… but I digress.. a “title” has nothing to do with if you belong to Christ. It’s the message that is taught and understood. If it’s from Christ you are a Church that belongs to Christ.. if not, then you are doing your own thing.
@@garysizemore411 Yes, that's what all churches say! Unfortunately the coc only teaches the parts of the bible that seem to agree with their beliefs. After I studied on my own for 2 decades I realized how much of the bible the coc doesn't teach at all!
Jesus Christ said as recorded in SCRIPTURE, MARK 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; As recorded in the SCRIPTURE in John 3:5 Jesus Christ said “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again.” So sir, I suppose according to your intelligence Jesus is wrong. And we need to hear you instead.
Christian baptism was not even a thing when Jesus spoke those words in John 3:5 and most modern translations question the validity of Mark 16:16, I'm not saying I hold to that position but I can't point to many many other passages that just say believe. Its faith that saves us not works Eph 2:8-9, John 3:16.
James 2:19-20 New King James Version 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
@@davidstamburski9487 Yes, it is. Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, John 3:16. The justification James speaks of is before men, A true saving faith will produce works is his point. When people teach Faith alone in the sense of easy believeism, yes, that is not biblical but unless you're Catholic, you believe salvation is by grace which excludes works. Read Romans 4
@@brucemoore463 salvation is by grace alone through faith, the thief on the cross was never baptized yet Jesus said "Today thou shalt be with Me in paradise". People also must be baptized, it is a command not a suggestion but the water does not literally wash away sin, the blood of Jesus does that.
@@Pastor_Grant the old thief on the cross! I have heard that a many times! When did the church start, on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached the first gospel sermon! Before Jesus descended into heaven Mark 16:15-16 he gave the great commission! He who believe and has been baptized shall be saved, but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned! Are you willing to take that chance and not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ!
@@brucemoore463 I've been baptized and I've never told a person to ignore it, I tell people it is a command so I'm not sure what your issue is, like I said the blood of Jesus washes away sin not the H2O from the local river, do you think the river water is what saves?
@@davidpaul-satyavakyamu160 what was my conclusion in the video that you disagreed with? And please give the timestamp so I know what you're asking for.
They, indeed are a cult and sadly, they don't even know it. What do they do with the Scripture the Scripture in Genesis that reads, "Let us make man?" Who was God talking to????
You do not need to be a member of any denomination or any one denomination to be saved...but you do need be a member of the church belonging to Christ. Be pre-denominational. Just a Christian which is a member of Christ church. That's all the church of Christ has preached.
@@bbeard7 No. Not building. The church is the body of the saved in Christ. Members of the church are Christians and if Biblical New Testament Christians then members of his body, the church. Members of the church are members universally and locally congregationally. They meet wherever they gather together and that is not confined to a building or meeting house.
Saved from what exactly? I know many people who are not religious who conduct themselves more christ-like than those claiming to be "Christians". Just because one goes to church does not automatically make you a good person. If you are a spiritually conscious individual filled with god's love in your actions here on earth, that I think is the most relevant thing.
@@ulrichskaarsgard7848 I agree that many who are not 'religious' have good character. Love their family and others No doubt. Just because one has been baptized into Christ does not mean they are going to be saved if they do not live their life faithfully according to his words. However not being in Christ would mean one will be eternally lost, in darkness, and separated from love itself for eternity. I realize many do not believe that...but we are told that many will not. It's a choice individuals make and will answer for one way or another.
One time Jesus gave a man a tour of heaven. They kept walking by a bunch of cities and Jesus would tell the man "these are the catholics. These are the babtists. Here are the episcopals" as they passed each city. Then they came up to one and Jesus told the man to whisper and be very quiet. The man asked Jesus why they needed to be quiet and Jesus reponded "this is the church of Christ, they think they are the only ones here!". Jokes aside, I grew up COC but left about 16 years ago when I was 13, at least the ones I attended were too fear based and too extreme. I remember getting a comic in sunday school as a kid that showed a man drinking a beer and then the next picture was of him getting his arms ripped off by demons in hell as a punishment haha. Crazy people believe that.
I've attended Church of Christ for over 50 years, even went to a CoC school K through 12th grade, we never referred to each other or asked if someone was a disciple. I'm not sure where you got that bit of information, but it is not used commonly, if at all, by the CoCs near me.
I was going to say the exact same thing! I feel like the only thing close to correct about the churches of Christ that the creator got right was the acapella singing... and if acapella singing is all it takes to consider something a cult? ... idk man, sounds like a dicey foundation to me. 🤷♀
Yes I am A Preacher Church Of Christ. I am asking him to vome to debate. @@andieparrish5148
@@andieparrish5148He didn't understand the truth.
2:31 - you say the restorationists (Stone, Campbell, etc.) looked around at others and said they aren't real Christians. This is incorrect. Thomas Campbell, for example, was known for saying "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians." That which you describe became true of later members of the restoration movement, and in particular the CoC after the movement split b/w CoC and Disciples of Christ in the late 1800s, but early on the movement was one of unity and fellowship across denominational lines.
Great content, just a minor correction I wanted to point out.
Source: Thomas Campbell's "Declaration and Address" and my 43 years in the CoC which I just recently left.
Church of Christ is only a cult because they try to keep everyone to agree with their oligarchs and to not debate their non-biblical ideas such as “no instruments” “no crosses”, “bread and wine represents”, and are really upset if someone leaves or isn’t devoted enough, and rant about other denominations.
I'm a member of the church of Christ like named in Romans 16:16. The Bible says that "baptism now saves" in 1 Peter 3:21, also around there it says baptism is the answer of a good conscience to God. What people need to understand, especially the "Church of Christ," is that baptism is an act of faith. You have faith that this simple act of submission does anything, like Naaman did in 2 Kings 5. Just do the thing!
Saying you are saved by baptism is not a contradiction of "saved by faith alone" because baptism is an act of faith, not works. Knowing that shows how Mark 16:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9 do not contradict. "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
Amen brother! Any good deed I do I had to learn from someone, giving to the poor, being kind, smiling and blessing those who curse me, are all acts that I model after someone else. God is good and all good things come from him, so whatever good I do it isn't me but rather for God's glory. So if I am baptized, although I do the act, deed, work, whatever people want to call it, it's God's doing for if he had not told me then it would have never crossed my mind to do it.
Your name has nothing to do with Rom. 16:16! I was raised in your cult and it certainly is NOT the NT Church!! I escaped.......thank God!
Be a Berean!! Blessings!
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the "Church of Christ" but I said I'm a member of the church of Christ, not the "Church of Christ". I'm as much a member of the church of God as the church of the saints or the church of the firstborn (those are all Bible names for the Church if you didn't know, I just can't remember the verses). That's just a name on a sign. Though I do gather under that name, there's only one Church and God's Church can't be limited by walls or names, it dwells in the hearts of men. I understand where you're coming from though, I've tried to correct that thought in many brothers from the older generation that "the Church of Christ is the only one going to heaven." Not untrue but too often used in an incorrect manner.
Do you realize that the bible only says "church of Christ" once in the bible? However, it does say "church of God" 8 times. Just a fun fact for ya!!
@@jeremyroeder151 YES!!! I had heard 12 times, but I will check it! Blessings!!
I think one problem people have with the Church of Christ is people cant wrap their head around a church that is not a denomination. Nobody in the church of Christ would say “leave your denomination and come to ours” they are saying leave denominationalism all together and come to the Bible alone.
Another thing is baptismal regeneration teaches that the water has a special power that washes away sins. The Bible teaches that the blood of christ washes away/remitts sins Matthew 26:28.. and baptism also washes away/remitts sins acts 2:38-acts 22:16. We believe the Bible doesnt contradict therefore the blood of Christ washes away our sins at the point in which we are baptized into Christ Romans 6:1-4.
You are right we have no creed, but the Bible alone. Each local church is autonomous, thats why there may be variations in teachings. If it is found that a congregation is teaching unscripturally on a subject , we simply dont fellowship.
As far as music, we simply dont find a new testament example of instruments in worship and choose to stay on the safe side. We know instruments were commanded under the old covenant. But now all new testament examples we have are sing, sang, sung, offer the fruit of our lips, etc.
There is no difference in a church that is called “the church of Christ, the church of God, the church of the firsborn, the body of Christ, etc. if it is a scriptural name and follows the sound doctrine of Christ, then it is the church of Christ.
I am writing this as a former baptist, troubled by the teaching if John Calvin and trying to reconcile them with the Word of God. Please dont follow the teaching of men and if you do stop. Again noone is saying “if you arent a part of our denomination youre going to hell”. Were saying flee denominations and become part of the Lords church not mans. By rejecting mens teachings and theology and going back to the Bible. Mark 7:7
Well said. You nailed it.
Correct me if i’m wrong, but John Calvin, was a Calvinist, and not a Baptist. 2nd and i say this with no disrespect, but this comment just reeks of ignorance. most of “man’s” theology and teaching stems from the Bible. Correct me if i’m wrong, but would “man’s” teaching (or tradition) include the Catholic, and Orthodox churches too? If so 2 Timothy 2:2, and 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Most well established, denominations in Protestantism, and the branches of Orthodoxy and Catholicism stem from the Bible. The Nicene Creed was biblical, and just because men said it, doesn’t make it wrong to follow.
@@iggy9226 john calvin wasnt a baptist and i dont know where you got that i made that correlation. The statement refers to baptist churches that i attended that followed his teachings. And no just because a person says something is not what makes it wrong. Whats wrong is when we dont follow what the scriptures explicitly say, and we follow what some man says “it says this.. but this is what i think it really means” that would be following after the traditions of men. And im not really that concerned with what the catholic, orthodox, presbyterians teach because they are all a denomination. A division.. as im sure you are aware the mormons, jehovas whitnesses, sevent day adventists, etc also stem from the Bible originally but as you leave those teachings for your own you are no longer a part of the lords Body. Following scripture and not departing from the left or to the right. God has given us the way to become part of his body, the way to be set up and worship as his body, and the way to remain faithful to him. If you abide you are part of the Body of Christ
Clay, the gospel of the grace of God is recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved.
God tells us in Ephesians 1:13-14 that when we rightly divide the gospel of the grace of God from the gospel of the kingdom that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.
God has given me the opportunity to share the gospel with you today.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou your right. That is the good news. So are you saying you dont have to repent? Its not stated there.. You dont have to confess either?.. or be baptized because those all say they are unto salvation but are not listed in 1 Cor 15:1-4
The water doesn't wash away sins (that isn't taught in churches of Christ)...it is only the blood of Christ that washes away sins, which is reached and applied to a believer in the submissive and obedient faithful act of baptism into Christ and his body...the church. We are baptized into his death, into his body, into Christ, all by faith...not merit raising up washed in the saving and cleansing blood of Christ and added by God, not by ourselves or another, but by God to the church, the body of the saved.
True. true. Romans 6.
Actually, the CoC doctrine is that you contact the blood of Jesus Christ in your baptistry water.
Most CoC people don't even know their own doctrine.
So when a person Believes and Repents but is not Baptized, are they not Saved?
@@randym.7238water doesn’t save, only Jesus does. So no, baptism does not save OR not being baptised does not get you into hell.
Matt 7:24 " Every one who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man, And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man.." John 3:20 " every one who does evil hates the light....but he who does what is true comes to the light..." 1John 1:6 " if we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to the truth, BUT IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT, as he is in the light....the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin". Doing what Jesus says is not earning your salvation, it is called faith. Doing what you want, is trying to earn your salvation. I am saved by faith, an obedient faith and was saved by faith when I was baptized into Christ. Gal 3:26-27
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
Mr. Grant,
Thank you for creating this video and sharing your insights, as well as for your dedication to exploring this topic. Having spent over 30 years in the Restoration Movement (RM), I would like to offer some additional context on a couple of points discussed in your video.
Firstly, I want to clarify the initial intention of the Restoration Movement. It began as a unity movement, uniting Christians across denominations by encouraging them to reject divisive manmade creeds. The primary goal was to restore Christian fellowship and promote unity, rather than claiming to be "the one true church." It's crucial to understand that the movement emerged as a response to the divisive use of creeds in the 19th century. In the early decades of the RM, no one denied that there were Christians in other denominations.
Unfortunately, in the latter part of the 19th and early 20th centuries, some within the movement drifted towards sectarianism. This shift led to certain sects within the RM denying the salvation of believers outside the movement. In this you are correct, and it is a sad fact that some RM churches to this day are sectarian.
Regarding baptismal beliefs, I have never known anyone in the RM who believes in "baptismal regeneration." This simply is not taught, although I can understand why others conclude that they believe in baptismal regeneration.
The belief is not that the water itself washes away sins; instead, those in the RM typically believe that it is during baptism that a believer is united with Christ. It’s not a question of what or who washes away sins, it’s a question of when. It is during immersion that God takes away sin. Baptism is seen as the God-given means of responding, in faith, to the gospel. However, they would do well to put a stronger emphasis on what God is doing in the process and less on the water.
It's important to note that RM churches exhibit a diverse spectrum of beliefs. Are they a cult? Generally speaking, I'd say no, but many RM groups are sectarian. The non-instrumental Church of Christ is particularly known to fall into the sectarian category, but even here there are exceptions. The only RM group I am aware of that might fall into the cult category is the International Church of Christ; they are a fringe group within the movement.
Best regards
Thanks for the response. I talked to an Evangelist in our local church of Christ assembly and he flat out told me you need to be baptized to be saved. For what its worth. Thanks again.
@@Pastor_Grant Yes, you are correct about that. I just wouldn't equate that to baptismal regeneration. I'm sure it depends on how one defines the term. Anyway, thanks for engaging. 🙂
@@Pastor_Grantis the Watchtower JW part of the Jesuits order as well the Mormon? Thanks
I've also been active in non-instrumental churches of Christ for several decades across multiple regions of the US. @kf4zmt I think your summary is correct.
We reject mechanical regeneration through water - and I've known of no-one that would teach it. Baptism is God's work where we are united with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. We believe that we're justified by faith, and that saving faith is faith that is obedient by trusting, repenting of sin, and putting on Christ in baptism. We would emphasize that according to the promise of God salvation is delivered to those who by faith obey - by bringing us into contact with the blood of Christ, cleansing us. "if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, ... the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." Not earning merit, but receiving the promise of God.
When it comes to acapella worship, we believe that singing is what God has asked for so that is how we ought to seek to please him. There tends to be a dogmatic minority in most churches that would go further and say that instruments are sinful. But most people I've talked to don't believe that's true. Instruments in worship are seen as a gateway towards manipulating emotions in worship, to putting on a show, or to entertainment - and my experiences in other churches point to these being true many times though not all.
I've not seen any of these churches that were outright sectarian or cults. We would say that you must be in the church that belongs to Christ to be saved - and that's true. That church is not equated with the visible congregation and building. Rarely you might find some that would say the building has to be labelled "church of christ" or you're not saved. But I don't believe this sort of thing is a CoC issue as it pops up in all churches in different ways. More often than that you'll find people who are seeking to honor God according to what he's said and come together to worship simply and acceptably in a way in which all can be unified.
@@burgernofries beautiful words from you....but please answer my question. Thank you
Thank you for putting this together. I have been a pastor in the Christian Church/Church of Christ for 20 + years. There are true distinctions that get blurred in my opinion and experience. The Restoration Movement is the background from which our group comes. There have been branches out of the original group. There is the non-instrumental churches of Christ who refuse to use instruments in their worship. Then there are the Disciples of Christ which also branched out from the original RM group. Then there is the International Church of Christ, another branch. I've never encountered anyone from this group, that I am aware of, and at this point, I'm okay with that.
I believe there is a blurred line. In the southern United States, it seems that if the building says "Church of Christ", then it is most likely a non-instrumental church. If it says, "Christian Church" then it would be a group that uses instruments in worship. In the northern portions of the U.S. Christian Church and Church of Christ are synonymous and utilize instruments in worship. However, there are non-instrumental Churches of Christ in the northern territory too. So, one must do their homework/research to discern which is which.
I've started attending a Church of Christ in Iowa when I was in junior high. I accepted Jesus and was baptized at Bible camp when I was 13. I went to a Bible College associated with RM and Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. I have served as a youth minister, associate minister and senior minister within s handful of the churches. I have met many people over the years who presume to know what I believe, simply because of my association with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. I have told people before that I am not a "company man" when it comes to holding onto every single doctrine that has historically been associated with RM/CC/CoC. I strive to dig into Scripture, study the original languages, understanding there was an original audience, original writer and original purpose. I strive to understand what the passages meant in their time and how we can glean application for today. And I do not do this perfectly but strive to do so faithfully.
Anyway, I appreciate you tackling the subject. I do not believe there is any one denomination that has cornered the market on God and the Bible. I personally believe that within every denomination that claims Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, and faith in Him is our only hope for salvation, that there are God-fearing, Christ-following, Spirit-filled, Bible believing Christians in each group. However, I also believe there are phonies just going through the motions in each of those groups as well. When there is obvious, blatant false teaching, it needs to be addressed. However, I also believe we need to demonstrate some patience, grace, and mercy, because we do not always know where an individual stands even though they may be part of a certain group. We should be careful with our assumptions and strive to have honest conversation. And I know... that is not always go to be a reality. Just recently our church received a message on its Facebook message board from a guy who simply wrote: "You know you're a cult don't you?" I wrote him back and asked him what qualifications he was using to say this. He went to the baptism argument right away. I shared my thoughts and perspective and had some back and forth with him. After about 20 minutes, he apologized for making his first statement about us being a cult. I said no worries, I forgive you, be blessed. Never heard any more from him.
I think the secular culture does enough "lumping together" of all people who call themselves Christians. As brothers/sisters in Christ, we should always be willing to lead with grace while refusing to abandon truth. A difficult balance that needs to be on the foundation of love.
Blessings to you, your family, your minsitry, and further work with these podcasts, Mr. Grant.
Some excellent observations here. I went to the church of Christ for many years. I wasn't raised in it so had some conflicts with some of their beliefs but overall it was a great learning experience to really understand the Bible in ways I had never learned before. Things I didn't like were trashing other denomination's from the pulpit. Didn't happen a lot but seemed to early on. Never understood the no instruments to this day. I was born with a musical talent that I couldn't share in the COC. Singing a cappella was fine actually but thinking it's a sin to have a piano or other instruments seemed odd. Even a choir was considered wrong. I grew up singing in church choirs with my mom. But no regrets raising my kids in the COC as they got a good foundation in the Bible and now that they are fine Christian adults.
I tried to attend a COC in Colorado and it was very exclusive. I had to leave!
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
“Hyper-biblical”??? A cult is a cult. I was raised in C.O.C. Until I was 19. When I attended a “spirit-filled” church in college, I found out how “Real” God is. And how “real” the Holy Spirit is. Have you ever seen a demon manifest in someone? Have you ever seen someone who was diagnosed with a terminal illness healed, like for real for real healed. With documented proof by Drs. Scrutinize the scriptures for yourself and tell me if you don’t think that, doctrinally, what they are teaching is not “truth”.
Very nice posting brother, I appreciated reading it. And I am not a part of CoC, just another imperfect born again Christian from far away New Zealand.
Funny how COC forbids instruments in worship services since it was not done so in the NT but they have neon signs outside, air conditioning, electricity….etc. Where do you draw the line?
There's really nothing "funny" (here you're using it to mean contradictory) about your example. To address your comment in a very narrow sense, AC and electricity are not used in worship. But the material issue raised is: use of instruments in worship. As for this, it's not so much that they are "forbidden", but more that there is no New Testament basis for using them. So why add them in worship service? (If other groups of Christians want / feel they need to use instruments, then no problem. Is it an issue of salvation? I really don't think so... On a side note, there are a few Churches of Christ that use instruments now.)
@@AntiwokieThe light is just incidental. It's not used directly as part of worship. This seems extremely obvious. The music is used directly as part of worship. Whether you're using electric lights or gas lights or fire light or moonlight or sunlight. That's completely irrelevant. It's extremely odd that you're trying to stretch for this contradiction that doesn't exist. I think you just want to be argumentative. The main issue is whether to use instruments or not. Do you have anything to say about that?
@@jjones40 well said, people will say anything to justify what they do smh
Please sir accept my comments with the utmost respect for you, your opinion and the sincerity of your belief. It is not my intent to offend nor criticize you sir. But, you are using 2 different and separate examples that are not the same thing. Air conditioning, song books, overhead projectors, pews, the pulpit, the church building and electric lights do not ADD to our specifically commanded worship, but are only mere AIDS of convenience and expediency to help us properly worship God as He desires. They are not to add to, nor impair, impede, or change our worship. However they are AIDS to us in our commanded worship to God. They don’t affect the church’s specific commands of worship which include: 1) preaching ; 2) singing; 3) praying ; 4) partaking of the Lord’s Supper; 5) giving back as we’ve prospered; or 6) the public reading of scripture. They are aids just as a knife was an aid in slitting the sheep’s throat at Passover. An addition would have been to add a bull or a cow or something unspecified by God. Therefore ADDING an instrument is not an AID to our singing. It is an addition (of playing- strumming- banging, etc.) with our singing. That is not authorized in the New Testament. That may seem like a minor thing to you, but we take God’s commands to be explicit and exclusive for only what He commands. Please consider: (Lev. 10:1-20)- Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire to God that they wanted to offer, but God did not command, nor accept their worship. Also, (Rev. 22:18-19) “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone ADDS to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19) and if anyone TAKES AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” We believe God’s truth to be exclusive in nature. When He commands one thing, that excludes everything else. If it’s not authorized by God, we shouldn’t do it. We are only authorized to do what he has commanded us to do. I pray you and I have a better understanding of how we obey God’s holy word. May God bless us both in our searching of the truth.
So profoundly said.
People can say all they want about the Church of Christ but they are spot on on baptism.
Even my 16 year old granddaughter cannot understand why folks just cannot get the teaching on baptism right and she isn't a member of the church of Christ.
@@GordonMcElvany It's because they do not want to. That's my conclusion after 45 years. They erroneously view water baptism as a "work" - and go downhill from there.
@@brendanjobe6895Lutherans are also very spot on with baptism, salvation, interdenominational alliance, faith, repentance, sola scriptura, etcetera.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
Spot on how? I agree EVERY Christian must be baptized, if they don't it casts massive doubt on their profession of faith since Biblically baptism was to act as your public profession , I just believe the blood of Jesus washes away sin not water. Its clearly a symbolic act as is the Lord's supper as were the I AM statements of Jesus but the mistake people make is they think symbolic = not important.
The movement was ultimately started by people who were tired of all the tradition and man-made doctrine (like needing a coin to take communion - Alexander Campbell) that had slipped into the church; they simply wanted to get back to the Bible and to "restore" the New Testament church. What they meant by that was that they wanted to model themselves after the first century church. They view a lot of Acts as prescriptive rather than descriptive. Ironically over the years they've created their own traditions.
The issue of believing people outside the Church of Christ are not saved is definitely present in some congregations, although Alexander Campbell himself didn't believe that and worshiped with others at times. Thomas Campbell, for example, was known for saying "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians." That which you describe became true of later members of the restoration movement, and in particular the CoC. Many members of the CoC. today, think more along the lines of Thomas Campbell. They believe that if you were baptized of your own will, whether you understood it to be a necessary act of obedience or the moment you receive forgiveness, you’ve been forgiven.
As for baptism. The Restoration Movement doesn't believe baptism itself saves you, they believe it is an act of faith and obedience and the moment when you receive God's grace and, according to Acts 2:38, the Holy Spirit (our seal [Eph. 1:13]). It is an act of God that you submit to in faith.
I grew up in the c of C. This hit home- it was so accurate. I’m not there anymore. I would add that if someone were ever to leave the denomination (like I have), they’d be judged- and told (possibly) they were going to hell (like I have been) if they didn’t come back.
Aren't you thankful salvation is of the Lord, and not membership in a group?
I have learned in All churches there are good and bad ones.. I have a great COC congregation, They teach from the Bible , they are loving , They are always open to being corrected by biblical standards.. many churches today don’t even come close to preaching sound doctrine.. I believe most COC does ..
Thanks nothing to add
What I have learned from the Church of Christ is absolutly Biblcal. No pre trib rubbish, no false Calvinistic teachings, no once saved always saved doctrines. No triune 3 headed god teachings. Things I never could come to terms with. Babtism was a commanment from our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ himself as well as taught by Peter and all the Apostels.
Spoken as a true "church of Christer" as opposed to a Christian.
Are the Churches of Christ not Trinitarian?
@@mydejaynes i believe they're oneness pentecostals/modalist. Which believe God has switched "modes" or "hats" during our time on earth. They believe Jesus is the Father. And not in three distinct persons all separate but equal. They are not trinitarian. You may also know there doctrine as the "Jesus Only" movement which believe you must be baptized or even re-baptized in Jesus name only (Acts 2:38) and not the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit This belief is also called Saballianism which was a guy that brought this belief to the early church and was considered a heretic. This teaching of oneness pentecostal/Jesus only/Saballianism is a false doctrine by denying the deity of Jesus. Same as the Jehovah witnesses and Mormons...
@@justinoverton87153 so they are not descended from the Stone-Campbell movement then. I’ve heard of oneness Pentecostals, but never seen one that went by the name “Church of Christ.”
Amen! The church of Christ follows the teachings of the Bible and not man made denominational beliefs
Baptism is a rebirth from the old to the new, not a washing away of sins. Jesus Christs blood washed away our sins.
Acts 22:16
From the description:
"One “minor” issue is the Church of Christ policy of not allowing musical instruments in their church services"
"Such dogmatism on a clearly non-essential issue is often the mark of a cult, not the mark of a good biblical church."
This could be seen as quite the shot at many of the great theologians across church history - would all the below be considered cult leaders?
I would encourage that people look into Church history on this topic -- Musical Instruments were highly contested all throughout the history of Christianity. It is certainly not just a coC topic (which is a modern day misconception!)-- it spanned ALL denominations -- from protestants to catholics! Look into what happened when the catholics implented the organ for the first time!
*John Calvin* quote:
"Musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, and the restoration of the other shadows of the law. The Papists therefore, have foolishly borrowed, this, as well as many other things, from the Jews."
Another *Calvin* quote:
"the use of musical instruments in worship smelled of popery, and was an unnecessary aid, a form of distraction from worship which is contrary to Paul’s principles that the tongue be employed in the praise of God"
*John Wesley* quote:
"I have no objection to instruments of music in our worship, provided they are neither seen nor heard."
*Clement* quote:
"Leave the pipe to the shepherd, the flute to the men who are in fear of gods and intent on their idol worshipping. Such musical instruments must be excluded from our wingless feasts, for they arc more suited for beasts and for the class of men that is least capable of reason than for men"
Spurgeon, Knox, Adam Clarke, This list goes on…
Several good *Modern* books (not coC! baptist/presbyterian etc..) that are out there that reflect this sentiment (across denominations!) Instruments in church as being mainstream/popular is actually a fairly new thing in the 2,000 years of the Church!
I was told the no instruments was because after the Civil War there was little money for an organ.
@@francinesmith6893 That explanation does not logically hold through any type of scrutiny... That may be the case on an individual church basis -- but take a look at the quotes that were provided above --- each one of those were well before the American Civil War..... Think whoever told you that either was hoping you wouldnt look into it yourself or hasnt done there own digging.
I was told the only way to salvation was to accept the Lord Jesus 🙏 Christ as lord 🙏 an personal savior.
give the verse that says so
There is no verse that that says so. We shouldn't simply go off what we are taught as children or what others have told us we need to do for salvation. JESUS is the authority and we will all be judged by His Words. Read and study the Bible for yourself. Only ONE church mentioned in the N.T. and that is the church that Jesus started (Acts 2) and He is the head of.
Yeah, we're going to see some book chapter and verse for that. 1 Peter 3:18-21 on the other hand...
You were told wrong!
We are saved by believing the gospel of the grace of God which is recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
Just because a Christian doesn't go to church doesn't mean they're not a Christian. I have needed therapy after some of my church experiences, and I refuse to be abused any more. At the age of 70 I read my Bible and keep away from the wolves and Jezebel spirits.
Not sure I said that but we all have excuses as why we can't do the right thing but at the end of the day they're still just excuses.
I’m guilty of this. We are not to forsake the assembly. So says Hebrews.
Mutasis, the book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrews. The Jews were under the gospel of the kingdom. We have the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
Commandment #8 do not steal.
I have shared with you the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
Space invader, you are correct. The gospel of the grace of God is recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4. When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved.
Ephesians 1:13-14 says that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption when we believe the gospel of the grace of God.
I call myself a child of God, since that is what God calls me when I believe the gospel and I have been saved.
All denominations combine the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of the grace of God.
Denominations are unsafe for those who want to be saved.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou I can’t imagine the writer of Hebrews not encouraging Christians to attend church - in whatever capacity “church” is. Tired of this cheap grace bit.
The simple purpose of The Creeds were to combat the various heresies. They came about through the many councils held among the churches to states what Christians believed and why without having to read the entire scriptures to someone.
By the way, No creed but Christ....is a creed.
There's a subtle difference in what this man is saying and what's actually practiced in the churches of Christ. There might be some among them who say that a person isn't saved until baptism but that would be the exception instead of the rule. The reason baptism is taught along with salvation is that nearly every time it's mentioned in the NT the people responding to the gospel message were baptized very soon after hearing it. The Apostles didn't wait until a scheduled baptism session but conducted the baptisms almost immediately. You can argue the point all you want but that's how it was soon after the church was established. In that you cannot fault the C of C but you have to blame the Apostles for doing that and then giving the example.
I support the immediate baptisms and think all believers should be baptized but CoC members have told me salvation doesn't happen until they hit the water.
@@Pastor_Grant yes that is the real sticking point. Many Christians would question the delay in people getting baptised also, until a baptism service or someone high enough up can do it etc.... but it's the not baptised, not saved issue that is the big one. One reason I don't think baptism is essential for salvation, because it puts the blame on the new convert instead of the church and pastor who many times much around waiting 6 months to baptise someone. The poor convert could be the victim of the procrastination of the pastor and then God judges them for failing to be baptised? That's a bit like stoning a women to death for promiscuity after she has been raped......... not as bad but the same idea. Inmy opinion.
Thanks you for your explanation
I belong to a church founded out of the Restoration Movement, but not the non-instrumental Church of Christ. One of our primary affirmations is that we are Christians, but NOT the only Christians. We occasionally read from the two creeds you mentioned.
I would like to plead with you not to put all Christians and congregations affiliated with the Restoration Movement into the same lump. This is exactly what Stone, Campbell, and others were trying to get away from. The non-credal traditions our churches uphold come not from the rejection of biblical, gospel creeds, but from the tradition of denominational creeds which were written to do exactly what you accuse the Church of Christ of doing, which is to separate us all into camps who must hold certain beliefs in order to belong.
We're not by any standard perfect, but no church of men ever is.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou Are you saying that I believe in a false gospel? Why would you believe that I am? How would you know if I am? Please, tell me what I believe and the specific reasons I am wrong. Here's your opportunity. I'm listening.
@@jahintx Paul tells us that we are saved when we believe the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Paul tells us in II Thessalonians 1:8-9 and II Thessalonians 2:10 who Jesus Christ will destroy when He comes back to earth. Below are the relevant verses.
II Thessalonians 1:8-9
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
II Thessalonians 2:10 - And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
We see that Paul says that he who believes that Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures is saved.
Paul also says that those who do not obey (believe not) the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will be punished with everlasting destruction. Paul also says that those who perished received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
I have two questions for you.
Do you believe the gospel and love the truth?
If you don't believe the gospel and love the truth, then what do you believe and why do you believe it?
He gave a lot of "I believe" as opposed to, this is what the Bible says! He stated, the COC don't believe "creeds" only the Bible.
Gal 1:6-9; even in the Old Testament Deut 4:2
The only churchs of Christ there are are those that obey his commandments. Christ said, if you love me ,keep my commandments. John 14:15
There are so many misconceptions about what churches of Christ teach and practice. There is nothing inherently wrong with the desire to identify with what was believed and practiced in the first century before and without all of the additional denominational baggage. Simply Christians-nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.
I had a church of Christ pastor or evangelist. Tell me you need to be baptized to be saved and musical instruments are not allowed in church. Are you saying those are misconceptions because I verified that with many sources.
Jesus said you have to be baptized. Mark 16:16.
@@Real_Josh_King I agree, you need to be baptized.
CoC is a cult!
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug Everything is listed as a "cult" now. Means nothing
Word game: church means fellowship. Fellowship is closer to ekklesia. Even assembly is closer than the word church. Christ means Anointed One, capitalized because who it refers to. And so can you imagine if some churches of Christ changed their name to Fellowship of the Anointed One. Or Assembly of Christ. I say this since one of their tracts from an old publication used to make the case of not only one true church but One True Name. I say this since some will use Rom 16:16 to make the case of "one true name" for the body of Christ.
A Christian is a disciple of Christ, a follower of Christ, a member of the church belonging to Christ. I've never asked if someone was a disciple. LOL.
A question for Church of Christ members, if you die in a car crash on your way to being baptized, will you still make it to Heaven?
Crickets..... however they utilize the "god's grace" in this argument.... my argument towards that is the fact that I am Baptist and do not believe in the regerative part of the Baptism.... so if God's grace is great enough to cover your scenario, why wouldn't it be great enough to cover our misenterpretation of the bible in regards to how the CoC view baptism, or music, or women leading singing...etc... Why are they THE authority??
I’d be happy to share my thoughts since no one has answered. Before I begin, it’s important to note that emotive reasoning cannot be allowed to over ride the teaching of Scripture. The New Testament consistently affirms baptism is the line of demarcation between one in sin and one forgiven of sin (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12; 1 Pet. 3:21; 1 Cor. 12:13 & Eph. 5:23). How could such a clear line of demarcation be so easily dismissed?
To answer your question, no. The actions of men, or their failure to act, cannot determine truth. The Bible plainly teaches that all men and women who are morally accountable for their sins (excluding those with special needs and children), must be baptized to be saved.
What would happen if we just backed up the “dilemma” from the point of baptism to the point of confession, repentance, or even faith? Surely we’re all willing to admit that those who die prior to confessing, repenting, or believing would die in their sins since they’re all necessary to be saved (Jn. 8:24; Lk. 13:3; Rom. 10:9-10). If we don’t have an issue admitting that those who die prior to faith, repentance, or confession are lost, why then is it so hard to admit that those who die prior to being baptized are equally lost?
Here’s the good news. Each day we wake up, we’re given another opportunity to obey the words of Christ (2 Cor. 6:2). Whether than waiting, why not obey the words of Christ right now? (Jm 4:13-14)
@@ethanfoister Thank you for addressing directly that question, I feel others tip toe around the answer. I completely disagree with you, but then I disagree with the question as I believe we enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the new earth post resurrection but that's another topic. By the way I believe the theif on the cross with be a part of God's kingdom in paradise. Your thoughts brother on that?
God knows someone who has genuinely repented, and decided to follow Christ in their heart, and confessed Christ is their savior.
It's that change of heart, mind, and soul towards Christ that marks our salvation.
@SantaFe19484 if I say yes...I'm judging. If I say no...I'm judging. If I say he will be judged according to the given word John 12:48...God judges. This make believe situation doesn't apply to you however. You will answer according to your response or lack thereof according to the word.
Thank you for this message. I'm learning lots of interesting things about false doctrines and false teachings. The Holy Spirit has revealed so much to me in a very fast way. My specialty is the end times and the rapture. My experience in scriptures is less than a year. I'm 67 and it all started last January when a bishop said that there's no pre Trib rapture. Now I'm on fire with knowledge. What is wrong when my pastor cousin is afraid of me to teach something? Does she have something to hide? I now speak Boldly the words of God and with scriptures but people seem scared to death of it. I have changed because of the knowledge. What can I do with it?
Well the Bible does say that baptism washes sins away I've read it and also when asked 2:38 it also talks about baptism for the remission of sins Mark 16:16 talks about he that believeth and is baptized is saved and there's a lot of other verses that indicates that a part of Salvation is baptism so that 100% agree with what the Bible says and also you know Christ only made one Church according to the Bible I read and anyone who is baptized in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit is added to the church if everybody would read the New Testament they might find out the actual truth but I mean the Bible is something that we never stopped reading and never stop studying the more you study the more you probably going to know I'm saying this out of love and not hate people need to understand that you know even the demons believe in Jesus but they're not Christians and they're not going to heaven so if you read the New Testament you'll see that you know faith without works is dead and other things you will see about how important baptism is to your salvation
@@angelastipes4401 by that logic, the thief on the cross went to Paradise while still in his sin without it washed away. How does that work?
@@Pastor_GrantI believe the thief on the cross was baptized based off scripture.
The churches of Christ are non-Zwinglian and non-Calvinist as opposed to Mr. Grant and his congregation. The restoration movement as started by Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone was a unity movement. They sought to base their unity on Biblical principles and not on man-made creeds or traditions. I don't like the disunity that developed, but there are still those pockets of us that are trying to follow a first century Christian model.
the original belief about baptism with the first couple hundred years after the apostles was that baptism was absolutely part of salvation. Baptism not being part of salvation was a later introduction into the church.
the Bible never states "faith alone" and in James it specifically states that a person is NOT justified by faith alone but by works.
The baptism thing aside, the comment by works, as you know the Bible specifically says not by works in many more places so James 2 is justified before men, or not justified in a forensic sense like Paul in Romans who says faith and not works.
@@Pastor_Grant "not by works" of the Law of Moses, but by works of the Perfect Law of Christ, the Law of liberty (from the burdens of Mosaic Law).
Church of christ was established on day of Pentecost not Alexander Campbell all he did was try to bring back what christ had already established and we are not big on anything your speaking about Jesus and his church.I can give you all kinds of scriptures just get the context
Then point to one church of Christ from 150AD until the 1800’s
@chuckbrown2318 the church of christ is not just the building it is the Christians that obey what Jesus said to do and are baptized into christ a lot of people misunderstand that
How Do We Obey The Gospel?
The Gospel That We Are To Obey
In order to “obey the gospel,” we must know the gospel that we are to obey. In I Corinthians 15:1-4 our Apostle Paul tells us the gospel that we are to obey.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In these four verses we see that the gospel that we are to obey is the gospel that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
If We Do Not Obey The Gospel
In II Thessalonians 1:7-9 we are told what happens if we do not obey the gospel. Those who have had the opportunity to obey the gospel and have not obeyed the gospel will be punished with everlasting destruction. These verses refer to the “second coming” of Jesus Christ when He will fight at the end of the Tribulation.
II Thessalonians 1:7-9
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
We see in II Thessalonians 1:7 that Paul tells those who are troubled to “rest with us.” Paul is referencing the fact that the “body of Christ” will have no need to fear the “second coming” of Christ. This is because the “body of Christ” will have been raptured or “caught up” before Christ’s second coming to as seen in I Thessalonians 4:13-17.
I Thessalonians 4:13-17
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
I Thessalonians 1:10 tells us that the “rapture” will precede the Tribulation and the “second coming” of Christ.
I Thessalonians 1:10
And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
How We Obey The Gospel
We are told in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, so we know that we must have faith. In this verse we are told that God rewards those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Ephesians 1:13-14 speaks of trusting Christ. These verses also speak of the gospel being the word of truth and being sealed by the Holy Spirit after we believe the gospel. The sealing by the Holy Spirit is the earnest (pledge from God) of our inheritance until Christ redeems us.
Ephesians 1:13
13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
In Ephesians 2:8-9 we are told that we have been given grace. Grace allows us to be saved at the exact moment that we believe the gospel, since there is no work that we must do to be saved.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
In the verses above, we see that faith, trust and belief of the gospel are associated with salvation.
In the Book of Galatians we see Paul telling the Galatians that salvation is through faith alone. These Galatians were tempted to add works such as circumcision and keeping the Law of Moses as justification for their salvation.
In Galatians 3:1 Paul speaks of obeying the truth of the gospel.
Galatians 3:1
O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
To “obey the gospel” means to believe the gospel. We are to put our faith and trust in what Christ accomplished on the cross.
In I Corinthians 12:13 we are told that the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the “body of Christ.”
I Corinthians 12:13
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
In Colossians 2:12-13 we are told that we are buried with Christ in baptism and that we are risen with Christ through our faith in the resurrection. We are also told that all of our sins have been forgiven.
Colossians 2:12-13
12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.
13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses.
In Romans 6:3-5 our Apostle Paul speaks of our spiritual baptism, our new life in Christ and our future resurrection and compares it to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
Romans 6:3-5
3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.
Verse 3 tells us that when the Holy Spirit baptized us into the “body of Christ,” that we were baptized into Christ’s death. Verse 4 tells us that after our spiritual baptism that we are to “walk in newness of life.” Verse 5 speaks of our resurrection as compared to Christ’s resurrection.
We are not to add anything to the gospel. We “obey the gospel” through our belief of the gospel. We are to put our faith and trust in the finished cross work of Jesus Christ. We obtain salvation by believing the gospel and putting our faith and trust in what Christ has accomplished for us through His death, His burial and His resurrection.
When I was a child and in junior high school I attended and was confirmed in the UCC. I'm 70, so this is going back a while. We left when the student minister started teaching things like Bill Cosby's comedy record of Noah and the flood was just as believable as the Bible account among other wrong teachings.
We then had no church. Mom's family came through town. They were Church of Christ. They pointed out that there was a Church of Christ in walking distance of us. We visited and joined. It was right across the street from my high school. The preacher talked three of us into going to Freed-Hardeman College in TN where he had attended. Very stringent rules. Women could not wear blue jeans except if involved in sports. Slacks could only be worn after 4pm or on weekends, and you had to wear a loose fitting tunic top that was mid hip length or longer. Back then in the 70's the only tunic tops like that were either maternity tops or looked like them. The modest school image really made us look like the school for unwed mothers. No dances. The school pool had set days for guys and set days for gals. Even though women were not swimming around men, only one piece suits. If you took, I am serious, if you took even one sip of alcohol, you were kicked out of school immediately! Your parents had to stop everything and get you and all your stuff even in the middle of the night. It happened a couple of times.
Of course no instrumental music. One year Ann Murray did a concert. All was going well...until she started with her band playing singing...put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the waters...... Half of the students walked out because instruments were being used while she sang about Jesus. I felt so sorry for her. Singing a capella didn't bother me, but I didn't see anything wrong with instruments. I could really never buy into that.
They do think they are the only church. After college my mom and I were in a ladies Bible study. The mother of one sweet gal died. Only a couple of them went to the funeral service at the church because her mom wasn't Church of Christ. The next time they were together one lady told her it's a shame her mom isn't going to heaven since she wasn't in "the" church. She tried to tell the lady that her mom was a Christian, but got told how that could not be because they are the only true church. That's horrible!
A few years after college I left the Church of Christ. I made the mistake of going to a college class reunion. Everyone asks everyone where they are going to church. When I gave them a name that was not Church of Christ, I was totally shut down and shunned. I only have four people I met there who will still be casual friends. I think one may have passed away. No one has heard from him and he has not posted on Facebook for several months. All that shunning is very cult like.
In my circles, I never remember hearing anyone ask a person if they were a disciple. They wanted to know where you went to church and if you were baptized. Things might be different regionally. I live in MO.
I have rambled on far too long. So sorry!
Thanks for all you do! Your ministry is such a blessing to me ❤❤❤
If a church believes in Trinity and adult baptism and most likely believing in local church autonomy, that church would never be a cult, but has link with Anabaptist churches. Church of Christ believes and practices on these things.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
It's not a cult but it has a faulty way of ascertaining truth on nonessential teachings.
Born, raised, and still attend a church of Christ of the most conservative kind here. The ones in my persuasion are independent in governance, that being said here’s what we believe: that God is Sovereign, He has decreed all of His matters in eternity, and will bring them to fruition, including the election and choosing of His people, the Scriptures are His breathed Word, which are inerrant and infallible, That God is Three Persons of One essence, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For the record John 3:5 is the “driest” verse in the Bible and speaks of the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit, of Whom if blasphemed, is unpardonable. Nice video!!
Thank you. I’ve had friends and some family that are hard core C of C.
Depending on who you speak to, most c of c believe they are the restored church. That everyone else is wrong. You are right, that denomination hasn’t been around that long. I was given a book to read about c of c. Scripture pulled out of context often. I say, if they want the truth, they need to go back to the book of Acts where the Christian church began. Read the ancient church fathers and see how the church was organized and what was taught. I don’t know why they are against the Nicene Creed or any Christian creed. To me, it lays out what that church believes. Musical instruments: I understand they don’t want the instruments in the service because it can take away from the service, but again, it is taken out of context. Do I believe c of c are Christian or a cult? Yes to Christian, but some come pretty close to being a cult. I know some lovely people who are c of c. I’ve also seen people shoot scripture out of their mouth with no gentleness or kindness. Again, go back to the beginning of what the Christian church taught. Humble people laying their life down. Living for Christ.
As a CoC member, I would ask what verses you are referring to that we take out of context.. also, in terms of Nicea, I’m not against it.. there are things that I don’t agree with, but also things I do. Things before and at the counsel were still relatively on the right page.. however, as it started to look to Rome for authority, I feel there was a shift that even the Apostles would have disagreed with. Bishops should be in control of each church they belong to, if they have questions, it’s good to ask from more than one person.. I feel it’s strange to go to one mere person for all the answers and have what they say go.. even they could be wrong. Simply being placed in “Rome” shouldn’t make them the all authority especially since the Church didn’t even start in Rome… but that’s my opinion.
Born and raised in the CoC and was a preacher. I’ve never heard seen or asked anyone if they were a disciple. We would ask if you’ve been baptized for the remission of sins. Which of course would be in a CoC setting and you had to be aware that physically being baptized in water is when you become a Christian. If you weren’t baptized this way then you aren’t a member of the LORDS CHURCH.
Must be dunked or else you're going to hell, got it! Thief on the cross?
Some points true about the church of Christ having been reared in that church. Churches of Christ are nnot centralized organizations, each is autonomous, but one church may share spiritual kinship with another church based on shared beliefs and faith. I do not have any problem with instrumental music in churches as psallo (psalms) denotes some musical accompanient. I do like the primitive aspect of a cappella music. One learns to sing by listening to voices around them. I have been to churches such as Assembly of God, Abundant Life, and Church of God that use instrumental music. The instrumental dominates. One cannot hear any one really sing and make melody in their hearts to the lord, nor edify anyone else because the loud music drowns out human voices. With regard to the church of Christ believing they are the true church, there are many ways of indicating this, whether one phrases it as such or one seeking or recruiting members or teaching one how a centrally organized church works. I think if one decodes the church of Christ statement they are the "true church" is that doctrine does matter. Still, like any church there is seed sown on rocks and tares. The church of Christ in that regard is no different than any other church. With regards to baptism, the Church of Christ does not believe that water literally washes away sins, but is symbolic of the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The faith is striving to follow the example of Christ, as is the Lord's supper, a ritualistic, symbolic act. The bread/wine represents, not is, but the social construction keeps the human plugged in to the great gift of Christ.
More disagreements from your speech with scripturally based doctrine.
1. Discipleship-Learner, pupil of Christ. Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. Acts 11:26
Man is considers the Lord’s church alone as Sectarianism, but the Bible declares it as not holding on to sound doctrine…2 Timothy 4:3-4
3. Praise to God- Is a subject I would love to discuss as well. The peculiar way that it can be done with the vessels that God created to praise him is truly enlightening. Heb 13:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16.
Just a challenge: please locate in the New Testament where mechanical or man designed instruments were authorized in the worship?
Then read Amos 5:23 & Amos 6:5.
I just know we are the creature , created in God’s own image, and gave us the ability, the heart, the breath, & the mouth, to praise HIM!
What else is needed or required by Him?
We are to worship God in spirit and in truth, that's all that matters.
"Worship" is first mentioned in Genesis 22:5, it didn't talk about singing or playing instruments at all.
@@ynaizmiranda9838 you have a confirmation bias.. the Psalms are full of stringed instruments and you will ignore that
Wasn't Jesus called the son of David who wrote a large portion of Psalms. Wasn't David called a Man after Gods own heart. I don't see anywhere that God said he was a man after God's own heart except for the musical instrument thing
Answer................Revelations 5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 9 And they sang a new song, saying:
“You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign[b] on the earth.”
@@bbeard7 The challenge to you was: after Jesus said It is finished. (The law). Furthermore, after the day of Pentecost Acts chapter 2. In Christ’s Church that He built, Matthew 16:18, when there was no denominations set apart, denominated from the one, there is No New Testament instrumental example.
Even After Psalms 150… Amos 5:23 God said take away the melody of the viols away. Then in Amos 6:5, God declared that man was inventing to themselves instruments of music like David.
Man can continue their way, (free will), but the instrument that God requires is the one that can Let the word of Christ dwell in them richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs in grace in our hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16.
Man can only can safely and emphatically do that with praise.
Nothing I placed on this text nor the first one was biased. The scriptures are lining up with what I am presenting.
In the Spirit of Christ
I know the Robertsons have fellowship with and collaborations with believers who are outside the Church of Christ.... I would love to be able to sit down with them and ask them their position on baptismal regeneration
This group does believe in baptismal regeneration, (but, for that matter, so do Lutherans) but there is more. It's not enough that you have been baptized, you have to be baptized by THEM.
Actually it depends on what you were taught before baptism… if the fundamentals are correct, they’ll accept it.
Considering what we do see in churches today what you said sounds like a wonderful church to go to.. I was brought up catholic and was baptized as a baby.. Now 63 was baptized again as this was a mindful decision, which I do believe should be done as well as be born again. The churches have become cold! Being a real christian means that your life should reflect that. I have not and do not see that, and having been brought up in a catholic church I never saw that either ever. When you read Revelations it begins with the churches so that should tell us that Jesus has a lot to say about the churches and what / how they teach his word.. Personally that does NOT sound like a cult as all, it sounds refreshing.
You made it seem like baptism was the worst trait of the coc but that’s like the only thing the coc is right about lol. They are definitely cultish though in their tendency to believe that anyone who isn’t a member is going to hell.
Hi- I'd just like to say that I was raised in and still to this day attend the CoC (Texas). I have never been taught openly, been led to believe, or taught to others that those outside of the CoC are going to hell. I have seen this comment A LOT on this video, but in my personal experience I have never been around that sort of theology. So idk if maybe that was something years ago or what, but I can at least testify to the last 30 years or so - and down here in the south- that that's not the case.
At what point would you say Pauls sins were washed away?
Was it when he called Jesus Lord? Was it when he fasted for 3 days? Was it when he prayed to God? Was it when he believed in the Lord and blindly obeyed? Was it when he regained his sight? Or, was Ananias correct after did all that and he said, " why do you wait, arise and be baptized washing away your sins, calling on the Lord."
You see, Paul already believed, confessed, fasted(repented), yet he was still in his sins. Baptism washes away sins. Not the water, but the obedience of the command. Similar to Naaman.
Thoughtful presentation.
True or false: there is one church? True or false: denominations are divisions? True or false: Christ's prayer 🙏 was for unity in the church? True or false: there are false teachers and false doctrines? True or false: musical instruments in worship is an addition dating from the 7th century? True or false: we are baptized into Christ? True or false: the first gospel sermon commands, "Repent and be baptized every one of you?" True or false: Jesus taught that the new birth involved "water and the Spirit?"
"The churches of Christ salute you!" 😊
Oh, and I would add one more thought, the one church is a cult; hopefully, the cult of Christ.
The Bible and specifically our Apostle Paul tells us the answer to that question. We find the answer in the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Our Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE SAVED when we believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
In II Corinthians 5:21 we are told that God made Christ to be sin for us.
II Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
This gospel is easy to understand and very straightforward. We only have to believe that the God that spoke this world into existence gave His life for us, He was buried and that He rose on the third day. This seems like a very easy choice. Doesn’t it?
Let's look back to a time where a couple of other people also had a very easy choice to make. Let’s call them Adam and Eve. Let’s say that they lived in the best place on earth. Let’s say that they could live with God forever. Let’s say that they would never get old, sick or die.
We all remember Adam and Eve and the choice that they made. Would they have made the right choice if God had written the instructions that they needed on a piece of paper and they could carry that piece of paper with them everywhere that they went?
Well, guess what? God has written down the instructions that we need to follow in order to inherit eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is called the Bible, and we can carry it everywhere we go. If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we can live in the best place imaginable. We can be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and we will never get old, sick or die.
Have you made the decision to believe God and follow His written instructions, so that you will become a child of God forever? God doesn’t make mistakes. When He adopts you as His child, it is a forever adoption. Yet, some of us question God and His promises.
Now you may ask yourself what Satan is up to these days. That is an easy question to answer. Satan is not hanging around in the obvious places where everyone goes to sin. Satan has total control of those places.
No, Satan hangs out at the places where people feel safe, and they go to in order to feel closer to God. No, I’m not talking about your “prayer closet” or “on your knees beside your bed” praying to God. No, I’m talking about…
…places where false gospels are preached. These are places where people are fooled by Satan into believing an adulterated gospel, and thus BELIEVE IN VAIN. God, through the Apostle Peter warns us in II Peter 3:15-16 that people who twist the scriptures do so to their own destruction.
II Peter 3:15-16
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
God has warned us through the Apostle Peter about those that twist the Scriptures. Peter tells us the final destination of someone that twists the Scriptures. God, through our Apostle Paul tells us that we are saved by believing the gospel unless we have believed in vain.
Will you put your trust in someone that twists and distorts the gospel by adding to or subtracting from the gospel? Will you believe someone that tells you that you must do something extra for your salvation?
Do you remember Adam and Eve? A little bit of Satan goes a long way. A little bit of twisting the Scriptures can last for an eternity.
I have made a decision to learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. I have believed the gospel of the grace of God “alone” for my salvation. Call me wise if you want to. I will just call myself a forever saved and blessed child of God.
1. The Church of Christ was not founded in the 19th century the Church of Christ is the only Church mentioned in the Bible see Romans 16:16 as Paul is addressing the Churches of Christ (not many different denominations but mutiple congregations of one church) we are told that we are members of the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:30) and that the body of Christ is his Church (Ephesians 1:23)
2. We are told in the Bible there is one church one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4:4 ) so yes there is only one church to be saved
3. Jesus told his followers to go out and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit )Matthew 28:19)if you didn’t need to be baptized he wouldn’t have told his disciples to go out and teach and baptize people.
Instructions on how to be saved is not that hard to understand unless you’re not looking for the truth
The church of Christ that I grew up in and serve in today is a label, not a brand, religion or a organization. "The Church of Christ meets here". The name simply means what it means. This is Christ's church. There is no other Church in the bible. Yes we "Name" Them different but Christ died for HIS church, Not your made up church that mere "man" started.
A true congregation with the label Church of Christ is self organized not ran by and controlled by a man made front office. So to say a church of Christ is a cult couldn't be more from the truth. Most denominations report and are controlled by a elected "earthly" front office. That is not the church of the bible. Elders and Decons guide the church. Not a centralized office or MAN. Each church was to appoint elders and deacons. There is no where in the bible where we read of the churchs congregations being controlled by group of people outside of a congregation. So if your "church" is told what to do by people that you have never seen at your congregation you might be in a cult.
I am a Christian that belongs to the Church of Christ and we are just scriptural and we sing praises to the Lord and we take the Lord's supper and all of this is Biblical.
I am not a Mormon.
Does your church forbid the use of musical instruments?
@@Pastor_Grant It's not so much that they are "forbidden", but more that there is no New Testament basis for using them. So why add them in worship service? If other groups of Christians want / feel they need to use instruments, then no problem. Is it an issue of salvation? I really don't think so... On a side note, there are a few Churches of Christ that use instruments now.
@Pastor_Grant I don't know about forbids but we sing songs to the Lord.
No it is not a cult
What do they teach about 'God's Grace?'
I hear they're very legalistic.
btw the word pastor in the bible (Ephesians 4:11) refers to elders, not really preachers.
Baptism is the issue. The NT teaches baptism as the coc teaches it. Just because so many today neglect this does not make the coc a cult.
Churches of Christ are primarily self-governed and congregational. They do not all hold to the same set of beliefs, not even about instruments. Most members do not think instruments are a sinful practice only that they are not authorized in worship. As you are aware, being a Calvinist, churches of Christ use a CENI (command, example, necessary inference) approach to doctrine. Since biblically and historically instruments were not used in the early church we follow the example. Many early church fathers looked at instruments as a pagan worship practice. We simply try to "restore" New Testament worship as much as possible, wanting God to have the glory and not take it for ourselves in a vain display on a stage.
We also primarily do not believe water has regenerative properties. We believe God acts on the heart when we submit to Him. You are a Calvinist, so it is hard for you to understand that. We believe people choose God and the purpose of the Bible is to convince us of our sin. We then repent and are baptized. This is reflected in 1 Peter where he says baptism is not the removal of dirt from the flesh but an appeal for a clean conscience toward God.
We also do not believe that we "are the only ones to be saved." This is a mistaken view. We believe that anyone who obeys the Gospel will be saved. We believe you do need to submit to baptism but so do many denominations. Even the Catholic church believes you have to be baptized. Does that make them a cult???
You would be better served speaking with an educated minister in a church of Christ before you say things and disparage a large evangelical movement that spans the globe. I would be willing to talk to you also.
God bless.
Calvinists and CoC are equally in error. Both are cessationists.
@@PaulWayneJohnson-ie4cu Your comment unfortunately shows that you have much thoughtful prayer to do. Cessationalism has nothing to do with cult practices. You are just changing the topic because you recognized your error. A true humble heart would just admit it. Your beliefs, according to your video, align with Calvinist teachings. Many denominations believe some form of Calvinism without even realizing it. It appears that you are one such person. You should not make definitive statements on things you do not yet understand. It is better to say "it is my understanding" or "I believe it is thus but I may be mistaken." It is okay to be misinformed or wrong about something. It takes a stronger person to admit it.
@@eusebiusjosephus3164 I have zero videos on my channel. But yes, I do oppose cessationism and I am 99 %ly sure not to be in error. You however are yet to show any scripture that suggests the gifts would cease prior to Christ's return. I suggest you to read the early church fathers. We certainly do agree on baptism, no doubt. We do not agree on Augustine's "just war" doctrine, which the CoC, just like denominational churches do, supports.
Besides, the CoC is no different from denominational churches. They also have a sign before their buildings.
"Many early church fathers looked at instruments as a pagan worship practice."
Would you be able to name only one who did, brother? Prior to the 4th century, that is. It were the marcionites who viewed the material as sinful. The first one to actually view musical instruments as belonging to the OT was Nicetas, a Roman Catholic Bishop of the 4th century. No one wrote that Psalm 150 taught paganism. Did Tertullian and Clement write negative things in regarding to instruments? Absolutely. But not against the instruments themselves, but rather the purpose. Tertullian condemned the endorsement of worldly feasts, including the use of instruments, but not due to the instruments. Clement of Alexandria condemned the theaters, of which both instruments and singing played a part. Does this mean singing is wrong too? Certainly not. Therefore, your claim is incorrect.
Also, the question whether there are evidence for them using instruments is disputable. Just like there is no evidence for them using camels or donkeys to travel.
I see the church as one body as scripture does (Ephesians 4), but as far as assemblings are concerned, the bishop is to decide whether or not the assembling uses instruments, or whether they clap while singing.
"We simply try to "restore" New Testament worship as much as possible, wanting God to have the glory and not take it for ourselves in a vain display on a stage."
Worship is not limited to singing. Every breath of my life is worship. To cease from giving God glory is sin (Romans 14:23). I do agree to avoid big lights, stages etc. But the CoC does use elements not from the scriptures, such as the deacons wearing ties and using microphones.
We certainly do agree on several doctrines, but not on the spiritual gifts.
These are the arguments that ferment and torment among Protestants. Viva Cristo Rey! 🌹🍀
don't worry they torment too much...... lol
The most true thing said in this video was “there was no denominations” when the church started. That is true. So when you read 1 cor 1 why does anybody think God will be happy with denominations today? There was a church. It belonged and still belongs to Christ. Not to Luther, Wesley, etc. In Ephesians it was called “the body of Christ” and in that same letter we are told that the body is the church. So if it’s the “body of Christ” it is also the “Church of Christ”. That’s why we put that on our sign. We are a body of believers that belongs to Christ.
you are a member of the body of Christ, if you are Orthodox Protestant or Catholic. (obviously according to Scripture) but to tackle your point about denominations, the disciples got mad that other people, that weren’t in their group were casting out demons, and Jesus told them let them be. there’s some correlation, so yeah.
Here, as in other passages (Romans 14), Paul will clarify: he is not demanding everyone in the church agree with whomever is in charge. Nor is he teaching that believers can never disagree about something. The standard here is not to reach perfect conformity, only that they must reach unity. Disagreement does not have to mean division.
@@iggy9226 my point had to do with 1 Cor 1 where individuals within the church were dividing up by who baptized them. Paul said….that is wrong. What people have done is take an issue like that and leave and start there own congregation under some other name. Paul would say…that is wrong. Paul also had this no say in 1 Cor 1…10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Do you think the Baptist, Catholics, Methodist, Presbyterians and Lutherans would fit in with verse 10? Absolutely not!
My friend, I was raised from birth into the Church of Christ. I know what they teach. They believe every other church in the World that doesn’t believe what they believe is wrong and are teaching false doctrines, and they are right about some of them.
They believe that one has no hope of being Saved unless they are Baptized with Water and even then God won’t do his part to Save them unless they do their part.
That they could be In a “Saved condition today but lost tomorrow”, it all depends on them.
I left because I lived in fear never knowing if I was Saved or not, and I was pretty sure I wasn’t because I knew I still Sinned. So why bother, I knew that if my Salvation depended on me that I would always fall short.
Later in Life, God gave me an understanding through Scripture that My Salvation did depend on “works” but not on my works, but on the Works of Jesus Christ and He said it was finished on the Cross. I learned the Truth of Romans 10: 9-11. Ephesians 1:13-14. John 10:28 and Romans 8:1-4. These verses and more helped me understand that what I was taught in the CoC was not correct. Yes we should be Baptized as it is an outward testimony of Inward Faith. But we who know the Truth of Scripture serve the Lord BECAUSE we are Saved not in order to be Saved. I hope you consider these things.
@@randym.7238 that is what this is about. Denominations. There were no other “churches” in the New Testament. If today you are not a part of the body or church of Christ then you are teaching false doctrine. You find no other churches in the New Testament. The only place under the New covenant where you see sins being remitted, washed away, etc is in water baptism….acts 2:38, 22:16. Consider 1 Peter 3:21. In Eph 5:26 Paul told them they had been cleansed and sanctified “through the washing of water by the word”. You can deny it all you want but that is what the New Testament teaches. And yes if a converted individual does not remain faithful they can be lost and there are too many examples and verses to mention in such a short area as this. The Bible NEVER says baptism is “an outward testimony of inward faith”. You made that up.
@@chipspratlin2780 First of all just because the name of your Congregation is “The church of Christ” doesn’t mean it is. Any group of Religious people with a name is a Denomination. That includes the “Church of Christ”. The true Church must teach and adhere to what is taught in Scripture is this not true? The Bible teaches that Salvation is obtained through Faith alone in Christ alone to the Glory of God alone and Romans 10:9-11 proves it. The Church of Christ you belong to doesn’t teach that. The Church of Christ bases Salvation on Works of the person and not the power of the Holy Spirit alone.
Even Titus 3: 5-8 clearly tells you that you’re not Saved based on your “Righteous Acts.”
Jesus referred to Himself as the Living Waters which is a metaphor for the event that occurs in the regeneration of the Spirit that is laid out in Titus 3: 5-8.
What is washing and regenerating those who are being Saved? It is the Holy Spirit that is cleansing you. The water doesn’t turn into the Holy Spirit. Spirit is Spirit and water is water.
If your act of Being baptized Saved you then Ephesians 2: 8-9 is a lie.
It’s all about Faith and even that is not of yourself as Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states. I never said we shouldn’t be Baptized but I know the Baptism of Water isn’t what Saves us. The Church you belong to won’t speak a lot on the Power of the Holy Spirit, because they were never taught about it.
This is what you won’t hear from your preacher; You were chosen before the foundation of the World (Ephesians 1).
You were dead in your Sins until you were washed and Regenerated by God’s Holy Spirit ( Titus 3: 5-8). and were made alive in Christ Jesus ( Ephesians 2) for the purposes of doing good works prepared in advance ( Ephesians 2:10). You were chosen to be an object of God’s Mercy ( Roman’s 9: 22-23) You were given to Christ Jesus and nothing can snatch you out of His hand ( John 10:28) and you are no longer condemned ( Roman’s 8:1) even if you are Faithless Jesus will not forsake you ( 2 Timothy 2:13). This is the “Good News” or “Gospel” of Christ. That all who believe will not Perish but have Everlasting life. I know that the CoC doesn’t teach “Once Saved always Saved” which is what the Previous Scripture prove, but is taught in Scripture.
I know this is a lot for someone like you and I who were steeped in the “Church of Christ” but when you get it, you will really get it, Lord Willing.
By the way according Scripture, if you believe your Saved by Faith through Christ’s Sacrificial Death and that God raised Him from the Dead and that Jesus is Lord, you will be Saved whether your a Baptist, a Presbyterian or anything in between. Attending a Church that Doesn’t teach what the Apostles teach is one to avoid. All Salvation is brought about by the Power of God’s Holy Spirit. You Salvation and your perseverance in Christ to the end is the Work of Jesus who is “The Author and Finisher of our Faith” (Hebrews 12:2 ) If Salvation depended on our efforts, none would be Saved. This doesn’t mean that we are supposed to sit on our Hands and do nothing. We have good works that God Has planned for us to do, and we can earn Rewards in Heaven too. The Saved are known by their “Fruit” which is the Fruit of the Spirit. ( Mathew 7: 15-20) I hope you consider these things.
Have you considered "Christ Rescued Me from the Church of Christ" by Lee Anne Ferguson?
I hear it's a pretty good book :D
@@TheApologeticDog Excellent, in fact!! : )
Church of Christ teaching regarding those who will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven:
- But Jesus, I was baptized with the knowledge that baptism saves, I fed the poor, I lived below my means to give to the church and needy brethren every single week as I was taught, I endured great suffering and hardship for your name's sake, I clothed the naked, I visited the imprisioned, I loved and blessed my enemies in obedience to you. My children follow in your ways. I love you.
- Yes, but you sang to the sound of the piano instead of making melody with your heart. Away from me, worker of iniquity!
I been condemned by an American CoC called Glenn Roper (from Oklahoma) pastor for not blaspheming the Holy Spirit because I did not agree with him that the gifts of the Holy Spirit supposedlly ceased.
@PaulWayneJohnson-ie4cu You mean like the gift of interpretation of tongues?
How many interpreters are there in your church?
@@UserBR-v6l Dear friend, we do housechurching. Three other families join us, we do have a few interpreters, including my son-in-law
Thayer on "faith" (pisteuo): "a conviction, full of joyful trust, that Jesus is the Messiah - the divinely appointed author of eternal salvation in the kingdom of God, conjoined with obedience to Christ." "Conjoined " is a bit archaic, but still used as in "conjoined twins". At any rate, the definition is simple, but do you know how many Baptist - not Christian, but Baptist - preachers I've heard actually quote it in nearly fifty years? Somewhere between a naught, a cipher, and a goose egg. Why? The church of Christ accepts Thayer's definitions. These Baptist and "Community Churches" do not. That's why they lose every debate with the church of Christ.
I go to the church of Christ but it's not mandatory to baptize its up to you, and our church adhere to doctrine scriptures and we have musical instruments..I guess every church is different..
By definition, aren't ALL churches and religions cults? (a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object).
Christ's church was established on the day of pentecost. Ephesians 4:4-6 - There is one body and one Spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. The "body" is the church. So there is only one church. Many congregations but one church. To call Christ's church a cult is blasphamy. So are you a part of Christ's Church? Or ar you in a man maid church, which is more of a cult?
Christ's Church is the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic that started on the Day of Pentacost and leadership can be determined by Apostolic Secession.
You said: They believe you have to have faith AND be baptized" Notice: > Being baptized in water is an expression of your faith. Next: The water DOES NOT wash away your sins, God washes away your sins when you do what He has told you to do. Michael, why don't you except the plain and simple words on the page? If you have not been baptized in water "for the forgiveness of sins" (Acts 2:38), you ARE NOT saved. Ask me about it.
Dynasty do not have nothing to do with the Churches of Christ
I attend Mid-Columbia Church of Christ in Dallesport, WA. Regarding what you said about that denomination, the only thing true is that the congregation sings acapella (w/out instruments). I've also preached there. The people are great. I know every regular attendee.
I've sent the pastor Messianic songs with music, and he has never said anything derogatory about it. I think a lot members probably listen to old hymns with musical instruments when out of church.
I am appreciated there because of my translation work in the Bible. I had discussions with one younger member about this topic. I told him:
the definition of a psalm (מִזְמוֹר) is a hymn / song accompanied by a musical instrument(s).
If the other things you were saying regarding the teaching of the Church of Christ were taught, then I would have to rebuke them. Our family has been there for ~7 years.
Your video is new news to me. I never heard this stuff about their historical beginnings.
If you are ever in the area then please come by. We would love to have you.
Thanks. Obviously every Church and denomination has its different stripes
Didn’t the disciples in the gospels have to receive the gift of The Holy Spirit?
Didn’t the disciples have to cast out demons? Didn’t the disciples have to heal the sick?
When was the last time any of these things were done in a C.O.C.?
They have an issue with Organized religion.
If these are common everyday occurrences can you link to a video of someone speaking in tongues or casting out a demon?
christ said to one of the criminals he was killed with that his sins were forgiven and that he would see him in heaven. baptism was not necesery for him, or all the obedient jews from pre-christ, including Lot. yes it is an owtwardly sign of obedience and i know people who after they are baptised thier walk takes on a new dimention. we are all works in progress
Rom 9:14-18
It’s not possible to be in Christ, when you haven’t put the old man away. Believe with your heart, repentance, and baptism.
You have to bury the old man, and come up a new man.
The thief on the cross was under the old covenant, Jesus had not yet been resurrected. Baptism wasn't a requirement for the old testament.
Let's keep in mind that they are being hypocritical with the creed thing. They do have a creed, they just say they don't because on the front cover it reads "why i am a member of the Church of Christ" instead of "creed"
Thats not a creed. Thats a small booklet that a preacher in the church wrote on why hes a member and why he believes what he does
@@claymcgregor4856 that's what a creed is. Your argument is no different than someone calling abortion "reproductive rights" or someone calling extortion "child support".
@@Christianpreaching you know a creed would be a formal writing that goes along with all denominational bodies as a guideline. In which this does not. There is no headquarters to distribute this and im willing to bet most congregations dont even know what this booklet is. I happened to come across it online. Whether your a part of the church or not we should be honest and try not to misrepresent. A gospel tract is not a formal creed
@@claymcgregor4856 Same exactly as a CREED!!!
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug so if you wrote a gospel tract that would become one of your denominations adopted creeds?
There was a Church of Christ that was established and built in 1914 A.D. in Philippines.
They claimed that they are the one mentioned in Matthew 16 : 18 and Isaiah 43 and on Acts 20 original manuscript says church of God.
George Lamsa translations of Act 20 church of God becomes church of Christ.
But then this said church opposed Romans 16 : 16 ....the churches of Christ salute you. They believed it's not plural its singular.
They opposed also abt 1 John 5 : 20
Because their belief and doctrines that Jesus is only a man. They don't believed that Yeshua becomes human or flesh from God originally.
I didn’t know that they believed jesus wasn’t originally part of the God-head but was born a man and became God. Is that what you are saying?
No...Jesus-Christ is God became and incarnate as a human being with flesh and blood for 33 years. Crucified, died and rose again and ascended back to heaven and returned as (Matthew 28 : 19) true God and of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and eternal life.
(1 John 5 : 20)
The Church of Christ (Misyon Kristiyana) originally brought by the American missionaries in 1901 A.D. in which a former minister named Felix M. Ysagun was used to served in 1909 to 1911.
Then 1914 a.d. bro. Felix M. Ysagun established his own and officially named his church as iglesia ni cristo aka inc, who believes that Jesus-Christ is only human with flesh and blood.
Church of Christ 1901 named in Tagalog as Iglesya ni Kristo aka INK, and registered to Manila Patent and Trademark Office who believes that Jesus-Christ is God.
Thank you for clarifying c of c beliefs.
The 1914 a.d. Philippines' established iglesia ni cristo or church of christ (all lowercase means on their beliefs that jesus-christ is only human, died as human, second coming as human).
They were not submit to Christ doctrine as pattern to new testament Christians established in Jerusalem.
Their communion is once a year, no christmas celebration. Tithing is mandatory. Conducts 2 Sundays in a week mainly: Thursday and Sunday are both same worship service. Baptism followed after 27 lessons of indoctrination or 2 years. Bringing bibles inside chapel are not allowed for they had no doubt at all. Shutting down the door when you are late. Segregation of men and women seat. Must wore all white garments.
Rarely use KJV bible translations who tells exact truth.
Some people would say all religions are cults
Mormons share a common ancestry with church of Christ and Campbell.
There certainly are many spiritually loving Christians in the church of Christ. They are right on baptism, wrong however on teaching cessationism. Also, their opposition against instruments makes them double minded. They say not to add to worship - wonder where microphones were authorized? - yet I see no CoC opposing Christ-Mass (which is not only not in the OT, but even warned of there against, see Jeremiah 10)
The Church of Christ began the day of Pentecost not the 1800’s. I attend the Sealy Texas Church of Christ and the church started Day of Pentecost. 🙏🏻
@Nick-wn1xwtechnically speaking, in Romans 16:16 Paul refers to the church as Churches of Christ… but I digress.. a “title” has nothing to do with if you belong to Christ. It’s the message that is taught and understood. If it’s from Christ you are a Church that belongs to Christ.. if not, then you are doing your own thing.
CoC is a CULT!!
Just read the words written in the Bible. Thats our guidance
@@garysizemore411 Yes, that's what all churches say!
Unfortunately the coc only teaches the parts of the bible that seem to agree with their beliefs.
After I studied on my own for 2 decades I realized how much of the bible the coc doesn't teach at all!
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug. I disagree with your statement, Love you brother 🙏🏻
Birth date of the church is the day of Pentecost. Acts 2. Christ created the church..he is the head. This the name Church of Christ.
First off.. Why do you say the 1800's.. and cambelites... NO..
Cult is the one who practiced idolatry.. praying to man made stones ,woods .. man made image
Its more baptismal justification as they don't really believe in a literal new birth.
It is the only true Church. The word of God does not change. Jesus only established 1 church.
In the Bible there were many churches, Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth etc.
Christ only established his church. Romans 16:16. Denominational churches are churches made by man not christ
Jesus Christ said as recorded in SCRIPTURE, MARK 16:16
He who believes and is baptized will be saved;
As recorded in the SCRIPTURE in John 3:5
Jesus Christ said “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again.”
So sir, I suppose according to your intelligence Jesus is wrong. And we need to hear you instead.
Christian baptism was not even a thing when Jesus spoke those words in John 3:5 and most modern translations question the validity of Mark 16:16, I'm not saying I hold to that position but I can't point to many many other passages that just say believe. Its faith that saves us not works Eph 2:8-9, John 3:16.
1 John 5:8
And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
James 2:19-20
New King James Version
19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
You need to read James 2:24. Faith alone is not taught.
@@davidstamburski9487 Yes, it is. Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, John 3:16. The justification James speaks of is before men, A true saving faith will produce works is his point. When people teach Faith alone in the sense of easy believeism, yes, that is not biblical but unless you're Catholic, you believe salvation is by grace which excludes works. Read Romans 4
The church of Christ believes in the Godhead...which is just the biblical term for trinity.
How many churches does God recognize? Hmm.
Around here they are called “cambellites” or “water dogs”😂
The world “cult” is used too loosely. Look up the BITE model created by Steven Hassan when determining what group is truly a “cult”.
Answer: Is it in America? Then yes.
About musical instruments. Ephesians 5:19
hello, where are musical instruments mentioned in this passage? thank you
@@darlingmax they are not mentioned. It is a verse to help understand why the Church of Christ doesn't use instruments.
I belong to a church of Christ, most of what you said is very wrong.
Can you explain it then? I got this from multiple sources as well as personal experience.
I guess Acts 2:38 doesn’t mean anything to you! What must I do to be saved!
@@brucemoore463 salvation is by grace alone through faith, the thief on the cross was never baptized yet Jesus said "Today thou shalt be with Me in paradise". People also must be baptized, it is a command not a suggestion but the water does not literally wash away sin, the blood of Jesus does that.
@@Pastor_Grant the old thief on the cross! I have heard that a many times! When did the church start, on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached the first gospel sermon! Before Jesus descended into heaven Mark 16:15-16 he gave the great commission! He who believe and has been baptized shall be saved, but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned! Are you willing to take that chance and not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ!
@@brucemoore463 I've been baptized and I've never told a person to ignore it, I tell people it is a command so I'm not sure what your issue is, like I said the blood of Jesus washes away sin not the H2O from the local river, do you think the river water is what saves?
I have channel 32,000 Subscribers channel. I am A Preacher Church Of Christ. I would like to invite you for the debate.
@@davidpaul-satyavakyamu160 what was my conclusion in the video that you disagreed with? And please give the timestamp so I know what you're asking for.
Joseph Smith founded the Church of Christ
The Church of Christ is one of the most man centered churches there is.
Absolutely true!! It's all about how they "achieve" heaven!
They, indeed are a cult and sadly, they don't even know it. What do they do with the Scripture the Scripture in Genesis that reads, "Let us make man?" Who was God talking to????
@@pearlsdaughter2281 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit..yet One God. All present at the time of creation.
You do not need to be a member of any denomination or any one denomination to be saved...but you do need be a member of the church belonging to Christ. Be pre-denominational. Just a Christian which is a member of Christ church. That's all the church of Christ has preached.
define church... if you talking about a building where people meet .. wrong
@@bbeard7 No. Not building. The church is the body of the saved in Christ. Members of the church are Christians and if Biblical New Testament Christians then members of his body, the church. Members of the church are members universally and locally congregationally. They meet wherever they gather together and that is not confined to a building or meeting house.
Saved from what exactly? I know many people who are not religious who conduct themselves more christ-like than those claiming to be "Christians". Just because one goes to church does not automatically make you a good person. If you are a spiritually conscious individual filled with god's love in your actions here on earth, that I think is the most relevant thing.
@@ulrichskaarsgard7848 I agree that many who are not 'religious' have good character. Love their family and others No doubt. Just because one has been baptized into Christ does not mean they are going to be saved if they do not live their life faithfully according to his words. However not being in Christ would mean one will be eternally lost, in darkness, and separated from love itself for eternity. I realize many do not believe that...but we are told that many will not. It's a choice individuals make and will answer for one way or another.
My church is a bible only church. And they practically only go by the Bible
mine too and we only go by the Bible with the utmost correct and proper interpretation.. At least that's what pastor said.
@@michaelnewzealand1888 My pastor never interprets the Bible he just reads the Bible and it's up to us to interpret it!
Yeah 1 Peter 3 21 can be ignored
The Church of Christ is correct because the Bible is correct.
You need to read James 2:24
Faith alone nah !!
@@davidstamburski9487 Eph 2:8-9 James 2 is about showing your faith
Look up the catholic mission statement.
One time Jesus gave a man a tour of heaven. They kept walking by a bunch of cities and Jesus would tell the man "these are the catholics. These are the babtists. Here are the episcopals" as they passed each city. Then they came up to one and Jesus told the man to whisper and be very quiet. The man asked Jesus why they needed to be quiet and Jesus reponded "this is the church of Christ, they think they are the only ones here!". Jokes aside, I grew up COC but left about 16 years ago when I was 13, at least the ones I attended were too fear based and too extreme. I remember getting a comic in sunday school as a kid that showed a man drinking a beer and then the next picture was of him getting his arms ripped off by demons in hell as a punishment haha. Crazy people believe that.
archaix channel i learned alot about this