Great fan, pretty similar to the Nitecore I suppose but with no light. The USB-C port for input and output makes a lot of sense as it does de-clutter the back. The tripod needs to go back to the drawing board, but apart from that can't really fault it. It did survive the rain test, so that does mean something😅
Hi Wer Kar! Thank you so much for always taking the time to watch all my videos, but don't worry about it too much and really no pressure ok! 🥰 And yeah I think it's quite similar to the Nitecore but it felt a little higher quality. The two-way USB-C port didn't work for me though :( I bought the extra wire to test that out, but couldn't get a charge out. Maybe mine's the lowest tier model hahaha.
@@CampingGuidance Anytime Liz, that's strange the USB -C didn't charge out. The reverse charge functionality might be triggered by a switch or may be a case of manufacturing issue. If they advertise it, should work. Cheers.
Hi have you ever tested the cargo container multi fan?
Nice unboxing
Great fan, pretty similar to the Nitecore I suppose but with no light. The USB-C port for input and output makes a lot of sense as it does de-clutter the back. The tripod needs to go back to the drawing board, but apart from that can't really fault it. It did survive the rain test, so that does mean something😅
Hi Wer Kar! Thank you so much for always taking the time to watch all my videos, but don't worry about it too much and really no pressure ok! 🥰 And yeah I think it's quite similar to the Nitecore but it felt a little higher quality. The two-way USB-C port didn't work for me though :( I bought the extra wire to test that out, but couldn't get a charge out. Maybe mine's the lowest tier model hahaha.
@@CampingGuidance Anytime Liz, that's strange the USB -C didn't charge out. The reverse charge functionality might be triggered by a switch or may be a case of manufacturing issue. If they advertise it, should work. Cheers.