Puririkaaa and the Jelly Art Style Debacle | Can You Steal a Style?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 45

  • @Cattafang
    @Cattafang 8 месяцев назад +226

    small comment, but as an ibispaint user myself i can confirm that you cannot hide layers in speedpaints. if b traced, the image they were tracing over would've been able to be seen from the speedpaint. the only way they could've hidden it is by going frame-by-frame in an editing software, something that i doubt a 13 year-old would go through the effort to do

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +27

      Thanks for confirming that! :]

    • @RileyHasACoolUsername
      @RileyHasACoolUsername 8 месяцев назад +12

      Some people said something about a mirror method but it doesn't line up so that doesn't matter😭

    • @5tr4wberrys0da
      @5tr4wberrys0da 6 месяцев назад

      You can’t show speed paint in ibisPaint animation mode? If I’m wrong correct me

    • @SAIKOisDEAD
      @SAIKOisDEAD 5 месяцев назад

      @@5tr4wberrys0dayou can

    • @randomness.101
      @randomness.101 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@5tr4wberrys0daspeed paints are different than animations, animations are yk, moving pictures, although speed paints show the process of the art work!

  • @dreamalgia
    @dreamalgia 8 месяцев назад +99

    your analysis of the styles depicted are so vivid and i admire your use of words omg

  • @pawmeat
    @pawmeat 8 месяцев назад +43

    i remember back when i was 9 years old i had unsupervised access on the internet and i made a few online friends. i posted my art on instagram and i really looked up to those friends that i made and their very great artworks. to my surprise, the day after i posted a piece of mine that had a similar artstyle to one of those friends, they made a CALLOUT POST on me saying i was a tracer and that i “stole their artstyle”. mind you, i was NINE and they were all like 13 and 16. that situation kinda traumatized me and to this day i still kinda have fear of something similar happening again when i slightly take inspiration from somebody’s artstyle. this video made me feel better about myself, very well said.

    • @bethanysingsmrs849
      @bethanysingsmrs849 2 месяца назад

      i had a similar situation happen to me but with fuzzys on instagram i was 9 and they were 15 and one of them way 16, she would also vent to me often about dark things

  • @astronma_starheart
    @astronma_starheart 8 месяцев назад +55

    Personally, and without mentioning the drama too much because I don’t know how to really articulate how I feel besides thinking that harassing someone because of something like this is a bad move, I don’t like the jelly art style either. However, I do like how the rendering process looks, and that I can respect. It’s not my thing, but I can see the appeal of it

  • @alexisdied4558
    @alexisdied4558 8 месяцев назад +33

    For me i have worried about my art sometimes mostly worrying that people are gonna think i copy like i take alot of inspiration from chibis, lavendertowne, rottika, and a few others. I wouldn't mind if people noticed who i took inspo from but it would hurt if people said i straight up copied said artist
    With artsyle theft its a bit harder to police Because people get inspired by many different sources and it is possible to see similarities for example the big eyes in my artstyle come from lavendertowne inspo
    My best advice to artist especially younger artist or ones who are just starting is use multiple references if you only use one person for reference than subconsciously it is possible you will copy too much of them to a near copy. Instead find artist you like and compile their work and take things that you like about their art and add them to your own

  • @dr_sus1122
    @dr_sus1122 8 месяцев назад +15

    Oooh I really liked this art, pixels pixels oh beautiful pixels

  • @theartofthefart3244
    @theartofthefart3244 8 месяцев назад +36

    Speaking as an artist. “policing” who “can draw” in what way “style wise”, is stupid.
    Once you get into the professional studio industry, you need to be flexible in what you can draw. Working for an animation studio? you need to be able to emulate the style to the MICROMETER, in order to work well with other animators working on it, and make it a cohesive whole. Unable to emulate it? you won’t get the job.
    Concept artist/asset artist for a game? you’d better believe you need to make the what that producer of the game wants, consistantly. And you might be asked to do multiple types of sprites, you might be asked to chip in on background work, heck, you may be tapped to work on the promo art. Any of those can be in ANY STYLE, depending on the game’s constraints and needs.
    It’s ONLY in the freelancer world that I see this “my style, NO STEALING” nonsense. And it truly IS nonsense, with the INTENT and MOTIVATION of “cutting off the competition”, and “cornering the market” The people who do this have a “fuck you, I get mine” mentality. Not a mentality of their impact on the world.
    Heck, art school is ALL ABOUT teaching the styles of a bunch of old people who are now dead and DUST.
    Those people TAUGHT their styles to younger artists to be, who helped them on their work. Disciples, if you will. Who then went on to share their knowledge down the line.
    I allow other artists to use my art as inspo, and as as study material, because I would rather help others, then be “the greedy person who held it all back” because of the “fuck you I want to be the special snowflake that shines the most brightly” mentality.
    I’m gonna be dead in the ground someday, and a new generation of artists will be taking up the mantle of the creative world. It’s the job of the artists of the NOW, to open the door to creativity, and set the example for the artists that come along behind us.
    People drawing like I do DOES NOT HURT ME, I still get clients, and keep drawing. I ENJOY my work. I would never let anyone disrupt my OWN enjoyment. Life’s not about “being the best/only one out there”
    I like what I do, and don’t mind if others want to draw like me.
    Don’t be a hoarding dragon in life folks, Be a cool knowledge sharing wizard.
    Because no matter what you do, you’re gonna die someday, and all that hoarding knowledge/gatekeeping a “style” concept does is pull up the ladder behind you when you’re dead, and that knowledge is lost.

  • @autopsiee
    @autopsiee 8 месяцев назад +12

    as someone who followed puririkaaa since around late 2021, she has always shown a toxicity that had eventually pushed away a part of her fans (on everskies which is a dress up app and social media) and i, unfortunately, wasn't too surprised when she pulled this since it just follows her pattern, if slightly more intense

  • @ros7275
    @ros7275 8 месяцев назад +17

    CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE SKILL OF THE 13 YEAR-OLD? like i don't like the style at all but still-

  • @l33ch.ey3z
    @l33ch.ey3z 8 месяцев назад +16

    I’m pretty sure she doesn’t mean she doesn’t want the style copied because she didn’t make it I think she means she doesn’t want her art traced or her ocs copied

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +28

      While Puririkaaa initially accused the minor (nicknamed B) of tracing, B did not trace her work nor did they steal her OC. They simply drew in the same style as her. Even when it was proven that B did not trace her work nor copy any of her OCs, she has since doubled down and continued to insight harassment of this kid.
      Many of Rika's fans have accused B of style theft and the only similar thing about the two pieces outside of basic pose and composition (which are too broad of concepts to own) is the art style. Therefore, Puririkaaa continuing to argue that B is in the wrong (as well as the "don't use my art as reference" in her TikTok bio) means that she is, in fact, now complaining about her art style being copied.
      While, yes, her first accusation was that of tracing, her claims now boil down to style theft.

  • @Decay_of_braincells
    @Decay_of_braincells 8 месяцев назад +3

    Ahhhh thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for making this video!
    This is EXACTLY why you're my favorite commentator!
    There is nothing I love and appreciate more in a person than actually stopping and thinking about the nuances of a situation, even if the opinion they reach as a result directly contradicts the popular claims and ideas.
    I'm so glad you actually took the time to go over art style theft and whether it's even a valid criticism.
    I myself can say that while I don't care if someone took inspiration from my art, I would really dislike it if someone tried to copy my style completely, as I have spent many years developing it and it's something I hold dearly.
    Hat's off to you, Rot! Keep up the amazing work!

  • @cobaltdevils5233
    @cobaltdevils5233 8 месяцев назад +8

    i dont understand one thing you said. you say there are situations where crying out art style theft may be fair, but the two situations you give are:
    -if an artist is either "pretending to be [the other artist]"
    -or making pieces "copying all of their work".
    in the first case, thats impersonation, and in the second, thats composition theft (which i believe is much more real than art style theft), and neither of these have anything to do with art style theft. theyre already problematic by themselves, and if they werent problematic, adding "art style theft" to them would not be the breaking point.
    to me, what you said sounds pretty much like "art style theft isnt actually a problem, its just these two unrelated things that often get paired with art style theft that are a problem". am i interpreting this correctly?
    just so we're clear, i agree with what you said, if i interpreted it correctly - i just think the wording was confusing.

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +11

      Yeah, apologies for my wording on that. You're understanding me correctly; art style theft as a concept within itself is not a problem, but impersonation or blatantly copying every single aspect of someone's work like Omnia did, for example, (which both often go hand-in-hand with art style theft accusations) are very fair to call out. Hope that helps clear things up.

  • @vampire_culture
    @vampire_culture 8 месяцев назад +2

    This is very off topic but your artstyle and persona is so cool!!

  • @DarkShadliy
    @DarkShadliy 8 месяцев назад +3

    Yeah i don't know where i got my art style from actually, even though i took inspiration from a few artist one being a close friend of mine my art style is mostly just flexible, so personally my own style on the count of it being rendered in my way.
    I guess i could say that my style stands out differently then most artist you would see, i don't know how i managed that but i did somehow lol

  • @Pinkpostednotezz
    @Pinkpostednotezz 8 месяцев назад +7

    I’m sorry if this is off topic but is that Shiloh in the background?

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +7

      Yep, that’s Shiloh! :]

  • @yourlocaltoiletghost4484
    @yourlocaltoiletghost4484 8 месяцев назад +2

    I personally don’t like Puririka, but I think the jelly art style is pretty and think her work is pretty too.

  • @user-wc5qr7gt4n
    @user-wc5qr7gt4n 5 месяцев назад

    As someone who has had their art style “stolen” before online i can see where puririka was coming from. Luckily for me it was never copied as distincly as B copied puririkas style, so eventually i just realized that imitation is the strongest form of flattery or whatever and didnt care too much. But when you see your art being copied like that, i dont think its uncommon to see it as a walmart version of your own distinct art.

  • @Issabombissue
    @Issabombissue 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @ArtbyElliott
    @ArtbyElliott 8 месяцев назад +23

    in my personal opinion, i dont think what Puririka did was ENTIRELY wrong, since in my opinion, you don't owe someone maturity just because of age, but at the same time that doesn't make Puririka in the right either.

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +21

      I kinda agree. A lot of people tend to forget that eighteen-year-olds are still teens and that you don’t magically gain maturity or boundless knowledge the second you reach adulthood. I feel like people should be focusing less on her age and more on her platform when discussing her behaviour. It’s unsurprising that a young adult did something stupidly immature and more worrisome that she has a large platform and is acting immature. It’s also the lack of remorse for her actions that is more noteworthy imo than the actions themselves.

    • @ArtbyElliott
      @ArtbyElliott 8 месяцев назад +10

      @@rottika mhm, like I get that she’s a legal adult but I bet if you talked to ANYONE who was maybe 25-30 years old they could 100% confirm that they matured a lot during that time

  • @Thisismyhandlebecauseimstupid
    @Thisismyhandlebecauseimstupid 2 месяца назад

    Unrelated, but half related to the video,
    My cousin is getting really good at art, she’s way younger than me. Like not even double digits, but anyways.
    Every time I draw something, my cousin stares at the drawing, analyzing how I draw it, and completely steals the style, so every time I draw in front of her, I makes sure I don’t use any guidelines so she can’t copy, there’s an issue to that though, the drawing doesn’t come out good.
    That’s an issue, because it’s not helping me improve, I have to change my art style everytime she sees me draw, I make modifications to the style, and she cant copy it. It’s annoying, but my art won’t be stolen from her. And when I mean stolen, she literally tries to copy the drawing, I’m not a fan of that, but she doesn’t have real RUclips, (thankfully,) so she can’t see this, but someday if she does: DONT COPY MY ARTSTYLE 😡
    Anyways, that was just a little rant about my cousin copying my art ✨
    Edit: riri is going through some more controversy, she had her art stolen by a 9 year old, in this platform, who steals so many types of art. I’m sure we all know who this is. But for names sake, I won’t be revealing her channel to those who will go and harass her. Puririka sent death threats to the young child, making her pause the comments on the video. She then unpaused the comments, so she’s still getting hate, but riri is definetly wrong here for sending death threats to a *child*. Yes, the 9 year old who stole did start it, since they stole from riri, but puririka could’ve copyright struck the user, or asked them nicely to delete the video,instead puririka used extortion and death threats to get her to delete the video, but it didn’t work. The video is still up.. unfortunately riri is getting a few haters, and the 9 year old has no supporters.

  • @Hierarchia
    @Hierarchia 8 месяцев назад +4

    A. Making a direct copy or a piece that is near identical with changes that don't remove the original concept or distinguish it enough from the original thus not transformative is considered plagiarism. That being said, heavy referencing and direct copies ARE DIFFERENT. I think the wording in your video isn't concrete enough in that point.
    B. Art style theft isn't real. Period. You can take heavy parts from a style but everything at this point is a rip-off of another. Hell, realism is copying. It copies real life imagery. It's one style. You can mimic a style, but COPYING AN ART PIECE is not the same as art style theft. I think again, the way it's phrased in your video is wrong. Mimicing a style isn't style theft. It's not a thing. People do not own styles. They can make spin offs of other styles, but I don't think art style theft is real no matter and you shouldn't have to ask for permission to reference another artist. Tracing is a different story, but artists should not be butt hurt for having their art "referenced". It's such a nuanced conversation but even famous artists took inspiration and references from others. It's not a crime and it's not something to get upset about. Artists are allowed and should be encouraged; those artists took from other artists, it's part of the artistic sphere to do so. You can't gatekeep that-no artist should be up in arms about referencing, especially when odds are, they have done similar in their journey. We pull from those that inspire us, that's how people continue to grow.

    • @rottika
      @rottika  8 месяцев назад +2

      A. I agree with you here, I should have made my wording more clear that there is a difference between blatant plagiarism and referencing, one of which is not actually a problem.
      B. I agree with most of what you said here; I even said in my video that it’s kind of impossible to lay claim to an art style and it was dumb of Puririkaaa to police this minor because of that. HOWEVER, what you are seeming to misunderstand about when I said that you should ask an artist before referencing their work is that I meant it in a respect sort of way. Obviously, as long as you aren’t directly plagiarising something from someone, then there is no actual issue, but I said I just think it’s the respectful thing to do to ask whatever artist you’re referencing first before creating something HEAVILY derivative. I never said you HAVE TO ask an artist before heavily referencing their work, I just said you should, in my personal opinion. I just think it’s respectful to do if you’re heavily referencing a piece that was not made specifically to be referenced.

  • @Parrotsarecool546
    @Parrotsarecool546 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is so messed up i am so late i know but i still have an opinion
    1st:riri is an adult which should not be harassing a minor
    2nd:she claims the younger artist copys her while she post full tutorials for the jelly art style
    3rd:riri did not apologize even once in her "apology video" she just went on and on about how shes right
    4th:Even if they copied her art it is not right to post a video to their fanbase which will attack that poor artist.If i were in that situation i would rather confront the artist themselves not my fanbase
    5th:It is not an excuse to not speak English properly because even if she is foreign everyone learns english in 1st grade 💀
    Thats all i need to say thank you for you're patience goodbye have a great day/night

  • @aphrodite2503
    @aphrodite2503 8 месяцев назад +1

    Completely off topic but i can tell that you watch ponder. Its really funny.

  • @Mgthe_weirdo
    @Mgthe_weirdo 8 месяцев назад +5

    Fuck that people can make what they want. Literally, at art school, people have to learn how to draw realistically, basically in the same art style. You don’t see someone claiming it and saying, Make sure you credit me and ask for my permission first.

  • @ramuneisyummy-6012
    @ramuneisyummy-6012 7 месяцев назад +2

    i just think the whole situation is stupid. like when i was younger and i would fallow art tutorials i would fallow them to every last detail. i just think that if you don't want ppl to "copy" you, you shouldn't show ppl step by step how to draw like u.

  • @Thebobagang
    @Thebobagang 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @Glitchhusky9304
    @Glitchhusky9304 8 месяцев назад +1

    Offtopic but love your style while i can understand where youre coming from to me it just that nothing is original since theres a lot of lets use cute art styles that can be the same but at the same time i can understand what you mean

  • @Fadumoosman197
    @Fadumoosman197 5 месяцев назад

    Puririkaa made a tutorial how to draw like jelly art and she gets mad bc someone drew listening to the tutorial? I cant believe people stillsupport her.

  • @Phobia269
    @Phobia269 8 месяцев назад +1

    Nice vid

  • @meoron
    @meoron 8 месяцев назад +1

    Tip: make your artstyle really ugly (draw like me basically) and then no one will want to steal it 😁

  • @creepywaffles4783
    @creepywaffles4783 4 месяца назад

    I know this is going to sound bad but that clip of riri just makes them sound like a trashy, catty, narcissist who probably has a history of this thing in real life as well.