Straight A student. Never met him and I'm so proud of him. And a future doctor. Fantastic. Your family is beautiful. You seem happy and your future looks so bright. Are you teaching your sons French? Always good to know another language. Vous êtes un excellent exemple de famille prospère.
Love does not see color. I am a black woman( both parents are Black) with a mixed race child. My family is also mixed race with relatives who are Black and: Native American, Japanese, Philippino, and Caucasian. We don't play that racism stuff and we accept everyone. It is 2018 and time to move past color lines.
The Erica Adventures , I agree with your comment it is now 2019 I don’t know how I got to Oregon, still searching for the answers. I was 17 and for the first time in my life I was around all white people, I was raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania never had any problem with anyone because of their skin color seriously going to all White high school they never saw a black person because the town was so small and there were not many around. I am married my kids father who is white, his family never really excepted me and did what was expected, for our children I think God for that at least. RIP they are at rest today. After we separated and divorced I decided I was not going to give them where I had to deal with in Oregon they are very smart intelligent and well grounded at the same time giving them their freedom as most parents do when kids grow up they get married and make decisions I may not like some of them and now that I am 64 with all that I had gone through when they were younger the one thing I do believe, something my grandmother told me growing up as a child, you will reap what you sow. I like the little video, and I am working hard to get back into a community to make change. Only in America. God over everything. Thanks for sharing, because here in the community I live in , Many have crossed over.
I'm half Norwegian and Half African American, I am a pale tan with very long, and only slightly wavy hair. My Norwegian family says I am too dark, my African American family says I'm too light. But my mother loves me just the way I am. Thank you two for being wonderful parents in a world full of so much hate.
cottoncloud I’m mixed too! Same for me to dark for some to light for others. Luckily i live in Los Angeles, and there are soooo many mixed people. I finally feel like a apart of a group lol
I’m multiracial, and I used to get bullied for being mixed, people would say, “Your parents don’t match, you’re weird”, etc, but I later realized I have the best of both worlds. I get to experience different cultures, it’s apart of me!!!
+Kym Gumuna YES!! A lot of people resent interracial couples for that reason. They took the safe route and like you said, they basically married their cousin and have nothing to grow on.
@@rosesarebeautiful9777 mixed raced kids are mostly confused. They pay for the sins of their parents. God is a God of order. Is ok as its a done thing now but I would never advise anyone in the future to mix their ethnicity. It creates problems in health and affects mental health also. The NHS in England waisted so much money on breaking small europeen jaws in mixed race kids so they can realign them for their big African teeth so everything fits. A nasty and painful procedure.
my aunt used to kiss me and she always smelled of beer and i hated it as a kid until i could say no (her visit where never the same, much less stressful for me after that)
Hello! I have mixed family too. My children are twins boy and girl set . I had to battle racism a lot over the the years. I am a single mom, but I had alot of help along the way. I am a black woman who has been through a lot over the years. I am divorced and my children are 38 years old. I have battle so racism in every area of my life. From church to family on each side, scool and college and jobs I've had. It's not easygoing through it but I made so far. I know was God keeping his hand me and my children. I could had it was not for him. I found myself happy in love with a man and married him for to leave in 5 weeks after marrying him too. I never thought I would be going something like that at all. Iam still by God's grace. Thank you for time. Enjoy your life together all of you.
I don’t see anything wrong with it, if I see a interracial couple in public I look at them how I would look at a couple of the same race. I see them and respect them as normal ppl.
This made me cry not because of the interracial issue but because he clearly just loves her and she loves him. The expectations for one another are beyond the physical and they are an inspiration. sigh. God Bless them.
I was thinking a similar thing. As a black woman, I would love to find a man that would just love me like that. I think God's been trying to tell me; to think out the box, with dating. Because a lot of black men are just afraid of getting into a serious relationship. Because they've been hurt before. I do like the fact that a lot of times in interracial relationships there is a conscious effort to really get to know the person and their values.
Yes. That's how love works. You fall in love with what's in the person's heart. The kindness, humor, sensitivity, strength, etc. In the end, it's about who they are as a person.
I married a beautiful Mexican lady when I was in college and was asked by one of my instructors (a black lady) what it was like to be in an interracial relationship. I was taken aback because I’d never thought of our relationship as interracial before that. I certainly didn’t care. My first crush in grade school was on a classmate who was black as night! (I’d never seen a black person before that, which made her all the more beautiful!) I never needed anyone to tell me who I should find attractive. It’s a personal thing and you don’t need anyone else’s approval.
Hubby and I married when we were much older (I was 58, Ricardo was 64). But still, he was born in Mexico, and some people have issues with that. What race are we? HUMAN race, thank y'all very much. Marry who you love, everybody...same sex, hey..that's cool too!!!! xoxoxo from NYC
WOW! I'm from Columbia, SC. It is so good to see you living there!! I know it is culture shock. South Carolina is still very unevolved. I've lived abroad in Mexico for 11 years. Going back to SC is a culture shock for me. The mindset of the people hasn't changed much so you are blessed to have family embrace and support you.
It makes me so sad that such great people get treated so poorly by bad people. As a white man with blue eyes I have encountered many strangers (white men) who assume I agree with their racist remarks. It is tiring. I always rip them one and let them know that I am not a part of their cult. Maybe it is time to invent some identifying piece of clothing/accessory that lets people know your are a safe, non-bigoted, non-misogynistic, non-homophobe so that others can feel safe around you and know that you can be counted on to say and do the right thing. Maybe it is a button that identifies you as a sanctuary person?
Christopher Sabionski I just want less integration really, people can marry who they want I have no issue with that especially if it's for love. But integration for black Americans is the worst thing that ever happened to them
This family is so sweet and I’m happy that they are thriving in spite of the hatred surrounding them. They need to preach against racism in the southern, white churches because Jesus and racism don’t mix and many seem to think they do.
The character of a person that's count not the colour of there skin when we as humans beings learned to accept each other and make this world a better world. I wish this family all the best God bless.
I was at a amusement park with my Grandma-White Sister-Brown Dad-Brown Mom-Light Skin Aunt-Dark 2 cousins-Dark And we were gonna try to play a game with all of us and the guy didn’t think that we were all together and refused to let us all play the game because he did not believe we were together. All because we were different colors.
@Tontyanna okay first off wasn't talking to you and second of all that response made no sense because you didn't understand the context of what I was saying but okay go off
Wow this was interestingto watch! Emotional at times and lovely to see how you all connect! A very beautiful, solid family! It's amazing to see that depending on where you live in one country can determine how you are received! Love has no colour! I am Black and my husband is Chinese and we live in England with 2 kids 👨👩👧👦all the very best guys! God bless you ❤️
What an absolute beautiful family. People should always realize that kindness and love feed the soul. Both children will contribute so much to society because of this love. Bless them all!
Somehow these videos always hit home for me. My daughter has a Black common law husband and they have a biracial daughter sweet Granddaughter. When my daughter was beginning to get interested in boyd, the little White boys wouldn't have anything to do with her (she said) because she was not the body type they wanted. Our home area is very racially diverse, so she had friends from all races. As she grew older, she found that Black men appreciated her for who she is, and that's how this all came about. I just want her to be happy and loved, and she is. Our family is not what people would consider the 1950's style family. We are different from that model in a million ways, but we do love each other, and this all works for us.
Samira A it's the White mom and dad with 2.2 kids and a dog...supposedly perfect family where everything goes as planned. Kids are A students, go to college, graduate and become employed in a high paying job and then marry and start their own family. that is how the television portrayed families then. In fact, parents didn't even sleep in the same bed on television...they had twin beds. You wonder how they managed to have kids that way. I can't say why they thought that was a perfect family...I don't think I really knew any families like that...even when I was a kid in the 1950's.
Yes, it seems that interracial marriages were not common in the 1950s, especially in America. Times have changed alot since then. Today, especially in big cities, every corner you turn you encounter interracial couples, and even gay couples with their children. In regards to TV's portrayal of the perfect family, well, every society i'm aware of considers those things you mentioned ideal, with the exception of the color of the family. I'm assuming you live in a western country, so i wouldn't be surprised if white familes were mostly included as the ideal since they are the majority. In terms of couples sleeping separately, i've seen that too in societies that are too conservative to display PDA on T.V.
Felicia Butler thats probably true in smaller towns where there is little to no diversity with the exception of blacks and whites but that is certainly not the case in more racially mixed areas.. btw most black/white pairings i see here in the north TX DFW area usually involves black men with white women and its not uncommon at all seeing random white women around town at the market or any other public setting with biracial black looking babies/children. however, the same is not true for African-American women
The guy said that he was from france and that racism is not à thing, it's not tru there is racism in France I a black girl from esat side of paris and trust me racism is still there but they hide it with a smile and it ' s harder when you are a black women.
i am from france too , he appears to be mixed race himself , but yup racism is very real on french soil. we shouldn't pretend its not a big issue because it has real life consequences like it has in america
I am french too. Married since I'm 18. I have never faced racism, oops only recently from two African man in the market. Did I mention that there are only 4 blacks living in my town.
I'm french too. It's true racism still exists in France. For anyone saying otherwise just look at the score of the far-right racist party, Front National. They came 2nd in the last presidential elections in 2017.
Jack Horrorchild: The stream of 'black' people that you're referring to are from countries that the demonic French/European colonists invaded, then exploited and are destroying (till this day), hence, the reason why 'blacks' are migrating to those jurisdictions in a desperate attempt to hopefully gather a miniscule of the wealth and resources that were wickedly taken from them.
Semirindi Makala: Same nation, they're all the same, check what France did and still doing to the French Speaking 'African' countries and Haiti. Do some 'searching' on the 'so-called' 'independent' arrangements that France made with the aforewritten countries to see for yourself! By the way, why did you asked, are you trying to decide where to go?? Did they stole some of your people resources?
Nobody cares about skin color ??? Wtf racist pple weird ... I'm white idk there are white pple attractivie and their are white pple attractive . It's not about the skin color .
This video is the exact reason why we Americans have to keep fighting for marriage equality for all people. People deserve the right to love whoever they love and marry who they want to marry. Love is for everyone.
mali carter you mean like fat obese people having sex with smaller people? You’re right that should be illegal. Fat people should be banned from breeding
Mannon Howard that’s so inappropriate! How dare you make discriminatory judgements about someone else’s body !!! I’m appalled by your willful ignorance! Discriminatory People like you need to be illegal for making insensitive comments on RUclips about other people’s physical appearance! I hope karma is whipping your ass right now.
mali carter what’s discriminatory? She would know that she’s obese. And he would know every time he try’s to climb aboard to ride that elephant. Besides, fat people are a drain on society and they generally have fat kids so yes. They should be banned from breeding.
Thank you for making this!! Coming from an interracial family it’s always interesting to see what other people in my situation go through. It always feels like you don’t fit in because neither race wants you, but I hope one day we’re all treated equally, and people realize that love isn’t about color.
"Give you your roses while you're here." If everyone took the time to appreciate the people who have and are there for them in their lives in a supportive way; that would be the best way to acknowledge them while they are alive. Tell them how you feel today.
A French guy with an African American wife living in the south how cool is that. Just stumbled on your page and watched Myles birthday celebration with your Aunty Connie. Don’t let anyone shake your confidence. Find a nice church to worship God. We’re not defined by our color by God our father. He loves all of us. Great family you guys have. ❤️
This is such a precious video. The parents seem like such wonderfully kind people. The children seem so well adjusted and intelligent. I can't imagine anyone being prejudice or hateful and not embracing such a beautiful family. I wish you were my neighbors here in Ct. Blessings to you all!!
Welcome to West Columbia SC. As a black woman I have seen a lot of growth ; with how people treat other. There are more interracial couples. And a lot more people from different countries and other parts of United States. Who live here because of their jobs. So it's good to have a modern mix of people. Am grateful we where in a military family. I was exposed to people of different races from different parts of the country. For the most part people are polite. And mind there business. And try and help one other. But your always going to have a few people with that old south mentality. That are going to test you. You just got to know who you are in Christ. Live your life with respect. This is a beautiful family. They just living there truth in love.
I don't see them as atypical. They seem like a happy tight bunch. Happy birthday Miles, from Spain. Throug youtube. ...late as usual. ... happy unbirthday, Miles!!
As they sit together, his body language is away from her... Cutting her off. It's her touching *him.* He is not reciprocating. In fact, he's using one arm to restrain his arm closest to her from touching her. This is not him in love with her. His body language is telling a story that doesn't match the picture they are trying to portray. If she didn't touch him, there would be no touching! This is a "for the sake of the children" relationship. It isn't the love fest they hoped to present.
Dammit....that family is beautiful!!!! *wipes tears* I have a multi-racial family, and seeing other families so full of love and affection is heart-warming.
Maybe its because I'm Canadian but had I not read the video title I wouldn't have noticed that their an interracial family I would have just seen a family. I figured he was latino if anything but who cares?
Assante Freeman Yes, we need to demonstrate more love and understanding in America. Despite everything, I still believe love is everywhere. It’s just people forget sometimes. Anyway, I like that this vid is focused on love.
While it's great to look past race, I think saying "I didn't even notice they're an interracial family" kind of oversimplifies who they are, their histories, and their cultures. Nothing wrong with noticing what race people are-- what's wrong is looking down on them or hurting them because of their race
I have the impression Canada is one of the nicest and most tolerant countries in the world. Can you confirm this? And what kind of food should I try when I move there?
This is a beautiful family, they love one another which is very important in having a harmonious relationship. Everyone should be proud of their own family despite of the many races that your family have because it's so fun to grow up in a very diverse culture.
I don't care what anyone says that woman is glowing
flying pancake I agree! It’s obvious to see she has a beautiful soul.
She's really beautiful, I like her wonderful smile.
I thought the same thing. It's amazing, I immediately felt the warmth and beauty from her spirit less than a minute into the video!
Yeah. they're happy together and that's all that should matters. :-)
@KingCai72 Shhhhh, be nice.
Miles is the cutest kid, he doesn’t deserve any hate in his life, he’s lucky to have such a good support system around him
he struck me as going to do some cool science soon. cool nerd kid, so adorable :)
no i just think he's rly sweet
Straight A student. Never met him and I'm so proud of him. And a future doctor. Fantastic. Your family is beautiful. You seem happy and your future looks so bright. Are you teaching your sons French? Always good to know another language. Vous êtes un excellent exemple de famille prospère.
The mom is the type of mom who is very nurturing. I feel her empathic soul. What a lovely family. ❤
Racist people are going to have a rude awakening when they have to answer to the Lord God Almighty one appointment every one is going to keep
Love does not see color. I am a black woman( both parents are Black) with a mixed race child. My family is also mixed race with relatives who are Black and: Native American, Japanese, Philippino, and Caucasian. We don't play that racism stuff and we accept everyone. It is 2018 and time to move past color lines.
+The Erica Adventures if you're mix with black,Asian,Native-American, and Caucasian then why did you say both of your parents are black?
@Azure Kite I am black don't know where in my comment it says anything else.
Congrats to you and your family! I agree wholeheartedly!!
How can you're family be mix with all those nationality 🤔 self hate much?
The Erica Adventures , I agree with your comment it is now 2019 I don’t know how I got to Oregon, still searching for the answers. I was 17 and for the first time in my life I was around all white people, I was raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania never had any problem with anyone because of their skin color seriously going to all White high school they never saw a black person because the town was so small and there were not many around. I am married my kids father who is white, his family never really excepted me and did what was expected, for our children I think God for that at least. RIP they are at rest today. After we separated and divorced I decided I was not going to give them where I had to deal with in Oregon they are very smart intelligent and well grounded at the same time giving them their freedom as most parents do when kids grow up they get married and make decisions I may not like some of them and now that I am 64 with all that I had gone through when they were younger the one thing I do believe, something my grandmother told me growing up as a child, you will reap what you sow. I like the little video, and I am working hard to get back into a community to make change. Only in America. God over everything. Thanks for sharing, because here in the community I live in , Many have crossed over.
I'm half Norwegian and Half African American, I am a pale tan with very long, and only slightly wavy hair. My Norwegian family says I am too dark, my African American family says I'm too light. But my mother loves me just the way I am. Thank you two for being wonderful parents in a world full of so much hate.
cottoncloud I’m mixed too! Same for me to dark for some to light for others. Luckily i live in Los Angeles, and there are soooo many mixed people. I finally feel like a apart of a group lol
Just say I'm light skin like me👨🏽
ricecristi I am African American and Dominican. And when I Speak Spanish people do get confuses alot because I don't look Hispanic
❤️They're wrong. you're perfect!
I’m multiracial, and I used to get bullied for being mixed, people would say, “Your parents don’t match, you’re weird”, etc, but I later realized I have the best of both worlds. I get to experience different cultures, it’s apart of me!!!
That's exactly right! People that say nonsense like that are often envious!
They're just jeoulous because they have boring lives. My kids are mixed race and have the best of both worlds. Beautiful cultures.
+Kym Gumuna YES!! A lot of people resent interracial couples for that reason. They took the safe route and like you said, they basically married their cousin and have nothing to grow on.
That's cool
@@rosesarebeautiful9777 mixed raced kids are mostly confused.
They pay for the sins of their parents.
God is a God of order.
Is ok as its a done thing now but I would never advise anyone in the future to mix their ethnicity. It creates problems in health and affects mental health also.
The NHS in England waisted so much money on breaking small europeen jaws in mixed race kids so they can realign them for their big African teeth so everything fits.
A nasty and painful procedure.
shout out to aunt connie for respecting miles' boundaries and not force kissing him, frfr
I'm a victim of being forced kiss. 😰😜
my aunt used to kiss me and she always smelled of beer and i hated it as a kid until i could say no (her visit where never the same, much less stressful for me after that)
RJ preach!
It builds character xD
T Y boi
Say no to racism 🖐
Luna Ajdinovic exactly
real talk ☺️👍
Herbert Pervert 👍
Alma Muslimovic Amen please I wish they would stop! Love has no color
Raise your hand if you're admiring the lady's hair 🙋
Piyaya Ruth ✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽
They shouldn’t have to deal with people being racist.
No one should.
TheDarkCrafter what about people who’re fattist?
Hello! I have mixed family too. My children are twins boy and girl set . I had to battle racism a lot over the the years. I am a single mom, but I had alot of help along the way. I am a black woman who has been through a lot over the years. I am divorced and my children are 38 years old. I have battle so racism in every area of my life. From church to family on each side, scool and college and jobs I've had. It's not easygoing through it but I made so far. I know was God keeping his hand me and my children. I could had it was not for him. I found myself happy in love with a man and married him for to leave in 5 weeks after marrying him too. I never thought I would be going something like that at all. Iam still by God's grace. Thank you for time. Enjoy your life together all of you.
well said
The Dark Crafter. The shouldnt have to, but Reality is they will and there's no way of getting around it.
*_Love isn’t about color._*
V infires me or gender for that matter.
Unfortunately seems a lot is about colour in the States. Terrible place.
joohyun my bae or age👀
colour matters lol they have the highest divorce rates. Go figure
Tell that to Trump.
It sucks how in 2018 people still can't comfortably love who they want.Shm!
Andrea Faison chill
I don’t see anything wrong with it, if I see a interracial couple in public I look at them how I would look at a couple of the same race. I see them and respect them as normal ppl.
Fuk it haters gonna hate.
Beautiful family don’t let anyone bring you down you’re beautiful just the way you are! Never forget that
Very handsome and smart young men. They are going to go far in life
If they don’t get shot by the Cops.. for just being black in America. Makes you wonder..why doesn’t the Father take them back to France?
I love how this family looks... That little boy ahead of his time.
Omg yes he is.
This made me cry not because of the interracial issue but because he clearly just loves her and she loves him. The expectations for one another are beyond the physical and they are an inspiration. sigh. God Bless them.
I was thinking a similar thing. As a black woman, I would love to find a man that would just love me like that.
I think God's been trying to tell me; to think out the box, with dating. Because a lot of black men are just afraid of getting into a serious relationship. Because they've been hurt before. I do like the fact that a lot of times in interracial relationships there is a conscious effort to really get to know the person and their values.
Then I pray this revelation opens door for you. God has a plan and I am rooting for you, even through RUclips. God is Faithful, Still
Yes. That's how love works. You fall in love with what's in the person's heart. The kindness, humor, sensitivity, strength, etc. In the end, it's about who they are as a person.
@glitchez If it's not too personal to answer, how old are you?
@glitchez Yes how old are you, and where are you from if you don't mind me asking? Lol
I married a beautiful Mexican lady when I was in college and was asked by one of my instructors (a black lady) what it was like to be in an interracial relationship. I was taken aback because I’d never thought of our relationship as interracial before that. I certainly didn’t care. My first crush in grade school was on a classmate who was black as night! (I’d never seen a black person before that, which made her all the more beautiful!) I never needed anyone to tell me who I should find attractive. It’s a personal thing and you don’t need anyone else’s approval.
Amen!!! God is good!!
@Abraham Shekelbergstien why maybe she was curious because she was interested in someone of another race rme
@Abraham Shekelbergstien well to me it's being minority...Chinese Spanish black idk I hope you didn't have any racist problems such ás myself
@Abraham Shekelbergstien aaaah cut it out by plz
Hubby and I married when we were much older (I was 58, Ricardo was 64). But still, he was born in Mexico, and some people have issues with that. What race are we? HUMAN race, thank y'all very much. Marry who you love, everybody...same sex, hey..that's cool too!!!! xoxoxo from NYC
WOW! I'm from Columbia, SC. It is so good to see you living there!! I know it is culture shock. South Carolina is still very unevolved. I've lived abroad in Mexico for 11 years. Going back to SC is a culture shock for me. The mindset of the people hasn't changed much so you are blessed to have family embrace and support you.
"I can't put their GPA on their hoody". That got me. 😞
When I look at this family, all I see is love...a lot of people don’t know what real love is
Catina Cannon, that's why they mad as hell, at themselves. Projecting their insecurities on happy people.
This was so beautiful!!!! *Tears*
Me too.
It makes me so sad that such great people get treated so poorly by bad people. As a white man with blue eyes I have encountered many strangers (white men) who assume I agree with their racist remarks.
It is tiring. I always rip them one and let them know that I am not a part of their cult.
Maybe it is time to invent some identifying piece of clothing/accessory that lets people know your are a safe, non-bigoted, non-misogynistic, non-homophobe so that others can feel safe around you and know that you can be counted on to say and do the right thing.
Maybe it is a button that identifies you as a sanctuary person?
+Christopher Sabionski Ntbr but why is your eye color important?
+Christopher Sabionski Lol no worries brother 👍
+Legolas Greenleaf probably because his eye color represents the "white ideal."
Christopher Sabionski I can see a t- shirt or "hoodie"!
Christopher Sabionski I just want less integration really, people can marry who they want I have no issue with that especially if it's for love. But integration for black Americans is the worst thing that ever happened to them
This family is so sweet and I’m happy that they are thriving in spite of the hatred surrounding them. They need to preach against racism in the southern, white churches because Jesus and racism don’t mix and many seem to think they do.
The most High God Almighty is neither black, white ,pink or blue. He is all of the colors in one.
@@hyacinthfrost3245that's the way I've always known God
I love how they're respecting the boy's wishes of not being kissed. It's so important to teach and encourage consent ❤
It sucks that we we still live in a society that can’t accept two people with different phenotypes in a relationship. It’s quite sad, actually.
MoonDancer agreed
I’m confused where in the video they had legitimate proof of racism
yep quite sad indeed
Miles is as cute as a button
He sure is!
So sad that in 2018 that this is still an issue.
Rashi Rosenzweig and its gonna be a 1000 years from now too
PastorSO Shame. Really.
Yes real
It will always be an issue, as it should be.
The character of a person that's count not the colour of there skin when we as humans beings learned to accept each other and make this world a better world. I wish this family all the best God bless.
Who else cried when she got the roses? I’m a grown man but I’m not ashamed of crying at that part.
Wow this is an amazing family. Thanks for this video.
Damn this is too lovely for words.God bless you all.
The "GPA on their hoodie" line really got to me hard
Yeah me too that's a strong statement right there.
you wouldn't say that fuckshit in my face my g, on god
Aredas can u explain Wat that means the gpa thing?id quite get it
Pls explain the phrase, im not american!
@@lindemabhebheza3958 it means when they meet new ppl ,ppl won't always except them right away so they have to prove themselves❤️
Dang, I'm older than Miles, yet he still speaks 10 times more eloquently than me . really says a lot about how great his parents are. Love this video!
An interracial couple living in South Carolina, I can only imagine how hard that would be.
Union the worst of them all
The last statutes were overturned in 1967/
Dylan lowkey fine 👀
Partynextdoorrr haha ikr
Wandering rillo what you mean
Partynextdoorrr right! Lol
You need Jesus
I was at a amusement park with my
Mom-Light Skin
2 cousins-Dark
And we were gonna try to play a game with all of us and the guy didn’t think that we were all together and refused to let us all play the game because he did not believe we were together. All because we were different colors.
Gandhi 😂good story
Syntax Error 🤣 very ignorant but funny
Your skin color descriptions make no sense but okay
@Tontyanna okay first off wasn't talking to you and second of all that response made no sense because you didn't understand the context of what I was saying but okay go off
That's just Absolutely sad!
Not a bad looking couple
Twistr Not really a good looking one either
Iam Hisguhfrmtx 😚
Ha ha haaaaa! They don’t match at all. Did you see the body language on that guy? It looked as if he was repulsed by her. LOL!!!!
Lalita Faroli well he married her....he probably just a little socially acknowledge...I know niggas like that...
Tyrone Catkiller Kang maybe so....but look like that Chris guy impressed with her
Wow this was interestingto watch! Emotional at times and lovely to see how you all connect! A very beautiful, solid family! It's amazing to see that depending on where you live in one country can determine how you are received! Love has no colour! I am Black and my husband is Chinese and we live in England with 2 kids 👨👩👧👦all the very best guys! God bless you ❤️
What an absolute beautiful family. People should always realize that kindness and love feed the soul. Both children will contribute so much to society because of this love. Bless them all!
Somehow these videos always hit home for me. My daughter has a Black common law husband and they have a biracial daughter sweet Granddaughter. When my daughter was beginning to get interested in boyd, the little White boys wouldn't have anything to do with her (she said) because she was not the body type they wanted. Our home area is very racially diverse, so she had friends from all races. As she grew older, she found that Black men appreciated her for who she is, and that's how this all came about. I just want her to be happy and loved, and she is. Our family is not what people would consider the 1950's style family. We are different from that model in a million ways, but we do love each other, and this all works for us.
I’m glad you’re ok with it. I unfortunately know some parents who were not.
I know that happens and those parents miss a lot. It's sad.
What's "1950s style family"? never heard of that term before
Samira A it's the White mom and dad with 2.2 kids and a dog...supposedly perfect family where everything goes as planned. Kids are A students, go to college, graduate and become employed in a high paying job and then marry and start their own family. that is how the television portrayed families then. In fact, parents didn't even sleep in the same bed on television...they had twin beds. You wonder how they managed to have kids that way. I can't say why they thought that was a perfect family...I don't think I really knew any families like that...even when I was a kid in the 1950's.
Yes, it seems that interracial marriages were not common in the 1950s, especially in America. Times have changed alot since then. Today, especially in big cities, every corner you turn you encounter interracial couples, and even gay couples with their children.
In regards to TV's portrayal of the perfect family, well, every society i'm aware of considers those things you mentioned ideal, with the exception of the color of the family. I'm assuming you live in a western country, so i wouldn't be surprised if white familes were mostly included as the ideal since they are the majority. In terms of couples sleeping separately, i've seen that too in societies that are too conservative to display PDA on T.V.
Mooi sprokn
It does! It's effing red
So true!!!!!!
The dad obviously loves the nubian queens.🤟🏽
@Tiny Meadow the Hate is REAL huh....your pale ass can't do anything about this MELANIN... Carcinoma skin...
MyLight ShinesBright Most whites have a bit of melanin.
As an Asian I must say White-Black interracial relationships(especially here in the US) tends to look and feel the least natural.
@Elrond Lavon Rivendell Tucker Exactly! He sees no color. That's how its suppose to be. We all bleed the same blood
Felicia Butler thats probably true in smaller towns where there is little to no diversity with the exception of blacks and whites but that is certainly not the case in more racially mixed areas.. btw most black/white pairings i see here in the north TX DFW area usually involves black men with white women and its not uncommon at all seeing random white women around town at the market or any other public setting with biracial black looking babies/children. however, the same is not true for African-American women
Her oldest son name is dylan. This needs to be said more because there is a lot of confusion to people who did not watch the video.
3:10 "I can't put their GPA on their hoodie"~the reality of being a Black mother in America
The guy said that he was from france and that racism is not à thing, it's not tru there is racism in France I a black girl from esat side of paris and trust me racism is still there but they hide it with a smile and it ' s harder when you are a black women.
i am from france too , he appears to be mixed race himself , but yup racism is very real on french soil. we shouldn't pretend its not a big issue because it has real life consequences like it has in america
I am french too. Married since I'm 18. I have never faced racism, oops only recently from two African man in the market. Did I mention that there are only 4 blacks living in my town.
I'm french too. It's true racism still exists in France. For anyone saying otherwise just look at the score of the far-right racist party, Front National. They came 2nd in the last presidential elections in 2017.
Jack Horrorchild:
The stream of 'black' people that you're referring to are from countries that the demonic French/European colonists invaded, then exploited and are destroying (till this day), hence, the reason why 'blacks' are migrating to those jurisdictions in a desperate attempt to hopefully gather a miniscule of the wealth and resources that were wickedly taken from them.
Semirindi Makala:
Same nation, they're all the same, check what France did and still doing to the French Speaking 'African' countries and Haiti. Do some 'searching' on the 'so-called' 'independent' arrangements that France made with the aforewritten countries to see for yourself! By the way, why did you asked, are you trying to decide where to go?? Did they stole some of your people resources?
If only we all had an Aunt Connie in our lives! How wonderful that would be!
Who else thinks the oldest boy is cute😍😍😍😍
Princess Almany y,@
So how you feel about black men and white women ?
@@JTrost1234 so now you can't even say a kid is cute? Learn what it means first before using it idiot
Both are cute
Not everyone on RUclips is an adult
This man likes black women. He loves good things
Big black
he cant have anyone else
mabel adutwumwah Francis He loves the THICC
Nobody cares about skin color ??? Wtf racist pple weird ... I'm white idk there are white pple attractivie and their are white pple attractive . It's not about the skin color .
mabel adutwumwah Francis lol
Where’s your fro?
“I left it.”
Yo I love a man with humour istg
His response was epic, I laughed so hard I wee myself, lol
This video is the exact reason why we Americans have to keep fighting for marriage equality for all people. People deserve the right to love whoever they love and marry who they want to marry. Love is for everyone.
mali carter you mean like fat obese people having sex with smaller people? You’re right that should be illegal. Fat people should be banned from breeding
Mannon Howard take your ignorance somewhere else🤦🏾♀️
Mannon Howard that’s so inappropriate! How dare you make discriminatory judgements about someone else’s body !!! I’m appalled by your willful ignorance! Discriminatory People like you need to be illegal for making insensitive comments on RUclips about other people’s physical appearance! I hope karma is whipping your ass right now.
Blackskye211 thank you for bringing Mannon Howard to my attention. He was so out of place for that.
mali carter what’s discriminatory? She would know that she’s obese. And he would know every time he try’s to climb aboard to ride that elephant. Besides, fat people are a drain on society and they generally have fat kids so yes. They should be banned from breeding.
You are a beautiful family!🌷🙌⭐
Jonelle Dulin fr tho
Bless their family. I wish them all the best. They're a beautiful family.
Thank you for making this!! Coming from an interracial family it’s always interesting to see what other people in my situation go through. It always feels like you don’t fit in because neither race wants you, but I hope one day we’re all treated equally, and people realize that love isn’t about color.
When they gave aunt Connie her roses 😢😢😢😭😥😥😥🌷🌷🌷🌷⚘🌷🌹
My name is Myles and I have an aunt Connie. That was weird.
Myles Dedman - How cool is that 😆
only nate I literally always see ur comments in every video I watch , it’s like online stalking or some sh*t
Myles Dedman And Aunt Connie have a weird Nephew. So you guys are even.😎
This is a beautiful couple! I love her hair! He looks like he really loves her! I wish them all the best!
the little boy looks like Michael Jackson when he was little
Lol facts. Such a nice child
Michael Jackson was ugly ....
Salvo Smith You bout to trigger a lot of people.
Salvo Smith I know u lying
🤔Remember you are UGLY to Some People...
"Give you your roses while you're here." If everyone took the time to appreciate the people who have and are there for them in their lives in a supportive way; that would be the best way to acknowledge them while they are alive. Tell them how you feel today.
This is just beautiful!!😀 Thank you
This is so heartbreaking😢.May God bless this beautiful family and teach us to love one another as humans as we should.Ameen
Soul pancake makes awesome content!
Handsome boys.
they youngest will be popular with the ladies when he's older :) smart kid too.
and the older one probably already is...
You All Are A Beautiful Family!!!♥️♥️
I nearly cried when they gave her the roses!!! So beautiful. Beautiful family. So much love.
Such a beautiful family full of love, I hope they continue to stay positive and loving despite the hardships they go through ❤️
YUPPP, Dylan saucy alright! 😍😙
What beautiful people! I loved this so much.
A French guy with an African American wife living in the south how cool is that. Just stumbled on your page and watched Myles birthday celebration with your Aunty Connie. Don’t let anyone shake your confidence. Find a nice church to worship God.
We’re not defined by our color by God our father. He loves all of us.
Great family you guys have. ❤️
This is such a precious video. The parents seem like such wonderfully kind people. The children seem so well adjusted and intelligent. I can't imagine anyone being prejudice or hateful and not embracing such a beautiful family. I wish you were my neighbors here in Ct. Blessings to you all!!
This is the real definition about LOVE❤❤❤.
This is such a wholesome video 🌸
Welcome to West Columbia SC. As a black woman I have seen a lot of growth ; with how people treat other.
There are more interracial couples. And a lot more people from different countries and other parts of United States. Who live here because of their jobs. So it's good to have a modern mix of people. Am grateful we where in a military family. I was exposed to people of different races from different parts of the country.
For the most part people are polite. And mind there business. And try and help one other. But your always going to have a few people with that old south mentality. That are going to test you.
You just got to know who you are in Christ. Live your life with respect. This is a beautiful family. They just living there truth in love.
This family is awesome I love the mom's hair and seriously how cool is Aunt Connie giving the son a T.A.R.D.I.S. for his birthday.
He likes em THICK! 👌🍫
I'm glad
Wise One LmAo
She wasn’t always thick... I seen the older pics
Wise One he likes them fluffy 😂
It makes my heart feel so warm to see that everyone looks so happy- that is all I am seeing :)
I LOVE atypical! more please!
Akwaaba B what is atypical?
Akwaaba B what is atypical?
Atypical= uncommon
Yetfitma Afar Thank you
Yetfitma Afar ooh. Thank you never really understood that word.
I’m black/native and my fiancé is Chinese! I love him and that’s all that matters!! ❤️😊
I've seen less love in SAME RACE families...This is absolutely wonderful and so are the children. This is what LOVE HAS NO COLOR CAN LOOK LIKE...
You guys are the BEST!! Much love to everyone..
Miles seems to become smart and successful
I don't see them as atypical. They seem like a happy tight bunch.
Happy birthday Miles, from Spain. Throug youtube. ...late as usual.
happy unbirthday, Miles!!
I really did get emotional watching this! What a beautiful family ❤
As they sit together, his body language is away from her... Cutting her off. It's her touching *him.* He is not reciprocating. In fact, he's using one arm to restrain his arm closest to her from touching her. This is not him in love with her. His body language is telling a story that doesn't match the picture they are trying to portray. If she didn't touch him, there would be no touching! This is a "for the sake of the children" relationship. It isn't the love fest they hoped to present.
Dammit....that family is beautiful!!!! *wipes tears* I have a multi-racial family, and seeing other families so full of love and affection is heart-warming.
Maybe its because I'm Canadian but had I not read the video title I wouldn't have noticed that their an interracial family I would have just seen a family. I figured he was latino if anything but who cares?
Assante Freeman Unfortunately millions of white Americans care. Racism is not limited to the south, never has been.
Lisa That's a shame. Love and understanding can heal many wounds.
Assante Freeman Yes, we need to demonstrate more love and understanding in America. Despite everything, I still believe love is everywhere. It’s just people forget sometimes. Anyway, I like that this vid is focused on love.
While it's great to look past race, I think saying "I didn't even notice they're an interracial family" kind of oversimplifies who they are, their histories, and their cultures. Nothing wrong with noticing what race people are-- what's wrong is looking down on them or hurting them because of their race
I have the impression Canada is one of the nicest and most tolerant countries in the world. Can you confirm this? And what kind of food should I try when I move there?
This is so inspirational
Beautiful family, the second child resemble's MJ with afro.
This is a beautiful family, they love one another which is very important in having a harmonious relationship. Everyone should be proud of their own family despite of the many races that your family have because it's so fun to grow up in a very diverse culture.
And you can see the love
A New Love Official , Philadelphia!!! Very proud to be raised in this State!
A 7 min clip but i never felt this much connection and love as this family has for each other! May the Most High Yah bless you abundantly ❤❤❤
What a beautiful family! ❤️
Great vids keep it up!
When the lil boy said he wants to be a Doctor
And work in the ER awwwww 😢
Ignore what others say about you. Live your lives and be happy.
Love the Modesty of this family clean orderly and just down right Beautiful 😍
Nice family, all the best. God Bless and keep you.
WOW , now that's what U call PSG. Positive Supportive Group without conditional love 🤗
Great family! Loved this video.
Lady B yes
They are the cutest couple! She is a beauty. Good luck to you all and many blessings to your family.
Ooooh she seems like such a warm and loving mom. They have a very obvious and great love between them. Such a beautiful family.