Don't Make Me Feel Bad for Doing a Bad Thing!

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 742

  • @sobertillnoon
    @sobertillnoon Год назад +48

    I love how people try to say someone is making it political when they bring up JK and the fiction she's created. Like, what? I'm not the one who brought this topic up. She's the one who made it political.

    • @OsirisLord
      @OsirisLord Год назад +13

      The only truly non-political Harry Potter book is Philosopher's Stone. As soon as she introduced slavery in Chamber of Secrets Rowling basically said "Okay Harry Potter can discuss political and social issues". And she started fucking that up almost immediately. Harry Potter as a narrative defends slavery and presents itself as having a complex, nuanced understanding of the issue. It defends it by saying "actually slaves like being slaves and any who say otherwise are just weird" as a way of attacking social activism. In Harry Potter the good choices when it comes to slavery is you can treat your slaves with compassion and kindness and free the ones who want to be free or you can chose to not own slaves. But being a bad slave owner who beats and is cruel to his slaves is put on the same level as abolition.
      Harry Potter's understanding of racism is like the movie Crash, where it's all about individual's making the choice to be rude and racist rather than it being a system of oppression that permeats almost every level of society. In fact when it comes to social systems Harry Potter hates change. They don't even change the stupid House system at the end of the novels, they keep Slytherin even though the whole organization is filled with blood purists and Death Eaters. Not a single Slytherin is invited to the Order of the Phoenix or joins forces against Voldermort in Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter is political and it's politics suck and actually foreshadow that Rowling would end up being a transphobe who would join forces with the alt-right in order to push her anti-trans agenda.

    • @GaylenOraylee
      @GaylenOraylee Год назад +12

      @@OsirisLord Nah. The antisemitism is in PS too.

  • @ricosuave5392
    @ricosuave5392 Год назад +30

    I hate the disingenuous context-free "so I'm a bad guy just for buying a game??" argument. I see versions of it all the time. A sanitized false narrative doesn't remove responsibility. These people could plow into you with their car and declare "so I'm a bad guy for checking my texts??" Yes asshole, in this context, a normally benign action has extra moral implications to consider.

  • @Mallory-Malkovich
    @Mallory-Malkovich Год назад +37

    Some people act like getting called out for buying a video game is the worst thing that ever happened to them.
    Because for a lot of those people, it _is_ the worst thing that has ever happened to them.
    Please break out your smallest violins for these titans of privilege. They expect a good concert. They paid for it, after all.

  • @abigfavor
    @abigfavor Год назад +36

    I too would like live without social consequences, I never thought that was an option to shout at people though. The trans community would also like to avoid the consequences of JKR being a transphobe

  • @sanjaraejour9632
    @sanjaraejour9632 Год назад +105

    "Oh no, the consequences of my actions have come back to haunt me!" is what I hear when people complain about others responding to the choices they've made. ALL actions have consequences, some are just far more extreme than others. As you said, part of being a grown up is accepting this fact of life. Sadly, entitled horse biscuits are going to wargarble over it as they try to take no consequences for the choices they knew beforehand were terrible.

    • @mkjirak
      @mkjirak Год назад +7

      "Horse biscuits" and "wargarble" are great words, and I will be appropriating them. That is all.

  • @JoeBravo75
    @JoeBravo75 Год назад +11

    Good video Steve. It's like those people who are whining about going to jail, after storming the capital.

    • @paulhammond6978
      @paulhammond6978 Год назад +3

      Yeah, trouble is that the coup- leader in chief is still at large and thinking of running again for President.

  • @BongoVader
    @BongoVader Год назад +54

    As a trans person, thank you so much for these videos Steve. You are consistently one of the most outstanding friends of the trans community in my opinion.

  • @Theroha
    @Theroha Год назад +37

    HP was a big part of my childhood and I have all the books and some merch. All of that was years before Rowling showed her true colors. I haven't spent any money on it since. The books still have a spot on my shelves. I'm not ready to give that ideal up even if the author didn't live up to it. But that spot is on the bottom shelf in my office and not in a prominent place of respect on the living room bookshelf.

    • @foxesofautumn
      @foxesofautumn Год назад +7

      That’s where I’m at, as a trans person. HP got me through a tough time. Now it’s... tainted. That’s a special kind of trauma. I still have my books, too, but I don’t think I can read them again.

    • @debbyberry1
      @debbyberry1 Год назад +2

      Love HP. I collect the books in different languages.
      It breaks my heart that I can’t add to this collection (I had French, Spanish, and German complete and Philosopher’s Stone in half a dozen languages, including Latin and Sanskrit). But I’m a grown-up who has read and understood Nice Racism. I am accountable for my money, and I do not wish it to be used to support oppression. It’s a sacrifice, but I understand that decency often is.

    • @gareth4457
      @gareth4457 Год назад +2

      Sounds about right. Put them right next to Ender's Game.

    • @artosbear
      @artosbear Год назад +3

      I suggest your next step is to gain an understanding that Rowling showed her true colors in her books repeatedly and viciously. I mean fr every non-white character has a racist name, the goblins are a walking anti-Semitic bullhorn (not even a dog whistle), there are house elves that are slaves *BUT THEYRE HAPPY ABOUT IT?? (They are not, in fact, happy about it)* And that's just the start of it, the big points people hit.
      There are 8 billion people in the world. There is always some other art made by someone who isn't an actively malicious person, that won't hurt you, including art that will have you feeling young to indulge in. I think it hurts less to stop trying to force yourself to hold on and find the good inside the bad than it does to just go cultivate the good things that aren't inextricably tied up like HP is.

    • @ProudPapa26
      @ProudPapa26 Год назад

      @@artosbear You know this is all make believe, right? These are nerdy children’s books you’re so judgmental about. Unless you’re a nerdy child, you should just move on with with your life or get one.

  • @jlangkowski
    @jlangkowski Год назад +37

    This is so relevant on so many issues. I never understood the whole "don't call me an ahole for acting like an ahole" argument.

  • @renatocorvaro6924
    @renatocorvaro6924 Год назад +136

    I cannot tell you how often someone has told me something along the lines of "It's offensive when you call me a racist" and my response has been "Then you probably shouldn't do racist shit."

    • @mkjirak
      @mkjirak Год назад +15

      I have a lot of elderly family members that will do racist stuff without thinking about it and the other response I get is, "Well, it wasn't racist when I was young." Well, when you were young, segregation was still a thing, so it's not the defense you think it is.

    • @greyladybast
      @greyladybast Год назад +6

      ​@Michelle Kozmik Jirak my response to that line, back when I bothered with that part of the family, was, "well, you're not young anymore, are you?"
      Whether I tacked on a deeply sarcastic, "it's almost like things change over time! What a concept!" or not, it never failed to reduce them to a blubbering offended mess.

    • @dachannien
      @dachannien Год назад +6

      ​ @Michelle Kozmik Jirak "So what you're telling me is you haven't learned shit in the past 50 years?"

    • @robinchesterfield42
      @robinchesterfield42 Год назад

      "It's offensive when you call me (type of bad person here)" Well then stop BEING a bad person, a-hole! At least out loud/where other people can read it! Pretend it doesn't bother me when it comes from YOU? I'm not gonna throw away my belief that DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREAKING *LIVE* because a now EX "friend" got their fee fees hurt when I called them out for a good reason.

  • @billberndtson
    @billberndtson Год назад +88

    I make simply great oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I stopped making them for a time when I learned that Nestle still gets a lot of its chocolate from slave labor. A woman I knew told me I should still make them because I like them and like to give them away to people even though the chocolate was farmed by slaves. She was adamant that it didn't matter how my ingedients were sourced and the suffering be damned. Nestle should still get my money. Even when I found ethical ingredients, this lady never got another cookie from me.

    • @lcflngn
      @lcflngn Год назад +16

      Many ways to get slave-free chocolate!

    • @willowarkan2263
      @willowarkan2263 Год назад +4

      Make your own chips without nestle chocolate? I suggest freezer a sturdy bag and a hammer on a hard surface that can take it and doesn't make too much sound. Knife and fridge also work, but is a bit more time consuming and messy. chocolate shards when cut when cold and those fly, hence the bag.

    • @stripeytawney822
      @stripeytawney822 Год назад +7

      You should get a nice empty fancy box, ribbon it up all nice and give it to her....
      When she asks, tell her it contained empathy....

    • @kelaEQ2
      @kelaEQ2 Год назад +9

      @@fishingmule3266 You need to be very carful with that though as there Nestle is a food conglomerate and they make more chocolate brands then just Nestle, and I am fairly certain they all come from the same Plantations. It is just like with Kraft and Mac and Cheese boxes...Buying Kraft, Velveeta or Cracker Barrel supports Kraft in the end.
      When you stop supporting a Major company you have to make very certain you cut them out completely and that can be very hard in some cases.

    • @billberndtson
      @billberndtson Год назад +2

      Thank you all for your suggestions - I use Enjoy Life mini chips, now. They appear to be on the up-and-up. If y'all know something about them that I don't, let me know.

  • @obiwanpez
    @obiwanpez Год назад +15

    This is eerily reminiscent of a post I made this morning:
    Them: "Goddamn woke crowd!"
    Me: "Choose better. You don't get to say whatever you want and then cry victim when you get called on it."

  • @78Mathius
    @78Mathius Год назад +41

    I unsubed a YT channel because they supported the game. I love that channel. Being an ally means sacrifice.

    • @TheSorrel
      @TheSorrel Год назад +1

      Sadly, I would burn every bridge to people who would be ignorant of or don't care about JKRs actions, I would be living on an island.
      People just don't know.

  • @robinchesterfield42
    @robinchesterfield42 Год назад +4

    Say it with me, everyone:
    *Freedom of speech is NOT freedom from consequences.*
    You have the right to say any horrible thing you want!
    And we have the right to call you out on it.

  • @MattMcIrvin
    @MattMcIrvin Год назад +19

    The thing that makes me sad, as a theme-park fan, is that the association with Rowling also pretty much skunks the Universal theme parks, whether you're enjoying the Harry Potter-themed stuff there or not. And so much of what they do is *good*. And they're building a whole new one... with more "Wizarding World" stuff. But it does make me really reluctant to go back.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +1

      surely there are other parks to go to right?

    • @MattMcIrvin
      @MattMcIrvin Год назад +7

      @@wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Plenty, sure. But I had wanted to go back there sometime, and Rowling's behavior making it an obnoxious choice is a loss.
      The thing that strikes me, though, is that while there's been a lot of argument about whether people should boycott Harry Potter media like this video game, I really haven't seen a lot of discussion of boycotting Universal in the theme-park fandom. There's way more sturm und drang over Disney, their changes to old rides with problematic content and their fights with the reactionary government of Florida. Universal has just kind of kept their heads down through all this, though their current good fortune was largely built on a franchise which is now tremendously problematic. I do kind of wonder if they're hoping to get a favorable image with bigoted American right-wingers as the "non-woke" theme-park chain. That's a dangerous tightrope to walk.
      (In the US, Universal and Disney are really in a tier by themselves with highly-themed immersive experiences. In Europe, there are actually more parks doing it, which I think is part of the reason Disneyland Paris was such a flop when it first opened.)

  • @michaelnorman5770
    @michaelnorman5770 Год назад +9

    Thanks for this. What I am reminded if is the difference between “freedom to” and freedom from.” As Tom Robinson from Rock Against Racism” sang this often ends with “freedom from the likes of you!” I appreciate you inviting me to be an adult in my interactions- and be compassionate. I make mistakes daily and with self-reflection change choices.

  • @richwagener
    @richwagener Год назад +8

    I was a little bit dismayed at how quickly and completely some of the reactors that I follow jumped into play throughs without even addressing any of the controversy. It’s just weird to act like there’s nothing to say about this.

  • @VelaiciaCreator
    @VelaiciaCreator Год назад +33

    The most hilarious thing about this all is that those people who bought it out of spite or deliberate bigotry are now complaining about how supposedly woke the game itself is. The other complaints at least are about the features not being so good and the overall execution being shallow... half of those comments include the first complaint as well.

    • @andrewgreenwood9068
      @andrewgreenwood9068 Год назад +13

      Apparently they didn't send out review copies to journalists whish is a pretty big sign that the game probably sucks.

    • @willowarkan2263
      @willowarkan2263 Год назад +7

      Isn't the game itself kinda antisemitic, something weird about the goblins apparently? If true that would be ironic, given how antisemitism is rather comorbid with complaining about "wokeness"

    • @Immudzen
      @Immudzen Год назад +2

      The game apparently has pretty good representation for many groups that are often poorly represented. I have heard from some Indians that he Astrology teacher is wearing a real sari that looks like someone studied a real one and not just an artists idea of what they think one would look like.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +4

      @@Immudzen that doesn't matter even a little bit.

    • @Avrysatos
      @Avrysatos Год назад +2

      They shoved denuvo on it just before release. Occassional Frame stuttering and lower overall framerates is their reward for purchasing it.

  • @danielgertler5976
    @danielgertler5976 Год назад +64

    Objectivism is not a real philosophy, it's a toddler tantrum.

    • @funkbungus137
      @funkbungus137 Год назад +18

      wait wait wait, you mean a philosophy someone purposely named objectivism isn't super smart and the best? its right in the name! as a reasonable-ist I just cant believe my eyes or ears or whatever. Ayn Rand's such a good thinker, she thought to use a perpetual motion machine to solve glaring plot holes, back in the day they had to use Deus Ex Machina, and she was like "yeah that, but lamer somehow"

    • @1monki
      @1monki Год назад +12

      Counter argument: "You're not my real dad!"

    • @robertmiller9735
      @robertmiller9735 Год назад +11

      @@funkbungus137 Well, "Childish Selfishness" doesn't scan very well, does it?
      I haven't read her works (never so much as heard of Ayn Rand before Futurama made fun of her), but it's clear to any sane human that abandoning the social contract for atomistic individuality cannot result in a working society.

  • @shygal2004
    @shygal2004 Год назад +36

    How do you stay so calm in the face of such disingenuous arguments?
    I point people to your videos now because I usually lose my cool when listening to their excuses.
    Thanks for your work.

  • @JoniWalker42
    @JoniWalker42 Год назад +9

    I think many people who want to buy that game totally forget that trans people or any other marginalised people simply can´t afford to think things like "Oh they didn´t mean it that way" for safety reasons.

  • @chemputer
    @chemputer Год назад +7

    So, a couple things.
    First, the constant barrage of this "boycott" is just bringing *more* attention to the game and worse yet, the anti-trans community is buying the game to support Rowling, as well as donating to her preferred hate groups.
    Second: Personally, I'm going to pirate it when Empress finishes the denuvo crack in a day or two, but even if I did buy it, who the fuck are you or anyone else to say I'm not an ally? I'd like to think that standing up for trans people (because they're fucking human beings and deserve respect) before it was the "cool" thing to do, actively defending them, both from verbal and physical threats, being friends with them when most people bullied them in school -- not out of pity, but out of kindness, and developing a solid friendship after that, helping educate coworkers on how to properly address a trans-woman as "she" instead of "he" and that deadnaming isn't a cool thing to do, and all the other shit I've done over the past 15 fucking years would stand for itself.
    But no, apparently, if I buy a video game that will not, even with the maximum possible sales numbers, account for a fucking rounding error on her wealth, or impact her ability to fund hate groups at all, I'm suddenly now not an ally according to some white knighting assholes on Twitter and some overzealous, well meaning but misguided trans people.
    Meanwhile, rather than Rowling, it's the developers and publishers who have spoken out against her bigoted stance (and included a trans character in the game against her wishes) would be the ones getting shafted from the boycott if it even worked (no video game boycott in history has ever worked in a meaningful fashion) which it hasn't. It actually had the reverse effect, bringing more attention and more sales, so good job Steve!
    The majority of people "boycotting it" are neither gamers nor was Harry Potter foundational and important to their youth, teaching them principles of acceptance, tolerance, kindness, basically the anthesis of what the author turned out to be. So yeah, easy decision for you.
    I normally love your content, man, but this is just counterproductive, unhelpful, and completely disconnected from reality.
    Would I prefer it if she got ZERO money from the game? Yes. Will the amount she could get in the best case scenario make a difference in her support of hate groups? No. Will the amount she'd get if there was a complete and total boycott of the game, such that the studio full of passionate people who have actively spoken out against her bigotry will fail and never produce another game, hurt her in any way that will make a difference? No.
    Does the constant press coverage and RUclips videos and tweets covering the game and Rowling's hate speech keep a bigot in the spotlight and actually increase sales of the game rather than decrease them? Yes.
    Is someone that does everything they can to actually help the trans people in their life in tangible, actually meaningful ways suddenly become *not* an ally if they buy the game? No!
    The fact that a bunch of trans people had a half baked idea to try to harm Rowling via a boycott that actually ended up helping her with zero chance of achieving their intended goal in any possible way is irrelevant to whether someone is an ally or not.
    If you want to ignore the facts and pretend that there was ever a chance of hurting Rowling with a successful boycott, and ignore the fact that all the media attention has done is increase sales and support from transphobic bigots for Rowling, that's your choice. Keep making videos and helping Rowling out. Are *you* an ally, Steve? (Yes, you are, but not with your own twisted logic if you apply it to yourself.)
    I'm so tired of this self-righteous circle jerk that ignores the actual facts and realities of the situation.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад

      you're the one ignoring the actualities of the situation. and we (the lgbtqia community) most certainly do decide if you are or are not an ally. it sure as hell is not your word that matters. and since you're so upset at being rightfully called out it seems rather obvious that you have never been an ally when it actually counted.
      you are not an ally and your anger makes this extremely evident.

    • @thing_under_the_stairs
      @thing_under_the_stairs 3 месяца назад

      Y'know who gets to decide who the real allies are? Trans people. And @chempter, you are no ally of mine, or of any other trans person. Look up the term "performative allyship."

  • @MomijiSour
    @MomijiSour Год назад +57

    I'm trans and I'm mostly just tired of hearing about the stupid wizard video game. I want to talk about games that aren't being used by cis people to tell other cis people whether they think I have the right to exist (not that I'm accusing you of this, Steve, you have an absurdly long track record of showing that you actually give a shit about us as human beings). Like, every single other aspect of my life has the shadow of living as a trans person in America looming over it, do we HAVE to make sure my escapist hobby does too?

    • @BlownMacTruck
      @BlownMacTruck Год назад

      I’m not sure what your stance is. You don’t want people to talk about it so… you post about how you don’t want to talk about it on a video about it?

  • @skyblueo
    @skyblueo Год назад +24

    I grew up in a Caribbean household that mainly used Goya products. That's the taste of beans that I'm used to and I like. It's the taste of nostalgia. But once the president of Goya posed with Trump in the Whitehouse and had both the father and daughter pose with his products and verbally endorse his beans, I knew that the money I was spending with this company would go to fund a kind of politics that was against me and my interest. So, I don't use any Goya products anymore, cause in capitalism you have a choice not to give people your money. Do my rice and beans taste like they did growing up? Nope. But they taste fine and don't leave a bitter taste in mouth, like I know the Goya products would. The owners of Goya made a choice, and so did I.

  • @LordMarcus
    @LordMarcus Год назад +13

    Why are you filming this from inside an abandoned Toys 'Я' Us?

    • @SteveShives
      @SteveShives  Год назад +16

      The space was available and the rental price was very reasonable.

  • @CanadianFabe
    @CanadianFabe Год назад +15

    Remember,some of the people who are defending the game are the same people who boycotted 'The last of us part 2" because a female character's arms where too muscular .

  • @williamozier918
    @williamozier918 Год назад +7

    Not to be glib, but I had to go through this issue with Robert Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, and HP Lovecraft. For me, the issue is does the art itself promote the offensive opinion.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад

      yes the art itself does just as it does with ho Lovecraft and orson Scott card (idk who the other person is)
      also you're just fucking wrong, does not matter in the slightest if the works reflect her bigotry because your money goes to financing hate groups if you buy anything related to her.

    • @adamanthony3585
      @adamanthony3585 Год назад +1

      That's a succinct way to put it.
      Personally, I come from it from a different direction: Even as a part of the LGBTQ community I'll never be able to eggshell walk across the various "ally" gatekeeping within the community, and I've stopped trying. I'm going to read the writing that I find well written, watch the films that I find well directed, and play the games that I find engaging.
      Am I going to go out of my way to rub their noses in it? No, of course not. It's my business. Am I going to burn my books and throw my DVDs in the rubbish? Also no, and I'm going to continue to enjoy those works regardless of its authors' shitty opinions. Do I care if some gatekeeper thinks that makes me a shitty ally? No. No I do not care.
      Even MLK was an adulterer but you can't deny his work and accomplishments. At some point you can separate an artist from the art. Where that exists is up to you and you alone.

    • @PixelatedH2O
      @PixelatedH2O Год назад

      I love the early books in the Ender's Game series. I also read them before I knew about Card's personal beliefs. I know there have been additional books in the series but I also don't feel the need or serious interest to read them, either to support him or for their entertainment value.

  • @AlexanderBlues1228
    @AlexanderBlues1228 Год назад +4

    I’ve always taken a “separate the artist from the art” stance, but I’ve since had to rethink my position on “problematic favs”.
    I tend to give dead artists a pass. Sure, John Lennon and Miles Davis mistreated women, but they’re not doing it *now*. T.S. Eliot and Roald Dahl were antisemites, Ezra Pound was a fascist, Celine was a Nazi collaborator. Nabokov was a judgemental jerk. But they’re all dead now, so any support I give them and their estates isn’t actively helping bad people or harming good people, right?
    When I was growing up, Bill Cosby was my idol. I wanted to be a comedian and he was my inspiration. My parents had his albums and I memorised every routine. I watched his TV shows and even some of his movies (although he made very few good ones).
    Even before his monstrosity was revealed to the world, however, the bloom was coming off the rose. I took my daughter to see him several years before his fall (although there were already whispers). I was put off by the way some of his material (especially regarding his wife) had failed to evolve with time. He still talked about his wife as though she was some kind of ogre. I was disappointed.
    When the truth came out about his decades long reign of sexual misconduct, I was terribly saddened but not surprised. It was clear from his behaviour over the decades that he was at the very least a sexist. He had joked about predatory acts. I accepted the truth without too much difficulty.
    But I still love those old records. They’re a part of my childhood. They were a formative part of my development. I’m funny today in part because of Bill Cosby. I cannot deny it.
    My shame is that when the news broke, I still decided to buy all of the records my parents had owned on LP on CD. I wanted to secure that part of my past and make it a permanent part of my collection, even though I knew that would be putting money in a rapist’s pocket. I’m ashamed but I’m not sure I regret having done it. In a way, I was closing a door. I’ve barely listened to those CDs since I got them. They remain as a reminder that I’m flawed. I believe the women who accused Cosby, but I still selfishly wanted to cling to the hero of my youth.

    • @PixelatedH2O
      @PixelatedH2O Год назад

      When it comes to people who've created things, whether authors, musicians, etc, I think it's also important to consider who owns the current rights to their works. Are they in better hands, or would the artist still be profitting were they able?

  • @siskinedge
    @siskinedge Год назад +8

    There are people who literally had no idea about this before buying this game.
    My sister who was completely accepting when I was dating a trans woman, got the game and had no idea that there was a boycott when I brought it up last weekend. Buying it with foreknowledge of it though is quite different and I do agree people should think about how their money speaks.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +1

      ignorance is not an excuse.

    • @seb24789
      @seb24789 Год назад

      @@wesleywyndam-pryce5305 So we shaming gramma now for getting little Timmy a cute game about wizards? There a difference between between explaining the issue in a civil way and going full "You are a terrible person for buying the wrong video game! Also, the teacher dies in the end!". Sadly, i've seen both. Shaming people helps nobody.

    • @BladeZero238
      @BladeZero238 Год назад

      @@wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Perhaps, but it should not be a condemnation either. Granted, the problem faced after the fact is, how do we know whether the someone in question was genuinely ignorant?
      So, no easy answer there.

    • @PixelatedH2O
      @PixelatedH2O Год назад

      @@wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Ideally yes. However I think it's unrealistic to look into every possible thing on the planet before consuming it to find out whether there's something toxic about it.

    • @VelaiciaCreator
      @VelaiciaCreator Год назад +1

      @@wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Actually, it is. Attack the intent, not the action.

  • @nestormaiz7393
    @nestormaiz7393 Год назад +1

    One of the proverbs I try to guide my life by says: “There is no good man on earth who does what is best and does not err.”
    It is a reminder that everyone stumbles now and again. It does not mean I won’t express my disapproval or disappointment but the way it will be expressed will try to take into account past actions.

  • @Gery1214
    @Gery1214 Год назад +4

    When will you be hosting the Daily Show? Seriously, you should look into that. Your personality fits and it gives you a platform to share what you already share. It's just logical. This is a serious statement, not playing around here.

  • @MichaelHaneline
    @MichaelHaneline Год назад +7

    Not that this has ever helped anyone be less butthurt at me for “judging them”, but I try to judge the action in isolation. I didn’t say you were a bigot, I said this action, that you happened to take, directly supports and enables a bigot.
    Of course there is a point where I WILL judge the person as a bigot if they have a pattern of doing bigoted things, but I am always disappointed by the adult tantrums I encounter for daring to ever say I think any action is unethical.

  • @cdarklock
    @cdarklock Год назад +9

    If you really want to crap up your life, don't do the thing... so you don't get to do the thing... but also piss and moan about it incessantly, so everyone knows you WANT to do the thing and think it's UNFAIR you didn't get to do the thing.
    That way, you get to lose both ways; you don't get to do the thing, and you ALSO don't get to keep the respect of your friends. Two birds, one stone.

    • @kevinsmarts9953
      @kevinsmarts9953 Год назад

      Almost as sad and pathetic as moaning about someone moaning about the thing just to try in vain to justify your existance when no one cares what you think.

  • @cherenkov_blue
    @cherenkov_blue Год назад +17

    This is just one of the many symptoms caused by the "equating freedom of speech with freedom from consequences" disease.
    I always use this example to demonstrate: "provided you followed the appropriate rules, it is perfectly legal for you to merge directly in front me in traffic right before an exit. That will not stop me from thinking of you as an inconsiderate douche." It is one individual's right to offend, and another's right to call them out on it.

    • @kelaEQ2
      @kelaEQ2 Год назад +3

      Interesting thing about that is, if it is a Zipper Merge(not someone cutting you off because they where not paying attention) you are supposed to go all the way to the merge point and alternate the two streams of traffic coming together.

  • @lasseehrenreich5502
    @lasseehrenreich5502 Год назад +67

    Here is just my opinion as a non binary person, if you try to be an ally to the trans community there is just one morally justifiable way to continue to enjoy Rowling related things; to do it with things you already own, but any support of new products are harmful to the trans community.

    • @Siansonea
      @Siansonea Год назад +8

      I would say it's also okay to buy HP stuff secondhand and enjoy it if you can. The point is to not empower Joanne Rowling with the money and clout she gets from milking her one successful IP. So buying new stuff is not ally behavior, and singing the praises of HP on social media is not ally behavior. Ally behavior is not complicated, and people either choose to embody it, or choose not to, and people on both sides of the issue make their judgements accordingly, as Steve said.

    • @geekchris105
      @geekchris105 Год назад +1

      ​@@Siansonea I would say ally behavior can be complicated: at least compared to this issue. This issue (as Steve previously said) is not buying a fucking video game

    • @madsgrams2069
      @madsgrams2069 Год назад +3

      I mean, for the video-game, there will be a way to play it without buying it. I reckon that should be ok.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +5

      @@madsgrams2069 not really, you're still contributing to its cultural relevance.
      but I also disagree with above person that buying second hand is okay either.
      just move on and let the franchise go.
      just stop trying to be both an ally and a fan, realistically you can only be one.

    • @kamalalsb7292
      @kamalalsb7292 Год назад

      @@Siansonea No. Stop trying to have it both ways. You're an ally to trans people or you're a fan of a franchise made by a woman who is the literal face of an anti-trans hate movement, who is having a direct effect on the rights of trans women, particularly in the UK. You can be one or you can be the other, and frankly, Most of us know exactly what the priority is for people like you.
      Enjoy the shitty wizard books and do us the courtesy of not pretending you give a shit about us.

  • @ecnalreleam
    @ecnalreleam Год назад +7

    I find more value in your words than I did in 20-ish years of church.

  • @AndrewD8Red
    @AndrewD8Red Год назад +18

    I'm a big fan of Firefly. Love the show. My ex-girlfriend (big sci-fi fan) wouldn't watch it, or anything else, with Joss Whedon's influence on it.
    I would never for a minute think that she wasn't entitled to that point of view... and she seemed to forgive me for that particular character flaw... but her feelings are still totally valid.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +1

      at least with things whedon has directed theres still hundreds of other people involved you can still appreciate

  • @IreneiosOP
    @IreneiosOP Год назад +2

    This is a problem of how to interpret the 'do no harm' moral principle. One side argues one should avoid, if possible, doing anything which could and would cause harm to another. The other side argues everyone is primarily responsible for one self and for their actions only if they directly harm others. One side is collectivist and the other side is individualist. Both perspectives are by themselves incomplete. They should be applied in synthesis so the only questions which would arise are of practical nature, for example: is harm understood only as physical or physical and psychological, and to what degree of separation does the morally responsibility of an individual apply, also when does collective responsibility for the common good override personal freedom?

  • @Code_Dee
    @Code_Dee Год назад +4

    Obviously best course of action is to not buy the game and don't play the game. But I REALLY don't understand the people who feel the need to tell everyone that they bought the game.
    Just be a good little pervert and keep it to yourself ffs.

  • @heypeopleitsmatt
    @heypeopleitsmatt Год назад +2

    100% agree with you Steve, I'm.commenting more for engagement rather than adding to your point . You said it so well . I wish others would realize the consequences that comes with buying the transphobe's game

  • @dotter8
    @dotter8 Год назад +1

    Well put. I'll have to remember this.

    • @dotter8
      @dotter8 Год назад

      ...oh, except for one thing; 12:00 I think you owe crybabies an apology. (Just my opinion.)

  • @RobertFoley
    @RobertFoley Год назад

    Thank you Steve.

  • @imprintex
    @imprintex Год назад +2

    Thanks again for being an amazing ally. I know you don't do it for the praise. I always tell people who insist on buying Wizard stuff: I don't think you're transphobic, I just know that transphobia isn't a dealbreaker for you.

  • @AndrewD8Red
    @AndrewD8Red Год назад +22

    God-fucking-damnit. Yes. This right here.
    Steve remains, as always, an absolutely beautiful bastard.
    We're all complicit with some nasty shit in this world, and we take whatever tiny steps of resistance we can to live with that.
    Personally, I'd call "not buying a video game" the absolute barest minimum.

  • @coinsilver3
    @coinsilver3 Год назад +2

    And that's not counting the fact that the very plot of the game is vaguely racist with a bit of antisemitism on top.

  • @skyeplus
    @skyeplus Год назад

    This is hysterical.

  • @Vesperitis
    @Vesperitis Год назад +8

    I can't help to feel a certain irony that people who are playing the HP games are complaining about uninvited and unfair public opinions about their character just because of one (supposedly) harmless action in their lives, when LGBTQ+ people face uninvited and unfair public opinions about their character every single day just because of one harmless action in their lives.
    The difference being, of course, one is a choice and the other is not.

  • @itsOasus
    @itsOasus Год назад +1

    These people say this shit like they don't do this stuff themselves. Everyone has their boundaries.
    Rules for thee, not for me. The battle cry of the Conservative.

  • @Tolly7249
    @Tolly7249 Год назад

    Another excellent video!
    The amount of people who don't seem to remember that the right to free speech doesn't automatically equal the right to not be called out for their shitty behaviour continues to boggle the mind.

    • @nkosig4995
      @nkosig4995 Год назад

      im kinda afraid that people see this as the largest issue trans people are facing tho like
      this is the big rep trans get?
      a harry potter game?

  • @shaas0927
    @shaas0927 Год назад +1

    Someone very wise once said “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone..."

  • @Thepopcornator
    @Thepopcornator Год назад +7

    I am a cis guy, and Hogwarts Legacy is the game I've dreamed of for over 20 years since I started reading the books. That said, not supporting someone who treats my already-oppressed friends as if they're not valid is more important to me than playing a video game. If I do end up playing it one day, I'll either be pirating it or buying a used copy so Joanne doesn't get a cent from me.

    • @fishHater
      @fishHater Год назад +2

      Don’t fret there are better wizarding games on the internet, e.g. Notia (although it may not be to your tastes)

    • @Thepopcornator
      @Thepopcornator Год назад

      @@fishHater I, too, hate fish.

  • @checkeredslime9478
    @checkeredslime9478 Год назад +2

    This video and Stephanie Sterling's video on the subject have been two of the most succinct well argued videos on the subject. I still need to watch Jessie's three hour video about JK but I need to carve out time to do it. Great video Steve!

  • @jbwj032977
    @jbwj032977 Год назад

    Well said Steve!

  • @svevo
    @svevo Год назад +6

    I want to play some Jeopardy with the people Steve is addressing in this video!
    Your clue is: "a large amount of water that is moving quickly".

    • @funkbungus137
      @funkbungus137 Год назад +3

      the ocean, but someone tipped the earth over, so its all spilling out one side. Boom.

    • @akivaharker7865
      @akivaharker7865 Год назад

      @@funkbungus137I’m sorry you did not phrase your response in the form of a question

    • @KristopherBel
      @KristopherBel Год назад

      @@funkbungus137 ooooh, fun do flat earthers thing tides are just like the earth rocking back and forth? They do in my mind now lol.

    • @kelaEQ2
      @kelaEQ2 Год назад

      @@KristopherBel I think they believe it is caused by the Wind....what causes the wind in their minds I don't know...but then again it is kind of hard to get into the mind of someone who believes Multiple separate mutually exclusive* "theories" on how the world works are how, in fact how the world works so...
      *meaning if "theory" 1 is true then "theory" 2 has to be false...but somehow it is also true.

  • @davidbaker199
    @davidbaker199 4 месяца назад +1

    This video is old and yet you picked a background of toys r us from back when the ps2 and Xbox were big hitting consoles.
    The PS2 slim is selling for $129.
    What a throwback. Thats all.

  • @richwagener
    @richwagener Год назад +1

    Jesus man “..stars a sexual predator….as Lex Luthor” I’m too old to get shocked with Brandon Routh scares.

  • @JudgeDreddMegaCityOne
    @JudgeDreddMegaCityOne Год назад +1

    This is an excellent argument

  • @johnsavard7583
    @johnsavard7583 Год назад

    Obviously, those people are not really demanding that other people not have opinions. They're just demanding that opinions that weren't common 100 years ago be things people should once again be afraid to express in public. Whereas people behaving as was the norm 100 years ago, would be taken for granted as the norm.

  • @For4Reel
    @For4Reel Год назад +1

    I just stoped careing, thats a very good life! There is no good or bad!

  • @evilgingerminiatures5820
    @evilgingerminiatures5820 Год назад

    spot on.

  • @--Animal--
    @--Animal-- Год назад +1

    No need to say "accused" of sexual assault on Bill Cosby's part. 2 of the 3 charges against him were dropped making him still guilty of sexual assault. It is correct to call him the R word.

  • @Shatterhand2049
    @Shatterhand2049 Год назад +8

    It's been interesting to see just how many people have been able to flip a switch on their morals and ethics so quickly and easily, like they're turning off a light. People I've known on social media for speaking out against transphobia and, in general, discrimination against any person or group, willfully bought - and are advertising their playing of - the game. Not one of them have addressed the problematic light that decision casts upon them. I'm left to assume that: 1. they don't care what people think about them and they're going to do what they want anyway; 2. they have enough followers/fans that they consider the losses of those who turn their backs on them for their actions negligible; or 3. they feel exactly as those you showcased in your video: "I shouldn't have to be bullied/personally attacked/labeled because I play a damn video game."

  • @Gery1214
    @Gery1214 Год назад +2

    I love this.

  • @Nerdcoresteve1
    @Nerdcoresteve1 Год назад +17

    The fact is that some people are always going to think you're an asshole for some choice or another that you've made. That's just life.

    • @andrewgreenwood9068
      @andrewgreenwood9068 Год назад +9

      Sure but you can still try to make better choices.

    • @gasoline10head
      @gasoline10head Год назад +8

      Is that an excuse to do it on purpose, though?

    • @ahouyearno
      @ahouyearno Год назад +7

      Doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to be an asshole to people who are already hurting.

    • @wesleywyndam-pryce5305
      @wesleywyndam-pryce5305 Год назад +1

      spoken like an inconsiderate asshole.

  • @Chelaxim
    @Chelaxim Год назад +12

    A lot of young LGBT people are learning the hard way that ally is a verb not a noun.

    • @jimballard1186
      @jimballard1186 Год назад +1

      As an American, I feel a lot of my people have a big problem with essentializing; with thinking you are, fundamentally, a good person regardless of whether or not you actually do good, for example.

  • @stevensiwinski
    @stevensiwinski Год назад

    Love the old school Toys R Us video game isle background.

  • @theabyssgazethback.4856
    @theabyssgazethback.4856 2 месяца назад +1

    That awkward moment when you buy the game without knowing about JK Rowling, then find out about Rowling and regret buying the game, then try to learn more about trans people to be a better ally and accidentally discover that you're trans...what a ride lol.

  • @HighLordDave
    @HighLordDave Год назад

    Freedom of speech and expression are not freedom from consequences.

  • @josullivan5604
    @josullivan5604 Год назад

    thank you. another great vid.

  • @jimseibyl5140
    @jimseibyl5140 Год назад

    I am always amazed how some people are hypocritical with these various boycotts. People get upset over the weirdest things. Oh well I’m gonna do what I do anyway.

  • @carlrainey
    @carlrainey Год назад

    The concern should be that adults are playing video games. Although, adults believing that their rights are influenced by boycotts is just another example of living in fantasyland. Choosing to purchase a product does not influence the rights of people. Laws protect people. Trying to punish companies because of their political or religious beliefs is a losing battle. An author's opinion does not influence the rights of others....

  • @niceguyeddie5036
    @niceguyeddie5036 Год назад

    This is beautiful.

  • @chrischris-gs2vt
    @chrischris-gs2vt Год назад +2

    tell me about it. my favourite podcast was opening arguments until recently

    • @cmmosher8035
      @cmmosher8035 Год назад

      Shit that one hurt. I had a lot of medical issues last year and spent a lot of time listening to OA while recovering.

  • @peaoui165
    @peaoui165 Год назад

    Why don't more people make this much sense?

  • @MrLeafeater
    @MrLeafeater Год назад

    Yeah, like this.

  • @LaughterOnWater
    @LaughterOnWater Год назад

    I do a lot of advocacy for the zero waste movement. The concept is that unless we divert stuff out of landfills and use those as renewed resources, we’re pretty much screwed climate wise. It’s already happening. Unfortunately, at the same time I’m unable to practice what I preach all the time. And family members and friends are usually in situations where going the zero waste route is difficult. Diverting all compostable organics out of landfills into composting facilities would reduce methane emissions in the US by 18% according to the EPA. As an individual I can’t make my local state or federal facilities manage this. Sadly, because we didn’t start doing this back in the 70s, the weather is going to be really rough for the next few decades, as we figure out what to do. I could rant and rave, but not a lot of people are listening. In the next five years, we’re going to see storms is so bad that we will have trouble renovating our ports fast enough to recuperate before the next storm. And storms are going to get bigger. It will have hurricanes that will survive. Going across the entire continent only to pick up speed again when it hits the next ocean. Because climate change. There are a lot of things humans fail at. Recognizing the value of the ‘other’ is one. Being able to act in unison to save the world from our own foibles is another. Darwin save us.

  • @caseycooper5615
    @caseycooper5615 Год назад +1

    Very well said and on point. We should own the consequences of our actions, whether they are positive or negative. I'm in construction, where many love Elon Musk. I chose to buy a non-Tesla electric vehicle and now I hear from these people, "Oh, you don't like Elon." While that wasn't my reason for not purchasing a Tesla, I still proudly tell them what a completely reprehensible person I think he is. I could have tried to pretend I liked him, but this was staying true to myself. Now I'm on the periphery of the group, but I accept that.
    I think people who want to buy the Harry Pitter game, but want to still be thought of as SJWs need to rethink their strategy. If they like the flame more, then own that. If being an SJW is more important, then realize buying the game is not consistent with that and don't buy the game. I intentionally use SJW as it suggests someone who is virtue signaling more than actually taking a stand. They are fair weather friends who want things both ways and can't understand why they can't have the Kingdom without God in it.

  • @rutabaga81
    @rutabaga81 Год назад +17

    Steve, I've been watching for a few years, and I rarely comment on RUclips (not never! but rarely) but I really think you nailed it, or more specifically, I appreciate that you use your platform to push (ugh) "controversial" topics. Anyway, good on ya.

  • @aaronring4704
    @aaronring4704 Год назад

    I live in a gamer household. The 5 kids in my care run the gamut of the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
    Thankfully, the video games set in the world created by She Who Shall Be Named have varied between hot garbage and mundane snore fests that carbon-copied existing material with some BS puzzles and QuickTime events tossed in for added tropiness, so I don't have to take a moral stance.

  • @TheGerkuman
    @TheGerkuman Год назад

    The cosby example is interesting because we know he only got off on a technicality. He got indicted on his own testimony when snitching on other people, when he had promised immunity. (In other words, the only reason he's not in jail rn is the incompetence of the prosecutors for offering him that immunity)
    Meanwhile JKR is being really careful about what she says herself, instead choosing to amplify her awful friends who do say the awful things, or saying things that can be interpreted in multiple ways so her fans can pretend she didn't mean what she clearly meant.
    Either way, people should know better. And they should know they'll be judged for supporting these people. (In other words, I agree with your premise Steve)

  • @ericbnielsen
    @ericbnielsen Год назад

    I was watching Jessie Gender’s video about her being done with J.K Rowling and I noticed a familiar voice. I watched to the end to confirm it was your voice. It seems to me that you lending your voice for that proves that your actions back up what you say on this channel. Thanks.

  • @kevinkottom1526
    @kevinkottom1526 Год назад


  • @TheFlyingSailorYT
    @TheFlyingSailorYT Год назад +1

    Thinking badly and stating displeasure is one thing.
    Doxxing and death threats is another.
    There's a fine line in civil society, and there's some who have been crossing it.

  • @ShinChara
    @ShinChara Год назад +3

    Whether they bought the game or not is one thing, but people who can't handle criticism for their actions start to look a little bit orange to me.

  • @jan-rs6im
    @jan-rs6im Год назад +3

    thank you steve - as a privileged, cis, white, hetero elderly woman with a young transgender close relative - i am extremely grateful for you speaking out - it is up to all of us, especially the privileged, to stand by people who are not as privileged or secure in their position - and at this time in this country, trans folk are especially under attack - also super interesting - you speak of cosby - i admired him and looked up to him for decades - he was a role model in some ways to me - the revelation of his crimes devastated me - but it is clear to me we must pay attention to the actions we take and the choices we make - keep on speaking out

  • @mattirealm
    @mattirealm Год назад

    I am going to say, that in today's world, we can't stand on the sideline any longer. Playing the middle isn't going to work. People have to choose an actual point to stand on, and I respect what Steve said here.
    One of my stands was quitting watching any football, way back in September 2021. As a fan of the Seahawks, that was tough. However, the more I learn about CTE, the NFL's actual ties to Vegas and the inequality within the league itself, I just didn't want to give my support anymore. In fact, I am much happier without football in my life. The dopamine rush I got from a victory was never good enough to make up for the depression that followed a loss. Therefore it was very much an addiction, which I broke.
    Now, my morals are not your morals. If any of you like football, good. Feel free to do what your conscience dictates. I am not here to preach that we all stop watching the NFL, but I don't want to. That is me. I would preach only that each of us takes a stand on things we feel are wrong in this world. Fence sitting is no longer acceptable IMO. You have to stand up for what you believe. And even though we are not there yet, GOTV in 2024, because I have a feeling that election is for ALL the marbles and whether the US continues on or falls into ruin, as all empires eventually have throughout history.
    Thanks Steve, that was thought provoking.

  • @aris-george-baldurspourdal8335
    @aris-george-baldurspourdal8335 Год назад +1

    This video made me subscribe 👍

  • @artosbear
    @artosbear Год назад +1

    C'mon Steve by your own points you can probably set aside superman and wwe. I've set aside plenty of things and never hardly look back anymore and still have no trouble finding lovely and incredible art and media to fill my heart with. The world has 8 billion people. There is always something else one can find. Always.
    But thank you for making a video that'll probably change a few people's minds it's helpful.

  • @jamesholland8057
    @jamesholland8057 Год назад

    Heads I win, tails you lose.

  • @JEClark-nh3os
    @JEClark-nh3os Год назад

    Once again Steve, you are terribly reasonable. How dare you!

  • @dannynewton7547
    @dannynewton7547 Год назад +1

    I'm so glad I never cared about Harry Potter to begin with.

  • @GamerCorin
    @GamerCorin Год назад

    Holy shit there are some gems in this! ❤

  • @algi1
    @algi1 Год назад +2

    This was very empathetic.

  • @Chris-sx3he
    @Chris-sx3he Год назад

    George Santos should listen to this.

  • @ilikecheese775
    @ilikecheese775 Год назад +1

    JKR has more or less said that every penny of her royalties is support for views on gender. If you give her money she thinks you support her. I'd really like to see the Fabulous Creatures movies, but not enough to betray trans people by giving her money.

  • @scottbutler5
    @scottbutler5 Год назад +20

    The Like button isnt enough for this one, I want to click the "Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly!" button.

  • @RogerPlankton1975
    @RogerPlankton1975 Год назад

    Spot on.

  • @gregorythegreater9541
    @gregorythegreater9541 Год назад +2

    While I agree with every word you said, I think it's important to also stress the deeply antisemitic content of the game itself - I see far fewer people talking about that, even though it is equally as egregious as JK's stances

  • @Jinto021
    @Jinto021 Год назад

    I like your argument here, either be held accountable for all your actions or non of them, you don’t get to pick and choose. Also from the game play that I’ve seen all people want to do is be a murder drifter in the HP universe and I don’t know why?

  • @TeyvillDost
    @TeyvillDost Год назад +1

    Only minor groups of people have an actionable opinion on the matter. The majority, as always, doesn't really care)