How Do We Celebrate SHAVUOT as Orthodox Sephardic Jews? | What Are Our Traditions and Customs?

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • Shavuot 2022 is here but Did you ever wonder " what is shavuot " ? How is Shavuot ( some call it the feast of weeks or pentacost ) relevant in our day and age? You will discover in this video what is the Jewish festival of shavuot, (also written chavouot or shavuos) what are the facts, traditions and hidden secrets of shavuot one of the most powerful Jewish Holiday!
    All your questions about: how shavuot is relevant in our days will be answered as well as what is the link between counting of the omer and shavuot !
    You can say at least 3 items / facts or customs associated with most of the Jewish holidays: Passover will be associated with matzah, maror the seder. Sukkot will be associated with the lulav, the etrog and the sukkah. But when we arrive to Shavuot, beside perhaps knowing that we eat dairy and we should pack our lactaids: can you find 3 customs associated with Shavuot? What is the significance of Shavuot? What is the significance of these traditions: where do they stem from? What is the key take away from this celebration also called the festival of the weeks or Pentecost?
    SHAVUOT is the 3rd Jewish festival ( part of shalosh regalim 3 pilgrimages that the Jews had every year in Jerusalem) you can often ask yourself: is it still relevant in our day? What is the core message of Shavuot specially this year 2022 with celebrating this shavuot ( chavouot) at home! in a nutshell what are the secrets hidden in Shavuot
    YOU will find all the answers in this video!
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