@@solideomusical Of course ALL discourse (freedom of speech) will benefit the Truth, if one is aware of deception in human life. That is why "The Left" (predominantly Democrats right now) are opposed to "free speech".
typically i can shut down the opposition rather quickly by dropping this phrase: "jesus came to offer transformation not affirmation"....further bomb drops come in the form of....well, let me just paste what i sent in reply to a reddit thread discussing the pride flag controversy concerning the chosen series promo: blessings~! "i don't quite understand when you say 'he' would not condemn homosexuals. are you referencing Jesus? if so, agreed. He did not come into this world to condemn, b/c we condemn ourselves through our behavior, thoughts, words and actions. His purpose was to offer transformation, not affirmation. leaving us sin sick was not His purpose. the Real JC found in the bible, was not a 'love-wins' revolutionary. no matter how anyone attempts to 'queer-smear' His character. His message is one of deliverance, especially from lifestyles that lead to destruction and death. His birth, crucifixion and resurrection was not an effort to make us happy, but holy. for without holiness we are not allowed into the presence of the Almighty HaShem. and without the holiness of Jesus we are detestable to Him. and yes, the generosity of spirit as you have referenced comes in the form of offering a true path to redemption. but only as we are willing to repent of our wicked, ungodly and selfish ways."
I believe that once a man named John the Baptist died because he disapproved of a marriage. He lost his head for denouncing an adulterous marriage, let alone a trans kind.
That was the STATE that killed him. Stop confusing that with the edicts of Christ. Please show me where Jesus ever says you are NOT to associate with the unconverted, since in Jesus time on earth, the only "church" was the synagogue!
@@rrickarrI understand your comment and I beleive that a good distinction is made in the audio. We relate with absolutely everybody and we do not celebrate anybodies sin. It's simple.
Because point number one, it isn’t a marriage. Additionally, by definition of how weddings work, an attendee is bearing witness. A mere presence of such a ceremony which makes mockery of God’s gift of marriage is silent approval; whether one verbalizes that or not.
My daughter was invited to attend a wedding last year and she volunteered to photograph the wedding since the couple could not afford a professional photographer. That was until she found out that she would be attending a marriage for a girl and transgender individual. With a heavy heart, my daughter called the girl and invited her to her home. My daughter explained to the girl why she would not be able to attend and why this girl should not be entering into this kind of ceremony with this transgender person. My daughter explained to this girl how God would not be pleased with this and how devestating this kind of arrangement could be to the girl. She shared the Gospel with her and encouraged her not to go through with it. However, the girl did proceed with the ceremony, but to this day, my daughter and this girl remain connected and has not given up hope that perhaps this girl will repent and see the error in being in this kind of relationship.
And THAT is the proper response. So sick of the constant drumbeat of those claiming that if you don't attend this ceremony, you'll lose the relationship. Instead of being faithful to God's Word and allowing Him to work through that obedience! Too many are swayed by emotions and the hissing of the serpent cloaked in terms of "compassion" and "anything for the Gospel " pragmatism.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I am waiting for the hammer to fall when a same sex couple will approach Alister Begg to marry them. I think he has put himself, Parkside Church and Truth for Life in line for a lawsuit if he refuses.
@@mdhumphreys At the very least he has placed pastors and families in this country in a difficult position. He gave succor, without perhaps meaning to, to the enemies of the Gospel as written in Scripture. It's a serious situation and should not be taken lightly.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I think you are right. It prompted me to write a letter or email on Parkside’s Website to the Elders of Parkside to do what is right and hold Alister Begg accountable for his words. It broke my heart to hear his words last Monday night as I listened to his defense of his position on the matter.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I agree. It is better to loose a relationship with family than with Christ. Luke 12:51-53 - 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
I've said it before. Just substitute bestiality or incest for homosexuality and it immediately becomes clear that all of this is a product of the culture beating us down into acceptance of something that God finds abominable. We are to have no part in this. It's shameful. Let's bring a gift to our grandson in support of his worship to Molech, so as to try and lead him to God. Have we completely lost our minds? You never show love by affirming a lie. Thank you Al for stating this so clearly.
@michaelward1341 It's true. Another brother brought up the analogy of attending a seance. If God views all of these things as equally abominable, why don't we?
I agree with what you are saying. When Ben Carson was comparing homosexuality to incest and bestiality, his points were people can't help the kinds of urges they have, but people can control the kind of sexual behavior that they engage in, certain kinds of sexual behavior people shouldn't engage in regardless of how they feel, and people shouldn't engage in any kind of sexual behavior that violates the golden rule, causes health problems, and/or causes psychological problems. People can't help whether they are tall, short, disabled, have brown eyes, have blue eyes, etc. People can't help what race they are. People are able to control the kind of sexual behavior that they engage in. People can't help the kinds of sexual urges that they have, but people can control the kinds of sexual behavior that they engage in. People who have incest urges can't help that they have incest urges, but people are able to control whether or not they engage in incest behavior. I don't hate people who engage in incest, and I believe in treating people who engage in incest with respect, but at the same time, I believe engaging in incest is a sin, I don't agree with people engaging in incest, etc. I wouldn't attend an incest wedding because I don't want to attend an event that is celebrating the sin of incest.
Dr Mohler, this is the first time I've heard you speak ... and you really helped me to see how critical this is for us as Christians. It's not just one hermeneutic vs another as I was thinking. I praise God for the gift He has given you. Glory to God in the highest!
Well said. More and more are being faced with similar scenarios these days. I think Christians should take the same care when deciding whether to attend re-marriage ceremonies involving divorced people when one or more of those people’s divorce was clearly and publicly unbiblical (adultery or abandonment). Marriage is a serious business. Again, your very presence is showing that you endorse the union.
the person who committed adultery or abandonment could have repented and was forgiven. I am more concerned with Pastors who are NOT biblically qualified.
Why put Christians in an awkward position? Why not have a ceremony with the judge if the two want to become one? Why bring others into your private business? Get married and be done with the party. Psalm 1:1. If you want to be blessed, please don’t seat with scoffers at unbiblical weddings.
What is the basis of the question asked by the pastor...is anyone present who has cause why these 2 should not be joined in marriage, speak now....??? How could a true Christian sit silent?
Thank you, Dr. Mohler, for speaking out on this. I find it very bizarre that AB would give such wrong counsel to an issue that is clearly wrong. I hope this isn't going to escalate into the ''camel has his head in the tent and it's only a matter of time before he's all the way in.''' I say this as one who has respected AB for years.
First, there is no evidence that Jesus went to bars, brothels, etc. There is a difference between dinner and socializing at a person's house (which I clearly written about) and hanging out at the taverns. Second, we're talking about attending a ceremony - a positive affirmation of the event. Simply engaging in daily life with the unsaved is not the same as endorsing their lifestyle. If it is, you are not living out your faith correctly. That is not to say you have to be the village bag. But your life must reflect your understanding that Jesus is LORD as well as Savior
I have watched/heard Dr. Mohler for years, esp. at R C Sprouls fine conferences, he always so level headed, understands the Bible and these "thorny issues"...if thorny is the right word; but thank you Dr Mohler for doing as you always do-great thoughts and clearly giving us the truth.
Christian should not expect the world to conform to regenerate thinking and behavior before he engages in the preaching of Christ. I think that was more to the point of Mr. Begg.
With gay and transexual weddings now commonplace, the church will have to respond Biblically! While we demonstrate Christ’s love, we cannot compromise Biblical Truth. While adding to the confusion, celebrating a gay or trans wedding ceremony would also undermine God’s purpose and plan for marriage. It would send a congratulatory message of blessing and support to a union that is not approved by God!
Bless you Dr. Mohler! “Love does not delight in evil” (I Cor. 13) is sometimes translated as “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness.” Both mean that we should not celebrate what God says is wrong. Another example we are living in the "last days" and God is NOT mocked. Real love is the love of Christ, not the celebration of sin.
I so appreciate Dr Mahler his approach to this issue are right on point. He showed the same temperance and wisdom, when dealing with the issues of critical race theory. Never affirming but defining the proper Christian approach.
Dr. Mohler, thank you for commenting on this issue. I think most of us can agree that a gay wedding doesn’t constitute a marriage that we biblically define as an institution created by God. It’s simply a civil union. But applying this principle to all marriages, the water becomes a little muddier. Consider all the weddings your wife “compelled” you to attend out of respect for the parents, grandparents, etc. There’s a fair chance that at least some of the brides and grooms were not believers, yet it didn’t stop us from being “witnesses” and participants of the celebration. Although it may have checked some boxes as being legitimate because it was between a man and a woman, it was only window dressing because they co-opted the Godly institution while not being in the family of God. It happens every day and believers participate in it every day. I’m a fan of Alister Begg and agree with his comments in his response sermon. As believers we must draw hard lines, but in my opinion this is not one of them.
Thank you for finally reframing the question! “SHOULD a Christian attend a same sex wedding” is the correct question. Of course a Christian CAN go anywhere they want to but should they?
Thank you so much for your clear explanation of the Biblical views of same sex weddings. I wonder what Alistair Begg would say after listening to what you are saying so well: about how a wedding is a celebration and declaration of a covenant..and those who attend are invited to affirm and be active witnesses to the public declaration of a covenant.
I'll spare those who don't want to hear six minutes worth of self-defense from Mohler before hearing him say: "I don't think this [ceremony] is a place that Christians should be." You're welcome in advance.
God, in finding not even 10 righteous men, did not try to "build a bridge" to Sodom and Gomorrah nor those Noah's time. To God, sin is sin, and there is definitely no celebrating it or wanting to hang around to show love. I love and respect Alistair Begg, but this was the bridge to nowhere.
Thank you, for validating me. I had determined many years ago that I would not attend a same sex ceremony. I was truly put to the test when my son was in said relationship. I sought the LORD for my role in this scenario. HE graciously told me just to LOVE them. I did not attend and the day of experienced " the peace that passes understanding" My son & friend knew I loved them. And now a precious grandson has come out. It's hard to know how to pray for them❣️💔🙏
@pastorbri I am a born again Christian I read the word of God, as in the tine of Noah, why do you think Sodom was destroyed read Romans especially chaper 1 you cannot think that sodomy is right with God surely not ?
@@melaneeholland1385 Clearly you are NOT a christian so telling lies is a sin as u would know if u were a christian. Sodom was wiped out for not helping the poor n needy (ezek 16;49) which u would have known had u ever read a bible and romans 1 is paul condemning the heterosexuals he knew who used same sex acts in idolotry which was unatural for straight folk, so God gave them over to a reprobate mind, which u would also have known had u ever read a bible..... you cannot think that homophobia, a lifestyle choice of hate, lies and bigotry is right with God surely not ? DO YOU?????
I’m wondering why you didn’t mention Alistair Begg’s name since it is clear why you just posted this video. However, I am glad you didn’t attack him personally. Thank you. I am very disheartened by the response of some “Christians,” even going so far as to label him a heretic, without researching the entire story. It’s a terrible witness.
If Al Mohler, a man who loves nuance, is stating that the nuances are in the opposition to attending the celebration, but that to attend or not is not an instance of nuance, the AB is decidedly nuancing in the wrong direction. It should also be remembered that AL Mohler was the mentor of Russell Moore, who is no conservative. If a man of political moderation such as this is calling your favorable position on attending ceremonies of this nature improper, you have stepped beyond the bounds of faithfulness and need to reconsider.
Should a Christian attend a wedding of a bride or groom that had been prior divorced when you don’t know for 100% certainty the circumstances for their prior divorce?
Why do we assume that attendance means approval? Would you assume that by being in a Roman Catholic funeral or wedding that everyone assumed you approved? I think people are more sophisticated than that.
@matt8637 I don't think he misspoke. He's had multiple chances to correct it if so. Several clues in his sermon lead me to believe this is a product of his belief in pragmatism and "nuance" which are both deadly delusions when approaching Scripture.
@@jerilowehowell6015 What Begg meant by "nuance" is something that none of us Christians can avoid. He was talking about trying to find the balance between the need for holiness, which can be achieved by removing oneself entirely from the world, and love for the lost, which requires us to interact with the lost, which leads to some degree of negative influence. If I share the gospel with an atheist, I risk being exposed to evil speech, or even blasphemy. I can avoid that by not sharing the gospel. That is what Begg meant by "nuance." You might disagree with his position (I do too), but what caused him to take it should be at least somewhat relatable.
I would also add that many of us have attended a wedding where the couple that’s getting married may have actually cheated on their former spouses with the person they are now marrying. So you have an adulterous union happening at this particular wedding . I’m not liberal at all, but I bet most Christian’s would attend this kind of ceremony or may have a few times and never thought about it….
The answer is no. Why give your approval by your presence? Your presence is the appearance of your approval. Avoid all unholy alliances and the appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23
If I was asked to pray at a same sex wedding, could I pray for Gods blessing on their union ? If not I shouldn't be there. If the man in 1st Corinthian's chapter 5 had decided to get married to his fathers wife (if she had left his father) would the believers in Corinth have attended his wedding after reading what the Apostle Paul had written re him? We live in the days of lot and the great apostacy when anything goes. I am only a sinner saved by Grace but even if it was a family member there is no way I would attend.
@@pastorbri If I love and take another mans wife is that a love a sin? Paedophiles love little children is that love a sin? Biblical love is not a sin other love comes from the depravity of the human heart. The wicked in this age use love as an excuse for their wickedness.
@@TestiMoney-BibleCoins How is cheating on someone love old bean? Its not is it. And if a man rapes and abuses children is this love to you? Thats scary you do not know as u had to ask....I know homophobics tend to be a bit simple but it does seem you have no idea what the concept of love even is, go away and do some better research and repent of assuming child abuse could be love as THAT is scary! Are u a friend of satan?
@@TestiMoney-BibleCoins How is cheating on someone love old bean? Its not is it. And if a man rapes and abuses children is this love to you? Thats scary you do not know as u had to ask....I know homophobics tend to be a bit simple but it does seem you have no idea what the concept of love even is, go away and do some better research and repent of assuming child abuse could be love as THAT is scary! Are u a friend of satan?
@@pastorbri Like what God condemns in His Word. Marriage is exclusively between a biological male and biological female. Designed by God. All other unions are condemned by Him.
Firstly, Begg is WRONG not to tell this woman, that her grandson cannot be getting "married", in the true Bible sense, as the Bible is VERY CLEAR, that marriage is between one MAN, and one WOMAN. Period! Do YOU believe this? Secondly, Begg does not say, that the woman should say that her grandson's proposed "wedding", is SINFUL and WRONG, in the sight of The Holy God of the Bible! Thirdly, Begg is also WRONG, when he says, not only to attend this DEMONIC "wedding", but to TAKE A GIFT! This means that Begg is telling this woman to CELEBRATE and be HAPPY for this "couple", which is 100% WRONG! Fourthly, does the grandmother, who has attended, and given a gift, also take the "toast", and eat the "wedding" cake, and the other "wedding" food? If not, WHY not, as she has already AGREED to attend? The Bible is VERY CLEAR, that, not only is homosexuality and "trans", SINFUL and WRONG, but is an ABOMINATION before the Lord God! You are trying to defend what CANNOT be defended from the Inspired, Infallible, 66 Books of the Word of God, the Holy Bible! It PAINS me and GREATLY SADDENS me, to hear this from Begg, who I have been listening to and been blessed by, for many years, and who is a truly gifted man of God.
Grandma must have also been in the family photos for the wedding album. Did she do that begrudgingly? Would love to hear from her one day. Did she go up the couple and congratulate and embrace them afterwards, as we all do at weddings of loved ones?
You clearly haven't looked into the details of this, because you have them wrong. First, Begg confirmed that the grandma already told her grandson that his marriage is wrong. Secondly, see first point. Thirdly, the gift was a Bible (though you'd be excused for not knowing that one since it wasn't in the original broadcast but in his recent sermon on Luke 15). And neither Begg nor the grandmother disputes the fact that the Bible clearly says that "trans" is SINFUL and WRONG. They agree with you on that point. They just disagree with you (and me) on the best way to keep the door open to sharing the gospel with the grandson. You are condemning him for a position he has NOT taken. You should at least understand Begg's point well enough to denounce it accurately.
@@Christo-doulou How can you make the judgment that the devil has "got to" Begg? What does that mean? He says that LGBT is a sin but differs on how to best keep the door open to sharing the gospel with gays, and that demonstrates that the devil has "got to him?" Don't be so quick to judge.
@@TimWismer Regardless of whether the gift was a Bible, no born again Christian can ever attend such an even, because of the fact that it can never be a "wedding", as the Bible clearly says that this is between one man and one woman, who are biologically born so Did Begg tell the woman not to take part in any of the "celebrations", like eating of the "wedding cake", drinking the "toast", wishing the "couple" a happy "married life"? By eating or drinking anything that this DEMONIC event, is to AGREE with it! It matters ZERO for those who defend what Begg has done, as he is VERY WRONG on this. His Truth for Life program has been dropped by over 1800 stations, which says a lot People lile MacArthur, Mohler, Peters, Friel, are right to disagree with Begg, and because of his unrepentant attitude, will be the downfall of his otherwise God-centred ministry
Then what about going to a non-Christian wedding or an unequally yoked marriage between a man and a woman, surely they are not Biblical weddings in the eyes of God?
Weddings are a creation mandate given to man and woman. Pagan marriages are still marriages. If you’re looking for a wife you can’t just grab some Hindu guys wife and declare she’s yours because it doesn’t “count”. A wedding between an unbeliever and believer is unwise but it’s still an actual marriage. We don’t have to support people deliberately going into these unions but by definition it is a marriage.
@@davidprice9792 like I said some believe catholic is a false religion so if it is then the ceremony would be as much against Gods design as a trans wedding even though the catholic wedding would be heterosexual it wouldn’t be based on Gods direction
Yes this issue isn't very hard at all to understand, and many, including myself, would totally agree with that. But coming from another celebrity pastor, let's ensure the scales are balanced at least; so Dr Mohler are the same standards applied close to home in the SBC and the resolution 9 controversy? Making a principle in the Church that critical race theory and intersectionality needs to be adopted?? Really? The idea that if you are white you are inherently racist and must make amends for your whiteness?? Mohler oversaw all this but surely this issue "isn't very hard to understand" - Not only that Dr Mohler appointed numerous professors who embrace CRT and sympathise with Black lives Matter, an anti Christian organisation, so we would do well to check our own blinds spots right?
So true sir. In my Christian walk I've borrowed from the Boy Scouts the motto of Be Prepared. It does no good to try to determine what to do in any situation when your emotions are engaged and the pressure is on. Then you are fighting your flesh, your heart, and possibly your family or friends. I have a gay nephew whom I cherish and I had to think all this through years ago. He knows I love him and would do almost anything for him but that my line in the sand is reverencing GOD as Holy and, as best as my fallen flesh can do it, show with my actions and words that HE comes first. Funny thing is of all my unsaved relations my nephew is the only one who will talk about God with me respectfully and with thought. I pray for GOD to have mercy on him and give him grace.
Brother Begg was absolutely correct in his advice to this grandmother. If Jesus were to be invited by a homosexual who loved him, you best believe that he would attend his or her gay wedding, knowing full-well that both parties were misguided in their choice to marry and with full understanding that it wasn't truly a wedding at all - but both an abomination and an opportunity to give God glory. He would attend in the Spirit of truth, meekness, and perhaps sorrow, understanding that his attendance wasn't an endorsement of their union in marriage but rather an affirmation to the couple that He will most certainly walk with them, remain with them, and pursue them in spite of their misguided choices. Has Jesus not done that with every one of us? If you don't believe that he's done that for you, then you do not understand the utter depravity of your own Sin. Questions for thought: Should Christians attend the wedding of ANY known sinner's wedding? The wedding of persons who Lust? Gluttons? Greedy persons? Slothful persons? Wrathful persons? Envious persons? Prideful persons? of YOUR wedding? Scripture clearly teaches that sin, period, separates us from God. Glory be to God that sin does not separate us from Jesus! Interesting that so many Bible-believing Christians deem homosexuality the only sin by which we must separate ourselves from the offender.
He has three young women. One is for sure pregnant. One a young maid at a hotel where he vacations red hair blue eyes, one a young white girl like a masseuse. I see her a few months pregnant maybe the one i saw that was at a party passed.out, and the Asian. My writings were stolen by him and his friends to write an alice.in wonderland-Verlander type book using my writtings and all three.would share in royalties, from the theft. The connection is Those on his.board, the mother and they're related he has two accomplices the young english professor. one an englishmen maybe from a different college and they want to write another book by stealing my book called "Y" You cannot hide from God. Going down in a blaze of Gods glory because God blesses becaue He is faithful and to help you be honest so you cannot hide.
absoloutly , the starting point should also be is how does God defines marraige and go from there not hard at all ? and ask yourself and be honest or look at the scriptures john 2:1 -4 the marriage was between a man and a woman!
AB shouldn't need anything sending to him. He knows what God says about His wrath in the face of sins of any stripe - trying to argue that love is love of any colour; that we should love these ppl outta their sin; that he was only trying to.. (who knows what AB thought he was doing?)..beware, those that profess to shepherd God's little flock will be judged accordingly.
I suppose ONE reason a Christian should attend a gay "wedding" would be that whenever the heretic conducting the ceremony says "if there's any that can say why they shouldn't be joined together..." then you could jump up and be like "Uh! About that..." LOL!
If only we as Christians had the courage and conviction to stand up and receive such ridicule! But if we did, we wouldn't need to attend the weddings -- we could channel our energy into sharing the gospel whenever possible with the LGBT people we know or encounter. But we'd rather sit online and throw rocks at pastors who take the wrong approach to solving a problem we don't actually care about!
@@Pastor_Grant Homophobia is a chosen lifestyle of hate, lies and bigotry. If u need a bible verse to show these are sinful lifestyle choices then don't be a christian, it is NOT a faith for you!
How about attending a marriage between a man and woman who have been divorced for unbiblical reasons or living with others. It seems this fits into your reasoning but people see it differently.
Let us not confuse righteous indignation and sanctimonious outrage. There is a proper biblical disgust for evils and it should make us humble first. Don't confuse not going with pure motive. If you go don't let it be understood as approval. Christian should not expect the world to conform to regenerate thinking and behavior before he engages in the preaching of Christ. Someone needs to talk to Ignorant and Feeble-mind at the reception. By-ends and Mr. Self Will always look down on you, do or don't. Probably not a good venue to engage in your first mission... but that really is the problem... Christian is always told to stay home and never go because Pliable, Timorous, Legality, Civility, and Temporary are loud teachers. We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition. For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. A civil union is acceptable for same sex partners. If a same sex couple is having a church wedding and that church allows same sex wedding ceremonies but your church doesn't then maybe you should just attend the reception if you are uncomfortable with it.
The answer is: what does the Bible say? Is your going to that ceremony a sin? Are you in support of homosexual relationships? You must answer those questions, then find what the Bible says. Personally, I'd start with Romans ch 1, verses 25 - 32.
Short answer NO! - we as Christians serve Christ. We serve God and keep the 10 Commandments. To support a 'marriage' of a same-sex 'union' is to condone their sin and not be a witness for them to repent.
Should Christian’s eat meat offered to idols? Should Elisha have told Naaman it was not permitted for him to worship in the house of Rimnon with king Ben Hadad? Should Jesus have eaten dinner with tax collectors? 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 (NKJV): 9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner-not even to eat with such a person.
I will never attend another wedding, because I know that the couple will go on to not only sin, but both misrepresent God's will and bring shame upon the Kingdom.
WHEN the Lord Jesus returns will He find the Saints Praising, shouting and Honoring his appearing, OR will they be hiding because they were NAKED since they have not endured till the end, or because they have not LOVED their LORD above everything else including themselves.
I am not surprised that the accepting or perhaps Begg's celebrating such a wedding is out there. There was a time, his earlier ministry I enjoyed but for some time I have not listened much. I am not as good a speaker as Dr Mohler...who is? Anyway, A. Begg has always, & more-so lately, had a sort of irreverence. His laughing at Dr Lloyd-Jones and Eric Alexander when he was involved in a short event celebrating the fine preacher, Sinclair Ferguson was distasteful (I think) and if you watch that 50 year celebration on RUclips, you'll see Sinclair brushing off the frivolousness of Alistair. A.B. may have most theology correct but that does not excuse this. I cannot support Truth for Life anymore. p.s. I have learned a lot re rock n' roll songs and the well known atheist, Hitchins from Alistair in his messages.
I understand what you are saying, although I really haven't listened to him that often. Humor can turn into irreverence. The frequent quotes and references to rock music did bother me. I was wondering if you could give the name of the event you mentioned, so I can watch it.
OK peoples --- same question could be asked about attending the third, fourth, even fifth wedding of heterosexual people who have been divorced - - - after all, Moses said 'God' "gave" us divorce because of the hardness of our hearts . . . . so if you attend the third, fourth, + wedding of a heterosexual couple, aren't you endorsing behavior that 'God' considers sin or at least not in His will? Just asking . . . . David Adams, Mobile, AL
Mother and board and related at eaton university is where my writings are. Cooper, Tom and Tom day eaton university. My God doesnt negotiate. Sane as my theory of biblical forgiveness stolen for a grant from the fulbright committee. May God take one English person and one Scots person for every letter of every word stolen that God gave me to write. May it be this year by precedented events of nature until my words are returned exactly as they were.
You said a lot of good logic. You didn't back up anything with scripture. That's sad. The other thing that scares me is a lot of rhetoric on "tradition". Tradition changes in society over time. In my 76 years, I have seen considerable change in 'acceptable' tradition in the Church.
@trustyvoice traditions change people change, but the word of God does NOT!! That's why the bible is the final authority on what Is true what is false what is acceptable and what isn't. Try sticking to the bible. Your age is irrelevant to what Is right and wrong. This is why AB is wrong. He used feelings, modern tradition and bad hermeneutics to come to his belief on this issue. Other than this he has been a solid preacher.
No we are not to have anything to do with the wicked Christ commands that we are to have no Covenant with them no friendships we are not to welcome them in to our congregations or our homes or our children's schools there is no question God's word is clear
The fact that this question is being raised and the answer debated is a sign of the peril the church is in.
That's a perfect perspective. But realize, The Church cannot be eliminated until the End of Days. - Per Jesus
@@ChristoverMarxfortheWin You are correct, but I think these kinds of things serve to unmask false converts and thus purify the visible church.
@@solideomusical Of course ALL discourse (freedom of speech) will benefit the Truth, if one is aware of deception in human life. That is why "The Left" (predominantly Democrats right now) are opposed to "free speech".
and homophobia is evil
@@ChristoverMarxfortheWin I hope homophobics repent
Many are talking of how Jesus associated with “sinners”. But He never celebrated their sin - He told them to repent of it.
typically i can shut down the opposition rather quickly by dropping this phrase: "jesus came to offer transformation not affirmation"....further bomb drops come in the form of....well, let me just paste what i sent in reply to a reddit thread discussing the pride flag controversy concerning the chosen series promo: blessings~! "i don't quite understand when you say 'he' would not condemn homosexuals. are you referencing Jesus? if so, agreed. He did not come into this world to condemn, b/c we condemn ourselves through our behavior, thoughts, words and actions. His purpose was to offer transformation, not affirmation. leaving us sin sick was not His purpose. the Real JC found in the bible, was not a 'love-wins' revolutionary. no matter how anyone attempts to 'queer-smear' His character. His message is one of deliverance, especially from lifestyles that lead to destruction and death. His birth, crucifixion and resurrection was not an effort to make us happy, but holy. for without holiness we are not allowed into the presence of the Almighty HaShem. and without the holiness of Jesus we are detestable to Him. and yes, the generosity of spirit as you have referenced comes in the form of offering a true path to redemption. but only as we are willing to repent of our wicked, ungodly and selfish ways."
Jesus never ever said that you are to stay far away from a non believer!!!!!!! Please show where in the New Testament that is ever said.
yes he would hate homophobia
yes Jesus can heal homophobics@@vegetablehead
@@rrickarr apples and orangutans. Where did the posters say it was necessary to stay away from people? He. Called. Them. To. Repent. Every. Time.
I believe that once a man named John the Baptist died because he disapproved of a marriage. He lost his head for denouncing an adulterous marriage, let alone a trans kind.
Well said, great comment.
That was the STATE that killed him. Stop confusing that with the edicts of Christ. Please show me where Jesus ever says you are NOT to associate with the unconverted, since in Jesus time on earth, the only "church" was the synagogue!
@rrickarr Christ said go and sin no more. Please show where Christ approves of sin and encourages attendance at ceremonies celebrating it.
@@rrickarrI understand your comment and I beleive that a good distinction is made in the audio. We relate with absolutely everybody and we do not celebrate anybodies sin. It's simple.
The answer is NO. By attending a wedding you are giving your blessings to the union. We should still be civil to these people but never promoting sin.
@Quint-ib4nfno bad answer
Since when is a person's attendance a blessing?
Only God can see the heart.
Because point number one, it isn’t a marriage.
Additionally, by definition of how weddings work, an attendee is bearing witness. A mere presence of such a ceremony which makes mockery of God’s gift of marriage is silent approval; whether one verbalizes that or not.
My daughter was invited to attend a wedding last year and she volunteered to photograph the wedding since the couple could not afford a professional photographer. That was until she found out that she would be attending a marriage for a girl and transgender individual. With a heavy heart, my daughter called the girl and invited her to her home. My daughter explained to the girl why she would not be able to attend and why this girl should not be entering into this kind of ceremony with this transgender person. My daughter explained to this girl how God would not be pleased with this and how devestating this kind of arrangement could be to the girl. She shared the Gospel with her and encouraged her not to go through with it. However, the girl did proceed with the ceremony, but to this day, my daughter and this girl remain connected and has not given up hope that perhaps this girl will repent and see the error in being in this kind of relationship.
And THAT is the proper response. So sick of the constant drumbeat of those claiming that if you don't attend this ceremony, you'll lose the relationship. Instead of being faithful to God's Word and allowing Him to work through that obedience! Too many are swayed by emotions and the hissing of the serpent cloaked in terms of "compassion" and "anything for the Gospel " pragmatism.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I am waiting for the hammer to fall when a same sex couple will approach Alister Begg to marry them. I think he has put himself, Parkside Church and Truth for Life in line for a lawsuit if he refuses.
@@mdhumphreys At the very least he has placed pastors and families in this country in a difficult position. He gave succor, without perhaps meaning to, to the enemies of the Gospel as written in Scripture. It's a serious situation and should not be taken lightly.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I think you are right. It prompted me to write a letter or email on Parkside’s Website to the Elders of Parkside to do what is right and hold Alister Begg accountable for his words. It broke my heart to hear his words last Monday night as I listened to his defense of his position on the matter.
@@jerilowehowell6015 I agree. It is better to loose a relationship with family than with Christ. Luke 12:51-53 - 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
I've said it before. Just substitute bestiality or incest for homosexuality and it immediately becomes clear that all of this is a product of the culture beating us down into acceptance of something that God finds abominable. We are to have no part in this. It's shameful. Let's bring a gift to our grandson in support of his worship to Molech, so as to try and lead him to God. Have we completely lost our minds? You never show love by affirming a lie. Thank you Al for stating this so clearly.
@michaelward1341 It's true. Another brother brought up the analogy of attending a seance. If God views all of these things as equally abominable, why don't we?
Or an abortion.
@@pbear7814planned parenthood clinics have shut down with presence of praying Christians for the mothers, staff and babies.
I agree with what you are saying. When Ben Carson was comparing homosexuality to incest and bestiality, his points were people can't help the kinds of urges they have, but people can control the kind of sexual behavior that they engage in, certain kinds of sexual behavior people shouldn't engage in regardless of how they feel, and people shouldn't engage in any kind of sexual behavior that violates the golden rule, causes health problems, and/or causes psychological problems.
People can't help whether they are tall, short, disabled, have brown eyes, have blue eyes, etc. People can't help what race they are. People are able to control the kind of sexual behavior that they engage in. People can't help the kinds of sexual urges that they have, but people can control the kinds of sexual behavior that they engage in.
People who have incest urges can't help that they have incest urges, but people are able to control whether or not they engage in incest behavior. I don't hate people who engage in incest, and I believe in treating people who engage in incest with respect, but at the same time, I believe engaging in incest is a sin, I don't agree with people engaging in incest, etc. I wouldn't attend an incest wedding because I don't want to attend an event that is celebrating the sin of incest.
Not so as beasiality is the rape of an innocent animal, is rape ok in urff eyes?????
Dr Mohler, this is the first time I've heard you speak ... and you really helped me to see how critical this is for us as Christians. It's not just one hermeneutic vs another as I was thinking. I praise God for the gift He has given you. Glory to God in the highest!
Well said. More and more are being faced with similar scenarios these days. I think Christians should take the same care when deciding whether to attend re-marriage ceremonies involving divorced people when one or more of those people’s divorce was clearly and publicly unbiblical (adultery or abandonment). Marriage is a serious business. Again, your very presence is showing that you endorse the union.
the person who committed adultery or abandonment could have repented and was forgiven. I am more concerned with Pastors who are NOT biblically qualified.
Why put Christians in an awkward position? Why not have a ceremony with the judge if the two want to become one? Why bring others into your private business? Get married and be done with the party.
Psalm 1:1. If you want to be blessed, please don’t seat with scoffers at unbiblical weddings.
What is the basis of the question asked by the pastor...is anyone present who has cause why these 2 should not be joined in marriage, speak now....??? How could a true Christian sit silent?
There is no scriptural basis for woke Albert Mohler's assertion. Same al who thinks all southern Baptists are racist. Trying to clout chase.
@@jspyrogram If they repented, yes. But Jesus never endorsed adultery, and he wouldn't endorse a mockery of marriage either.
Thank you, Dr. Mohler, for speaking out on this. I find it very bizarre that AB would give such wrong counsel to an issue that is clearly wrong. I hope this isn't going to escalate into the ''camel has his head in the tent and it's only a matter of time before he's all the way in.''' I say this as one who has respected AB for years.
never support satans homophobic lifestyle.
"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.". Ephesians 5: 11
"reject every kind of evil.". I Thessalonians 5: 22
Amen Ephesians 5: 11 was the first verse that came to mind when I saw the title of this video.
homophobia is a sin but u seem ok with it
First, there is no evidence that Jesus went to bars, brothels, etc. There is a difference between dinner and socializing at a person's house (which I clearly written about) and hanging out at the taverns. Second, we're talking about attending a ceremony - a positive affirmation of the event. Simply engaging in daily life with the unsaved is not the same as endorsing their lifestyle. If it is, you are not living out your faith correctly. That is not to say you have to be the village bag. But your life must reflect your understanding that Jesus is LORD as well as Savior
Very helpful Dr Mohler thank you!
homophobia is never helpful
I have watched/heard Dr. Mohler for years, esp. at R C Sprouls fine conferences, he always so level headed, understands the Bible and these "thorny issues"...if thorny is the right word; but thank you Dr Mohler for doing as you always do-great thoughts and clearly giving us the truth.
INCREDIBLY level-headed and clear! I agree. First time I've heard Dr Mohler. Praise God for His gift through Dr Mohler!
homophobics hate truth
I hope Alastair Begg is carefully and prayerfully considering the error of his published position on this matter.
Christian should not expect the world to conform to regenerate thinking and behavior before he engages in the preaching of Christ. I think that was more to the point of Mr. Begg.
With gay and transexual weddings now commonplace, the church will have to respond Biblically! While we demonstrate Christ’s love, we cannot compromise Biblical Truth. While adding to the confusion, celebrating a gay or trans wedding ceremony would also undermine God’s purpose and plan for marriage. It would send a congratulatory message of blessing and support to a union that is not approved by God!
homophobia is not approved by God
Bless you Dr. Mohler!
“Love does not delight in evil” (I Cor. 13) is sometimes translated as “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness.” Both mean that we should not celebrate what God says is wrong. Another example we are living in the "last days" and God is NOT mocked. Real love is the love of Christ, not the celebration of sin.
and homophobia is evil
No. Never. Loving but be firm. We are to display truthful love
so u side with satan too?
One man one woman!!!!!!!!!
You are not saved!!!!
1 man and many wives in the OT
NO HOMOPHOBIC IS SAVED......@@lynneuribeross2695
"Should Christians Attend a Same-Sex Wedding'"? NO!! Not even if it is kin/family.
is that what satan told u
@@pastorbri Why would the Devil tell me anything? Is the act of being there in concurrence with the event?
@@gregaj7 The Devil has often fooled people so why not homophobics since homophobia is a sin?!
I don’t think that same sex wedding is a wedding. I know that it’s not a wedding. It is taking something that is sacred and making it profane.
I agree, however if believers do not have problems attending this wedding they can go to this wedding.
and yet it is a wedding
u agree with satan?@@marshahollings
Of course it's a wedding!
I so appreciate Dr Mahler his approach to this issue are right on point. He showed the same temperance and wisdom, when dealing with the issues of critical race theory. Never affirming but defining the proper Christian approach.
Dr. Mohler, thank you for commenting on this issue. I think most of us can agree that a gay wedding doesn’t constitute a marriage that we biblically define as an institution created by God. It’s simply a civil union. But applying this principle to all marriages, the water becomes a little muddier. Consider all the weddings your wife “compelled” you to attend out of respect for the parents, grandparents, etc. There’s a fair chance that at least some of the brides and grooms were not believers, yet it didn’t stop us from being “witnesses” and participants of the celebration. Although it may have checked some boxes as being legitimate because it was between a man and a woman, it was only window dressing because they co-opted the Godly institution while not being in the family of God. It happens every day and believers participate in it every day.
I’m a fan of Alister Begg and agree with his comments in his response sermon. As believers we must draw hard lines, but in my opinion this is not one of them.
only friends of satan think same sex weddings isn't marriage
Thank you for finally reframing the question! “SHOULD a Christian attend a same sex wedding” is the correct question. Of course a Christian CAN go anywhere they want to but should they?
because love is not a sin
Thank you so much for your clear explanation of the Biblical views of same sex weddings. I wonder what Alistair Begg would say after listening to what you are saying so well: about how a wedding is a celebration and declaration of a covenant..and those who attend are invited to affirm and be active witnesses to the public declaration of a covenant.
but the bible never mentions nor condemns same sex weddings
So well said and a Godly response!!!
if ur god is satan
@@pastorbri Not sure who Your god is….I know who my God is!
@@elsiezimmerman4304 I know who ur God is too...we call him satan.
Great answer Al!
and yet wrong
I'll spare those who don't want to hear six minutes worth of self-defense from Mohler before hearing him say: "I don't think this [ceremony] is a place that Christians should be." You're welcome in advance.
HOMOPHOBIA AS A LIFESTYLE CHOICE is not what christians should be doing
Thank you, sir. You've pastored me through another shock to a sojourner's sensibilities.
Your commenters are solid folks.
and yet he is wrong
Short answer, no. Long answer, hell no.
short answer YES, long answer YEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I think u meant
Thank you Dr Mohler!
for lies?
@@pastorbriare you g4y? you’re disagreeing with everyone in the comments
@@pastorbri For truth.
@@annep.1905 Homophobics are truthphobic
God, in finding not even 10 righteous men, did not try to "build a bridge" to Sodom and Gomorrah nor those Noah's time. To God, sin is sin, and there is definitely no celebrating it or wanting to hang around to show love. I love and respect Alistair Begg, but this was the bridge to nowhere.
Thank you, for validating me. I had determined many years ago that I would not attend a same sex ceremony. I was truly put to the test when my son was in said relationship. I sought the LORD for my role in this scenario. HE graciously told me just to LOVE them. I did not attend and the day of experienced " the peace that passes understanding" My son & friend knew I loved them. And now a precious grandson has come out. It's hard to know how to pray for them❣️💔🙏
NO it's not up for debate
YES it is up for debate
@pastorbri if you are a Bibke believing Born Again Christian it is not
@pastorbri I am a born again Christian I read the word of God, as in the tine of Noah, why do you think Sodom was destroyed read Romans especially chaper 1 you cannot think that sodomy is right with God surely not ?
@@melaneeholland1385 Clearly you are NOT a christian so telling lies is a sin as u would know if u were a christian. Sodom was wiped out for not helping the poor n needy (ezek 16;49) which u would have known had u ever read a bible and romans 1 is paul condemning the heterosexuals he knew who used same sex acts in idolotry which was unatural for straight folk, so God gave them over to a reprobate mind, which u would also have known had u ever read a bible..... you cannot think that homophobia, a lifestyle choice of hate, lies and bigotry is right with God surely not ? DO YOU?????
No!!!! We are not to condone sin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes I see u condone the homophobic sin
I’m wondering why you didn’t mention Alistair Begg’s name since it is clear why you just posted this video. However, I am glad you didn’t attack him personally. Thank you. I am very disheartened by the response of some “Christians,” even going so far as to label him a heretic, without researching the entire story. It’s a terrible witness.
Solid answer.
Jesus said if you love anyone more than me you're not worthy of me
If Al Mohler, a man who loves nuance, is stating that the nuances are in the opposition to attending the celebration, but that to attend or not is not an instance of nuance, the AB is decidedly nuancing in the wrong direction. It should also be remembered that AL Mohler was the mentor of Russell Moore, who is no conservative. If a man of political moderation such as this is calling your favorable position on attending ceremonies of this nature improper, you have stepped beyond the bounds of faithfulness and need to reconsider.
Now that I'm a Christian, how do I live with sinners?
how do u live with urself, u are a sinner too
The same way Christ did. Do not compromise and don't participate in it. When asked why not be ready to give an answer for the hope within you (jude)
@@jerilowehowell6015 no we must never participate in homophobia....
Should a Christian attend a wedding of a bride or groom that had been prior divorced when you don’t know for 100% certainty the circumstances for their prior divorce?
Why do we assume that attendance means approval? Would you assume that by being in a Roman Catholic funeral or wedding that everyone assumed you approved? I think people are more sophisticated than that.
homophobics are a bit simple
Weddings are a celebration. Yes. Everyone will assume that you are there to celebrate.
How could Alistair Begg could go wrong?
I think he just misspoke and then became a little defensive since the incident. I don't think he is going into apostasy.
@matt8637 I don't think he misspoke. He's had multiple chances to correct it if so. Several clues in his sermon lead me to believe this is a product of his belief in pragmatism and "nuance" which are both deadly delusions when approaching Scripture.
@@jerilowehowell6015 What Begg meant by "nuance" is something that none of us Christians can avoid. He was talking about trying to find the balance between the need for holiness, which can be achieved by removing oneself entirely from the world, and love for the lost, which requires us to interact with the lost, which leads to some degree of negative influence. If I share the gospel with an atheist, I risk being exposed to evil speech, or even blasphemy. I can avoid that by not sharing the gospel. That is what Begg meant by "nuance." You might disagree with his position (I do too), but what caused him to take it should be at least somewhat relatable.
I would also add that many of us have attended a wedding where the couple that’s getting married may have actually cheated on their former spouses with the person they are now marrying. So you have an adulterous union happening at this particular wedding . I’m not liberal at all, but I bet most Christian’s would attend this kind of ceremony or may have a few times and never thought about it….
This video should be no longer than it takes to say the word "No". The Bible is clear about this.
NO, as DON’t, Never!
I still support pastor Begg he knew he was doing he is very godly man
The answer is no. Why give your approval by your presence? Your presence is the appearance of your approval. Avoid all unholy alliances and the appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23
@@pastorbri Examine yourself to see whence you've fallen.
@@LAStreetPreacher I fell into the love of Jesus.....is that bad to u?
If I was asked to pray at a same sex wedding, could I pray for Gods blessing on their union ? If not I shouldn't be there. If the man in 1st Corinthian's chapter 5 had decided to get married to his fathers wife (if she had left his father) would the believers in Corinth have attended his wedding after reading what the Apostle Paul had written re him?
We live in the days of lot and the great apostacy when anything goes. I am only a sinner saved by Grace but even if it was a family member there is no way I would attend.
love is not a sin
@@pastorbri If I love and take another mans wife is that a love a sin? Paedophiles love little children is that love a sin?
Biblical love is not a sin other love comes from the depravity of the human heart. The wicked in this age use love as an excuse for their wickedness.
@@TestiMoney-BibleCoins How is cheating on someone love old bean? Its not is it. And if a man rapes and abuses children is this love to you? Thats scary you do not know as u had to ask....I know homophobics tend to be a bit simple but it does seem you have no idea what the concept of love even is, go away and do some better research and repent of assuming child abuse could be love as THAT is scary! Are u a friend of satan?
@@TestiMoney-BibleCoins How is cheating on someone love old bean? Its not is it. And if a man rapes and abuses children is this love to you? Thats scary you do not know as u had to ask....I know homophobics tend to be a bit simple but it does seem you have no idea what the concept of love even is, go away and do some better research and repent of assuming child abuse could be love as THAT is scary! Are u a friend of satan?
never affirm what God calls Sin
like homophobia?
@@pastorbri Like what God condemns in His Word. Marriage is exclusively between a biological male and biological female. Designed by God. All other unions are condemned by Him.
Firstly, Begg is WRONG not to tell this woman, that her grandson cannot be getting "married", in the true Bible sense, as the Bible is VERY CLEAR, that marriage is between one MAN, and one WOMAN. Period! Do YOU believe this?
Secondly, Begg does not say, that the woman should say that her grandson's proposed "wedding", is SINFUL and WRONG, in the sight of The Holy God of the Bible!
Thirdly, Begg is also WRONG, when he says, not only to attend this DEMONIC "wedding", but to TAKE A GIFT! This means that Begg is telling this woman to CELEBRATE and be HAPPY for this "couple", which is 100% WRONG!
Fourthly, does the grandmother, who has attended, and given a gift, also take the "toast", and eat the "wedding" cake, and the other "wedding" food? If not, WHY not, as she has already AGREED to attend?
The Bible is VERY CLEAR, that, not only is homosexuality and "trans", SINFUL and WRONG, but is an ABOMINATION before the Lord God!
You are trying to defend what CANNOT be defended from the Inspired, Infallible, 66 Books of the Word of God, the Holy Bible!
It PAINS me and GREATLY SADDENS me, to hear this from Begg, who I have been listening to and been blessed by, for many years, and who is a truly gifted man of God.
Grandma must have also been in the family photos for the wedding album. Did she do that begrudgingly? Would love to hear from her one day. Did she go up the couple and congratulate and embrace them afterwards, as we all do at weddings of loved ones?
@@psalm1197 it is extremely sad that the devil has got to a otherwise sound teacher of the Bible
May the Lord have mercy on him
You clearly haven't looked into the details of this, because you have them wrong.
First, Begg confirmed that the grandma already told her grandson that his marriage is wrong.
Secondly, see first point.
Thirdly, the gift was a Bible (though you'd be excused for not knowing that one since it wasn't in the original broadcast but in his recent sermon on Luke 15).
And neither Begg nor the grandmother disputes the fact that the Bible clearly says that "trans" is SINFUL and WRONG. They agree with you on that point. They just disagree with you (and me) on the best way to keep the door open to sharing the gospel with the grandson.
You are condemning him for a position he has NOT taken. You should at least understand Begg's point well enough to denounce it accurately.
@@Christo-doulou How can you make the judgment that the devil has "got to" Begg? What does that mean? He says that LGBT is a sin but differs on how to best keep the door open to sharing the gospel with gays, and that demonstrates that the devil has "got to him?" Don't be so quick to judge.
Regardless of whether the gift was a Bible, no born again Christian can ever attend such an even, because of the fact that it can never be a "wedding", as the Bible clearly says that this is between one man and one woman, who are biologically born so
Did Begg tell the woman not to take part in any of the "celebrations", like eating of the "wedding cake", drinking the "toast", wishing the "couple" a happy "married life"?
By eating or drinking anything that this DEMONIC event, is to AGREE with it! It matters ZERO for those who defend what Begg has done, as he is VERY WRONG on this.
His Truth for Life program has been dropped by over 1800 stations, which says a lot
People lile MacArthur, Mohler, Peters, Friel, are right to disagree with Begg, and because of his unrepentant attitude, will be the downfall of his otherwise God-centred ministry
Then what about going to a non-Christian wedding or an unequally yoked marriage between a man and a woman, surely they are not Biblical weddings in the eyes of God?
Weddings are a creation mandate given to man and woman. Pagan marriages are still marriages. If you’re looking for a wife you can’t just grab some Hindu guys wife and declare she’s yours because it doesn’t “count”. A wedding between an unbeliever and believer is unwise but it’s still an actual marriage. We don’t have to support people deliberately going into these unions but by definition it is a marriage.
Regarding the unequally yoked, you attend as a christian witness so you can hold your christian friend accountable to their wedding vows.
like we do with homophobics? @@BenjesBride
I’m a Christian I’m catholic I’ve been to 3 gay weddings
"Should" is NOT the same as whether you "should" attend a gay wedding. That is what the real argument is about.
For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.
Is social media really the way we want to try and convict our Christian brothers? What would the apostle Paul say?
I’ve heard pastors say that catholism is a false religion but have possibly attended a catholic wedding how is that different
Marriage is the issue…I would attend a civil ceremony between a man and woman
Would you attend the wedding of an adulterer and someone of the opposite sex. A false religion ceremony
Your are kidding right. A man and a man going into the wedding ceremony. And a catholic wedding. How do you compare the two.
@@davidprice9792 like I said some believe catholic is a false religion so if it is then the ceremony would be as much against Gods design as a trans wedding even though the catholic wedding would be heterosexual it wouldn’t be based on Gods direction
Since marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic church, aren't you affirming and bearing witness to false doctrine?@@davidprice9792
Yes this issue isn't very hard at all to understand, and many, including myself, would totally agree with that. But coming from another celebrity pastor, let's ensure the scales are balanced at least; so Dr Mohler are the same standards applied close to home in the SBC and the resolution 9 controversy? Making a principle in the Church that critical race theory and intersectionality needs to be adopted?? Really? The idea that if you are white you are inherently racist and must make amends for your whiteness?? Mohler oversaw all this but surely this issue "isn't very hard to understand" - Not only that Dr Mohler appointed numerous professors who embrace CRT and sympathise with Black lives Matter, an anti Christian organisation, so we would do well to check our own blinds spots right?
we need to pray for homophobics
So true sir. In my Christian walk I've borrowed from the Boy Scouts the motto of Be Prepared. It does no good to try to determine what to do in any situation when your emotions are engaged and the pressure is on. Then you are fighting your flesh, your heart, and possibly your family or friends. I have a gay nephew whom I cherish and I had to think all this through years ago. He knows I love him and would do almost anything for him but that my line in the sand is reverencing GOD as Holy and, as best as my fallen flesh can do it, show with my actions and words that HE comes first. Funny thing is of all my unsaved relations my nephew is the only one who will talk about God with me respectfully and with thought. I pray for GOD to have mercy on him and give him grace.
Godly way to handle this.....just talk about the issue instead of reviling those who disagree....
or tell them homophobia is a sin
Brother Begg was absolutely correct in his advice to this grandmother. If Jesus were to be invited by a homosexual who loved him, you best believe that he would attend his or her gay wedding, knowing full-well that both parties were misguided in their choice to marry and with full understanding that it wasn't truly a wedding at all - but both an abomination and an opportunity to give God glory. He would attend in the Spirit of truth, meekness, and perhaps sorrow, understanding that his attendance wasn't an endorsement of their union in marriage but rather an affirmation to the couple that He will most certainly walk with them, remain with them, and pursue them in spite of their misguided choices. Has Jesus not done that with every one of us? If you don't believe that he's done that for you, then you do not understand the utter depravity of your own Sin. Questions for thought: Should Christians attend the wedding of ANY known sinner's wedding? The wedding of persons who Lust? Gluttons? Greedy persons? Slothful persons? Wrathful persons? Envious persons? Prideful persons? of YOUR wedding? Scripture clearly teaches that sin, period, separates us from God. Glory be to God that sin does not separate us from Jesus! Interesting that so many Bible-believing Christians deem homosexuality the only sin by which we must separate ourselves from the offender.
Bullshit just like begg. His little nail salon lover is pregnant
He has three young women. One is for sure pregnant. One a young maid at a hotel where he vacations red hair blue eyes, one a young white girl like a masseuse. I see her a few months pregnant maybe the one i saw that was at a party passed.out, and the Asian. My writings were stolen by him and his friends to write an alice.in wonderland-Verlander type book using my writtings and all three.would share in royalties, from the theft. The connection is Those on his.board, the mother and they're related he has two accomplices the young english professor. one an englishmen maybe from a different college and they want to write another book by stealing my book called "Y" You cannot hide from God. Going down in a blaze of Gods glory because God blesses becaue He is faithful and to help you be honest so you cannot hide.
absoloutly , the starting point should also be is how does God defines marraige and go from there not hard at all ? and ask yourself and be honest or look at the scriptures john 2:1 -4 the marriage was between a man and a woman!
and yet in the OT God said marriage is 1 man and many wives so ur wrong
Mohler didn’t even answer
He answered it at the 1:20 mark in the video.
Send this to Alister Begg. I don't send how one can refute it.
AB shouldn't need anything sending to him. He knows what God says about His wrath in the face of sins of any stripe - trying to argue that love is love of any colour; that we should love these ppl outta their sin; that he was only trying to.. (who knows what AB thought he was doing?)..beware, those that profess to shepherd God's little flock will be judged accordingly.
a christian can as homophobia is a sin
we also know homophobics are off to hell if they never repent@@marciamcgrail5889
I suppose ONE reason a Christian should attend a gay "wedding" would be that whenever the heretic conducting the ceremony says "if there's any that can say why they shouldn't be joined together..." then you could jump up and be like "Uh! About that..." LOL!
If only we as Christians had the courage and conviction to stand up and receive such ridicule! But if we did, we wouldn't need to attend the weddings -- we could channel our energy into sharing the gospel whenever possible with the LGBT people we know or encounter. But we'd rather sit online and throw rocks at pastors who take the wrong approach to solving a problem we don't actually care about!
It would be awkward for them.
What about being invited to a Hindu wedding or for that matter a Muslim wedding? What should be done?
homophobics are not well educated to know
Discrimination based on sexual preference is a sin.
Homophobia is a sin, and its a sexual orientation. Not a preference
Couldn't agree more! @@pastorbri
@@josephscala6707 People just need educating better eh
Avoid all appearances of evil - 1 Thessalonians 5:22
and homophobia is evil
@@pastorbri chapter and verse?
@@Pastor_Grant Homophobia is a chosen lifestyle of hate, lies and bigotry. If u need a bible verse to show these are sinful lifestyle choices then don't be a christian, it is NOT a faith for you!
Instead of attending, why not pray for them?
I always pray for homophobics to repent
How about attending a marriage between a man and woman who have been divorced for unbiblical reasons or living with others. It seems this fits into your reasoning but people see it differently.
NO !
Let us not confuse righteous indignation and sanctimonious outrage. There is a proper biblical disgust for evils and it should make us humble first. Don't confuse not going with pure motive. If you go don't let it be understood as approval. Christian should not expect the world to conform to regenerate thinking and behavior before he engages in the preaching of Christ. Someone needs to talk to Ignorant and Feeble-mind at the reception. By-ends and Mr. Self Will always look down on you, do or don't. Probably not a good venue to engage in your first mission... but that really is the problem... Christian is always told to stay home and never go because Pliable, Timorous, Legality, Civility, and Temporary are loud teachers.
We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition. For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. A civil union is acceptable for same sex partners. If a same sex couple is having a church wedding and that church allows same sex wedding ceremonies but your church doesn't then maybe you should just attend the reception if you are uncomfortable with it.
and yet God disagrees with u
Like a game between the rich and influential and a poor.little woman that has a very big God on her side.
Do NOT repeat NOT attend, under any circumstances, something called a "wedding" of two queers.
Jesus is a queer.
The answer is: what does the Bible say? Is your going to that ceremony a sin? Are you in support of homosexual relationships? You must answer those questions, then find what the Bible says. Personally, I'd start with Romans ch 1, verses 25 - 32.
I like how US Christianity reduces itself to a set of moralisms. Somewhat legalistic, no?
Would you as a Christian attend the wedding of two non-Christians?
yes as love should be supported
You don’t understand a support pastor begg
No way!
Short answer NO! - we as Christians serve Christ. We serve God and keep the 10 Commandments. To support a 'marriage' of a same-sex 'union' is to condone their sin and not be a witness for them to repent.
NO yes is the answer
Should Christian’s eat meat offered to idols? Should Elisha have told Naaman it was not permitted for him to worship in the house of Rimnon with king Ben Hadad? Should Jesus have eaten dinner with tax collectors?
1 Corinthians 5:9-11 (NKJV): 9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner-not even to eat with such a person.
I would attend if invited but make it clear that I don’t agree with same sex marriages and that it is sinful.
Your actions cancel out your words
satan is pleased with u
I will never attend another wedding, because I know that the couple will go on to not only sin, but both misrepresent God's will and bring shame upon the Kingdom.
homophobics do that already
WHEN the Lord Jesus returns will He find the Saints Praising, shouting and Honoring his appearing, OR will they be hiding because they were NAKED since they have not endured till the end, or because they have not LOVED their LORD above everything else including themselves.
when the Lord returns homophobics will be off to a lost eternity
I am not surprised that the accepting or perhaps Begg's celebrating such a wedding is out there. There was a time, his earlier ministry I enjoyed but for some time I have not listened much. I am not as good a speaker as Dr Mohler...who is? Anyway, A. Begg has always, & more-so lately, had a sort of irreverence. His laughing at Dr Lloyd-Jones and Eric Alexander when he was involved in a short event celebrating the fine preacher, Sinclair Ferguson was distasteful (I think) and if you watch that 50 year celebration on RUclips, you'll see Sinclair brushing off the frivolousness of Alistair.
A.B. may have most theology correct but that does not excuse this. I cannot support Truth for Life anymore. p.s. I have learned a lot re rock n' roll songs and the well known atheist, Hitchins from Alistair in his messages.
Begg didn't suggest cebrrating the wedding through
I understand what you are saying, although I really haven't listened to him that often. Humor can turn into irreverence. The frequent quotes and references to rock music did bother me. I was wondering if you could give the name of the event you mentioned, so I can watch it.
@@HearGodsWord He suggested attending and taking a gift. Both denote celebration and approval.
@@jerilowehowell6015 do you know what gift he suggested?
Matthew 9:10-17. It's an awkward balance, isn't it?
not really
OK peoples --- same question could be asked about attending the third, fourth, even fifth wedding of heterosexual people who have been divorced - - - after all, Moses said 'God' "gave" us divorce because of the hardness of our hearts . . . . so if you attend the third, fourth, + wedding of a heterosexual couple, aren't you endorsing behavior that 'God' considers sin or at least not in His will? Just asking . . . . David Adams, Mobile, AL
Good point to ponder!!!
Mother and board and related at eaton university is where my writings are. Cooper, Tom and Tom day eaton university. My God doesnt negotiate. Sane as my theory of biblical forgiveness stolen for a grant from the fulbright committee.
May God take one English person and one Scots person for every letter of every word stolen that God gave me to write. May it be this year by precedented events of nature until my words are returned exactly as they were.
What would Jesus do?
ask the homophobics to repent is what he would do
You said a lot of good logic. You didn't back up anything with scripture. That's sad. The other thing that scares me is a lot of rhetoric on "tradition". Tradition changes in society over time. In my 76 years, I have seen considerable change in 'acceptable' tradition in the Church.
@trustyvoice traditions change people change, but the word of God does NOT!! That's why the bible is the final authority on what Is true what is false what is acceptable and what isn't. Try sticking to the bible. Your age is irrelevant to what Is right and wrong. This is why AB is wrong. He used feelings, modern tradition and bad hermeneutics to come to his belief on this issue. Other than this he has been a solid preacher.
@@mariosangermano Not sure why you are arguing w/ rustyvoiceinwilderness by making his exact point. Re-read please.
@TimWismer you are correct I read that wrong.
No. Waste of time. The answer is obvious.
The answer is NO. For one, it doesn't exist. You can't attend something that isn't real.
OH IT DOES EXIST. Ive performed many
@@pastorbri You're not a Pastor or an ordained Minister. Genesis 2:24 says it doesn't exist. Marriage is between one man and one woman.
@@pastorbri no
@@pastorbri Its Adam and eve not adam and steve
@@mikepiccolo32 Its also David and Jonathan (1 and 2 sam) not David and Joan.
@@mikepiccolo32 YES
No we are not to have anything to do with the wicked Christ commands that we are to have no Covenant with them no friendships we are not to welcome them in to our congregations or our homes or our children's schools there is no question God's word is clear
and homophobia is wicked
like the homophobic lifestyle choice?