Subash Kak - Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 217

  • @RolandHuettmann
    @RolandHuettmann 3 года назад +7

    Here we are talking of pure consciousness where knower and the object of knowledge merge. It is possible for humans to experience. It is associated with unlimited bliss. It requires letting go of the mind, transcending the ego, going beyond thinking. Those who experience just know. Those who permanently live this state even during any activity have attained cosmic consciousness. They know that they are connected with the "ocean" at all times while they still form waves of individuality as an expression of this ocean of consciousness being the root of everything.
    It is not really possible to accept it if it is not part of one's own experience. So, all teaching of Yoga, of all Buddhist practices as well -- they all are rooted in Veda -- are suggesting a way of expanding consciousness to that state of pure energy and intelligence.
    The main thing is not to believe it. This is not a religious "church". This is not following another revelation and thought. This is not mood making. This is a level of mind that can appear with practice, for some possibly as an ability they are born with, and it is rare, unfortunately. Those who desire will know what to search for.
    But Veda describes different ways to enlightenment, and one of them is an intellectual one splitting truth from untruth, splitting the real from the unreal, and thereby achieving the ultimate goal of human life, becoming one with cosmic life.
    Whether or not there will ever be scientific evidence...? I do not know.
    It probably would require a high level of mind and insight we currently do not have yet.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      We don't do this, people go to pubs after work and drink a few pints of beer, than watch TV at home or go to fitness and get some exercise.
      It's not we don't believe that, we don't believe in any Stone Age BS and superstitions.

    • @RolandHuettmann
      @RolandHuettmann 3 года назад +1

      @@xspotbox4400 Great. Nobody asked for any belief. But to call it superstition is as flawed as sticking to the idea that the sun goes around the planet earth. To do what everyone is doing does not challenge anything.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@RolandHuettmann Let me tell you something about superstition, every single person i have ever meat who believes in that nonsense was a coward.

  • @cryptowhale1615
    @cryptowhale1615 3 года назад +7

    Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism."
    ~ Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, author of one book and over 200 publications on the topics of astrophysics and various forms of astronomy.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад +1

      There is no matter, just illusions. Hmmm 🧐

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      We know for sure reality exist independent of our perception or awareness, there's 0 doubt about that very fact.
      You're quoting scientists and their hypothesis, but obviously you have never read their papers, or you simply didn't understand anything they wrote.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 Who has time to read 200 publications?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@ineax7447 People who actually care about that stuff.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 I am sure even the most interested person won't read them all.

  • @aaron2709
    @aaron2709 3 года назад +8

    This guy talks a lot but says so little of substance. It's a lot of 'transcending' and 'dissolving' and 'transforming' and 'unfolding.'

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад +1

      The meaning of his words is fading and dissolving.

    • @LameBushido
      @LameBushido 3 года назад


    • @OfficialGOD
      @OfficialGOD Год назад

      Because he is limited by time son

    • @aaron2709
      @aaron2709 Год назад

      @@OfficialGOD Ya, that's it.

  • @sweetchinmusic3
    @sweetchinmusic3 3 года назад +3

    Sadhguru need to be interviewed in closer to Truth

  • @proudindian2768
    @proudindian2768 3 года назад +3

    Erwin Schrödinger - 'Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves.’

  • @bajajones5093
    @bajajones5093 3 года назад +3

    wonderful expansion of guests. sincerely grateful.

  • @experiencemystique4982
    @experiencemystique4982 3 года назад +4

    I've followed Jesus's teachings (seek the God within) and in a moment I understood was the same concept of "know yourself" of Socrates, and the almost same base of Buddhism, and Platon said it was one of the three precepts written on the Temple of Apollon a Delphes....Do you understand the harmful made by the Départementalisation function? We lost the capacity to see the big picture.

  • @adamadam-uc2ud
    @adamadam-uc2ud 3 года назад +1

    The last question was quite good. How do you know it is the truth and not just another illusion? He just answered saying I believe in it because it makes me feel optimistic. How is that then different from religion?
    A true inquirer will say I don't know and start from there in his inquiry, not from a conclusion handed over from the past.
    Ultimately the test is in the behaviour. Has actually something changed in his (or her) behaviour. Is he still in conflict with himself and the world? The test has to be the behaviour.
    A person in conflict comes in contact with someone who is without conflict. Something changes because there is a glimpse of no conflict. An insane person sees a glimpse of sanity and it does affect him. Then that person starts his journey into inquiring whether there can be living without conflict and destruction. It is an inquiry into sanity.
    Religions are not sane. Societies are not sane. Scientists are also not sane in their personal relationships. Ultimately truth cannot be just knowledge. It is not separate from the universe. It is foolish to assume our life is only knowledge. We cannot separate ourselves from nature or the universe. Without nature we would not exist.

    • @dgurunathreddy
      @dgurunathreddy 2 года назад

      Have you seen any person who is fully happy, knowledge of whole universe, knowledge of past, present and future and happy without anything and anyone by their side, they have no fear, no thoughts, no relations and they dont have any duality, this will be state of a person who attains moksham the final state.
      Just as you cannot explain taste of sugar to a person who never knew about it even this cannot be explained but only experienced by self.

  • @mathew4181
    @mathew4181 3 года назад +4

    " Although I think that life may be the result of an accident, I do not think that of consciousness. Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamentally. It cannot be account for in terms of anything else "
    - *Erwin Shrondinger*
    Quoted in: Walter Moore. A life of Erwin Shrondinger
    " I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about , everything that we regard as existing, postulate consciousness "
    -*Max Planck*
    Book: The Observer
    " The failure of materialism leads to a kind of dualism: there are both physical and non-physical features of the world. "
    -*David J Chalmers*
    Book: The Conscious Mind. Page:124

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the word is God.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад +1

      Good work Mathew

    • @mathew4181
      @mathew4181 3 года назад

      @verygoodusername name *_Brain does not create Mind_* Here are the reasons
      1:] Abstract thought such as mathematics, ethics and those that deal with personality, don't have any localized centers in the brain like motor functions. The science of phrenology was invented to try to explain this, but it has since been discredited
      2:] Various experiments has been done in which it has been shown that separating the brain's hemisphere results in effect that are so slight that they can only discerned by nobel-prize winning scientists.If the brain is purely material, the effects would clearly be stronger
      *Roger Wolcott Sperry*
      Check 135
      3:] The materialist scientist that operated on the brain while epilepsy patients [Search HM patient] were awake recorded results that showed although he could trigger memories or muscle movements, he could not change their consciousness, intellect, or sense of self. Since these aspects could not be affected, he believed they were immaterial . Furthermore, he noted a lack of "intellectual seizures" since, as seizures trigger various random muscle responses in the brain, they should also be able to trigger to random mental responses like thoughts of math or politics, as well.
      *Wilder Graves Penfield*видео.html
      4:] Various studies have shown that people in vegetative state, who are all by clinical standards mentally inactive, have brain reactions to various questions with specifity that implies they understood them, as they do react to gibberish the same way, and there reactions cannot be discerned from those of non vegetative people.
      *Adrian Owen*видео.html
      5:] This discusses Libet's study of the mental response and argues that since it also proves that there is a "free won't" wherein the response can exist but he vetoed by the mind, that free will must exist, which refutes materialism.
      *Benjamin Libet*

    • @mathew4181
      @mathew4181 3 года назад

      @verygoodusername name The evidence that the brain is not the producer of consciousness emerges from clinically reported phenomena, including
      (1) Terminal lucidity, in which elderly demented patients surprisingly demonstrate episodes of great reflection, interaction, and communication with those around them that completely defy the ability of such a badly damaged brain to muster such memories and insightful sharing.
      (2) Acquired savant syndromes, in which some form of brain damage, such as a stroke, head injury, or autism, unmasks some superhuman mental capacity, e.g., the ability to calculate pi to thousands of digits in one’s head, or the ability to have perfect memory of every name and number in a phone book where the subject only glanced at any given page for seconds.
      (3) Numerous recent experiments during extraordinary psychedelic drug experiences, assessing that the greatest mental experiences involved a significant decrease in regional brain activity found in especially crucial junctional regions of massive interconnection between major brain areas

    • @mathew4181
      @mathew4181 3 года назад

      @verygoodusername name “terminal lucidity” or “paradoxical lucidity,” in which someone who has had an irreversible brain disease for years, like Alzheimer’s disease, and is unable to speak or to recognize family, suddenly becomes mentally clear again. People who have terminal lucidity regain the ability to recognize family and carry on meaningful conversations and express appropriate emotions, for no apparent neurological reason.
      How come people get all memory when their brain is in severe damage?
      “Savants are untrained and untrainable, illiterate and uneducable … few can read or write … Yet each has apparently unlimited access to a particular field of knowledge that we know they cannot have acquired … Ask … [mathematical] savants how they get their answer and they will smile, pleased that we are impressed but unable to grasp the implications of such a question…. The answers come through them but they are not aware of how-they don’t know how they know … The ones sight-reading music can’t read anything else, yet display this flawless sensory-motor response to musical symbols ….” And here is the crux of the mystery: “The issue with these savants is that in most cases, so far as can be observed, the savant has not acquired, could not have acquired, and is quite incapable of acquiring, the information that he so liberally dispenses [emphasis added].” ( Check Dereck pacivini savant with knowledge in piano)
      Where do they get this knowledge?

  • @IKEMENOsakaman
    @IKEMENOsakaman 3 года назад +16

    Magic mushrooms brought me to my consciousness...

  • @MsAssylum
    @MsAssylum 3 года назад +1

    Consiousness is nothing and conciousness is everything.Nothing = Anything

  • @GodKing804
    @GodKing804 3 года назад +4

    is the audio odd or just my consciousness?

    • @Jaggerbush
      @Jaggerbush 3 года назад +2

      Yeah it's odd.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      Your consciousness is multiplying

  • @Lukas-oh8qm
    @Lukas-oh8qm 3 года назад +1

    The host was asking excellent questions!

  • @OfficialGOD
    @OfficialGOD Год назад +1

  • @jdsguam
    @jdsguam 3 года назад +2

    Tapping into the subconscious mind, you'll find true consciousness.

  • @dgurunathreddy
    @dgurunathreddy 2 года назад

    I think this is the western view of understanding vedanta and moksha,
    Moksha is attained by yoga and dhayanam, and it is a state where you attain samadhi and finally moksha.
    Moksha is moha+kshayam, moham is attraction or desire or wanting of anything that you think they are yours, you think of self feelings all comes under moham.
    Kshayam means to destroy,
    so moksham mean destroying attraction, desires or self.
    samadhi means sama+adi
    Sama mean equal, adi mean the first or actual state.
    Samadhi mean become one with creator, beacuse creator only exists at first.
    To have a full knowledge that you are not this body, you have had many bodies earlier and may have in future but you still exist without all of them, you dont have death.
    A person who attains moksha or samadhi, they have no death they can go out of body willfully and again enter it within particular number of hours.
    One who attains moksha are one with creator.
    I tried to explain the most complex and confusing thing that is vedanta here, but its hard to understand and explain just like if you want explain the taste of sugar to a person who never knew about it without comparison, because there is no other thing that can be compared to the creator or brahman.

  • @profskmehta
    @profskmehta 3 года назад +5

    I request Mr Kak to try to bring greater clarity in his explanations.

  • @SandipChitale
    @SandipChitale 3 года назад +2

    Not aware of consciousness without physical substrate. We are all aware of physical substrate without consciousness. We are also aware of physical substrate which previously showed properties of consciousness and no longer has it (dead brains). We can make consciousness go and come back to varying degrees (general anesthesia). Specific parts of consciousness can be gone (damaged brains). As of today the physical substrate I talked about is biological brains.Hope all I have said so far is not disputed.
    I can tell you that there is Eiffel tower in Paris. You can visit it on your own, in my absence and see it to be there. In this I am assuming that you agree that each of our brains has it's own consciousness and that you in my consciousness is not just part of my imagination. Same is true in reverse. If you do not agree then you may be denying my consciousness or asking me to deny yours. So you will agree that Eiffel tower exists independent of both our consciousnesses.
    Of course there is another idea that all our consciousnesses are one and we as a collective are imagining the universe together. But some how that one consciousness is compartmentalized because I can not seem to be able to access you internal first person experience. Hint: we do not share common brain substrate. Thus the idea we are all part of or are one consciousness does not make sense. BTW privacy of internal subjective experience is also used to pose it as a hard problem.
    Someday we may build/find other physical material instantiating consciousness.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      There are many accounts of consciousness to be there while on anesthesiaвидео.html you can find hundreds on youtube... If you continue to watch only the food you will convince yourself that that is your hungriness ...

    • @jdsguam
      @jdsguam 3 года назад

      The subconscious mind is still very active while the conscience mind is inactive. We can manipulate the physical conscious mind; but, we can not access the subconscious mind. I lean towards the idea that the subconscious mind is the "middle man" taking in information from and sending information to the conscious mind. That true consciousness is external to the physical and the subconscious mind is a two-way pipeline of sorts.

    • @SandipChitale
      @SandipChitale 3 года назад

      @@francesco5581 Anesthesia is not always administered correctly at correct dose that may be needed for a specific individual. Dead brain does have consciousness, Hope you will agree. Clinically dead brain experiences NDEs. But that brain was obviously not biologically dead because the individual came back to life to tell about it. Clinically dead is a legal definition not biological.

    • @SandipChitale
      @SandipChitale 3 года назад

      @@jdsguam You will agree subconscious is not consciousness. We are discussing consciousness here. In any case subconsciousness is also brain state and structure. A lot of involuntary functions of body may fall under subconscious. And all my arguments above apply even more so to subconscious in more people's thinking on this.
      If the consciousness was non-physical as you say what mechanism is used by subconscious essential to communicate with consciousness. The famous question asked of Descartes by princess Elizabeth.
      Thinking of consciousness as a physical thing is a category mistake. Consciousness is not a thing, it is shorthand name of wide spectrum of activities that brain does or phenomenon that brain produces so that we can talk about them in shorthand.
      consciousness should be thought if as wide set of processes or phenomenon.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      @@SandipChitale of course we will never know if consciousness is alive FROM a definitively dead human being until we try ourselves. OR if someone have a mediumship ability (true or not) ...

  • @sciencegremlin8307
    @sciencegremlin8307 3 года назад +3

    Consciousness is an action performed by the brain. It is a concept, an action, a verb. There is no physical object called consciousness.
    Reality is a synonym of exist. Exist/reality = physical presence (object + location). Object = that which has shape. Location = set of distances from one object to other objects. Distance = separation between objects.

    • @djgenetic111
      @djgenetic111 3 года назад

      At best, these are all definitions. They are not derived of anything. They are equal to any different definition.

  • @gregoryarutyunyan5361
    @gregoryarutyunyan5361 3 года назад

    I have one small remark: all people that say that they are not feeling the reality of consciousness or are out of touch with it, are actually trying to deceive themselves.
    It is very similar to belief in God, no one actually believes in those things, and even, the more people say that they do, the more they actually don't, it's like an attempt to dissuade oneself, that's why belief is required. To see what I'm telling, it's really required to look deeply and radically into oneself.
    The bottom line is that belief takes you away from the subject.

    • @jdsguam
      @jdsguam 3 года назад

      Oh really? You've never lived with a Korean Christian.

  • @abhishekpratapsingh9117
    @abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад +2


  • @abhishekpratapsingh9117
    @abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад +1

    Transformative, flashes

  • @akumar7366
    @akumar7366 2 года назад

    Would have preferred a longer more detailed discussion, this far too short.

  • @abhishekpratapsingh9117
    @abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад +2

    -0: outer physical sky
    Maitrey: consciousness
    +0: inner sky of memories

  • @mediocrates3416
    @mediocrates3416 3 года назад +1

    Everything has its yoga; organs, you, and community. Communal yoga is apolitical governance.

  • @cps_Zen_Run
    @cps_Zen_Run 3 года назад +2

    Yes to all our experiences are within our Consciousness. No to one universal consciousness. No to consciousness is eternal. Please enjoy your brief existence.

  • @priortokaraew7569
    @priortokaraew7569 3 года назад +2

    Subhash is obviously not the right guy to speak about Advaita Vedanta if he's recounting.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      He is obviously not the right guy for any serious talk, Vedanta belongs to poetry and history channels, has absolutely nothing to do with reality of modern sciences.

    • @priortokaraew7569
      @priortokaraew7569 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 modern sciences - the recording of the understanding of matter, will have to it unveiled, at the very most, everything there is to know of matter over millions of years, as what you call science, keeps scratching at it. But for that within which matter lies - Existence, it doesn't stand a chance to the end of time, and whenever it is destined to come to pass, they will have no choice but to turn to Advaita Vedanta. That's how much more Advaita Vedanta is than just your human category of history and even poetry.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@priortokaraew7569 You have no idea what you're talking about, look around you, so many people are alive only because of science and nothing else.
      Your Vedas belong to a museum, they're nice piece of culture origins and absolutely nothing more than that. Why do you think anything written in that BS poetry is real, how can you simply believe and never doubt, fact-check the thing by yourself, without any ideological biases? It's on you, everybody should take care for his own education, nobody can give you knowledge, not science and specially not some stupid ancient woo.

    • @priortokaraew7569
      @priortokaraew7569 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 why respond when you didn't understand the full import of my response? Furthermore, Its interesting to sample how it's out of reach for people, and how they are condemned to their stupidity and their lives of meaningless flux.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@priortokaraew7569 OK, whatever...
      Just let me say one more thing, trust those 3-4.000 years old BS scriptures and you will die before age of 40, just like those people who wrote that silly poetry did.
      We know that, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are 8.000+ years old, the older they are, more primitive they look to us in these modern days. But no, you believe in magic and mystery, there are no bacteria and viruses in Vedas, don't you see?
      Think first, don't just feel, science is the best tool we have to really know, for sure, not only believe something is true because some ancient old fart said so.
      If you want to debate history and culture, that's another matter, i never said Vedas are not nice archeological remains, only dumb for modern age standards, useful and healthy every day practices. We can do better now, that's my point.

  • @apparentbeing
    @apparentbeing 3 года назад +2

    The brains explains nothing because plants also have consciousness. Watch this video: Intelligence Without Brains

    • @jdsguam
      @jdsguam 3 года назад

      I live on a tropical pacific island and I can assure you that plants absolutely have consciousness. I don't think you could find an island anywhere that the people think differently. I'm pretty certain folks living around forests and jungles world wide would agree as well.

  • @MrSanford65
    @MrSanford65 3 года назад +3

    Unlike the physical body, consciousness remains constant without energy So it could be said that it feeds off itself and so everything we think is the universe is simply feedback. Nothing we can know is separate from the consciousness or else we couldn’t know it. I think you can measure your proximity to consciousness in its purest form to the degree that you can ignore any physical distraction

    • @zaw2654
      @zaw2654 3 года назад

      Well said

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      BS, if you leave any physical object on a table overnight, tomorrow will look, feel, taste and everything else just like it did the day before. And this fact is the same for any past, present or future observers. We can examine that object with various tools and sensors that surpass our biological senses, measure it's physical properties to a tiniest detail, that's not everything we can know, but it seems and feel good enough for me or any other sane person.

    • @MrSanford65
      @MrSanford65 3 года назад +1

      @@xspotbox4400 The physical instruments are No different than any other environment like the sky and the sun. The instruments just manipulate the scale and focus of consciousness. Also animals are conscious and I doubt if they see the same sky, sun and trees that we do. If we saw the world as it is or is separate from us-We would starve to death and be lost, not knowing how it relates to us

    • @zaw2654
      @zaw2654 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 You should do some research on quantum entanglement, and the double slit experiement.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@MrSanford65 You are so wrong... Scientific tools are build on hierarchy of knowledge, it's not just this or that but the entire concept and structure is well known and understood. That's the reason why they always work, not only on Earth, but many of those instruments perform just as well in the emptiness of space or on other planets.
      Animals are not conscious, meaning they are not intelligent and self-aware. Animals are only aware, they might have some perception of self, but can't even imagine complex psychological processes needed for human level self awareness.
      I can't help you man, find a good school and perhaps there's still hope for you, but first better forget everything you were indoctrinated to since your birth, because it's all BS, and it will lead you nowhere.

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM 3 года назад +1

    What's reality.
    What is real.
    A movie reel -- is reality. Not actual.
    Always in motion -- time.
    Generative and transformational.
    Nothing is actual, only potiential.
    The Spiritual isn't real, it is ethereal.
    Reality isn't real -- only a reel.
    Ultimate reality isn't a thing.
    Perhaps consciousness is beyond reality, and this reality has part of it.
    Consciousness may be a state.
    Subconscioisness is a place.
    Ethereal is spiritual state.
    Subconscious is a place from in reality.

  • @harrybellingham98
    @harrybellingham98 3 года назад +3

    yes... there is no other experience, everything else is contents in consciousness

  • @bluelotus542
    @bluelotus542 3 года назад +1

    Kak explains unity, but what about diversity? His approach to both external and internal realities is incomplete and it's called advaita vedanta.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      It's not incomplete, he didn't even touch the real physics, wonder if that guy finished a normal primary school.

    • @bluelotus542
      @bluelotus542 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 There's much more to the yoga ladder than merging into cosmic consciousness, but unfortunately this impersonal conclusion is the only feature of vedic knowledge most westerners hear and know about.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@bluelotus542 I would like to know what else there is.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@bluelotus542 No, there is no merging, all mental phenomena occurs only inside your skull.
      And there is no real knowledge in that Stone Age Vedas poetry, it's only traditions, superstitions and aesthetics, designed to indoctrinate weak minds.

    • @bluelotus542
      @bluelotus542 3 года назад

      @@ineax7447 There is variety. Where do physical and conscious varieties come from? Where does personality come from? And what about the individual tendency to have relationships?

  • @cuddywifter8386
    @cuddywifter8386 3 года назад

    This is wrong headed, for the initial claim is that there is no primordial feeling or proto-experiential in matter beyond the brain. But this is an untested hypothesis, so what gives mainstream science the confidence that the cosmos is non-experiential?

  • @stevecoley8365
    @stevecoley8365 3 года назад

    "The perception of beauty is a moral test." Ralph Waldo Emerson. This is the real IQ test. This test also determines if one is conscious (alive) or unconscious (dead).
    Sanction, starve, torture, murder and bomb (wheeee)! Ignorance (hate) is bliss for vampires (greed). But not much fun for the humans who they are sucking the joy out of.
    Light and truth (love) cause vampires (greed) great pain and suffering. That's why the words democratic society (socialism), "care for all" and "green new deal" cause the clueless counting corpses that rule US such misery.
    Vampires (greed) who suck the joy out of life have joined the zombies who eat the futures of their children.
    Zombie Apocalypse is here and happening now.
    The clever coyote (greed) is always trying to catch the roadrunner (love). But never does. Because something that is not real (absence of love) can never catch that which is real (love).
    That coyote is a crazy clown...
    The roadrunner is the state bird of the Land of Enchantment. The land of magic (love).

  • @abhishekpratapsingh9117
    @abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад +1

    Limitations in expression

  • @danishali6746
    @danishali6746 3 года назад

    Magical touchs

  • @tomcollector9594
    @tomcollector9594 3 года назад

    Why did they get this guy to explain the Vedanta. Get someone like Francis Lucille who could actually play the host's logic game. This guy makes Vedanta seem dumb because this guy is so bad at explaining it.

  • @chayanbosu4944
    @chayanbosu4944 3 года назад +1

    Yoga means union i.e. union between soul and Supersoul. Now we are concious being but supersoul has absolute conciousness or He is cosmic conciousness being so we seek imperfectness and striving for union with cosmic conciousness by yoga.

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 года назад +2

      🐟 16. YOGA/RELIGION:
      According to some sources, YOGA (authentic religion) was introduced to human society approximately seventeen thousand years ago, via the Ādiyogī (first religionist), Mahādeva Śiva, in His form known as Dakṣiṇāmūrti, in the subcontinent named Bhārata (India). Lord Shiva is universally recognized to be the first Avatar, that is, the first person to be born without sin (in other words, a pure embodiment of the Divine; enlightened from birth). Whether or not these historical events really occurred is irrelevant to the purposes of this chapter and this scripture.
      Other sources claim that RELIGION began when Lord Brahmā spoke the four “Vedas” (books of knowledge) in ancient Sanskrit, the essential teachings of which are non-dual, that is to say, describe everything in existence having the same ground of being. In other words, “All is One” without a second. ‘Sarvam khalvidam brahma’ (Chandogya Upanishad 3.14) teaches that ‘All this is indeed Brahman’ (“Brahman” referring to the TOTALITY of existence/non-existence). Read previous chapters of “F.I.S.H" to understand the concept of Universal Consciousness.
      Since then, systems of religion have evolved or have been revealed by prophetic figures on the continent of ASIA.
      Supernatural mythologies and superstitions developed in other locations too, most of which featured animistic narratives and primitive rituals, but not quite to the same philosophical level of the monotheistic and monistic religions of Middle East Asia, Bhārata, and China.
      When we humans are born into this world, we fully depend on our parents, teachers, and society to raise and educate us. Those of us who were born into a religious family are taught to believe that our particular religion has all the answers to our most fundamental questions (who really are we? from where do we come? What is the right way to behave? what is the purpose/meaning of life?, et cetera) and that its holy scripture is the “rule book” for life. Everything we need to know about life and how to live a perfect life is to be found in that holy book.
      UNFORTUNATELY, until this particular Holy Scripture, “F.I.S.H”, was composed, there had never been a single book (or single teaching/teacher) which logically explains existence, the meaning of life, and how we humans can live life in an ideal manner. The most popular holy books, such as the Buddhist canon, the Judeo-Christian “Holy Bible”, the Islamic “Quran”, and the Vedic texts such as “Bhagavad-gītā”, do not, sad to say, provide a complete teaching which applies to all peoples at all times and places, despite what some of their adherents may claim.
      The English word “religion” originates from the Latin verb “religare”, meaning “to join or unite”. It is the precise equivalent of the Sanskrit noun “yoga”, from the verbal root “yuj” (to attach, harness, or yoke). Thus, religion/yoga implies union with the Supreme Self, or, to provide a more accurate and profound definition, the understanding and realization that there is nothing BUT the Supreme Self (“Paramātmāṇ”, in Sanskrit). Other definitions include “union of the body and the mind” and “union with God”, both of which are valid in the appropriate context.
      Perhaps the best definition of yoga is “the UNION of the relative and absolute”, meaning one who has fully realized himself to be “Brahman”, but knows precisely how to integrate that understanding within temporal existence, just as, for example, Lord Jesus Christ so admirably demonstrated during His public ministry over two millennia ago, in the land of Palestine (now Israel).
      Union with the Divine has no circumstantial prerequisites. It is NOT necessary to do anything in particular in order to wake-up from this cosmic illusion and to become self-realized (that is, to “make real” the true self). Spiritual awakening occurs according to the preordained “Story of Life”, as explained in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, although most (but not all) persons who experience awakening, liberation, and enlightenment do so after practicing some form of religion/yoga, just as most persons (but not all) who become wealthy perform wealth-creation activities such as operating a business enterprise or composing a popular song. Some become instantly wealthy by being born into an aristocratic family, winning a lottery, gambling in a casino, by being the recipient of a donation, or by being the beneficiary of a bequeathed fortune. Many religionists use the term “God's grace” for this process, although it is more accurate to attribute it to predestination (cf. Ch. 11).
      The REAL corollary of religion/yoga is to improve the human being - to make one more gentle, loving, forgiving, self-controlled, moral, holy and righteous - none of which necessarily unites the self with the Self. Union with the Divine depends solely on Divine Grace (or, as mentioned above, predestination). Most religious teachings focus on this self-improvement aspect, rather than on the “goal” of attaining unalloyed peace.
      Practically all religious precepts are prescriptive, that is, they instruct their followers to perform certain actions in order to achieve a particular objective. However, arguably the most beneficial teachings are DESCRIPTIVE, that is, they describe existence as it is, knowing that nothing can be done to alter the course of history. If a certain event is destined to take place, nothing or nobody can prevent that destined occurrence.
      There are FOUR systems of religion/yoga:
      1. The religion of ACTION/labour. This is the simplest method of union with God, known as “karma yoga” in Bhārata, and is recommended by some experts as the one with which to begin one's spiritual journey. It involves a worker or businessman (or even a monarch) performing his duties with the goal of using his excess funds to support his spiritual preceptor or church/temple/mosque. It may also include performing beneficial deeds for one's master, such as cleaning his house or temple. Karma yoga is the least discussed system of religion, possibly because it is, as mentioned, rather simplistic, and because it is extremely unlikely that a karma yogi can ever attain to full union via this path alone.
      Even though the author of this Holy Scripture is the current World Teacher, he began his adult spiritual journey by diligently practicing karma yoga in the temple of a local religious organization. So, even though it may seem simplistic and inane, “Working for God” is truly a wonderful introduction to the spiritual path, even if it rarely results in a practitioner becoming a fully-awakened and enlightened sage.

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 года назад +2

      2. DEVOTIONAL religion/yoga: By far the most popular form of religion, but also the most perilous. This system of religion, known as “bhakti yoga” in Bhārata, comprises of reading (or hearing) about the personal conception of the Godhead (usually a Divine Incarnation), offering prayers, singing or chanting hymns, performing rituals, and serving the spiritual teacher, with the goal of totally surrendering one's will.
      The peril lies in the fact that a large number of devotees become radicalized towards his or her own group or spiritual leader (“guru”, in Sanskrit), unwilling to accept the validity of other traditions or paths.
      The essence of love is the desire for all living beings to find true happiness. When we want the best for all creatures, then we can honestly say that we love everybody equally. One who appears to love one person more than another, in fact, loves nobody. True, unconditional love revolves around sacrificing one’s selfish desires for those of his or her superiors, whether that be one's parents, husband, employer, or spiritual master, even if they are imperfect. Should a child disobey its mother just because the mother is flawed? Of course not! This paradigm is applicable to everyone, without exception.
      3. INTELLECTUAL union: This Yoga of Knowledge is known as “jñāna yoga” in Bhārata and as “gnosticism” in European-based languages, and is founded on the investigation and contemplation of advanced metaphysical concepts, with the aim of self-realization, that is to realize that the Universal Self alone is real (“real” in the Vedic/Upanishadic sense of the word). It is conceivable that, in the future, the study of neuroscience and physics (especially quantum mechanics) will become a legitimate aspect of jñāna yoga, or possibly even entirely replace traditional jñāna yoga, if physics is able to conclusively demonstrate that the human being is an expression of Universal Consciousness ("Brahman", in Sanskrit). In the Western World, academic philosophy, coupled with theoretical physics, particularly since the late nineteenth century, has become the most widespread expression of gnosticism, since it endeavours to uncover the foundations of life and of existence (although, in general, secular philosophy lacks the “dharmic” aspect of yoga, that is, the moral obligations and societal duties incumbent on a religious practitioner).
      No matter what system of religion one initially practices, it is virtually mandatory for an aspiring religionist (“sādhaka” or “yogi”, in Sanskrit) to have an inclination towards the systematic study of the King of Sciences (or “Royal Secret”), as Lord Krishna refers to this yoga in the “Bhagavad-gītā” portion of “Mahābhārata”, if he is to become truly enlightened (as defined in the next chapter). Despite its name, the Path of Knowledge can include acts of devotion towards one's teacher, thus integrating the heart and the mind, as well as periodic meditation.
      Much of this Holy Scripture, “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, could be classified under this system of religion, which explains why very few persons actually read this document - this yoga, by nature, attracts only highly-intelligent persons.

      4. The EIGHT-LIMB yoga system: “Aṣṭāṅga yoga”, as it is known in the ancient language of Bhārata, has a defined series of eight steps or stages, beginning with moral dictums or injunctions, and culminating in a state of “steady mind (or unwavering intellect)”.
      In his “Yoga Sutras”, the ancient Indian sage Patañjali defined the eight limbs as follows: yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). Samadhi is by far the most misunderstood concept in yoga. It refers to the state of true peace of mind, which is actually the natural state of being of the human mind, and not to some ecstatic or enstatic feeling of euphoric bliss, which is, by nature, temporary.
      Despite what most believe, the third stage of this yoga system does not involve a multitude of complex physical poses, but simply sitting with one's legs crossed and locked, with one's arms fully extended and resting on the knees. The purpose of sitting in this “lotus position” (“padmāsana”, in Sanskrit), or at least simple sitting positions, was in order to execute meditation and concentration in the higher steps. The myriad stretching exercises were devised in later centuries, presumably for those persons who were too inflexible to sit immediately in “padmāsana”. Having stated that, modern yoga poses are highly-recommended for anyone and everyone, whether theistic or irreligious, because they bestow enormous benefits to one's health, particularly as one advances in age. That's something I learnt the hard way, unfortunately. Aṣṭāṅga yoga is ideal for persons who are averse to devotional religions because there is no requirement of belief in God.
      There is no reason why one cannot practice MORE than one yoga system simultaneously, but the typical person is usually attracted to devotional religion, because it is the most instinctive one. A child is innately attached to his or her parents, in a strong familial bond, and the attachment between a devotee and his teacher (or to an Avatar/God) is a natural extension of this bond.
      However, the MOST beneficial spiritual practice is to “rest imperturbably as Flawless Awareness”, that is, to regress into one’s inner self (the sense of the unqualified “I am”), or return attention to its Source, without the affliction of any belief system, thus transcending all mundane concepts. This can occur during virtually any daily activity, and if practiced for short periods throughout the day, it eventually becomes one’s normal way of being. This is sometimes referred to as the “direct path”, or somewhat less accurately, the “pathless path”. In this practice there is no separation of what is aware and of what appears - no presumption of a perceiver and a perceived, or of a doer and what is done. Other contemplative techniques are focused on an object, such as a person (usually God) or a specially-formulated prayer (“mantra”, in Sanskrit), whereas this form of meditation is the simple recognition of the eternal Self by the eternal Self.

      When coupled with a conscious avoidance of the five forms of suffering, due to the abandonment of the notion of personal authorship mentioned in the previous chapter, this self-abidance brings about pure peace, a peace which surpasses anything previously imagined - truly beyond human understanding. That perfect peace is the fundamental nature of our existence. This is genuine yoga/religion - union of the self with the Self - for there is but ONE existence-consciousness-peace (“sacchidānanda” or “satyam jnãnam anantam brahma”, in Sanskrit).
      Any other practice merely reinforces the notion of a separate, independent agent, which is the very root of material bondage (“saṃsāra”, in Sanskrit), or to be more precise, the cause of all actual, psychological, suffering (“duḥkha”, in Sanskrit).

      “Insofar as you keep watching the mind and discover yourself as its witness, nothing else can project itself on the screen of consciousness.
      This is so, because two things cannot occupy the attention, at the same moment.
      Therefore, delve within and find out where thoughts arise.
      Seek the source of all thought and acquire the Self-knowledge, which is the awakening of Truth.”
      “The way to the realization of Truth, is neither through attachment nor renunciation.
      There is, in fact, no way.
      No means of any kind, can either indicate or grasp the Ultimate.”
      Ramesh Balsekar,
      Indian Spiritual Teacher.
      “The mind that seeks happiness (or enlightenment) is like a character in a movie in search for the screen. It will NEVER find the screen in the movie, although everything it finds is made of the screen.
      The mind that longs for enlightenment or happiness will never find what it is longing-for. And yet it is made out of what it is longing-for.”
      “The question 'Am I aware?' is a thought.
      The answer ‘Yes’ is a thought.
      What takes place between those two thoughts?
      The experience of being aware that I am aware.”
      Rupert Spira,
      English Spiritual Teacher.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      You can relax, there is no soul, therefore there is no super souls, you're only very delusional if you actually believe that utter nonsense.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      I understood everything except the "we seek imperfectness" part.

    • @chayanbosu4944
      @chayanbosu4944 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 So man is material because their is no soul so very much feelings of subjective experiences are false and therefore their is no love , no happiness, no joy , these are symptoms of various states of a machine but the question is who is the feeler of these states ?

  • @soubhikmukherjee6871
    @soubhikmukherjee6871 3 года назад +5

    Reality is simply a strange loop and it's sheer magic.

  • @ujjwalbhattarai8670
    @ujjwalbhattarai8670 3 года назад +1

    One can conscious even without going to yogi.
    I'm comic conscious.
    When one have true intention of knowing something he/she conscious naturally.
    But beings self conscious is harder.

  • @timothyraywalls7261
    @timothyraywalls7261 3 года назад

    When I speak of consciousness...I speak of the physical energy-system (inherent mind-consciousness by virtue of the life force within the body-mind connection), plus experience within this physical energy-system (which creates mortal identity), plus the personality endowment and the endowment of a fragment of God's spirit indwelling the mind (the still small inner voice). These together provide the womb for the evolution of the soul. But if consciousness is the ultimate reality, then upon death, the consciousness no longer is self-aware. It is when the mortal identity becomes aligned with, and transferred into the soul that self-awareness becomes immortal, because these become one mind, one soul-identity, one spirit and one personality--a new universe creature--a newly ascending son of God.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      Think again, none of what you said is true, and you know it. You only repeat that nonsense you heard from others, probably because you were indoctrinated from your birth. Why is your country brainwashing it's own citizens, it's the way rich people on permanent positions in government protect their nepotistic dynasties and control simple-minded folks. It's because you people allow them to, so do what you want, i don't care, world doesn't care, you do this to yourself. Just don't expect anybody will respect you for that and think there's anything special about your primitive traditions and cultures, you will have to catch up, we're not going back to trees and living in caves.

    • @timothyraywalls7261
      @timothyraywalls7261 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 I say what I know to be true from experience. Can you say the same? You also come across as knowing something about me or my associations. You do not. Therefore you come across as arrogant and ignorant.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@timothyraywalls7261 You experienced being one with everything and all that woo? Where was i not feeling one with you and everybody, there must be something wrong with me then.
      It's ok, i might be arrogant sometimes, definitely not ignorant, but please remember at least somebody was trying to explain to you how things really are. And i do apologize for that, will bang my head against the wall next time somebody writes piles of nonsense, i mean, divine truth's i can't possibly grasp with my feeble mind.

    • @timothyraywalls7261
      @timothyraywalls7261 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 I am not into woo. Perhaps you are yet a younger person? Have you spent most of your time at being a gamer? Are you an atheist? Perhaps you have experienced very little which would have deepened your perception? Will you "allow" yourself to make even a single reply without arrogance?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@timothyraywalls7261 Why not, let's do it.
      So tell me please, when did you first come to think something like soul could be real, do you remember?

  • @napazapata5735
    @napazapata5735 3 года назад +1

    He needs to do more yoga.

  • @oskarngo9138
    @oskarngo9138 3 года назад +1

    How does the yogi explain “human intestinal parasites”?....
    ... how it ravages/cripples poor children in poor villages??
    What is so wonderful about tapeworms/guardians/etc????

  • @dheerajmalhotra7245
    @dheerajmalhotra7245 3 года назад

    Yes, consciousness is the ultimate & fundamental reality in all realities. GOD created this conscious reality & governs it. We live in simulated or material reality which origins from conscious reality & we are also conscious beings comes to this simulated reality in material body for a limited period of time, after bodily death we goes back to conscious reality & come again to this simulated reality for some reason which only GOD knows.

    • @Lucyrose1234-q3h
      @Lucyrose1234-q3h 3 года назад

      @dheeraj malhotra who created god?

    • @dgurunathreddy
      @dgurunathreddy 2 года назад

      @@Lucyrose1234-q3h The statement of science about energy says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.
      Then why not question who created energy?
      According to hinduism we belive that there is some energy called shakthi in sanskrit, that holds the universe even from bonding atoms to molecules and laws of universe, law of gravity, law of motion, light and many more laws that we have neither discovered nor known to us.
      So stop saying who created GOD, you dont know who created humans or earth.
      We should all belive by our logic that there some energy that is running this creation, just because all that we do in name of science is use all that in nature( electricity, magnetism, gravity, light, heat, different types of rays like ir rays, uv rays and lot more) for our prosperity just thank all that energy and say thank you for allowing me to live in comfort.

    • @dgurunathreddy
      @dgurunathreddy 2 года назад

      creator itself is the creation

  • @irfanmehmud63
    @irfanmehmud63 3 года назад +3

    Yogic experience only gives a feeling about reality, not any knowledge about reality.

    • @treehigh5156
      @treehigh5156 3 года назад

      how did you figure that out? and even if true, how can you prove the feeling about reality is different from knowledge about reality?

  • @ineax7447
    @ineax7447 3 года назад

    Equating supposed synthetic a priori knowledge to empirical evidence seems a bit far fetched. Maybe one could say I don’t get it because I haven’t experienced it but that does not help to prove any point someone might try to make in order to explain certain concepts. Nonetheless it is definitely an interesting view.

    • @uninspired3583
      @uninspired3583 3 года назад +1

      No, you're right.
      Imperic evidence produces testable predictions. Introspection produces word salad and woo.

  • @gitaarmanad3048
    @gitaarmanad3048 3 года назад +1

    Robert, It's all very simple. Before all of this, there must have been something, Because there is no such thing as 'within nothingness'. Nothing means even that there is no nothingness. Something can not appear from nothing because nothing is actually nothing.

  • @shashank3494
    @shashank3494 3 года назад

    Yoga is fake ?

  • @bjm6275
    @bjm6275 3 года назад

    The ultimate reality is the consciousness of God, the ultimate Observer.

  • @timemechanicone
    @timemechanicone 3 года назад

    Time Mechanics

  • @maxwellsimoes238
    @maxwellsimoes238 3 года назад

    He dont know conscieness. Conscieness is mystery. Yoga mind breaks funcions brains. Undermine conscieness.

  • @anikettripathi7991
    @anikettripathi7991 3 года назад

    Consciousness is perceptible reality in sanatan philosophy it's Saginaw nirakar part of nothingness.

  • @Paulus_Brent
    @Paulus_Brent 3 года назад +1

    It was about time that this channel makes an effort to go beyond its almost exclusively Western-Christian centered worldview.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      Go beyond sanity and reason? Thank you, no way, i'am not going back to that tree or living in caves.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 Do you need some chill pills? I have some left.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@ineax7447 Don't worry about me, pop those blue pills yourself, we should debate philosophy here, not brainwash each other and get stuffed with beautiful, but empty words.
      Reinforcing delusions never helped anybody, you will learn that by yourself soon enough, except if you come from some degenerate rich family who thinks messing with people's minds is sort of a game.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 What you are saying is not helpful nor an argument. It’s not philosophy. If only it was at least beautiful empty words. But it’s not even that either.

    • @Paulus_Brent
      @Paulus_Brent 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 What makes you believe that only the Christian religion is sane and reasonable?

  • @thedead6384
    @thedead6384 3 года назад

    I must add that all the awful things are also added.

  • @abhishekpratapsingh9117
    @abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад +2

    One who knows not knows

  • @edewolf9546
    @edewolf9546 3 года назад

    Answer: its the only objective reality. Everything else is virtual reality

  • @matthewratcliffe1953
    @matthewratcliffe1953 3 года назад +2

    Never heard someone talk so much but say so little

  • @soubhikmukherjee6871
    @soubhikmukherjee6871 3 года назад +3

    No consciousness no physics.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      That's right, this is why Third World countries still live in caves, but intelligent self-aware people fly drones over Mars.

    • @ineax7447
      @ineax7447 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 People from third world countries are dumb NPCs? *Calls SJWs*

  • @nagarajanvenkatachalam6676
    @nagarajanvenkatachalam6676 3 года назад +1

    We cannot give the knowledge of colour to blind person. So also we cannot give the knowledge of reality to the person who has no access to Upanishads

  • @robertdiehl1281
    @robertdiehl1281 3 года назад

    Robert…consciousness just might be what Arthur C. Clarke penned. ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic…’We all want to know what’s going on. Seems as though your mind is already made up. Spend some time with people who’ve experienced NDE’s. Or, is your mind already made up?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      Do you understand how your computer and internet works? It's a kind of magic, i suppose.
      NDE is BS, btw, brains must shut down somehow when near the end, we all share a similar organ so experiences are also alike. There's absolutely nothing mystical and magical about dead, and we should be grateful about that, or that nonsense of pathetic existence would never end.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 you just confirm that every materialist/reductionist is basically a sad/depressed person

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@francesco5581 Why would you think that, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, same also apply to hacking.
      Nothing is more pathetic than religion, people who know it's not true what they believe in, but still pretend as it is real somehow.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 When you say "that nonsense of pathetic existence" that mean you still haven't got (maybe!) how important and beautiful being alive is. So if you haven't grasped the first step how can you pretend to know what is true and what is not ? Are sentiments magic ? Because advanced technology would never do them ... are feelings magic ? No science would replicate them . So there is a lot to discover ...

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 3 года назад

      @@francesco5581 There's a lot more to discover, yes, always, much more than we can ever hope to experience during our live times.
      I prefer reality regardless how it looks or feels to any illusion. I love reality precisely because it's real, wouldn't like it any other way.

  • @martingrey2231
    @martingrey2231 3 года назад +4

    Anyone who sounds like Deepak Chopra is immediately dismissed.

    • @uninspired3583
      @uninspired3583 3 года назад

      Scrolled by a lot of comments to find this one.

  • @jamesianv
    @jamesianv 3 года назад

    You don't

  • @mikel4879
    @mikel4879 3 года назад

    Stupid question.

  • @kallumama648
    @kallumama648 3 года назад

    If you want to understand advait Vedanta see
    Rubert spira or bernando kastrup
    This guy is not very comprehensive

    • @watcherwlc53
      @watcherwlc53 3 года назад

      i'm sure it's just meant as an intro-overview

  • @prangwalbimberjumat1934
    @prangwalbimberjumat1934 3 года назад

    Lol Ghoul khorr dey

  • @fortynine3225
    @fortynine3225 3 года назад +3

    Introspection has to do with self observation, thinking about ones self, trying to improve ones self and ones place in the world, it is very much psychology related and leads ideally to personal growth. Stuff like breathing excersizes and mantra's, what one sees in Yoga and boeddhism has very little to do with introspection, it basically leads to nothing since no critical thinking about anything is involved especially one self.