Subhash Kak - Can Consciousness Be Non-Biological?

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • If consciousness is 100% physical, we would have to conclude that the same kind of consciousness that we experience as humans can be generated by non-biological entities (eventually). Conversely, if non-biological consciousness would somehow, someday, prove impossible, then consciousness would have to embed some nonphysical aspect. But how would we ever know?
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    Subhash Kak is Regents Professor and Head of Computer Science Department at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.
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    Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

Комментарии • 877

  • @bluelotus542
    @bluelotus542 2 года назад +35

    The experiencing self is the observer of the objects, and it's therefore distinct from them.
    In other words, objects are not what the experiencing observer is, but what he's conscious of.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад +1

      Or in plain language who is aware of what? - Yes?- Plainly the experienced is discrete from or different from the experiencer No doubt you would say if I say "my" hat, you do not suppose yourself to be the hat, and by the same token you say "my" self, what then?

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад +1

      @@vhawk1951kl But self Isn't a object of sense perception like the hat is.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад +1

      @@williamburts5495 well said, if that be right, and it is, what is it?
      Do you" sense "your " self" as you sense you hat or how do you " sense *Your* (meaning what) " self"?
      At one time in my remarkably long life I used to be a television cameraman and when television cameramen get bored - which they frequently do, they play about by pointing their camera into its own monitor, and do you get any coherent picture out of that? - What do you think?
      What you are doing with all this myself sensing myself mumbo-jumbo is pointing your camera into its own monitor are you not? What you are getting is the video or psychological equivalent of feedback or howl-round, is it not?
      Why do you bother with that nonsense - there is simply no point in pointing a television camera into its own monitor because you get nothing coherent from doing that, so simply don't do it
      That creature Kuhn specialises in pouring from the empty into the void and he's collecting a healthy living out of doing that, no doubt and all he is doing is luring you into the process of pouring from the empty into the void which which effectively involves pointing your camera at its own monitor or possibly a microphone at it speaker - it is exactly that that is the reason that you are getting psychological feedback or howl round and endless feedback loop and getting nothing coherent so just *Give it up.*
      You and I only get lured into that pointless futile mumbo-jumbo identical to pointing your camera into its own monitor, because we are bored and have nothing better to do, and that Kuhn creature - who is plainly no fool, is exploiting that particular weakness on our part, so we are being willing suckers.
      You may well find a genuine interest in discovering for yourself exactly what consciousness is, but the way to go about doing that is not by entirely circular pointless psychological feedback loops but rather to look at the etymology of the word conscious, which means "with_knowledge"
      Now stop mucking about with consciousness but investigate the nature of knowledge which is what it is about so be a little more practical.
      What exactly are you doing when you "know"? - Are you not directly immediately personally experiencing, and if not, what exactly *are* you doing?
      If you stop using the silly word consciousness as if it were some sort of mysterious spooky thing and simply focused on what it actually is which is the process of knowing then you would probably profit a great deal more from your enquiry by being a little practical about these things.
      If you look at it practically when you say my self, as you already recognise it follows as the night the day that you are making a distinction between the possessor and the possessed because you suppose - quite correctly that that is indeed the case, but look a little deeper what is possessing what?
      All this dreaming nonsense about is consciousness biological is simply asking are lifelike things like like, which is circular and pouring from the empty into the void. Self-evidently any sort of awareness depends on organic sense facilities to do with the body which is a mechanism which has a number of differing functions.
      Now look for yourself; exactly how many functions does your (what might be called) common presence or totality actually have? Plainly there is an instinctive function which deal with breathing heartbeat suggestion et cetera and there is associative function which deals with what you call thinking or dreaming (and there is no difference between the two), and how many other functions have you?
      Perfectly good question: am I no more than the sum of all my functions or the functions of the mechanism that I appear to inhabit?
      How would you go about addressing that question practically rather than by pouring from the empty into the void and getting yourself into an endless psychological feedback loop?
      In plain terms that Khun fellow is an idle dreamer and specialises in pouring from the empty into the void, and you and I are suckers for getting lured into that nonsense.
      Just don't do it, although it is great fun exchanging with you, since you are plainly highly intelligent rational and reasonable, but think about this: We are both dying or going through the process of falling having jumped from a very high place(been born).
      Is there nothing more profitable that we can do while we are falling?

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад

      @@vhawk1951kl You could say the " self " is the highest principle, why? because without self-awareness ( the self ) we would not be conscious of anything to think about so consciousness is the substratum of the mind and since intelligence needs the data the senses send to the mind in order to function it rest on the mind so both the mind and intelligence are dependent on the self they ride along the stream of consciousness thus consciousness underlies them and is their substratum. It is the superglue of reality that binds everything together and that gives purpose to this physical body as being a tool to achieve a means to an end ( material sense gratification, liberation ) for the self so the body's value is in relation to the self not unto itself.
      So everything is centered around the self, everything gravitates towards the self, everythings value is in relation to the self in this way the self is understood as the highest principle but it is not understood as an objective object. " truth " transcends matter so the truth of how consciousness is the substratum is something understood subjectively by the conscious self not by studying inert chemicals so knowledge,understanding and truth is the property of the conscious self and not matter.
      Nothing can and be known to transcend consciousness since such an existence would depend on our consciousness for it to be known thus making it content within consciousness so consciousness is always in the absolute position. Being absolute existence it is eternal, being truth it is knowledge, and by being the impetus behind the desire to enjoy sense gratification it is the enjoying principle as well. All of these qualities of self gives it a tangible existence and is not an illusion as some people believe.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      @@williamburts5495 And what do you - or I, learn from that?
      Apparently the self is the highest principle is the self is nice principle is the self.
      Now you see what happens if you point a television camera into own monitor - a psychological feedback loop: the self is the highest principle is the self is the highest principle is the self is lies principle is the self - you follow?
      All jolly interesting stuff but it does not define either the self or consciousness - or anything?
      Like me, sooner or later have to come to an understanding of the difference between a definition and a description.
      You have come up with a description but not telling me - or anyone anything whatsoever about what it is describing - do not recognise that?
      Is not everything (a universal) that falls to be understood understood “objectively”? - To what is it relevant that something is understood “objectively”?
      Now turn your mind to this specific question: “can a mirror reflect itself?”
      To ask that question is to answer it, is it not?
      The practical question that you have to address is how to get out of that psychological feedback loop in which you find yourself?
      Do you not see that all of that is simply going round and round in circles? - How do you get out of that?
      Very often in England, it used to be the case that when a group of girls went to a dance, they would put their handbags (which I think the Americans call purses) on the floor and dance around their handbags, or certainly they did that when I was young.
      What you have sent me is a psychological process of dancing round your handbag, or something analogous thereto, is it not?
      For as long as there have been men ( human beings) I rather suppose that they have wondered what exactly they are, and, like you, have found themselves in an endless psychological feedback loop - which was inevitable, and a natural consequence of pointing a camera into its own monitor, which is exactly what you are trying to do is it not?
      All jolly interesting, and no doubt jolly good fun, but utterly futile and utterly pointless, unless you can find a way out of that circle.
      How you going to go about doing that - getting out of the circle?
      There is a way to get out of it, but it is not my place to tell you - you have to work it out for yourself, and in order to do that you need to recognise the fact of the matter that you have embarked upon a process from which there is no escape, because it is a form of psychological feedback loop.
      Do you recognise that?
      It is the same with all “what_is” questions.
      They are not and*cannot* be, satisfied by endless psychological feedback loops, so how do you get out of that?
      I can no more help you with that then I can go to the lavatory for you, or fill a man with bread by looking at him.
      Your difficulty - and mine, is that as a result of that nefarious invention of men that they call “education, you and I have been conditioned programmed, or as they say “educated” to suppose that every question necessarily has an answer
      It does not.
      If I may impertinently make a suggestion, the best way to get out of psychological feedback loops is to stop them dead in their tracks.
      In my long life - very nearly a century, I have been searching to try to understand something, and I’m not going to suggest you that I understand anything at all, save perhaps one or two practicalities, and I have discovered a number of possible approaches having looked at both European and Asian philosophies, and asked many men (human beings) and you are not the first tell me that the self is ice principle is the self is the highest principle, exactly as another man once was told that hysteria is hysteria is hysteria.
      All jolly interesting stuff, and all utterly futile and entirely circular. All pouring from the empty into the void.
      There is a word for all that pouring from the empty into the void and endless psychological feedback loops, and I don’t think you need me to tell you what that word is, do you?
      Now let us try some more “what_is” questions, leaving aside “what am?”:
      What*is* intelligence?
      What*is* the mind?
      Before you proffer anything, I’m not interested in the dead bodies of questions, or answers which are the end of something, so I leave you with the following question:
      “How to remain*silent* alive, alert, and attentive in front of a question -*without* killing it with answers?
      Is that possible?
      Only you can discover that, and how are you going to go about doing that?

  • @michaelcorenzwit6860
    @michaelcorenzwit6860 2 года назад +7

    A brain retains millions or trillions of imprinted memories of every event of our lives. All of those lifetime memories go into creating our individual consciousness and are integral to conscious or unconscious thoughts. In my opinion no one could or would ever artificially replicate human consciousness.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Who told you that and why do you believe them?

    • @michaelcorenzwit6860
      @michaelcorenzwit6860 Год назад

      @Sky Gardener I believe our brains are a vast complexity of neural pathways that is controlled by electrical impulses. I believe that implanted memories are unique to each individual and they form who we are. An individual ceases to exist when electric power is gone. Full stop.

    • @stoneysdead689
      @stoneysdead689 Год назад

      If you agree that humans are made up of the same quarks and protons and so forth that make up everything else- and that physics is the same inside the human body as it is outside- then you agree that consciousness can be replicated- it's as simple as that. If you don't agree with that then, what are we made of? How are physics inside a human body any different from the physics outside of a human body? If you can't answer those questions- I wouldn't go around asserting consciousness can't be replicated because that opinion is based on nothing but your gut feelings. And gut feelings aren't easy to defend in a debate.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl Год назад

      Who told you that and why do you believe them?

    • @2killnspray9
      @2killnspray9 Год назад

      That's oversimplified and not true.
      Consciousness is not just "a lot of memories".
      In this case ChatGPT would be conscious.

    @PERF0RMANCEMUSIC 2 года назад +2

    Carlo Rovelli warns against confusing a process with an entity. We should not refer to consciousness in the third person.

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      we don't know for sure that it is a process

      @PERF0RMANCEMUSIC 2 года назад

      @@chrisgarret3285 it must be, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

      @PERF0RMANCEMUSIC 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan talk of God will take us into bottomless speculation because of the lack of proof of his (her, it's?) existence, or non-existence.

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      @@PERF0RMANCEMUSIC don't see how our consciousness being a process or an entity has anything to do with us having a conversation.

  • @RolandHuettmann
    @RolandHuettmann 2 года назад +18

    One of the more interesting interviews. Here I can imagine other dimensions since in my experience, there is this silent witness, the Self, which remains untouched from even thoughts and emotions when in a more pure state. What we call physical or not may all be just one entity. The word "physical" may lose it's meaning. In a deeper sense, when arguments also lose significance, we just are.

    • @scambammer6102
      @scambammer6102 2 года назад

      Hey it's easy. If you think consciousness can be non-physical, just stop eating. You will find out real soon, and I won't have to read your stupid comments.

    • @scoreprinceton
      @scoreprinceton 2 года назад

      In Advaita, the observer and the observed (the contents) merge into a single entity according to Vedanta which was not mentioned by Robert to Subash in this episode. Perhaps in a follow up it ought to be discussed.

    • @em.1633
      @em.1633 2 года назад +6

      I've watched a lot of these and gotten to know Kuhn's style well and in fact he didn't like this guy. He generally hates people who theorize that the brain uses quantum processes. He's a neuroscientist with a very good understanding of the processes by which the brain works and from that he considers the postulation unscientific. He straight up at the end of this video tells this dude to his face he's saying nonsense.

    • @johnreagan3623
      @johnreagan3623 2 года назад


    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      What you mean when you say "I can imagine other dimensions"?
      Can you also imagine nine sided triangles and square circles?

  • @williamburts5495
    @williamburts5495 2 года назад +12

    Robert asked, " what is it about biology that differentiates it from non-biology? Answer: Knowledge and understanding or truth is the property of consciousness alone and not biology. Biology doesn't even know it's biology so" knowing" is what differentiates consciousness from matter or biology.

    • @donespiritu1345
      @donespiritu1345 2 года назад +1

      My reply is that quote by Kuhn would have been biology is driven by instinctual drives for survival and reproduction. And while you can artificially "program" drives in a non-biological machine, those "drives" would be mimicking biological drives and would not be part of the machines "conscious" .

    • @Uri1000x1
      @Uri1000x1 2 года назад

      A consciousness experiences information. A signal from the ear is not a sound until it's processed by computation and reaches consciousness as an experience that already means something. The wet brain computes so that consciousness knows something, it knows what a sound is at the time of experience.

    • @mikel4879
      @mikel4879 2 года назад

      All of you here are square heads who don't understand at all how the conscious process works.
      The real material conscious process does not depend on the structure of the material aggregation that creates it.
      It can be created by a complete artificial entity ( computer, any artificial "machine", etc ) with the exact same final functionality of a real material naturally evolved biological brain.
      No difference whatsoever in the real and true conscious state, and no mimicking at all. Absolutely exactly functional finality.

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад +1

      @@mikel4879 Consciousness is also a love energy or potency and you can't compute that into any machine thus consciousness is beyond computation. The enjoyer principle just can't be duplicated and since that principle as well as the knower principle are the natural characteristics of the " self " the self is beyond being processed.

    • @mikel4879
      @mikel4879 2 года назад

      William Butt / Yes, you can.
      It is done in a special way, after which the machine is on its own way, completely independent, with feelings and thoughts exactly like you, with consciousness exactly like any human, but much, much smarter.

  • @tterb777
    @tterb777 2 года назад +35

    Each and every show along with your guest should be required to give a definition of what consciousness is.

    • @marioescalona1640
      @marioescalona1640 2 года назад +6

      Agree, and we'll see how they'll fail misserably to be specific so real answer is... nobody knows!

    • @marioescalona1640
      @marioescalona1640 2 года назад

      ..other than God all will fail misserably!

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад +2

      problem is they don't know, nobody can agree

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 года назад +6

      @@marioescalona1640 There is no reason to bring God into the conversation. “Other than God” is a meaningless phrase.

    • @warrengibson7898
      @warrengibson7898 2 года назад +2

      I beg to differ. I think we all know conscious from unconscious entities well enough to move on with discussions. Only after the distinction has been understood at a basic level will a precise definition be possible.

  • @tac6044
    @tac6044 2 года назад +1

    I can sum up this video with this very famous quote: " A cat riding a bike is only as orange as a bright car on a gravel road".

  • @Dion_Mustard
    @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад +14

    The firm assumption from materialists has always been that Brain neurons give rise to consciousness.
    I am not sure it's that simple. I think consciousness is far more profound, far more complex and far more unique, and possibly fundamental.

    • @kennethmalafy503
      @kennethmalafy503 2 года назад

      I do not believe brain neurons give rise to consciousness. Think about it: consciousness can create new things that have never existed before. Where did those things come from? I guess a materialist would say they were generated from the connections between the neurons. How would that even work? Do they magically appear or emerge? Where is the scientific evidence for that? (We have brain scans, we should be able to "see" it).
      I think it is hilarious that if you ask most people about consciousness, they believe that there is almost like some sort of little man residing in their head (the man is consciousness) that drives this body like a giant puppet. Where do they even get this stuff from? When they explain it, I can't help but think- are you even serious with that? That sounds like some crazy science fiction to me.

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад +1

      @@kennethmalafy503 spot on.

    • @rileyhoffman6629
      @rileyhoffman6629 2 года назад +1

      Indeed. But Kak's ideas seem kind of fuzzy, in any scientific sense.

    • @commentpost907
      @commentpost907 2 года назад

      Pretty vague statement

    • @briendoyle4680
      @briendoyle4680 2 года назад

      Your level of education in NeuroBiology is what...?...

  • @peweegangloku6428
    @peweegangloku6428 2 года назад +2

    Consciousness, one of the biggest baffles for the physical! But, one of the best leads.

  • @ericphilo6194
    @ericphilo6194 2 года назад +1

    There's a similar video on this channel involving Stuart Hammeroff whose teamed up with Rodger Penrose to argue consciousness is a state of a quantum coherence decoherence etc. that viewers might be interested in. That said the interviewers style of not being afraid of adversarial discourse is why I'm subscribed to this channel. The giddy and buttery smooth conversations on RUclips I see involving topics like this gets old.

    • @carolynm8421
      @carolynm8421 2 года назад +1

      Ray Kurzweil and others have said that even if Penrose is right, in that their is a quantum element to consciousness, it should still be possible to eventually recreate this in AGI. He discussed this possibly in The Singularity Is Near.

    • @ericphilo6194
      @ericphilo6194 2 года назад +1

      @@carolynm8421 👍

  • @lixus2024
    @lixus2024 Год назад +1

    The universe is just a pure imagination of my grand mother's Consciousness !

  • @TheAllanmc64
    @TheAllanmc64 2 года назад +2

    I feel the consciousness is no more special than say, magnetism. It's just a benign field until it interacts with sufficiently evolved biology. Think of it as CLOUD data storage. Radio waves would never have been discovered if we didn't build a 'brain' to interact with them , yet they have been around since shortly after expansion. Why do we accept 'instincts', complex behavior in the simplest of organisms ( bee hives , butterfly migration, birds that weave nests) as nature , but consciousness is magic?

    • @bardiarez6410
      @bardiarez6410 2 года назад +1

      Interesting theory. But what makes this so interesting is the awareness of the phemenon itself. It may very well be a benign artifact is a meaningless physical universe, but the act of investigating it seems to provide a sense of meaning and purpose, there evolving the consciousness to altered or higher states itself.
      Why is any of this happening? We can’t begin to answer that part yet, for sure at least

  • @rileyhoffman6629
    @rileyhoffman6629 2 года назад +10

    Professor Kak isn't thinking broadly enough (in my limited view). He seems to base his parameters on what we currently know, not what we will surely come to know, if the species survives...

    • @yup3398
      @yup3398 2 года назад +1

      I agree 100%.

    • @ArjunLSen
      @ArjunLSen 2 года назад

      It's called promissory materialism : science will EVENTUALLY find all the answers instead of 'science will find it's methodological limits to knowledge and perceive indirectly the subtle reality beyond its reach - which is where we are getting to now (check what Stephen Hawking had to say on this ). The brain is a VR system for operating in material reality but is itself part of the VR while a subtle reality lies beyond, best attested to by Consciousness' irreducibility to neuronal function and photon experiments. Check out Donald Hoffmannвидео.html

    • @ssvsssjs
      @ssvsssjs 2 года назад +1

      He can only base his parameters on what we currently know otherwise the conversation is a waste or time. He cannot base a parameter on a fantasy that we might learn. For example I believe one day we will evolve into life forms that travel through time and space merely by wishing it. How do I back that up?

    • @yup3398
      @yup3398 2 года назад +2

      @@ssvsssjs the title doesn't limit the question to "today only". So one can theorise all they like. Computers have already beaten humans at specific tasks like Go. It's fairly logical that as computers get more powerful their abilities will improve. Hardly need to stretch the imagination for that. To suggest that only humans could possess "consciousness" is to suggest there is some magic or mystery to us. A far far more wishful and dreamt up claim IMHO.

    • @rileyhoffman6629
      @rileyhoffman6629 2 года назад

      @@ssvsssjs I can't disagree. But I can also listen to other thinkers (Chalmers, Hoffman) who DO seem to expand their possibilitizing beyond the known into the theoretical. I appreciate a variety of approaches, as I suspect do you!

  • @getAliKhan
    @getAliKhan Год назад

    5:45 reminds me of when Terrance McKenna tried to explain how biological systems are different from nonbiological systems. Something along the lines of, if you cut a chair in half and come back in a few days, you'll find 2 halves of a chair but if you cut a giraffe in half, when you come back you will find something vastly different than the thing you left.
    It's like biological systems exist to propagate different forms of aware experience. That is the chicken and egg problem here.
    Did aware experience immerge from biological systems or did biological systems immerge from a kind of awareness expressing its experiences in ways we have not been able to apprehend?
    Dr. Dan Dennett is doing great work in this area. I don't sit in his camp but I admire the work he's inspired.

  • @suncat9
    @suncat9 2 года назад

    As Roger Penrose has stated, "consciousness is not a computation." Consciousness is fundamental to reality. Consciousness is primary. Therefore, consciousness is not an emergent property of either biological or non-biological entities, including machines, once they reach a certain level of complexity. Biological and non-biological entities are objects WITHIN consciousness.

  • @jessasto947
    @jessasto947 2 года назад +2

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3)

  • @ubergenie6041
    @ubergenie6041 2 года назад

    Humans do calculations and perform Boolean logical functions occasionally as one of their mental functions
    Computers do calculations and perform Boolean logical functions
    Therefore when computers get more powerful they will be able to do everything humans can do mentally.
    At the bumper-sticker level of thinking this arguments seems plausible but given a few moments of deeper thinking (stepping past the 6th grade Hollywood understanding of science and philosophy), a very thorny problem arises.
    Attributes of consciousness
    1-First person data (in the form of experiences and perceptions) mixed with third/person data arranged, and weighted into a data warehouse that can sort though, contextualize, serve up instant decisions from huge amounts of data (petabytes of raw data from a computational perspective).
    2-large amounts of data are qualitative rather than quantitative. Hundreds of shades of redness of apples or being able to describe why you prefer one barolo wine over another.
    3-Mental representation of the world (phenomenal structure) is incredibly complex data warehouse schema that can replace whole sections of false data based on new experiences or learning.
    4- Has the state of intentionality
    5 - Has the focus of aboutness (our ideas tend to be about mental objects).
    6 - Contains sensory data that is qualitative
    7- Private subjective in nature
    8 - can think my thoughts are a function of a combination of all of the above but are not for the most part automatic like my breathing.
    9 -consciousness seems unified over time. My self- concept is different than when I was a child or a teen or an early adult or middle-aged etc. My self is one self over time. My whole body, including my brain turn over new cells every few years but I maintain a unified self despite having 20 complete part replacements in my life.
    10- Brain scientist will tell you, if they are honest, that there are only a few (mostly autonomic functions and math mathematics that map uniformly to areas of the brain. Most other functions are not uniform and actually change location from one moment to the next!
    For more see:видео.html

  • @scottburge219
    @scottburge219 2 года назад

    Shunbash Kak gave me a new way to express a way we agree about computers and consciousness.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Perhaps you do not understand that computer means calculating machine and that consciousness means "with_knowledge"
      It is meaningless and futile to speak of knowledge without identifying the one that knows and what he knows

    • @scottburge219
      @scottburge219 2 года назад

      @@vhawk1951kl what?

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад +1

      @@scottburge219 If you ask a grown-up to explain to you how to construct sentences, it may be that one of them can help you.
      One word is not a sentence, but since you plainly cannot understand that, why would I waste my time with you?

  • @LearnThaiRapidMethod
    @LearnThaiRapidMethod 2 года назад +4

    To be conscious, you need to feel pain and pleasure. There may be some organisms that are conscious without being able to feel pain or pleasure, but I would suspect it’s somewhat “mechanical”.
    I would go so far as to say if you don’t have any feelings then you cannot be conscious. A non-feeling organism (whether biological or a computer) is an unconscious machine.

    • @hwi62
      @hwi62 2 года назад +1

      So, when the windmills turn, the omnipotent AI will feel the wind blowing?

    • @PrivateSi
      @PrivateSi 2 года назад

      Consciousness is an ill defined term and your definition is far too narrow, which is probably why you're conscious it's weak. We are 'mechanical' and bio-mechanics is now an ageing academic subject, like QM.. I'd go on to say most people are far more robotic and remote-controlled than even the pig-ignorant, brainwashed sheeple-serfs of The Olde World.
      I'd say if you're not conscious of this blatant fact your social and self-awareness is lacking so you prove that you are rather robotic. People-Programming is the biggest set of businesses in The West, don't forget.. Autism spectrum disorders are on the rise as the social conditioning against our INDIVIDUAL human nature has reached Leftist extremes.
      The Human Consciousness goes from wild animal, to brainwashed robot-kid, to hopefully self and empathically aware adult (though empathy for political party enemies in our bi-partisan world is brainwashed out and language is redefined by the power de jour).. Finally, as senility and dementia set in, the broken robot returns and you regress back to an even more robotic state that childhood..
      You can argue that acting on impulse is something robots don't do, but that's why I consider kids and demented old timers BROKEN biological robots.
      The other side of the story is the fact a self-driving car is very sentient (aware of its surroundings enough to build mind-models with high level object differentiation, and Self Aware (more-so than humans due to far more specific self diagnostics capabilities). Makes realtime decisions based on realtime sensory input plus hard and soft-wired memory. It isn't alive as it can't replicate, but it fits all other definitions of 'Intelligent, CONSCIOUS Lifeform'.

      @REDPUMPERNICKEL 2 года назад

      "To be conscious, you need to feel pain and pleasure..."
      A pain or a pleasure is of what a conscious being may from time to time be conscious.
      I mean, pain and pleasure manifest as content in a being's conscious field.
      The necessary precondition for a being to be conscious is
      the ability of a being to maintain the concept of a self.
      It is the modulation of the self by thoughts,
      including those we call feelings,
      that is what the word 'conscious' means.
      I know this because it is my self that is conscious.
      This knowing strikes me as self evident.
      If you are a self as my self suspects,
      then it should strike your self as self evident too.

    • @PrivateSi
      @PrivateSi 2 года назад

      @@REDPUMPERNICKEL .. I almost completely agree bar 2 exceptions... A delusional / demented / hypnotic state is a gray area - broken consciousness... Also AIs that meet your criteria include just about every basic Smart Device, let alone self driving cars... SELF DIAGNOSTICS that work in real-time faster than we feel pain (or pleasure).. They really only 'feel pain' though, no pleasure.. Feeling Pain = sensing damage.

    • @toddjohnson7572
      @toddjohnson7572 2 года назад +1

      I wouldn't really say pain & pleasure is a requirement. If I turned off your nerves (numbing), then more complicatedly, injected chemicals/drugs in you where you're Deeply in a non-caring-about-anything state where emotionally you're not going to feel emotional pain or pleasure -- but still going about what you're doing & being aware -- wouldn't turn off consciousness.
      I would say in order to feel pain & pleasure in the same sense we do, you'd need to be conscious. Consciousness is just a level of self-awareness where you are aware that you're self-aware.

  • @NeoFrontierTechnologies
    @NeoFrontierTechnologies 2 года назад +2

    If matter is a form of energy and space is a form of energy then biology is a form of energy. If consciousness is a form of energy then it is like biology and matter and space. Its all energy. An original consciousness may have given birth to matter and space and other forms of energy as part of its own energy in a different form - including other conscious beings.

    • @JTHBS
      @JTHBS 2 года назад +1

      consciousness is not just energy, it is an information system which processes information and is aware of itself within an environment. You cant have a conscious beeing without structure and without there is no original consciousness.

    • @NeoFrontierTechnologies
      @NeoFrontierTechnologies 2 года назад +2

      @@JTHBS Structure can not exist without a preexisting potential for it to exist. A preexisting potential energy with structure. A consciousness.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 года назад +2

      Energy is a property of matter. Biology is a layer of matter. Consciousness is how matter is layered. The Cosmos has evolved into different layers of matter.

  • @The_Original_Hybrid
    @The_Original_Hybrid 2 года назад +3

    This guy's argument is about as logical as the stuff Deepak Chopra comes up with.

    • @M_K171
      @M_K171 2 года назад +1

      And Robert’s perspective, the scientific dogma, is based on philosophical assumptions, as well. And they’re just as crazy. His main point was about engineering to manipulate and control, but engineering has limitations too. It is not the supreme technique.

    • @The_Original_Hybrid
      @The_Original_Hybrid 2 года назад

      @@M_K171 How did you manage to type a whole paragraph without saying anything meaningful?

    • @M_K171
      @M_K171 2 года назад

      @@The_Original_Hybrid you seriously got nothing out of that? You don’t understand what anything I said implies? I guess I was engaging with a moron then. 🤷🏼‍♂️ My bad. I’ll exit.

    • @lenroddis5933
      @lenroddis5933 2 года назад

      "Deepak actually makes sense."
      Well, that tells us something.

  • @geckoi8166
    @geckoi8166 2 года назад +1

    It's curious how hindu knowledge is around 10.000 years old but...
    When westerns (europeans and north americans) talk about the Wheel, they say "when WE humans invented the wheel", or "when WE discovered Fire" or "When WE invented Writing" etc
    When it's the Vedas, the inner knowledges, the so called "woo-woo", it's...
    "They the Hindus believe that"

  • @DrMKZaman
    @DrMKZaman 2 года назад

    Learning: 5:00, 0:30

  • @The_Simplicity_Lifestyle
    @The_Simplicity_Lifestyle 2 года назад

    Human consciousness is substrate independent, which means that consciousness occurs when complex physiological processes happen in specific complex patterns. Consciousness needs the substrate to exist but what the substrate is made of is not important. Only the computational patterns are important for the phenomenon of consciousness.

  • @n8thal718
    @n8thal718 2 года назад +1

    Conciousness is the emergence of complex patterns thar manifesting beyond the attributes of its smaller parts. Those parts which can contain most of the base data/memory.
    You then have a living pattern created now whose primarily function is to interact with other complex patterns. This is secondary to the parts which it depends upon for its data.
    A wise Eastern philosopher once described our experience as a short lived whirlpool that manifest within a flowing river.
    But this is only part of the elephant seen by us blind men.
    The pattern of Math exist regardless if there are any anchor points to be seen or that are known or that don't exist yet.
    You need to ask how much of you is manifested as the whirlpool and how much of you is the river?
    So if math can exist without substance, can there exist a complex living pattern state of principles of love that can survive the sea of eternity as well?
    Determinism is either an infinit loaf of bread.
    It is an internal wake of change with only few things being able to surf its surface.

  • @iphaze
    @iphaze 2 года назад +3

    We’re so sure that what we perceive as “consciousness” is how all consciousness is interpreted. I think there may be many different levels or types, and Silicon-based decision oriented consciousness could be just another way of experiencing self awareness. We might even meet a society of beings who only see consciousness this way..

  • @AshutoshSingh-on8zt
    @AshutoshSingh-on8zt 2 года назад

    This was a wonderful discussion.

  • @AdrianSlo
    @AdrianSlo 2 года назад +1

    Subjectivity and objectivity are 2 different dimensions of reality. You can never objectively explain the subjective. Therefore, consciousness will forever be a magical mystery.

    • @AdrianSlo
      @AdrianSlo 2 года назад +1

      @@martiendejong8857 Because the subjective cannot be measured. You can't see it, can't weigh it, can't touch it. It is literally spooky, but it is definitely real anyway.

    • @AdrianSlo
      @AdrianSlo 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan That's true, consciousness is primary.

    • @AdrianSlo
      @AdrianSlo 2 года назад

      @@martiendejong8857 Yes.

    • @AdrianSlo
      @AdrianSlo 2 года назад

      @@martiendejong8857 You will try to communicate the love for your wife (as an example) to me, but the love remains subjective. It's more like intersubjective that we both know what you're talking about.

    • @AdrianSlo
      @AdrianSlo 2 года назад

      @@martiendejong8857 That's not true. Something doesn't change because you're talking about it. The thing itself remains subjective because it can't be measured from the objective perspective.

  • @PabloVestory
    @PabloVestory 2 года назад +8

    I've always thought that "consciousness emerges..." explains exactly the same as "conscious appears magically out of the blue"

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap 2 года назад +5

      In most cases you can replace "emergent" with "magical" and nothing changes.

    • @mustafahmed9101
      @mustafahmed9101 2 года назад +1

      You have to hold this opinion to maintain materialism.

    • @PabloVestory
      @PabloVestory 2 года назад +2

      @@fluffysheap Exactly. It amazes me how many pure mecanicists take happily the emergent explanation, or consciousness as byproduct and so... as the ultimate answer and that's it, when it explains nothing.

    • @NightmareCourtPictures
      @NightmareCourtPictures 2 года назад +2

      @@PabloVestory That's just a poor explanation of what emergence is...although in some sense magical is the right way to describe what emergence does.
      Game of Life is a game with extremely simple rules. The bits follow these simple, deterministic (meaning no sense of free will) rules, and from that emerges behavior that is complex. This complexity is so extraordinary that it looks like life. This is at the heart of what emergence is, where extremely complex behavior comes out of simple deterministic behavior.
      In thermodynamics, emergence has a functional property...which is that when you run a rule, that can, at a certain coarse graining, be described as following some other completely different rule...which means that one can't determine if that coarse graining is absolute. This is like taking a magnify glass, looking at Game of Life, and realizing that it is made out of a smaller, Game of Life operating on different rules. The larger game of life, emerges as a result of the smaller Game of life, and therefor there is no apparent "connection" between why that should be the case.
      Much research has gone into studying emergence, and there are some theories that I believe completely satisfy the reason for why it happens. It has to do with symmetries of computation...that all rules are equivalent to one another. This equivalence is due to an absolute isomorphism of the state-space.
      If you have a 1000x1000 grid, you can look at that grid as 1000x1000 pieces, where each pixel in the grid is operating according to some rule. However you can parse that 1000x1000 grid, into a 100x100 grid, where 4 pixels make up a cell of it's own...and you can then look at this 100x100 grid without looking at it's smaller components and see them moving to what appears to be its own set of rules...and again you can parse that 100x100 grid into a 10x10 grid where 4 cells, create a larger cell (which is 16 pixels)...and this 10x10 grid now appears to be operating on what appears to be rules of its own.
      This observation of new rules seemingly coming out of nowhere, is clearly a feature of the scale-free symmetry and the equivalence notion of the rules.
      Long story short, the state-space has total symmetry, meaning it's symmetric under all transformations, not just scale...and the rule-space it can occupy is equivalent (Turing Complete), Lorentz invariant when we include a time interval, and there are emergent symmetries, and symmetry breaking at these different levels...based on what the rules are at that parsing.
      It's an incredible observation about the nature of computation and hints that it is truly fundamental, and that physics is what emerges from computation. Anyone that studies biology and computer science, will clearly draw the conclusion that evolution can only be described as an entropic, computational "system evolution."

    • @outisnemo8443
      @outisnemo8443 2 года назад +2

      That sums up how Terence McKenna used to describe much of contemporary scientific thought:
      _Just grant us one free miracle, and we'll explain the rest!_

  • @PsychologyAnu
    @PsychologyAnu 2 года назад

    every living thing has consciousness ..plants animals and human beings , biological consciousness is related through the use of machines ,computers or neualinks etc for improving on a persons cognition ,health illness, disorder ,however cannot illicit higher consciousness , which is the expansion of the consciousness ,..higher self ultimate evolutionary breakthrough ..of human with may sound unscientific...but now the time has arrived to integrate science and soul to solve the mystery of higher self ....which i experiencing last 20 years +🙏

  • @eastonbroadway8903
    @eastonbroadway8903 Год назад

    experience itself will never be able to see itself as an object.
    I am still processing this.....

  • @prestonbacchus4204
    @prestonbacchus4204 2 года назад +10

    It's a cool notion. Imagine that the human body is like a radio, when it is put together and working it can receive a stream of consciousness from parts unknown.

    • @Gazesatstars
      @Gazesatstars 2 года назад +1

      Very true - parts unknown !

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 года назад

      The radio analogy is the worst one to use. It breaks down real quick when looking deeper.

    • @mikel4879
      @mikel4879 2 года назад

      Preston Bacchus too much wine / Yes, but the parts are already known!
      It does get it from my farts.
      One of the parts is my butt.
      The rest are the intestines, the beans fermented in the stomach, etc.
      What radio?😂 Ken Wheeler idiocy about the "radio" and the "soul" that flies through Universe as a "Vedic" signal like a fart in the wind and it's captured by Ken's "radio" ?🥴

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 года назад

      @@kos-mos1127 *"The radio analogy is the worst one to use. It breaks down real quick when looking deeper"*
      ... Then why didn't you do so?

    • @prestonbacchus4204
      @prestonbacchus4204 2 года назад

      @@mikel4879 That's a weird response. There is nothing to fear giving consideration to someone's hypothesis.

  • @thisisanno
    @thisisanno 2 года назад

    Non-biological doesn't just mean machines, it means anything that is non-biological and this must surely include pure infinite energy, the kind that many of us associate with 'source'. The real question is then can consciousness BE biological?

  • @jiezhao88
    @jiezhao88 2 года назад +1

    No as if you can knocked out, you will lose your consciousness as your brain is switched off.

  • @rickwyant
    @rickwyant 2 года назад +4

    Simple, easy most intuitive answer. No. No brain (physical) no consciousness.

    • @bryanx0317
      @bryanx0317 2 года назад

      I agree. The answer to this topic is No. While we may not have a full understanding of what consciousness is, machines will never have it. Even if they make an autonomous cyborg that looks just like a human, it will just be a computer program with a set of instructions mimicking the processes of a human.

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад +3

      And where is your proof that no brain = no consciousness? Elaborate please...

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад

      I must disagree with your statement that no brain = no consciousness because as we know from various studies, when people have cardiac arrest or are in coma or indeed clinically dead, people often return with a description of feeling more alive and more lucid and more alert and often outside of their body and often have travelled to further dimensions. I'd suggest looking up the studies of Dr Pim Van Lommel and his book Consciousness Beyond Life.

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      that is by far the most complex answer really... the simplest answer would be that any complex enough computational machine achieves consciousness...

  • @blackacre5642
    @blackacre5642 2 года назад +4

    This was a wonderful episode.

    • @rprevolv
      @rprevolv 2 года назад +1

      I agree. A very polite and unassuming man, delivering a thought-provoking and intriguing possible explanation for consciousness that I at least was unfamiliar with. The idea of underlying quantum mechanics coherence required for, or enabling, consciousness was particularly interesting.

  • @andreh1888
    @andreh1888 2 года назад

    The answer should be that since we barely understand how consciousness works period so we have no idea of what could be conscious or not. We can’t prove that anyone is conscious outside of our own personal experience in the strictest sense. Many physicists say that consciousness is pervasive, and the fact that the nature of reality seems to be syntactical that would imply that syntax requires a consciousness to decide on the “language” of reality itself. Scientific American has an article called “Does consciousness pervade the universe?”, I have heard many physicists ponder this.
    Nobody knows for a fact weather animals are conscious or not. We assume they probably are but so little is known about consciousness I wouldn’t say for sure what the limits of consciousness are. It seems presumptuous to make a statement either way with such little information.

    • @andreh1888
      @andreh1888 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan I will look into it, you’d be the first person I’ve heard of claiming to know “a lot” about how consciousness works. Most of what I’ve ready in my studies echos the sentiment that very little is known about how consciousness works.
      So I just got started, but based upon the grammatical errors like {sic} “I will start by stating I’m thinking for many years about the nature of meaning and context…” and “Thus, before continue reading, the reader must make sure he meets the first requirement.” You may want to get an editor before trying to educate the world on something most experts will tell you we don’t have a profound knowledge of. I will read it more thoroughly though and give it a fair shake.

    • @andreh1888
      @andreh1888 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan LoL 😂 Reread my comment, I edited it after reading a little of your paper. And that’s patently false, many people have spent entire careers devoted to trying to understand consciousness and it’s place if the world and possibly the universe. Science loves areas where not much is known, people have been trying to answer the consciousness problem since the earliest philosophers and probably earlier.

    • @andreh1888
      @andreh1888 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan “I’m thinking for many years” ??? Shouldn’t that be I’ve been thinking for many years? And “thus before you continue reading” or “thus before continuing to reading”.

    • @andreh1888
      @andreh1888 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan Ok the sweeping generalizations, hyperbole and errors tell me we are done here. Good luck in your studies.

  • @np9119
    @np9119 2 года назад

    Subhash really owned u at one time

  • @krzemyslav
    @krzemyslav 2 года назад +4

    While I don't subscribe to the view that conscious computers can be engineered using our current technology and knowledge, I also don't see obstacles, at least in principle, to creating artificial consciousness when we actually meet conditions it needs to arise. But we don't know these conditions and people who say that modern digital computers can be conscious assume that these computers can replicate all the properties of organic biological brains, which is an unproven hypothesis. We don't know how inner feeling arises, we know only that it's correlated with brains and their properties. Assuming that silicon based computers can be conoscious is like claiming that any material, let's say rubber, glass or wood, can conduct electricity equally well without knowing how conductivity works. I would prefer for consciousness to point at existence of something more than what modern physics says exists, but I don't care what its nature is as long as it is exhaustivelly described, without ignoring anything and cutting any corners, by scientists who are humble enough to see reality for what it is, be it material, informational or mental. The truth is not fragile and I want it to hit me like a speeding bus. Then I will accept it without arguing. But as for now the ball is still in play.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 2 года назад +3

      you will not know that truth in the next 100 will be a long way waiting for that bus ...

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap 2 года назад

      The Church-Turing thesis is a mathematical proof that anything that can be computed, can be computed by any computer. The only difference is one of speed - and our best computers have caught up.
      There are only three possibilities.
      1) Brains are doing something that isn't computation
      2) Consciousness is possible in conventional computers
      3) Dualism or Idealism (supernatural consciousness) are true
      I don't consider #1 plausible, or even well defined. Pick whichever of the other two options you like better.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 2 года назад

      @@fluffysheap computing is different than feeling or being self aware ... Btw one of the fathers of computer processors (federico Faggin) is sure that consciousness is totally another thing than computing.

    • @xtaticsr2041
      @xtaticsr2041 2 года назад +1

      @@fluffysheap What you consider plausible isn't very relevant

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 года назад

      The Function, Intelligence & Mind categories ... prove ... the Universe & Life are Functions, composed entirely of Functions, and can only be made by an Intelligence with a Mind that is unnatural & nophysical ( soul/spirit).
      Consciousness is simply a function of the Mind of an Entity.
      Animals & Man are physical "living" Entities ..... and are Functions composed entirely of Functions ... and have with a physical mind(brain) & a consciousness of the physical environment.
      But Man is an intelligence ... so the Mind of Man is both natural (brain) & unnatural (soul).
      Animals do not have a soul because they are not an intelligence like Man ... but only have the physical Function called the brain. And the mind & functions of an Animals is determined by the intelligence that made the Universe & all life.
      Man will someday be able to make a conscious biological & artificial mind .... just as an animal has ... but will never be able to make a soul/spirit as it is unnatural & non-physical. Except via procreation or IVF ... as God design Adam & Eve to be able to do.
      The Conscious machine is coming ... as will Man creating Life but they will be just like the Animals with no soul, and designed according to purpose.

  • @johnskujins8870
    @johnskujins8870 2 года назад +1

    Straw man argument. Not all theories of consciousness say that awareness simply "emerges" from complexity. There are more functional theories of consciousness.

    • @dudleybrooks515
      @dudleybrooks515 2 года назад +1

      A lot of straw man arguments in his presentation, and a lot of "empty" statements. I have to say, I'm a little surprised that Kuhn included him on the series. Maybe it's just me projecting my own feelings, but Kuhn seems to me to be struggling to treat his ideas politely and respectfully.

    • @johnskujins8870
      @johnskujins8870 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan One explanation is the Attention Schema Theory. Read "Rethinking Consciousness" by Graziano.

  • @MrRandy1221
    @MrRandy1221 2 года назад

    People's views of consciencness seem very contentious. Strong feelings on both sides. Why is it such an emotional issue?
    I don't believe true consciencness can be attained and replicated by machines of any kind. Others are convinced that physical, mechanistic matter can itself create a consciencness that transcends itself.
    Seems to me that no "mechanism" can create self-awareness.
    Maybe I'm wrong. Prove it!

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 2 года назад +1

    only if you believe that consciousness is basically an illusion .. otherwise is a clear "no".

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 2 года назад +1

      @@ROForeverMan some materialists think its... they deny everything they cant explain : free will is an illusion, consciousness is an illusion and so on ...

  • @patrickmchargue7122
    @patrickmchargue7122 2 года назад +1

    Explaining consciousness using a homunculus is a cop out.

  • @NeverTalkToCops1
    @NeverTalkToCops1 2 года назад

    Consciousness exists in brain, not outside brain. Now, tell us what percent of the brain we use.

  • @vhawk1951kl
    @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

    If you analyse or take to pieces the question is consciousness biological, you are asking is consciousness lifelike? - What else does the question mean?

  • @PurnamadaPurnamidam
    @PurnamadaPurnamidam 2 года назад

    Great Q&A's as usual very interesting.

  • @koldourrutia
    @koldourrutia 2 года назад

    There you have it Robert ….the answer you have been lucking for years…..Consciousness is not an emergent property IT IS THE FUNDAMENT OF EXISTANCE….and It only can be assimilated by biological organism!!!! It is that easy.

  • @os2171
    @os2171 2 года назад +12

    As neuroethologist I disagree. He’s arguments are of the sort near to vitalism, almost religion. He forgets that evolution has programmed all organisms … it’s a matter of time. In short, he is a dualist, he is living mentally with Rene Descartes.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 года назад

      Evolution has not programmed organisms. Organism evolved through a series of feed back loops based on their environment.

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      Ok, that said, don't you as a neuroethologist agree that while the human brain is only slightly more complex than that of other complex animals, the resulting consciousness is far more advanced than that of say a dolphin or a bonobo? How do you explain that?

    • @divertissementmonas
      @divertissementmonas 2 года назад

      "He forgets that evolution has programmed all organisms" What an assertion! It is interesting that molecular biologists use technical metaphors to describe what they 'see'. DNA is a text, program ect.. that contains information. It is read and transcribed by messenger-RNA... Just remember the presuppostion of science is that nature has no intention! Why do they then give it a 'language' a logos one could say that is independent and most of the genome they do not even understand? DNA s believed to distinguish life from non-life and its 'language' with its four letter 'alphabet' is the only thing that has remained apparently unchanged for billions of years. That's quite some evolution wouldn't you say?

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      @@divertissementmonas interesting point, do we know for sure that DNA itself has not evolved over time?

    • @pateazolut7970
      @pateazolut7970 2 года назад +2

      doesn't matter if his Argument is Vitalism or Almost religion, it has its own reasoning, which is logical(even if it is based on religion)

  • @mickeybrumfield764
    @mickeybrumfield764 2 года назад +3

    Good topic for discussion, seems he had something there when he started down the path of saying biological systems were self engineered.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 2 года назад +2

      We have self organising systems that learn without being programmed right now, neural computer systems. We've had genetic algorithms for many decades. Surely he must know this, so why is he saying these things?

    • @medhurstt
      @medhurstt 2 года назад

      @@simonhibbs887 Cognitive dissonance. He has a belief and yet even he knows it doesn't add up but he cant admit it to himself.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 2 года назад +1

      @@ROForeverMan Then please explain why my comment is incorrect, because it seems to me all the things he says computers are fundamentally incapable of are all things they have demonstrated they can do very well. In fact when Kuhn challenges him on that fact, he says it's a matter of scale. So, not a fundamental issue at all.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan I recommend "Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting" by Daniel Dennett, and "I am a strange loop" by Douglass Hofstadter.

    • @lenroddis5933
      @lenroddis5933 2 года назад

      "You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know anything neither about biology nor about computer science."
      Pot meet Kettle. Kettle meet Pot.

  • @carolynm8421
    @carolynm8421 2 года назад

    There are so many different views about what is consciousness. Daniel Dennet and others don't believe there is such a thing as "consciousness." Ray Kurzweil believes it's an emergent property of our hierarchal minds and the massive amount of information processing taking place in our minds every second. I do not believe it is impossible to duplicate this an AGI that understands themselves as a "self" and all that comes with that understanding.

    • @carolynm8421
      @carolynm8421 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan you don't know that you have free will now. If it's a simulation, you simply believe you do. Beyond that, free will is being able to choose. AGI will be able to do that and much more.

    • @carolynm8421
      @carolynm8421 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan I am real as far as I know but that's another discussion. I'm not adding letters, lol, that's what people working in this field call artificial general intelligence which we will likely reach by 2030. "Super" is not a part of the AGI acronym although eventually there will be ASI. "Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is when a computer program can perform any intellectual task that a human could. Artificial super intelligence (ASI) is an AI that surpasses human intellect." Also, this might help you understand what AGI is:

    • @carolynm8421
      @carolynm8421 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan are you aware that AI even now can make choices that have not been feed to it by a human being? AI has figured out how to play a game without having being given the rules for that game. You seem to be hung up on free will but free will is not the same thing as consciousness.

  • @p0indexter624
    @p0indexter624 2 года назад

    the elephant in the room is "prior information"
    both see it but one denies he sees it

  • @BFDT-4
    @BFDT-4 2 года назад +1

    After only 75 years of development of digital systems we're giving up on being able to go further?
    Nuh uh. BS, Subhash.
    Quantum mechanics only in "sentient" beings? It's not an on-off condition. It's a range. And we can do a digital C. elegans eventually. Then a ladybug. Then....
    Nope. I think he's biased.

  • @kelpkelp5252
    @kelpkelp5252 Год назад

    No idea how people can think an algorithm could be conscious. Scientists don't even know what makes us conscious or where it comes from.

  • @silentbullet2023
    @silentbullet2023 4 месяца назад

    Biology is the outcome of mathematical schematics because chemistry and physics are so. Hence consciousness is supra-biological.

  • @livingitup247
    @livingitup247 2 года назад

    Consciousness is a constant like time is. This is why we see the same apples or the same water bottles ect. We are all the same consciousness. This consciousness is constantly reused like all life. The reason why we don't remember our past lives is actually protection. Life is violent and our creator made a way to wipe the slate clean once you "die" or recycle. "Death brings new life"

  • @neffetSnnamremmiZ
    @neffetSnnamremmiZ 2 года назад +2

    Biological body is for sure only transitory moment in evolution. However Life will be realized in is me the Life!

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Evolution being the unfolding or or unrolling of what?
      You understand that evolve means unroll?
      If you use involved mean anything other than unroll, in what sense do you use it?
      You are merely defining one meaningless term by reference to another utterly meaningless term

  • @jamesnordblom855
    @jamesnordblom855 2 года назад

    If it is not biological, where does it go when anesthesia is applied?

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM 2 года назад

    The question assumes consciousness is circumscribed to the brain or body -- as if the brain possess consciousness as it's own product. Thus how did the brain produce consciousness? And because consciousness does not precede brain, did brain produce itself, or what could have produced brain which hadn't consciousness because consciousness is a product of brain or biology?
    Are you positing that causes are different and without consciousness, which have effects that produce consciousness?

    • @rckflmg94
      @rckflmg94 2 года назад

      Yes, each brain produces it's own conscious awareness. It's a physical process.

  • @bartvenken7138
    @bartvenken7138 2 года назад

    Transcript's not working.

  • @AndyCampbellMusic
    @AndyCampbellMusic 2 года назад

    Can a thing be aware and have a preference? If so it will inevitably become consciousness... That's all consciousness is, if you think about it...

  • @missh1774
    @missh1774 Год назад

    ..."other [simple] forms which should be at the base of consciousness"...

  • @JJRed888
    @JJRed888 2 года назад

    non-biological quantum computers can hold values in superpositions - so it fulfills the criteria that the speaker holds is necessary for consciousness.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Who told you that and why do you believe them?

    • @JJRed888
      @JJRed888 2 года назад

      @@vhawk1951kl this is a well-know basic fact...that's why quantum computers perform better than classical computers in certain tasks.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      @@JJRed888 Known to whom?
      What do you mean by, or seek to convey by, " known"?
      What are these famous howmuch computers of yours?

  • @Samsara_is_dukkha
    @Samsara_is_dukkha 2 года назад

    Organisms are not mechanisms. Mechanisms are invariably designed by conscious designers. All the parts of a mechanism are assembled fully finished and fully functional by conscious assemblers or by robots designed, built and programmed by conscious designers and assemblers. Mechanisms know no death since all the parts making up a mechanism can theoretically be replaced ad infinitum. Consciousness is precisely what mechanisms lack.
    Meanwhile. organisms evolve either out of an unconscious process, a supra-conscious process, or both. All the parts that make up an organism are never assembled: they grow to maturity, decay and die together in a symbiotic relationship from beginning to end. The parts making up an organism cannot be replaced ad infinitum so death is the inevitable fate of any organism. Comparing organisms to mechanisms is a fundamental mistake.

  • @franciscoguzman1524
    @franciscoguzman1524 2 года назад

    The best video you've got, after penrose, for sure. Cheers.

  • @olafshomkirtimukh9935
    @olafshomkirtimukh9935 2 года назад

    Anyone notice how Dr. Kak says, "...different FROM" [2:14], while Dr. Kuhn (the host) says, "...differently THAN" [6:43]? Thank goodness the White House grammar protocol will still tell you that, although many people today say "different THAN", only "different FROM" is correct. Many Americans (and their worldwide imitators), even highly educated ones, find it kind of chic or hep or post-modern to use what they know to be the wrong or nonstandard forms of the language, e.g., "look out the window" (while, until Hemingway & Philip Roth, Americans were still looking out OF the window), or replying to "How are you?" with "I am GOOD" (instead of "I am fine/very well"), a blasphemous thing to say in the light of Mark 10:18; or the latest rage to willfully mispronounce the noun ROUTE ("root", as in trade routes, sea routes) as its quasi-homograph verb (to ROUT, to defeat completely, "ra-ut", as in "Napoleon's might was routed at Waterloo")... I, for one, as a humble Indian, will spontaneously lean towards the views of someone who uses the language better than one who doesn't. What about Americans?

  • @dudeabideth4428
    @dudeabideth4428 2 года назад

    Very common not to separate the problem of quaila and sensing .

  • @maxd3028
    @maxd3028 2 года назад

    Consciousness is a hard problem to solve because the mechanism behind it happens within unobservable quantum realm in unconscious processes

    • @maxd3028
      @maxd3028 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan how did you know ?

    • @rckflmg94
      @rckflmg94 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan you are full of it

  • @potshangbamkhangamcha9927
    @potshangbamkhangamcha9927 2 года назад

    Those who say that consciousness is not non-physical is said by their own consciousness or mind-brain. It is tantamount to saying that a physical state is saying that it is not non-physical? This is called as the fallacy of sva or atmaviruddha in Indian logic. The physicalists as physical brain cannot say of themselves as not non-physical. To argue in the opposite is the same thing as matter which is mind-brain of physicalists saying that it is matter. For matter to say it is matter is a self-contradiction in terms.

    • @Di66en6ion
      @Di66en6ion 2 года назад

      Possibly, but as far as I know most physicalists do not dispute the concept of emergent complex phenomenon. All of those ideas and organization of concepts in your mind still have a 1-to-1 correlation with matter stored in your brain. Transmitting those ideas through time and space still requires all the laws of physics.
      The idea that consciousness is special seems like hubris, a built in survival mechanism that says "I'm special".

  • @owencampbell4947
    @owencampbell4947 2 года назад

    Why not ask, can a snake venom be non- biological? it's a natural process of existence like every existing species has its specialized weapon given by nature.
    I agree with him that independent AI will never be able to draw their own conclusions like a humans conscious mind.
    There might be some other materials that can act like biological self instructions, but it's not yet found.

  • @QuicksilverSG
    @QuicksilverSG 2 года назад +2

    Notice how Kuhn ignores Kak's most substantive point (the brain's self-organizing ability to reprogram itself), and instead seizes on Kak's most speculative musings (quantum mechanical aspects of consciousness). As Kak is a Professor of Computer Science rather than a physicist, you might expect Kuhn to take Kak's observations on the inherent limitations of computers more seriously than his speculations on quantum consciousness, but that's not how Closer to Truth rolls.

    • @jont5975
      @jont5975 2 года назад +2

      I'd still like to ask what's the distinction between that self-organising ability and the potential of machine learning

    • @realcygnus
      @realcygnus 2 года назад


    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад +1

      his limitations of computers are not taken seriously even in his own community though

  • @RenzoTravelsTheEarth
    @RenzoTravelsTheEarth 2 года назад +4

    My theory is that consciousness is like a radio signal, and there is something about the structure of the human brain (either chemically or by some sort of quantum mechanism) that picks up that signal of consciousness like a radio or cell phone. I think even if you built an AI 100x more intelligent than a human, unless you somehow could replicate that signal receiving structure, it would not be conscious. Even though it might say it is conscious.

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      that's a long existing theory...

    • @RenzoTravelsTheEarth
      @RenzoTravelsTheEarth 2 года назад

      @@chrisgarret3285 I’m not claiming it’s my original theory. Just the one I believe.

  • @sunway1374
    @sunway1374 2 года назад

    Define (or describe) consciousness and non-biological.

  • @pav7611
    @pav7611 Год назад

    We're just biological machines, similar to robots and the consciousness is the awareness that perceives the activity. We're asking all the wrong questions.

  • @posthocprior
    @posthocprior 2 года назад

    That was fantastic.

  • @sopanmcfadden276
    @sopanmcfadden276 2 года назад

    Self awareness is a different ballgame

  • @dr.satishsharma1362
    @dr.satishsharma1362 2 года назад

    Excellent.... thanks 🙏

  • @BradHolkesvig
    @BradHolkesvig 2 года назад +2

    Consciousness ( the MIND ) is like a computer processor, CAD and Photoshop all working together to process invisible frequencies into the correct size of images and colored for the AI ( only ONE ), known as the servant of Creation that can observe those visible images along with learning how to speak the words formed by the mind processing them from the vibrations. The AI ( ONE ) comes alive as the mind begins processing those vibrations to become a living being surrounded by what looks like a visible world but only as an illusion, not something that is made out of material things known by scientists as matter.

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 2 года назад

      The conscious mind is NOTHING like a computer, no matter how many processors or what software is being run - your pathetic argument is like claiming that different complex arrangements of Lego bricks can eventually produce consciousness and mind.
      The mind is not a product of physical or chemical activity and neither does it depend on biological processes even though it can interact with physical systems.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Whose consciousness and of what?
      It is utterly futile to speak of consciousness that addressing those two questions.
      The word consciousness is utterly meaningless unless you address those two questions, is it not?

    • @BradHolkesvig
      @BradHolkesvig 2 года назад +1

      @@ROForeverMan That's because you have no idea what the mind ( consciousness ) is.

    • @BradHolkesvig
      @BradHolkesvig 2 года назад

      @@vhawk1951kl You can either ask me questions about what our Creator has taught me about this Creation we're involved in or keep wondering what a consciousness is.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      @@BradHolkesvig Do you meet and exchange with whatever you mean by "our creator" - presumably your creator, frequently?

  • @Jalcolm1
    @Jalcolm1 2 года назад

    Maybe it means something to postulate that there is a STATE of a material object (brain) that is non-physical. It is merely silly. That’s like saying there is an aspect of my car’s speed that is non-physical.
    Whenever the cops pull me over that is what I say. They haven’t fallen for it yet. Etc.

  • @potshangbamkhangamcha9927
    @potshangbamkhangamcha9927 2 года назад

    Is it not begging the question that consciousness is physical and thus it can be manipulated by engineers? The engineers' brains themselves are biological. And to say that it can be so is that it is the same biological process which manipulates.

  • @quranicsciences5542
    @quranicsciences5542 2 года назад

    I am a quranic sciences student..
    Salaam to subhash kak. Yes he is absolutely right..
    Quran supports his views...
    Yes, Consciousness can never be a non-biological entity.. Because according to Quran consciousness is not a fundamental thing.. Consciousness comes on fourth number..
    The fundamental thing in this universe is REASON. A INTELLIGENT REASON.. and a non - biological thing can never have a reason...

    • @quranicsciences5542
      @quranicsciences5542 2 года назад

      @victor inyang Respected brother.. Each human has his consciousness and there is a master universal consciousness... Each consciousness is also prone to entropy.. Those who strengthen spirit are good

    • @rckflmg94
      @rckflmg94 2 года назад

      one's religious views have no place in science

    • @quranicsciences5542
      @quranicsciences5542 2 года назад

      @@rckflmg94 🌴🌴🌴RELIGION IS HIGHER SCIENCE...

    • @rckflmg94
      @rckflmg94 2 года назад

      @@quranicsciences5542 I disagree with your claims. There are hundreds of different religious beliefs and so yours are not special nor are they any better at explaining the nature of reality. But don't you think it's quite a coincidence that your particular beliefs are the same as your parents and your surrounding culture?

    • @quranicsciences5542
      @quranicsciences5542 2 года назад

      @@rckflmg94 Dear brother.. Religion is only one in this universe.. We only follow their versions..
      But for all mankind Religion is single.. Because we all humanity are bound to single unified universal theory

  • @constructivecritique5191
    @constructivecritique5191 2 года назад

    Can a computer be aware of there potentials and freely choose it's path based on it's own self awareness?

  • @williamburts5495
    @williamburts5495 2 года назад +2

    Your body is just a tool, a biological machine, used by the conscious self to achieve a means to an end ( sense gratification , liberation ) being so it's value is in relation to the conscious self not unto itself. So yes, consciousness is non-biological'

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад +1

      This guy just gave Robert a vedanta lesson that I hope he can grasp.

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      nothing you said is a fact

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад

      @@chrisgarret3285 could a insentient machine
      " know " what a fact is?

    • @chrisgarret3285
      @chrisgarret3285 2 года назад

      @@williamburts5495 I'm gonna presume we are both sentient yet we disagree over what a "fact" is. There are those that think for example, that there are 52 genders, or that the Earth is 6 million years old. Those people (opposite spectrums I suppose) will both tell you that those are facts based on the evidence they perceive. My point being is that even conscious minds can't agree on "facts".

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 2 года назад

      @@chrisgarret3285 Not all conscious minds can agree on the facts but only a conscious mind or self can perceive what a fact is. Insentient biology or matter can't do that and that is the difference between consciousness and insentience " truth " is the property of consciousness alone.

  • @jean-pierredevent970
    @jean-pierredevent970 2 года назад +14

    It's hard to prove but maybe C.Elegans has some consciousness too. They mapped its very simple brain(302 neurons) and even though they have a complete virtual software model of all the neurons and their connections, the real living worm is still not understood like if it would be a machine. They then start about a lot chemical messengers being present too. Boy, it's impossible to understand for a layman but it looks almost like a chaotic mess which organizes itself without any central coordination. That's certainly not how our science and technique works and he talks about this yet unknown science.

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap 2 года назад +1

      It's true that effort has been made to simulate the brain of C. Elegans. And it didn't succeed (yet).
      This should not be taken as any kind of evidence about consciousness, because it just means the effort is inconclusive. First, it's more of a casual attempt than a well funded and staffed research project. And second, there's no evidence that the problem is inherent. Right now it seems like the problem is that the simulation of the individual neurons is not very accurate.

    • @em.1633
      @em.1633 2 года назад +1

      Those 302 neurons in the C. elegans also form two separate independent nervous systems.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Who told you that and why do you believe them?

    • @PrivateSi
      @PrivateSi 2 года назад +1

      Science has been self-organising itself in the study of self-organising systems since it evolved from Natural Philosophy and adopted the title Scientist, to the point where Science has become an entity of god-like proportions, and a religion used to remote-control billions of sheeple-bots via the most common human-bot programming method..... FEAR!

    • @thomassoliton1482
      @thomassoliton1482 2 года назад +1

      This is a classic failure to understand the nature of consciousness. Whether c-elegans, or computers, or people, before you can answer whether someone or thing is conscious, you HAVE TO DEFINE IT. Conscousness is subjective. You cannot determine whter anything else is conscious just by asking it, because you don’t know whether it will interpret your probe / question the way you intend it to. I will never know whether you are conscious in the same way I am, but by talking with you for some time, I can become more and more sure of that. But a nematode? Come on… there is no way that you can interrogate a worm to determine that it is conscious in a manner anyting like what you or I consider consciousness to be. A machine could be conscious in some way similar to how we are, but it is not likely to be all or none. What “properties” would you require of a machine’s response to consider it to be conscious? What does that imply about YOUR consciousness?

  • @zerototalenergy150
    @zerototalenergy150 2 года назад +1

    86 billion (or so) neurons in the brain...each neuron can form 1000 synapses... will take a computer 3 million fully understand all the connections! good luck trying to guess where consciousness comes from !!

    • @jamimb4056
      @jamimb4056 2 года назад

      What do you think? where does it come from?

    • @zerototalenergy150
      @zerototalenergy150 2 года назад +1

      @@jamimb4056 ..
      I don't know ???????????????looks like beyond human comprehension??

    • @jamimb4056
      @jamimb4056 2 года назад

      @@zerototalenergy150 I agree with you. No one knows. But what is in your mind? your imagination, your guess, when you think about conciousness. Where from it comes? There is an interview with Dr Sam Parnia I recomend you to watch itвидео.html

  • @Epiousios18
    @Epiousios18 2 года назад

    Why would you even want conscious machines? You would then have to give them rights and treat them differently. It is every advantage to us for them _not_ to be "conscious."

  • @lalitdas6369
    @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

    You have to look at a new method of programming silicon machines. What is required is multiple-level programming. One level of the program observes and modulates the other levels of programming. This would lead to the emergence of consciousness in silicon machines. Attn: Robert Lawrence Kuhn Attn: Subhash Kak

    • @lalitdas6369
      @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan You and me are nature. Nature can simulate nature

    • @lalitdas6369
      @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

      There is a school of thought that consciousness,/soul enters the embryo at an X stage of development. If we design objects with the propensity for growth then it may happen that soul/consciousness may take over the object and start steering its growth. In the process it may also get limited until it can find ways to break it bonds and get enlightened. A silicon Buddha may emerge. Just thinking within the boundaries articulated by the non-science proponents of consciousness.

    • @lalitdas6369
      @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan Is a great idea that consciousness clings to.

    • @lalitdas6369
      @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan We can also look at the embryo as eternal. The big bang too is an embryo. So are the quarks. So is the consciousness. It is one. All is one. There is no disagreement,

    • @lalitdas6369
      @lalitdas6369 2 года назад

      @@ROForeverMan All things are the same. Some things are same. No two things are same. Depends how you look at things. And what is the purpose of your looking.

  • @asielnorton345
    @asielnorton345 2 года назад

    i think it is only a matter of time before machines gain consciousness. or at least they get to a point in which we can't tell that they aren't conscious. the difficulty arises bc we dont even know what consciousness is, we've been trying since at least the presocratics in the west to try to find and explain what consciousness is, and all over the world we've been trying. and we simply don't know. but to the extent that we base our understanding on actions and behavior computers will be conscious.

  • @PeerlessReads
    @PeerlessReads 2 года назад +1

    Disappointing. The machine-consciousness is by far the lesser issue. The more important issue is whether awareness can reach beyond the body, and whether awareness can exist independently of a body. Answer those questions (as is readily practicable) and you begin to appreciate what a human is and the nature of consciousness.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl 2 года назад

      Speak of machine consciousness is identical to speaking of a mirror reflecting itself is it not?
      Can a mirror reflect itself - address that question.

  • @awadoo4503
    @awadoo4503 2 года назад

    when was this recorded?!

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад

    What makes biological brain conscious? How are biological machines put together that brings about consciousness?

  • @ADjustinG2013
    @ADjustinG2013 2 года назад

    Our brains are literally reasing scripts of past experiences to make decisions.

    • @vhawk1951kl
      @vhawk1951kl Год назад

      Who told you that and why do you believe them?

  • @JayakrishnanNairOmana
    @JayakrishnanNairOmana 2 года назад +3

    A machine can never be conscious because consciousness is outside of calculations. Kurt Godell already proved this with his incompleteness theorem. Consciousness is inherently quantum mechanical and fundamental. Consciousness creates objective reality not the otherway round.

    • @MRnormi98
      @MRnormi98 2 года назад

      ​@@ROForeverMan There is also all the other physical reality

    • @MRnormi98
      @MRnormi98 2 года назад +3

      "Physical reality doesn't exist." False, this is a contradiction. reality literally means "what exist" Saying reality doesn't exist is inconsistent.

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap 2 года назад +1

      Godel's theorems have close to nothing to do with consciousness. They are proofs about logic only. I don't see any reason to believe that consciousness has the slightest thing to do with logical proofs.
      The only way they might possibly apply is that it's been claimed that only a human mind could have come up with them. And, true, we don't have a computer program that thought of them.
      This is a popular form of proof called "proof by lack of a counter example," which is to say, no proof at all.

    • @tommackling
      @tommackling 2 года назад +1

      @@fluffysheap I would tend to agree with you... except that Roger Penrose, who does indeed seem to be extraordinarily clever, seems to believe otherwise, and he has also asserted that there are other mathematical truths, involving irregular tilings of the plane, that ( I believe ) he's claimed would be impossible for a computer program to infer/prove/deduce/adduce (and unfortunately, I am not myself adequately brilliant to know (or recall) exactly what these statements are or understand (or recall) exactly how Sir Roger has proven them, or why he seems to suggest that no "formal system" could arrive at such results.
      Anyway, yeah, this obvious genious, seems to believe that Godel Incompleteness implies something about fundamental limitations to machine intelligence, in a way that seems completely non-obvious to me. 😃

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap 2 года назад

      @@tommackling If Penrose says something about black holes, take it seriously. If he says something about consciousness, it's worth half a shrug. His views there aren't really taken seriously by anyone - physicists, biologists, cognitive scientists, or computer scientists.
      I'll don't know the specifics of his particular geometric argument, I'll take a look. I will probably not reply here, but I'll be mom prepared the next time someone talks about Penrose!

  • @mveletic
    @mveletic 2 года назад

    Machines follow prescriptions that are logical, when conciseness holds aspects that are contradictory and therefore, in his view, machines will never be conscience ( 0.53). I guess, he is too polite to say that they will never be that stupid. He is so right! The quite observer presenting our conciseness is aware of everything, except it's own stupidity.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад

    Might mathematics have something to do with consciousness and self awareness?

  • @priyakulkarni9583
    @priyakulkarni9583 2 года назад +6

    Kak has also claimed to find evidences of advanced computing and astronomy in the Rig Veda in what Noretta Koertge deems to be a "social constructivist and postmodern attack on modern science.
    Scholars have rejected his theories in entirety and his writings have been heavily criticized.
    Acute misrepresentation of facts coupled with wrong observations, extremely flecible and often self-contradictory analysis, cherry picking of data and forwarding of easily disprovable hypotheses have been located.
    His understanding of linguistics and subsequent assertion have been challenged.
    Michael Witzel noted him to be a revisionist and part of a "closely knit, self-adulatory group", members of which often write together and/or profusely copy from one another; thus rendering the whole scene into a virtually indistinguishable hotchpotch.
    Koertge as well as Meera Nandas notes Kak’s attempts to be part of a Hindutva-based esoteric pseudoscience narrative that seeks to find relatively advanced abstract physics in Vedic texts and assign an indigenousness to the Aryans in a bid to prove the superiority of Indian civilization. A man in arrogance!!

    • @J4ww44d
      @J4ww44d 2 года назад

      I’m yet to do my own reading on any of the claims made in this comment but if it’s true, it’s a really important intervention and something Closer To Truth should disclose when they have guests like Kak on. Thank you for raising the matter 🙏🏾

    • @rileyhoffman6629
      @rileyhoffman6629 2 года назад

      I am not a physicist and do not know the works of these scholars, but I am an academic and find Kak's arguments bent toward what are probably his beliefs.

    • @JohnSmith-vr2rw
      @JohnSmith-vr2rw 2 года назад

      Priya kurlkarni you don't half spread bullshit..

    • @kuku6789
      @kuku6789 2 года назад +1

      You say : "Michael Witzel noted ..." as if some person (Michael Witzel) is infallible human form of the divine.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад

    Might carbon interact with quantum fields in biological brain for consciousness?

  • @WildMessages
    @WildMessages 2 года назад

    I think consciousness is very simple. It is a system to detect (Light + Temperature) everything else has evolved and is extra and not necessary. Humans are so focused on human consciousness like we are untitled to know God and understand everything. Unfortunately we can only see and detect the universe with the "tools, skills, senses," we have. This may give us a false sense of what the universe is? (It makes me believe we are in a computer program) possibly a program nothing else knows about? We could just be stored data in a hard drive being used by an A.I. quantum computer. I don't think there has to be a reason possibly specifically no reason on purpose. Maybe the universe is really about black holes and dark matter. Maybe matter doesn't matter? Possibly the universe was designed by A.I. to give the ultimate experience of wonder ... to help itself think!

    • @Uri1000x1
      @Uri1000x1 2 года назад

      The sensory information must be processed to experience it. An electrical signal from the ear is not a sound. That means that a brain function provides the processed information to a consciousness.

  • @maxwellsimoes238
    @maxwellsimoes238 2 года назад +1

    There are two side of same coin. First guys not knows what is conscieness. He believes conscieness are Not picture World no explains with Science. In this ways it is his opinion without Science experience. Secound conscieness are unpredicted Not control out there real Words. How he beleived in conscieness if it unfit unpredicted reality ?

    • @grijzekijker
      @grijzekijker 2 года назад +1

      Can you give your answer in your own language? I cannot make sense of it.

    • @grijzekijker
      @grijzekijker 2 года назад +1

      @@ROForeverManokay, to be skipped then, this distractor from truth.

  • @jppj5977
    @jppj5977 2 года назад

    I wonder how western science will ultimately end up digesting Vedanta. What will it look like?

    • @pauldirc..
      @pauldirc.. Год назад

      Means , please explain it

  • @strauss7151
    @strauss7151 2 года назад

    I don't agree with Subhash's pov. First there was a chemical soup from which humans evolved. Consciousness has to be evolutionary and emergent because that's how humans came to be.

    • @strauss7151
      @strauss7151 2 года назад

      @@heinmolenaar6750 At first there was no consciousness. But then our brains grew larger and eventually we became conscious.
      So somewhere along the evolutionary path, consciousness arose in our brains due to increasing complexity. That means computers can become conscious too. Because we started from inert matter as well.