Rebuilding American Aristocracy | 6/14/24

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • To rebuild a natural aristocracy that bases its power on community well-being, we must create alternative institutions outside the centralized state apparatus.
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Комментарии • 116

  • @MikeP5830
    @MikeP5830 3 месяца назад +78

    Sam hyde said it best, the country aint dying, its being killed

  • @sergemaster
    @sergemaster 3 месяца назад +19

    "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains." - Thomas Jefferson

  • @michagolinski4510
    @michagolinski4510 3 месяца назад +35

    Kinda interesting observation- nobility was only ruling political group that sends themselves and often their sons onto battlefield. Can you imagine modern politicians doing same thing?

    • @laughinggiraffe9176
      @laughinggiraffe9176 3 месяца назад +1

      Are you sure? I’ve read in the encyclopedia that peasants had to accompany nobles on the battle field for up to 40 days a year.

    • @laughinggiraffe9176
      @laughinggiraffe9176 3 месяца назад

      But I agree that they were often the only class that fought on the battlefield or trained to fight on the battlefield as a full time profession. In peace time, they could be gangsters.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад +2

      @@laughinggiraffe9176 looking at Divine things from a human eye leads to reductions like this.

  • @PoorPeazant
    @PoorPeazant 3 месяца назад +20

    Remember frens, Aristocracy comes from the soul, not scholarship.

  • @epictetusghost1369
    @epictetusghost1369 3 месяца назад +11

    As the great English historian, Arnold Tonybee noted, ninety years ago, in 'A Study Of History '
    'Civilisations die from suiçïde, not by murder.'

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      That is most famously attributed to Lincoln, but is from earlier.

  • @crusader2112
    @crusader2112 3 месяца назад +14

    We used to have an Aristocracy. One example was the early Republic with the Founding Fathers and the other would be the Theodore Roosevelt and his family and the Kennedys. We need to retrieve that spirit once again.

    • @MidlifeCrisisJoe
      @MidlifeCrisisJoe 3 месяца назад +3

      A single generation of great men or even two is not an aristocracy. It's funny because all those examples, while more classically aristocratic in form were less in function. What we have is a phantom aristocracy of the mind - a managerial political class that acts aristocratic as hell, but does not follow the traditional form, and are thus are all individually replacable with each other.
      In many ways it's worse because it's an aristocratic hydra. Remove one and another steps in with the same ideas immediately.

    • @crusader2112
      @crusader2112 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MidlifeCrisisJoe Well, it’s the closest we got to one then and the Founding Fathers technically were the ruling colonial Aristocracy.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад +1

      That is not Nobility, that is counterfeit.

    • @crusader2112
      @crusader2112 3 месяца назад

      @@HunnysPlaylists The Founding Fathers were the Aristocracy in the colonies, so I don’t see how they were counterfeit.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      @@crusader2112 God did not Choose them.

  • @hebanker3372
    @hebanker3372 3 месяца назад +33

    Aristocracy is the warrior caste. You can't have aristocrats who aren't bred to be warriors. The warrior caste keeps a society virile and vigilant. Capitalists are not aristocrats, for they will never lead armies, nor fight for their employees. This is what happens when you let merchants run societies.

    • @MidlifeCrisisJoe
      @MidlifeCrisisJoe 3 месяца назад

      Only when a society is young, virile, and vital. As it ages the old febrile men take control and neuter the young warriors to maintain their power, and the society becomes vain and decadent and ripe for collapse. We are at that point now.

    • @leetommerson639
      @leetommerson639 3 месяца назад +3

      Merchants haven’t been in charge since Lincoln, I’d wager
      Yarvin argues, and I agree that it is academics that are in charge nowadays.

    • @MidlifeCrisisJoe
      @MidlifeCrisisJoe 3 месяца назад +1

      Goddang is this comment patrolled. I had one deleted already and I've had 3 notifications and each time I come back there are only 2 comments in this thread and 2nd comment keeps changing. Wew lad.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      Actually it's something given by God, not a "caste."

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      @erinmagner yes you can, and you must.

  • @555Trout
    @555Trout 3 месяца назад +8

    Big Mac hammers it again.

  • @SgtValentine8448
    @SgtValentine8448 3 месяца назад +2

    We jumped the gun on getting rid of the European aristocracy and monarchy. We must have our aristocracy stay on the land and out of the cities.

  • @DarthBalsamic
    @DarthBalsamic 3 месяца назад

    Very good stuff.
    I think alot of people truly do not understand the basic functions of a healthy society and connected communities, and why failure, which is why what we're seeing on a mass scale is so ubiquitous.
    I see some balking at the discussion on an aristocracy, but it's because they get distracted by the cartoon they've invented in their heads about what it is. What's being discussed points directly to a healthy, structured society that produces an aristocracy that can and would lead accordingly because they are a product of the people. They wouldn't be disconnected from them in any way. We've become largely disconnected and deracinated from anything that would make us healthy in any way, and certainly have nothing that was passed on and can't pass on anything of value unless it's built, established and committed to. An aristocracy wouldn't be the only valuable people in a society. The people themselves would be elites, skilled, warriors, clergymen, family men, builders, traditional, intelligent, artistic, accountable to themselves and others, and so on. Degeneracy and decivilization being promoted would be excised quickly rather than endlessly debated and granted legitimacy via free speech or academia, which is basically rampant in America now. The leadership that is this sort of aristocracy wouldn't be able to shaft the citizenry because it wouldn't end or start well, for starters, but also because they'd have to effectively destroy their own and have no respite anywhere while burning their own lots. They wouldn't be able to flee or keep the spoils of their treachery. Our nation and the West has "leaders" who commit every egregious act and never pay the price, and still have respite everywhere while keeping their spoils. Meanwhile, we follow the bogus rules they've layed down that they do not follow that keeps this dynamic going.
    In order to build we have to be clear about our purpose, but also what needs to be eliminated and sustained. Frankly, outside of those of us who have such a vision and want to work on it personally and collectively, there aren't very many people who want it or are even up to the task. Election season is coming up, don't you know, and we're waiting to get income taxes to pay for endless bills while little Jimmy is indoctrinated at "school" and in the media. We're very dependent on a system that is destroying us and we want it to remain that way.

  • @springinfialta106
    @springinfialta106 3 месяца назад +1

    Short and very sweet!

  • @zenden6564
    @zenden6564 2 месяца назад

    Modern merchantile Globalism waa spearheaded by the USA post-WW2; Political Globalism by the USSR, which was parried by the USA. Post 1990's the new world order fused the two and became a post-nationalist project. The reaction has been the evolution of political and economic multipolarity and a revival of nationalism in some quarters and the politics of blood and religion. Auron captures well the forces that unravelled the USA's hegemony. The best the US can do now is hunker down, and directly face the new harsh realities that are approaching. Living in fantasy land on the vapours of past glories won't cut it and the billionaire class is not the Calvary riding to the rescue.

  • @kinvert
    @kinvert 3 месяца назад +12

    Homeschool your kids!

  • @tcorourke2007
    @tcorourke2007 3 месяца назад +2


  • @ralphh4131
    @ralphh4131 3 месяца назад +1


  • @amandabartlett8749
    @amandabartlett8749 3 месяца назад +2

    Yes. Please local organization. So tired of meme activism.

  • @aaronfire359
    @aaronfire359 3 месяца назад +2

    I think it is best when the natural aristocracy transforms into an established aristocracy. It was this lack of the form of aristocracy that led to its decay because it was not formalized; those natural elites could be exchanged for bureaucrats. The form of an aristocracy is its safeguard against erosion and supplanting by these more pervasive and corrupted forms of elite rule and that which more easily degenerates into tyranny.
    The hereditary principle of kings and nobles is not well known in America; but it is not a useless tool of oppression, rather it is a useful tool of civic stability, responsibility, and rootedness to place and people.

    • @MidlifeCrisisJoe
      @MidlifeCrisisJoe 3 месяца назад +1

      The principle is fundamentally sound. The best in a generation rise up to leadership and their success allows them the resources to raise children that have better training and are themselves thus more likely to be better leaders in their generation. As a repeated game with new aristocrats rising into places of leadership in each generation outcompeting those in the class who cannot maintain an expectation of excellence, it's a system that can provide continual meritocratic success.
      The issue is always that with power and personal bias toward the familial, many aristocrats will place children into power for the future generation that are not in fact capable, and who have the power but not the talent or training to actually lead. These failsons of aristocrats are the first managers. This overproduced replaceable ruling class with the correct training, and perhaps even the correct breeding but not the correct skills or natural abilities to lead in their own time, but who think they deserve such a position from their training, ultimately lead to the situation we're in.
      At best, this dynamic is a cycle. We've headed into the part of the cycle where managers rule which crumbles the society, and in the crumbled society the problems create pressure for new leaders to rise up to meet these challenges and become the next generation of aristocrats.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад +1

      Nobility is Chosen by God.

    • @aaronfire359
      @aaronfire359 3 месяца назад +4

      @@MidlifeCrisisJoe we mustn’t also forget that aristocrats and hereditary leaders were very watchful for decay even among their own family. Many a father has cut off his children or disinherited them if they did not shape up and meet expectations, sometimes very strict expectations at that.

    • @MidlifeCrisisJoe
      @MidlifeCrisisJoe 3 месяца назад +1

      @@aaronfire359 Well, good aristocrats anyway.

    • @aaronfire359
      @aaronfire359 3 месяца назад

      @@MidlifeCrisisJoe yes indeed

  • @jacobj3933
    @jacobj3933 3 месяца назад +5


  • @conceptstack4905
    @conceptstack4905 3 месяца назад +1


  • @matthewgaulke8094
    @matthewgaulke8094 3 месяца назад +1

    And what are examples of that so we can get started on them?

    • @crusader2112
      @crusader2112 3 месяца назад +1

      George Washington was an Aristocrat I believe and Theodore Roosevelt and his family were probably the closest thing to a homegrown Aristocracy we had.

    • @matthewgaulke8094
      @matthewgaulke8094 3 месяца назад +1

      @@crusader2112 I was thinking about something a bit more bite size to start with than attempting to become a guy of that magnitude. This is a frustration I have with some Right Wing thought is it puffs up these grandiose Ubermensch calls to action but it always stays out in this nebulous area of we need to be more heroic guys! can break this down into attainable goals?

    • @crusader2112
      @crusader2112 3 месяца назад +2

      @@matthewgaulke8094 I do agree, we gotta start small. But we can use men like Washington and Teddy as examples. To be honest I think some small things could be to become a pillar of your community. If one owns a business, donate to the arts (traditionalist of course not Post-Modern) and make donations to local candidates for Mayor or Sheriff you like. That's just a few tips. If one was to become a beloved writer in their community or any kind of artist that could help too.

    • @matthewgaulke8094
      @matthewgaulke8094 3 месяца назад

      @@crusader2112 both were Free Masons...were they heroic? Probably but I think I'll look else where for heroic examples to emulate.

    • @crusader2112
      @crusader2112 3 месяца назад +1

      @@matthewgaulke8094 I've heard many different things on Washington and Freemasons. Some say he was one, some say he left the Masons, as for Teddy, what was his rank? If he wasn't a 33rd degree one then he's still safe to admire. Also, it's American politics most members of the elite were Masons. Except for Charles Carroll (A Catholic) and John Adams.

  • @amandabartlett8749
    @amandabartlett8749 3 месяца назад +1

    Since you all are taking high iq elitist route, I'll just wait for the new aristocracy to rescue us-- lol.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      That is valid.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      just make sure to be worthy of who God chooses then.

    • @HunnysPlaylists
      @HunnysPlaylists 3 месяца назад

      imn that regard its actually requiring even more effort on your part to make yourself worthy.

    • @dvg4104
      @dvg4104 3 месяца назад +1

      "High IQ elitist" as opposed to what? Will the proles save us?

  • @requited2568
    @requited2568 3 месяца назад +3

    Good stuff.