Persona 5 Tactica Repaint Your Heart is Stupid

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @backupschmliff1156
    @backupschmliff1156 9 месяцев назад +24

    Not watching the video but thanks so much for the spoiler warning at the beginning man. I'm gonna pretend you did that for specifically me.

  • @TheArkhamjester
    @TheArkhamjester 9 месяцев назад +14

    What gets me is that they are willing to mention Yalbaodoth by name in the main game but heaven forbid Akechi gets to use Loki. Kasumi I kinda get, it is THE spoiler of the Royal specific stuff.

  • @pit2992
    @pit2992 9 месяцев назад +13

    I still believe a 20$ pre-quel DLC at day one is a scam.

    • @212madfool
      @212madfool 9 месяцев назад +1

      Pretty much what they did with the neglected Soulhackers 2 and SMT 5(SMT V pissed me most off, having the fiends behind a effing paywall. In the long run happy i restited)

    • @ducksoop.x
      @ducksoop.x 9 месяцев назад +1

      Certified Atlus moment

  • @PokemonaMoni
    @PokemonaMoni 9 месяцев назад +5

    Akechi and Sumire are my favorite characters in P5R. As much as I felt happy that they got SOMETHING for once, it's very disappointing what we got. They deserve much better, I liked the overall storyline, but they couldn't really shine. Sumire at least had a connection because it was a story about sisters, but Akechi really didn't contribute to anything and that's bad.

  • @iiamasandwich7123
    @iiamasandwich7123 9 месяцев назад +10

    Ok but I’m an akechi stan soooo… goodbye money

  • @AdachiSimp
    @AdachiSimp 8 месяцев назад +2

    Imagine my disappointment when I found out the DLC characters could only be used in new game plus, which is not on the marketing. It just says you can use them in the main story if you beat the dlc, so I did that first just to have the Royal Trio in the main story.
    But nope. New Game Plus.

    • @TillerBric
      @TillerBric  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, it really doesn't make that much sense either. There's no reason for it to be restricted to ng+ only, especially since the dlc is available on day one.

    @SMNFXCN 9 месяцев назад +5

    i liked it for the new mechanic, it was a nice change of pace because the second kingdom was kinda boring.
    i did like how it mostly got to the point, but i do feel like the ending was rushed. so rushed it's like
    what was jerri's motivation? jerri just dies and then we get some scene where she's talking to this unknown character...
    i liked how quick the dlc was, and the rate of progression but i did wish i got more time with the paint mechanic.
    i wouldn't call the story bad but it is on the safe side. i love some of the dlc's soundtrack more than some tracks in the base game, but i'm still really disappointed that you couldn't just have akechi and kasumi in your first playthrough of tactica. it's NG+ only... doesn't matter if you beat the dlc first, you have to beat both before you can use them in ng+
    the dlc is also expensive and i think it would have been nice to explore strikers content in tactica. having a jail in the form of a kingdom, with sophia and zenkichi playable, considering strikers is the canonical sequel.

    • @skel-l7825
      @skel-l7825 9 месяцев назад +4

      You'd know who Jerri was working for if you played the main story

    • @SMNFXCN
      @SMNFXCN 9 месяцев назад

      @@skel-l7825 oh I see

    • @BladeSerph
      @BladeSerph 9 месяцев назад +4

      The fact they didnt even bother to make it Sophie & Zenkichi and just had the Royale characters is just inexcus`able. Since the story would of had a better connection then even the main game since those 2 characters became `actual` official phantom thieves and they could of just had Tactica be at ANY point in the persona 5 timeline, which like Strikers, should of just been AFTER persona 5 so they could go full on in with the character`s finalized personalities, ultimate personas and could more freely bounce around then just be SIMP fest, where they are `locked` to thar initial personalities to avoid `spoilers` from the main game, DESPITE its been YEARS since persona 5 came out originally.
      Hell, it would of been better to just have it be that Joker got in a Coma and some god decided to meddle with him due to his MAJOR influence as a Wild Card Persona user and `planned` to take advantage of his potential to further its goals, by `changing his heart` while he was in the Coma, Doing a FLIP to the formula where Joker has to invade HIS OWN Palace, that has been warped, with maybe an extra twist of `Defending` his liberated portions of the palace so he is both playing Ruler of a Palace & Invade of a Palace in the same game, Which would play even better with a larger party cast, such as assigning different teams for both invading & defensive portions that you could bounce between in a single fight and also have MORE then just 3 units up at a time that mostly abuse the `One More` mechanic to take infinite extra turns and setup `Triangle Attack nukes` then bother having any tactical gameplay at all, since it mostly turns into SCREW cover half the time to Triangle attack spam even if it leaves a party member at the mercy of attacks.
      This way they could have the ENTIRE Persona cast, WITHOUT NEEDING TO adhere to current plot threads or follow the exact same personality bits, including Akechi, Kasumi, Sophie, Zenkichi and even slip in the Velvet room cast who `snuck in` to help Joker escape his own `Palace` that has been taken over by this `God`.
      This would of further upped it by having the characters being based on Joker`s perspective & the God warping them, could have very creative ways to take it, Plus it would actually be MORE PERSONAL by focusing on Joker specifically, then just randomly new character which even though `he` gets a persona at the end of the game, it will have no lasting connection besides being YET ANOTHER CHARACTER, they add to the Persona 5 `GACHA GAME`, which im sure many of us fking want Persona 5 X to come to Global, atleast the persona 5 simps would.
      Ultimately: If your gonna do a Spin-off title that completely flips off past entries of a specific line by not connecting plot parts at all, they might as well get ACTUALLY CREATIVE with the bloody thing.

  • @StarLatteStudios
    @StarLatteStudios 6 месяцев назад

    This video made me feel so validated lol, thank you.

  • @insertnamehere1398
    @insertnamehere1398 9 месяцев назад +2

    Tldr: $20 for a $10 dlc. And why tf was it right after the 3rd semester but right before the palace like that’s such a stupid place to put i-

  • @switchbro6622
    @switchbro6622 9 месяцев назад +3

    Tbh this should’ve somehow been apart of the main story instead of the lame ass fourth kingdom

  • @skel-l7825
    @skel-l7825 9 месяцев назад +7

    "My biggest disappointment is relegating two of my favorite characters in P5’s cast to before their most meaningful moments."
    How would this make that big of a difference? Sumire's character arc didn't give her a personaly overhaul, she can still relate to the grief of losing a sister. And Akechi's feelings regarding manipulators is still true even if he isn't Black Mask. The only difference is the wording and cadence of it being more calm and collected and not cynical and aggressive. You're vastly overestimating how much that makes a difference to the the plot and their feelings.

    • @BladeSerph
      @BladeSerph 9 месяцев назад +8

      Because DLC that is insanely disjointed from the main story, yet wanting to set itself DURING the main story, even if its a spin off, feels tedious and lazy.
      Just to refer to better handled DLC, Final Fantasy 15 included DLC for ALL THREE supporting party members of Noctis, EACH AND had one for Ardyn, the main antagonist of the story. Plus a Multi-player scenario that took place BETWEEN the time after Noctis fell into a Coma & AFTER he woke up. Which they even planned to have two other story DLCs but those got Axed.
      The main point though is all 3 supporting members, Prompto, Ignis & Gladio had them take place during the main game itself filling in points they were unavaible and even gave them expanded move-sets thru the course of said DLC(Prompto got multiple guns and a FPS playstyle, Gladio got new combat play and a Genji sword, while Ignis just went full on Spell fencer, with imbuing blades with magic), that carried over into the main game, even going as to letting you switch between playing each of them, then being locked to just Noctis, like how it originally was.
      Sure, Final Fantasy as a whole has a `beeger budget`, but the point is they could of handled it SUPER EASILY by just lining up the Tactica DLC to occur plot-time wise, at the same time as the Main story of Persona 5 Tactica did, AFTER the main Persona 5 game was. I actually came up with a few other ways they could of dealt with Persona 5 Tactica in terms of the story AND how they could of placed the Repaint your Heart DLC without treating it like an entirely separate storyline. Refer to some of the other comments i did on this video for those parts.
      Which just to further add, the placement of the DLC puts its position DURING Makoto`s Sister`s Palace invasion, BEFORE Akechi turns Traitor, but AFTER he became a playable party member. Since the dialogue TREATS IT, like this is the first time Akechi met Kasumi, but also acting like NONE of the Persona 5 Royal specific story with Kasumi & Akechi even happened at all.
      So overall its literally a super shoved in niche story and would of had to LITERALLY ERASE ALL THAR DAMN MEMORIES to make sense of it being wedged in the middle of Persona 5 Royal`s story but ignores any involvement they had with eachother, YET SOMEHOW took place in a short span of maybe a day or so, With the only other way to explain it is if Akechi, Kasumi & Joker just decided to FORGET EVERYTHING about it and never bring it up ever again.

  • @conyXcony253
    @conyXcony253 9 месяцев назад +2

    This exists to get people to shut up about “Where Akechi and Sumire” like it was when Strikers came out

  • @TheDracolordian
    @TheDracolordian 9 месяцев назад

    I completely agree with you on almost every point, the story is mid at best, it shouldn’t exist in the first place, Sumire should’ve been in the main game as Sumire, the paint mechanic is more fun that some of the main game fights,
    I’d give it a 6/10 if it wasn’t day one but since it was and has no excuse not being in the main game other than fan service baiting greed it drops down to a 5

  • @SuperFusionAJ93
    @SuperFusionAJ93 8 месяцев назад

    It's sad when fan art and fanfics treat Sumire better than Fatlus post Royal
    This shit is why I'm not buying the games(Including Reload) at least not in full price. Go buy FF16 and wait for 7 Rebirth Instead.

  • @skel-l7825
    @skel-l7825 9 месяцев назад +2

    If you're expecting a DLC to a spinoff to give you a super, ultra well-written story, you need to temper your expectations in the future. The plot wasn't amazing, but it was fine for what it was in all honestly

    • @BladeSerph
      @BladeSerph 9 месяцев назад +1

      It could of still been handled better by being `after` persona 5 Royale, just like how Tactica is placed after Persona 5 BASE game. Atleast then they could include an additional snippet where if you beat the Paint Your Heart DLC first, THEN start a new game, they would adjust the cutscenes to include Kasumi and you would end up with Akechi due to `distortions` in said world and could be due to the `Politician involved` also had some ties to Shido & Akechi, resulting in due to the Phantom Thieves presence, to resurface them and causing a Cognitive existence of Akechi to `Awaken` into his Phantom Thief version.
      Could of even included sidequests to `reawaken` the 2nd personas of the entire cast and a challenge mode to get each of thar ultimate personas including enhanced skills, on top of having Black Mask Akechi on top of that.
      The game already did the Persona 3 & 4 DLC more then a few times already so it would of been easy to drastically up the quality, give a slightly expanded story and appease players with a better whip of fan`service, since they already ABUSED the Cognitive existence gag with Akechi back in Persona 5 Royal, despite he was certified as `Killed` as far as the story was concerned back during Shido`s palace even in the base Persona 5 game itself.

    • @tbnwontpop8857
      @tbnwontpop8857 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@BladeSerph It wouldn't work since the idea of this dlc is to use Akechi and Kasumi.

    • @hailthequeenFM
      @hailthequeenFM 9 месяцев назад +2

      If I'm paying $20 for a DLC, I should expect some form of quality. I doesn't have be exactly like the base game. You know like BOTW:MM/most CB, Xenoblade 2: Torna, Xenoblade 3: Future Redeem, Fire Emblem 3 House: Cinder Shadows, Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue.

    • @BladeSerph
      @BladeSerph 9 месяцев назад

      Statement still stands the current form of the DLC is so generic they could effectively swap it with any 2 characters that could be anyone from Persona 5 or even a entirely different Persona game (Maybe even just have Demi fiend with Pixie & the SMTV Protagonist so they could have sidekicks playing the banter game for funsies) or just the `Twins` as playable units this time around and it would effectively change nothing that matters to the story itself.
      Outside of giving simp material for Persona 5 Royal Fans, does it even have any ACTUAL reason why its those 2 in particular?@@tbnwontpop8857

  • @kierenbuckley370
    @kierenbuckley370 9 месяцев назад

    $20 for a 4 hour campaign is super scummy practice, for me I do not like either Akechi and Kazumi