I'm glad for this video and really disappointed that there weren't more complaints against not only an incompetent therapist but a harmful one. Her tactics were the opposite of therapeutic - they were burdensome to the client. A therapist's job is to "lift" the burden, not add to it. It's very very important that the public knows there are BAD therapists!!!!
@@PrivatePracticeSkills You're right -- whistleblowing ain't for sissies. Too often, the guilty party gets treated as a saint and gets away with murder while whoever reported the abuse gets treated like garbage. So I applaud you for speaking out against your unethical ex-therapist. I hope karma comes back to bite her in the butt someday. My former speech-language pathologist has been getting away with narcissistic abuse and unethical business practices for years. I'm getting ready to report her to ASHA's Board of Ethics. If they don't discipline her, I plan to report her to the state licensing board as well. Do you have any advice for me? I'm trying my best to follow ASHA's instructions to the letter.
You don't seem like an angry upset person, you seem like a person who respects herself enough to stand up for herself by implementing boundaries. She crossed the boundary, and you had enough courage to speak up!
I had a supervisor in college in Ireland and she was CRAZY. Went to my college behind my back, twisted everything around to make me look like the bad guy, went to the college behind my back again, gaslighted me in emails (hard evidence that she was contradicting herself and throwing me under the bus), abandoned me and my clients out of nowhere. I could go on. Similar to your story, she went on at length about her “decades of experience”. Brought the complaint to her 2 different accrediting bodies. The first accrediting body said she had no case to answer without even asking her a single question. The second body said she had no case to answer either; again without asking her a single question, but it took 3 years to even open the case. It till me 30 months to get back seeing clients to finish my course. It took an enormous mental toll on me and caused me to be out of work for a full year. It has essentially destroyed my career as a therapist and nobody seemed to give a shjt.
I really admire your ability to address the problems immediately in your sessions with this therapist! I think that is so so so helpful. Ideally, this could really help a therapist grow and address their mistakes appropriately. Thanks for sharing!
I'm afraid this might make me a a "difficult client," but by the end especially I'd really had it with her so I just started calling things out immediately because I didn't see any signs of her attempting to change. I lost my patience to be gracious about it.
Ugh! My first time seeking therapy, the therapist I got talked about himself the whole intake and, in my opinion, make inappropriate jokes about what I had said. By the end of the session, I knew all about the therapist's relationship with local judges, his wife, his daughter, his religion, how "wonderful" his other clients thought he was, his travel history, his other clients' issues, and so on. He would cut me off to interject more things about himself, and we even went overtime because he was talking so much! At one point during the session his cellphone rang. He picked it up, checked it, and put it in his pocket. It was a terrible session for me, and I did not go back after that.
THANK YOU for this. I’m not a mental health professional but rather a client. I worked with a therapist for nearly 3 years until I had to terminate because her personal life was having too much impact on her ability to work effectively. Oversharing all over the place, blurred boundaries, no-shows… After consulting with others in the field, I decided to file a complaint with the licensing board. Today I got the finding - close with caution. It was the result I most expected but still, I find myself wondering if the fact they didn’t take disciplinary action means that my complaint wasn’t valid enough. They didn’t outright dismiss it, so… Anyway, so helpful to me to hear that you, as a professional even when in training, experienced similar.
I want to apologize for some of the negative comments against you for filing a complaint. A good ethical therapist shouldn't fear getting a complaint being that the majority of them get dismissed. My state licensing board encourages people to file complaints who feel they have been treated unprofessionally. What unprofessional is can be a broad definition. Before I book an appointment with a therapist I wish I could know their success and failure rates with the clients they have seen. I would want to know how many clients terminated their therapist along with how many clients the therapist terminated on. I would also like to know how many clients the therapist is seeing. If all of this was public it would reveal how unhelpful therapy actually is and people would stop going. There are people that spend the majority of their lives in therapy and not any better. Too many horrible nasty mean therapists have destroyed my trust. Never again
Oh my....that sounds like an unpleasant experience. The stories I hear about some of the therapists shock me. My friend works in an EAP dept and shared that a caller asked to switch therapist because her therapist fell asleep in the therapy session. Thanks for sharing.
Any suggestions on help writing a letter to submit against my therapist? I am such a poor writer but my therapist has said some very unprofessional things!
I’ve got some anger issues, but in my line of work it’s very cut throat, and you gotta get mean if you don’t want to get stepped on. I’ve had to drop therapists or even report them for breaking confidentiality, or false reporting me to the police. I have no trust in them as a result, and won’t be seeing one again.
My last therapist was harmful, things with my current very good therapist have been hard because of the stuff I endured from my last therapist. She ended up ending care because she "didnt think she could help me anymore" never referred me out or anything. She also told me to "stop falling apart". It's been hard getting over some of it.
Clients should always be free to switch with ease. Otherwise, things build up like water behind a dam. A lot of things that would be merely frustrating in the short term become harmful if two parties are forced together for nearly a year by an external entity.
Prior to graduating with my counseling degree, I too had to complete 80 plus hours of Analysis. My Analyst, someone I still to this day respect immensely, fell asleep in the middle of one of my sessions lol. I was lying down on the couch facing away from my Analyst, although I couldn’t see I felt the energy in the room change. I knew my Analyst had fallen asleep. It lasted for only 5 mins, I didn’t move I waited for my Analyst to wake up. The first thought I had, OMG am I that boring lol. I didn’t file a complaint, I even paid for the session. I continued to see my Analyst until I completed my required hours. As I stated before, I respect this Analyst immensely.
Oh my, 80 hours is a lot! There were some moments in those early momming days when I was having trouble staying awake in session. I'm glad to hear it was just the once! Though ideally your therapist would acknowledge it (I suppose that wouldn't fit the psychoanalytic process to do so though...)
Private Practice Skills, he absolutely acknowledged it lol. He asked how come I didn’t wake him? I said, I figured you were tired and needed the rest. :-)
How the heck is a therapist to learn what healthy therapy is if their instructors are jacked up. As someone with Bipolar I, I would have dropped someone right after that after complaining to their boss. I had a horrible therapist that was weird too. After I complained to her boss and left a copious voicemail about all the bad things that happened and how I wanted a new person that was the complete opposite, my therapist quit three months later. She wasn't as weird as your experience but was just as damaging. Maybe they just burn out and it weakens their ability to remain professional. Who knows? I had a bad therapist that I should have dropped months before. Last thing people need is someone making things worse. Had a professor in college that only taught me what not to do through following their example. I imagine that is all you would learn with that lady.
Maybe I just need more context. It doesn't sound like she did anything wrong, per se. What it sounds like to me is that your personalities weren't in line
WHOA. Sounds like she had some serious boundary issues going on. One thing I've heard is that if you can't leave work AT work, you're probably going to burn out.
I love the increased desire to NEVER be that therapist. Right? It's nice to learn that as a trainee and not carry these actions into the field. She told her husband? Wow. Part of me hopes she was just doing this for training purposes and it was a ruse.
i can't see what is wrong with self-disclosure for a psychologist / personal growth therapist. it is still ethical. i think it is ok to relate similar experiences but not to contact patients btwn sessions.
You're right! I do disclose to clients sometimes. In truth, the footage for this video was over an hour and I cut most of it out..but she would spend several sessions in a row talking about herself. There were one or two sessions that I didn't really get to say anything after the first couple of sentences. This degree of self disclosure really is never appropriate in counseling
Jesus… Borderline..this is why I would never go to therapy or female Therapist because I can’t respect any professional who treats peers or women this way. Therapist was treating her like any peer who had an advanced degree or practical human.“ I didn’t ask for your opinion.” “I felt burdened.” By an apology? What an odd response. She apologized it’s actually recommended response from legal aspect; and you chose to punish her?! Toxic.
I was hoping that you explained why the ethics committee did not find any of her issues technically unethical. I’m trying to study for the EPPP and was hoping that you shed some light. On a side note…cringe. I’m sorry that happened to you and that you were forced to use this therapist as your individual therapy experience. I hope that this requirement has changed at the institution. I hope you were able to gain some benefit at least.
So what I’m hearing is, it was required to complete therapy for your Doctoral program and you nailed a bad therapist but had the opportunity to switch, but didn’t wish to switch because you didn’t want to start over. You had an opportunity to have a richer experience and actually uncover some personal things about yourself, but you weren’t motivated to self discovery through therapy. You rather stay with someone that is toxic to you, then start over fresh with someone who would be a better fit. Therapy is a good option for mental health providers, as well as, Psychologists, before providing services to the population. If you had a bad therapist, you didn’t get the chance to challenge your own transference, childhood traumas and projections. You, therefore never had therapy if you get my drift.
I appreciate that reflection! The main reason I wasn't able to switch is I had a dedicated bank account for therapy with limited funds (while in grad school and generally bleeding money out of my ears). So even at just a few sessions in, starting over with someone new to complete 40 sessions all over again was simply not something I had budget for. Fortunately, I've since been able to work with some great therapists on a non-grad student budget, but I have much empathy for folks who feel stuck with a therapist because they can't afford a different option.
Hah! I have so many interests that for me, movies are at the bottom of things I'd enjoy doing. I CAN watch movies, but I usually am thinking about other ways I'd prefer to spend my time and I usually find ways to do other tasks at the same time. 🤷♀️ It's not typical, but it's definitely a Marie quirk!
You have zero empathy! Im not a supervising therapist, but I can imagine that supervisers are also humans! Maybe she sincerely thought she is helping you! It's sad that such people without empathy end up becoming therapist! Horrible! Now making money out of youtube by defamating that poor woman's reputation!
LOL this comment is exactly how narcissists think... you are a therapist and getting paid to be professional and should have expertise in dealing with how to deal with a variety of clients including ones that are not a good fit. I'm sure you also think that therapists who date clients are "only human" and that those clients have "zero empathy" in trying to report them.
LOL this comment is exactly how narcissists think... you are a therapist and getting paid to be professional and should have expertise in dealing with how to deal with a variety of clients including ones that are not a good fit. I'm sure you also think that therapists who date clients are "only human" and that those clients have "zero empathy" in trying to report them.
You are an incredibly petty person. Every "fail" is based on a minor infraction, minus the plagiarism video which covers a high-school (maybe lower grade) level mistake you made in a graduate lvel class. I think you give good information overall on your channel, but I wouldn't file a complaint for anything short of sexual harassment.
I'm glad for this video and really disappointed that there weren't more complaints against not only an incompetent therapist but a harmful one. Her tactics were the opposite of therapeutic - they were burdensome to the client. A therapist's job is to "lift" the burden, not add to it. It's very very important that the public knows there are BAD therapists!!!!
I think this is a reality. Lots of therapists getting away with harmful things because...no one says anything. It's a huge hurdle to speak up!
@@PrivatePracticeSkills You're right -- whistleblowing ain't for sissies. Too often, the guilty party gets treated as a saint and gets away with murder while whoever reported the abuse gets treated like garbage. So I applaud you for speaking out against your unethical ex-therapist. I hope karma comes back to bite her in the butt someday.
My former speech-language pathologist has been getting away with narcissistic abuse and unethical business practices for years. I'm getting ready to report her to ASHA's Board of Ethics. If they don't discipline her, I plan to report her to the state licensing board as well. Do you have any advice for me? I'm trying my best to follow ASHA's instructions to the letter.
You don't seem like an angry upset person, you seem like a person who respects herself enough to stand up for herself by implementing boundaries. She crossed the boundary, and you had enough courage to speak up!
I had a supervisor in college in Ireland and she was CRAZY. Went to my college behind my back, twisted everything around to make me look like the bad guy, went to the college behind my back again, gaslighted me in emails (hard evidence that she was contradicting herself and throwing me under the bus), abandoned me and my clients out of nowhere. I could go on. Similar to your story, she went on at length about her “decades of experience”. Brought the complaint to her 2 different accrediting bodies. The first accrediting body said she had no case to answer without even asking her a single question. The second body said she had no case to answer either; again without asking her a single question, but it took 3 years to even open the case. It till me 30 months to get back seeing clients to finish my course. It took an enormous mental toll on me and caused me to be out of work for a full year. It has essentially destroyed my career as a therapist and nobody seemed to give a shjt.
I really admire your ability to address the problems immediately in your sessions with this therapist! I think that is so so so helpful. Ideally, this could really help a therapist grow and address their mistakes appropriately. Thanks for sharing!
I'm afraid this might make me a a "difficult client," but by the end especially I'd really had it with her so I just started calling things out immediately because I didn't see any signs of her attempting to change. I lost my patience to be gracious about it.
Ugh! My first time seeking therapy, the therapist I got talked about himself the whole intake and, in my opinion, make inappropriate jokes about what I had said. By the end of the session, I knew all about the therapist's relationship with local judges, his wife, his daughter, his religion, how "wonderful" his other clients thought he was, his travel history, his other clients' issues, and so on. He would cut me off to interject more things about himself, and we even went overtime because he was talking so much! At one point during the session his cellphone rang. He picked it up, checked it, and put it in his pocket. It was a terrible session for me, and I did not go back after that.
THANK YOU for this. I’m not a mental health professional but rather a client. I worked with a therapist for nearly 3 years until I had to terminate because her personal life was having too much impact on her ability to work effectively. Oversharing all over the place, blurred boundaries, no-shows…
After consulting with others in the field, I decided to file a complaint with the licensing board. Today I got the finding - close with caution.
It was the result I most expected but still, I find myself wondering if the fact they didn’t take disciplinary action means that my complaint wasn’t valid enough. They didn’t outright dismiss it, so…
Anyway, so helpful to me to hear that you, as a professional even when in training, experienced similar.
I want to apologize for some of the negative comments against you for filing a complaint. A good ethical therapist shouldn't fear getting a complaint being that the majority of them get dismissed. My state licensing board encourages people to file complaints who feel they have been treated unprofessionally. What unprofessional is can be a broad definition. Before I book an appointment with a therapist I wish I could know their success and failure rates with the clients they have seen. I would want to know how many clients terminated their therapist along with how many clients the therapist terminated on. I would also like to know how many clients the therapist is seeing. If all of this was public it would reveal how unhelpful therapy actually is and people would stop going. There are people that spend the majority of their lives in therapy and not any better. Too many horrible nasty mean therapists have destroyed my trust. Never again
this is absolutely scary. there needs to be way more oversight on therapists' practice. why does society allow therapists to be like this?
Thanks for this. I've Experienced in grad school and when working in an agency; I feel better about filing those grievances since watching this video.
Oh my....that sounds like an unpleasant experience. The stories I hear about some of the therapists shock me. My friend works in an EAP dept and shared that a caller asked to switch therapist because her therapist fell asleep in the therapy session. Thanks for sharing.
Any suggestions on help writing a letter to submit against my therapist? I am such a poor writer but my therapist has said some very unprofessional things!
I’ve got some anger issues, but in my line of work it’s very cut throat, and you gotta get mean if you don’t want to get stepped on. I’ve had to drop therapists or even report them for breaking confidentiality, or false reporting me to the police. I have no trust in them as a result, and won’t be seeing one again.
Sounds like she had huge boundary issues. I had a Psychiatrist that wanted to hang out w me since she had no friends!
Oh no! That's not good. I've been amazed how often I've heard that from my clients about their prior therapists
My last therapist was harmful, things with my current very good therapist have been hard because of the stuff I endured from my last therapist. She ended up ending care because she "didnt think she could help me anymore" never referred me out or anything. She also told me to "stop falling apart". It's been hard getting over some of it.
Wow!!!! Scary therapist 🤦🏾♀️. I'm glad you filed a complaint
Clients should always be free to switch with ease. Otherwise, things build up like water behind a dam. A lot of things that would be merely frustrating in the short term become harmful if two parties are forced together for nearly a year by an external entity.
I cannot believe they didn't find anything wrong with this therapist as to me she sounds like she needs a psychiatrist.
Prior to graduating with my counseling degree, I too had to complete 80 plus hours of Analysis. My Analyst, someone I still to this day respect immensely, fell asleep in the middle of one of my sessions lol. I was lying down on the couch facing away from my Analyst, although I couldn’t see I felt the energy in the room change. I knew my Analyst had fallen asleep. It lasted for only 5 mins, I didn’t move I waited for my Analyst to wake up. The first thought I had, OMG am I that boring lol.
I didn’t file a complaint, I even paid for the session. I continued to see my Analyst until I completed my required hours. As I stated before, I respect this Analyst immensely.
Oh my, 80 hours is a lot! There were some moments in those early momming days when I was having trouble staying awake in session. I'm glad to hear it was just the once! Though ideally your therapist would acknowledge it (I suppose that wouldn't fit the psychoanalytic process to do so though...)
Private Practice Skills, he absolutely acknowledged it lol. He asked how come I didn’t wake him? I said, I figured you were tired and needed the rest. :-)
How the heck is a therapist to learn what healthy therapy is if their instructors are jacked up. As someone with Bipolar I, I would have dropped someone right after that after complaining to their boss.
I had a horrible therapist that was weird too. After I complained to her boss and left a copious voicemail about all the bad things that happened and how I wanted a new person that was the complete opposite, my therapist quit three months later.
She wasn't as weird as your experience but was just as damaging. Maybe they just burn out and it weakens their ability to remain professional. Who knows? I had a bad therapist that I should have dropped months before. Last thing people need is someone making things worse. Had a professor in college that only taught me what not to do through following their example. I imagine that is all you would learn with that lady.
🤦🏻♀️🤨 you cant even make up this stuff 🤭 Good on you for calling her out.
Maybe I just need more context. It doesn't sound like she did anything wrong, per se. What it sounds like to me is that your personalities weren't in line
WHOA. Sounds like she had some serious boundary issues going on. One thing I've heard is that if you can't leave work AT work, you're probably going to burn out.
Love these!
I'm glad!
Awesome video...
Best one on this subject....❤
I love the increased desire to NEVER be that therapist. Right? It's nice to learn that as a trainee and not carry these actions into the field. She told her husband? Wow. Part of me hopes she was just doing this for training purposes and it was a ruse.
i can't see what is wrong with self-disclosure for a psychologist / personal growth therapist. it is still ethical. i think it is ok to relate similar experiences but not to contact patients btwn sessions.
You're right! I do disclose to clients sometimes. In truth, the footage for this video was over an hour and I cut most of it out..but she would spend several sessions in a row talking about herself. There were one or two sessions that I didn't really get to say anything after the first couple of sentences. This degree of self disclosure really is never appropriate in counseling
Jesus… Borderline..this is why I would never go to therapy or female Therapist because I can’t respect any professional who treats peers or women this way. Therapist was treating her like any peer who had an advanced degree or practical human.“ I didn’t ask for your opinion.” “I felt burdened.” By an apology? What an odd response. She apologized it’s actually recommended response from legal aspect; and you chose to punish her?! Toxic.
Very helpful video-thanks!
Glad it was helpful!
According to Carl Rogers, some degree of self disclosure is permitted.
"ewww." That's my only thought in my response to this lady.
Haha! That about sums up how I felt about her
I was hoping that you explained why the ethics committee did not find any of her issues technically unethical. I’m trying to study for the EPPP and was hoping that you shed some light. On a side note…cringe. I’m sorry that happened to you and that you were forced to use this therapist as your individual therapy experience. I hope that this requirement has changed at the institution. I hope you were able to gain some benefit at least.
So what I’m hearing is, it was required to complete therapy for your Doctoral program and you nailed a bad therapist but had the opportunity to switch, but didn’t wish to switch because you didn’t want to start over. You had an opportunity to have a richer experience and actually uncover some personal things about yourself, but you weren’t motivated to self discovery through therapy. You rather stay with someone that is toxic to you, then start over fresh with someone who would be a better fit. Therapy is a good option for mental health providers, as well as, Psychologists, before providing services to the population. If you had a bad therapist, you didn’t get the chance to challenge your own transference, childhood traumas and projections. You, therefore never had therapy if you get my drift.
I appreciate that reflection! The main reason I wasn't able to switch is I had a dedicated bank account for therapy with limited funds (while in grad school and generally bleeding money out of my ears). So even at just a few sessions in, starting over with someone new to complete 40 sessions all over again was simply not something I had budget for. Fortunately, I've since been able to work with some great therapists on a non-grad student budget, but I have much empathy for folks who feel stuck with a therapist because they can't afford a different option.
@@PrivatePracticeSkills - kindly refrain from speed talking.
Respect for speaking up and for being a positive example. You don't watch movies tho....🤔huh??
Hah! I have so many interests that for me, movies are at the bottom of things I'd enjoy doing. I CAN watch movies, but I usually am thinking about other ways I'd prefer to spend my time and I usually find ways to do other tasks at the same time. 🤷♀️ It's not typical, but it's definitely a Marie quirk!
@@PrivatePracticeSkills We all have our quirks!😁😁 Do what makes you happy! 😁😁
Sorry you had a bad experience! What beverage did you have there?
It's the Califia mocha cold brew...my husband hates it but I think it's a nice afternoon treat!
@@PrivatePracticeSkills Gosh it looks divine.
Please contact me for team petition for accountability and reform on mental and physical health care for all peoples.
You have zero empathy! Im not a supervising therapist, but I can imagine that supervisers are also humans! Maybe she sincerely thought she is helping you! It's sad that such people without empathy end up becoming therapist! Horrible! Now making money out of youtube by defamating that poor woman's reputation!
LOL this comment is exactly how narcissists think... you are a therapist and getting paid to be professional and should have expertise in dealing with how to deal with a variety of clients including ones that are not a good fit. I'm sure you also think that therapists who date clients are "only human" and that those clients have "zero empathy" in trying to report them.
LOL this comment is exactly how narcissists think... you are a therapist and getting paid to be professional and should have expertise in dealing with how to deal with a variety of clients including ones that are not a good fit. I'm sure you also think that therapists who date clients are "only human" and that those clients have "zero empathy" in trying to report them.
Children and seniors first please.
The complaints you cited are ludicrous. She didn't do anything wrong-that's why the ethics committee didn't take action.
You are an incredibly petty person. Every "fail" is based on a minor infraction, minus the plagiarism video which covers a high-school (maybe lower grade) level mistake you made in a graduate lvel class. I think you give good information overall on your channel, but I wouldn't file a complaint for anything short of sexual harassment.