Definitely, gotta respect both of them for their accomplishments in MMA so far... and there's no doubt this next fight will be a fight of the year candidate. I honestly think we'll see 3 or 4 rounds this time, maybe even 5 rounds if we're lucky, if it goes 5 rounds though i'm just hoping the judges don't get it wrong.
+Conor 'El Chapo' McGregor I really hope it doesn't go to a decision. Either Conor finishes Nate in the 2 or 4 or Nate wins by sub in the 3rd is my guess but a decision will leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth I think. Ideally it will be a war and Conor wins by tko in the 4th and then we can get a rubber match to settle it for good.
Mcgregor: Gettin pummeled in the gut multiple times, letting out hard grunts. Cuts to Diaz Diaz: Strolling around the grocers to pleasant Supermarket music. XD, i'm not sneering Diaz or trying to make a point I just found it funny.
Can't believe it's 7 fuckin year so fast. Conor is old, diaz outta ufc, Antony is dead rip. What a beautiful time it was back then with all these legend's in there prime. I miss this shit.
Miss it too man. 2008-2018 best era. We'll look back at it even more so in a few years, all these guys built this sport into what it is today, the time went out the window.
+Hamza Jamal You're an idiot beyond hope. The point of McGregor's trash talk is to generate attention. Why do you think he insulted the whole WWE world? Doesn't have anything to do with Diaz. In fact, that's why Diaz wanted to fight Conor in the first place and still wants to, Conor knows how to bring money to the fight. He's just hanging on to Conor's momentum he even said it himself.
+ibn Demashq No, english is his first language lmao. He just has some real bad speech impediment + too many blows to the head + the genes that brought you the genius Nick Diaz...
Conor really needed to finish it though if it were to be taken as legit. Twas only a majority decision, so not very comprehensive. However, it was an exciting match to watch for sure.
Jorge Masvidal Really he was inefficient with his energy, why would this fight be any different, he always goes all out and he got away with it the the featherweight division cause he was finishing a bunch of midgets and that will not work with a fighter like Nate...And artem hasn't fought anybody to say he has good take down defense, let's just wait and see what happens when he fights someone with experience
"How about me and my guys vs. you and your guys. Now that is entertaining." Gotta love the old school spirit of Nate Diaz. America was a better country when men took things outside and settled it on the street. We were built in the crucible of pain & respect, leaving it out there in the street when it was all said and done.
I've been a Diaz fan, but I must say, I love the fact that it looks like McGregor is tuned in and focused on this fight. I have to respect that. the man's about the "get back" right now. good luck to both though I know they don't need it, may the best man take it.
0:54 was INTENSE. i had to do that once durin a boxing class at an mma gym to strength the abs, but it wasn't anywhere near as rough as this. these hits looked painful and conor took it like a beast. still think nate's gona win tho
The greatest living Irish sportman! You gotta keep those hands up when you get tired. It's the fundemental failing in a boxers defense not to keep those hands up when tired. Its the first thing they teach you!
As someone who works in the fitness industry I'm really surprised more martial artists dont use cycling more often. It removes the impact strain on the knees and is a good way to build cardio while preserving the body.
+chris alvarado ч. у ь руб. руб. Кыргызстан Ички иштер министрлиги ушул кабарды тастыктап, Чубак ажы теологиялык экспертизанын натыйжасы менен таанышуу үчүн чакыртылганын маалымдады. 2015-жылы акырында Ошто “Ахмадия” агымынын бир мүчөсү өлтүрүлгөн болчу. Бул окуядан кийин маркумдун жакындары Чубак ажы Жалилов бул агымды каралап, диний жаңжалды козгоду, деген арыз менен тартип коргоочу органдарга кайрылган. Мурунку муфтий болсо “ахмадия”ларды “мусулман эмес” жамаат катары белгилеген. Бирок өзүнө карата айтылып жаткан айыптарды четке каккан. “Ахмадия” агымынын өкүлдөрү Чубак ажы Жалилов үстүнөн жазган арызы себептүү ички иштер министрлигинин Оштогу тергөө бөлүмү иш алып барууда. Ички иштер министрлигинин басма сөз катчысы Бакыит Сейитовдун маалымдашынча, Дин иштери боюнча мамлекеттик комиссиясы теологиялык экспертиза өткөрүп “диний душмандыкты козгоого чакырган”,- деп тыянак чыгарган. “Ушул экспертизанын жыйынтыгы менен өзү таанышып чыгып, ага макул же макул эместигин билүү үчүн, деп чакыртылган. Эгер ал экспертизанын жыйынтыгына нааразы болсо, тажрыйбалуу эксперттерди чакырып, комиссия тобу түзүлөт жана окуя кайтадан каралып чыгат. Ал азыр ушул үчүн гана чакыртылды. Андан башка нерсе жок. Анын айткандарында ушундай чакыруу барбы же жокпу, экспертиза даярдалган”,- деди Бакыт Сейитов. Комментарий: Милициянын айтымында Чубак ажынын суракка чакырылышына, “ахмадия” жамаатына мүчө болгон адамдын үй-бүлөсү жазган арыз себеп болгон. Эскерте кетсек, 2015-жылдын “ахмадия” жамаатынын мүчөсү деп эсептелген адам атып өлтүрүлгөн. Уламалар кеңешинин фатва бөлүмүнүн башчысы Чубак ажы, мусулмандардын суроолоруна жооп берип жатып, ахмадия агымы кайрыисламий т.а куфр агымы деп айтып өткөн. Бул фатва шаръий нусустарга негизделип айтылган. “Ахмадия” агымынын акыйдасы бузук экенин, алардын программасын окуган адам кафир экенин көрө алат. Мындан тышкары бул агымды дүйнөнүн бир дагы абройлуу аалымы мусулмандар сабына кошпогон. Алар “ахмадия” агымынын негиздөөчүсү, Мирза Гулема Ахмадды (1835 - 1908) пайгамбарыбыз (с.а.в)дын ишин улантуучу пайгамбар деп эсептешет. Милициянын аракеттери бул ишке башкача түс берүүнү максат кылууда. Алар, бул фатваны провакациялык баян деп, “ахмадия” жигитинин өлүмү ушул фатванын акыбетинде жүзөгө келди дешүүдө. Алар бул ишти мурунтан өздөрү уюштурушканбы же абалдан пайдаланып жатабы белгисиз болуп турат. Тагыраагы, орган кызматкерлери “ахмадия” жигитин өлтүрүүгө атайын шарт жаратып бериши мүмкүн (Чубак ажыны жогорудагы сөздөрү үчүн айыптуу кылыш максатында) же кылмышты кылгандар башка болсо да, абалдан пайдаланып калышмакчы. Эгер орган кызматкерлеринин логикасына сала турган болсок, алар призидентти да тергөөгө чакырышы керек. Атамбаев, кара хижаб кийген аялдарды эч кандай далилсиз жардыруучу террорчулар деди. Бул коомду экиге бөлүүчү пикир болуп, илманийлик тараптагы жарандар менен ислам тараптагы мусулмандар ортосун ажыратып жиберет. Президенттин ушул сөзүнөн бул эки тайпа ортосунда материалдык карама-каршылыктар келип чыкса, президенттин сөздөрү буга себеп болот! Бийликтин Чубак ажыга каршы алып барып жаткан аракеттери, учурунда Өзбекстан бийлиги өз уламаларына алып барган репрессиялык аракеттерин эске салат. Рашод карыны камакка алганда биз мусулмандар шалаакылык кылдык. Өкмөт, улутчул жана теңирчилердин таасирин күчөтүп, Рашод карынынын тарапкерлерин куугунтукка алган эле. Учурда, бийлик кайрадан улутчулдукту күчөтүп, мусулмандардын биримдигин бузууга, башка улуттагы имамдарды четтетүү иштерин күчөтүүгө аракет кылып жатат. Айрым уламаларыбыз бийликтин бул иштеринен пайда көрүп жаткандай болуп, алар менен кызматташа баштады. Бирок, бийликтин үстүндө турган куфр кеңешчилер, уламалар кыргыз болсо да исламдашуудан кооптоно баштады. Эми, Рашод карыны куугунтуктоодо негизги рол ойногон өзбек бийлиги, Чубак ажыны коомдон четтетүүгө кеңеш берип жатат. Чубак ажы кыргыз уламасы эмес, Ислам уламасы экенин эч качан унутпашыбыз керек. Ал батыл тарапта туруудан такыбаа кылып, (Аллахтан коркуп) акыйкат тарапты тандады. Сабыр менен бекем турганы үчүн ага зулум кылууга аракет кылышууда. Хизб ут Тахрир менен Чубак ажынын ортосунда бир катар ихтилафтуу маселелер, саясий аракеттерибизде келишпөөчүлүктөр болсо да, ал Исламий улама катары урмат кылууга ылайыктуу адам. Биз бардык исламий жамааттарды, ортолорубуздагы ихтилафтуу маселелерди четке сүрүп коюп, Ислам жана мусулмандардын ички иштерине аралашып жаткан куфр пикирлерине каршы турууга чакырабыз. Аллах бизди өз шариатына ылайык жашоого жана ар бир окуяга шаръий пикир айтууга буюрган. Жогоруда болсо, акыйкат сөздү айтып жатканы үчүн бир тууганыбызды куугунтукташууда. Ар бир жамаат, шахс жана партиялар, “Ахмадийлер” тууралуу шаръий өкүмдү туура баян кылып, өз позициясын билдириши керек. Анткени, бул Чубак ажынын өкүмү эмес, Аллахтын өкүмү. Эл ичинде, “ахмадия” агымы Англиядан бизге кирип келишине, Кадыржан Батыровдун кызматы өтө чоң деп айтылат. Ал эми, Кара суу районунун Кашкар айылында алардын саны көбөйүшүнө, айыл тургуну Иномжан Абдурасуловдун салымы чоң болгон. Өкмөт буларды билишинен шегибиз жок. Демек, бул эл душмандарын өкмөт коргоп жатат. Ассаламу алайкум. л
I can't understand how anyone could have been a Diaz fan, then not loved McGregor as well? They are basically the same. Real dudes, that talk shit to make it even better. Hell, I think THEY even like each other. Just a good fight.
XxsplaSh0-o Actually I'm not american, and I just bought my first house, which is more than Conor can say actually, he doesn't own a fucking thing. Fast forward 5 years and conors name will be worth as much as his claims, absolutely fucking nothing.
there wasnt a 9th minute though. why is that? of course the painful answer is because conor quit. that'll hang around his neck for the rest of his days.
He's lost before so has Nate 10 fuckin times don't mean shit every fight is different. Support those bunch of crackhead ese's. Nate has my respect as a fighter but this lead up to the 2nd fight has shown he's bitch made.
3:58 brought me back to 15 years ago, I went to high school in Danbury High and I set the record for fastest mile at 5 mins 19secs I wonder if it is still unbeaten. What a memory I just flashbacked into. LETS GO GLOVER represent the D-block \m/
Before their first fight, I used to idolize Conor as a full on god, and when he lost I was shattered, but since then I realised how much of a boss Nate actually is, and how real he is, everything he does is hilarious. Now coming into this fight, I really couldn't care who wins because I like both fighters and am really excited for a full on war. It will be awesome.
Im starting to really really like Diaz and I don't know why :O the fucking transition from Mcgregor taking all those ab punches to a whole foods were diaz is chilling with his buddies killed me lol
I was happy when Connor got beat in the first fight but now he's not as cocky i actualy want him to win lol It'll be a good fight but im sure Connor will win this time round.
Did anyone else laugh when they saw the first scene with mcgregor training hard and being serious and then the diaz scene shows up with him shopping and chillin lol
omg LOL conor is back at the low carb paleo bullshit again, if you weren't convinced Diaz skillset alone is enough to beat McNugget for a second time, this puts the nail in the coffin. Nate diaz = high carb, high energy, high endurance... Conor = low carb, low energy, low endurance... LOOOOL.
as far as i understood it hes doing carbloading meaning that for a few days he is eating low carb hig fat followed by a few high carb days Thats actually good for energy
Dude, I'm vegan as well, please listen to this. Conor is eating low carb high fat and then later he is doing high-carb days. (as +Gerrit Paschen stated) Also, If I were you I would act like the last fight never happened, because when Conor was peaked Diaz was warming up, and when Diaz had warmed up Conor had gassed... Also, you would think that a professional researcher would know about what is good for the human body for high energy, high endurance... Also, can you please stop acting so superior and rude to non-vegans? That is why the second you say the words "I'm Vegan" people dislike you. Vegans like you who are so rude and angry drive people away from doing what is right...
did you see the video? damn people seem to be blind and deaf... The video showed his wife saying that exact thing, there was a sign that said no cikes but they did not see it on their run. WATCH the video next time..
I like how Nate trains with all his friends theyre just training and having fun. Whereas Conor is just doing it with a bunch of people that he employed
Man nathan diaz is such a solid dude. Got his man chris avila in the majors of mma. Even got him some camera time on an embedded episode . Mcgregor ain't even give artim a shoutout
the way the video switched to mcgregor training really intense to diaz doing grocery shopping lol
Mad respect for both Nate and Conor. this is going to be a great fight just like the first one was.
wish more mma fans were like this instead of acting like children
Refreshing to hear someone realize that both these guys deserve respect and we as the fans are about to be given a great fight.
Definitely, gotta respect both of them for their accomplishments in MMA so far... and there's no doubt this next fight will be a fight of the year candidate. I honestly think we'll see 3 or 4 rounds this time, maybe even 5 rounds if we're lucky, if it goes 5 rounds though i'm just hoping the judges don't get it wrong.
+Conor 'El Chapo' McGregor I really hope it doesn't go to a decision. Either Conor finishes Nate in the 2 or 4 or Nate wins by sub in the 3rd is my guess but a decision will leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth I think. Ideally it will be a war and Conor wins by tko in the 4th and then we can get a rubber match to settle it for good.
You know fight week has officially started when the first Embedded drops.
yo I was waiting 4 this
malachy woods
oh shit *jumps out window*
was gunna say tha same thing lol
Mcgregor: Gettin pummeled in the gut multiple times, letting out hard grunts.
Cuts to Diaz
Diaz: Strolling around the grocers to pleasant Supermarket music.
XD, i'm not sneering Diaz or trying to make a point I just found it funny.
"Oh, so you're a cyclist now?"
LOL, nice!
funny, Connor gonna banng him
+Russell Dingle yeah, we know the irish leprechaun is gay, so he can leave that banging shit at home.
Aaron Fink 😂😂😂😂
ridings Bike, running, Sparring with elite boxers, rolling with high lvl Black belts for 6 months...Nate diaz been doing that shit his whole career
I'm saying
and still got his ass whooped for the first round and a half lmao. conor will butcher him
You can see Conor running in the embedded videos for UFC 189 (fight against Mendes).
Ufc embedded for when Conor fought Siver and Mendes, he's running on that.
Well, the fact that Conor hasn't been doing that and is a world champion says a lot...
am i the only one who likes diaz and mcgregor ?
Yup you are literally the only person on earth
Na any true MMA fan would like both men. They're both savages who try to take their opponents out.
I think Conor will get the finish though.
yes, that's why the event will have exactly one ppv buy
nah, i like both as well.
+Jakeeyy1009 exactly but most people won't understand so expect hate lol
I forgot Rumble was on this card. Love watching him fight
Fr!! This card is gonna be good
How to fuck do you forget about Rumble?
Check out /r/TheMacLife if you're on Reddit & post some vids! :D
Exactly what I was just gonna write, holy shit!
Watching Rumble v Bader made me dizzy through the screen.
If you were ever unsure what a bro scientist is, the guy cooking Conor's chicken is the textbook definition
Indeed, as is Mike Dolgay.
Frederick0220 Agreed, Dolce is a bad one.
My guy knew 2 years back. Errybody else figuring out now after that JRE Podcast.
@@crimson7277 What episode?
RIP rumble Johnson what a legend fly high 🕊
Gone too soon. 🕊️💐❤️🙏
So good to see Anthony on here. I had no idea he was such a nice, smart humble guy. New respect for him.
RIP Anthony ‘Rumble’ Johnson
RIP Rumble Johnson 🕊️❤️💐🙏
Conor riding a bike like Nate lol
Yeah cause other people can't just riding a bike otherwise they are all coping Nate
Nate touchbutting in the park like Conor lol
Training with top 10 guys like Nate too lol.
Training with top 10 guys like Nate too lol.
+Ivan Amodeo its ironic, you smartass. is he gonna do triathlons too? LOL
Always makes my day better when I see McBedded has returned
Can't believe it's 7 fuckin year so fast. Conor is old, diaz outta ufc, Antony is dead rip. What a beautiful time it was back then with all these legend's in there prime. I miss this shit.
Facts bro. Feels like a life time ago now. So much has changed, 2016 was the golden era for the UFC, miss it. Rumble’s passing hit really hard. 😔
Miss it too man. 2008-2018 best era. We'll look back at it even more so in a few years, all these guys built this sport into what it is today, the time went out the window.
@@tacticalmattress 100%
lol conor is training so hard with a lot of proffesional, then we got Nate just shopping 😂😂
+Conor Moloney is taking this MEGA serious not as much trash talk directed towards Diaz
+Hamza Jamal You're an idiot beyond hope. The point of McGregor's trash talk is to generate attention. Why do you think he insulted the whole WWE world? Doesn't have anything to do with Diaz. In fact, that's why Diaz wanted to fight Conor in the first place and still wants to, Conor knows how to bring money to the fight. He's just hanging on to Conor's momentum he even said it himself.
You mean professional Touchbutt ?
thats because Nate did a marathon before he went shopping lol. /thriathlete, you cant mess with that.
+2CSST2 u don't know shit man Connor needs Diaz u idiot 😂😂😂
AHHHHHHhhhh i almost didnt even realize Rumble was on this CARD, so psyched.
Check out /r/TheMacLife if you're on Reddit & post some vids! :D
He legit scares me when he blitzes... absolute animal.
+matthakkenMMA No they ain't it just that ufc isn't promoting that fight
imagine if condit-maia was still on this card O.O
No subtitles for Diaz?
+ibn Demashq No, english is his first language lmao. He just has some real bad speech impediment + too many blows to the head + the genes that brought you the genius Nick Diaz...
+Mathias Rask he was saying maybe English isnt the first language of the commenter asking for subtitles
+Mathias Rask no he always talk like that even before fighting
Anyone else appreciate how the rematch turned out?
Conor really needed to finish it though if it were to be taken as legit. Twas only a majority decision, so not very comprehensive. However, it was an exciting match to watch for sure.
@@allybaapp1053 Not really, I'm a wrestling fan
That bike ride looks gorgeous! I didn't know Vegas desert was that beautiful
Lets Fucking Go Mcgregor! 💯
shut up ginger.
Mcgregor is going to break his previous record. I bet he's going to tap in the first round.
Conor will finish Diaz, mark my words.
Team McGregor all day
Send him a friendly text to eat his vegetables #VEGANWARRIOR #WARDIAZ
Mcbedded has officially started
Skipping every Nate Diaz part because I cant understand him.
No because I am not retarded. Retards can understand him, they speak his language.
+Disser ™ you're such a fanboy holy shit, mcgregor in ur profile pic. Do you just watch UFC for conor and not for the fights?
yeah i know, it's like his tongue is too huge for his mouth
Agreed. If you aren't spastic like Nate yourself, you can't possibly understand him....
@:00:28 - McGorilla?
OutfoxedGaming I know it’s 4 years later but that gave me a good chuckle.
@@kingtroy2350 same
LOVE love THIS! finally an embedded series featuring conor mcgregor ^_^ This is literally the best thing I have watched all day
Made fun of Diaz for riding bikes. Gets ass beat and picks up a bike.
You beat me to it.
Was a good idea lol. I guess more fighters should ride bikes lol
0:53 Conor already training to get his ass kicked smh
It's just a standard core workout bro.
Softening that weak belly
Hopefully Diaz wins, and wins fast - that kid can't take much more brain damage.
IntergalacticWorm could be that or brain damage, he can't have many brain cells left.
fawkin homerun
Artem the Russian God p4p #1
I'm actually surprisingly excited to see him fight, plus he's fighting a guy from Nate's camp.
Artem is a bum just like that little lucky charm conor
+Jonathan Rivera He was simply inefficient with his energy. The russian lobov has great takedown defence
Jorge Masvidal Really he was inefficient with his energy, why would this fight be any different, he always goes all out and he got away with it the the featherweight division cause he was finishing a bunch of midgets and that will not work with a fighter like Nate...And artem hasn't fought anybody to say he has good take down defense, let's just wait and see what happens when he fights someone with experience
Born in russia! Forged in Ireland! Nice and flowy Artem!!!
Epic! This ones going to break all the records. Never picking sides when these guys fight
"How about me and my guys vs. you and your guys. Now that is entertaining." Gotta love the old school spirit of Nate Diaz. America was a better country when men took things outside and settled it on the street. We were built in the crucible of pain & respect, leaving it out there in the street when it was all said and done.
Saturday can't get here soon enough.
ik i cant wait
No it can not
that was pretty entertaining, can't wait for more!
*Positive comment about Conor*
Reply: 50 insecure people with shit lives trying to find someone to be angry at.
True shit. Let em waste their time.
I see you in every comment section haha
***** It's because I'm in every comments section!! Plus, my picture is quite memorable if you know your stuff.
***** Maybe in your head... look again.
I've been a Diaz fan, but I must say, I love the fact that it looks like McGregor is tuned in and focused on this fight.
I have to respect that. the man's about the "get back" right now. good luck to both though I know they don't need it, may the best man take it.
The hype for UFC 202 Conor McGregor vs Nate Diaz 2 was incredible, what a war, good times 👏👏👏👏
6:17 "fook it"
Weed beats speed
Shut up Mexican
Yeah bean bag
Lmao. A lot of people don't know this but Conor is no stranger to the herb either.
USADA beats weed
Weed beats power.
Back when UFC was exciting. Real fighters. With personality.
Looks like Nate & Nick were rite, cardio’s 50% of the fight
I was the first to subscribe to UFC nice to see it past 3 million
0:54 was INTENSE. i had to do that once durin a boxing class at an mma gym to strength the abs, but it wasn't anywhere near as rough as this. these hits looked painful and conor took it like a beast. still think nate's gona win tho
Conor on a bike ride with the elderly.
I don’t think he likes the elderly
@@808bboarder He's got nothing against bikes though
4:22, So after a sudden downfall in his fight career, Renan Barao makes a comeback as Conor Mcgregor's nutritionist. Well played..
7:17 Richard " Killer " Perez might probably be the best Boxing Coach in the game period !!!! 209 Stockton REPRESENT !
Lmao this guy is old and fat, he would be smoked by the average boxing coach
That 1-2 straight left that rocked Conor McGregor in the first fight, make no mistake about it, this is Richard Perez signature !!
hahahahahah Rocked a gassed out dude who used you as a punching back with rocks in your face for 1.5 rounds. YEAH. Nate will be finished.
Him and Mike Winklejon are probably top 2
Nah Winklejohn is probably not even top 5. But he gets mentioned a lot so it sticks to people's mind.
Bad Blood, The Exchange, Dan Hardy's analysis, now this stuff. What a great time!
Finally embedded is here for this event. Get to look forward to my lunch breaks the rest of this week!
Damn rumble looks to be in good shape, trouble for his opponent.
When I see Diaz, "I see fear, stiffness, and slowness."
He should’ve done this move to Vegas and training in the desert before the khabib fight too
Not a Diaz fan, but I like that he eats clean. That's why his cardio is so good. ENDLESS energy
5 years ago... 😔😩. I remember!!!
Almost 8 now. Time flies
@@anasshahid224 😧😧
lmao nate already killed the gsp woodley ppv and it hasn't been scheduled yet lol
"So we're throwing spinning shit now?! .- Yair Rodriguez
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK EITHER!!" - Megan "The answer" Olivi
The greatest living Irish sportman!
You gotta keep those hands up when you get tired. It's the fundemental failing in a boxers defense not to keep those hands up when tired. Its the first thing they teach you!
As someone who works in the fitness industry I'm really surprised more martial artists dont use cycling more often. It removes the impact strain on the knees and is a good way to build cardio while preserving the body.
4:18 is that the touchbut hipster from the park?
lmao ufc with his embedded
conor is way ahead of the ufc
he got a own youtube channel where he uploads 2 vids every day
whats it called?
Martin Rodriguez
TheMacLife productions, your welcome
Nate has his vids also. Search Road 2 War.
generic music over random video shots. His production is crap.
he gave us what we wanted months ahead before the ufc even thought of making embedded videos
Conor biking now?
The Diaz bros invented biking. Conor is light years behind.
Yes, they invented biking
+Joseph Smith LOL
that's not how cardio works
LMAO u idiot xd
+chris alvarado ч. у ь руб. руб. Кыргызстан Ички иштер министрлиги ушул кабарды тастыктап, Чубак ажы теологиялык экспертизанын натыйжасы менен таанышуу үчүн чакыртылганын маалымдады.
2015-жылы акырында Ошто “Ахмадия” агымынын бир мүчөсү өлтүрүлгөн болчу. Бул окуядан кийин маркумдун жакындары Чубак ажы Жалилов бул агымды каралап, диний жаңжалды козгоду, деген арыз менен тартип коргоочу органдарга кайрылган. Мурунку муфтий болсо “ахмадия”ларды “мусулман эмес” жамаат катары белгилеген. Бирок өзүнө карата айтылып жаткан айыптарды четке каккан.
“Ахмадия” агымынын өкүлдөрү Чубак ажы Жалилов үстүнөн жазган арызы себептүү ички иштер министрлигинин Оштогу тергөө бөлүмү иш алып барууда.
Ички иштер министрлигинин басма сөз катчысы Бакыит Сейитовдун маалымдашынча, Дин иштери боюнча мамлекеттик комиссиясы теологиялык экспертиза өткөрүп “диний душмандыкты козгоого чакырган”,- деп тыянак чыгарган.
“Ушул экспертизанын жыйынтыгы менен өзү таанышып чыгып, ага макул же макул эместигин билүү үчүн, деп чакыртылган. Эгер ал экспертизанын жыйынтыгына нааразы болсо, тажрыйбалуу эксперттерди чакырып, комиссия тобу түзүлөт жана окуя кайтадан каралып чыгат. Ал азыр ушул үчүн гана чакыртылды. Андан башка нерсе жок. Анын айткандарында ушундай чакыруу барбы же жокпу, экспертиза даярдалган”,- деди Бакыт Сейитов.
Милициянын айтымында Чубак ажынын суракка чакырылышына, “ахмадия” жамаатына мүчө болгон адамдын үй-бүлөсү жазган арыз себеп болгон. Эскерте кетсек, 2015-жылдын “ахмадия” жамаатынын мүчөсү деп эсептелген адам атып өлтүрүлгөн.
Уламалар кеңешинин фатва бөлүмүнүн башчысы Чубак ажы, мусулмандардын суроолоруна жооп берип жатып, ахмадия агымы кайрыисламий т.а куфр агымы деп айтып өткөн. Бул фатва шаръий нусустарга негизделип айтылган. “Ахмадия” агымынын акыйдасы бузук экенин, алардын программасын окуган адам кафир экенин көрө алат. Мындан тышкары бул агымды дүйнөнүн бир дагы абройлуу аалымы мусулмандар сабына кошпогон. Алар “ахмадия” агымынын негиздөөчүсү, Мирза Гулема Ахмадды (1835 - 1908) пайгамбарыбыз (с.а.в)дын ишин улантуучу пайгамбар деп эсептешет.
Милициянын аракеттери бул ишке башкача түс берүүнү максат кылууда. Алар, бул фатваны провакациялык баян деп, “ахмадия” жигитинин өлүмү ушул фатванын акыбетинде жүзөгө келди дешүүдө. Алар бул ишти мурунтан өздөрү уюштурушканбы же абалдан пайдаланып жатабы белгисиз болуп турат. Тагыраагы, орган кызматкерлери “ахмадия” жигитин өлтүрүүгө атайын шарт жаратып бериши мүмкүн (Чубак ажыны жогорудагы сөздөрү үчүн айыптуу кылыш максатында) же кылмышты кылгандар башка болсо да, абалдан пайдаланып калышмакчы.
Эгер орган кызматкерлеринин логикасына сала турган болсок, алар призидентти да тергөөгө чакырышы керек. Атамбаев, кара хижаб кийген аялдарды эч кандай далилсиз жардыруучу террорчулар деди. Бул коомду экиге бөлүүчү пикир болуп, илманийлик тараптагы жарандар менен ислам тараптагы мусулмандар ортосун ажыратып жиберет. Президенттин ушул сөзүнөн бул эки тайпа ортосунда материалдык карама-каршылыктар келип чыкса, президенттин сөздөрү буга себеп болот!
Бийликтин Чубак ажыга каршы алып барып жаткан аракеттери, учурунда Өзбекстан бийлиги өз уламаларына алып барган репрессиялык аракеттерин эске салат. Рашод карыны камакка алганда биз мусулмандар шалаакылык кылдык. Өкмөт, улутчул жана теңирчилердин таасирин күчөтүп, Рашод карынынын тарапкерлерин куугунтукка алган эле. Учурда, бийлик кайрадан улутчулдукту күчөтүп, мусулмандардын биримдигин бузууга, башка улуттагы имамдарды четтетүү иштерин күчөтүүгө аракет кылып жатат. Айрым уламаларыбыз бийликтин бул иштеринен пайда көрүп жаткандай болуп, алар менен кызматташа баштады.
Бирок, бийликтин үстүндө турган куфр кеңешчилер, уламалар кыргыз болсо да исламдашуудан кооптоно баштады. Эми, Рашод карыны куугунтуктоодо негизги рол ойногон өзбек бийлиги, Чубак ажыны коомдон четтетүүгө кеңеш берип жатат.
Чубак ажы кыргыз уламасы эмес, Ислам уламасы экенин эч качан унутпашыбыз керек. Ал батыл тарапта туруудан такыбаа кылып, (Аллахтан коркуп) акыйкат тарапты тандады. Сабыр менен бекем турганы үчүн ага зулум кылууга аракет кылышууда.
Хизб ут Тахрир менен Чубак ажынын ортосунда бир катар ихтилафтуу маселелер, саясий аракеттерибизде келишпөөчүлүктөр болсо да, ал Исламий улама катары урмат кылууга ылайыктуу адам. Биз бардык исламий жамааттарды, ортолорубуздагы ихтилафтуу маселелерди четке сүрүп коюп, Ислам жана мусулмандардын ички иштерине аралашып жаткан куфр пикирлерине каршы турууга чакырабыз. Аллах бизди өз шариатына ылайык жашоого жана ар бир окуяга шаръий пикир айтууга буюрган. Жогоруда болсо, акыйкат сөздү айтып жатканы үчүн бир тууганыбызды куугунтукташууда. Ар бир жамаат, шахс жана партиялар, “Ахмадийлер” тууралуу шаръий өкүмдү туура баян кылып, өз позициясын билдириши керек. Анткени, бул Чубак ажынын өкүмү эмес, Аллахтын өкүмү.
Эл ичинде, “ахмадия” агымы Англиядан бизге кирип келишине, Кадыржан Батыровдун кызматы өтө чоң деп айтылат. Ал эми, Кара суу районунун Кашкар айылында алардын саны көбөйүшүнө, айыл тургуну Иномжан Абдурасуловдун салымы чоң болгон. Өкмөт буларды билишинен шегибиз жок. Демек, бул эл душмандарын өкмөт коргоп жатат.
Ассаламу алайкум.
I can't understand how anyone could have been a Diaz fan, then not loved McGregor as well? They are basically the same. Real dudes, that talk shit to make it even better. Hell, I think THEY even like each other. Just a good fight.
Great to see the Macbedded series again...
Mac Life channel is better..
I hope you look back at this stage of your life one day and realise how pathetic you were... because we all see it now.
+XxsplaSh0-o well yea he is gonna sit on his couch....idk where u sit, on the floor?
damn dale why so salty?
I didnt know Conor had a pussy younger brother
XxsplaSh0-o Actually I'm not american, and I just bought my first house, which is more than Conor can say actually, he doesn't own a fucking thing.
Fast forward 5 years and conors name will be worth as much as his claims, absolutely fucking nothing.
that's the first time I hear Conor's girlfriend talk.. kinda sexy.. 6:11.
Nate at the end dropping Nick level bomb.
Conor smacked him around for 8 mins and that's the truth if Conor's cardio is on point Nate is gonna get maimed
there wasnt a 9th minute though. why is that? of course the painful answer is because conor quit. that'll hang around his neck for the rest of his days.
He's lost before so has Nate 10 fuckin times don't mean shit every fight is different. Support those bunch of crackhead ese's. Nate has my respect as a fighter but this lead up to the 2nd fight has shown he's bitch made.
Listening to puppet master Nick get the fuck outta here. Have you own fuckign mind acting like Nick's his Dad or something,
Callum Crouch EL Tappo, nuff said lol
As much as I love CMeggs, I've got to salute Nate, the guy just seems so chill and at ease
3:58 brought me back to 15 years ago, I went to high school in Danbury High and I set the record for fastest mile at 5 mins 19secs I wonder if it is still unbeaten.
What a memory I just flashbacked into. LETS GO GLOVER represent the D-block \m/
Not bad. Did a 5 min 30 seconds lol
Scotlands behind you mate, fucking give it to him!!
His name is Nate, not mate.. ;-)
Jon K
Mate? He's your mate? Wow that's pretty gay
Yes I do, no one here's for Diaz, we're here for our Irish brother all the way.
U wot m8
lol Conor acting like Nate doesn't know how to handle fighting at 170
"Oh so you're a biker now?"- Nate Diaz
Before their first fight, I used to idolize Conor as a full on god, and when he lost I was shattered, but since then I realised how much of a boss Nate actually is, and how real he is, everything he does is hilarious. Now coming into this fight, I really couldn't care who wins because I like both fighters and am really excited for a full on war. It will be awesome.
Im starting to really really like Diaz and I don't know why :O the fucking transition from Mcgregor taking all those ab punches to a whole foods were diaz is chilling with his buddies killed me lol
I was happy when Connor got beat in the first fight but now he's not as cocky i actualy want him to win lol It'll be a good fight but im sure Connor will win this time round.
Conor's definitely a lot more humble (And tolerable) than last time.
What will happen if Conor tries to take Nate down again.
1:23 The Job Nate has to take cause he was fucking destroyed in that rematch
so he makes fun of Diaz for riding a bike and now he's riding a bike..... lol
Maybe you didn't hear Conor's quote properly. You should get those dirty ears of yours cleaned out.
hey McNugget, how is playin touchbutt in the park with that ponytail goof going?
Rumble looks like a machine. All the best Glover, you're gonna need it
Did anyone else laugh when they saw the first scene with mcgregor training hard and being serious and then the diaz scene shows up with him shopping and chillin lol
omg LOL conor is back at the low carb paleo bullshit again, if you weren't convinced Diaz skillset alone is enough to beat McNugget for a second time, this puts the nail in the coffin. Nate diaz = high carb, high energy, high endurance... Conor = low carb, low energy, low endurance... LOOOOL.
Go eat ur grass stupid sheep
as far as i understood it hes doing carbloading meaning that for a few days he is eating low carb hig fat followed by a few high carb days
Thats actually good for energy
pseudo science bullshit from Idioto Portal
Dude, I'm vegan as well, please listen to this. Conor is eating low carb high fat and then later he is doing high-carb days. (as +Gerrit Paschen stated) Also, If I were you I would act like the last fight never happened, because when Conor was peaked Diaz was warming up, and when Diaz had warmed up Conor had gassed... Also, you would think that a professional researcher would know about what is good for the human body for high energy, high endurance...
Also, can you please stop acting so superior and rude to non-vegans? That is why the second you say the words "I'm Vegan" people dislike you. Vegans like you who are so rude and angry drive people away from doing what is right...
TheEnglishRedneck How about no.
Nate turned Conor into a cyclist 😂😂😂
mcgregor trying to act like he aint scared, but he aint laughing and being cocky no more
RIP Anthony “Rumble, Humble” Johnson
Saddened by the fact that Rumble is gone. Such a cool dude 😢
Gone too soon bro 🙏💐❤️🕊️
Conors loss against Nate impacted him so much, he fired Dee Devlin as the cook and started going out for bike rides.
Seem like the whole city go against me, every time I'm in the street i hear.... 1:09 - MAAD City - Kendrick Lamar
Man down where u from nigga lol
why is conor cycling on a highway? backing up traffic, i can see someone hitting him if he keeps it up
did you see the video? damn people seem to be blind and deaf...
The video showed his wife saying that exact thing, there was a sign that said no cikes but they did not see it on their run.
WATCH the video next time..
He's cycling on the highway cuz he is Conor mcgregor he does what he wants
killerdemo not really :0 lol I was just saying what is obvious
killerdemo watch the video you fook
Diaz made this video shine!
Them stomach punches are making my damn stomach hurt. Good lord thats crazy
I like how Nate trains with all his friends theyre just training and having fun. Whereas Conor is just doing it with a bunch of people that he employed
And? He didn't employee them dumbass
Conor = legend
Overrated and shit you mean
Check out /r/TheMacLife if you're on Reddit & post some vids! :D
Yep, fastest tapper in the MMA world.
conors nutritionist needs to clean his nails, that's gross, you're cooking for the guy...
ROFL!! didn't notice
I seen that too
that's the special ingredient
Looks like it was the avocado that he pulled opened tbh. There's some of it on his finger too
That is secreat ingredient. BAM that just kicks a lil bit
Man nathan diaz is such a solid dude. Got his man chris avila in the majors of mma. Even got him some camera time on an embedded episode . Mcgregor ain't even give artim a shoutout
UFC #1 🤙
If McGregor doesn't fight Aldo after this he'll probably fight Nick
Fight Nick? Nick can fight a middleweight.
No he'll go after the light weight belt it's what The champ wants to make history and be the 1st 2weigh world champion in the UFC
Lord And Savior ConorMcgregor He won't be the first.
+Jose Fernandez yes he will be the 1st to hold 2 division belts if he goes after the LW belt
+Lord And Savior ConorMcgregor No he will be the first to hold them consecutively, but not in history.
Road biking is great for endurance!
tribal tattoo nutritionist yup legit Lol
A lot of fighters use him, he's one of the best around
the best nutritionists in the US are all in Rio at the moment.
George Lockhart is one of the best in the business. Very intelligent dude
please explain to me why a tribal tattoed guy cant be a legit nutritionist
im just trolling of course hes legit if hes got that job. The stereotype just didn't fit :)
Rumble Johnson is an OG I love the hard work he out in to get better extremely at that
I'm looking forward to the Glover vs Johnson fight. They're going to kill it! They're both tough, hard hitters.
lol suddenly everyone is focusing on cardio and fitness. ufc turn into fitness club? lol
lol ufc evolved one step at a time
Cardio keeps your body at a good muscle to fat ratio meaning you can go for longer. It all has its reasons
Ikr it's almost like they're pro athletes and want to be in peak condition for the biggest fight of their lives. Makes me sick.
No, it's called USADA.
Carb loading tricks the body, right babe?
they should do like the russian mma where its 6v6 and out diaz boys vs mcgregors boys
Diaz's team would fuck McGregor's team up wouldn't even be close
The peaky blinders vs the bloods😂
Rumble and Diaz on the same card! Two of my favorites. Rumble is,coming for that 205 Strap, believe that!
settin up fights thru texts messages thats silly. DAMM i love nate