About my opinion Yamaha could have been insert more acoustic piano voices inside this new p225. Rather than rhythm style uneasy in this kind of piano. Besides poliphony Is only 192 notes and 24 voices at all. A few making a comparison to Roland fp30x (56 voices and 256 poliphony). Besides the price is too high now!! Roland Is cheaper of €200 at least....even 250!!!
Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Beschreibung!
Gibt es auch was fürs Flugzeug? 88 Tasten sind da einfach zu viel. Zumindest wenn das Teil nicht irgendwie klappbar oder zu verkleinern ist.
Ivory Touch / Ivory Feel bei der Tastatur?
About my opinion Yamaha could have been insert more acoustic piano voices inside this new p225. Rather than rhythm style uneasy in this kind of piano. Besides poliphony Is only 192 notes and 24 voices at all. A few making a comparison to Roland fp30x (56 voices and 256 poliphony). Besides the price is too high now!! Roland Is cheaper of €200 at least....even 250!!!