"Decree a thing, and it will be established," said God. "What I know, I throw!" Clarice. Wow, what a great line. How many of us love certain scriptures- well we can throw them as arrows!
Wow I love this sister. She is a blessing to the body of Christ A woman of God who is full of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Someone who has persevered thru difficult times when her daughter was in rebellion. She is full of the life of God and has not bowed down to discouragement and shame. I thank God for her life.
I received the book and tape 4 years ago, never got to read the book or tape. Found it wondered why I bought it, so listened to this video again. Clarice mentioned someone had paralyzed vocal cords. I think after occurrence that started since 2019 found I could not sing many notes, trying but no sound would come out. After this video, my singing voice came back to the high soprano, with no effort!!! Praise God forever and ever!!!!
Listening to these powerful words of God I feel a lot of sealed doors in me just opened .Thank you God for bring me back to my normal. Sid Roth show it's so addictive I can't stop watching it. Thank you God for Side Roth and his ministry.❤❤❤
This is ok as a motivation but it is too general for real instructions.. In my experience thing that helped me the most was *4ManifestAll. Com* It is full of detailed instructions which can help you manifest what you want... So I recommend to check it out maybe it will work for you also
I loved this SO much!!! Thank you Father God for sharing such vessels in our lives so we can understand the greatest that dwells in us ONLY because of You!!
Sid from the moment she began to speak I felt a shake from my head to toe...Thank you Holly spirit. I refuse to doubt what has just happened to me in JESUS NAME AMEN.
I just love her spirit! A prime example of the JOY OF THE LORD!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I just "happened upon" this video... I was listening to another, and I have my RUclips settings on auto play.... I fell asleep, and several other videos had played..... The Lord woke me up right at the beginning of this video! I had been contemplating if I should still keep seeking God to bear a child...or just let it go... I've had several prophecies that I would have a child, for years I've heard it... I had begun to feel hopeless, and really FAITHless... God just reminded me that everything is done in HIS TIME...and HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Sherilynn Ivy wonderful. i speak a restoration to your womb. The children GOD has given you are for signs and wonders. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE PREGNANT AND IS A BOY, an evangelist for the kingdom. RECEIVE THIS AND BELIEVE IT AND DO NOT DOUBT BELOVED. You are superbly loved. IT IS FINISHED, says THE LORD OF HOST
@Chemae James who are you to define what he can and can not do. Believe whatever you want, but equally grant others people the right to believe what they want too. Peace be with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Hallelujah! Wow! Glory to God, thank you for these words, awesome! I had an MRI that showed a brain tumor, causing seizures, headaches, nausea, insomnia, etc. I decree my healing in JESUS name. Thanks JESUS!
This woman is incredibly full of the Power and Annoint of God. While I was warching this program and whike she was speaking and decreting blessing over all peopke and she was telling the laughing ha ha ha he he and people who were inside the place she was they laughing because she sounded funny but at that moment while I was praying then wgphen she said "ha ha ha he he he" I started to laugh with the Holy Ghost laugh and it was more and more on me, even I tried to praise the Lord with my words but I could not because of my laughing and I had to stop watching this program and I continued laughing and laughing After this I felt washed inside and whike I write this I still feel the Presence of the Lord. This has been really wonderful, I didn't know this was going to happen to me. God is so Wonderful, Jesus is so Wonderful and the Holy Spirit is so Wonderful. I have been so blessed by this woman of God. May God continue using her powerfully fir His Glory
I`m still half way thru this manifestation guide *4ManifestAll. Com* as well as the video but I`m already enjoying it from the beginning... I starting to notice several improvements in my life particularly economically. It`s just half of the program however it already provided positive changes for me personally.?
I am a Queen with a crown upon my head, a priest that brings people to God and God to the people, and a prophet that hears the word of God and declares...I change the atmosphere!!! Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
CHARLES CAPPS said JESUS told him " my people can have what they say but they are saying what they have " !!! we live and die by are tongue so speak as if what you say will happen GODBLESS " JESUS IS LORD "
Hillbilly Grizzly I've learned it's more about spiritual things, not actual things we have to go through like, bills, work, sickness, pain, depression, brokenness.
How to Force the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Life? This system virtually puts the law of attraction on autopilot allowing you to use the Destiny Tuning Principle (which is explained in the video) to 'Tune' your destiny, into one of prosperity, happiness, love and more. Watch this video and make sure you join Manifestation Miracle >>>> *4ManifestAll. Com*
Thank you Jesus for healing me . I love you so much ❤️...No one loves me like you do . Thank you Heavenly Father for giving your son to die on the cross for our sins
What she said about the chicken or the egg, I barely heard her but a couple weeks ago my mom asked me which came first the chicken. Or the egg. I know she was joking but I said the chicken, God created the chicken and told it to reproduce. BAM! I don’t think my mom expected me to say that so quickly with an answer. And to hear Clarice say the chicken as the end result that God is a God of now, is so awesome! Reminded me of when I have my mom that answer!
God heal me in the name of Jesus. Restore me and I will let people know of Your power and mercy for the rest of my life. I can't see a way out but through You.
ONE OF THE GREATEST THINGS.....I have learned..... .....I used to ''pray''' to ''god''' for this or that and just babble on not really knowing WHAT I truly needed.....then ...ONE DAY.......IN A MOMENT of clarity I was over come by what we call the spirit ....and it said....why oh why do you seek me outside of your '''self'' ?.....I said well that is all I know to do..........it said....have you not read..'''the kingdom of god IS within you''....or....."" I know all you will ask before you ask it''.?......I said yes...i have but i have hard time comprehending this......it said well let me ask YOU.....do you think for a moment that YOU are seperate from what created you..?...I said well...hmmm...NO I suppose not ...... that WOULD be totally illogical...........it said....do not you think all creation IS logical..?....I said wow......hmmm YES.... it said OK.....well now stop asking for things and just focus on ...'''be perfect as your father in heaven IS perfect......and LIVE every moment KNOWING you are surrounded with the presence of ''god'' ...much love [[[[[[[[[Teesus]]]]]]]]]]]
Thank you for your prayers Clarice, im in need of a lot of healing I would be grateful for anything lord, even if my heart palputations stopped and pulse in body settled I would be truly grateful, thank you Amen 🙏
Please pray for me for deliverance and to be healed from all this pain on my body from several accedents and falling off a cliff last summer. I am struggling in many areas of my life, thank u jesus for healing love and deliverance amen
Good video. I ask for prayers for healing of my mom and myself and for God to heal our finances. Posted on 4-12-2018 so to serve as a time marker. I doubt anyone can or will see this post.
I hope you enjoyed this episode with Dr. Clarice Fluitt. If you are not subscribed yet, would you help us out and click the subscribe button?
Thank you Sid Roth It's Supernatural. She is awesome! PRAISE GOD! Thank you JESUS
Hey sid so is she saying that when we pray to not ask or beg God but to speak it into existence?
It is so inspiring
That is amazing, thank God for you. Let all the doubting Thomases hear this.
marcie martin AMEN
Praise the Lord
Praise be to God
Glory to God 😍🙌🏻
I have been dealing with a illness. Not one person believes me. I don’t know if I have much time left. I have had some people pray for me.
"Decree a thing, and it will be established," said God. "What I know, I throw!" Clarice. Wow, what a great line. How many of us love certain scriptures- well we can throw them as arrows!
I just want to say 'Thank you' to Sid Roth for your passion for Christ...you have become a blessing to many...God bless you abundantly
I had pain in both ears, and pain in my neck, and God healed me, when I was watching, super natural
I just love how she radiates the joy of God. It is a healing balm.
Michael Reginald I agree
I don't think I ever received so much spiritual food and insight from a short video. My life will be changed. Thank you.
I'm a champion of God, thank you Lord
Me too!
Wow I love this sister. She is a blessing to the body of Christ A woman of God who is full of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Someone who has persevered thru difficult times when her daughter was in rebellion. She is full of the life of God and has not bowed down to discouragement and shame. I thank God for her life.
Dr Clarice is someone Ide love to be around..She is too funny..So much high vibrancy around her!
Tiago Sodré
Gracious..Thank you my friend..
It was a pleasure to hear you and God words. God bless you always
I received the book and tape 4 years ago, never got to read the book or tape. Found it wondered why I bought it, so listened to this video again. Clarice mentioned someone had paralyzed vocal cords.
I think after occurrence that started since 2019 found I could not sing many notes, trying but no sound would come out. After this video, my singing voice came back to the high soprano, with no effort!!! Praise God forever and ever!!!!
Her message is LOADED AND PACKED with greatness in a short amount of time!
Listening to these powerful words of God I feel a lot of sealed doors in me just opened .Thank you God for bring me back to my normal. Sid Roth show it's so addictive I can't stop watching it. Thank you God for Side Roth and his ministry.❤❤❤
*"The big C is not cancer, it's CHRIST!!"* This whole episode is such good teaching. God bless you Clarice & Sid!
I agree with you
How do you write in bold like that
Yes! The big C is CHRIST
This is ok as a motivation but it is too general for real instructions.. In my experience thing that helped me the most was *4ManifestAll. Com* It is full of detailed instructions which can help you manifest what you want... So I recommend to check it out maybe it will work for you also
I'm ready for my all blessing by manifesting in my life every time I open my mouth.
Wow, she speaks so fast I have to pause and rewind to get all she is saying! ha~! Love her!!
I love her faith so strong and powerful. Beautiful woman doing beautiful things for God.
That is why YHWH gave us what animals do not have -We can SPEAK ,like God can.For releasing His Word to existence. He made us on His image
wow my throat got healed, when she prayed just right now, thank you Jesus
This Lady came Cincinnati, Ohio in 1990.
And she's is telling the Truth.
theres just good people out in the world. i thank you sid for all your work for God, may he bless you and your family forever.
The way she talks reminds me of Dolly.. Wonderful Broadcast! Thank you Dr. Clarice Fluitt !
Clarice has the gift of speaking to Americans in english tongues. She's such a blessing.
I loved this SO much!!! Thank you Father God for sharing such vessels in our lives so we can understand the greatest that dwells in us ONLY because of You!!
Sid from the moment she began to speak I felt a shake from my head to toe...Thank you Holly spirit. I refuse to doubt what has just happened to me in JESUS NAME AMEN.
Monique Chemfor wonderful!!! Praise Jesus!!!
I just love her spirit! A prime example of the JOY OF THE LORD!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I just "happened upon" this video... I was listening to another, and I have my RUclips settings on auto play.... I fell asleep, and several other videos had played..... The Lord woke me up right at the beginning of this video! I had been contemplating if I should still keep seeking God to bear a child...or just let it go... I've had several prophecies that I would have a child, for years I've heard it... I had begun to feel hopeless, and really FAITHless... God just reminded me that everything is done in HIS TIME...and HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Sherilynn Ivy wonderful. i speak a restoration to your womb. The children GOD has given you are for signs and wonders. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE PREGNANT AND IS A BOY, an evangelist for the kingdom.
You are superbly loved. IT IS FINISHED, says THE LORD OF HOST
uzoma Arinze God bless you!!! I have suffered 11 miscarriages! The words you have spoken, I RECEIVE IT!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭
uzoma Arinze 😭😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 PRAISE GOD!!!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭😭
@Chemae James who are you to define what he can and can not do. Believe whatever you want, but equally grant others people the right to believe what they want too. Peace be with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Hallelujah! Wow! Glory to God, thank you for these words, awesome! I had an MRI that showed a brain tumor, causing seizures, headaches, nausea, insomnia, etc. I decree my healing in JESUS name. Thanks JESUS!
Terri Mitchell Amen!!!
Thanks! God bless you.
Terri Mitchell And God bless you more and more
Terri Mitchell buu mmm
Be healed Terri by His stripes
Lord please bless Sid Roth for his faithful sharing of the word.
I love her Spirit! 🙏🏼❤️🕊
Glory to almighty God! God is good
This woman is incredibly full of the Power and Annoint of God.
While I was warching this program and whike she was speaking and decreting blessing over all peopke and she was telling the laughing ha ha ha he he and people who were inside the place she was they laughing because she sounded funny but at that moment while I was praying then wgphen she said "ha ha ha he he he" I started to laugh with the Holy Ghost laugh and it was more and more on me, even I tried to praise the Lord with my words but I could not because of my laughing and I had to stop watching this program and I continued laughing and laughing
After this I felt washed inside and whike I write this I still feel the Presence of the Lord.
This has been really wonderful, I didn't know this was going to happen to me.
God is so Wonderful, Jesus is so Wonderful and the Holy Spirit is so Wonderful.
I have been so blessed by this woman of God.
May God continue using her powerfully fir His Glory
Vilma Lorena
Praise God!!
Amen! Praise God!!!
I`m still half way thru this manifestation guide *4ManifestAll. Com* as well as the video but I`m already enjoying it from the beginning... I starting to notice several improvements in my life particularly economically. It`s just half of the program however it already provided positive changes for me personally.?
This sets my heart on fire :)
I am a Queen with a crown upon my head, a priest that brings people to God and God to the people, and a prophet that hears the word of God and declares...I change the atmosphere!!!
Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Love it!God's word is active, powerful and quick.
Amazing woman of God! I love every word she says!
I have prayed and prayed about my family salvation..I've become stuck and disappointed..i needed this today 😊
Grace 99 ldont give up. Tarry and wait. God will deliver your family. He did it for me so he will do the same.
Wow hallelujah thank you Jesus for this message
Thank you Jesus!
Jesus loves you!
WalkKingdom com AMAN!!!!!!!
Wonderful testimony and teaching this morning. Thank you !!Jesus is Lord!!
Such an anointed woman of God!
I am amazed at her teachings!
God bless her!🙏❤️🙏
God bless you too Sid for the most blessed programs!🙏❤️🙏
Thank u Lord Jesus for the gift of faith. from Malaysia.
I like this woman of God; she is incredible
I love the way she loves Jesus! She has joy, joy, joy!!!! 🙌 🙌 🙌!
Someone is getting healed from a high fever and headache in Jesus name while watching this.
Everybody reading this post, please say out loud: God will save South Africa!
CHARLES CAPPS said JESUS told him " my people can have what they say but they are saying what they have " !!! we live and die by are tongue so speak as if what you say will happen GODBLESS " JESUS IS LORD "
Hillbilly Grizzly I've learned it's more about spiritual things, not actual things we have to go through like, bills, work, sickness, pain, depression, brokenness.
If I am not mistaken his daughter wrote a book about that which i had which was a blessing.
This woman is a wonderful woman i hv an abcess ear i think shes talking to me ! Praise God !!!
This is AMAZING.!! The WORD Of God in Jesus's name AMEN!!!
This is so POWERFUL & GOOD!!!
Facts and truth are not the same thing. That is a revelation right there. Thank you Sid and Clarice.
God bless you. Thank you Jesus for your healing power on our lives.
I really enjoyed her teaching! She is so vibrant😊😊😊
God bless you and all your family
Got set free when she said bind of deferred hope and God confirmed somethings ty Clarice
I wish Jesus would visit me and show me the way
Ismael Ortiz
When you read the Bible you are in His presence. The word became flesh when He came into the world.
Only believe🙏 God can do anything.The lady with CD was expecting the help of God and God is real he helped her.🙏
This is powerful!!! Bless her!
I am so blessed.
How to Force the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Life? This system virtually puts the law of attraction on autopilot allowing you to use the Destiny Tuning Principle (which is explained in the video) to 'Tune' your destiny, into one of prosperity, happiness, love and more. Watch this video and make sure you join Manifestation Miracle >>>> *4ManifestAll. Com*
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.. I CAN LISTEN TO HER ALL DAY.. She is is everything positive about this life...🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thank you Jesus for healing me . I love you so much ❤️...No one loves me like you do . Thank you Heavenly Father for giving your son to die on the cross for our sins
What she said about the chicken or the egg, I barely heard her but a couple weeks ago my mom asked me which came first the chicken. Or the egg. I know she was joking but I said the chicken, God created the chicken and told it to reproduce. BAM! I don’t think my mom expected me to say that so quickly with an answer. And to hear Clarice say the chicken as the end result that God is a God of now, is so awesome! Reminded me of when I have my mom that answer!
Amen praise the Lord
Thank You so much for the Word from God in due season.
I will one day be on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural show one day. “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth “
Amen Praise God!!
Amen we are Champions in Jesus Crist
I just discovered her and will get her books and teaching CDs
Love this !!!! Amen !! God Bless !! Jesus loves u !!!
Iam blessed thank you 😊 lord.
God heal me in the name of Jesus. Restore me and I will let people know of Your power and mercy for the rest of my life. I can't see a way out but through You.
ONE OF THE GREATEST THINGS.....I have learned.....
.....I used to ''pray''' to ''god''' for this or that and just babble on not really knowing WHAT I truly needed.....then ...ONE DAY.......IN A MOMENT of clarity I was over come by what we call the spirit ....and it said....why oh why do you seek me outside of your '''self'' ?.....I said well that is all I know to do..........it said....have you not read..'''the kingdom of god IS within you''....or....."" I know all you will ask before you ask it''.?......I said yes...i have but i have hard time comprehending this......it said well let me ask YOU.....do you think for a moment that YOU are seperate from what created you..?...I said well...hmmm...NO I suppose not ...... that WOULD be totally illogical...........it said....do not you think all creation IS logical..?....I said wow......hmmm YES.... it said OK.....well now stop asking for things and just focus on ...'''be perfect as your father in heaven IS perfect......and LIVE every moment KNOWING you are surrounded with the presence of ''god'' ...much love [[[[[[[[[Teesus]]]]]]]]]]]
Ur words gave me courage Jesus thank you my God
God be praised..I believe if he can do it for her he can do it for all of us
Amen praise the Lord Haleluiah
Watching from Uganda. Been blessed
Amen. Glory be to God. Thanks for uploading.
Amazing Confidence in God
Thanks for sharing Clarice may God bless you
Thank you for this profound revelation of God and who I am in him. God is definitely getting my attention.
May GOD Bless all of you
Wow that CD doing God’s will with no sound, filled me with so much Faith and joy! 😊
I burst into tears!
Wow , thank you Sid - this is a packed programme. God bless your ministry, I'm touched
thank you lord
Woow! I love this woman...thank you for letting me know
I really love her joy
Thank you for the word of God🙏🙏🙏
Wow!! Amen! Powerful and inspiring message.
Thank you for your prayers Clarice, im in need of a lot of healing I would be grateful for anything lord, even if my heart palputations stopped and pulse in body settled I would be truly grateful, thank you Amen 🙏
Please pray for me for deliverance and to be healed from all this pain on my body from several accedents and falling off a cliff last summer. I am struggling in many areas of my life, thank u jesus for healing love and deliverance amen
Praying for you for a complete restoration in your life. Bless you darling
I hear voices of my holy spirit at first is it was a enemy voice but now the voice change since i know jesus.
Wow this is so impacting and i tap into this grace and power to be who God created me to be.
I really like this lady
Good video. I ask for prayers for healing of my mom and myself and for God to heal our finances. Posted on 4-12-2018 so to serve as a time marker. I doubt anyone can or will see this post.
Glory to God