How to Reach LGBTQ+ For Christ & Make Friends, Not Enemies!

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Episode Fifty-Six!! I explore the complexities of forming meaningful relationships with LGBTQ community members and unbelievers, both inside and outside the church. As a Christian who has lived as a gay man, I've had the unique experience of building friendships with LGBTQ individuals, and I share why it's crucial for the church to engage rather than avoid these connections We dive into the biblical foundation for this approach, guided by 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, and discuss practical strategies for creating genuine, non-judgmental friendships. I also touch on the challenges of navigating these relationships within the church, the importance of not giving away spiritual authority, and the impact of church hurt. Whether you're looking to build bridges or seeking guidance on how to approach LGBTQ friendships as a Christian, this episode offers valuable insights and a compassionate perspective on loving others for the gospel’s sake.

Комментарии • 205

  • @notreal-duh
    @notreal-duh 26 дней назад +27

    this video is why i watch my back when i meet a new christian. i try to be direct in asking them how they feel about the lgbt. if their answer is filled with “god loves all people” but they avoid saying they support lgbt people, then i’ll ask what they really mean until i finally get a direct answer. i want to know upfront if they think me being me is a sin or not or if they “disagree with my lifestyle”. i hate the games and i hate how manipulative some christians can be. i want to know if they see me as a person or if the see me as their mark

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +7

      Yes!! 100% this. The type of manipulative, dehumanizing behavior that this dude is promoting is so not okay.

    • @michaelchoruss7544
      @michaelchoruss7544 26 дней назад +1

      @@notreal-duh agreed. To add to your comment, I also have to do the same with churches. So many churches claim they “accept” gay people… until one comes to their leadership to ask for a blessing for their same sex union. People should be upfront and honest. If you are a big0t, I want to know right away, so I don’t burn myself later on

    • @elishavelez8746
      @elishavelez8746 25 дней назад +4

      As a former Christian, both:
      They're gonna try their hardest to try and "save" you, and if you reject their teachings they're just gonna wait patiently, praying for you to change your mind the entire time.

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 24 дня назад +8

      As a person.
      When a Christian shares the good news, it’s done with genuine love and care for the person they’re speaking to. Jesus commands His followers to share the good news with love and to help others, reflecting His own compassion.
      Sharing the message of salvation isn’t about making a mark or using manipulative tactics; it’s about spreading the love and hope that Jesus offers to everyone. It’s a heartfelt invitation to experience the grace and truth of God’s salvation.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 24 дня назад +1

      @@neftalibahamundi7270 sure, but you can do that without pretending to be friends with someone when you know your beliefs would prohibit you from continuing a real friendship unless they convert

  • @jnol784
    @jnol784 25 дней назад +11

    what about we just let people alone and not abuse their trust 💀

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 23 дня назад +1

      The ends justify the means for Christians, they are extremists

  • @laratho62
    @laratho62 25 дней назад +7

    We're here. We're queer. Get used to it. 🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🧡🤍💖 💚🤍💙 💖💜💙 👨‍❤‍👨👩‍❤‍👨👩‍❤‍👩💑

  • @jnol784
    @jnol784 25 дней назад +6

    this has to be satire

  • @laratho62
    @laratho62 26 дней назад +15

    The rhetoric of this video is so toxic and so icky. It's giving cult tbh. Pretty sure it's cults that do this sneaky recruitment thing pretending to be your friend. This is such a weird way of expressing your faith fr. And so dehumanizing to gay people.
    Btw love all the acceptingly gay/queer Christians here in the comments!! 🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧

    • @RandomDay247
      @RandomDay247 26 дней назад +6

      Truth is healing and freedom. Self identity is toxic. We are what God says we are not whoever we think we are. If I think I'm a cat doesn't make it true I'm a cat. We're all lost until God opens our eyes. Jesus is our only hope if we open our hearts to Jesus for truth we will find true freedom. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.." God will reveal truth to those who genuinely want to know truth and follow it's path.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +4

      ​@@RandomDay247my experience is that God led me to accept my identity as a gay woman. I did not choose this aspect of my identity, it's just the way He made me. Just like He made me creative. I accept that part of my identity too and call myself an artist. Many gay Christians I know share a similar story to mine and just bc it doesn't line up with your belief system doesn't make it wrong or "toxic" at all. All you're doing here is low-key perpetuating cycles of abuse in the church. Conversion therapy, denial, gaslighting by spiritual leaders, and the type of theology presented in this video - that's toxic. That's abusive. To any gay Christian who has been through it or is still in it. The cat argument is so cliché and plain silly too. It's just an irrelevant, Matt Walsh-esque talking point. The vast, vast majority of people do not and will never identify as an animal. If that's your best argument you may need to rethink it a bit. Or a lot.

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 26 дней назад +1

      @@laratho62 Hi there,
      I’m quite confused by several of your points, but what stood out the most was when you mentioned, “God led me to accept my identity as a gay woman.”
      If you don’t mind sharing, how did you feel that God revealed this to you? Do you believe this insight came directly from Him?
      I’m really interested in your perspective and look forward to hearing more.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +1

      @@neftalibahamundi7270 I don't want to reveal too much of my personal life on here, just for privacy. But yeah I do fully believe this insight came from Him through my life experience and things I've learned. I've also seen up close the mental end emotional damage that anti-gay theology does to queer people, and I believe God would never endorse that to any degree.

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 26 дней назад

      @@laratho62 Ofc, I understand of being private.
      I agree that being gay doesn’t automatically lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, as I’ve seen many gays who live healthily.
      I understand how homophobic influences can shape beliefs about what God might say. In my case, despite no religious background, I had a profound encounter with Christ on December 3, 2017, leading me to leave my gay identity behind and focus on Him. Many of my ex-gay friends share similar experiences.
      Do you view the Bible as authoritative, partially true, or not relevant at all?

  • @jnol784
    @jnol784 25 дней назад +5

    you bastardize the concept of friendship and love, it's disgusting

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 25 дней назад

      ikr it just gets worse the further you watch

    • @NovaHamptonisnotawoman
      @NovaHamptonisnotawoman 25 дней назад

      You looking act still gay to me. You have a gay face and voice. What's with the tattoos.

  • @laratho62
    @laratho62 25 дней назад +8

    (Said this, more or less, in a reply but I think it needs to be said louder.) Perhaps when people say they have a conviction against being gay, what they're experiencing is really just a manifestation of internalized homophobia. We do still experience a fair amount of homophobic messaging from other people in both churches and secular spaces, and that does get internalized by gay people. A lot of times it's really subtle, but that doesn't mean it has no impact. Sometimes it's blatantly abusive and causes huge amounts of trauma.
    Most "ex-gays" have this dramatic testimony of being in a lifestyle of alcoholism or other addictions, sleeping around, toxic relationships, you name it . They find themselves hitting rock bottom due to the horribly unhealthy way they've been living. They have this moment of severe despair or anxiety, perhaps even find themselves on the brink of suicide or actually attempt. God meets them there and they repent of every single thing they've ever done wrong or even just think they may have done wrong. And hear me when I say that is wonderful. We don't want to lose any of these people, they are precious image-bearers of God. And it's awesome that He's saved them from behaviors that were deeply hurting themselves and others.
    But being gay in and of itself should not be on that repentance list, because it is not a sin. It is not wrong or shameful like we hear so many people saying or implying. Being gay is not inherently harmful. Addiction is. Abuse is. Uncontrolled anger and lust is. But not simply being gay and not the potential for a healthy, committed gay relationship and marriage in the future.
    I really think people feeling like God is telling them to "repent of homosexuality" is this internalized homophobia and a hope of "well maybe God can change this thing about me and society will accept me easier" that manifests itself in a moment of emotional desperation, as most "ex-gays" say they were in at the moment of their salvation. And it's awful that these people end up going to church only to have that terrible belief about themselves reinforced. They are accepted and greatly celebrated in this emotionally vulnerable state. Of course they're gonna cling to that feeling of being loved and accepted. But that love and acceptance is contingent upon them not "acting on" their orientation.
    Many churches even tokenize them and prop them up as some kind of "example". These churches use these hurt people to push their own agenda. That is the actual immoral thing in this type of situation. Don't let 'em gaslight you. Be as loud and proud as you need to be
    🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈 There is healthy unconditional love and acceptance out there for you and I sincerely hope you find it

    • @michaelchoruss7544
      @michaelchoruss7544 25 дней назад +2

      @@laratho62 this!!! 👏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 24 дня назад +1

      I appreciate your perspective and understand the concerns about internalized homophobia and the impact of negative messaging. For us x-gays, our journey with Christ is deeply personal. We once embraced our gay identity until God called us to align our lives with His will. This decision wasn't driven by societal pressure but by a sincere desire to follow God.
      Sin is anything that opposes God’s moral standard (1 John 3:4); not just harm. All sin, no matter how small, grieves God. It’s about striving for His holiness, not comparing sins.
      Our testimony is about surrendering to Christ, not rejecting “who we are”. It’s not about internalized homophobia but about our real encounters with God. We share our story not to impose our experiences but to show Christ’s transformative power and unconditional love.
      We encourage everyone to seek God and follow His guidance, even if it goes against any perspective. Our focus is on Christ’s view of us, not societal approval, and we share our journey to point others to the love and transformation we’ve found in Him.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 24 дня назад

      ​@@neftalibahamundi7270denial is a river in Egypt my guy. I appreciate that you have your own complex experience and journey that I know very little about. Again, you're free to believe and live as you see fit. But you're genuinely hurting unsuspecting and vulnerable gay people by telling them they gotta be celibate or in a straight marriage otherwise they can't follow Jesus. It is manipulation. I know because I've experienced it myself and know people who have been seriously hurt and traumatized by that messaging. I wish you could at least seriously consider that this issue may be a lot more complex and nuanced than you were led to believe

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 24 дня назад

      ​@@neftalibahamundi7270just to be clear, I know and understand all your arguments. I used to believe that way myself and have since done a lot of research, praying, thinking, etc. and come to new conclusions. I'm confident in my relationship with Jesus and in my convictions on this matter.
      You keep asking questions but I doubt whether you're sincerely interested or whether you're just trying to manipulate the conversation in such a way that you can somehow prove your own points. You're not convincing me of anything and you're not gonna be able to either. Like I said, I know your playbook and I see through the platitudes and "apologetics". So if you're trying to convince me of something just know it ain't gonna happen

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 23 дня назад

      @@neftalibahamundi7270 You are not "ex-gay" you have 24 hours to delete your channel before my next comment is your full name and address, alongside the proof that you are not and have never been gay

  • @jnol784
    @jnol784 25 дней назад +4

    it's giving spiritual psychosis

    • @Nathouuuutheone
      @Nathouuuutheone 25 дней назад +1

      Big time. He "was a gay stripper" and he 100% got groomed into a cult and is now trying to normalize it. I bet he's in favor of gay conversion.

  • @Nathouuuutheone
    @Nathouuuutheone 25 дней назад +4

    If your goal is to evangelize, no heathen is your friend. They are your targets. Your victims. There is absolutely no genuine relationship in a dynamic built on proselytizing and evangelizing. It's like a marketer calling you a friend to get you to buy something. It's dishonest.

  • @shanleecaulfield7064
    @shanleecaulfield7064 26 дней назад +6

    This all just comes across as so calculated and manipulative. It doesn't seem very loving at all. I'm bi and to be honest if I found out that someone was trying to get to know me just to try and convert me to Christianity and change my "lifestyle" I'd feel pretty hurt.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +4

      Yes!! My thoughts exactly. This whole thing is pretty disturbing. It's like he's trying to "groom" people into his belief system. With gifts and stalking and everything. Its soo icky

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 26 дней назад +1

      Hi there,
      Could you explain how you interpret the video?
      To me, it seemed like the speaker did a great job showing that LGBTQ people are just as human as anyone else and that they, too, can experience God’s love. He also offered guidance for those who aren't LGBTQ on how to connect with LGBTQ individuals and how to help them feel God's presence in their lives.
      I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

    • @notreal-duh
      @notreal-duh 26 дней назад +3

      @@neftalibahamundi7270 he also made it clear that lgbt identities are inferior to traditional identities…

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад

      @@neftalibahamundi7270 Well I think he's gaslighting people, and maybe even himself. He may really think he sees LGBTQ folks as equal, but he doesn't. His behavior shows the truth. You don't treat people that you see as equal as if they are projects or talk about them the way he did. You don't pretend to be their friend just to try and convert them to your religion. He said himself that if they don't convert or change eventually he won't really be hanging out with them anymore.

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 26 дней назад +1

      @@notreal-duh Can you please point out at what time he said or influenced such claim?
      Also, what are your thoughts on who God is?

  • @Mystichealer369
    @Mystichealer369 21 день назад +2

    The biggest issue is believing you can change people. Living by spiritual principles and loving others is enough. Let God guide those who seek.

    • @everythinggirly916
      @everythinggirly916 4 дня назад

      100% We should share the good news but it is God who saves

  • @SofieSybella
    @SofieSybella 25 дней назад +4

    This reminds me of pyramid MLMs - “first become their friend, then once you’ve gained their trust, sell our product!”
    This is textbook abusive relationship. You should be ashamed.
    “Care about others so you can convert them” has to so lonely for you.
    Where is your genuineness? Where is your dignity?
    -Dr. Sofie

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 25 дней назад +2

      I think that's exactly what it is tbh. In his previous podcast episode he talked a lot about this organization that actually trains people in these tactics. They trained him now he's trying to train others. This is for sure the bad kind of MLM

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 25 дней назад +2

      I feel kinda bad for him, like... how deluded do you have to be to think this is not only okay, but a very good thing to do?

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 24 дня назад +1

      @@laratho62 Like most Christians he is an "the ends justify the means" sort of person, that is why Christians are comfortable lying to make a point despite the fact that lying is a sin

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 21 день назад

      ​@@xXEGPXxyou put it into words so well here. They've probably even mental gymnastic-ed their way into thinking it's not really lying when it so obviously is

  • @Seth_Hezekiah
    @Seth_Hezekiah 16 дней назад +1

    This guy is a heretic btw. Join a real church, not a cult.

  • @v-d-qb3rp
    @v-d-qb3rp 7 дней назад +1


  • @Julia_USMidwest
    @Julia_USMidwest 26 дней назад +1

    Well said about people thinking everyone should be married! They really mean well, and I think it is beautiful that they have found marriage so fufilling and wish that for others. However, it makes me wonder if they are missing recognition of fuller riches in God's glory, because, yes, marriage has become something of an idol.

  • @kevini4295
    @kevini4295 27 дней назад +7

    I am openly gay. I believe in God. I go to a church. The God I believe in is about love, acceptance. Not the "love the sinner, hate the sin" nonsense.
    People are perfectly entitled to believe what they wish, but trying to evangelize or "bring me to Christ" will just annoy me and I will not talk to that person.
    I was in a loving gay relationship for 10 years, still best of friends. Some of my closest gay friends have been with their partners 20 and 30 years.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +4

      Hey, I'm an openly gay Christian too! Good to see your comment! Man, these people may be well-intentioned but they are so misled. This whole "making friends with gay people to evangelize to them" thing is... wild to me. It's so manipulative and gaslighty

    • @RandomDay247
      @RandomDay247 26 дней назад

      Progressive Christianity is toxic and not biblical it's almost the same as those who called themselves progressive they'll vote for men in women's bathrooms and see nothing wrong. Those who called themselves progressive are actually self lovers not of God or others. I used to think of myself as progressive but God helped me to understand God is Love but also God is a God of truth and holiness. As a former lesbian I can say Jesus liberated me. We all have temptations in different forms but Jesus is our light and will help us through our struggles. God is faithful when we put our trust in Him. As a follower of Jesus the Bible God's holy word said we are to pick up our cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24-26) , we are a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17)

    • @shanleecaulfield7064
      @shanleecaulfield7064 26 дней назад +5

      Really glad that you commented this. I'm bisexual and I'm not a Christian anymore but I'm so glad that there are openly gay Christians like yourself that are sharing love and acceptance and not just judging or trying to manipulate to bring people to Christ.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад

      ​@@RandomDay247a cursory glance at church history would tell you that Christianity has always been progressive. The basic truth of Jesus stays the same but our understanding and expression of our faith has been growing and changing from the beginning. Rhetoric like yours comes from people who have been benefited and given power and authority by our current systems. They, selfishly, would like to keep those benefits. So they spread all kinds of lies and encourage people to deny reality. That's really all it is. The "men in women's bathrooms" thing is also a Matt Walsh type talking point. All conservatives' arguments at this stage are so trivial and far removed from real life. Some of yall really need to touch grass

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +2

      @@shanleecaulfield7064 glad you're here! We need more voices against this kind of toxicity

  • @carmelitofrancisco7843
    @carmelitofrancisco7843 27 дней назад +8

    I really praise God for how you are using this flatform to reach LGBTQ+ in Christ and encourage and inspire Christians like us to reach for more who are like us... God bless you and may God continually use you to empower Christians like us...

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 26 дней назад +1

      I guarantee if you use the advice in this video every single gay person in your life will know how much you hate them

  • @Opsimath2739
    @Opsimath2739 25 дней назад +2

    Great stuff Sam! Stay blessed ❤

  • @kimvilla7109
    @kimvilla7109 27 дней назад +4

    Been following you for years. Your such an inspiration, truly living for Christ and his kingdom ❤❤❤

  • @laratho62
    @laratho62 27 дней назад +6

    Gay Christians in Godly gay relationships exist. It's not sinful.

    • @michaelchoruss7544
      @michaelchoruss7544 27 дней назад +4

      Exactly. I think this is just an overboard virtue signaling, at the expense of all gay people who do have a connection with the Lord

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 27 дней назад +5

      @@michaelchoruss7544 Totally. This theology hurts so many people, including the gay people who believe and preach it.

    • @drewcoope
      @drewcoope 26 дней назад +3

      It's difficult to hear, but gay sex is indeed sinful. It is "missing the mark." Love is not a romantic or erotic feeling, but is rather about desiring the highest good for one's neighbor. To sodomize another man, or to be sodomized by another man, is to do harm to one's neighbor or to one's own self. More than just physical harm, there is also spiritual harm, since it feminizes the male and amplifies the passions of the flesh and prioritizes bodily needs. It is also sinful to have sex outside of marriage. Biblical morality in regards to sex and marriage is not just about the individual but is about the communal whole. Human marriage is a fractal image of the cosmic union between Christ and the Church. The Church cannot condone gay sex and gay relationships for these reasons. It goes against natural law and the pattern of relationships that God has ordained. Gay people must struggle against the desires of the flesh and deny themselves. Being liberated from these behaviors and desires, by pursuing the mercy of God through the Church, is the right path for people who struggle with same-sex attraction.

    • @michaelchoruss7544
      @michaelchoruss7544 26 дней назад +4

      @@drewcoope again, you can write a whole essay about why you personally think gay marriage is sinful, but it will not make it the truth. I have been in a same sex relationship for over 6 years. Literally everything you’ve mentioned in terms of harm is false. I have a very happy and healthy relationship with my partner. We are both physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. I am a leader of a worship team at my local church, and my marriage has not hindered my relationship with the Lord whatsoever. And I know THIS is going to be difficult for you to hear, but it’s about time you take your mind out of other people’s bedrooms and focus on the main teachings of Jesus (which you should know by heart, if you are claiming you are a Christian)

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +1

      @@drewcoope sir, believe what you want. You're free to do so. Just because you believe it doesn't make it true. There are so many gay and lesbian relationships that do absolutely no harm at all to anyone, on the contrary they are healthy and promote human flourishing for everyone involved. Your point really has no solid footing. All you've got is certain people's subjective and homophobic interpretation of some verses in the Bible, and some people's subjective life experiences. None of that proves anything.

  • @1blur154
    @1blur154 25 дней назад

    Lol noob

  • @kathrynatwood
    @kathrynatwood 27 дней назад +3

    Thank you, Samuel❤️ God bless you!!! 🙏❤️

  • @fortreimratada
    @fortreimratada 27 дней назад +4

    this isnt just cringe, it's evil... God's judgment sits on those who spread such demonic theology

    • @RandomDay247
      @RandomDay247 26 дней назад

      It's cringe because you do not believe the Bible is the inspired authoritative word of God and you want to do as you wish. Progressive Christianity is dangerous. Anyone who changes the word of God to their own liking is evil.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +2

      @@RandomDay247 Woah bro, calm down there... people are allowed to not believe that way about the Bible. Other types of Christians have our reasons for believing the way we do and calling us evil seems just a bit much. We're not changing anything "to our own liking", we've just examined things and come to different conclusions than fundamentalist Evangelicals do. How narrow-minded to think your one specific way of viewing the Bible is the only correct one among literally hundreds of others. Just because some pastor dude with a high social standing told you so, doesn't make it so.

    • @fortreimratada
      @fortreimratada 25 дней назад

      @@laratho62 again this theology only leads to death... too many LGBTQ+ youth have died because of these ideas... BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 25 дней назад +2

      @@fortreimratada hey there, I was actually replying to RandomDay247 here in this thread. Not sure if you can see their reply on your comment but they were basically calling progressive / gay affirming Christians evil. I'm in agreement with you. I myself am a lesbian and I do believe that anti-gay theology is an evil thing. Thank you for your voice here, you're speaking the truth in a space where it needs to be heard.

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 25 дней назад

      @@RandomDay247 You kill people, and you want to kill more, that is dangerous

  • @danielolson437
    @danielolson437 27 дней назад +3

    Hi, Samuel. I discovered my attraction to guys about the same time I got saved (don't read anything into that). Almost 50 yrs later and the underlying causes, and effects of my SGA are still not resolved. But my theology has developed as have my views on sexuality. I'm still pretty conservative (prefer monogamy and church life). I can't help but think it's more than coincidence that I'm finding this video on my feed after its posting only an hour ago. I'm marking this so I can listen during work.

    • @notreal-duh
      @notreal-duh 26 дней назад +1

      there was nothing that cause you to be gay, you’re just built that way.

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 21 день назад

      I agree with @notreal_duh here and would like to add that it's okay that you're attracted to guys. It's not just okay, it's a beautiful and integral part of the way God made you. I hope you can find peace and joy in that someday. I know it's by no means an easy process but it is possible and it is worth it. Don't try so hard to be accepted by typical church people. It ain't worth it. The right people, the right Christians, will love and accept you simply for every good and genuine part of who you are.

  • @rockzalt
    @rockzalt 27 дней назад +2

    I have to agree, marriage within Christianity can become an idol, albeit sometimes I'd like to believe that there is a nice lesbian Christian woman somewhere out there for Sam to marry and both can co-minister in the LGBTQ+ community.

  • @brynndudlets1144
    @brynndudlets1144 27 дней назад +4

    I’m very grateful for your channel

  • @micaruiz940
    @micaruiz940 7 дней назад

    Hi Samuel! thank you for what you do!! keep planting those seeds! 🙌🙏

  • @g--br1el985
    @g--br1el985 27 дней назад +2

    Way to go! Bro in Christ !🎉❤

  • @alexisbaker2322
    @alexisbaker2322 13 дней назад

    Thank You for posting this ❤️✝️🙏🏾

  • @friendlyneighborhoodposer
    @friendlyneighborhoodposer 22 дня назад

    Thank you for sharing, Samuel.
    All we have to do is share the love of Christ and wait for God to open doors of opportunities to share the Gospel. Don't force it or shove it down their throats. A lot of gay people already know God's stance on homosexuality and they don't need to hear you preach it to them again. That will just drive them away. It's not our job to change them or convince them to stop their lifestyle. Our job is to plant the seeds, but it is God who gives the growth. The Lord will change their hearts and desires when they are ready to surrender their lives to Him. Just keep praying, keep showing them Christ's love (without compromising ofc), and trust that the Lord will do the rest.
    God bless :)

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 21 день назад +1

      Yeah see the thing is everyone can tell you are full of shit, we know you hate gay people, and we know your goal is to make us not exist

  • @kathrynatwood
    @kathrynatwood 27 дней назад +4

    Your video is so helpful for sharing the love of Jesus with anyone, including LGBTQ, and being led by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH🤗

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 26 дней назад +2

      This video is explicitly about hate and not love

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +2

      @@xXEGPXx very much so. It's disturbing really

    • @Opsimath2739
      @Opsimath2739 25 дней назад +1

      ​@@xXEGPXxThere's no whatsoever hate in what Sam said at all, how you interpreted it because you don't like his message of God's love and you want to spread hate about believers.

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 23 дня назад +1

      @@Opsimath2739 This entire video is literally instructions for how you can pretend to be friends with someone and care about them just so you can evangelize to them, that is fucked up

  • @RandomDay247
    @RandomDay247 26 дней назад +6

    Thank you for sharing Samuel! I'm also a former lesbian. God is good! There's freedom in Jesus like no other!

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +2

      You know there are so many Christian lesbians in lesbian relationships and marriages. They know and love God and have found freedom in Him too. They serve Him in real ways together with their partners. They are healthy and have mostly healed from the abuse they've experienced due to homophobia in the church. They could have walked away from their faith entirely but by His grace they didn't. By His grace they have been able to accept what others have rejected them for so many times. He brought them together with their partners and gave them families in a wide and beautiful variety of ways. So yeah there is freedom in Jesus like no other. And healing, joy, peace, lovingkindness... For lesbians and their wives too ❤

    • @xXEGPXx
      @xXEGPXx 26 дней назад

      You are not a woman nor have you ever been a lesbian, apologize or my next comment is your full name and home address

    • @Opsimath2739
      @Opsimath2739 25 дней назад

      ​A mix of truth and lies are the most dangerous things. All you need is a tiny drop of poison to kill someone not a whole meal. We can rationalize and deceive ourselves. If you abide by God's word and truth you'll obey. Jesus struggled tremendously even at the last minute before he knew that he'll be captured and need to go through the agonizing death, he prayed to father God if the cup can be removed from him.. but .. "not my will but yours be done." Jesus loved us that much. That while we were still sinners he died for us. That's God's will not our feelings or likings. Jesus struggled like all of us but he gave away his life knowingly that's the only way for those who believe in him and follow his teachings we'll be saved. Jesus also said .. “I came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it” It's not by work but grace that we are saved and that's not cheap grace. God will help us to transform like Jesus when we take the first step and each little step of faith and obedience will enable us to grow. If we need to restrain certain food and work on building muscle for our body to be stronger and healthier why do we deceive ourselves about spiritual growth and spiritual warfare.

    • @some1_body
      @some1_body 25 дней назад +2

      "former lesbian" i hope you wake up and actually choose what's natural for you, which is loving women

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 25 дней назад

      ​@@Opsimath2739bestie... as a Christian lesbian I share most of your beliefs about Jesus and repentance from sin. As do many affirming gay/queer Christians. Most of us have spent months or years studying and learning about all the theological views surrounding homosexuality and gender expression. We have done so much more and so much broader research on this topic than most straight or "ex gay" Christians ever will. We are where we are in our faith for a reason. Many reasons actually. When you see an affirming gay Christian you can safely assume there is a monumental unseen journey and struggle that brought them to where they are. You can also safely assume that that person is good with Jesus, and He is with them.
      Maybe consider doing some thorough research of your own before using platitudes to bash people who already know and love Jesus. If you don't wanna do that work, at least just stay in your lane and leave us be. Affirming theology is not a drop of poison as you think, it's a truly life‐giving part of faith for so many people.

  • @10inmaine
    @10inmaine 14 дней назад

    Speak the Truth Samuel ❤

  • @adiblatif
    @adiblatif 27 дней назад +1

    Hey my brother in Christ. Jesus delivered me from that lifestyle, and for the first year I was able to maintain purity. But in last couple of years I’ve been stuck in a cycle of porn. Do you have any advice?

    • @fortreimratada
      @fortreimratada 27 дней назад +1

      hey bro its cause youre gay. porn is exploitative is 'sex workers'. just have s3x with a real life homosexual

    • @RandomDay247
      @RandomDay247 26 дней назад

      Stop watching porn. Porn was created by pedos and abusers. Those who keep watching porns are enabling rapists and traffickers . 2 Peter 2:22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” ... Get back to God's Word. Pray and find good accountable godly friendship not easy but God is faithful to those who seek in spirit and in truth. God also liberated me of porn and enabled me to see the harm porn brought unto others 😢.

    • @viancazavala4560
      @viancazavala4560 26 дней назад +1

      Hi friend, I hear the urgency in your comment. I want you to know that even in this season, God still loves you. If you feel condemned or shame, it’s not from God, it’s from the enemy. Know that you can repent to the Lord for your sins, and He will forgive you. Ask God for strength to resist your flesh. Surrender this desire of lust to Him and ask Him to change your desires for more Godly and righteous desires. I pray that you will find a leader at your church that can walk with you, encourage you, and help hold you accountable in your daily walk with Christ. I want to remind you of John 6:44. He’s called you and nothing can separate you from His love for you. God bless you 🙌

    • @laratho62
      @laratho62 26 дней назад +2

      @@adiblatif find an affirming church. The "ex-gay" lifestyle is harmful and toxic. I'm sorry this bad theology hurt you. There are Christians who will accept you for who you are and the best thing you could do would be to find them. Being gay is not wrong or sinful or shameful.

    • @neftalibahamundi7270
      @neftalibahamundi7270 26 дней назад +2

      @@laratho62How do you know all of this? Is there a verse or teaching to support your view?

  • @carmelitofrancisco7843
    @carmelitofrancisco7843 27 дней назад +2

    I hope you can visit the Philippines and we can invite you in our church.

    • @johnbellevanti7945
      @johnbellevanti7945 27 дней назад +2

      his theology keeps our country under the chains of the United States