Missy has any of this beat with:“Well I’m that mysterious adventurer in time and space, known only as Doctor Who, and these are my disposables - Exposition and Comic Relief.”
I'd consider Blink to be a 4th wall breaker. The angels don't move when the shows characters look at them, but they don't move when the audience sees them either. A kind of subtle wall break.
I’d always loved thinking when The Doctor breaks the fourth wall, his awareness of travelling for thousands of years has made him aware of beings that defy the laws of physical appearance. Beings that live in light, sound or another universe as a whole. Travellers that travel with the Doctor. Possibly even the same beings that were featured in listen
Another underrated fourth wall break is the Time of The Doctor where Eleven's final word's 'I will always remember when the Doctor was me' was directed towards the camera. To me this was Smith saying he will always remember when the doctor was him and to the audience.
It was Smith saying ;) While the director writes the regeneration. Each actor (at least new Who) was allowed one sentense of his own. McGann "Physician heal yourself", Ecclestones "and you know what? So was I" after adresing Rose "You were fantastic....". Tennants "I dont want to go" there are many different Versions how he said it, until this emotional version. Smith "I will always remember, when the Doctor was me" clearly 4th wall and Capaldis "Children can hear your name, sometimes when their hearts are in the right place and the stars are too" Capaldi said it to little boy on a convention, who wanted to know the Doctors name. It was cool to include that improvised moment into the show.
Yes! That’s the one I was thinking of and was gonna comment but then I forgot, thanks for reminding me. I won’t comment it now because you already did but I agree with this
I remember seeing Martha’s wall break when the episode premiered and it is one of the best wall breaks ever. Just the feeling I got from it made me feel like I was a part of the scene. All the companions are back talking laughing working together in this huge moment flying the TARDIS and Martha giving that look at the camera made me feel like I was there next to them and I could reach forward and do my part to help fly the Earth back
There was one with Clara, when she was doing one of her "Run, you clever boy" things. She finishes saying it and then, for less then one second, she turns her eyes right to the camera.
Martha's fourth wall break was definitely noticed by the editor, considering that they used this exact shot as one of Sarah Jane's memories in the two-parter Death of the Doctor.
@@hihosheffieldwednesday Yeah I loved the story and the overall setting. The writing is great, it's a shame the writer has ruined its reputation. I liked the The Unicorn and the Wasp too.
Welp, Fifteenth Doctor confirmed he legit has meta awareness and it's not just a series of jokes because Ruby Sunday could hear the dramatic background music due to Maestro's powers and own meta-awarness (at the end of the cold opening, Maestro played the first few notes of the opening theme on a piano). As Ruby was getting carried off by physically manifested music, The Doctor said what the audience was thinking "I thought that was non-diagetic." Also I have to say, Davies is really going all in with his trademark zaniness in his new run so far.
Fun fact, First Doctor did it first, and it was specifically done because of monochrome being the most common TV of the era. Barbara: "Too bad you don't have colour TV!" (Referencing an external monitor) First: "I do but ah..." Looks directly at the camera.
@@blackphoenix77 I believe it was either the episode before or after Marco Polo, can't remember off the top of my head, I will need to double check just to be sure. Would definitely give me a good excuse to rewatch all of season 1 of Classic Who.
@@lordnul1708 It’s “The Keys of Marinus” (the one directly after “Marco Polo”); I’m not sure that counts, though, as the camera is placed directly below the scanner they are observing. (And they’re called “stories”; “episodes” are the individual instalments that comprise an overall story!)
There was a bit of a 4th wall break in the impossible planet where Rose says something to the extent of “if you think there is going to be danger we could just leave.” Then The Doctor and Rose start laughing. This was because the writers had been constantly getting asked why the 2 don’t just leave when the s#!+ hits the fan.
That was addressed during the Tom Baker era episode, Pyramids of Mars. Sarah Jane says everything must have worked out since things were fine in the future and The Doctor takes her back to her own time to show her the charred remains of human civilization.
Where is Paul Mcgann's, "Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored or need a television, a couple of books. Anyone for chess? Bring me Knitting" and "I'm a Doctor, but probably not the one you were expecting!" Those were great!!!
The Tweflth Doctor's monologue at the start of "Listen" also has to come close - yes, maybe he's speaking to the his 'perfect hider' all along, but when he's sitting cross-legged atop the TARDIS and his eyes snap open, tell me you don't believe he's talking to you when he says, "Listen."
@@danthemeegs8751 The new composer isn't that bad they should work with Gold to become more well known and series 13 might air end of Nov-Dec so we don't have a long wait for the new years episode and then we might see the final episode with Jodie in around easter
I was scrolling down to see if anyone picked that up. It's easy to overlook, because it was the end of the episode, and they ran a different version in the next episode's recap.
Easy explanation for why the Zarbi "clonk" wasn't removed: the DW schedule in the '60s didn't allow for more than one (maybe two) takes, and the meager BBC budget didn't help.
Exactly was about to write that same thing, if you look closely at lots of 60's who, there are several times fluffs made it into the show since they didn't have time and budget to make retakes unless something went EXTREMELY wrong
Yeah you're probably right. It's funny how things change too, back in the day they were perfectly fine with sending out an episode where an actor bashes the camera, but can you IMAGINE something like that happening today?
My brother loves watching the old ones, so has bought a lot on DVD. We often notice moments where a character will fluff up a line, most often the First Doctor.
There is also Peter Capaldi's first episode, as we are left to ponder whether the antagonist jumped or was pushed by the doctor. He looks at the camera as if to make sure that we understand that this new incarnation is not number eleven anymore.
I always liked that moment. Sort of a "yeah...I'm not that goofball anymore" moment. I just started rewatching Capaldi's run for like the 8th time and there is something very House about him in his first season. In fact, Hugh Laurie for the Doctor please.
There is one more in the 2nd Episode of Remembence Of The Daleks, the Doctor and the ''Team'' have a TV in the Room while they are planning, the speaker of the TV says something like: *And now we continue with Episode 2 of Doctor Who.* ... :)
I love that this isn’t actually 10 moments, but managed to twist it so that they could use the standard 10 things list that what culture and its spinoff use. Gives us 10 moments but also add other examples within the moments, like from Sandman. Good going
The Fourth Doctor, by breaking the fourth wall, "reaches out to his longest serving Companion. Us.' I believe that is exactly how we were supposed to feel. Tom Baker is on record stating he felt the Doctor did not need a Companion and I think he was right, or at least his incarnation did not need one as we were there.
Weird how they forgot that moment where in The Invasion of Tome when that bloke who I forgot his name literally says to the camera “if I had a dog like you in my unit I’d make him a sergeant”
ive always considered the ''ill always remember when the doctor was me'' is matt smith talking to himself and the audience that he will never forget his time playing the doctor
I always thought the Eleventh Doc broke the fourth wall during his final speech before he regenerated when he said "I will always remember when the Doctor was me."
There was also the beginning of "Listen" when Capaldi was talking to noone in particular (us) about the evolution of "Perfect Hunting", Perfect Defense", and "Perfect Hiding".
Not really a fourth wall break, but The Greatest Show in the Galaxy is basically all about the show itself. Disappointed fans, the general population leaving the show, the BBC directing the fate of the show, it’s all subtext in the story.
The SFX explosion resulting from the Special Weapons Dalek (The Abomination), was so powerful, it set off car alarms in several local streets, and also got the police involved, who had taken reports of it to be a bomb detonation.
Additional Examples: In The Sound of Drums the Saxon Master looks directly at us when he's on the news in the beginning and end, and in Human Nature the Doc does it in his pre-recorded message to Martha
Arguably, every time the show title occurs in dialog is a fourth-wall moment. E.g. in "The Time of the Doctor", the message through all of time and space that is the question: "Doctor Who?". It seemed as though a whole season of episodes included "Doctor Who?" crafted into someone's dialog at some point.
Not a fourth wall but my ultimate "its a tv show" moment, was in an episode of the 6th Doctor. First, two bad guys are talking infront of a staircase and the sound guy scrached one guys hair with the microphone, later the same episode. The cybermen broke into a freezing storage, supposed to have 40° below 0 and next to a couple of boxes, right in the middle of the frame!! was the sound guy kneeling in a t-shirt.
Nah, you're mistaken, they were introducing a new alien specie that never got any attention so they give it up. Here is the description : "Soundguy" is a humanoid alien life form. They are powerful shapeshifter that can live on any planet. They are completely adapted to survive any temperature. Their main goal is to record every sound ever made in their gigantic database.
Time and film were the most valuable commodities in the first few years, probably had to keep the zarbi/camera scene in to fill up runtime because they had nothing else to fill it with and no time to reshoot. Things like that are the reason it became common practice for actors to swear when they flubbed a line, so that directors were forced to film the scene again.
What about the time when just before a cut to the next scene of a first Doctor ep a BBC broadcast in the episode started saying “And now an episode of a time travelling alien travelling the universe. We give you Doc…..”
CoA "is remembered for two main reasons. One, the regeneration of the Fifth Doctor. And two,..." SAY IT!! The finale..."also contains another, more intentional, fourth wall break." SAY IT, ALREADY!!! LOL
When someone doesn't get the joke: "John DeLye replied: "The corrupt corporate executive does it in one scene in COA." 8 minutes ago" then DELETES their comment when they realize what I wrote. LOL
A wall break I remember was during a Smith episode I think? It was 11 watching a behind the scenes thing of 1 handing the tardis over to 2 or something along those lines. It was quite odd to me for the actual doctor to be along the cast and crew of the show lmao
I still remember the one time his name was almost revealed in old episode. (Years ago and 4th doc i believe) A friend was like "OY! FITZ-" And then the doctor sshhhed him and then glanced at camera for split second. Closest we ever got to this day of what his actual name is and even then it could have been a nick name for all we know. Fitz.
How about in The Christmas Invasion when the Sycorax holding Rose (I think) steps to the side as the camera zooms in on the Tardis doors so we can see the Doctor come out
Nope. It was shown on Christmas Day. It wasn’t technically *intended* as such; it just happened that the weekly schedule would place that episode precisely on Christmas Day.
Doesn’t anyone remember the tv announcement in ‘Remembrance of The Daleks’ when the announcer states that they are now showing the hit sci-fi tv series doct- and it just cuts off????
As you hopefully well know, the weeping angels are quantum locked and only exist when unobserved by other living creatures. There are many points throughout episodes where the characters aren't looking at the angels but we, the audience, are and therefore it is shown that we too are part of the band of 'living creatures' that freeze the angels into stone.
Times when no character was looking at the angels but they still were locked in place when on screen. Think of Blink when Sally is turned away from the first Angel in the garden after looking at it. The Angel moved it’s hands from its eyes in the moment after Sally looked away but is now locked because we are “looking” at it
@@doctormew9399 Interesting but that wouldn't work as there'd almost always be at some kind of insect around observing them. They'd rarely be able to move. However, your headcanon is whatever your headcanon is. :-)
You're talking about how the Angels break the fourth wall by not moving while being seen by the audience, yet you show a scene from the episode, where they actually moved on camera (the actual scene isn't shown, but Amy is, and the scene follows after that shot). Better would be to show pictures from Blink, than Flesh & Stone.
What about Lynda Baron as Captain Wrack? In Enlightenment at the end of Part 3 where she hypnotises Tegan and puts a bomb in her tiara, she turns to the camera to deliver her villainous monologue complete with evil cackle!
I would've thought they'd mention the other moment in Remembrance of the Daleks. The camera pans on a TV which is broadcasting BBC 1 in which the guy says it's time for a new sci-fi serial called "Doctor...:" And then it cuts to the next scene.
Is that breaking the fourth wall, or is it a meta reference/moment? As it isn't directly referencing the audience, it's just part of the scene, I'd say it's the later. Still a great moment though.
7 & 2 are the only definite fourth wall breaks. The rest are grey areas. "Breaking the fourth wall" is when a character speaks directly to the audience. It is NOT when a character happens to look in the direction of the camera, happens to speak while looking toward the camera, happens to say "doctor who?", or makes other meta in-jokes/references that only the audience (not the other characters) would understand. Characters can also break the fourth wall by explicitly stating they are fictional characters or that they are in a fictional tv show.
"From day one _Doctor Who_ has been breaking the fourth wall" So where is the fourth wall break in "An Unearthy Child?" The chronologically first one you mention occurred 3 years into the program!
You're technically correct. The best/worst kind of correct. Tom has the longest on screen tenure, but Paul has the longest period between his first and last onscreen adventure. Then again, Tom could take that title back IF you count his appearance at the end of "Day of the Doctor" 50th as him still being canon 4th, and not a "future face revisited" as he/the "Caretaker" suggests.
Looking at the camera isn't a fourth wall break. Breaking the fourth wall is engaging directly with the audience. Looking at the camera is bad form, but it's not necessarily a fourth wall break.
The “nonsense” that isn’t nonsense, you mean? And the question still makes perfect sense; it’s simply an even more far-reaching question than we previously thought!
That first question bs was as cringe as the question marks on the 5th, 6th, 7th Doctor's coats. A fourth wall wink from Moffat himself, who didn't have the balls to add to the mystery, just to point at it and repeat, ad nauseum, Doctor who? Dr Who? Did you who what I who'd there? Pfft
I'm disappointed by the gall and the arrogance of the presenter of this video, who did not ask for examples that were missed (a staple of the end of list videos like this from WhatCulture). Naturally, I intend to provide one and a "maybe". 1) The 4th Doctor immediately confirming a calculation from K-9 and turning directly to the camera and saying "That's what I thought!", from The Pirate Planet 2) The maybe example is, for me, the absolute best part of the popular Capaldi story "Listen". The cold open is a whole random monologue that ties in with the story's title and little else, when you think about it. YES, he could just be illustrating that he is actually talking to the unseen and unknown entity that prefers to remain hidden, so it may not count for this list. HOWEVER, as it was a precursor to the AMAZING "Bootstrap Paradox" explanation scene, it deserves...at the very least, an "honourable mention". A bonus one that SHOULD HAVE SOMEHOW MADE THIS LIST, even as a side mention, since the story itself WAS mentioned! 3) Remembrance of the Daleks' final cliffhanger has the 7th Doctor screaming at Ace to get away from the window and turning to the camera to admit that he may have miscalculated the importance of his chosen location to the Daleks' stratagem! Gall and Arrogance...not a good combination of traits to have as a presenter from WC!
I broke one of my "four walls," when a woman was cast as the Doctor, and I smacked my head against it in frustration, at the sheer ridiculousness of such a move! 👎😂
Missy has any of this beat with:“Well I’m that mysterious adventurer in time and space, known only as Doctor Who, and these are my disposables - Exposition and Comic Relief.”
But which is which? Lol
I'd consider Blink to be a 4th wall breaker. The angels don't move when the shows characters look at them, but they don't move when the audience sees them either. A kind of subtle wall break.
Yeah, I always liked that. Kind of made them creepier.
Or, you know, the ending of Blink? That much more overt fourth wall break?
@@Horltum Did I miss something at the end? What happened?
@@bmbougie ruclips.net/video/9U3ampthDdk/видео.html
It replays the "don't blink" message for us and shows a bunch of other statues
I’d always loved thinking when The Doctor breaks the fourth wall, his awareness of travelling for thousands of years has made him aware of beings that defy the laws of physical appearance. Beings that live in light, sound or another universe as a whole. Travellers that travel with the Doctor. Possibly even the same beings that were featured in listen
Your comment made me think of what if when characters talk to the watcher
Another underrated fourth wall break is the Time of The Doctor where Eleven's final word's 'I will always remember when the Doctor was me' was directed towards the camera. To me this was Smith saying he will always remember when the doctor was him and to the audience.
It was Smith saying ;) While the director writes the regeneration. Each actor (at least new Who) was allowed one sentense of his own. McGann "Physician heal yourself", Ecclestones "and you know what? So was I" after adresing Rose "You were fantastic....". Tennants "I dont want to go" there are many different Versions how he said it, until this emotional version. Smith "I will always remember, when the Doctor was me" clearly 4th wall and Capaldis "Children can hear your name, sometimes when their hearts are in the right place and the stars are too" Capaldi said it to little boy on a convention, who wanted to know the Doctors name. It was cool to include that improvised moment into the show.
are going to forget "Love from Gallifrey, boys!"?
Yes! That’s the one I was thinking of and was gonna comment but then I forgot, thanks for reminding me. I won’t comment it now because you already did but I agree with this
I remember seeing Martha’s wall break when the episode premiered and it is one of the best wall breaks ever.
Just the feeling I got from it made me feel like I was a part of the scene.
All the companions are back talking laughing working together in this huge moment flying the TARDIS and Martha giving that look at the camera made me feel like I was there next to them and I could reach forward and do my part to help fly the Earth back
I remember seeing it when I was younger, and for a while, I thought I was the only person who thought it was unusual. But then I discovered Reddit :P
There was one with Clara, when she was doing one of her "Run, you clever boy" things. She finishes saying it and then, for less then one second, she turns her eyes right to the camera.
Martha's fourth wall break was definitely noticed by the editor, considering that they used this exact shot as one of Sarah Jane's memories in the two-parter Death of the Doctor.
The Shakespeare Code is one of my favourite episodes actually. Amazing setting too.
Yeah. Underrated story that's now overshadowed by the statements of it's writer.
@@hihosheffieldwednesday Yeah I loved the story and the overall setting. The writing is great, it's a shame the writer has ruined its reputation. I liked the The Unicorn and the Wasp too.
Welp, Fifteenth Doctor confirmed he legit has meta awareness and it's not just a series of jokes because Ruby Sunday could hear the dramatic background music due to Maestro's powers and own meta-awarness (at the end of the cold opening, Maestro played the first few notes of the opening theme on a piano). As Ruby was getting carried off by physically manifested music, The Doctor said what the audience was thinking "I thought that was non-diagetic." Also I have to say, Davies is really going all in with his trademark zaniness in his new run so far.
Fun fact, First Doctor did it first, and it was specifically done because of monochrome being the most common TV of the era.
Barbara: "Too bad you don't have colour TV!" (Referencing an external monitor)
First: "I do but ah..." Looks directly at the camera.
Which episode was that?
@@blackphoenix77 I believe it was either the episode before or after Marco Polo, can't remember off the top of my head, I will need to double check just to be sure.
Would definitely give me a good excuse to rewatch all of season 1 of Classic Who.
@@lordnul1708 It’s “The Keys of Marinus” (the one directly after “Marco Polo”); I’m not sure that counts, though, as the camera is placed directly below the scanner they are observing.
(And they’re called “stories”; “episodes” are the individual instalments that comprise an overall story!)
@@DrWhoFanJ thanks mate.
@@lordnul1708 You’re welcome. Any time. 👍
There was a bit of a 4th wall break in the impossible planet where Rose says something to the extent of “if you think there is going to be danger we could just leave.” Then The Doctor and Rose start laughing. This was because the writers had been constantly getting asked why the 2 don’t just leave when the s#!+ hits the fan.
That was addressed during the Tom Baker era episode, Pyramids of Mars. Sarah Jane says everything must have worked out since things were fine in the future and The Doctor takes her back to her own time to show her the charred remains of human civilization.
8:43. Just noticed that the Doctor's amp is made by Magpie Electrical. Nice little reference to series 1.
Where is Paul Mcgann's, "Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored or need a television, a couple of books. Anyone for chess? Bring me Knitting" and "I'm a Doctor, but probably not the one you were expecting!" Those were great!!!
The Tweflth Doctor's monologue at the start of "Listen" also has to come close - yes, maybe he's speaking to the his 'perfect hider' all along, but when he's sitting cross-legged atop the TARDIS and his eyes snap open, tell me you don't believe he's talking to you when he says, "Listen."
Man, Davies really needs to bring back the Christmas specials
The first things I thought when I saw he was returning:
2. Please bring back Xmas specials/Murray Gold!
@@danthemeegs8751 The new composer isn't that bad they should work with Gold to become more well known and series 13 might air end of Nov-Dec so we don't have a long wait for the new years episode and then we might see the final episode with Jodie in around easter
What about in remembrance of the daleks when the doctor looks directly at the camera and says I think I may of miscalculated . That was a classic 👍
I was scrolling down to see if anyone picked that up. It's easy to overlook, because it was the end of the episode, and they ran a different version in the next episode's recap.
Easy explanation for why the Zarbi "clonk" wasn't removed: the DW schedule in the '60s didn't allow for more than one (maybe two) takes, and the meager BBC budget didn't help.
Exactly was about to write that same thing, if you look closely at lots of 60's who, there are several times fluffs made it into the show since they didn't have time and budget to make retakes unless something went EXTREMELY wrong
Yeah you're probably right. It's funny how things change too, back in the day they were perfectly fine with sending out an episode where an actor bashes the camera, but can you IMAGINE something like that happening today?
My brother loves watching the old ones, so has bought a lot on DVD. We often notice moments where a character will fluff up a line, most often the First Doctor.
@@cgmanning Yep, Hartnell was a true master at messing up a line but still keep it all 100% serious
'The Zarbi Clonk' sounds SO like a DW episode title.
There is also Peter Capaldi's first episode, as we are left to ponder whether the antagonist jumped or was pushed by the doctor. He looks at the camera as if to make sure that we understand that this new incarnation is not number eleven anymore.
I always liked that moment. Sort of a "yeah...I'm not that goofball anymore" moment. I just started rewatching Capaldi's run for like the 8th time and there is something very House about him in his first season. In fact, Hugh Laurie for the Doctor please.
There is one more in the 2nd Episode of Remembence Of The Daleks, the Doctor and the ''Team'' have a TV in the Room while they are planning, the speaker of the TV says something like: *And now we continue with Episode 2 of Doctor Who.* ... :)
My favourite 4th wall break was the bootstrap paradox speach when he says google it and if you did it was added to Wikipedia already
I love that this isn’t actually 10 moments, but managed to twist it so that they could use the standard 10 things list that what culture and its spinoff use. Gives us 10 moments but also add other examples within the moments, like from Sandman. Good going
WhoCulture giveth, and giveth some more!
The Fourth Doctor, by breaking the fourth wall, "reaches out to his longest serving Companion. Us.' I believe that is exactly how we were supposed to feel. Tom Baker is on record stating he felt the Doctor did not need a Companion and I think he was right, or at least his incarnation did not need one as we were there.
The Doctor's "Listen" speech. One of my favorites.
Weird how they forgot that moment where in The Invasion of Tome when that bloke who I forgot his name literally says to the camera “if I had a dog like you in my unit I’d make him a sergeant”
ive always considered the ''ill always remember when the doctor was me'' is matt smith talking to himself and the audience that he will never forget his time playing the doctor
It's sad to hear that The Shakespeare Code isn't well-loved. It's one of my favorites: it's got Renaissance-era, magic and Harry Potter references.
I loved the Harry Potter references, also proof the Doctor read the books lol 😂
I always thought the Eleventh Doc broke the fourth wall during his final speech before he regenerated when he said "I will always remember when the Doctor was me."
So did 12 during his speach by saying things that fans had asked before
There was also the beginning of "Listen" when Capaldi was talking to noone in particular (us) about the evolution of "Perfect Hunting", Perfect Defense", and "Perfect Hiding".
Not really a fourth wall break, but The Greatest Show in the Galaxy is basically all about the show itself. Disappointed fans, the general population leaving the show, the BBC directing the fate of the show, it’s all subtext in the story.
That's basically exactly what's happening now.
Yes, as you say it's not 4th wall break - it's meta.
@@paulbeardsley4095 Yeah ok…. just thought it was interesting.
@@highvoltage7797 I'm not disagreeing that it's interesting, I'm just saying that "meta" is the term here.
Even the excited nerd kid in the story is a rather spiteful nod at Whovians
You totally missed the 50th Ann when matt smith looked looked directly at the camera after meeting tom baker.
The SFX explosion resulting from the Special Weapons Dalek (The Abomination), was so powerful, it set off car alarms in several local streets, and also got the police involved, who had taken reports of it to be a bomb detonation.
The thumbnail had me laughing 😂
A lot of these are pov shots rather than 4th wall breaks
perhaps the doctor knows who the true loyal campanion is the entire time
it was us :')
Additional Examples: In The Sound of Drums the Saxon Master looks directly at us when he's on the news in the beginning and end, and in Human Nature the Doc does it in his pre-recorded message to Martha
Arguably, every time the show title occurs in dialog is a fourth-wall moment. E.g. in "The Time of the Doctor", the message through all of time and space that is the question: "Doctor Who?". It seemed as though a whole season of episodes included "Doctor Who?" crafted into someone's dialog at some point.
Not a fourth wall but my ultimate "its a tv show" moment, was in an episode of the 6th Doctor. First, two bad guys are talking infront of a staircase and the sound guy scrached one guys hair with the microphone, later the same episode. The cybermen broke into a freezing storage, supposed to have 40° below 0 and next to a couple of boxes, right in the middle of the frame!! was the sound guy kneeling in a t-shirt.
Nah, you're mistaken, they were introducing a new alien specie that never got any attention so they give it up. Here is the description :
"Soundguy" is a humanoid alien life form. They are powerful shapeshifter that can live on any planet. They are completely adapted to survive any temperature. Their main goal is to record every sound ever made in their gigantic database.
@@maitremaitre9283 thats a good one 😂👏
@@thomasnieswandt8805 Glad someone liked my random thoughts and sense of humour :)
Time and film were the most valuable commodities in the first few years, probably had to keep the zarbi/camera scene in to fill up runtime because they had nothing else to fill it with and no time to reshoot. Things like that are the reason it became common practice for actors to swear when they flubbed a line, so that directors were forced to film the scene again.
What about the time when just before a cut to the next scene of a first Doctor ep a BBC broadcast in the episode started saying “And now an episode of a time travelling alien travelling the universe. We give you Doc…..”
Maybe one of these days there'll be a "This never happened to the other fella”.
Please, make a video about the best pre titles scenes!
Already been done! 10 Best Doctor Who Cold Opens
CoA "is remembered for two main reasons. One, the regeneration of the Fifth Doctor. And two,..."
The finale..."also contains another, more intentional, fourth wall break."
When someone doesn't get the joke:
"John DeLye replied: "The corrupt corporate executive does it in one scene in COA."
8 minutes ago"
then DELETES their comment when they realize what I wrote. LOL
A wall break I remember was during a Smith episode I think? It was 11 watching a behind the scenes thing of 1 handing the tardis over to 2 or something along those lines. It was quite odd to me for the actual doctor to be along the cast and crew of the show lmao
Ten does it twice at the end of Family of Blood, shooting these looks at the camera that pretty much say "Yes, I AM a badass."
You should do the top 10 Sarah Jane adventures episodes
I will always remember when the Doctor was MEEEEE
I still remember the one time his name was almost revealed in old episode. (Years ago and 4th doc i believe)
A friend was like "OY! FITZ-"
And then the doctor sshhhed him and then glanced at camera for split second.
Closest we ever got to this day of what his actual name is and even then it could have been a nick name for all we know. Fitz.
Same with the master we also don't know the real name
How about in The Christmas Invasion when the Sycorax holding Rose (I think) steps to the side as the camera zooms in on the Tardis doors so we can see the Doctor come out
Wasn't the first Doctor episode 'The Feast of Stephen' aired on Stephens Day (aka Boxing day) not Christmas Day?
Nope. It was shown on Christmas Day. It wasn’t technically *intended* as such; it just happened that the weekly schedule would place that episode precisely on Christmas Day.
Doesn’t anyone remember the tv announcement in ‘Remembrance of The Daleks’ when the announcer states that they are now showing the hit sci-fi tv series doct- and it just cuts off????
Magpie? Really? That was the wire! Feed me!
No clara's "run you clever boy and remember me?" Camera staring moment???? I feel insulted
What did he mean when he said ‘The viewers at home locking the weeping angels?
As you hopefully well know, the weeping angels are quantum locked and only exist when unobserved by other living creatures. There are many points throughout episodes where the characters aren't looking at the angels but we, the audience, are and therefore it is shown that we too are part of the band of 'living creatures' that freeze the angels into stone.
Times when no character was looking at the angels but they still were locked in place when on screen.
Think of Blink when Sally is turned away from the first Angel in the garden after looking at it. The Angel moved it’s hands from its eyes in the moment after Sally looked away but is now locked because we are “looking” at it
@@downsideupsnake This!
@@HogW1ld385 My headcannon is there were insects looking at the weeping angel. Or, I don't know, pigeons were looking at it through the window.
@@doctormew9399 Interesting but that wouldn't work as there'd almost always be at some kind of insect around observing them. They'd rarely be able to move. However, your headcanon is whatever your headcanon is. :-)
How did Genesis of the Daleks not get a mention with the Dalek speaking after it exterminates Darvos
interesting choice for number one
In the asylum of the Darlene when sowing is saying “run you clever boy and remember” she glances right into the camera
Also in power of daleks one of the daleks bumps into the camera with its speech.
You're talking about how the Angels break the fourth wall by not moving while being seen by the audience, yet you show a scene from the episode, where they actually moved on camera (the actual scene isn't shown, but Amy is, and the scene follows after that shot). Better would be to show pictures from Blink, than Flesh & Stone.
What about Lynda Baron as Captain Wrack? In Enlightenment at the end of Part 3 where she hypnotises Tegan and puts a bomb in her tiara, she turns to the camera to deliver her villainous monologue complete with evil cackle!
The one with with Martha is a pov shot. So is the one with the doctor who question thing
Poor Zarbi extra running around with no idea where it's going.
I would've thought they'd mention the other moment in Remembrance of the Daleks. The camera pans on a TV which is broadcasting BBC 1 in which the guy says it's time for a new sci-fi serial called "Doctor...:" And then it cuts to the next scene.
Is that breaking the fourth wall, or is it a meta reference/moment? As it isn't directly referencing the audience, it's just part of the scene, I'd say it's the later. Still a great moment though.
7 & 2 are the only definite fourth wall breaks. The rest are grey areas. "Breaking the fourth wall" is when a character speaks directly to the audience. It is NOT when a character happens to look in the direction of the camera, happens to speak while looking toward the camera, happens to say "doctor who?", or makes other meta in-jokes/references that only the audience (not the other characters) would understand. Characters can also break the fourth wall by explicitly stating they are fictional characters or that they are in a fictional tv show.
I agree on the Morgus scenes. That was creepy.
"From day one _Doctor Who_ has been breaking the fourth wall"
So where is the fourth wall break in "An Unearthy Child?" The chronologically first one you mention occurred 3 years into the program!
8:43 *Magpie Electricals!*
"Cheesiest grins"
Oh, you mean the yellow teeth...
Emphasis on "cheese"
You missed Love and Monsters.
TB may be longest on screen portrayal but if you count the Big Finish Audio Adventures, isn't it Paul McGann the longest serving Doctor?
You're technically correct. The best/worst kind of correct.
Tom has the longest on screen tenure, but Paul has the longest period between his first and last onscreen adventure.
Then again, Tom could take that title back IF you count his appearance at the end of "Day of the Doctor" 50th as him still being canon 4th, and not a "future face revisited" as he/the "Caretaker" suggests.
Looking at the camera isn't a fourth wall break. Breaking the fourth wall is engaging directly with the audience. Looking at the camera is bad form, but it's not necessarily a fourth wall break.
Paul Mcgann is the longest serving doctor, actually.
This video reminded me that I still don't have a Yamaha SGV 😭
And what about angry 10th doctor, looking at us the the epizode Family of Blood? He even looked at us twice.
Random anime recommendation: Natsume's Book of Friends
I just watched a HMM video of him slaughtering the episode “the god complex”
Loterally 1 wall break on the list.
Hello first
This is awsome
I’ll be damned. You’re right.
@@gabe5918 lmao
Ok hear me out........
Pinkie Pie Time Lord?
Have the Daleks ever broke the 4th wall? 🤔
Not strange. Overtime not always allowed back then and deadlies tight. Sometimes some things you have to live with.
You should do a top 10 Doctor Monologue. Heck you could probably do top 10 Doctor Monologue for each Doctor and still have an amazing list each time.
Some of these are just not fourth wall breaks
The First Question ("Doctor Who?") doesn't make sense anymore with all that Timeless Child nonsense.
Well, we still don't know "WHO is the Doctor?" now do we?
Don't worry, it'll be retconned
The “nonsense” that isn’t nonsense, you mean?
And the question still makes perfect sense; it’s simply an even more far-reaching question than we previously thought!
That first question bs was as cringe as the question marks on the 5th, 6th, 7th Doctor's coats. A fourth wall wink from Moffat himself, who didn't have the balls to add to the mystery, just to point at it and repeat, ad nauseum, Doctor who? Dr Who? Did you who what I who'd there? Pfft
Jesu ! Shit myself - what a thumbnail shocker - the worst cat woman in the world Jeeez
I'm disappointed by the gall and the arrogance of the presenter of this video, who did not ask for examples that were missed (a staple of the end of list videos like this from WhatCulture). Naturally, I intend to provide one and a "maybe".
1) The 4th Doctor immediately confirming a calculation from K-9 and turning directly to the camera and saying "That's what I thought!", from The Pirate Planet
2) The maybe example is, for me, the absolute best part of the popular Capaldi story "Listen". The cold open is a whole random monologue that ties in with the story's title and little else, when you think about it. YES, he could just be illustrating that he is actually talking to the unseen and unknown entity that prefers to remain hidden, so it may not count for this list. HOWEVER, as it was a precursor to the AMAZING "Bootstrap Paradox" explanation scene, it deserves...at the very least, an "honourable mention".
A bonus one that SHOULD HAVE SOMEHOW MADE THIS LIST, even as a side mention, since the story itself WAS mentioned!
3) Remembrance of the Daleks' final cliffhanger has the 7th Doctor screaming at Ace to get away from the window and turning to the camera to admit that he may have miscalculated the importance of his chosen location to the Daleks' stratagem!
Gall and Arrogance...not a good combination of traits to have as a presenter from WC!
You don't give any of the characters ANY talk time. All we hear is your monotone shouting. Stop it!
Agreed. If you're going to do a video of 4th wall breaking, let us see and hear it!
I broke one of my "four walls," when a woman was cast as the Doctor, and I smacked my head against it in frustration, at the sheer ridiculousness of such a move! 👎😂