I was a former Bahá'í who won souls for Bahaullah for 10years 🎉 but Jesus Christ manifested physically to me and told me to harvest souls for Jesus. Now am winning souls and discipling souls here in Uganda 🇺🇬, East Africa. God bless her.
@@rahmonafaridian9982 Just as X-ty came out of Judaism and Islam has some connection to X-ty Bahai has a great deal of connection to Islam - same customs, same theology. The only difference is that Bahai looks for the new world order - which most religions are against.
Religion by definition is heavenly n revealed one on its Official Prophet n after Muhammad the Last prophet all chapters are closed n who soever will say of independent religion or prophet will be DRAMA not reality bcs after real characters the actors could come but not the prophets
@@butterflybeatles Abdu’l-Baha said: “Divine religion is not a cause for discord and disagreement. If religion becomes the source of antagonism and strife, the absence of religion is to be preferred. Religion is meant to be the quickening life of the body politic; if it be the cause of death to humanity, its nonexistence would be a blessing and benefit to man.”
My path is the opposite. I started out my journey as a Christian, and I am now Baha'i. I am so happy to have found my spiritual home and the Faith that in the future will embrace all of humanity and usher in the Kingdom of God and the Greatest Peace.
Me too. I feel I am actual judge as moral character, "not keeping up a fake holy image" of how I suppose look like (insert other forms of Abrahamic religions).
Sorry Emily, you have your facts wrong. I’m happy for you but also I think people need to becareful what they say as truth on TV. I became a Bahai in 2005. My background is in Islam. I love Christianity and Islam and have many friends in both. I believe Bahai teaching are for our day and thousands of years from now and that religion is progressive revelation. When you said The Bahai Faith is an offshoot of Islam, you clearly don’t know the history of the Bahai faith. Bahai Faith is an independent religion and not an offshoot of Islam. Please don’t misguide people just because your in your own happy world, you have to think about the whole world and not just yourself, so don’t misguide people on mass media. Again one has to seek the truth independently and not just by mere words on TV. Thanks
SanGabriel FrontDesk Show me where the Baha’i faith is radically different from Christian principles. Everything is borrowed. It’s a derivative of Christian and Islam. Believe me, I studied the religion.
@@Natalie-fj7fs as a person of the Baha'i faith, what difference should it make to you that the Baha'i faith is misrepresented? You believe that truth was revealed overtime, through different Prophets, namely Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha etc, correct?. If that is so, how do you know that this misepresentation is not a revelation of Truth overtime? How do you know that the people who previously were of the Baha'i faith but turned away from it, are not themselves prophets of truth about the Baha'i faith? How do you know that they are not prophesizing truth? Aren't all prophets right? Don't All views lead to the same truth, according to your faith? So how do you know that's what all these former Baha'i worshippers say is a misrepresentation of your faith and not the truth about it?
Interesting, but please note that Baha'u'llah wrote (in the voice of a Manifestation of God) "They say: ‘Where is Paradise, and where is Hell?’ Say: ‘The one is reunion with Me; the other thine own self. . . ." Baha'u'llah taught people the importance of service to humanity and to carry forward "an ever advancing civikization". One thing that strikes me in the present day is how much both Christian and Islamic fundamentals are seeking to gain earthly and temporal power. When Christ was tempted by Satan he kept upping his offer from food to all the kingdoms of the Earth His response was "get thee away from me Satan". Baha'u'llah gave up great wealth, estates, and a position in the court of the Shah to become a follower of the Bab before announcing Himself as the one the Bab had said he was there to prepare the way for. The same prophecy of Daniel that predicted Christ's coming carries on from that date to 1844, the first time of millennial excitement among Christian's. Concidentally, the same year there was a similar "millenial" movement of Shi'a Islam in Iran and Iraq that expected the advent of the Mahdi. In summary, to Baha'is, we are already pretty much done with the end times and moving forward with work to create a spiritual world in balance with the material world. The divisiveness between the previous religions is very similar to what happened with Jews who became Zealots, went to war against Rome because they wanted their Messiah to give them land and power. And, of course, the Romans, in the course of defeating the attacks, tore down the temple. I am good with anyone of any religion who is humble, truthful (one of Christ's titles is the Spirit of Truth), and helps the poor, hungry and sick, no matter which religion they affiliate themselves with. I will end my comments with Christ's response to people who claimed to follow Him, but didn't help the poor, hungry and sick. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ " (Matthew 4:21-23)
I have a beautiful journey from Catholic, Protestant church, Born-Again movements in the Philippines--and now, since age 21, I am a Baha'i. My life is full of challenges with my non-Baha'i wife, and with our six children--challenges just like those of others. This journey and these challenges, upon my reflection based on the the Baha'i Writings, make my life more meaningful, beautiful and engaging. They help me cultivate more fully and deeply on loving, of being more kind and patient, being more understanding of others different from me, and even being more thankful and proud about my heritage and beginnings. As a Baha'i, I have learned more to love humanity without pre-conditions whatsoever. I didn't have this feeling prior to my acceptance of Baha'i Faith. Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna and Baha'u'llah--all taught us that we should care for others besides ourselves. Baha'u'llah said that we should not take pride in loving our country, but we should take honor in loving the whole of humankind. I am not inclined into competing with others in any way; I feel I should only compete with my own self in trying to fulfill my responsibility to my fellowmen, to the world, and to God.
Im curious. What does the Baha'i Faith say about the current events thats going on now? With satanism in hollywood and music industry or even in the UN. Do they know about the New World Order that the Elite are trying to push on the world? Im part of no religion, i'm just seeing all these things happening in the world today and its the christians who are warning about these things that are going on too.
I am a Baha'i and think she has every right to choose whatever path works for her. It is our God given right to choose whatever spiritual path we think is best for us on our journey to the Creator. Bless her in her journey and evolving as a spiritual being. There is no distinction between the holy messengers of God, they are the same face of the eternal presence, that always was and will always be. Thanks be to God the Most merciful!
Either there is truth or there is not truth. You can't say everything is true and everything is equal and the same. There is a MASSIVE difference, wolds and universes of difference betwen Christ and EVERY other false 'prophet.' There can be no comparison. The god you proclaim, does not exist.
"To be a Baha'i simply means to love all the world, to love mankind and try to serve it". You don't have to be perfect to be a Baha'i. It means only to strive. If you fail, then stand up, und try again. Baha'u'llah never asked for perfection. And the teachings of the Baha'i-faith are a help for the people. You can say, a tool. It doesn't matter if someone fails in following them, as long, as he or she don't give up. No Baha'i has the right to say you: "You don't follow this or that bidding". It is only a matter between you and God. I felt this is important to add. Thank you!
Soaptoaster, sure an atheist can become a Baha’i, but being a Baha’i also means that you believe in a divine universal creator, and I have trouble seeing how an atheist would reconcile those facts for him or herself.
Every Baha'i knows that a person is free to believe what he/she wishes. It is apparent that she still knows little about the Faith or its Teachings. My question is, Why does her opinion matter so much? Perhaps some feel that, unlike Jesus, Christianity needs every testimony.
I am so saddened to hear of your miscarriage Emily but I am happy to hear that that the Christian Faith fulfilled your needs during such a traumatic event and that it continues to serve you and your family. As a Bahai, I can value the significance of a spiritually based family. All the best to you and your family Emily.
Baha'is fully encourage the independent investigation of the truth and appreciate the speaker's personal search. I hope she can still see herself as a collaborator in the betterment of her community with Bahá'is and others.
I am born Muslim, I converted to baha'ism in 2018, five months later I came back to Islam. I don't hate Baha'allah, in fact his teachings still inspire me.
@@AS-jo8qh It's because the Bahai faith is a small branch which grew out of Shia Islam. Bahai's don't even believe in God and Abdulbaha had 3 wives? Shia Islam is the greater picture and the full religion.
She may have been a Baha'i at one time, but it appears that she never learned much about it. The Baha'i Faith is not an offshoot of Islam anymore than Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism.
I was a Baha'i for thirty years before formally resigning and returning to Christianity. So I know a little bit. Moojan Momen who is known as having foremost knowledge on every aspect of the history of the Baha'i faith once stated "In order to know Baha'i one has to understand Islam". The "long obligatory prayer" has specific genuflections that are identical to what is prayed in mosques all over the world. It was not the greatest story, but I am glad she shared it and will not judge what she did or did not learn. Many Baha'is I knew over my time were not critical thinkers (actually the majority) and often had little to say because they felt they were in the perfect religion. And like Islam, Baha'i consider criticism of the faith apostasy and brand those who do so "covenant breakers".
I am a Christian who returned to Christ after 10 years as a Baha'i. Christianity IS an offshoot of Judaism as much as Baha'i is an offshoot of Islam. Additionally, the Baha'i view of Jesus Christ is the Islamic view. Add to that, Islam is an offshoot of Christianity and in its beginning, was considered a heretical Christian sect by some, and "the sword of the Vatican" by others. The very fact that people who leave Baha'i are called "covenant breakers" tells all.
Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. kinda reads different when you don't cherry pick.
Bahaullah said ... there is no difference between a true and fateful Bahai and a true Christian .... we all want to reach HIS love and serve humanity ...
@@Soaptoaster Someone can say the same thing about your religion. Whats make your beliefs so special that you think you have authority to disrespect other ppl beliefs and impose your beliefs like your religion is "superior." Some of you Christians & Muslims need stop you all have the "monopoly on truth." Drop the ego and the shaming scare tactics that is common w your religion. Do you think your "savior"/your prophet will tolerate your ego/tactics?
The Faith of God, with its Teachers, Prophets, Son of God, Manifestations of God, in whatever dispensation of God they come to guide humanity, are all perfect. We the followers are on our way to learn from their Perfect Teachings, so God give us strength to withold our egos and always turn to these True Ones. That way we’ll all become true brethren and serve humankind. I am learning to be a better Baha’i on a daily basis. Thank you for your story.
You can't actually refute Baha'u'llah and still believe in Jesus, because the essence of their beings and their teachings are the same. That's my belief.
@@jtleon7086 Just because it is a Christian doesn't mean that it has to ignore other points of view. I'm just saying it would be lovely. What have you got against lovely?
MY TESTIMONY to Jesus Christ. I was raised in a muslim country in IRAN(old Persia).My mom was the one who taught me the fundamentals of islam such as praying, fasting, ghusl,..... I grew up in this dark culture, until I got 18 and was accepted in one the most reputable medical universities in IRAN. Despite all the religion works I did such as praying, fasting,..., I always had a gap inside myself and was never satisfied with anything. Years passed by and I graduated with very good grades from university and started my job as a GP. Howevere, I still had that gap inside my heart, but I did not know what it was and why it is always there. No matter how much I earned, or what reputation I had. So, to fill that gap I decided to continue my academic education, assuming that it is gonna fill that void. I, therefore, immigrated to Canada. Having had very high grades, I could get PHD offer from 4 universities in CANADA which I ended up choosing one. I started my PHD project in breast cancer genomics bioinformatics which was really amazing and could temporarily fill that gap but I was in year 2 when I was dealing with extracting the DNA from breast cancer stem cells. In genetics, we have WORDS, which are the alphabet of our life or DNA. Once these WORDS get wrong, they transfer wrong meaning to the nucleus of the cells causing different disease such as cancer, ageing, Diabetes, hypertension,..... Now as a scientist I was struggling with myself that WHY THE WORDS GET WRONG OR GET MUTATED. So, I kept asking GOD where is that correct WORD??? On the day I met Jesus, I was in the lab per normal and was working on my project; howevere , my mind was preoccupied with this question: where is that WORD ? where is that WORD? Then I said in my heart and begged to GOD saying: God! if you are real please show that right WORD to me. I want to know. I am desperate. As soon as, I said this, the whole lab was filled with the presence of someone who was full of LOVE AND PEACE that my physical body could not contain and receive that much love so I fell off the floor on the lab, shaking and bursting into tears. Once I asked him who are you he said: I am the WORD, life and ressurrection. No one goes to the FATHER except through me. More importantly, once I met this person, I felt all the heavy burden of darkness and sin lifted off my shoulder and I felt as light as a baby. Like I WAS BORN AGAIN. Now, before then, I never ever read the bible to know these are bible verses.I just heard these words in my spirit. Long the story short, I got baptized 6 months later and from then on, I started to preach the Gospel to muslims to take them out of the dark world, I have been one day. PRAISE AND GLORY TO JESUS NAME.AMEN🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ex-Christian here and happy I’m in the Baha’i Faith. My story was the opposite I started getting signs leading me to the Baha’i Faith and God then blessed me greatly when I did. My life has changed for the better ever since and I couldn’t be happier thank God I found this Faith! It looks like for her she had an agnostic boyfriend making her doubt everything and she was too perfectionist which has nothing to do with the Baha’i Faith itself. She was even sleeping with this guy before marriage which the Faith doesn’t advise. Then she said she went to a Christian club and terrible things started happening to her? Like schizophrenic like episodes, why is she blaming it on the Faith? Interesting that these warning signs show up when she goes to the Christian classes and not when she was Baha’i. Then she becomes Christian and realizes she has epilepsy, bingo that explains a lot of her experience (scientifically epilepsy and possibly OCD creates a higher risk for schizophrenia)...again nothing to do with the Baha’i Faith. I am saddened to see that when she joined Christianity she experienced a miscarriage. I would not try to relate joining Christianity and the miscarriage as a sign that she made the wrong choice but it is sad that she is doing that with the Baha’i Faith and the bad things that happened to her in the past. I wish her well and that God may guide her rightly, I hope her life is blessed. Christianity is a nice religion and Baha’i’s accept Christ and love Him as well but it seemed like what she needed was a supportive community at the beginning. Other Baha’i to help her with her practice and to teach her the mercy of God, we Baha’i’s also call God “The All-Merciful” so that she would realize that God isn’t going to punish her for not being perfect. May God bless her and guide her rightly and may He bless her and her family.
The Bible addresses signs and wonders, and says some are demonic. One such person who started seeing signs after participating in séances, and ending up going so mad that his mentor may have named schizophrenia after him was Carl Jung. Yes, that man most people get their ideas of symbology, archetypes, and conscious/unconscious awareness from. Secular is NEVER, EVER secular. These people always have some exposure to Eastern religions or witchcraft if you dig deep enough. So, I pray that God will help you see what is a true sign, and what is a counterfeit sign from the god of forces. Revelation 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, Mark 13:22 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
If Baha'i's loved Christ, they would keep His commandments, take up their cross, deny themselves and follow Him alone, but they do not. Acts 4:12, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."; John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Matthew 7:21-23, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" - this will be you if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. He died for our sins so we could be with Him in Heaven. The way of salvation is clear, but people who don't place their trust in the finished work of Christ will perish in the lake of fire.
satanuc cult culture..no peace no salvation,, repent and ask forgiveness from God in Christ the word of God..salvation only in God true God trinity one God...
basically she's saying the Baha'i Faith has high spiritual standards for our spiritual growth and everyone is on their own path and face their own spiritual tests. Her facing her own spiritual tests and "giving up on the Baha'i Faith" does in no way negate the truth and reality of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, and as a consequence turning to Christianity does not reflect the truth of Christianity..
@@GracieDontPlayDat I have read it all the way through and it was Jesus that made me become Baha'i, refer to Matthew 24 and Daniel 9, its all scripture and God and spirit based. Praise be to God!
You know good trees by it’s fruits! There are 2 billion Christian, 1,4 billion Muslim, and millions of other … we have handful Baha’is on this planet. Look at the world we are living in. Don’t you see the problems? The only difference between religions is your own pure intention and good deeds! Not your words. Baha’u’llah has offered solutions for this sick and lost day. You take it or you refuse it. Life experience teaches you the truth.
The Baha'i Dispensation is about the New heaven and the New Earth: a New Divine Civilization. It's not about joining Churches which are part of the Old Heaven and the Old Earth destined to pass away.
It's sad that someone who was seemingly raised in the Baha'i Faith is so misinformed about it...enough so as to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Anyway, that is one of the many beauties of the Baha'i teachings...independent investigation of truth. No one is responsible for our spiritual journey except ourselves.
If you reject Baha'u'llah you reject all other Manifestations of God. Please listen to Tablet of Ahmad when Baha'u'llah clearly emphasizes this point "Be thou assured in thyself that verily, he who turns away from this Beauty hath also turned away from the Messengers of the past and showeth pride towards God from all eternity to all eternity." Please read Jesus Christ warning in Matthew 7:21-23
"If you reject Baha'u'llah you reject all other Manifestations of God." That exactly the same what Muslims say: if you reject Mohammad you reject all other Manifestations of God. Nothing new in the religious universe.
She definitely has some stability issues. Ghosts and bashing the Baha'i faith, one minute being chaste and next sleeping with her boyfriend,etc....She states that as a Baha'i she worshiped the false God? OMG she has no knowledge of the Baha'i faith or even Christianity. What a horrible title for 100huntley to use to put down the Baha'i Religion. This video made me sick.
made you sick WHY??? because she told her story how it is! the devil is in the false religions. she was attacked by demons, and they had to flee ONLY in the name of TRUE BIBLICAL Jesus! not Buddha, Mohammad, Moses, Abraham, or your Bahai dude. the truth sets people free, not religions, movements, and philosophies. certainly not cults.
"OMG she has no knowledge of the Baha'i faith or even Christianity." No problem. Most Bahai have no deeper knowledge about other religions. Thus she is no exception.
She was unable to learn how to wash hands, feet and face 3:34 "ceremonial washings" and she needed some one to teach her!!! or she was surprise to find out sex out of marriage is forbidden 3:5. wondering if there is a religion that dose not ask believers to pray?
Sorry that you did not learn more about the Bahai Faith. I am a Medical Doctor and a Bahai and my kids Ivy League graduates are Bahai as well.Bahai faith is wonderful!!!
Naima lus they worship success and the world and they gain from it since they have their inheritance in the world, sadly anyone who adds or takes away from the bible which this faith does is cursed by the bible
@@Douglas_Reuber *We do not "worship success" if you actually did your research, you'd know the truth.* *SO HUMBLE YOURSELF AND QUIT ATTACKING RELIGIONS YOU'VE ONLY LOOKED AT THROUGH A KEY HOLE!!*
It is not a big deal if you joined the Bahá’í Faith at one time and then decided to leave and join the Christian Faith. I, together with millions of others, have also left the Christian faith to make our spiritual home in the Bahá’í Faith. I have been a Bahá’í for 46 years.
There is no compulsion in religion. Worshippers are free to enter and leave any religion they choose at any time. It is all between them and God. If you take a look at the religious scene, you will notice that many are leaving the Christian faith at the same time that others are joining.
You might be aware that even in the days of Jesus, some of His own disciples left His faith because they did not like what He was teaching. And it wasn’t a big deal as far as Jesus was concerned. John 6:66 says: “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.”
In the Parable of the Sower, we get to understand that due to many factors, not everyone joining a new religion will stay. You can find the parable in Luke 8:5-15. Hope you can reflect on it.
You can also reflect on this adage of Jesus: “…many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
As to whether the Bahá’í Faith can be associated with “an evil spirit” as you seemed to insinuate, do you know that Jesus Christ, the One you claimed to follow, was denounced as having the devil (John 10:20) and doing His work by means of “Beelzebub the chief of the devils” (Luke 11:15)? And do you know that He was betrayed by His own appointed Apostle?
And that is the lot of all true Messengers of God. They are insulted, denounced as false, as sorcerers and evil men, etc. Go through religious history. There is not a single Emissary of God who was not accused of falsehood
I have taken the trouble to point these things out to you, because it is not a big deal to leave any religion, including the Bahá’í Faith. But it takes a lot of courage to denounce an Emissary of God as evil and post it on the internet for all the world to see.
Praying that God might help each and all in our spiritual journeys.
@@LB-ec4uf Ex-Christian here, when I became Baha'i I started getting closer to Jesus more than when I was a Christian. Baha'u'llah meets every criteria of a true Prophet and not a single one of a false Prophet. May God be with you! :)
I find it quite interesting that people who say that they were "former Bahai's" strike me as those who could not live up to the standard that God expects.... Similarily ... Not everyone who Joins the USMC Graduate from boot camp as a marine... Not everyone who applies to be a USNAVY SEAL gets the badge as a USNAVY SEAL.... Therefore I wish you luck in your future endeavors ... Always remember the door is alway open for your return.... Have a blessed life
The Celebrations of the 200th Birthday of Baha'u'llah all over the world two weeks ago was a miracle. There were people from every religion and culture celebrating the miraculous life of the latest Manifestation of God, sent from God for our training and evolution. Most of the people in attendance, in fact, were not Baha'is. In my community, one of our precious Bahais - a Christian woman who became a Baha'i at the age of 90, passed away at the age of 93 two days after our Celebration. Miraculously, we had a combined service at the Baha'i Centre with an Anglican celebrant who ministers at the Anglican Church in our town. It was a beautiful service of Interfaith love and praise. It is such a miracle to see that our religions do not have to be a contest, or a cause for fear, but can be what they were made by God to be - one unfolding religion that helps us ever to our ultimate destiny - the Kingdom of God on earth. It is lovely to see a soul who finds their path to God, regardless of the route they take to get there. Blessings and peace be upon Emily Armstrong and all our Christian friends.
This comment is for the interviewee speaking against the Bahai Faith. This is a false interview, spreading false information. The interview is further inciting and promoting hatred and division. If you like to be Christian, speak of Christianity. Do not degrade the Bahai Faith or any other religion because you probably dont have enough information about the Bahai Faith or you choose not to obey Bahaullah's teachings. Since you chose not to follow the Bahai teachings, it doesnt mean that the Bahai Faith is not true. For example people who want to sell their own products sometimes put down other products to cast their own products in a more favorable light. But it doesnt mean that the products being degraded are not effective. You are doing the exact same thing. You shouldnt.
Deep thinking is not something every human is endowed with! Her love for one faith over the other is a personal choice and hope she turns ours to be a true follower of Christ, and love humanity anyway!
Yeaaaaaah! Jesus!! (...)yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live."
Sadly, she has never understood either the Baha'i Faith OR Christianity! Her "testimony" is only very subjective, and not based on the truth of the Gospel.
@@thegreatestofalltime3560 Very definitely! There are so many other objective and tangible reasons to reject the Baha'i Faith and turn to Christianity as the source of Truth. Many have made that change for much stronger reasons.
It's been a year since I last saw this video but I've been noticing that in the comment section most of the people who are criticizing This woman's turn away from Bahaism are mostly people who used to be Baha'i themselves, whereas the more compassionate people who are understanding of her perspective are still currently Baha'i. I'm actually shocked that most of the people who are say that this woman is misrepresenting behind are not behind themselves anymore. This sounds to me to be very bizarre. If you're no longer practicing in the Baha'i faith, it sounds like it's because you're not convinced that it's a true belief system anymore. So if that's okay for you, why is it not okay for this woman to have her own reasons to walk away from Bahaism? Why are her reasons for walking away from Bahaism misrepresentations but your reasons for walking away from Bahaism completely reasonable? Sounds a little bit hypocritical if you ask me.
One thing that should be mentioned not as a dispersion on Emily A in any way as this is a common misconception. The Bahai Faith is not an off-shoot of Islam anymore than Christianity is an off shoot of Judaism. Bahaullah was a Muslim, just as Jesus was a Jew before he declared himself the Mouthpiece of God for that day and age. The Bahai Faith is an independent world religion that welcomes all people from all walks of life to come together in unity to serve the betterment of the world and celebrate the "beating our swords into plowshares" and the gift of being able to share a role in creating Heaven on Earth which as we know is mentioned in scripture. I applaud Emily in her courage as she navigates her Faith with the struggles she is encountering and pray on her behalf for her family. And pray for all of us as we struggle to fulfill everyday of our lives the requests of the Holy being the Christ.
❤😂❤ MAHALO 🙏 NAMASTHE 🙏 SHALOM 🙏 Thank you, Emily 😊 I AM GLAD to hear your TESTIMONY 🔥 and am thankful for this channel. I truly admire the Baha'i ❤️ Brethren & also the disciples of the BAB! Perhaps, they do not really have a strong foundation as we do in the "ROCK of all AGES", "ANCIENT of DAYS", "NAIL fastened in a sure place"...the list is EXhaustive! When I needed help, food & shelter the Baha'i ❤️ Brethren came forward to feed & nourish me; NO Christian did, nor did the Church I attend in GOA, INDIA 😢 came forward to CARE & HEAL!!! 😊 Pls DO not decry the Baha'i ❤️ people/community, yet!!! Allow TIME to BE the judge!😊😊😊 LoveJoyPeace SHALOM ☮️❤️🔥
Lovely testimony. I became a Christian at age 23, right out of the rock and roll scene and much occult involvement. Since then I've studied cults and false religions a lot, and Baha'i has always baffled me, how people can believe such contradictions. I can also attest to the demonic. Once, after I became a believer, I woke up with the mattress flopping up and down, and it wasn't a dream. I yelled, "Jesus help me!" and it stopped.
@@nataliagebala8655 Hi Natalie. I'm a 69-year-old happily married, very youthful-like grandpa who became a Christian at the age of 23. I met my wife when I was 33. I'm from Chicago (actually Downers Grove and Lombard), She was raised Catholic in Italy. We now live in Wisconsin. She became an atheist at the age of 16, and after we met I was able to teach her the truth about Jesus and the Bible. My wife and I own a business called Stoney River Soap Company. You can find us easily by Googling that name. From there you can find an email address. I don't do the email for our company, so ask my wife to forward your email to me, then we can converse. I'll tell her to watch for your email. The reason I'm saying this is that if we start to converse here, people will start chiming in, and it will become crazy. My name is Charlie, and she is Evi. I will lay a short foundation here, though. Please take my words as being kindly spoken, even though they may be very direct. As a Catholic, am I wrong to suspect that you didn't really read through the Bible? An occasional verse or story heard in a sermon is not really studying the Bible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Catholic church is infamous for not encouraging its adherents to read the Bible. The Bible is and always has been God's only written revelation to humanity. It tells of the creation of the universe, life, and mankind, and tells us how sin entered the world. And, the rest of the Bible is about God dealing with his people, the prophets foretelling the appearance of the Messiah, the Savior Jesus, and concerning his eventual return to set up an Earthly kingdom. The Bible tells how a person could be saved from eternal separation from God. It was different for the nation of Israel than it is for Christians. Baháʼu'lláh claimed to be an incarnation of several "messiahs" from different faiths. But the message of God's Word, the Bible, is that Jesus will return as himself. It's very plain if you just read it. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lord. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the ultimate judge, and as Hebrews 9:27 says, "it is appointed unto men to die once, and then comes the judgment." No reincarnations. I will be happy to answer here, as long as I don't need to wade through dozens of responses from others besides you and me. Otherwise, contact me through our website. Blessings.
Bahai has some spooky superstitious beliefs. They are banned from viewing the one or two photos that exist of Baha'ullah, which is in line with Islamic and Judaic teachings about not using images, but then they are allowed to view his picture as a privilege when they do pilgrimage. Weird and contradictory.
So many contradictions. 'Abortion is wrong but Bahais can do it if they want". "You have to buried in an expensive coffin but you're free to choose whichever coffin you want".
No that's not right, we are able to look at Baha'u'llah's photo with respect privately whenever we want but we don't worship His image because the ten commandments from the Bible tell believers not to and also because we only worship God and not images or statues like pagans and polytheists do. No contradictions here. But let me ask you... if the ten commandments tell you not to worship any images or to even make images of God, and Moses got angry that people were idolizing a golden calf, and 1 John 5:21 says "Little children keep yourself from idols". Why do many churches have images and idols of Jesus especially when they think He is God himself? Weird and contradictary?
@@gladtidingsforall6176 My apologies. I was wrong to state that Bahais are banned from viewing his picture. The whole reverence that is given to how and when it is viewed ( it must not be displayed to the public for instance) makes it seem like a form of worship to me anyway. That is a little weird to me. As for Christian churches having images; the 10 Commandment prohibition on images was only about prostrating before them as if they were a deity, not about having them. The design of the Holy Sanctuary itself had images and statues, like bulls holding up a large urn of water etc. No true Christian bows down to an image of Jesus or any other image.
@@thenowchurch6419 I respect you acknowledging and correcting. Being respectful with the image of our Prophet and worshipping it is different of course and I'm sure you understand that. I was a Christian for about 25 years and been to different churches and I have seen Christians bowing down to the images and idols of Christ and kissing its feet and praying to it (even kissing statues of Saints ). Of course this is not all Christians but it is more common than people think and I've seen it myself. The Holy Sanctuary may have had images but they were clearly understood that they are not to be worshipped nor were they attempts to create an image for God, but many Christians says Jesus IS God and then make statues and drawings of them everywhere including inside the churches which is in direct violation of the 10 commandments. Again I know not every Christian agrees with doing it it but we have to be honest that this is a very strong practice in Christian culture. I am not trying to criticize Christianity btw, it is a great religion and we Baha'is see it as a true religion from the true One God and I love Christians (and all people for that matter) but it has been prophesied in the Book of Revelation about churches losing their way in the latter days and it has been prophesied in the Bible itself that darkness will go over the churches. May God be with them.
A psychiatrist in the United States would diagnose her as an individual with Psychosis, NOS. The delusions and hallucinations occur in Schizophreniform Disorder or Psychosis, NOS. It could also occur in Organic Brain Disorders secondary to Epilepsy and other illnesses of the Brain. Essentially this causes perceptual distortions. Religion and Faith also depends on one's own judgment. One has to investigate the truth at all times!
God is love and more. God is more than love. God cannot be defined by a single attribute. God is also justice, truth, compassion, mercy patient, kind, long-suffering etc. God transcends all attributes.
I know Moslems or Christians who have become Jews, does that make Christ or Mohammad any less. Not at all. If a Christian becomes a Baha’i, does that make Christianity any less, not at all. Baha’u’llah is the Father who Moses and Christ have mentioned. There are some who have recognized His station, and some who never will, that’s between them and God. She seems to be genuine, and a good individual, she is has not become any less in my eyes, the importance is she is worshiping the same God we Baha’is worship. God bless you.
@@xxbigdaddyxxkyJohn, Christ also says: If you had known Moses, you had known me. Why is that? Because Moses and Christ are the same, all the messengers of God are the same, we are the ones who want to make one higher than another.
@@xxbigdaddyxxky”Before Abraham was, I am”. The “I” is God speaking through Jesus, and Moses, and Abraham. Be careful not to diminish one messenger of God from another messenger of God.
It is clearly written in the Bible that Bahaullah can never be The Second Coming of Christ. Only two examples: > Matthew 24:23-28 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. > Luke 17:22-25 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. From all fake Christs Bahaullah is the most prominent. Bahaullah said he believe in the quran but at the same time he believed in the crucification of Christ, but the two versions of Jesus' passing, that of the Bible and that from the Quran, contradict each other. What is logic here?
Baha’i faith teaches unity of all religions among other fantastic teaching that are suited for today’s ill world while sadly, followers of religions pick fights against each other
the muslims miss interpret the quaran , it does not say jesus wasnt crusified, it allludes to the fact that they couldnt stop the spirit of christ triumphing with crusifiction. and that even though it seamed like the spirit of christs teachings where brought to an end on the cross, Gods plan was that even after resurection the spirit of christ would resurect in the body. the muslims miss interpret the meaning of there verses.
There are only four references in the whole Bible to the Anti-Christ: 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7 To summate it, it says there are many anti-christ and the way to tell is that they will deny God, deny Jesus existed and deny He is the Messiah. Baha'u'llah praises God, praises Jesus, says He is the Messiah and that He existed. So He can't be a false Christ. Try again. Also He passes all the true Prophet tests in the Bible. As for your last question, we believe Jesus was crucified in flesh but not spirit, the Quran says that He was not crucified but it looked like it however the Quran also says to never call someone who dies in the path of God as dead, so if it said Christ died, the Quran would refute itself and it claims to not have contradictions. So therefore this now reconciles the Biblical and Quranic view, the Quran is asserting He did not die, we say in Spirit, and the Bible says He did die, we say in body. Done. May God bless you and I would encourage you to investigate the Faith with sincerity. Thank you
The Bahai faith was a high school. you don't just go to middle school , if you couldn't keep up with it. you should have gone through the high school and finished it.
I was a Baha’i for ten years. But 29 years ago I came to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I came to Him in desperation and He immediately responded to me and brought me out of a “horrible pit” I had created myself. He saved my life. He is God’s “indescribable gift.” I was told as a Baha’i that it fulfilled Christianity. No. It was more a matter of picking and choosing certain scriptures to ushering claim. Jesus didn’t really rise from the dead. No satan. Jesus says there is a liar. He calls satan the father of lies. Many scriptures warn of and describe his deceptions. Jesus is truth and life. I will not make Him a liar. The spiritual enemy is not the product of unsophisticated minds. It is center stage in this world today. Jesus set me free to trust Him. To paraphrase, I love because He first loved me. This hymn from the 1800’s describes how I feel about my Lord. Jesus, I am resting, resting, In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart. Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee, And Thy beauty fills my soul, For by Thy transforming power, Thou hast made me whole. Refrain: Jesus, I am resting, resting, In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart. Oh, how great Thy loving kindness, Vaster, broader than the sea! Oh, how marvelous Thy goodness, Lavished all on me! Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved, Know what wealth of grace is Thine, Know Thy certainty of promise, And have made it mine. Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, I behold Thee as Thou art, And Thy love, so pure, so changeless, Satisfies my heart; Satisfies its deepest longings, Meets, supplies its every need, Compasseth me round with blessings: Thine is love indeed! Ever lift Thy face upon me As I work and wait for Thee; Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, Earth’s dark shadows flee. Brightness of my Father’s glory, Sunshine of my Father’s face, Keep me ever trusting, resting, Fill me with Thy grace.
I'm sorry you did not get the chance to see the beauty of the Bahai Faith. I was a Christian and I had been for nearly 35 years before I embraced the Bahai Faith
I was a Christian for 25 years and then became Baha'i, praise be to God! I feel closer to God and Jesus now even more than when I was Christian. Intense Bible study and praying to God to show me what I had to do is what led me to the Baha'i Faith.
What a great a way of showing a true Christian believer!!! So modest, humble, loving, prudent, non-judgmental, genuine, fair, compassionate, open and accepting, and just simply wise! 😳😐😔 And so much for a former perfectionist who settled for good enough! 😉
Being perfectionist is relative. One's sense of perfection could be another's imperfection, or foolishness. She might be a perfectionist but a foolish one at the same time. By the way, testimonials, if not corroborated by other verifiable evidence, is pure hallucination and madness.
Why should I bother responding to this comment 🤔 I'm just gonna say this here , the name of christianity was used to do all kinds of genocides and slavery , I'm not sure Baha'ism could be used to do that , also nice burner accounts you got there
Baha'u'llah is the return of the Messiah of of Israel. Yeshua gave the code (the secret) when He said John is the return of Elijah. John said He is not. Both Yeshua and John were correct from different perspectives: the allegorical and the literal (physical). Yeshua was in reality teaching the Kitab-i-Iqan. Return is not about personality but about Office and Authority. The Divine Unity. Baha'u'llah is not physically Yeshua and never will be. He however represents the return of the Messianic Office. This type of return is not about the flesh. Hence only those with the right eyes can see. In the early days of a Dispensation, the secrets of the kingdom is not given to all. Only to the called and the chosen. This is as divine wisdom dictates.
If we understand progressive revelation, then we can grasp god's plan for humanity. Some of us do. And some don't. There's no harm nor sinful. We must look deeper into ourselves and our mental faculties to comprehend god's REVELATIONS.
If the tree is corrupt, the fruit will be corrupt. Look at the fruit of Islam, Bah'u'llah, Ahmadiya, Sufism, Shiism. Rotten to the core. Jesus is the door, the only door, to salvation. And the fruit of the spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Ex-Christian here, now I'm a Baha'i praise be to God! I feel closer to God and Jesus now more than when I was Christian. The Baha'i Faith is the fastest growing new religion in the world right now without going on large violent crusade to make it happen. Would you say the Christian Crusades where roughly 5 million people died in order to convert everyone to Christianity according to Henry William Elson (historian) is an example of the fruit of the tree of Christianity? I wouldn't but by your logic you would be condemning your own religion. A religion which I happen to respect. The Baha'i Faith teaches to burn with loving kindness for all that we meet. I wish you many blessings and encourage you to investigate it for yourself.
How is he rotten to the core, he was one of the richest men in Persia and gave it all away to the poor and was thrown in jail basically a sewer pit. Jesus died on the cross so we could be saved and Bahaullah was thrown in prison so we could be free.
OH MY GOD! The worst and most foulest reasons to break the covenant! Why is she trying to divorce Christianity with Baha'i Faith? People become Baha'is because it is the fulfillment of Christianity. She makes no sense neither has knowledge. That is evident.
Nope. As a former Baha'i who returned to Christ, I can say for myself, I did not experience God in the faith, ever. As a Baha'i, my ego and self-righteousness reached unbelievable heights. The faith promotes arrogance (just read how Baha'is respond when people question or God forbid, leave). When I returned to Christ, everything made sense and I was humbled. My heart healed and grew, and is still growing. Baha'is are told to "independently investigate the truth ", but I think that is just to make the religion look good on paper. One of my Baha'i friends boasted she had never touched the Bible, and never would. Her tone communicated she felt it was filthy. Firstly, her father told her not to and secondly, Baha'u'llah was Jesus Christ returned. But how could she REALLY know, when what she knows about the Bible is what she was told to believe about the Bible? And what would motivate her to read it when after all, she is a Baha'i and has the 2.0 version of religion (a.k.a. most recent revelation in "the progressive revelation of truth"). Being a Christian (in the Baha'i world) is akin to going backwards and choosing to live like a caveman. Baha'i is an offshoot of Islam, which is an offshoot of Christianity. Islam, "the sword of the Vatican" was created to destroy Christians who refused to submit to the control of Rome. Anyone who is serious about living as God wants us to, MUST do their own research, of as many religions as they can. Research not limited to their tenets and practices, but also to their beginnings and politics. I would rather chance people do it that way, than blindly follow a religion because it strokes their egos by making them think they are on the cutting edge of humanity, privy to elite knowledge. I read Baha'i writing (sooooo many) and read the history. The people are nice but my goodness, can be some of the most haughty, condemning and self-righteous if you dare to question or criticize the faith. The viscousness is something to behold. I say this because once upon a time, I was that way. But it is not for me, because as I said in the beginning, it fed my ego, but not my soul. I found no answers there. I am not the only one. Believe me.
I became a Baha'i as a former Christian, but not because I believed it was the fulfillment of Christianity. No, not at all. In fact, try as I might, I could not see the relationship. Because Baha'i is very, very Islamic. It is amusing to read comments by Baha'is, about Christian beliefs, when they never lived as Christians.
Is that a per-requisite ? "living as Christian". What are you now? a Baha'i? or a Christian? Applying your rules of per-requisites: many more none-Baha'i's (those who never lived as a Baha'i and for more cases never even read a Baha'i book to its entirely yet take time to think and investigate) Have much more opinion not only about the Baha'i Faith and its noble teachings, but also about the profit as well, wont you say?
You say that your "ego and self-righteousness reached unbelievable heights" and that you fed your ego but not your soul. You don't explain why you think it was anyone else responsibility other than your own.
@@tomsverja6211 Baha'u'llah condemned numerous world leaders due to not following His letters sent to them: Napoleon III, Franz of Austria, even the Pope and some more. They all fell to their demise months after the letters of warning reached them as Baha'u'llah predicted, written with fair detail especially while He was still banished and imprisoned by the Ottoman sultan in Israel. The sultan lost his position and suffered a similar fate.
What is with Baha'i and demonic attacks? I know someone who is Baha'i and she talks of spirit guides, ancestors and presences. Interestingly, after we started talking her world seems to be crumbling down with "attacks" intensifying. She is still resistant to the gospel, and I fully understand why, but I am praying that she would eventually give God all the credit instead of some false god who claims to be God.
Just today, I discovered a very bizarre law in Bahai. You have to be buried in a casket make out of concrete, crystal or very fine hard wood. Bahai funerals are not for the poor.
@Greta Valkyrie from Bahai Library Online: The coffin used to bury the deceased should be made, in the words of the Aqdas, "of crystal, stone, or hard fine wood." Therefore, coffins made of metal or soft wood should not be used.
Greta Valkyrie replied: "butterflybeatles Source? Very weird. My best friend, when he died, was buried in a traditional wood casket. Please provide source for your weird claim."
@@butterflybeatles Lets see getting a good quality coffin is bizarre then I wonder what you think about these rules from the Bible: 1 Corinthians 11:5-6- A woman has to cover her head in church or have her hair shaved off Leviticus 21:9 - If a priests daughter commits adultery she has to be burned alive Deut. 25:11-12- If your wife helps you in a fight by grabbing the oppositions genitals cut her hands off But you think the material choice of a funeral is weird?... God does whatever He wills.
@@gladtidingsforall6176 Yes, it is weird that Bahais worry so much about coffins - they have to be of a quality that would bankrupt any but the super-rich. I love veiling. Women feel protected by the covering. The OT? Yes, it is violent but Christians do not follow the OT.
You are welcome to believe what you wish, but do not spread falsehoods either; there is only one God and the Baha'i Faith, like other monotheistic faiths worship Him. Also the Bahai Faith is NOT part of Islam any more than Islam is part of Christianity or Christianity part of Judaism; nay they continue and fulfill each other in a linear and progressive fashion Further proving there is only one God. Believe what you want. But spreading falsehoods is wrong. Blessings...🎉 "Likewise the divine religions of the holy Manifestations of God are in reality one though in name and nomenclature they differ. Man must be a lover of the light no matter from what day-spring it may appear. He must be a lover of the rose no matter in what soil it may be growing. He must be a seeker of the truth no matter from what source it come." - Abdu'l-Baha
@@Lukandon I'm not subscribed to them but ok , Christianity's oldest manuscripts(Codex Vaticanus) are dated to 300 years after Jesus and are written in Greek which is not the original language
Jesus forgive this sinners because they don't know what they're doing ! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen. Jesus is Lord . He crucified , died and the third day He rose from the death. To God be the glory
Ezekiel 13:9-10 “So My hand will be against false prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will have no place in the council of My people, nor will they be written down in the register of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel, that you may know that I am the Lord God. “It is definitely because they have misled My people by saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace. And when anyone builds a wall, behold, they plaster it over with whitewash” I, too, had registered as Bahái and have since found Jesus Christ, my true Lord and Savior. He forgives us our sins, including as Emily had said, worshipping false idols. Salvation is real and accessible John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Going back from Baha’i Faith to Christianity is funny. Christ and Bahaullah and all Abrahamic messengers are one in spirit. Progressive revelation is so obvious once you discover it through Baha’i writings. False prophet accusation requires some explanation.
Really? “I have been made victorious with terror". "Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you." Does that sound like the same person?
Monotheism has done so much harm. Humans need to evolve out of it. Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines. Bertrand Russell
@@mattprimont6370 Yes, science and reason are the way of the future! If you have any doubt just consider the causes of climate change and our inability to act to save our world. A world governed by science and reason alone is an a-moral one at best.
Not meaning to offend any group... Just not sure how a One World Order would work out ? When different religions have same Idea or don't agree with each other as to which prophet should guide the planet ?
If you seek the truth, you will end up with Jesus. Doesnt matter whats your starting point. If you truly try to find truth and nothing else, Jesus is the truth. Hope you find Jesus as I did, and I was in new age very deep, which is similar to bahai.
I had Jesus and seeked the truth from Him and He led me to Baha'i. Praise be to God! Refer to Matthew 24 and Daniel 9 and the end of Jeremiah 49. It's all there. :)
the believer is manipulated and deceived by a reward in another life as long as in this life you are a believer and you comply with laws, commandments, dogmas of faith, otherwise you will not be saved, they sell you an eternal life with deceit and lies and they live of the story in full luxury while the believer is starving, that is if you pay the tithe, give money to your church if you want to save yourself, when in reality what you have to do is save yourself from so many lies and manipulation, save yourself in this life and live them without suffering, guilt that all religions impose on you, the clergy speak in the name of a God invested by them, with sexist, homophobic, cruel, violent laws, full of hatred against the infidel who must be killed, they go against reason and science make this life a hell and a valley of tears, but that is if they sell you another fictional life, since this one has been turned into a shit of fights, wars, persecutions of all religions. Battle Points of View The Persian government viewed the Babies as a group of heretics who had rebelled against the government and who wanted to create a Babite state. Driven by the enmity between the twelfth clergy and the Babies, they decided to finish off the latter as soon as possible. The Bábís considered that they were announcing the arrival of the Qāʾim and that their jihad or holy war of resistance against the Shah's troops was self-defense. Hence, the Baha'is have been persecuted in Iran because the Baha'is attempted against the life of the Shah of Persia. to establish the bahai faith by force killing the infidel
I have come to bring peace with a sword. All religions are divided. In order to become a Baha’i you accept Jesus, the hard part is accepting the new prophet. It’s all about commitment and I see we all can be lazy. After all we cannot serve two masters :3.
It is not a big deal to see such kind of people to see because if you go to history, even there are a lot of people who betrayed all messenger of God like Christ or Mohammad or Buddha ....
Ex-Christian here, I'm a Baha'i, praise be to God! We do believe in hell and the devil but we have a different understanding of it than what renaissance paintings, non-biblical books and the media has taught people for centuries. How we believe in the devil and hell is more based on the Bible not the media. I would encourage you to investigate this for yourself. Many blessings to you! :)
We seek our Creator but create the devil. The devil is a product of our flawed ego and a guilt that isn't ours. Only a fool can believe he created themselves.
We will all have to encounter Baha'u'llah, Christ and all the Holy Ones some. Based on the doctrine of the Divine Unity one cannot run away from any of the true Manifestations of God. Salvation is in the Divine Unity not individual personalities. Hence Salvation is of the Jews. They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them (Lazarus). It not him that says Lord, Lord but he that doeth the will of the Father.
Have anyone of you asked why you are not to seek a photo of Bahá’u’lláh. Not to look into the criminal side of what he did. Shogi afendi was persecuted by homosexual tendencies. Read up on where this all came from. If Bahá’u’lláh was an equal to Christ why did he not saves his children. What with all the wives... I can do this all day. My mother has been hoodwinked by this cult all my life.
we dont seek the photo because simple people will end up worshiping it. there is no more magic to it than that. criminality is based on perspective, i,e George Washington was a heretic and terrorist relative to British law. he had 2 wives, so what, and advised not to have more. sounds smart, over your life making babies with to many women will definatley torment your soul.
You could see a photo of Baha'u'llah but just privately out of respect and are told to not worship Him like how God told Christians the ten commandments of not making an image of Him and how 1 John 5:21 says about not worshipping idols though many Christian churches have many idols. Baha'u'llah has not committed any crimes and there is no proof of it neither is there proof of Shoghi Effendi practicing homosexuality this is all slander and lies. The Baha'i Faith came from God and there are many prophecies from both the Bible and the Quran and hadiths from both Sunni and Shi'a that point to this Faith, so I actually agree with you on that one I do encourage people should read up on where this all came from lol If Baha'u'llah is equal to Christ why did He not save HIs children? Let me ask you this why did Christ not partially ignore His blood relatives and when they wanted His attention said "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother."? This could give you some clarity. Also why did Jesus not stop Judas from betraying Him? The answer to this will also give you clarity if you reflect honestly. As for the multiple wives, He lived in a Muslim society where having four wives maximum was legal and morally allowed. If having multiple wives is reason to reject someones message then throw away the Book of Proverbs and Psalms because King David had 8 wives, King Solomon had 700 wives and Abraham and Moses had 2 wives each. Furthermore Jesus never prohibited having multiple wives unless you were a leader of a church. Looks like you now have trashed the majority of the Bible and rejected many Prophets that built the foundation Christianity is standing on. I praise Christianity and Baha'i and both Jesus and Baha'u'llah. May God be with you.
This lady has never been a Baha'i for she had never seen the importance of obligatory prayer. Or the other spiritual laws and was easily swayed by macho man,
I was a former Bahá'í who won souls for Bahaullah for 10years 🎉 but Jesus Christ manifested physically to me and told me to harvest souls for Jesus. Now am winning souls and discipling souls here in Uganda 🇺🇬, East Africa. God bless her.
Baha’is don’t “win souls” for Baha’ullah. They don’t convert people or proselytize.
The Baha’i faith is not a sect or “offshoot” of Islam. It is an independent world religion that originated in Iran.
No, it's not. There's lots of similarities to Islam.
@@butterflybeatles There are lots of similarities across all religions - it does not mean that they are sect or offshoot of one another
@@rahmonafaridian9982 Just as X-ty came out of Judaism and Islam has some connection to X-ty Bahai has a great deal of connection to Islam - same customs, same theology. The only difference is that Bahai looks for the new world order - which most religions are against.
Religion by definition is heavenly n revealed one on its Official Prophet n after Muhammad the Last prophet all chapters are closed n who soever will say of independent religion or prophet will be DRAMA not reality bcs after real characters the actors could come but not the prophets
@@butterflybeatles Abdu’l-Baha said: “Divine religion is not a cause for discord and disagreement. If religion becomes the source of antagonism and strife, the absence of religion is to be preferred. Religion is meant to be the quickening life of the body politic; if it be the cause of death to humanity, its nonexistence would be a blessing and benefit to man.”
My path is the opposite. I started out my journey as a Christian, and I am now Baha'i. I am so happy to have found my spiritual home and the Faith that in the future will embrace all of humanity and usher in the Kingdom of God and the Greatest Peace.
Me too. I feel I am actual judge as moral character, "not keeping up a fake holy image" of how I suppose look like (insert other forms of Abrahamic religions).
*Beautiful. Just. Beautiful.*
This video is fake they are actors for the pope because he doesn't wanna give up capitalism and extortion of other beings for his benefit
Maybe not the pope but you know all these politicians and corrupted people who live of other people
@@dyanasbdoriginalchannel1492 keep searching and your will convert to Islam
Sorry Emily, you have your facts wrong. I’m happy for you but also I think people need to becareful what they say as truth on TV. I became a Bahai in 2005. My background is in Islam. I love Christianity and Islam and have many friends in both. I believe Bahai teaching are for our day and thousands of years from now and that religion is progressive revelation. When you said The Bahai Faith is an offshoot of Islam, you clearly don’t know the history of the Bahai faith. Bahai Faith is an independent religion and not an offshoot of Islam. Please don’t misguide people just because your in your own happy world, you have to think about the whole world and not just yourself, so don’t misguide people on mass media. Again one has to seek the truth independently and not just by mere words on TV.
*THANK YOU!!!!* I felt a bit 🤏 insulted when she said that. Now I am soothed. *THANK YOU.*
shabnammani22 - Are you saying “progressive revelation” as though morality or truth is “changing” through time?
Jesus will always loves you. I want you to keep in heart that nothing can separate us from Gods love.
SanGabriel FrontDesk Show me where the Baha’i faith is radically different from Christian principles. Everything is borrowed. It’s a derivative of Christian and Islam. Believe me, I studied the religion.
@@Natalie-fj7fs as a person of the Baha'i faith, what difference should it make to you that the Baha'i faith is misrepresented? You believe that truth was revealed overtime, through different Prophets, namely Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha etc, correct?. If that is so, how do you know that this misepresentation is not a revelation of Truth overtime? How do you know that the people who previously were of the Baha'i faith but turned away from it, are not themselves prophets of truth about the Baha'i faith? How do you know that they are not prophesizing truth? Aren't all prophets right? Don't All views lead to the same truth, according to your faith? So how do you know that's what all these former Baha'i worshippers say is a misrepresentation of your faith and not the truth about it?
Interesting, but please note that Baha'u'llah wrote (in the voice of a Manifestation of God) "They say: ‘Where is Paradise, and where is Hell?’ Say: ‘The one is reunion with Me; the other thine own self. . . ."
Baha'u'llah taught people the importance of service to humanity and to carry forward "an ever advancing civikization". One thing that strikes me in the present day is how much both Christian and Islamic fundamentals are seeking to gain earthly and temporal power. When Christ was tempted by Satan he kept upping his offer from food to all the kingdoms of the Earth His response was "get thee away from me Satan". Baha'u'llah gave up great wealth, estates, and a position in the court of the Shah to become a follower of the Bab before announcing Himself as the one the Bab had said he was there to prepare the way for.
The same prophecy of Daniel that predicted Christ's coming carries on from that date to 1844, the first time of millennial excitement among Christian's. Concidentally, the same year there was a similar "millenial" movement of Shi'a Islam in Iran and Iraq that expected the advent of the Mahdi. In summary, to Baha'is, we are already pretty much done with the end times and moving forward with work to create a spiritual world in balance with the material world. The divisiveness between the previous religions is very similar to what happened with Jews who became Zealots, went to war against Rome because they wanted their Messiah to give them land and power. And, of course, the Romans, in the course of defeating the attacks, tore down the temple.
I am good with anyone of any religion who is humble, truthful (one of Christ's titles is the Spirit of Truth), and helps the poor, hungry and sick, no matter which religion they affiliate themselves with. I will end my comments with Christ's response to people who claimed to follow Him, but didn't help the poor, hungry and sick. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ " (Matthew 4:21-23)
I have a beautiful journey from Catholic, Protestant church, Born-Again movements in the Philippines--and now, since age 21, I am a Baha'i. My life is full of challenges with my non-Baha'i wife, and with our six children--challenges just like those of others. This journey and these challenges, upon my reflection based on the the Baha'i Writings, make my life more meaningful, beautiful and engaging. They help me cultivate more fully and deeply on loving, of being more kind and patient, being more understanding of others different from me, and even being more thankful and proud about my heritage and beginnings. As a Baha'i, I have learned more to love humanity without pre-conditions whatsoever. I didn't have this feeling prior to my acceptance of Baha'i Faith. Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna and Baha'u'llah--all taught us that we should care for others besides ourselves. Baha'u'llah said that we should not take pride in loving our country, but we should take honor in loving the whole of humankind. I am not inclined into competing with others in any way; I feel I should only compete with my own self in trying to fulfill my responsibility to my fellowmen, to the world, and to God.
Im curious. What does the Baha'i Faith say about the current events thats going on now? With satanism in hollywood and music industry or even in the UN. Do they know about the New World Order that the Elite are trying to push on the world? Im part of no religion, i'm just seeing all these things happening in the world today and its the christians who are warning about these things that are going on too.
You do realize Mohammed with 52 consumated the marriage with a 9 year old little girl?
I am a Baha'i and think she has every right to choose whatever path works for her. It is our God given right to choose whatever spiritual path we think is best for us on our journey to the Creator. Bless her in her journey and evolving as a spiritual being. There is no distinction between the holy messengers of God, they are the same face of the eternal presence, that always was and will always be. Thanks be to God the Most merciful!
Either there is truth or there is not truth. You can't say everything is true and everything is equal and the same. There is a MASSIVE difference, wolds and universes of difference betwen Christ and EVERY other false 'prophet.' There can be no comparison. The god you proclaim, does not exist.
the number of dislikes tell something else.😁😁
@@benyaminahmad9504 sure. That a bunch of bahai's don't like truth.
+Soaptoaster yes I am a muslim and I know that bahais are dajjal/anti christ followers..😂😂😂
@@Soaptoaster what is truth....??????.
"To be a Baha'i simply means to love all the world, to love mankind and try to serve it". You don't have to be perfect to be a Baha'i. It means only to strive. If you fail, then stand up, und try again. Baha'u'llah never asked for perfection. And the teachings of the Baha'i-faith are a help for the people. You can say, a tool. It doesn't matter if someone fails in following them, as long, as he or she don't give up. No Baha'i has the right to say you: "You don't follow this or that bidding". It is only a matter between you and God. I felt this is important to add. Thank you!
So an atheist could be a Bahai?
self delusional at its best..amazing how people love fantasies..lol
aschilli19 she didn’t understand what is real Bahai
Soaptoaster, sure an atheist can become a Baha’i, but being a Baha’i also means that you believe in a divine universal creator, and I have trouble seeing how an atheist would reconcile those facts for him or herself.
@@benyaminahmad9504 Same can say about yours.
Every Baha'i knows that a person is free to believe what he/she wishes. It is apparent that she still knows little about the Faith or its Teachings. My question is, Why does her opinion matter so much? Perhaps some feel that, unlike Jesus, Christianity needs every testimony.
It's a propaganda video she never was Baha'i
I am so saddened to hear of your miscarriage Emily but I am happy to hear that that the Christian Faith fulfilled your needs during such a traumatic event and that it continues to serve you and your family. As a Bahai, I can value the significance of a spiritually based family. All the best to you and your family Emily.
Wish the same to the descendants of Baha'u'llah. Don't curse them, please.
@@NaserEmtesali you are only misguiding people.....
@@MrYowbu How come?
she pregnant of her boyfriend ?
Baha'is fully encourage the independent investigation of the truth and appreciate the speaker's personal search. I hope she can still see herself as a collaborator in the betterment of her community with Bahá'is and others.
I am born Muslim, I converted to baha'ism in 2018, five months later I came back to Islam.
I don't hate Baha'allah, in fact his teachings still inspire me.
@@oberynmartell4673 why did you come back to Islam?
I doubt it once you leave Baha’i it’s usually to find the truth 🙏
@@AS-jo8qh cause Baha’i only eat veggies 🌽
@@AS-jo8qh It's because the Bahai faith is a small branch which grew out of Shia Islam. Bahai's don't even believe in God and Abdulbaha had 3 wives? Shia Islam is the greater picture and the full religion.
She may have been a Baha'i at one time, but it appears that she never learned much about it. The Baha'i Faith is not an offshoot of Islam anymore than Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism.
Debra Taylor Religion (all) is an off shoot of man's different philosophies.
Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, without the jews rebuking their Christ, thered be no Christian
Debra Taylor True.
I was a Baha'i for thirty years before formally resigning and returning to Christianity. So I know a little bit. Moojan Momen who is known as having foremost knowledge on every aspect of the history of the Baha'i faith once stated "In order to know Baha'i one has to understand Islam". The "long obligatory prayer" has specific genuflections that are identical to what is prayed in mosques all over the world.
It was not the greatest story, but I am glad she shared it and will not judge what she did or did not learn. Many Baha'is I knew over my time were not critical thinkers (actually the majority) and often had little to say because they felt they were in the perfect religion. And like Islam, Baha'i consider criticism of the faith apostasy and brand those who do so "covenant breakers".
I am a Christian who returned to Christ after 10 years as a Baha'i. Christianity IS an offshoot of Judaism as much as Baha'i is an offshoot of Islam. Additionally, the Baha'i view of Jesus Christ is the Islamic view. Add to that, Islam is an offshoot of Christianity and in its beginning, was considered a heretical Christian sect by some, and "the sword of the Vatican" by others.
The very fact that people who leave Baha'i are called "covenant breakers" tells all.
Thessalonians 5:2, “You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
Everything is fulfiled. All the end times prophecy has been completely fulfiled
@@danielturcotte8025 not yet!
George Miller's book title same
Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
kinda reads different when you don't cherry pick.
Bahaullah said ... there is no difference between a true and fateful Bahai and a true Christian .... we all want to reach HIS love and serve humanity ...
That's just complete delusion. How can you base your entire beliefs around the delusion of one man?
Soaptoaster for real this whole Baha’i thing sounds like a fairytale to me
@@josephg6260 christianity is polytheism
@@Soaptoaster Someone can say the same thing about your religion. Whats make your beliefs so special that you think you have authority to disrespect other ppl beliefs and impose your beliefs like your religion is "superior." Some of you Christians & Muslims need stop you all have the "monopoly on truth." Drop the ego and the shaming scare tactics that is common w your religion. Do you think your "savior"/your prophet will tolerate your ego/tactics?
@@josephg6260 So does some of your Christians
The Faith of God, with its Teachers, Prophets, Son of God, Manifestations of God, in whatever dispensation of God they come to guide humanity, are all perfect. We the followers are on our way to learn from their Perfect Teachings, so God give us strength to withold our egos and always turn to these True Ones. That way we’ll all become true brethren and serve humankind. I am learning to be a better Baha’i on a daily basis. Thank you for your story.
You can't actually refute Baha'u'llah and still believe in Jesus, because the essence of their beings and their teachings are the same. That's my belief.
It would be lovely if 100huntley would do such a nice interview someone who went from Christianity to the Baha'i Faith?
This happens to be a Christian program. I don't watch a baseball game and hope that they would kick the ball every now and then.
@@jtleon7086 Just because it is a Christian doesn't mean that it has to ignore other points of view. I'm just saying it would be lovely. What have you got against lovely?
MY TESTIMONY to Jesus Christ.
I was raised in a muslim country in IRAN(old Persia).My mom was the one who taught me the fundamentals of islam such as praying, fasting, ghusl,.....
I grew up in this dark culture, until I got 18 and was accepted in one the most reputable medical universities in IRAN.
Despite all the religion works I did such as praying, fasting,..., I always had a gap inside myself and was never satisfied with anything.
Years passed by and I graduated with very good grades from university and started my job as a GP.
Howevere, I still had that gap inside my heart, but I did not know what it was and why it is always there. No matter how much I earned, or what reputation I had.
So, to fill that gap I decided to continue my academic education, assuming that it is gonna fill that void.
I, therefore, immigrated to Canada. Having had very high grades, I could get PHD offer from 4 universities in CANADA which I ended up choosing one.
I started my PHD project in breast cancer genomics bioinformatics which was really amazing and could temporarily fill that gap but I was in year 2 when I was dealing with extracting the DNA from breast cancer stem cells.
In genetics, we have WORDS, which are the alphabet of our life or DNA. Once these WORDS get wrong, they transfer wrong meaning to the nucleus of the cells causing different disease such as cancer, ageing, Diabetes, hypertension,.....
Now as a scientist I was struggling with myself that WHY THE WORDS GET WRONG OR GET MUTATED.
So, I kept asking GOD where is that correct WORD???
On the day I met Jesus, I was in the lab per normal and was working on my project; howevere , my mind was preoccupied with this question:
where is that WORD ?
where is that WORD?
Then I said in my heart and begged to GOD saying: God! if you are real please show that right WORD to me. I want to know. I am desperate.
As soon as, I said this, the whole lab was filled with the presence of someone who was full of LOVE AND PEACE that my physical body could not contain and receive that much love so I fell off the floor on the lab, shaking and bursting into tears.
Once I asked him who are you he said: I am the WORD, life and ressurrection. No one goes to the FATHER except through me.
More importantly, once I met this person, I felt all the heavy burden of darkness and sin lifted off my shoulder and I felt as light as a baby. Like I WAS BORN AGAIN.
Now, before then, I never ever read the bible to know these are bible verses.I just heard these words in my spirit.
Long the story short, I got baptized 6 months later and from then on, I started to preach the Gospel to muslims to take them out of the dark world, I have been one day.
''PRAISE BE TO THE MOST HIGH''👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 A beautiful testimony, thank you for sharing🙏🏽
Praise be to The Lord Jesus Christ Amen
I am so happy for you.
Amen brother. GOD BLESS!
Ex-Christian here and happy I’m in the Baha’i Faith. My story was the opposite I started getting signs leading me to the Baha’i Faith and God then blessed me greatly when I did. My life has changed for the better ever since and I couldn’t be happier thank God I found this Faith!
It looks like for her she had an agnostic boyfriend making her doubt everything and she was too perfectionist which has nothing to do with the Baha’i Faith itself. She was even sleeping with this guy before marriage which the Faith doesn’t advise. Then she said she went to a Christian club and terrible things started happening to her? Like schizophrenic like episodes, why is she blaming it on the Faith? Interesting that these warning signs show up when she goes to the Christian classes and not when she was Baha’i. Then she becomes Christian and realizes she has epilepsy, bingo that explains a lot of her experience (scientifically epilepsy and possibly OCD creates a higher risk for schizophrenia)...again nothing to do with the Baha’i Faith.
I am saddened to see that when she joined Christianity she experienced a miscarriage. I would not try to relate joining Christianity and the miscarriage as a sign that she made the wrong choice but it is sad that she is doing that with the Baha’i Faith and the bad things that happened to her in the past.
I wish her well and that God may guide her rightly, I hope her life is blessed. Christianity is a nice religion and Baha’i’s accept Christ and love Him as well but it seemed like what she needed was a supportive community at the beginning. Other Baha’i to help her with her practice and to teach her the mercy of God, we Baha’i’s also call God “The All-Merciful” so that she would realize that God isn’t going to punish her for not being perfect.
May God bless her and guide her rightly and may He bless her and her family.
The Bible addresses signs and wonders, and says some are demonic. One such person who started seeing signs after participating in séances, and ending up going so mad that his mentor may have named schizophrenia after him was Carl Jung. Yes, that man most people get their ideas of symbology, archetypes, and conscious/unconscious awareness from.
Secular is NEVER, EVER secular. These people always have some exposure to Eastern religions or witchcraft if you dig deep enough.
So, I pray that God will help you see what is a true sign, and what is a counterfeit sign from the god of forces.
Revelation 16:14
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,
Mark 13:22
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
If Baha'i's loved Christ, they would keep His commandments, take up their cross, deny themselves and follow Him alone, but they do not. Acts 4:12, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."; John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Matthew 7:21-23, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" - this will be you if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. He died for our sins so we could be with Him in Heaven. The way of salvation is clear, but people who don't place their trust in the finished work of Christ will perish in the lake of fire.
You were never a Christian
satanuc cult culture..no peace no salvation,, repent and ask forgiveness from God in Christ the word of God..salvation only in God true God trinity one God...
come to the lord, he shall wipe all your tears bro.
basically she's saying the Baha'i Faith has high spiritual standards for our spiritual growth and everyone is on their own path and face their own spiritual tests. Her facing her own spiritual tests and "giving up on the Baha'i Faith" does in no way negate the truth and reality of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, and as a consequence turning to Christianity does not reflect the truth of Christianity..
Read the Bible all the way through. SPOILER ALERT: all flesh fails. The only flesh that didn’t fail was Jesus because He was God in the flesh.
@@GracieDontPlayDat I have read it all the way through and it was Jesus that made me become Baha'i, refer to Matthew 24 and Daniel 9, its all scripture and God and spirit based. Praise be to God!
She clearly didn’t learn anything while she was a Baha’i. God bless you dear Emilie.
When Baha'u'llah's own descendants could not study their father's faith then how can she!?
She never was bahai this is a propaganda fake video
@@FrontWood 🤦🏽♂️😂😂😂
I was a Bahai for a year - couldn't wait to get out.
@@butterflybeatles sei libero di uscire non è come l'islam e si esci ti tagliano la gola
You know good trees by it’s fruits! There are 2 billion Christian, 1,4 billion Muslim, and millions of other … we have handful Baha’is on this planet. Look at the world we are living in. Don’t you see the problems? The only difference between religions is your own pure intention and good deeds! Not your words. Baha’u’llah has offered solutions for this sick and lost day. You take it or you refuse it. Life experience teaches you the truth.
The Baha'i Dispensation is about the New heaven and the New Earth: a New Divine Civilization. It's not about joining Churches which are part of the Old Heaven and the Old Earth destined to pass away.
It's sad that someone who was seemingly raised in the Baha'i Faith is so misinformed about it...enough so as to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Anyway, that is one of the many beauties of the Baha'i teachings...independent investigation of truth. No one is responsible for our spiritual journey except ourselves.
She was not raised in the Baha'i Faith.
I agree with *Freshaire.*
Even Baha'u'llah's own children were misinformed. They all disbelieved in him. Poor charlatan.
It's not real man they are actors paid by capitalist on top of a pyramidal scheme aka governments and the pope
She was wise to get out.
If you reject Baha'u'llah you reject all other Manifestations of God. Please listen to Tablet of Ahmad when Baha'u'llah clearly emphasizes this point "Be thou assured in thyself that verily, he who turns away from this Beauty hath also turned away from the Messengers of the past and showeth pride towards God from all eternity to all eternity."
Please read Jesus Christ warning in Matthew 7:21-23
"If you reject Baha'u'llah you reject all other Manifestations of God." That exactly the same what Muslims say: if you reject Mohammad you reject all other Manifestations of God. Nothing new in the religious universe.
This is because these faiths are all from the one same God. Of course there would be harmony between the messages
Jesus is God - not a Manifestation of God.
@@butterflybeatles amen
@@butterflybeatles so is Baha'ullah
Apologetics is the tool God used on me
She definitely has some stability issues. Ghosts and bashing the Baha'i faith, one minute being chaste and next sleeping with her boyfriend,etc....She states that as a Baha'i she worshiped the false God? OMG she has no knowledge of the Baha'i faith or even Christianity. What a horrible title for 100huntley to use to put down the Baha'i Religion. This video made me sick.
Mike Hexagon this video didn't make me sick, in fact, it cured my diarrhea.
Mike Hexagon That's a bit of an aggressive response. Is this a typical Baha'i response.
Yes, they cannot take criticism and react by criticizing even more vehemently.
made you sick WHY??? because she told her story how it is! the devil is in the false religions. she was attacked by demons, and they had to flee ONLY in the name of TRUE BIBLICAL Jesus! not Buddha, Mohammad, Moses, Abraham, or your Bahai dude. the truth sets people free, not religions, movements, and philosophies. certainly not cults.
"OMG she has no knowledge of the Baha'i faith or even Christianity." No problem. Most Bahai have no deeper knowledge about other religions. Thus she is no exception.
She was unable to learn how to wash hands, feet and face 3:34 "ceremonial washings" and she needed some one to teach her!!! or she was surprise to find out sex out of marriage is forbidden 3:5. wondering if there is a religion that dose not ask believers to pray?
Sorry that you did not learn more about the Bahai Faith. I am a Medical Doctor and a Bahai and my kids Ivy League graduates are Bahai as well.Bahai faith is wonderful!!!
What does you being a doctor have anything to do with you having a faith?
Naima lus they worship success and the world and they gain from it since they have their inheritance in the world, sadly anyone who adds or takes away from the bible which this faith does is cursed by the bible
@@naimalus3827 It doesn't. So sad you had to ask that.
@@Douglas_Reuber *We do not "worship success" if you actually did your research, you'd know the truth.*
It is not a big deal if you joined the Bahá’í Faith at one time and then decided to leave and join the Christian Faith. I, together with millions of others, have also left the Christian faith to make our spiritual home in the Bahá’í Faith. I have been a Bahá’í for 46 years.
There is no compulsion in religion. Worshippers are free to enter and leave any religion they choose at any time. It is all between them and God. If you take a look at the religious scene, you will notice that many are leaving the Christian faith at the same time that others are joining.
You might be aware that even in the days of Jesus, some of His own disciples left His faith because they did not like what He was teaching. And it wasn’t a big deal as far as Jesus was concerned. John 6:66 says: “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.”
In the Parable of the Sower, we get to understand that due to many factors, not everyone joining a new religion will stay. You can find the parable in Luke 8:5-15. Hope you can reflect on it.
You can also reflect on this adage of Jesus: “…many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
As to whether the Bahá’í Faith can be associated with “an evil spirit” as you seemed to insinuate, do you know that Jesus Christ, the One you claimed to follow, was denounced as having the devil (John 10:20) and doing His work by means of “Beelzebub the chief of the devils” (Luke 11:15)? And do you know that He was betrayed by His own appointed Apostle?
And that is the lot of all true Messengers of God. They are insulted, denounced as false, as sorcerers and evil men, etc. Go through religious history. There is not a single Emissary of God who was not accused of falsehood
I have taken the trouble to point these things out to you, because it is not a big deal to leave any religion, including the Bahá’í Faith. But it takes a lot of courage to denounce an Emissary of God as evil and post it on the internet for all the world to see.
Praying that God might help each and all in our spiritual journeys.
Left Christian faith, briefly, and returned fully to Christ. Stronger relationship with him than I could have imagined. Baha'i is false religion.
@@LB-ec4uf Ex-Christian here, when I became Baha'i I started getting closer to Jesus more than when I was a Christian. Baha'u'llah meets every criteria of a true Prophet and not a single one of a false Prophet. May God be with you! :)
I find it quite interesting that people who say that they were "former Bahai's" strike me as those who could not live up to the standard that God expects.... Similarily ... Not everyone who Joins the USMC Graduate from boot camp as a marine... Not everyone who applies to be a USNAVY SEAL gets the badge as a USNAVY SEAL.... Therefore I wish you luck in your future endeavors ... Always remember the door is alway open for your return.... Have a blessed life
The Celebrations of the 200th Birthday of Baha'u'llah all over the world two weeks ago was a miracle. There were people from every religion and culture celebrating the miraculous life of the latest Manifestation of God, sent from God for our training and evolution. Most of the people in attendance, in fact, were not Baha'is. In my community, one of our precious Bahais - a Christian woman who became a Baha'i at the age of 90, passed away at the age of 93 two days after our Celebration. Miraculously, we had a combined service at the Baha'i Centre with an Anglican celebrant who ministers at the Anglican Church in our town. It was a beautiful service of Interfaith love and praise.
It is such a miracle to see that our religions do not have to be a contest, or a cause for fear, but can be what they were made by God to be - one unfolding religion that helps us ever to our ultimate destiny - the Kingdom of God on earth. It is lovely to see a soul who finds their path to God, regardless of the route they take to get there. Blessings and peace be upon Emily Armstrong and all our Christian friends.
Twas Indescribably Beautiful.
_a Christian woman who became a Baha'i at the age of 90_
LOL. That's seems to be so true!!!
@@NaserEmtesali ovunque vado ti trovo. Fatti vedere da un psicologo
@@kaw1091 Dillo ai membri dell'UHJ che credono di essere infallibili.
This comment is for the interviewee speaking against the Bahai Faith. This is a false interview, spreading false information. The interview is further inciting and promoting hatred and division. If you like to be Christian, speak of Christianity. Do not degrade the Bahai Faith or any other religion because you probably dont have enough information about the Bahai Faith or you choose not to obey Bahaullah's teachings. Since you chose not to follow the Bahai teachings, it doesnt mean that the Bahai Faith is not true. For example people who want to sell their own products sometimes put down other products to cast their own products in a more favorable light. But it doesnt mean that the products being degraded are not effective. You are doing the exact same thing. You shouldnt.
Good points!
Deep thinking is not something every human is endowed with! Her love for one faith over the other is a personal choice and hope she turns ours to be a true follower of Christ, and love humanity anyway!
Yeaaaaaah! Jesus!!
(...)yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live."
I am a Bahai but I worship the same God as Christains do. We don't worship Bahaullah
John 8:58 KJV
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Wow i love this testimony what an encouragement❤ Jesus christ is Lord!!!! AMEN!
Amen to God be the glory
Sadly, she has never understood either the Baha'i Faith OR Christianity! Her "testimony" is only very subjective, and not based on the truth of the Gospel.
You felt that too?? I thought it was just me.
Yes. Even Baha'u'llah's own descendants did not understood the Baha'i Faith!
@@thegreatestofalltime3560 Very definitely! There are so many other objective and tangible reasons to reject the Baha'i Faith and turn to Christianity as the source of Truth. Many have made that change for much stronger reasons.
This video is fake and propaganda
It's been a year since I last saw this video but I've been noticing that in the comment section most of the people who are criticizing This woman's turn away from Bahaism are mostly people who used to be Baha'i themselves, whereas the more compassionate people who are understanding of her perspective are still currently Baha'i. I'm actually shocked that most of the people who are say that this woman is misrepresenting behind are not behind themselves anymore. This sounds to me to be very bizarre. If you're no longer practicing in the Baha'i faith, it sounds like it's because you're not convinced that it's a true belief system anymore. So if that's okay for you, why is it not okay for this woman to have her own reasons to walk away from Bahaism? Why are her reasons for walking away from Bahaism misrepresentations but your reasons for walking away from Bahaism completely reasonable? Sounds a little bit hypocritical if you ask me.
One thing that should be mentioned not as a dispersion on Emily A in any way as this is a common misconception. The Bahai Faith is not an off-shoot of Islam anymore than Christianity is an off shoot of Judaism. Bahaullah was a Muslim, just as Jesus was a Jew before he declared himself the Mouthpiece of God for that day and age. The Bahai Faith is an independent world religion that welcomes all people from all walks of life to come together in unity to serve the betterment of the world and celebrate the "beating our swords into plowshares" and the gift of being able to share a role in creating Heaven on Earth which as we know is mentioned in scripture. I applaud Emily in her courage as she navigates her Faith with the struggles she is encountering and pray on her behalf for her family. And pray for all of us as we struggle to fulfill everyday of our lives the requests of the Holy being the Christ.
❤😂❤ MAHALO 🙏 NAMASTHE 🙏 SHALOM 🙏 Thank you, Emily 😊 I AM GLAD to hear your TESTIMONY 🔥 and am thankful for this channel. I truly admire the Baha'i ❤️ Brethren & also the disciples of the BAB! Perhaps, they do not really have a strong foundation as we do in the "ROCK of all AGES", "ANCIENT of DAYS", "NAIL fastened in a sure place"...the list is EXhaustive! When I needed help, food & shelter the Baha'i ❤️ Brethren came forward to feed & nourish me; NO Christian did, nor did the Church I attend in GOA, INDIA 😢 came forward to CARE & HEAL!!! 😊 Pls DO not decry the Baha'i ❤️ people/community, yet!!! Allow TIME to BE the judge!😊😊😊 LoveJoyPeace SHALOM ☮️❤️🔥
The Baha’i’s as a faith group will never reject you unless you are a covenant-breaker.
Great discussion. Thank you for posting this interview.
Lovely testimony. I became a Christian at age 23, right out of the rock and roll scene and much occult involvement. Since then I've studied cults and false religions a lot, and Baha'i has always baffled me, how people can believe such contradictions. I can also attest to the demonic. Once, after I became a believer, I woke up with the mattress flopping up and down, and it wasn't a dream. I yelled, "Jesus help me!" and it stopped.
What about the Baha’i beliefs is a contradiction to you?
@@nataliagebala8655 Among other things, Baháʼu'lláh's teachings contradict God's Word: the Bible.
@@PlanetRockJesus which teachings. I didn’t find any contradictions and I was raised Catholic and investigated the Baha’i faith before I declared
@@nataliagebala8655 Hi Natalie. I'm a 69-year-old happily married, very youthful-like grandpa who became a Christian at the age of 23. I met my wife when I was 33. I'm from Chicago (actually Downers Grove and Lombard), She was raised Catholic in Italy. We now live in Wisconsin. She became an atheist at the age of 16, and after we met I was able to teach her the truth about Jesus and the Bible.
My wife and I own a business called Stoney River Soap Company. You can find us easily by Googling that name. From there you can find an email address. I don't do the email for our company, so ask my wife to forward your email to me, then we can converse. I'll tell her to watch for your email. The reason I'm saying this is that if we start to converse here, people will start chiming in, and it will become crazy. My name is Charlie, and she is Evi.
I will lay a short foundation here, though. Please take my words as being kindly spoken, even though they may be very direct.
As a Catholic, am I wrong to suspect that you didn't really read through the Bible? An occasional verse or story heard in a sermon is not really studying the Bible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Catholic church is infamous for not encouraging its adherents to read the Bible.
The Bible is and always has been God's only written revelation to humanity. It tells of the creation of the universe, life, and mankind, and tells us how sin entered the world. And, the rest of the Bible is about God dealing with his people, the prophets foretelling the appearance of the Messiah, the Savior Jesus, and concerning his eventual return to set up an Earthly kingdom.
The Bible tells how a person could be saved from eternal separation from God. It was different for the nation of Israel than it is for Christians.
Baháʼu'lláh claimed to be an incarnation of several "messiahs" from different faiths. But the message of God's Word, the Bible, is that Jesus will return as himself. It's very plain if you just read it. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lord. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the ultimate judge, and as Hebrews 9:27 says, "it is appointed unto men to die once, and then comes the judgment." No reincarnations.
I will be happy to answer here, as long as I don't need to wade through dozens of responses from others besides you and me. Otherwise, contact me through our website.
@@PlanetRockJesus thank you for your response. I will do my best to email you this weekend🙏🏽
Demons are real. This is a great testimony.
I tried every religion on earth. Even satanism. Now iam happy Bahai.😅😮😊
How wonderful!
Bahai has some spooky superstitious beliefs.
They are banned from viewing the one or two photos that exist of Baha'ullah, which is in line with Islamic and Judaic teachings about not using images, but then they are allowed to view his picture as a privilege when they do pilgrimage.
Weird and contradictory.
the reason for that is not to worship the photo. you see how christian went downhill by just idolizing the so called Jesus image
So many contradictions. 'Abortion is wrong but Bahais can do it if they want". "You have to buried in an expensive coffin but you're free to choose whichever coffin you want".
No that's not right, we are able to look at Baha'u'llah's photo with respect privately whenever we want but we don't worship His image because the ten commandments from the Bible tell believers not to and also because we only worship God and not images or statues like pagans and polytheists do. No contradictions here.
But let me ask you... if the ten commandments tell you not to worship any images or to even make images of God, and Moses got angry that people were idolizing a golden calf, and 1 John 5:21 says "Little children keep yourself from idols". Why do many churches have images and idols of Jesus especially when they think He is God himself?
Weird and contradictary?
@@gladtidingsforall6176 My apologies.
I was wrong to state that Bahais are banned from viewing his picture.
The whole reverence that is given to how and when it is viewed ( it must not be displayed to the public for instance) makes it seem like a form of worship to me anyway.
That is a little weird to me.
As for Christian churches having images; the 10 Commandment prohibition on images was only about prostrating before them as if they were a deity, not about having them.
The design of the Holy Sanctuary itself had images and statues, like bulls holding up a large urn of water etc.
No true Christian bows down to an image of Jesus or any other image.
@@thenowchurch6419 I respect you acknowledging and correcting. Being respectful with the image of our Prophet and worshipping it is different of course and I'm sure you understand that.
I was a Christian for about 25 years and been to different churches and I have seen Christians bowing down to the images and idols of Christ and kissing its feet and praying to it (even kissing statues of Saints ). Of course this is not all Christians but it is more common than people think and I've seen it myself.
The Holy Sanctuary may have had images but they were clearly understood that they are not to be worshipped nor were they attempts to create an image for God, but many Christians says Jesus IS God and then make statues and drawings of them everywhere including inside the churches which is in direct violation of the 10 commandments. Again I know not every Christian agrees with doing it it but we have to be honest that this is a very strong practice in Christian culture.
I am not trying to criticize Christianity btw, it is a great religion and we Baha'is see it as a true religion from the true One God and I love Christians (and all people for that matter) but it has been prophesied in the Book of Revelation about churches losing their way in the latter days and it has been prophesied in the Bible itself that darkness will go over the churches. May God be with them.
A psychiatrist in the United States would diagnose her as an individual with Psychosis, NOS. The delusions and hallucinations occur in Schizophreniform Disorder or Psychosis, NOS. It could also occur in Organic Brain Disorders secondary to Epilepsy and other illnesses of the Brain. Essentially this causes perceptual distortions. Religion and Faith also depends on one's own judgment. One has to investigate the truth at all times!
God is love and more. God is more than love. God cannot be defined by a single attribute. God is also justice, truth, compassion, mercy patient, kind, long-suffering etc. God transcends all attributes.
Wonder how much money they paid her to share this BS
i was thinking the same.
Sorry ame with me
For real the pope doesn't wanna leave this capitalism way of life
This video is roman catholic propaganda she never was Baha'i
roman catholism
bahaism are fake
One currency, one central government, no thanks.
Jesus will establish one central government ruling over all nations, read Isaiah 11.
Why tho?
But the strange stuff didn't happen until she started reading the Bible, soooo......
That is because demons were threatened by the future indwelling of Jesus Christ. They have no fear of any other.
@@av201 demons aren't real but okay
Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, anything other then Jesus is a false teaching.
I know Moslems or Christians who have become Jews, does that make Christ or Mohammad any less. Not at all. If a Christian becomes a Baha’i, does that make Christianity any less, not at all. Baha’u’llah is the Father who Moses and Christ have mentioned. There are some who have recognized His station, and some who never will, that’s between them and God. She seems to be genuine, and a good individual, she is has not become any less in my eyes, the importance is she is worshiping the same God we Baha’is worship. God bless you.
Maybe they don't know the Baha'i faith or never looked into it , did you show it to them?
This video is fake christian propaganda man
John 8:58 KJV
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
@@xxbigdaddyxxkyJohn, Christ also says: If you had known Moses, you had known me.
Why is that? Because Moses and Christ are the same, all the messengers of God are the same, we are the ones who want to make one higher than another.
@@xxbigdaddyxxky”Before Abraham was, I am”. The “I” is God speaking through Jesus, and Moses, and Abraham. Be careful not to diminish one messenger of God from another messenger of God.
It is clearly written in the Bible that Bahaullah can never be The Second Coming of Christ. Only two examples:
> Matthew 24:23-28
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
> Luke 17:22-25
And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it.
And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.
For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.
From all fake Christs Bahaullah is the most prominent.
Bahaullah said he believe in the quran but at the same time he believed in the crucification of Christ, but the two versions of Jesus' passing, that of the Bible and that from the Quran, contradict each other. What is logic here?
Baha’i faith teaches unity of all religions among other fantastic teaching that are suited for today’s ill world while sadly, followers of religions pick fights against each other
the muslims miss interpret the quaran , it does not say jesus wasnt crusified, it allludes to the fact that they couldnt stop the spirit of christ triumphing with crusifiction. and that even though it seamed like the spirit of christs teachings where brought to an end on the cross, Gods plan was that even after resurection the spirit of christ would resurect in the body. the muslims miss interpret the meaning of there verses.
There are only four references in the whole Bible to the Anti-Christ: 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7
To summate it, it says there are many anti-christ and the way to tell is that they will deny God, deny Jesus existed and deny He is the Messiah.
Baha'u'llah praises God, praises Jesus, says He is the Messiah and that He existed.
So He can't be a false Christ. Try again. Also He passes all the true Prophet tests in the Bible.
As for your last question, we believe Jesus was crucified in flesh but not spirit, the Quran says that He was not crucified but it looked like it however the Quran also says to never call someone who dies in the path of God as dead, so if it said Christ died, the Quran would refute itself and it claims to not have contradictions. So therefore this now reconciles the Biblical and Quranic view, the Quran is asserting He did not die, we say in Spirit, and the Bible says He did die, we say in body. Done.
May God bless you and I would encourage you to investigate the Faith with sincerity. Thank you
The Bahai faith was a high school. you don't just go to middle school , if you couldn't keep up with it. you should have gone through the high school and finished it.
An overview from Ancient Sumeria until now.
Jesus is Love.
Nobody here is disagreeing with you.
He is so much more than love.
Lol! This is a fact Smurfette! Straight facts!
I was a Baha’i for ten years. But 29 years ago I came to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I came to Him in desperation and He immediately responded to me and brought me out of a “horrible pit” I had created myself. He saved my life. He is God’s “indescribable gift.”
I was told as a Baha’i that it fulfilled Christianity. No. It was more a matter of picking and choosing certain scriptures to ushering claim. Jesus didn’t really rise from the dead. No satan. Jesus says there is a liar. He calls satan the father of lies. Many scriptures warn of and describe his deceptions. Jesus is truth and life. I will not make Him a liar. The spiritual enemy is not the product of unsophisticated minds. It is center stage in this world today. Jesus set me free to trust Him. To paraphrase, I love because He first loved me.
This hymn from the 1800’s describes how I feel about my Lord.
Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,
For by Thy transforming power,
Thou hast made me whole.
Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Oh, how great Thy loving kindness,
Vaster, broader than the sea!
Oh, how marvelous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!
Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
Know what wealth of grace is Thine,
Know Thy certainty of promise,
And have made it mine.
Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart;
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets, supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings:
Thine is love indeed!
Ever lift Thy face upon me
As I work and wait for Thee;
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth’s dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father’s glory,
Sunshine of my Father’s face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting,
Fill me with Thy grace.
@Helen Martelno more connection needed. Jesus is the answer to all things.
I'm sorry you did not get the chance to see the beauty of the Bahai Faith. I was a Christian and I had been for nearly 35 years before I embraced the Bahai Faith
@Helen MartelI have but they all bunch of lies. There's no truth in it.
I was a Christian for 25 years and then became Baha'i, praise be to God! I feel closer to God and Jesus now even more than when I was Christian. Intense Bible study and praying to God to show me what I had to do is what led me to the Baha'i Faith.
@@gladtidingsforall6176 John 14:6, Acts 4:12. How do you contend with these verses?
You did a tremendous job with this interview and treated the religious trauma of losing one's faith.
What a great a way of showing a true Christian believer!!! So modest, humble, loving, prudent, non-judgmental, genuine, fair, compassionate, open and accepting, and just simply wise! 😳😐😔 And so much for a former perfectionist who settled for good enough! 😉
Being perfectionist is relative. One's sense of perfection could be another's imperfection, or foolishness. She might be a perfectionist but a foolish one at the same time. By the way, testimonials, if not corroborated by other verifiable evidence, is pure hallucination and madness.
Yes. Christians are genuine people. They are not hypocrites!
@@NaserEmtesali lol
Why should I bother responding to this comment 🤔 I'm just gonna say this here , the name of christianity was used to do all kinds of genocides and slavery , I'm not sure Baha'ism could be used to do that , also nice burner accounts you got there
Baha'u'llah is the return of the Messiah of of Israel. Yeshua gave the code (the secret) when He said John is the return of Elijah. John said He is not. Both Yeshua and John were correct from different perspectives: the allegorical and the literal (physical). Yeshua was in reality teaching the Kitab-i-Iqan. Return is not about personality but about Office and Authority. The Divine Unity. Baha'u'llah is not physically Yeshua and never will be. He however represents the return of the Messianic Office. This type of return is not about the flesh. Hence only those with the right eyes can see. In the early days of a Dispensation, the secrets of the kingdom is not given to all. Only to the called and the chosen. This is as divine wisdom dictates.
Agree with your words!
If we understand progressive revelation, then we can grasp god's plan for humanity. Some of us do. And some don't. There's no harm nor sinful. We must look deeper into ourselves and our mental faculties to comprehend god's REVELATIONS.
we love you . and hope you would keep doing your jy with your Bahá'í friends and christianity friends.
Spiritually We all get tested everyday and some of us fail in our spiritual journey and some do not. In other life we will all find out!
You don’t want to be judged on your credit report. You want Christ’s credit report.
Nothing to be proud of...it is just an illusion a person going through....no human being is perfect....we are all going through out to extremes...
If the tree is corrupt, the fruit will be corrupt. Look at the fruit of Islam, Bah'u'llah, Ahmadiya, Sufism, Shiism. Rotten to the core. Jesus is the door, the only door, to salvation. And the fruit of the spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Helen Martel The most loving thing to do is speak the truth, even if someone fragile like you is offended.
Ex-Christian here, now I'm a Baha'i praise be to God! I feel closer to God and Jesus now more than when I was Christian. The Baha'i Faith is the fastest growing new religion in the world right now without going on large violent crusade to make it happen. Would you say the Christian Crusades where roughly 5 million people died in order to convert everyone to Christianity according to Henry William Elson (historian) is an example of the fruit of the tree of Christianity?
I wouldn't but by your logic you would be condemning your own religion. A religion which I happen to respect.
The Baha'i Faith teaches to burn with loving kindness for all that we meet. I wish you many blessings and encourage you to investigate it for yourself.
How is he rotten to the core, he was one of the richest men in Persia and gave it all away to the poor and was thrown in jail basically a sewer pit. Jesus died on the cross so we could be saved and Bahaullah was thrown in prison so we could be free.
An offshoot of Islam? I wonder why she said that?
Really, I ask myself the same question.
She obviously was not a Baha’i as she said it is an offshoot of Islam and that is so not true!
She is making up facts
Bahai cam from Islam. Many similarities. Bahai just lies and says that Mohammend was not the final Prophet.
OH MY GOD! The worst and most foulest reasons to break the covenant! Why is she trying to divorce Christianity with Baha'i Faith? People become Baha'is because it is the fulfillment of Christianity. She makes no sense neither has knowledge. That is evident.
Resigning from the Baha'i Faith has nothing to do with breaking the Covenant.
Nope. As a former Baha'i who returned to Christ, I can say for myself, I did not experience God in the faith, ever. As a Baha'i, my ego and self-righteousness reached unbelievable heights. The faith promotes arrogance (just read how Baha'is respond when people question or God forbid, leave).
When I returned to Christ, everything made sense and I was humbled. My heart healed and grew, and is still growing.
Baha'is are told to "independently investigate the truth ", but I think that is just to make the religion look good on paper.
One of my Baha'i friends boasted she had never touched the Bible, and never would. Her tone communicated she felt it was filthy. Firstly, her father told her not to and secondly, Baha'u'llah was Jesus Christ returned. But how could she REALLY know, when what she knows about the Bible is what she was told to believe about the Bible? And what would motivate her to read it when after all, she is a Baha'i and has the 2.0 version of religion (a.k.a. most recent revelation in "the progressive revelation of truth"). Being a Christian (in the Baha'i world) is akin to going backwards and choosing to live like a caveman.
Baha'i is an offshoot of Islam, which is an offshoot of Christianity. Islam, "the sword of the Vatican" was created to destroy Christians who refused to submit to the control of Rome.
Anyone who is serious about living as God wants us to, MUST do their own research, of as many religions as they can. Research not limited to their tenets and practices, but also to their beginnings and politics.
I would rather chance people do it that way, than blindly follow a religion because it strokes their egos by making them think they are on the cutting edge of humanity, privy to elite knowledge. I read Baha'i writing (sooooo many) and read the history. The people are nice but my goodness, can be some of the most haughty, condemning and self-righteous if you dare to question or criticize the faith. The viscousness is something to behold.
I say this because once upon a time, I was that way. But it is not for me, because as I said in the beginning, it fed my ego, but not my soul. I found no answers there. I am not the only one. Believe me.
I became a Baha'i as a former Christian, but not because I believed it was the fulfillment of Christianity. No, not at all. In fact, try as I might, I could not see the relationship. Because Baha'i is very, very Islamic.
It is amusing to read comments by Baha'is, about Christian beliefs, when they never lived as Christians.
Is that a per-requisite ? "living as Christian". What are you now? a Baha'i? or a Christian? Applying your rules of per-requisites: many more none-Baha'i's (those who never lived as a Baha'i and for more cases never even read a Baha'i book to its entirely yet take time to think and investigate) Have much more opinion not only about the Baha'i Faith and its noble teachings, but also about the profit as well, wont you say?
You say that your "ego and self-righteousness reached unbelievable heights" and that you fed your ego but not your soul.
You don't explain why you think it was anyone else responsibility other than your own.
If you had understood the unity of people and religions, you would not condemn the woman.
@@tomsverja6211 Baha'u'llah condemned numerous world leaders due to not following His letters sent to them: Napoleon III, Franz of Austria, even the Pope and some more.
They all fell to their demise months after the letters of warning reached them as Baha'u'llah predicted, written with fair detail especially while He was still banished and imprisoned by the Ottoman sultan in Israel. The sultan lost his position and suffered a similar fate.
@@tomsverja6211 l don't think he's condemning her, he's just giving his point of view. Myself as a Bahai, l wish her all the best.
The misunderstanding is common between the Christian community and Christ and the Baha'i community and Baha'u'llah. It is not a competition. Sad.
John 8:58 KJV
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
She talks about demonic events pushing her away from the Bahai faith, then said she has epilepsy. Is there a connection here?
Could be!
I astill don't know what a Bahai is?
Why the clock tuned anti-clock wise?!
Because they are anti christ
What is with Baha'i and demonic attacks? I know someone who is Baha'i and she talks of spirit guides, ancestors and presences. Interestingly, after we started talking her world seems to be crumbling down with "attacks" intensifying. She is still resistant to the gospel, and I fully understand why, but I am praying that she would eventually give God all the credit instead of some false god who claims to be God.
What is it about Christians and demonic attacks?
You've misunderstood her. Her demonic attacks started after she did the Alpha course.
It do not come off of Islam it is a separate religion all were waiting for this religion and this is the day of judgment you failed
It came out of the Babi movement that begun in the Shaykhi movement within the Akhbari branch of Twelver Shi'i Islam.
@@NaserEmtesali I am glad ✨, you're information is false please get the tight info 🖤
Not true. Many customs and theology the same as Islam.
The Bible has already laid a final word on everything! The truth does not change only religious beliefs.
Already laid the final word? Let's see what Christ says:
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now."
-John 16:12
If you wish to have a Faith of convenience, do not become a Baha'i.
Just today, I discovered a very bizarre law in Bahai. You have to be buried in a casket make out of concrete, crystal or very fine hard wood. Bahai funerals are not for the poor.
@Greta Valkyrie from Bahai Library Online: The coffin used to bury the deceased should be made, in the words of the Aqdas, "of crystal, stone, or hard fine wood." Therefore, coffins made of metal or soft wood should not be used.
Greta Valkyrie replied: "butterflybeatles Source? Very weird. My best friend, when he died, was buried in a traditional wood casket. Please provide source for your weird claim."
@@butterflybeatles Lets see getting a good quality coffin is bizarre then I wonder what you think about these rules from the Bible:
1 Corinthians 11:5-6- A woman has to cover her head in church or have her hair shaved off
Leviticus 21:9 - If a priests daughter commits adultery she has to be burned alive
Deut. 25:11-12- If your wife helps you in a fight by grabbing the oppositions genitals cut her hands off
But you think the material choice of a funeral is weird?...
God does whatever He wills.
@@gladtidingsforall6176 Yes, it is weird that Bahais worry so much about coffins - they have to be of a quality that would bankrupt any but the super-rich. I love veiling. Women feel protected by the covering. The OT? Yes, it is violent but Christians do not follow the OT.
You are welcome to believe what you wish, but do not spread falsehoods either; there is only one God and the Baha'i Faith, like other monotheistic faiths worship Him. Also the Bahai Faith is NOT part of Islam any more than Islam is part of Christianity or Christianity part of Judaism; nay they continue and fulfill each other in a linear and progressive fashion Further proving there is only one God. Believe what you want. But spreading falsehoods is wrong. Blessings...🎉
"Likewise the divine religions of the holy Manifestations of God are in reality one though in name and nomenclature they differ. Man must be a lover of the light no matter from what day-spring it may appear. He must be a lover of the rose no matter in what soil it may be growing. He must be a seeker of the truth no matter from what source it come." - Abdu'l-Baha
Bahai Faith is not for everybody. Dear lady have a happy life
*The Baha'i Faith* is for everyone, whether you want to be a *Baha'i* or not is up to you.
You have to be a Marxist to be a Bahai.
@@FrontWood You sound like an even crazier conspiracy theorist than Alex Jones and David Icke.
@@Lukandon I'm not subscribed to them but ok , Christianity's oldest manuscripts(Codex Vaticanus) are dated to 300 years after Jesus and are written in Greek which is not the original language
Jesus forgive this sinners because they don't know what they're doing ! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen. Jesus is Lord . He crucified , died and the third day He rose from the death. To God be the glory
Ezekiel 13:9-10
“So My hand will be against false prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will have no place in the council of My people, nor will they be written down in the register of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel, that you may know that I am the Lord God.
“It is definitely because they have misled My people by saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace. And when anyone builds a wall, behold, they plaster it over with whitewash”
I, too, had registered as Bahái and have since found Jesus Christ, my true Lord and Savior.
He forgives us our sins, including as Emily had said, worshipping false idols.
Salvation is real and accessible
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Going back from Baha’i Faith to Christianity is funny. Christ and Bahaullah and all Abrahamic messengers are one in spirit. Progressive revelation is so obvious once you discover it through Baha’i writings. False prophet accusation requires some explanation.
“I have been made victorious with terror".
"Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."
Does that sound like the same person?
Monotheism has done so much harm. Humans need to evolve out of it.
Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
Bertrand Russell
You mean regressive revelation, don't you?
@@mattprimont6370 Yes, science and reason are the way of the future! If you have any doubt just consider the causes of climate change and our inability to act to save our world. A world governed by science and reason alone is an a-moral one at best.
Last thing the world needs is a world theocracy which Bahai promotes and will never happen.
She is not truthful. I wonder why?
She is a paid actor
You are not truthful. I wonder why.
Oh that explains the lies :(
@@mytahirih95 Why are you wasting our time? What lies are you referring to?
Not meaning to offend any group... Just not sure how a One World Order would work out ? When different religions have same Idea or don't agree with each other as to which prophet should guide the planet ?
If you seek the truth, you will end up with Jesus.
Doesnt matter whats your starting point. If you truly try to find truth and nothing else, Jesus is the truth.
Hope you find Jesus as I did, and I was in new age very deep, which is similar to bahai.
I had Jesus and seeked the truth from Him and He led me to Baha'i. Praise be to God! Refer to Matthew 24 and Daniel 9 and the end of Jeremiah 49. It's all there. :)
John 8:58 KJV
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
the believer is manipulated and deceived by a reward in another life as long as in this life you are a believer and you comply with laws, commandments, dogmas of faith, otherwise you will not be saved, they sell you an eternal life with deceit and lies and they live of the story in full luxury while the believer is starving, that is if you pay the tithe, give money to your church if you want to save yourself, when in reality what you have to do is save yourself from so many lies and manipulation, save yourself in this life and live them without suffering, guilt that all religions impose on you, the clergy speak in the name of a God invested by them, with sexist, homophobic, cruel, violent laws, full of hatred against the infidel who must be killed, they go against reason and science make this life a hell and a valley of tears, but that is if they sell you another fictional life, since this one has been turned into a shit of fights, wars, persecutions of all religions. Battle Points of View
The Persian government viewed the Babies as a group of heretics who had rebelled against the government and who wanted to create a Babite state. Driven by the enmity between the twelfth clergy and the Babies, they decided to finish off the latter as soon as possible.
The Bábís considered that they were announcing the arrival of the Qāʾim and that their jihad or holy war of resistance against the Shah's troops was self-defense. Hence, the Baha'is have been persecuted in Iran because the Baha'is attempted against the life of the Shah of Persia. to establish the bahai faith by force killing the infidel
Baha'i faith encouraged me to return to Christ. He is not simply a prophet. Study the Bible.
Christ and the Bible encouraged me to become Baha'i. :)
I love this interview!
I have come to bring peace with a sword. All religions are divided. In order to become a Baha’i you accept Jesus, the hard part is accepting the new prophet. It’s all about commitment and I see we all can be lazy. After all we cannot serve two masters :3.
Bahais accept nobody but their own guru.
It is not a big deal to see such kind of people to see because if you go to history, even there are a lot of people who betrayed all messenger of God like Christ or Mohammad or Buddha ....
Just like how the Babis betrayed the Bab by following the charlatan!
John 8:58 KJV
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
The bahai faith also teaches about no hell no devil but on another hand it accepts the Christianity what a contradiction
Ex-Christian here, I'm a Baha'i, praise be to God! We do believe in hell and the devil but we have a different understanding of it than what renaissance paintings, non-biblical books and the media has taught people for centuries. How we believe in the devil and hell is more based on the Bible not the media. I would encourage you to investigate this for yourself. Many blessings to you! :)
We seek our Creator but create the devil. The devil is a product of our flawed ego and a guilt that isn't ours. Only a fool can believe he created themselves.
This is just a fake created video.
It looks genuine to me.
We will all have to encounter Baha'u'llah, Christ and all the Holy Ones some. Based on the doctrine of the Divine Unity one cannot run away from any of the true Manifestations of God. Salvation is in the Divine Unity not individual personalities. Hence Salvation is of the Jews. They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them (Lazarus). It not him that says Lord, Lord but he that doeth the will of the Father.
Have anyone of you asked why you are not to seek a photo of Bahá’u’lláh. Not to look into the criminal side of what he did. Shogi afendi was persecuted by homosexual tendencies. Read up on where this all came from. If Bahá’u’lláh was an equal to Christ why did he not saves his children. What with all the wives... I can do this all day. My mother has been hoodwinked by this cult all my life.
we dont seek the photo because simple people will end up worshiping it. there is no more magic to it than that. criminality is based on perspective, i,e George Washington was a heretic and terrorist relative to British law. he had 2 wives, so what, and advised not to have more. sounds smart, over your life making babies with to many women will definatley torment your soul.
@@supernalbjj He is not the "blessed beauty". He looks so bad.
@@supernalbjj LOL, he looks like Charles Manson. No need to worry about worshiping it let alone gazing upon it.
You could see a photo of Baha'u'llah but just privately out of respect and are told to not worship Him like how God told Christians the ten commandments of not making an image of Him and how 1 John 5:21 says about not worshipping idols though many Christian churches have many idols.
Baha'u'llah has not committed any crimes and there is no proof of it neither is there proof of Shoghi Effendi practicing homosexuality this is all slander and lies.
The Baha'i Faith came from God and there are many prophecies from both the Bible and the Quran and hadiths from both Sunni and Shi'a that point to this Faith, so I actually agree with you on that one I do encourage people should read up on where this all came from lol
If Baha'u'llah is equal to Christ why did He not save HIs children? Let me ask you this why did Christ not partially ignore His blood relatives and when they wanted His attention said "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother."? This could give you some clarity. Also why did Jesus not stop Judas from betraying Him? The answer to this will also give you clarity if you reflect honestly.
As for the multiple wives, He lived in a Muslim society where having four wives maximum was legal and morally allowed. If having multiple wives is reason to reject someones message then throw away the Book of Proverbs and Psalms because King David had 8 wives, King Solomon had 700 wives and Abraham and Moses had 2 wives each. Furthermore Jesus never prohibited having multiple wives unless you were a leader of a church. Looks like you now have trashed the majority of the Bible and rejected many Prophets that built the foundation Christianity is standing on.
I praise Christianity and Baha'i and both Jesus and Baha'u'llah. May God be with you.
This lady has never been a Baha'i for she had never seen the importance of obligatory prayer. Or the other spiritual laws and was easily swayed by macho man,
I do not how much money she got to say something like that. In Baha'i Faith, we do not have centralized government.
Oh please! I was a Baha'i for years. The organization is highly centralized, with all real authority held by the UHJ.
@@timothywilliams1359 .... How much money they offer you?
Actually, the UHJ is gearing themselves to become a world governmental system, not just the head of the BF.
But you all pray for a one-world gov't. How much more centralized can that be?
Baha’i is a deception reminds me of Newage
Thank you