Christian accuses rabbis of corrupting the Bible to conceal Jesus! Rabbi Tovia Singer responds

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    Derek Lambert of Mythvision intense interview with Rabbi Tovia Singer
    #ToviaSinger #Judaism #Christianity #Messiah #antisemetism

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @azilionzoman6721
    @azilionzoman6721 2 года назад +45

    I'm an ex christian, I wish I had known this stuff before I got involved with Christianity.

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад +14

      Glad to know you're an "ex christian"[sic] - that's so GREAT! Keep learning from the Rabbis - that's the BEST course of action at this point, after leaving that false, pagan religion that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai! May God continue to bless you on your journey, as you learn about Him! MANY, MANY of us here have also left Christianity, so you're never alone!
      If you haven't already, please purchase a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover), and Rabbi Singer's 2-vol. set of books "Let's Get Biblical - Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?", which contains a wealth of knowledge about why the false, pagan religion of "Christianity" could not possibly have come from God.

    • @timothya.olmeda7299
      @timothya.olmeda7299 2 года назад +5

      In time, your knowledge will increase quickly until you will no longer have those thoughts of times you were misinformed.
      Truth shall overcome deception, and the path to righteousness shall be delicious to you from these days forward.

    • @timothya.olmeda7299
      @timothya.olmeda7299 2 года назад +5

      Exodus 20:3-5
      “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
      “You shall not make for yourself a carved image- any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God…..”
      As a Christian, you already have a preconceived notion of what your god is, through Christendom’s forbidden imagery and fake news.
      Anything that is in the Christian doctrine that is not new is true, and anything that is in the Christian doctrine that is new cannot be true.
      The Christian doctrine didn’t arrive on scene until 1,300 after Torah and 700 years after the Book of Isaiah.
      Your Christian beliefs are nothing but a progressive revelation designed to deceive the nations throughout the centuries.
      The children of Israel were never instructed to claim something new that is not mentioned anywhere in TaNaKh.
      It’s a commandment. (Deuteronomy 4:1-2 and Deuteronomy 12:32)
      And the time to realize this, is now.

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад +9

      @@chrismassey7563: God specifically told us that NOBODY can see Him and live, so any statue representing Him is therefore blasphemous, and on top of that the "New Testament" is a work of fiction that did NOT come from God, and preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. .

    • @Anne-oo1py
      @Anne-oo1py 2 года назад +1

      Umm...with no intent to begin a war, did you try to check Joseph's lineage in the NT and the Torah first? The NIV version of Matthew isn't accurate in naming the father of Jacob said Matthan there but anybody who knows Torah would know it's Isaac... therefore some of the characters there highly likely didn't even exist or are mixed up after all
      I'm new to Judaism, but I'm still learning how everything works there

  • @sunnieonesotrue5868
    @sunnieonesotrue5868 2 года назад +21

    I'm Jewish by blood and spent years believing the church's teachings after my great-grandmother was adopted by the Catholic Mohawks at Kahnawake, Quebec. My deepest thanks for your excellent instructions, Rabbi Singer. Jesus is not our awaited Moshiach. I have been learning about my Jewish heritage and faith for about 10 years now.

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад

      Mitakuye Oyasin 💖

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад

      @bart simpson that's what you think!

    • @eicha41624
      @eicha41624 2 года назад +1

      Welcome back to the fold! I hope your pursuit brings you joy and fulfillment!

    • @eicha41624
      @eicha41624 2 года назад

      @@johnmcook1 he wasn't but ok

    • @metadegen
      @metadegen 11 месяцев назад

      Stalin was a Jew.. He was an Atheist..all jews are

  • @friendofthemoon6183
    @friendofthemoon6183 2 года назад +18

    Our beloved Rabbi Tovia Singer is the true Apostle to the Nations. May HaShem bless him for ever.

    • @bneihaneviim
      @bneihaneviim 2 года назад +6

      @Abraham Mani You probably don't listen to ANYTHING Rabbi Singer says at all. Stop commenting on his videos and go worship your idol JC elsewhere. You're not doing anyone any help.

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      @@chrismassey7563: You don't understand! You're SO used to worshiping a MAN in your false, pagan religion, that you accuse us of doing it too! That AIN'T the way it is - not even CLOSE! PLEASE take off the 'Christian goggles' and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.

    • @pninamaimon2955
      @pninamaimon2955 2 года назад

      It is very clear that during more then 2000 years Jews were murdered as they refused to bow to idoles, and all Critstian fate is based on hatred of the Jew, other wise their religion has no sense at all, just a fary tale story, made up´,where the hatered of the Jews gives all the story something in what to think, What a religion full of endless hate ? with a always sufering half naked god made of wood,

    • @friendofthemoon6183
      @friendofthemoon6183 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani ha ha ha what a hypocrite! You trust in a MAN too, you dummy. Jesus, Paul, John, Mark, all MEN. Constantine and all Roman pagan scribes who invented Christianity were all MEN. You're an idol worshiper, a pagan idol worshiper who believe in a HUMAN SACRIFICE which is ABOMINATION BEFORE GOD. Stop embarrassing yourself.

    • @bneihaneviim
      @bneihaneviim 2 года назад +3

      @Abraham Mani Deuteronomy 13: 1-6: "Be careful to observe only that which I enjoin upon you: neither add to it nor take away from it. If there appears among you a prophet or a dream-diviner, who gives you a sign or a portent, saying, “Let us follow and worship another god”-whom you have not experienced* -even if the sign or portent named to you comes true, do not heed the words of that prophet or that dream-diviner. For your God is testing you to see whether you really love your God with all your heart and soul. It is your God alone whom you should follow, whom you should revere, whose commandments you should observe, whose orders you should heed, whom you should worship, and to whom you should hold fast. As for that prophet or dream-diviner, such a one shall be put to death for having urged disloyalty to your God -who freed you from the land of Egypt and who redeemed you from the house of bondage-to make you stray from the path that your God commanded you to follow. Thus you will sweep out evil from your midst."
      Go fly a kite OR jump in the lake with JC Penney. Your choice.

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +61

    Believing in deceased messiah, isn't one of the 613 commandments. "This entire matter that I am commanding you, it is that that you shall observe to perform, do not add onto it and do not subtract from it" Deuteronomy 13:1.

    • @Solom0n2
      @Solom0n2 2 года назад

      Judaism and Christianity are both fairytales

    • @eliasm5375
      @eliasm5375 2 года назад +17

      @@sunnydayz8747 that is why jesus cant be a king lol,
      We know on Ezequiel tells us that when the David (son of David) will come all the tribes will fullfil the law so so sorry for your jesus that he is not the king you thought he was

    • @jewishmgtowinthejungle1259
      @jewishmgtowinthejungle1259 2 года назад +18

      @@sunnydayz8747 some of the 613 are only for men and some are only for women. How could Jesus have fulfilled all? This makes no sense. There is 1 commandment which requires you to return a lost object when found. Jesus never did this.
      The law is not a curse. You are not forced to become a Jew. Read Genesis 9 and learn about your obligations as a Christian.
      No one needs faith in the Messiah. This is an optional belief. Sin is atoned through Repentance. That's all. Anything else is extra.

    • @eliasm5375
      @eliasm5375 2 года назад +11

      @@sunnydayz8747 we already know all the missionary arguments that they use and they believe or think that jesus fullfilled..
      Zecariah 10 in context is talking about the false prophets

    • @eliasm5375
      @eliasm5375 2 года назад

      @@chrismassey7563 i am rejecting a false messiah like jesus,i will accept the one who will fulfill all the messianic prophesies..
      For xtians the fundation of their believe is the Nt but if this book (NT) isnt reliable your fundation will collapse SOONER OR LATER..
      Many rabbis from tenak talk show had addressed many times all these missionary arguments about jesus.
      We already know all the passages in the bible xtians use to decieve the Jews in general. We the noahides wont fall for all these xtians arguments either. We now know the truth

  • @glenanleitner2606
    @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +11

    Bring the truth rabbi tovia
    Wake up Christians!!!!

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад

      @Ruth contradicting scriptures huh
      Ezekiel 37 the messiah will bring the 12 tribes into one stick one nation
      Zacharia 8:23 the gentiles will grab the shirt of a jew say take me with you we know G-D is with you
      From ten languages
      Your pagan Jesus didn't do this
      Blinded doesn't mean forever
      Learn to read all scriptures in context
      You have been taught wrong
      They were blinded by not observing the laws
      Jeremiah 16:19 the gentile will say we inherited lies vanity and things where there is no profit
      Now stop contradicting scripture
      Come to truth
      Your relationship with G-D depends on truth
      Read study learn
      May hashem bring Torah knowledge to all nations

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад

      @@THEACANDAS still contradicting scriptures again
      This is exactly why you are lost
      Zacharia 11 is about before the true messiah comes
      As first century when the priests were cut off from their people
      The lost tribes been cut off from their people
      But Zacharia 12 tells the nations come up against Jerusalem
      G-D will open his eyes with the house of Judah
      Stop calling G-D a liar
      Learn to read in context
      Don't contradict scripture
      Read study learn
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад

      @@THEACANDAS you still haven't answered any of my questions
      Waiting for one month now
      Slow down so i can catch up with you
      Read study learn to cure your cognitive dissonance
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

      @THEACANDAS 2 года назад

      @@glenanleitner2606 *FORREST* should we revisit who asked who first? Don’t lie *FORREST* Remember how does anyone *BUT* God fits Isaiah 52:13. Come on , when will you stop 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🤣🤣

  • @francismotherway1490
    @francismotherway1490 2 года назад +18

    Christianity has ALWAYS been a source of unhappiness for both myself and my family - Judaism brought peace and an a closer bond with G-D . Thank you for being there - watch out for backlash - and Bless You.

  • @hammernail8232
    @hammernail8232 2 года назад +16

    im not jewish but i am muslim and i love jews not alll of them only the ones that are like tovia singer who have amazing personality also my Christian brothers and sisters this man is not a liar he speaks the truth you can tell he is a man of understanding and he only speaks the truth.

    • @patricearam4623
      @patricearam4623 2 года назад

      A true muslim can not take jews and christians for friends
      Are you a munafik !!

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад +3

      @Abraham Mani unscriptural and catholic church propaganda.

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani there is no devil in torah judaism. Its church invention to scare weak believers. Please read tge hebrew bible in context and original language or else you will fall into such contradictions.

  • @cookiemonster3147
    @cookiemonster3147 2 года назад +6

    Thank you rabbi.
    People often accuse others of the things they do themselves.
    May Truth be known to all, like Glory of the Lord fills the entire world!

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +16

    "They shall be ashamed and terrified forever; let them be disgraced and perish. And they shall know that You, Your Name is YHVH, *ALONE* , Most High over all the earth" Psalm 83:18,19.

    • @Prideace93
      @Prideace93 2 года назад +1

      which version you used caused I looked and find no word YHVH
      this is my version :
      Psalm 83:18 - Revised Standard Version (RSV)
      Let them know that thou alone, whose name is the Lord, art the Most High over all the earth.

    • @Yehonatan613
      @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +6

      @@Prideace93 i dont use a version, hebrew is my 1st language, i translate it directly into English for everyone from the original hebrew. "YHVH" is the letter equal to God's Divine Name all over Tanach.

    • @Prideace93
      @Prideace93 2 года назад

      @@Yehonatan613 well you can't really add word if it's not there even if u are hebrew speaker. Anyway been meaning to ask you what is the name of God in Bible cause apparently there Yhwh, Elohi, Adonai. Kinda really want to know

    • @Yehonatan613
      @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +4

      @@Prideace93 im not adding anything, that is the exact hebrew, that is the hebew name for God, look at the hebrew

    • @Yehonatan613
      @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +4

      @@chrismassey7563In Hebrews 10:5 it supposedly quotes the verse from Psalm 40:7 "Therefore, when christ came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me.." *Definitely sounds christological, lets read the actual verse* , ---->Psalm 40:7 "You desired neither sacrifice nor meal offering; ears You carved out for me; a burnt offering or a sin offering You did not request." *WOAH* That is some serious deception/bible tampering, I wonder why who ever wrote Hebrews felt the need to LIE about Gods actual word? *HOW IS CHANGING GOD'S TRUE WORD EVER JUSTIFIED?*
      "Do not add onto His word, lest He indict you and you be found a liar" Proverbs 30:6.
      "With regard to everything that I have told you, be watchful to keep, and the name of any foreign god, do not even utter, it shouldn't be heard on your lips" Exodus 23:13.
      "And the Rules and the Laws and the Torah and the Commandments which He wrote for you, you must be watchful to observe for the rest of all days/time, and DO NOT fear any other god" 2Kings 17:37.

  • @ThereIsNoneButHim
    @ThereIsNoneButHim 2 года назад +20

    Thank you as always Rabbi

    • @ThereIsNoneButHim
      @ThereIsNoneButHim 2 года назад +4

      @@termination9353 lol, according to you? with all due respect you are not a Torah scholar, take a seat brother, bad analogy by the way.

    • @ThereIsNoneButHim
      @ThereIsNoneButHim 2 года назад +6

      @Abraham Mani your more confused than I thought, lol

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      @@termination9353: Uhhhhh, NO YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE MOST CERTAINLY *NOT" a "Torah scholar" - not even CLOSE!!!
      Maybe you didn't bother to read any of my previous Replies where I stated that the "New Testament/Brit Chadasha", where you're getting your false, pagan information from, is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
      In fact, the "Yeshua/Jesus" character never said ONE word that is attributed to him in the false, pagan Brit Chadasha/NT, since he was already DEAD for at least 20 YEARS (some say a LOT longer!) by the time it was written! Yet they quote him word-for-word - impossible! Just try to remember what YOU said yesterday, word-for-word - again, impossible!
      PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis stand in for the "Priests" and "Judges", since they have been studying the original Hebrew, all the way back to Mt. Sinai -- something "Christianity'Messianic' Christianity" REFUSED to do, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us there, which resulted in the false, pagan, blasphemous, hate-filled religion of "Christianity/'Messianic Christianity'" that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. .

    • @ThereIsNoneButHim
      @ThereIsNoneButHim 2 года назад +2

      @Abraham Mani it doesn't change anything, your still confused

    • @ThereIsNoneButHim
      @ThereIsNoneButHim 2 года назад +2

      @@termination9353 fake news no you weren't.

  • @shahc.8193
    @shahc.8193 2 года назад +18

    I'm Muslim but i recently seen your clips in response to trinity, etc, and many debates in some Islamic channels. Got to say, you're highly honored and you're also extremely knowledgeable in these issues. Hence why I started watching your videos more and subscribe.

      @THEACANDAS 2 года назад +1

      You should watch Christian Prince so you could be really impressed 😂😂

    • @BOSS790MN
      @BOSS790MN 2 года назад

      @@THEACANDAS You are right, he should and be impressed with CP's stupidity. Christian prince? Really? 🤣🤣🤣Don't waste your and our time with that basement self proclaimed scholar. Thank you for the joke though. Christian prince 🤣🤣🤣 Watch Tovia Singer and enjoy the show.

      @THEACANDAS 2 года назад

      @@MuhammadRidhuanJ-zu4nw 😂Let’s talk about logic😁 Could you find me another religion besides Islam where the stories of the main character are *NOT* found in the religious book but *INVENTED* 300 years later by someone living 3000 miles away 😆 It’s like saying *NONE* of the stories of Jesus are found in NT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @mohamedimohamedi8933
      @mohamedimohamedi8933 2 года назад +1

      @Abraham Mani whose God wife?and how many sons your God had ? Israel also is the first son of god

    • @Lagolop
      @Lagolop 2 года назад

      @@MuhammadRidhuanJ-zu4nw Another m0ron.

  • @LoreneRaeWard
    @LoreneRaeWard 2 года назад +39

    Thank you for being here!! This is such a great teaching!! You are so needed,there is no doubt.

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani G_d warned us about Christianity thousands of years ago. Christianity is not the group that they claim to be, Christianity is a Wolf in sheep's clothing!

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад +1

      @Abraham Mani The chapter before:
      1You shall not sacrifice to the Lord, your God, an ox or a sheep that has in it a blemish or any bad thing, for that is an abomination to the Lord, your God. אלֹֽא־תִזְבַּח֩ לַֽיהֹוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ שׁ֣וֹר וָשֶׂ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִֽהְיֶ֥ה בוֹ֙ מ֔וּם כֹּ֖ל דָּבָ֣ר רָ֑ע כִּ֧י תֽוֹעֲבַ֛ת יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ הֽוּא:2If there will be found among you, within one of your cities which the Lord, your God is giving you, a man or woman who does evil in the eyes of the Lord, your God, to transgress His covenant, בכִּֽי־יִמָּצֵ֤א בְקִרְבְּךָ֙ בְּאַחַ֣ד שְׁעָרֶ֔יךָ אֲשֶׁר־יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֣ן לָ֑ךְ אִ֣ישׁ אֽוֹ־אִשָּׁ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַֽעֲשֶׂ֧ה אֶת־הָרַ֛ע בְּעֵינֵ֥י יְהֹוָֽה־אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ לַֽעֲבֹ֥ר בְּרִיתֽוֹ:3and who will go and worship other gods and prostrate himself before them, or to the sun, the moon, or any of the host of the heavens, which I have not commanded; גוַיֵּ֗לֶךְ וַיַּֽעֲבֹד֙ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים וַיִּשְׁתַּ֖חוּ לָהֶ֑ם וְלַשֶּׁ֣מֶשׁ⁠ | א֣וֹ לַיָּרֵ֗חַ א֛וֹ לְכָל־צְבָ֥א הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־צִוִּֽיתִי:4and it will be told to you, and you will hear it, and investigate thoroughly, and behold, the matter coincides; this abomination has been perpetrated in Israel. דוְהֻגַּד־לְךָ֖ וְשָׁמָ֑עְתָּ וְדָֽרַשְׁתָּ֣ הֵיטֵ֔ב וְהִנֵּ֤ה אֱמֶת֙ נָכ֣וֹן הַדָּבָ֔ר נֶֽעֶשְׂתָ֛ה הַתּֽוֹעֵבָ֥ה הַזֹּ֖את בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל:5Then you shall bring out that man or that woman who has committed this evil thing, to your cities, the man or the woman, and you shall pelt them with stones, and they shall die. הוְהֽוֹצֵאתָ֣ אֶת־הָאִ֣ישׁ הַה֡וּא אוֹ֩ אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁ֨ה הַהִ֜וא אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָ֠שׂ֠וּ אֶת־הַדָּבָ֨ר הָרַ֤ע הַזֶּה֙ אֶל־שְׁעָרֶ֔יךָ אֶת־הָאִ֕ישׁ א֖וֹ אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁ֑ה וּסְקַלְתָּ֥ם בָּֽאֲבָנִ֖ים וָמֵֽתוּ:

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад +2

      The One True Creator G_d gave specific details to the Hebrew prophets about when The Real Messiach comes, and No One, Especially your so called Jesus has fulfilled any of them.
      1. When the real Messiach comes he will be a normal man from the line of David through Solomon, and will sit on the throne of Dovid and rule from there. Obviously that hasn't happened yet.
      2. When the real Messiach comes it will be at the End of Days. Obviously back then was not the End of Days!
      3. When the real Messiach comes, the Temple will be rebuilt never to be destroyed again. The opposite happened back then.
      4. When the real Messiach comes Everyone around the world, including atheist, will know that he is the Messiach. We Know that your so called Jesus is Not The Messiach!
      4. When the real Messiach comes death will cease to exist. Obviously that hasn't happened yet either because so many people are still getting sick and dying.
      5. When the real Messiach comes there will be World Peace and weapons of war will be remade into farming implements. We're still waiting for that one!
      6. When the real Messiach comes, all around the world, 10 people from every language will grab the sleeves of Jews and say "Now we know that we have inherited only lies and G_d has been with you Jews all along. Please take us with you! 🙏 "
      We're still waiting for that one too!

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад +1

      @Abraham Mani The One True Creator G_d specifically said in no uncertain terms that There is Only One G_d (No Trinity!), and besides G_d there is No Other Savior (including your so called "Jesus "!)
      Yeshayahu 43:
      1And now, so said the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob, and the One Who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, and I called by your name, you are Mine. אוְעַתָּ֞ה כֹּֽה־אָמַ֚ר יְהֹוָה֙ בֹּרַֽאֲךָ֣ יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וְיֹֽצֶרְךָ֖ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל אַל־תִּירָא֙ כִּ֣י גְאַלְתִּ֔יךָ קָרָ֥אתִי בְשִׁמְךָ֖ לִי־אָֽתָּה:2When you pass through water, I am with you, and in rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you go amidst fire, you shall not be burnt, neither shall a flame burn amongst you. בכִּי־תַֽעֲבֹ֚ר בַּמַּ֙יִם֙ אִתְּךָ־אָ֔נִי וּבַנְּהָר֖וֹת לֹ֣א יִשְׁטְפ֑וּךָ כִּֽי־תֵלֵ֚ךְ בְּמוֹ־אֵשׁ֙ לֹ֣א תִכָּוֶ֔ה וְלֶֽהָבָ֖ה לֹ֥א תִבְעַר־בָּֽךְ:3For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I have given Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. גכִּ֗י אֲנִי֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ קְד֥וֹשׁ יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל מֽוֹשִׁיעֶ֑ךָ נָתַ֚תִּי כָפְרְךָ֙ מִצְרַ֔יִם כּ֥וּשׁ וּסְבָ֖א תַּחְתֶּֽיךָ:4Since you are dear in My eyes, you were honored and I loved you, and I give men in your stead and nations instead of your life. דמֵֽאֲשֶׁ֨ר יָקַ֧רְתָּ בְעֵינַ֛י נִכְבַּ֖דְתָּ וַֽאֲנִ֣י אֲהַבְתִּ֑יךָ וְאֶתֵּ֚ן אָדָם֙ תַּחְתֶּ֔יךָ וּלְאֻמִּ֖ים תַּ֥חַת נַפְשֶֽׁךָ:5Fear not for I am with you; from the east I will bring your seed, and from the west I will gather you. האַל־תִּירָ֖א כִּֽי־אִתְּךָ־אָ֑נִי מִמִּזְרָח֙ אָבִ֣יא זַרְעֶ֔ךָ וּמִֽמַּֽעֲרָ֖ב אֲקַבְּצֶֽךָּ:6I will say to the north, "Give," and to the south, "Do not refrain"; bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the end of the earth." ואֹמַ֚ר לַצָּפוֹן֙ תֵּ֔נִי וּלְתֵימָ֖ן אַל־תִּכְלָ֑אִי הָבִ֚יאִי בָנַי֙ מֵֽרָח֔וֹק וּבְנוֹתַ֖י מִקְצֵ֥ה הָאָֽרֶץ:7Everyone that is called by My name, and whom I created for My glory, I formed him, yea I made him. זכֹּל הַנִּקְרָ֣א בִשְׁמִ֔י וְלִכְבוֹדִ֖י בְּרָאתִ֑יו יְצַרְתִּ֖יו אַף־עֲשִׂיתִֽיו:8To bring out a blind people, who have eyes, and deaf ones who have ears. חהוֹצִ֥יא עַם־עִוֵּ֖ר וְעֵינַ֣יִם יֵ֑שׁ וְחֵֽרְשִׁ֖ים וְאָזְנַ֥יִם לָֽמוֹ:9Were all the nations gathered together, and kingdoms assembled, who of them would tell this or let us know of the first events? Let them present their witnesses, and they shall be deemed just, and let them hear and say, "True." טכָּֽל־הַגּוֹיִ֞ם נִקְבְּצ֣וּ יַחְדָּ֗ו וְיֵאָֽסְפוּ֙ לְאֻמִּ֔ים מִ֚י בָהֶם֙ יַגִּ֣יד זֹ֔את וְרִֽאשֹׁנ֖וֹת יַשְׁמִיעֻ֑נוּ יִתְּנ֚וּ עֵֽדֵיהֶם֙ וְיִצְדָּ֔קוּ וְיִשְׁמְע֖וּ וְיֹֽאמְר֥וּ אֱמֶֽת:10"You are My witnesses," says the Lord, "and My servant whom I chose," in order that you know and believe Me, and understand that I am He; before Me no god was formed and after Me none shall be. יאַתֶּ֚ם עֵדַי֙ נְאֻם־יְהֹוָ֔ה וְעַבְדִּ֖י אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּחָ֑רְתִּי לְמַ֣עַן תֵּ֠דְעוּ וְתַֽאֲמִ֨ינוּ לִ֚י וְתָבִ֙ינוּ֙ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֣י ה֔וּא לְפָנַי֙ לֹֽא־נ֣וֹצַר אֵ֔ל וְאַֽחֲרַ֖י לֹ֥א יִֽהְיֶֽה:11I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior. יאאָֽנֹכִ֥י אָֽנֹכִ֖י יְהֹוָ֑ה וְאֵ֥ין מִבַּלְעָדַ֖י מוֹשִֽׁיעַ:

    • @AZ-zo3wc
      @AZ-zo3wc 2 года назад +1

      @Iyas kelu as always, you speak complete Nonsense. Definition of Stupid: Knowing the truth, seeing evidence of the truth, but still believing the lie. Christianity is a lie. Study the tenach.

  • @annehelenetrippestadhasvik4361
    @annehelenetrippestadhasvik4361 2 года назад +23

    Thank you Rabbi! For opening up the scripture for us. may Hashem, keep blessing you and your words of truth!

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад

      @@johnmcook1 The Christian's bibles are just very badly mistranslated and corrupted versions of the Torah/Tanach, The Real Word of G_d, with a whole lot changed including names, a whole lot added, and a whole lot taken out. Everything that G_d said not to do, Christianity did!

  • @janishart5128
    @janishart5128 2 года назад +25

    First of all, and MOST importantly, we are FORBIDDEN by God from changing even ONE letter of the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai, so their blasphemous accusation just dissolves into nothingness!

    • @rickw3243
      @rickw3243 2 года назад +8

      @@umunhum3 Your examples involve human failings which is quite different than a conspiracy to change the text. Moreover, Rabbi Singer has adequately explained why that didn’t happen.

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад +7

      @@umunhum3: Changing the ETERNAL words of God is VASTLY different from mortal "sins"! First of all God would not ALLOW His ETERNAL words to be changed, otherwise He would and could not have told us that they are ETERNAL! The words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai are EVERY bit as valid TODAY as they were the day they were given to us, because God PRESERVED the words He gave to us at Sinai! This, unfortunately, is where Islam goes wrong....although they aren't considered to be a pagan religion, as is Christianity (Jews are permitted to pray in a Mosque, but not in a Church), Muslims blasphemously and erroneously preach that the ETERNAL words given to us at Mt. Sinai have been "corrupted", which, as stated above, is impossible! Islam needs to REPENT of this blasphemous sin and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. .

    • @petermcdermot1081
      @petermcdermot1081 2 года назад +4

      @@umunhum3 , yes, but accusations require proof to substantiate them.

    • @u.y.3643
      @u.y.3643 2 года назад +8

      @@umunhum3 such a foolish and childish comment.!

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah 2 года назад

      Changes in the Torah were made by Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, Haggai and Baruch are as follows:
      (1) Genesis 18:22
      (2) Numbers 11:15
      (3 and 4) Numbers 12:12
      (5) I Samuel 3:13
      (6) II Samuel 16:12
      (7) I Kings 12:16
      (8) II Chronicles 10:16
      (9) Jeremiah 2:11
      (10) Ezekiel 8:17
      (11) Hosea 4:7
      (12) Habakkuk 1:11
      (13) Zechariah 2:12
      (14) Malachi 1:13
      (15) Psalms 106:20
      (16) Job 7:20
      (17) Job 32:3
      (18) Lamentations 3:19.

  • @isaaclosh8082
    @isaaclosh8082 2 года назад +6

    Rabbi Singer, Skobac and a few others are doing great work. More rabbis should be doing what they're doing. The world is waiting and so many people would be blessed.

    • @pardes7342
      @pardes7342 2 года назад

      I think (if I am not mistaken), there are halachic reasons why other rabbis abstain from being involved in the goyim world. They WILL NOT debate a heretic= Jew who became Xtian; but they can debate a Xtian/goy. Other rabbis are more to helping Jews come back to Judaism and won't waste time outside KLAL Israel.....etc.

  • @bb1111116
    @bb1111116 2 года назад +11

    As discussed by Rabbi Singer, the Dead Sea Scrolls have Hebrew Bible texts which were written before Christianity existed.
    - There is a Wikipedia article on the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, (the old font which Rabbi Singer mentioned). From the Wikipedia article on the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet;
    “It is considered to be the script used to record the original texts of the Hebrew Bible…
    “There is also some continued use of the old Hebrew script in Jewish religious contexts down to the 1st century BCE, notably in the Paleo-Leviticus text found in the Dead Sea scrolls”
    * Rabbi Singer also mentioned the Ketef Hinnom scrolls.
    - As explained in Wikipedia, the Ketef Hinnom scroll text contains portions of the Book of Numbers (from the Hebrew Bible). These scrolls are dated to around 600 BCE, during the first Temple period and 600 years before Christianity existed. The Ketef Hinnom scrolls were also written in Paleo-Hebrew characters.
    * The Paleo-Hebrew / Old Hebrew alphabet was known in the Ketef Hinnom scrolls.
    - The Paleo-Hebrew / Old Hebrew alphabet was known in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
    - The Talmud was aware of this Paleo-Hebrew / Old Hebrew alphabet describing it as the "Libona'a script".
    * Scholars can read the Paleo-Hebrew / Old Hebrew alphabet.
    - The original language of the Hebrew Bible was not lost.

    • @bb1111116
      @bb1111116 2 года назад +7

      ​@@termination9353 ; sorry but I have already spent a lot of time arguing with you on several topics including; that there were 10 commandments in the Ten Commandments, that Jesus was never anointed by the Jerusalem priesthood to be a king and that the DaVinci Code is fiction.
      - So considering that, I am not going to spend much time on your skill as a translator compared with experts in the Hebrew language both Jewish and Christians.
      * According to Strongs Hebrew, a Christian source;
      - Mezuzah; means the doorpost. doorposts. side posts
      - Taninim or tan·nî·nim; means of serpents, of dragons, of the sea monsters
      - Tzittzit or tsitsith; means a tassel, them fringes
      - Devarim or də·ḇā·rîm; means words (Deuteronomy 1:1)
      ** ​ @Termi Nation; one of the huge problems with your posts to me is that when you point the finger at rabbis and say they are wrong, very often informed Christians agree with the rabbis.

    • @canonjean-mignon4985
      @canonjean-mignon4985 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 why would a rabbi be interested in translating the tanakh? During the 30's, the adhan was recited in turkish, but muslims living in Turkey revoked that practice, because arabic was considered the holy language and they felt being discriminated in their religious freedom. Christianity is based on a greek translation, but after latin became the liturgical language around the year 400, in the west, translators such as Tindale still faced execution a thousand years later in England. You could have also said, the original hebrew bible was written by the persian empires. It would've been a similar statement.

    • @canonjean-mignon4985
      @canonjean-mignon4985 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 I cannot judge which translation is historically accurate, but I would apply common sense and respect the fact, that ancient languages were not as complex as our modern languages. They had less words with multiple meanings that appear very different to our understanding of vocabularies today. Especially for holy texts that furthermore include numerology from time to time, this can become quite a search to find a fitting translation. For example, sacer is the latin equivalent for haram in arabic. It is a legal term in homo sacer, which we wouldn't use today, because it's not a specific word. It means holy and forbidden at the same time. Today, we would say these words contradict each other, but for the ancient people the meaning was clear: a homo sacer could not be sacrificed, since he was still considered sacred according to his personal religion, but he was outlawed at the same time, rendering no legal consequences for executing him although it was forbidden to kill another person. Etymology is like a tree with many branches and a doorway and doorpost is just way to close to another to make a fuss about it. A hound, a hand, a punch, a pinch, a grab, a catch, a necktie, a hunt, the number five or a claw share the same etymological root, but mean totally different things now. Don't get hang up on dictionaries, they change frequently over time.

    • @canonjean-mignon4985
      @canonjean-mignon4985 2 года назад +3

      @@termination9353 a lack of belief isn't non-belief. An atheist does not believe there is no god, he doesn't believe at all. You don't have to believe what You don't know. Judaism and Islam make sense as monotheistic religions, christianity may be beautiful, but it's not monotheism. I don't judge or agree. I look at all religious history rationally.

    • @bb1111116
      @bb1111116 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 as I wrote to you before.
      ** @Termi Nation; one of the huge problems with your posts to me is that when you point the finger at rabbis and say they are wrong, very often informed Christians agree with the rabbis.
      * According to Strongs Hebrew/Englishman's Concordance, a Christian source, on the Biblehub site;
      - mezuzah is found 19 times in the Hebrew scriptures.
      - Christian Bible translations of mezuzah include;
      door posts, side posts, the doorpost, or unto the door post; them on the doorposts, them upon the posts, the doorposts, posts, by the doorpost, by a post, at my doorposts, and so on.
      - Specifically about Exodus 12:23;
      KJV (King James Version):
      "and on the two side posts, the LORD"
      - And mezuzah is found in these other passages using the translations I mentioned or similar meanings;
      Exodus 12:7
      Exodus 12:22
      Exodus 21:6
      Deuteronomy 6:9
      Deuteronomy 11:20
      Judges 16:3
      1 Samuel 1:9
      1 Kings 6:31
      1 Kings 6:33
      1 Kings 7:5
      Proverbs 8:34
      Isaiah 57:8
      Ezekiel 41:21
      Ezekiel 43:8
      Ezekiel 43:8
      Ezekiel 45:19
      Ezekiel 45:19
      Ezekiel 46:2
      ** So, 19 times Christian Bible translations disagree with you.

  • @annamaria3038
    @annamaria3038 2 года назад +9

    Exquisite dear Rabbi Singer

  • @davidd.c.9545
    @davidd.c.9545 2 года назад +19

    Thank you so much dear rabbi!!

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani: Maybe you didn't bother to read any of my previous Replies where I stated that the "New Testament/Brit Chadasha", where you're getting your false, pagan information from, is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God.
      In fact, the "Yeshua/Jesus" character never said ONE word that is attributed to him in the false, pagan Brit Chadasha/NT, since he was already DEAD for at least 20 YEARS (some say a LOT longer!) by the time it was written! Yet they quote him word-for-word - impossible! Just try to remember what YOU said yesterday, word-for-word - again, impossible!
      PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis stand in for the "Priests" and "Judges", since they have been studying the original Hebrew, all the way back to Mt. Sinai -- something "Christianity'Messianic' Christianity" REFUSED to do, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us there, which resulted in the false, pagan, blasphemous, hate-filled religion of "Christianity/'Messianic Christianity'" that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani we would never believe in anything you say Mani. Christians are clueless and your threats are empty. You do not know our torah half as well as us and your New Testament We know to be nonsense. There is no threat that you can make to us. Nothing you can scare us with. No way to convince us of anything. You are the last people we would ever listen to. We are smarter than you.we do not recognise you at all and never will.

  • @etzelkaplan9677
    @etzelkaplan9677 2 года назад +14

    the clergy wrote that those who do not accept Jesus as lord and savior commit heresy. when it fact it was they who committed heresy at nicea 325ad by voting for trinity trigod

    • @etzelkaplan9677
      @etzelkaplan9677 2 года назад

      @@chrismassey7563 nope. judaism considers trinity voted on at nicea 325ad to be roman paganism throw in sun day worship. the day Rome worshipped the sun god. and cannibalism 'eat flesh drink blood of Jesus ' and they're right it is

    • @etzelkaplan9677
      @etzelkaplan9677 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani yes muslims believe Jesus to turn at end times

    • @Lagolop
      @Lagolop 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 You need to see a shrink and get some medication for your paranoia.

    • @arianevanhohenstein267
      @arianevanhohenstein267 2 года назад

      @@chrismassey7563 ?

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад

      @@chrismassey7563 where does the jewish bible say God of jews is not one but three and that these are all equal to one?

  • @MitzvosGolem1
    @MitzvosGolem1 2 года назад +10

    church admitted adding 1 John 5:7-8 trinity and 7:53,8:10 and Mark 16:9-20 not in original early koine greek ..

    • @tony362
      @tony362 2 года назад

      HERESY. it's in original. Greek
      Your so gullable you believe what's idiots tell you
      Isiah. 43-10-11. I. AM. HE
      before me no God formed nor after me
      .....***. I. even. I. ** am the. Lord

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад

      @@Christianos_Theophile Wow, someone who actually thinks King James is authentic. Crazy.

    • @MitzvosGolem1
      @MitzvosGolem1 2 года назад +1

      @@Christianos_Theophile Where is 1 John 5:7-8 in koine greek papyrus p75 from 125ce?
      None of what I posted are in earliest NT.
      No Greek would use or rely on a KJV bible ..
      Hmmm 🤔

    • @Lagolop
      @Lagolop 2 года назад

      @Ruth No it doesn't ...LOL.

    • @Lagolop
      @Lagolop 2 года назад

      @Ruth Fugue off ruth. Believe what you want; I could care less. Stop trying to foist your tripe on me, or expect nothing but disrespect in return.

  • @tomislavnagy8715
    @tomislavnagy8715 2 года назад +11

    Toda Rabbi! Shalom!

    • @tomislavnagy8715
      @tomislavnagy8715 2 года назад +1

      @Abraham Mani Shalom Dear Friend! You may Decive others, but you can't Decive me! Jesus/Yeshua is not HaMashiach and he is not the Son of G-d! You don't need to belive me! Learn Ivrit/Hebrew Language and take Tanach in your Hands so that you can read it for yourself!
      שמע ישראל יהוה אלהנו יהוה אחד.
      Please, give up the Idolatry of Jesus and come back to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
      Shalom ve Toda!

  • @fufubass
    @fufubass Год назад +1

    The Hebrew Bible is NOT Corrupt! ❤Rabbi Singer ❤we love you! One thing we can all agree on: Jesus is *the* most popular Jewish rabbi in the history of the world!!!

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +18

    *God forewarned us about christianity here:* "Behold I am putting before you a blessing and a curse. The blessing is if you listen to the commandments of Hashem your God that I am commanding you today. And the curse is if you will not listen to the commandments of Hashem your God and if you stray from the path that I am commanding you today *to go and worship foreign gods which you have not known of"* Deuteronomy 11:26-28.

    • @samworthy1257
      @samworthy1257 2 года назад +9

      @DARK KATACLYSM jesus is no christ and not G-d. That is straight out idolatry and idolatry in it's worst form

    • @samworthy1257
      @samworthy1257 2 года назад +8

      @DARK KATACLYSM it isn't even translated as I am. He is NOT G-d and no christ. Again we know that for sure. That is why we are staying jewish.

    • @samworthy1257
      @samworthy1257 2 года назад

      @DARK KATACLYSM more chrustian nonsense from you. You are so clueless

    • @ddus4155
      @ddus4155 2 года назад

      @DARK KATACLYSM wrong jesus was not God. Have you ever heard of a god that dies??

    • @ddus4155
      @ddus4155 2 года назад +7

      @DARK KATACLYSM there's lots of proof that jesus is not G-d but you don't speak Hebrew so the church can fool you.

  • @glenanleitner2606
    @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +10

    Bring the true mashiach quickly

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 things he does when he is here
      Bring in all the tribes of Israel as one nation
      Ezekiel chapter 37
      Bring peace to the world
      Isaiah chapter 2
      Micah chapter 4
      Which means no more war
      Build the final temple
      Ezekiel chapter 40-48
      If you read study and learn
      I wouldn't have to tell you
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +2

      @@termination9353 cognitive dissonance

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 sorry but you have been taught wrong
      Scriptures tell us before mashiach comes will be the devastation
      That is how mashiach will be revealed when he redeems Israel from their enemies
      Things the world will see and witness this will bring a knowledge of one G-D one truth
      Not a belief
      This is everywhere in scripture
      Read study learn
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +2

      @@termination9353 the war of gog and magog
      Now where does it say the messiah will be rejected
      It only teaches about the Jewish people being rejected
      Which we have seen for 33 hundred years
      Read study learn
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

    • @glenanleitner2606
      @glenanleitner2606 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 misinterpreting misconstruing and complete ignorance is why you are lost
      Explicit chapters regarding the mashiach
      Show me how your pagan Jesus is in these chapters
      Isaiah 2&11
      Ezekiel 37
      Jeremiah 31&32
      Micah 4
      Zacharia chapter 9
      And let's read the whole chapter in context
      Read study learn
      May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +27

    "When there will be among you a person who claims to be a prophet or a dreamer and they give you a sign or a supernatural miracle, and the sign or miracle in which they spoke happens and they say to you "lets go after foreign worships in which you *have not known of* and worship", do not listen to them, *for Hashem your God is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul,* after Hashem your God shall you go, it is Him that you shall fear, *it is His commandments that you shall keep,* His voice shall you listen to, *Him shall you worship,* and to Him shall you cling, *and that person shall be killed,* because they spoke falsehood against Hashem your God *TO MAKE YOU STRAY FROM THE PATH THAT Hashem your God commanded you to go in* and you shall remove that evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13.
    "When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from Hashem your God* " Deuteronomy 13.
    "The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, not them, not you, nor your forefathers* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5.
    "...worships they didn't know, *newly invented worships that your forefathers did not fear* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      @@termination9353: EXACTLY! In fact, the "Jesus" character never said ONE word that is attributed to him in the false, pagan NT, since he was already DEAD for at least 20 YEARS (some say a LOT longer!) by the time it was written! Yet they quote him word-for-word - impossible! Just try to remember what YOU said yesterday, word-for-word - again, impossible!
      PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis stand in for the "Priests" and "Judges", since they have been studying the original Hebrew, all the way back to Mt. Sinai -- something "Christianity" REFUSED to do, leaving them in profound darkness as to what God actually said to us there, which resulted in the false, pagan, blasphemous, hate-filled religion of "Christianity" that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai.

    • @thetwosonsofadamabel1206
      @thetwosonsofadamabel1206 2 года назад +4

      Deuteronomy 18> I will *Raise up* for them a prophet like you from among their brothersI I will put my words in his mouth and he will tell them everything I command him If anyone does not *LISTEN* to the words that prophet speaks in my name I myself will call him to *account*

    • @cruzloera4931
      @cruzloera4931 2 года назад


    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 The Christian's bibles are just very badly mistranslated and corrupted versions of the Torah/Tanach (The Real Word of G_d) with a whole lot changed including names, a whole lot added, and a whole lot taken out. Everything that G_d said not to do, Christianity did! You have been deceived from all directions dear. No Hebrew/Jew was ever named Jesus nor John nor especially James. There is no letter J in the Hebrew alephbet nor does any of the Hebrew letters even make a J sound. Christianity lies!

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 No you are not! There is no letter J in the Hebrew alephbet. Pay attention.

  • @judas8897
    @judas8897 2 года назад +3

    Christians will do and say anything to discredit Rabbi's to make their claim that Jesus is the son of God and messiah . Which is dumb on their parts . It's in their own new testament. Let's start right there. Just read it and pay attention to what you read. Read all four gospels for starters and pay attention to what tou read in all 4 gospels and count the contradictions. There's a whole lot more, but start there.

  • @savtamarlene
    @savtamarlene 2 года назад +5

    Reading many of your comments I give you this tidbit of FACT. There are TWO groups of Jewish people that were both separated from the rest of world Jewry for about 2500 years or longer…the Yemenite Jews and the Indian Jews. Another group, the Ethiopian Jews for about 2000 years. All three groups Safer Torah scrolls are almost identical to the rest of world Jewry except for a letter or two when they were finally reunited with the rest of world Jewry since Israel was reconstituted in 1948. The Yemenite and Indian Jews never knew about or celebrated the holidays of Purim, the story of Queen Esther and Mordechai in Persia or Chanukah, the story of Judah and the Maccabees fighting and finally overcoming the Greeks/Syrians. The Ethiopians never knew about the Chanukah story but did knew about Purim.
    So how does this FACT weigh in your specious claim that the rabbis changed our Hebrew Scriptures in order to falsify your dead man on a stick…your jcpenny? Cat got your tongue? HaShem Has Many Ways to Prove that your idolatry is false.
    The moslems want to hide and trash our antiquities in the ground so that they can continue claiming that we are not indigenous to our Eretz Yisrael…but there’s so much more than what they tried destroying under our Har HaBayit/Temple Mount. More treasures continue to be unearthed despite all of their efforts…they are all over the place!
    What we Jews say is all TRUTH/EMET…and any day now you will all be eating your words. Our scriptures tell us that when this comes to be. ..all of you gentiles will grab onto a Jew’s Tzitzit/four cornered garment and BEG the Jew to teach them the truth because they know G-D. It’S just a matter of time, folks! Suck it Up. You can holler and scream and throw a tantrum…but the Creator Knows ALL!

      @THEACANDAS 2 года назад

      you forgot to Mention that Ethiopians don’t believe in the “Oral Law”

    • @savtamarlene
      @savtamarlene 2 года назад

      @@THEACANDAS YES they do! You xians just love to make things up as you go!
      Do you know that when the Ethiopians first came to Eretz Yisrael, they expected to see the Beit HaMikdash standing…no one ever told them that the Temple was destroyed 2000 years ago. They rent their clothes as if in mourning and fell to the ground crying to the depths of their souls! BULLS**T they don’t believe in the Oral Law. You love to LIE!!!

  • @benyaakov6453
    @benyaakov6453 2 года назад +7

    I admit it I am a Christ Killer the son of Christ Killers & should he come back again I have my hammer,nails & 2x4s ready!!! Seriously speaking the whole NT is as factual as a Superman comic!!!!

    • @samworthy1257
      @samworthy1257 2 года назад +5

      Hahaha I will hold him down for you while you get your nails

    • @mdaslam6337
      @mdaslam6337 2 года назад +5

      It's Paul who should be nailed, he created all these anomalies and nonsense.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад +1

      Good for you, brother!

    • @Cking64
      @Cking64 2 года назад +2

      Hearts made of stone , will some day break. When you stand before Jesus. He is LORD , KING of kings. Almighty GOD. it will be too late to receive eternal life. Repent now and turn to Jesus and he will forgive you of all your sins.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад +2

      ​@@Cking64 God is not your man-idol and Gentiles are obligated to keep His 7 Noahide commandments.

  • @jesusloveisthegreatestpower
    @jesusloveisthegreatestpower 2 года назад +4

    I live amongst Jewish people, and they are awesome!

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +17

    "But take utmost care and watch yourselves scrupulously, so that you do not forget the things that you saw with your own eyes and so that they do not fade from your mind as long as you live. And make them known to your children and to your children’s children: The day you stood before Hashem your God at Horeb, when Hashem said to me, “Gather the people to Me that I may let them hear My words, in order that they may learn to revere Me as long as they live on earth, and may so teach their children.” And be oh so careful for your souls, for you saw no image when Hashem your God spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire, Lest you corrupt yourselves and make for yourself any sculptured image in any likeness whatever, whether male or have been shown all of this to know, that Hashem, He is God, *and there is none else besides for just Him"* Deuteronomy 4.

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад +1

      @Abraham Mani unscriptural. Jesus himself never read what you mentioned from the greek books.

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani i respect your beliefs and opinions. But please consider reading and studying the bible of Jesus which is thebtanakh innits context and original language as much as yiou can. Relying on the greek books that came ling after Jesus and were canonized by the roman church fathers wont help you understand the message of the hebrew God Yahweh.

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani i agree with you but your problem is with the hebrew scriptures. Nothing of what you and the church today is saying is supported by the tanakh. The rest is pure faith.

    • @raffidonerian7562
      @raffidonerian7562 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani i respect your beluefs. My point is scriptires not faith here. So you cannot support NT from OT. Thats the whole issue with todays church christianity that jesus never confirmed nor practiced as a jew.

  • @Yehonatan613
    @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +18

    "Because all of the nations go each person with the name of their god, but we shall go with the name of HaShem our God forever and eternity. " Micha 4:5.

    • @screamtoasigh9984
      @screamtoasigh9984 2 года назад +1

      שבת שלום 👋

    • @Yehonatan613
      @Yehonatan613 2 года назад +1

      @@screamtoasigh9984 😃😄 brought a smile to my face lol thank you. Shabbat shalom!!

  • @thepeacefulsavageshow777
    @thepeacefulsavageshow777 2 года назад +5

    The scrolls found in the Dead Seas caves were written before that time, and still the same as today.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад +7

      @Abraham Mani dude we are the ones who quote the G-d of Israel. Not you who made a new religion by misapropriating and desecrating oir book then making your own book full about us and hate for us. Then you think we would listen to you trying to quote empty threats to us. Misquoting our books, quoting your hate filled nonsense book as well. Youbare an absolute joke Mani. One we would never ever take serious and we are right not to

    • @kffhagar1650
      @kffhagar1650 2 года назад

      @@goldengun9970 Christians: Bible was never corrupted
      Also Christians: Jews corrupted our bible.

    • @thepeacefulsavageshow777
      @thepeacefulsavageshow777 2 года назад

      @@fritula6200 Reading comprehension really isn't your thing, eh? I didn't say the Dead Sea Scrolls were written first, but there something you're not understanding. Those Scrolls ARE Tanakh, or what you call in your ignorance, "The Old Testament".
      I said they were written before the alleged time of your christ. They match what we have in our Hebrew Scriptures to the letter. Not one letter has changed.
      This proves that we never altered the texts to edit your Jesus out. You Christians did all the altering to edit your Jesus in. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove it undeniably.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад +1

      @@fritula6200 tanach was written first. We have no book(s) called old testament. Tanach certainly talks aboit the messiah and jesus and christianity managed to do the literal opposite of everything the tanach says about the messiah

  • @CarolAnnD1
    @CarolAnnD1 2 года назад +4

    Courtesy of Gershom Menachem:
    Oftentimes in our discussions with non-Jews and Jews we find some people attacking the Hebrew Bible and claiming that it is the result of a ‘rabbinical conspiracy’.
    It behooves to show what the top expert in Hebrew Bible textual criticism, Emanuel Tov, has to say on general terms about the masoretic text, what we, Jews, call Tanach.
    •Origins of the masoretic text (MT)
    Professor Tov agreed with De Lagarde that “all of the medieval representatives of the MT attest to a single archetype in antiquity because all the copies reflect its distinctive scribal features.”
    He also has written that, “on basis of its orthography, the MT has been dated by different scholars to the period between 550 and 350 BCE”. That’s the case because “MT must have existed before the stage for which we have manuscript evidence, that is, before the MT like texts from Qumran (c.250 BCE).”
    • The strength of transmission and acceptance of the MT
    “From the 3 century BCE onwards, the period covered by the scrolls found at Qumran, the MT was the most frequently used text in ancient Israel. This is viable from scrolls from Qumran and the other sites in the Judean Desert as well as the much later rabbinic literature.
    At that time the precursors of the MT contained only consonants but vocalisation and cantillation signs were added toward the end of the first millennium, together with the details of the Masorah.
    The 6000 medieval manuscripts of the MT differed only slightly in all these details. It is a miracle, albeit man-made one, that the MT remained unchanged over the past 2000 years. The lack of textual intervention is visible when one compares the fragment found at Masada, Nahal Heber, and Nahal Mutabba’at with manuscripts from the Middle Ages.
    There are almost no differences in consonants between codex Leningradensis or the Aleppo codex from the early Middle Ages and the texts from Masada, Nahal Heber, and Nahal Murabba’at; the level of variation between them is not higher than that among the medieval texts themselves.”
    • Do the Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that the Tanach text was changed by the Masoretes against previous supposed versions like the LXX?
    No, at all. First of all, 60 % of the DSS are non-biblical text relates to the sectarian group of Qumran.
    Of that 40% left which is Tanach text:
    60% agrees with the consonantic text of the MT
    20% represents Qumran own scribal tradition
    10% represents unclassified non-aligned text
    5% represents a pre-Samaritan text.
    5 % represents a distinctive Hebrew vorlage for
    the LXX.
    As just shown, the amount of text that agrees with the LXX of the DSS is much lower than the amount of text of the DSS that agrees with the MT.
    Professor Emanuel Tov who is the top expert in DSS said about the DSS and their relevance towards the MT that “the proto-MT scrolls from the Judean Desert sites strongly support the ancient roots of the medieval Masoretic tradition and they, therefore, hold up the antiquity of that tradition.”
    • Did the Rabbis or ancient Jews regarded the LXX [Septuagint] or other sources and textual differences as competing textual traditions?
    Professor Tov answers:
    “The rabbis never considered the possibility that the LXX was based on a different Vorlage”
    “The targumim were often quoted in rabbinic literature, not as witnesses to possible differences between their text and MT, but for their exegesis. “
    “The rabbis describe the Samaritan Pentateuch as a falsification of the Jewish Torah (j. Sotah 7.3; b. Sotah 33b; b. Sanhedrin 90b) and its text was never quoted in rabbinic literature.”

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад +1

      @@curly_dock Mistakes happen.

    • @CarolAnnD1
      @CarolAnnD1 2 года назад +2

      @@termination9353 Are you a fluent biblical Hebrew speaker/translator? How are these “false”?
      For example, what word would YOU use to translate the word, “tzitzit”?
      In fact, do you have a better translation for ANY of the words or concepts mentioned? What are they?
      Why don’t you write to the publishers of Hebrew Bibles and tell these people how to translate the words you don’t like and tell them how they can do it better, TermiNation?
      You think that they might want to hear from a veritable Nazi or a White Christian Supremacist? They might be very interested, indeed.
      OR is it simply more important to you to cast STUPID aspersions on Jews from what your antisemitic leaders fill you with rubbish and hate.
      Also how about responding to Rabbi Singers many videos about the New Testament lies? Can you address any of those, TermiNation? Do you have ANY INTEREST in getting to the TRUTH?

    • @CarolAnnD1
      @CarolAnnD1 2 года назад +2

      @@termination9353 So I looked up the word, "fringe". The first definition the search engine gave me was from Merriam Webster, and it was the first of several definitions. It said this: ": an ornamental border consisting of short straight or twisted threads or strips hanging from cut or raveled edges or from a separate band".
      Well, that's a pretty good definition of what tzitzit are, but it doesn't entirely capture the nature of them, because I don't think there is a word in English that does.
      Then I looked up "tassel". Again, it was from the first definition from Merriam Webster. It defines it as thus: "a dangling ornament made by laying parallel a bunch of cords or threads of even length and fastening them at one end".
      Again not a bad translation of what tzitzit are kind of like, but also very inadequate. Tzizit have MANY knots in them, are complex, which would be closer to the "fringe" definition, but again, doesn't enccompass what the truly are. Neither does "tassels". The definition of fringe is significantly closer to what tzizit are than a tassel. So is using the translation "fringe" instead of "tassel" a "lie"? Sure doesn't look like it to me, though that may be your preference.
      I don't see where you provided the "correct" translations of the other words, or it is just not clearly written to understand. Would you please make a list of the "false" translations (labeled as such) and your definition of the true definitions. We'll go over them one by one.

    • @CarolAnnD1
      @CarolAnnD1 2 года назад +2

      @Abraham Mani Ezekiel says NOTHING about Jesus doing any of this. You are jumping the gun with a Christological trinitarian view that God is made up of three parts, so therefore Jesus is the same thing as Almighty God. Even within the Christian bible, it’s clear that Jesus is not equal to the Father. Rabbi Singer demonstrates this repeatedly. So Ezekiel CANNOT be talking about Jesus. But I understand and accept that you have chosen to believe otherwise.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад

      ​@@CarolAnnD1 Ironically, the masoretic text is not the original.

  • @KalkiAvatara0000
    @KalkiAvatara0000 2 года назад +2

    Before societies change, men's heart must change.

  • @aemiliadelroba4022
    @aemiliadelroba4022 2 года назад +7

    I have to say this :/
    Islam also claims that the Hebrew Scriptures are “ corrupt “ !, but provides no evidence and there are contradictions in Quran and Hadith …
    If the Torah was “ corrupted “ then why Muhammad honored it and respected it .!?

    • @etzelkaplan9677
      @etzelkaplan9677 2 года назад

      he didn't. he said to accept the 'torah of moses. and gospel of Jesus ' even Israeli daily haaretz said ' we do not have torah of moses today ' and of course gospel of Jesus has never been found

    • @nutzhazel
      @nutzhazel 2 года назад

      Because when Jesus was born, Torah was already corrupted and he corrected the Rabbis, but they rejected him. Al-Quran exposed the same thing by saying "writing the scriptures with their own hands". Yes, Prophet Muhammad pbuh didn't condemned the Jews, but rather spend a couple of days discussing the teachings from both scriptures as that was commanded by Allah ﷻ. The Jews who acknowledged the corruption then accepted Islam, and as there's oral tradition that came with the Torah from various Jewish tribes, some eventually accepted Islam too. But the matter between the Jews that still observed the Torah is between them and Allah ﷻ as they are the one that is called as People of the Book in the Al-Quran. But those who had embraced secularism or atheism are clearly not upon the faith anymore doesn't matter if they hangs on their race. This is why Muslim didn't judge religious and good Jews like Rabbi Tovia but only condemned the Zionist.

    • @Prideace93
      @Prideace93 2 года назад

      all i see from you is desperation friend

    • @mdaslam6337
      @mdaslam6337 2 года назад

      Compare the Torah from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the present one and you will find striking differences between them, the entire book of Isaiah is inconsistent with the present one

    • @mdaslam6337
      @mdaslam6337 2 года назад

      Plz provide your evidence of the "contradictions" in the Quran and the Shahih Hadiths.

  • @alexanderduff6018
    @alexanderduff6018 Год назад

    Rabbi Tovia: I’d like to ask a question from Deut 18:22, can you make a new video describing with examples of what prophecies Jesus has said that is not true and have not passed so that others can learn the truth too. Thank you, I love watching your videos, I’m on my way to converting, all because of my little knowledge of Hebrew and looking up what you have said to look up

  • @bennywolfe4357
    @bennywolfe4357 2 года назад +4

    I think the question was more about modern Hebrew vs ancient Hebrew, I can’t see too much of a difference, but Christians claim they’re completely different.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад +14

      Yes people who can't read it make such claims

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      @@goldengun9970: Exactly! They parrot what their "blind guides", who REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew, teach them, and never do any honest research for THEMSELVES (well obviously SOME of them do the research, which is why SO many of us have left the false, pagan religion of Christianity, and are now either Noahides or Orthodox Jews!).

    • @chava_halevi
      @chava_halevi 2 года назад +6

      There isn’t much of a difference. Modern Hebrew was recreated in the nineteenth century from ancient Hebrew. It’s basically the same language because the sacred texts were the source.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад +6

      @@termination9353 no rabbis have nit done so. I read rhe hebrew nit a translation. Can confirm they are nit falsely tra slating anything. Besides youbare the person who keeps wanting to rely on the Talmud. You keep using the Talmud to complain about how we treated jesus. Which one is it. Do you use the Talmud or do you nit hold by the Talmud. Becayse if you don't then obviously we won't hear that nonsense from you any more

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 2 года назад

      ​@@termination9353: If you don't own a book that says "TANACH" on the cover, you absolutely DO NOT have the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to us by God at Mt. Sinai! You appear to know ZERO about Hebrew, since you falsely, blasphemously, arrogantly, and self-righteously accuse Rabbi Singer of "mistranslating"!! You need to LEARN from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11, and leave your arrogance and self-righteous 'opinions' behind! .

  • @Andredelagarde
    @Andredelagarde Год назад

    I love Rabbi Tovia Singer for exposing the truth, I come from a Catholic family, I am tired of their hypocrisy. Christianity started as a sect of judaism, for decades after the temple was destroyed there was only oral traditions of Jesus, that people talked about, of course it was corrupted, and changed, everyone interpreted things their own way, why did Jesus first appears as human being tempted by demons, and prays to god? this doesn’t seem like a deity to me. Jesus was a spiritual teacher, a rabbi who had a different perspective of Judaism, but never founded a religion, he was born as a jew and die as jew, therefore Christianity doesn’t make sense, people made all the claims for him about him being the messiah . Only the Old testament is reliable as a spiritual book. To worship Jesus as a deity,goes against the old testament stands for, one that even Jesus believed was the word of god.

  • @milkamilosevic9626
    @milkamilosevic9626 2 года назад +4

    🌞❣️ toda leha hashem!!

  • @JeffreyKleinberg
    @JeffreyKleinberg 2 года назад +1


  • @widescreennavel
    @widescreennavel 2 года назад +4

    Just read that section, John 8, of the NT, and it is truly hilarious! In the end, after taunting the Jews to the point that they picked up stones to stone him, Jesus ran like Usain Bolt and hid from them lol
    Who buys this stuff?

    • @patricearam4623
      @patricearam4623 2 года назад

      Why the temple was destroyed and you spécial people went into bondage in Europe ???

    • @newnormal1841
      @newnormal1841 2 года назад +2

      Fraidy cats, fear mongers

    • @widescreennavel
      @widescreennavel 2 года назад

      @DY VAN ZYL All I said was, "that meal was good enough for Jehovah!"

  • @mohamedimohamedi8933
    @mohamedimohamedi8933 2 года назад +1

    Christianity is the business not religion

  • @bookmouse2719
    @bookmouse2719 2 года назад +5

    Thank you Rabbi for all that you do and share.

    • @possiblycurryddork
      @possiblycurryddork 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani Imagine thinking God impregnated an underage teenager in order for her to give birth to himself. Disgusting

  • @giriprasadkotte9876
    @giriprasadkotte9876 2 года назад

    That's exactly what "prophet" said about Jewish and Christian Bibles

  • @El-Plan
    @El-Plan 2 года назад +4

    The old testament or its real name the tanakh completely destroy the new testament which is like 80% Paul.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      The Torah/Tanakh is the Bible/Scripture, written in Hebrew, compiled and sealed in the days of the Prophets Ezra and Zechariah by the Great Assembly of which they were part of. The OT is a Bastardized, Imitation Bible, purposely mistranslated, blending the Truth with Man Made lies and glued onto the back of this Frankenstein is the Greek Tall Tales of Man, together they serve only to keep Gentiles in the Dark, away from Gd and His Truth.

    • @fearfullyconfident2333
      @fearfullyconfident2333 2 года назад

      Thank you I stopped using the Marcion term Old Testament and yes the new testament is virtually Paul's religion

  • @jackydebosard8297
    @jackydebosard8297 2 года назад +1

    At the end of the age, when the seven seal will be broken, it will be too late for the rest of the remnants, the unbelievers in Christ Jesus to repent unfortunately, because WE HAVE BEEN WARNED 2000 YEAR AGO. Christ answered to the Pharisees;" A good tree 🌳 produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit... So every tree that does not produce good fruit is CHOPPED DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions..."(Matthew 7:17-20).
    Shalom! Peace be with you. We are the Messianic Jewish ✡ of Israel 🇮🇱 and the New Born again in Christ and strong believers in the Messiah Jesus. We follow our Brethren, the Gentiles Christians ✝️ toward the " narrow gate that lead to the Kingdom of Heaven..."

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      Edom/Rome/Christianity: And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will oppress the high holy ones, and he will think to change the times and the law, and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time. כהוּמִלִּ֗ין לְצַ֚ד עִלָּאָה֙ (כתיב עִלָּיאָ֙) יְמַלִּ֔ל וּלְקַדִּישֵׁ֥י עֶלְיוֹנִ֖ין יְבַלֵּ֑א וְיִסְבַּ֗ר לְהַשְׁנָיָה֙ זִמְנִ֣ין וְדָ֔ת וְיִתְיַֽהֲב֣וּן בִּידֵ֔הּ עַד־עִדָּ֥ן וְעִדָּנִ֖ין וּפְלַ֥ג עִדָּֽן:
      26And the judgment shall be established, and they will remove his dominion to be destroyed and annihilated until the end. כווְדִינָ֖א יִתִּ֑ב וְשָׁלְטָנֵ֣הּ יְהַעְדּ֔וּן לְהַשְׁמָדָ֥ה וּלְהֽוֹבָדָ֖ה עַד־סוֹפָֽא:

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      This is how the CREATOR looks upon you and your kind, on your Heathen Greco Roman Phallic Idol Jesus and his Heathen wooden cross:
      Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 45:
      20Assemble and come, approach together, you survivors of the nations; those who carry their graven wooden image and pray to a god who does not save, do not know. כהִקָּֽבְצ֥וּ וָבֹ֛אוּ הִתְנַגְּשׁ֥וּ יַחְדָּ֖ו פְּלִיטֵ֣י הַגּוֹיִ֑ם לֹ֣א יָֽדְע֗וּ הַנֹּֽשְׂאִים֙ אֶת־עֵ֣ץ פִּסְלָ֔ם וּמִתְפַּלְּלִ֔ים אֶל־אֵ֖ל לֹ֥א יוֹשִֽׁיעַ:
      21Declare and present, let them even take counsel together; who announced this from before, [who] declared it from then? Is it not I, the Lord, and there are no other gods besides Me, a just and saving God there is not besides Me. כאהַגִּ֣ידוּ וְהַגִּ֔ישׁוּ אַ֥ף יִוָּֽעֲצ֖וּ יַחְדָּ֑ו מִ֣י הִשְׁמִיעַ֩ זֹ֨את מִקֶּ֜דֶם מֵאָ֣ז הִגִּידָ֗הּ הֲל֨וֹא אֲנִ֚י יְהֹוָה֙ וְאֵֽין־ע֚וֹד אֱלֹהִים֙ מִבַּלְעָדַ֔י אֵל־צַדִּ֣יק וּמוֹשִׁ֔יעַ אַ֖יִן זֽוּלָתִֽי:
      22Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other. כבפְּנֽוּ־אֵלַ֥י וְהִוָּֽשְׁע֖וּ כָּל־אַפְסֵי־אָ֑רֶץ כִּ֥י אֲנִי־אֵ֖ל וְאֵ֥ין עֽוֹד:
      23By Myself I swore, righteousness emanated from My mouth, a word, and it shall not be retracted, that to Me shall every knee kneel, every tongue shall swear." כגבִּ֣י נִשְׁבַּ֔עְתִּי יָצָ֨א מִפִּ֧י צְדָקָ֛ה דָּבָ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יָשׁ֑וּב כִּי־לִי֙ תִּכְרַ֣ע כָּל־בֶּ֔רֶךְ תִּשָּׁבַ֖ע כָּל־לָשֽׁוֹן:

    • @jackydebosard8297
      @jackydebosard8297 2 года назад

      @@paulawallace8784 " I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned..."(Matthew 12:36-37).
      Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men..."(Luke 2:14). Praise the Lord, praise Jesus. Amen 🙏

  • @isaacdominguez474
    @isaacdominguez474 2 года назад +3

    No the Jews didn't change the old testament but yes we made corrections and added vowels 🤭

    • @isaacdominguez474
      @isaacdominguez474 2 года назад

      @Abraham Mani May we work out our salvation with fear and trembling...
      All praises to Father, Yeshua and Holy Spirit

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      @@isaacdominguez474 The Christian OT is an IMITATION BIBLE, purposely Mistranslated, blending the Truth with Man Made Lies and like the Greek Garbage glued onto this Frankenstein, the two texts of Heathen Man serve only to keep Gentiles in the Dark, away from Gd and His Holy Torah. Christianity is Pure Pagan Idolatry, it is the Last Beast!

      @THEACANDAS 2 года назад

      @@MuhammadRidhuanJ-zu4nw “Oral traditions” as in *INVENTING* the stories of your main character 300 years later by someone living 3000 miles away😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад +1

      @@isaacdominguez474 The belief in a divine trinity is an idolatrous concept, since it is a belief that God (or according to some, a second separate divinity) has characteristic features, and the characteristics of a body.

    • @isaacdominguez474
      @isaacdominguez474 2 года назад

      @@hrvatskinoahid1048 Let's make man in OUR image...
      Get out ur box and accept messiah

  • @rennieraka8314
    @rennieraka8314 Год назад

    Dear TobYah, can you clarify this scripture below.
    Septuagint states: And the sojourning of the children of Israel, while they sojourned in the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt) and the land of Kenan (Canaan), four hundred and thirty years was.
    Masoretic states: Now that the time of Israel dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.
    Yet these scriptures are the same:
    1. The life of Kohath was 133 yrs old - Exodus 6:18 (Kohath may be some years old when he entered Egypt)
    2. The life of Amram was 137 yrs old- Exodus 6:20 (Amram could be some years old when he bore Mashah)
    3. The life of Mashah was 80yrs old (4score= means 20x4) - Exodus 7:7; (most likely he left Egypt at this age)
    Mathematically, the Septuagint is correct to state that the 430 years included Egypt and Kenan, and not Egypt alone as stated in the Masoretic text.
    Bereshith 46:11 states Kohath the son of Levi was one of those who came into Egypt with his grandfather Ya’aqob.
    Adding the total, the maximum length they stayed in Egypt was 133+137+80= 350 years maximum. This means the scripture in the Septuagint is correct, to mean that the other years of sojourning was during the time of Yitsaq up till the time Ya’aqob came into Egypt. But it wont be exactly at 350years that they were in Egypt, it will be much lesser.
    But why did the scribes dropped “and the land of Canaan/Kenan” in the Masoretic text. Such interpolation is deliberately done.
    But if the original version of the Tuwrah states differently or there were some subtraction or additions by scribes, would like to hear from you.

  • @bluethunder1214
    @bluethunder1214 2 года назад +3

    Wow, I can’t believe what my eyes is witnessing tonight. just when you think it’s all said and done. how is the Jew getting up? where is the Jew getting his strength from? after all that beating, he took. This should be impossible! He got kick in the face, hit with a garbage can on his back, and slammed on top of a table. After getting humiliated by the church, the Jew is getting up and making a comeback! with a right hand. and a left kick. and another right to the throat; Rabbi swings the church to the ropes. church bounces off the ropes; here comes the rabbi with his finishing move, BOOM! with the Rock bottom! down goes the church. 1. 2..3... ding, ding! the crowd goes wild, It’s all over for the church. What a great show tonight ladies and gentlemen. tonight, the Jew wins it all! The New champion of the world ``Rabbi Tovia Singer``. Rabbi do you have any message you want to share with us tonight: Rome! Rome! Roman empire. You made up lies about me and now people are going to see and hear the truth. Do you smell what the rabbi is cooking!

    • @samvoron1727
      @samvoron1727 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 In 2011 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops removed “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14 and put “young woman” in the New American Bible (Revised Edition).

  • @user-bo8nb2mi
    @user-bo8nb2mi 2 года назад +2

    Adam the first man spoke in the holy language Hebrew e.g. Adam placed his hand in stream, lifted up his hand and said in Hebrew, Ma?, Mayim!
    Centuries later Teutonic man placed hand in stream, raised hand and said, Vass? Vasser.
    Later centuries Latin man placed hand in stream, lifted hand and said, What? Water.
    Etc. Quoi, Aqua....

  • @thegospelmessenger1corinth634
    @thegospelmessenger1corinth634 2 года назад +3

    Tovia Singer - The gospel of salvation - how to be saved for sure!
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we make Him Lord of our life.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we repent and get baptized.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we fear God and work righteousness.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we receive Him as our personal savior.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we believe He died for our sins.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we invite the Lord into our heart.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we receive the Eucharist of holy communion.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we keep the commandments and sell our possessions.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we forgive those who have trespassed against us.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we stop sinning.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we walk the isle and join the church.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we pray the sinners prayer.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we are confirmed.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we deny ourself, take up our cross and follow Him.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we observe Yom Kippur.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we endure unto the end.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we kneel at an old fashioned altar and cry a hot scalding bucket of tears.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if while listening to "Just as I am" we decide to walk the isle and give our heart to the Lord.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we pray the rosary.
    The gospel is not "Christ died for our sins" if we DO ANYTHING!
    Don't pervert it by adding to it.
    The gospel is found in 1 Corinthians chapter 15:1-4. "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel... By which also ye are saved,... how that Christ died for our sins... he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures."
    Just keep it simple. (2 Corinthians 11:3)
    God says salvation is found through faith in the finished cross-work and resurrection (Ephesians 2:8-9.)
    It is only faith that can justify and count for our righteousness.
    But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Romans 4:5)
    Salvation is not getting our sins forgiven, it's believing they already are!
    Source - Truth Time Radio - also here on youtube - for solid bible study!

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад +2

      Gd alone is Savior, there is NO other besides HIM, the Moshiach is a mortal man of Flesh and Blood, who Dies for no one, who Atones for No one's sins, your sins are yours to Learn from, to Repent of and to Atone for, no one can do it for you, you alone are responsible for your own poor choices and actions, not anyone else. Wake Up!

    • @theburningelement.6447
      @theburningelement.6447 2 года назад +1

      Read EZEKIEL ch 40 to the end jc didn't do anything the messiah is supposed to do

    • @theburningelement.6447
      @theburningelement.6447 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 go read EZEKIEL chapter 40, to the end, one thing is in vrese 22 it says the prince aka messiah is supposed to bring a sin offering for himself, and the children of Israel

    • @theburningelement.6447
      @theburningelement.6447 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 no a bull will be the sin offering and he will also celebrate the Jewish festivities and offer meny offerings none of them human he will also rebuild the 3erd temple, and in the book of mel it says he will purify the sons of Levi so they can offer offerings of old again basically bring back the priest services I'm sorry Jesus is not the messiah he did none of those things besides hashem made a promise to king Solomon if he was faithful no one outside of his bloodline would ever be king meaning any king had to be from king Solomon's bloodline Jesus wasn't

    • @theburningelement.6447
      @theburningelement.6447 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 so where in Torah dos it say the messiah will die for people

  • @jeanneamato8278
    @jeanneamato8278 2 года назад +2

    I love listening to you.

  • @idan2591
    @idan2591 2 года назад +4

    Matthew 7,15
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    • @ddus4155
      @ddus4155 2 года назад

      Matthew was a false prophet himself

    • @terryulmer969
      @terryulmer969 2 года назад +4

      And that's exactly what Christianity is, a Wolf in sheep's clothing!

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад +1

      @@terryulmer969 Yes, it is the Last Beast!

    • @MA-gv3wg
      @MA-gv3wg 2 года назад +1

      The TV evangelist are preaching verse that while flying on their private jet.

  • @AmericanIsraeliJew
    @AmericanIsraeliJew 2 года назад +1

    Rabbi why do Christian want to eat the flesh of Jesus and drink his blood? We the Jews would rather feed our G-d then eat him. At the last supper Jesus encouraged his friends to drink his blood and eat his flesh. I'm not a canable. Christianity is not for me.

    • @pardes7342
      @pardes7342 2 года назад

      Jews are forbidden to drink or eat blood. By this, you can tell that is not from HaShem. That is why xtianity is not from the same G-d of the Torah. Jews were given the final TORAH at Mt Sinai and it is an eternal covenant/ketubah between G-d and the Jews. We don't listen or accept any other ...PERIOD.

  • @repairerofthebreach777
    @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад +3

    Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty.. exactly .. say it again 😏

  • @thetwosonsofadamabel1206
    @thetwosonsofadamabel1206 2 года назад +1

    Genesis 32 *Israel* in Hebrew means *Fighter of G_d* this name bestowed upon Jacob after he had wrestled with an Angel of the Lord> Isaiah says you are my servant oh Israel > *Fighter of G_d* warrior of G_d > Isaiah says you are my witnesses says the Lord (plural) “more than one “my *Servant* singular only ONE whom I have chosen

  • @repairerofthebreach777
    @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад +6

    It's sad that he continues preaching lies about the OT and NT where he has been refuted and continues saying the same thing.. like talking to a wall..

    • @jimnasium3979
      @jimnasium3979 2 года назад

      When was he refuted?

    • @repairerofthebreach777
      @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад

      @@jimnasium3979 many years ago and till this day as well. But TS won't debate cause he knows he will get humiliated.. on every subject..

    • @repairerofthebreach777
      @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад +1

      @@jimnasium3979 Isaiah 42:25
      “Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart
      Isaiah 1:5
      “Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint. God already cursed them from Deuteronomy.. but He said He will not make a full end of them.. the Spirit of grace and supplication has been poured upon Israel and the remnant will return like it or not.. their stumbling brought salvation to me. And if the casting away of them be the reconciliation of the world , what shall be the receiving of them, but life from the dead.... Yes He did hide His face for a little while but with everlasting mercies He will return and when you return He will give a double portion.. and before you embrace Him , He will embrace you.... shhhhh.. my son was dead and is alive again... save Lord thy people Israel.. the remnant.. He will not return until they acknowledge their offence..

    • @repairerofthebreach777
      @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад +1

      @@jimnasium3979 what should of been their welfare became a trap..

    • @repairerofthebreach777
      @repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад +1

      @@jimnasium3979 a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence . A precious stone.. a sure foundation ..where the 7 eyes will rest upon.. the King Messiah anointed with the Holy spirit .. that by the blood of His covenant He set the prisoners free from the pit where there is no water...the cross is foolishness to those that perish but to us who are saved it is the power of God.. the rabbis in the time of Jesus knew.. Messiah abides for ever according to the Law, how you say you will go away and be lifted up? They could not accept His death even though prophesied and that He will rise again from the mouths of the prophets.. and His own multiple times.. the heir..

  • @tarugardiner4287
    @tarugardiner4287 2 года назад

    God over all sees everything , I agree so much confusion , Just promote truth , love and peace . The world will never be at true peace and harmony as long as humans are arguing between each other . Doesn't matter what your religion or belief , God is the final judge .

  • @daisyduke6573
    @daisyduke6573 Год назад

    A few words need to get relearned and metaphors. Then we all will be on the same page🦋

  • @nomennescio6209
    @nomennescio6209 Год назад

    Any christian making that claim needs to look into their "septuagint" and comment on the changes made there.

  • @LindaStraub58
    @LindaStraub58 2 года назад +1

    Rabbi, I would love to be able to read the tanakh but I don't want to be reading a christianize version. Any suggestions.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад +4

      Chabad and Sefaria have English Translations of the Torah/Tanakh.

  • @newnormal1841
    @newnormal1841 2 года назад +1

    What percentage of
    "Christians" circumcise,
    eat unclean foods,
    Communion - Levi's 17:14
    Bow down
    icons - graven images
    Sun-day Shabbat
    Why do they attach thier
    "testament" to the Torah?
    There's nothing "old" about
    the Torah.
    The body electric.

  • @fearfullyconfident2333
    @fearfullyconfident2333 2 года назад +1

    The only one I know who killed innocent people and was zealous doing it was the Christian God Paul

  • @newnormal1841
    @newnormal1841 2 года назад +1

    Saul Paul the question
    of circumcision
    for converts
    Jesus in remembrance of me
    Drink my blood eat my flesh
    Levi's 17:14
    You shall be cut off
    Eat what you want -
    unclean things
    esp. sus scrofa 😳
    Raising the dead. 🤯
    4 things right there.
    "Christians" have rewritten
    Gods word.

  • @frenchis19
    @frenchis19 Год назад

    Bottom line is s( Judaism have a fleshly righteousness working through law , but ours in christ Jesus!

  • @aemiliadelroba4022
    @aemiliadelroba4022 2 года назад +1

    Quran also accuse the Jews for killing their prophets , but never mentions any names ….
    Why is that ?

    • @mdaslam6337
      @mdaslam6337 2 года назад

      Prophet Isaiah was killed by his own maternal grandson, that's mentioned in the Tanakh.

    • @mdaslam6337
      @mdaslam6337 2 года назад

      The Quran is not interested in giving unnecessary information, it's meant to be a mercy and a guidance for mankind

  • @AhavaEchad
    @AhavaEchad 2 года назад +1

    mesorah means a full transmission with all the details.
    also dead sea scrolls were written in a state of emergency and hidden in that time capsule to endure so when speed writing and from memory (in the emergency situation) then there may be a few mistakes. why all scrolls are copied but this was an emergency. they didnt know what would happen. thats why gods names are written in the othersider script ivri - and not in the holy torah script of ktav ashurith incase anything were to happen to it it is not on the level of ashurith

    • @kamion53
      @kamion53 2 года назад

      ????? dead sea scolls written in haste????
      isn't that not the idea the Jesuits priests had, who monopolised the access to the scrolls in the first years after they were found.
      even denying the scrolls were Jewish literature but the production of a pre-christian sect?

  • @OldSempreFiVet
    @OldSempreFiVet 2 года назад

    As a Christian, there is no way that the Hebrew text is corrupted.
    It was never stated by Paul that there were any conspiracy theories.
    Paul preached the gospel from the Old Testament as there were not yet a New Testament developed yet.
    Nonsense that any Christian would deny anything in the Old Testament.
    Even Jesus taught from the Old Testaments. It was enough.
    A holy God would not leave us in the dark. It is not His nature.

  • @theburningelement.6447
    @theburningelement.6447 2 года назад +1

    People who say there where never vowels in Hebrew lol wrong thay where always there just verbally passed down

    • @Lagolop
      @Lagolop 2 года назад +2

      That is what Tovia said.

  • @thescientist739
    @thescientist739 Год назад

    The Hebrew in tanakh still remains the same no matter what and since Jesus was a jew wasn't he calling himself a child of satan

  • @jackydebosard8297
    @jackydebosard8297 2 года назад

    Shalom! Brethren, it is written;" As surely as I live; says the Lord, every knee will bow before me, every tongue will confess to God." So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God..."(Romans 14:12). " I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned..."(Matthew 12:36-37).
    To God be the glory. Amen 🙏

    • @jackydebosard8297
      @jackydebosard8297 2 года назад

      @bart simpson I am afraid that it will be too late for the rest of the non believers in Christ to be redeemed, because;" A good tree 🌳 produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit... So every tree that does not produce good fruit IS CHOPPED DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions..."(Matthew 7:17-20)
      We are the Messianic Jewish ✡ of Israel 🇮🇱 and the New Born again in Christ Jesus, walking 🚶‍♂️ alongside our Brethren Gentiles Christians ✝️ to get ready for the second coming of the Messiah. Shalom! Peace be with you. Amen 🙏

    • @jackydebosard8297
      @jackydebosard8297 2 года назад

      @bart simpson Shalom! Brethren and Child of Zion 🇮🇱, Peace be with you. Jesus replied to the Pharisees;" Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes, the publicans and the harlots, are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you..."(Matthew 21:31). Amen 🙏

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      This is how the CREATOR looks upon you and your kind, on your Heathen Greco Roman Phallic Idol Jesus and his Heathen wooden cross:
      Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 45:
      20Assemble and come, approach together, you survivors of the nations; those who carry their graven wooden image and pray to a god who does not save, do not know. כהִקָּֽבְצ֥וּ וָבֹ֛אוּ הִתְנַגְּשׁ֥וּ יַחְדָּ֖ו פְּלִיטֵ֣י הַגּוֹיִ֑ם לֹ֣א יָֽדְע֗וּ הַנֹּֽשְׂאִים֙ אֶת־עֵ֣ץ פִּסְלָ֔ם וּמִתְפַּלְּלִ֔ים אֶל־אֵ֖ל לֹ֥א יוֹשִֽׁיעַ:
      21Declare and present, let them even take counsel together; who announced this from before, [who] declared it from then? Is it not I, the Lord, and there are no other gods besides Me, a just and saving God there is not besides Me. כאהַגִּ֣ידוּ וְהַגִּ֔ישׁוּ אַ֥ף יִוָּֽעֲצ֖וּ יַחְדָּ֑ו מִ֣י הִשְׁמִיעַ֩ זֹ֨את מִקֶּ֜דֶם מֵאָ֣ז הִגִּידָ֗הּ הֲל֨וֹא אֲנִ֚י יְהֹוָה֙ וְאֵֽין־ע֚וֹד אֱלֹהִים֙ מִבַּלְעָדַ֔י אֵל־צַדִּ֣יק וּמוֹשִׁ֔יעַ אַ֖יִן זֽוּלָתִֽי:
      22Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other. כבפְּנֽוּ־אֵלַ֥י וְהִוָּֽשְׁע֖וּ כָּל־אַפְסֵי־אָ֑רֶץ כִּ֥י אֲנִי־אֵ֖ל וְאֵ֥ין עֽוֹד:
      23By Myself I swore, righteousness emanated from My mouth, a word, and it shall not be retracted, that to Me shall every knee kneel, every tongue shall swear." כגבִּ֣י נִשְׁבַּ֔עְתִּי יָצָ֨א מִפִּ֧י צְדָקָ֛ה דָּבָ֖ר וְלֹ֣א יָשׁ֑וּב כִּי־לִי֙ תִּכְרַ֣ע כָּל־בֶּ֔רֶךְ תִּשָּׁבַ֖ע כָּל־לָשֽׁוֹן:

  • @KalkiAvatara0000
    @KalkiAvatara0000 2 года назад

    When shall men "beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks"?
    When shall "nations not take up swords against nation, nor train for war anymore"?
    And until when shall I judge between the nations and settle disputes among the peoples?

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      As Isaiah tells, the Moshiach, the son/seed/shoot of King David comes at the End of the Days, not before it, his teachings of Gd and His Holy Torah will transform the World to a UTOPIA, so far only False Teachers have shown up.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад +2

      Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 2:
      2And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. בוְהָיָ֣ה | בְּאַֽחֲרִ֣ית הַיָּמִ֗ים נָכ֨וֹן יִֽהְיֶ֜ה הַ֚ר בֵּֽית־יְהֹוָה֙ בְּרֹ֣אשׁ הֶהָרִ֔ים וְנִשָּׂ֖א מִגְּבָע֑וֹת וְנָֽהֲר֥וּ אֵלָ֖יו כָּל־הַגּוֹיִֽם:
      3And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. גוְהָֽלְכ֞וּ עַמִּ֣ים רַבִּ֗ים וְאָֽמְרוּ֙ לְכ֣וּ | וְנַֽעֲלֶ֣ה אֶל־הַר־יְהֹוָ֗ה אֶל־בֵּית֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וְיֹרֵ֙נוּ֙ מִדְּרָכָ֔יו וְנֵֽלְכָ֖ה בְּאֹֽרְחֹתָ֑יו כִּ֚י מִצִּיּוֹן֙ תֵּצֵ֣א תוֹרָ֔ה וּדְבַר־יְהֹוָ֖ה מִירֽוּשָׁלִָֽם:
      4And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. דוְשָׁפַט֙ בֵּ֣ין הַגּוֹיִ֔ם וְהוֹכִ֖יחַ לְעַמִּ֣ים רַבִּ֑ים וְכִתְּת֨וּ חַרְבוֹתָ֜ם לְאִתִּ֗ים וַֽחֲנִיתֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ לְמַזְמֵר֔וֹת לֹֽא־יִשָּׂ֨א ג֚וֹי אֶל־גּוֹי֙ חֶ֔רֶב וְלֹֽא־יִלְמְד֥וּ ע֖וֹד מִלְחָמָֽה:

    • @KalkiAvatara0000
      @KalkiAvatara0000 2 года назад

      Behold, before Shambala is established without, everyone must become a "living embassy" of Shambala within.
      Because evil is not in the air, somewhere without, neither is good.
      They both come out of men.
      For behold, before societies change, men's heart must change.
      Everything that exists without is simply a ripercussion of what's inside men.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад +1

      @@KalkiAvatara0000 Gd is who created Evil, it is Man alone who has chosen to do and be Evil and the Moshiach's teachings bring the World to a UTOPIA where Peace Reigns, it has not a thing to do with either Greek fabrications or Tibetan fabrications.

    • @KalkiAvatara0000
      @KalkiAvatara0000 2 года назад

      The events concerning me are indeed already written, and since my birth everything is unfolding the way the holy prophets foretold in my Purana.
      But your events can be forged like molten gold through choices...

  • @password2798
    @password2798 2 года назад

    What is the older scroll Rabbi mentioned? Ketdaff something scroll? I want to look it up

  • @kevinmpho8907
    @kevinmpho8907 2 года назад

    Rabbis do twist the New Testament and now, let's see who does quote verses that don't exist. Rabbi Daniel Asor, on page 267 in his book, quotes Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew 15:11, The Law says that you should not eat pig, but I say to you, not what goes into the mouth defiles a person." But this is not truly what is written in Matthew 15:11. Compare the Rabbi's quote against what was truly written in the New Testament:" It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out in the mouth; this defiles a person." Rabbi Asor purposely and maliciously added words to Jesus' quote, which Jesus didn't say, including the word pig".It's not the New Testament that is inventing verses and twisting the Old Tastament, but rather, someone is twisting words in a desperate attempt to try and hide Jesus from his own people.

  • @kamion53
    @kamion53 2 года назад

    So the incoming claim is: the whole Tanakh was one roadmap directing to jesus from the first lines of the Bereshiet on and the Jews erased all those directionsigns thereby corrupting Gods word.
    Did I understood it right? mmmm...
    first was Gods word so weak it could be corrupted?
    second was there nobody who could correct the corruption
    third why the heck are christian apologist claiming every reference made by the profets to the messiah as a professy of jesus? If these are the clearest roadsigns, they would be torn from the ground first.
    logic never was the strongest suit of the apologists.

  • @okoelclement6176
    @okoelclement6176 Год назад

    Excellent rabbi liveto

  • @OldSempreFiVet
    @OldSempreFiVet 2 года назад

    I think what has happened here is that there were no Jewish interpreters present when the the KJV was being written into English.
    I think that was the biggest mistakes. There is no cooperation between the Jewish scholars and Christian scholars. Why?
    Because man is like this.

  • @thetwosonsofadamabel1206
    @thetwosonsofadamabel1206 2 года назад +1

    Deuteronomy 18> I will *Raise up* for them a prophet like you from among their brothers I will put my words in his mouth and he will tell them everything I command him if anyone does not *lLISTEN* to my words that the prophet speaks in my name I myself will call him to account

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад +2

      @@sunnydayz8747 Christians say it’s about Jesus. Muslims say it’s talking about Mohammed. Hey, maybe it’s talking about Joseph Smith! You can really make this be talking about any prophet you believe in, since no prophets are named here.

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 Also wow, you deleted your comments about Tovia Singer’s video in 2016 because I completely exposed you for it. Why should I trust anything you say?

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 Lol, this is just an assertion you are making. And I already exposed you for lying before.

    • @thetwosonsofadamabel1206
      @thetwosonsofadamabel1206 2 года назад

      @@sunnydayz8747 > it’s the Son of Man > Ben Adam > as Moses lifted up the serpent on the staff so must the Son of Man be *Lifted up* > *raised up*

    • @j.braunstein4599
      @j.braunstein4599 2 года назад +1

      @@sunnydayz8747 You deleted your previous comment so nobody would notice.

  • @pninamaimon2955
    @pninamaimon2955 Год назад

    R, Tovia, thank you so much for your dip Historical knoledge , clearing up Cristianity, as they never hered of such an explanation in their life, just repeat the NT malishes story again and again, like a Mantra, without even thinking, and don¨t even know that it is an IDOLATRY, and never the words of G-d the creator of all,

  • @leepopaz253
    @leepopaz253 2 года назад

    John 1:1: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God . Yeshua/Youshua/Joshua are in one the same. The word of God is his very own son "Yeshua hamashiach" the son of the living God who is coming again on the clouds together with his angels and saints and the whole world will see him. Elohim will not try to convince you of any of his truth , you have free will to chose life or chose death , the truth remains, your feelings hurt , your minds getting fried by what you call lies who cares ,the truth remains and cannot be changed.

  • @Lestibournes
    @Lestibournes 2 года назад

    If the word of Gd is to stand forever, as it says in scripture, then there has to be an unbroken chain of accurate transmission of his word. Christians only have translations (or translations of translations). That leaves the only candidates as Orthodox Jews, Karaaites, and Samaritans. Orthodox and Karaaite Jews agree on the text, so really it's down to Jewish text vs Samaritan text. Christians aren't even in the running for being the ones to preserve Gd's original word.

  • @justice77justice
    @justice77justice Год назад

    Psalm 118: 22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
    Acts 7: 51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
    Revelation 2: 9 I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
    1 John 2: 22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
    Luke 10: 16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.
    Hebrews 5: 12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

  • @robertcummins7739
    @robertcummins7739 2 года назад

    Thank you answered a thought I had about what language Asshur spoke exactly seems important

  • @kit3300
    @kit3300 2 года назад

    I think the original message was so corrupted by the romans for personal gain. If Jesus ever returned no one would recognise him. They are still changing words to this day.

  • @seanmiller9304
    @seanmiller9304 2 года назад

    I'm not a good enough scholar to argue about this stuff but I do believe that all 12 tribes are going to be United again someday.

  • @danielmalinen6337
    @danielmalinen6337 2 года назад

    I don't know how in the United States or elsewhere in Europe, but in northern Europe it has nit been disputed ore disputed that Christians have revisited and reinterpreted the Jewish scriptures to find thete deeper connections to the life of Jesus (the reason why is that it is part of the teaching of a religion that is aware of its own history and background). This began as early as the time before Paul when the Followers of Jesus sought to understand what had happened in passion and crucifixion and so the early Christians also ended up rethinking and recreating the concept of the Messiah. And according to Paul, before he became a Christian, this was an heresy that led him to persecute Christians for the pure Jewish faith because the Followers of Jesus read and interpreted the scriptures radically differently. And this, awareness of their own history and background, helps Christians understand who they are and where they come from.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад

      Who told you non-Jews have the right to interpret the Jewish Bible?

    • @danielmalinen6337
      @danielmalinen6337 2 года назад

      @@hrvatskinoahid1048 If we ignore the fact that the first Christians were simple 1st century rural Jews from poor Galilee and who had no any training or any studying in interpreting the Tanakh, then we still must need to remember that the Hebrew Bible is a collection of books and in general books doesn't require permission to interpret it, as is the case with many other books like Harry Potter or the Hunger Game as well. And anyway, every time we read any text, we automatically interpret that text during reading and we cannot be avoided it, so your comment in this context means that no one but the Jews is allowed to read the Hebrew Bible. But you barely meant it so? And if you meant so, then who is allowed and who is not allowed to read the books of Tanakh? What is the case with atheists? Or agnostics?? Or researchers and academic scholars? Or what about the Samaritans?

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад

      ​@@danielmalinen6337 You are obligated to obey Jewish Rabbis, as Deuteronomy 17:11 states: "According to the law they instruct you and according to the judgment they say to you, you shall do; you shall not divert from the word they tell you, either right or left."

  • @markballantyne393
    @markballantyne393 Год назад

    I know there is aGod , And God revealed himself to humankind between 300,000 ,200 000 years

  • @markballantyne393
    @markballantyne393 Год назад

    All the Hebrew texts have ce down to us having beem re written making them christ-like only jews could have te written enoch jubilees and others so who was deceiving who and why.I believe, the lord our God is one .:.

  • @markballantyne393
    @markballantyne393 Год назад

    The sacred hewbrew scrolls, ancient scrolls
    Are a mere 3or4 at push 5 000 years old thats modern. 300,000 years of humanity's relationship with
    GOD and we argue a few modern day phantasy stories

  • @rkbroger6327
    @rkbroger6327 2 года назад

    If a believer can't read the scriptures of their religion in the languages they are written in and can read the scriptures only in translations., then that person is following a second-hand religion and will never be an authentic believer.All Christians are following second-hand religion based on distorted Judaism.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 года назад

      Christianity is but regurgitated Pagan Greco Roman myths.

  • @thenazareneperspective2734
    @thenazareneperspective2734 2 года назад

    I asked this the other day on another video thread but no one replied. The verses I posted makes it sure look like something has been changed...I'd like an answer to it...if someone could I'd appreciate it and table it.
    Soooo....I was looking at the Psalm 22 verse and I have 3 resources open here in front of me. I sincerely ask a Hebrew speaker to help me with this. I understand that the Hebrew word "mara (H3738)" used isn't the more common "mahas (H4272)" which is the classic word for pierced. Psalm 22 is strange. Here are the 3 resources and verses I have laid out in front of me...
    Blueletterbible: For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
    Hendricks Hebrew/English Interlinear Bible: For dogs have encircled me: a band of spoilers have hemmed me in: piercers of my hands and feet.
    The Stone Edition Artscroll Tanach: For dogs have surrounded me: a pack of evildoers has enclosed me, like (the prey of) a lion are my hands and feet.
    I looked at the Hebrew words in the 2 Hebrew editions I have and I don't see Ari in either the Artscroll or the Hendricks...or for that matter the blueletterbible's Hebrew/Eng interlinear.
    Can someone explain why the English word "lion" is included in the Artscroll Edition when the Hebrew Ari is not there?
    Would like an explanation for my own education...
    And follow up of my own post....
    So far, none have bothered to help answer this question. Are they so jaded that they would change (add/subtract) a word...or add a meaning to a verse that clearly states otherwise?
    I mean...this is a big difference..
    Hendricks Hebrew/English Interlinear Bible: For dogs have encircled me: a band of spoilers have hemmed me in: piercers of my hands and feet.
    The Stone Edition Artscroll Tanach: For dogs have surrounded me: a pack of evildoers has enclosed me, like (the prey of) a lion are my hands and feet.
    How are you supposed to convince a Jew that "lion" isn't in the Hebrew text (or is it and I just missed it?), if they teach it as found in the SEA Tanach? I mean, I'm not a Hebrew, but I can find words in a Hebrew text (just takes a little time), and I can't find "ari" in that verse. I'm asking for someone to show me "ari/lion" in the verse. after writing that, I found this...under Ari....note the word pierced in the definition.
    אֲרִי ʼărîy, ar-ee'; or (prolonged) אַרְיֵה ʼaryêh; from H717 (in the sense of violence); a lion:-(young) lion, pierce (from the margin).
    I don't know...if they use a "lion's bite" as piercing the hands and feet, you can effectively remove the "lion" from the Jewish Tanach and keep it in the context of the verse by using dogs (evildoers) as intended.
    Surrounding dogs bite, piercing the hands and feet? In correspondng imagery, evildoers put spikes into the Messiah's feet and hands.

    • @ToviaSinger1
      @ToviaSinger1  2 года назад +2

      ארי means a lion. When you add the conjunction "like" in Hebrew a כ is added to the Hebrew word as a prefix. Therefore the word which appears in Psalm 22:17 (16) is כארי, which means "like a lion."

    • @thenazareneperspective2734
      @thenazareneperspective2734 2 года назад

      @@ToviaSinger1 Thank you very kindly for the reply. I will search for it in the Hebrew scriptures I have. So glad you replied...I couldn't get anyone else to give me a meaningful response.

    • @thenazareneperspective2734
      @thenazareneperspective2734 2 года назад

      @@ToviaSinger1 Again, thanks Rabbi. I found this when I was researching it, and I remember your reference to the yud and vav in the other video, and how you mentioned the elongation of the "yud" that might make it look like a vav...which to my limited understanding would change it from "like a lion" to "dig/pierce".
      From an internet search...
      "Bible translators and scholars use a process called Textual Criticism to determine the original wording of a given passage by comparing all of the ancient manuscripts.
      The Hebrew word כארי (ka'ariy-like a lion) is the word found in the Masoretic Hebrew text in this verse. However, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is 1,000 years older than the Masoretic Hebrew text, the letters yud and vav look almost identical, so it is possible, from the Dead Sea Scrolls to read this word as כארו (ka’aru) or כארי (ka’ariy).
      Also, the Septuagint, a 2,000-year-old Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, for this phrase reads; ωρυξαν χειράς μου και πόδας, which means “they have dug my hands and feet,” which agrees with the Hebrew spelling of כארו (ka’aru - they dug).
      So, in summary, the Jewish translation of “like a lion” agrees with the Masoretic text and possibly the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian translation of “they dug/pierced” agrees with the Septuagint and possibly the Dead Sea Scrolls. For those who criticize the Christian translation for being a mistranslation of the Masoretic text, this is not the case; it is a matter of a different conclusion based on Textual Criticism."
      My next question...why would "like a lion" be used? It doesn't seem to match the theme of the verse. Dogs bite...their teeth pierce the skin.
      back to the net:
      "If Psalm 22:17 is translated with the word כארו (ka'aru), then it would read as;
      For dogs will surround me, the assembly of evil ones encompasses me; they pierced my hands and feet.
      If, on the other hand, we translate this verse with the word כארי (ka’ari), then it would read as;
      For dogs will surround me, the assembly of evil ones encompass me, like a lion are my hands and feet."
      Which makes more sense? What am I missing or misunderstanding? I'll go relisten to the other video again to see if you explain why "like a lion" is used instead of pierce.
      Surely I'm not the only one crazy enough to ask....I just want to understand the nuts and bolts of the verse, so I can explain it to someone else when the opportunity arises.

  • @sughyanhovhannes1613
    @sughyanhovhannes1613 Год назад

    Anyone knows the song at the end of the video?

  • @Robstradamus_
    @Robstradamus_ 2 года назад

    It sucks that the Jews missed the calling and helped to nail their Messiah to a cross. But the evidence is so compelling that Jesus is the Messiah that there are billions of followers still today, 2000 years later. It’s unfortunate that more Jewish friends don’t see the light.

  • @johnhullnewworldorder21
    @johnhullnewworldorder21 2 года назад

    It's dangerous believing in something or someone you can't see

  • @etzelkaplan9677
    @etzelkaplan9677 2 года назад +1

    seasons may change. but god's word is eternal ' o t ' god is one ' n t ' god is a trinity trigodhead ' quran ' god is one ' quran had to come down

  • @AvnerRosenstein-ULTRA-LXV
    @AvnerRosenstein-ULTRA-LXV 2 года назад +1

    I can't believe there are Christian's that actually believe this. There's also Christians that claim that when the beis ha-mikdash was destroyed all Jewish records detailing ancestry were lost and now we only go by mother's ancestry and have no idea what tribe any particular Jew is from. So with that said I guess I can believe that they believe the Tanakh was rewritten to hide Idol man.

  • @1david285
    @1david285 2 года назад

    Sir, you are only considering the literal-historical method, not Spiritual interpretation, which Paul says is greater. You need to read the church fathers, including Origen.

  • @llewellRsA
    @llewellRsA 2 года назад +1

    I disagree with those Christians who claim there was a conspiracy to change the scriptures. I think many precious parts have been lost but no conspiracy. A few errors in the scripts themselves but generally remarkably intact
    .It is clear in translation from Hebrew to other languages many mistakes were made.
    Now the question is, is there a Hebrew Messiah. If there is a Messiah what will His nature be, what will He endure according to ancient scriptures? Is He even real?

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 года назад

      We don't even have one mistake in the Torah. Not one thing has been lost. Not one

  • @treich1234
    @treich1234 2 года назад

    How do you know "god" isn't a front for another intelligent form hiding behind it? the end of the day we don't know jack because not a single concrete form of evidence exists. All that does exist is written he said/she said recitals. Please prove me otherwise

  • @generalbystander1631
    @generalbystander1631 2 года назад

    I believe the rabbi misinterpreted the question. The caller seems to be asking about modern Hebrew language not text per se

    • @pardes7342
      @pardes7342 2 года назад

      Modern Hebrew language is not the language used in the TORAH. Original or ancient Hebrew is the pure language of G-d; therefore when He gave his TORAH both oral and written at Mt Sinai: He gave it in His Hebrew language.