I still use my veteran Veleman P8048 board, but I connect a a Pikcit 3 on the ICSP header. right now it has a 4 MHz crystal and a PIC16F84A mcu. The part around the serial port is no longer in use.
RA4 GPIO of PortA is an open drain port so, can LED's be interfaced to other PortA pins (which are stated as CMOS) in current sink or current source methods? Also can an Switch be interfaced to RA4 with an 10k resistor pulled up to Vcc and switch connected to ground to read an active low signal when the switch is pressed?
I have K150 programmer too. But as you said that the K150 chip supports only the operating system of Windows 7 SP3 and below. Then i quit trying after that. I didn't check for years. We need a new programmer 😁
You cauld sniff the web for a Pickit 2 if you're only prgramming PIC mcu. They work in both Linux (with manditory faul language) and even Win 11 Nte win software are free for the PK2.
Informative and clear explanation
Yes, Windows 7 is outdated, but it was and STILL is the best windows yet, in my opinion. Excellent video.
Thanks. Yes, I agree. It was / is my favourite Windows version.
@@ezContents yes. 7 is light and require short time for booting.
Good information. How can I make a code for setting an output by a pushbutton as a input...? Do you have any tutorial for this?
Hey, the link to the website where you can download the K-150 PIC Programmer USB Windows Drivers software seems not to work, is there another website?
I still use my veteran Veleman P8048 board, but I connect a a Pikcit 3 on the ICSP header. right now it has a 4 MHz crystal and a PIC16F84A mcu. The part around the serial port is no longer in use.
That's a nice solution. Maybe I will try that one out. Thanks.
RA4 GPIO of PortA is an open drain port so, can LED's be interfaced to other PortA pins (which are stated as CMOS) in current sink or current source methods? Also can an Switch be interfaced to RA4 with an 10k resistor pulled up to Vcc and switch connected to ground to read an active low signal when the switch is pressed?
On that pin you have GND or a floating state/high impedance. So you will need a pull up resistor for it to work.
How to make electronic project
thank you 👍 subbed
Can i used rt809h for that
How to read code from pic16f628a?
I have K150 programmer too. But as you said that the K150 chip supports only the operating system of Windows 7 SP3 and below. Then i quit trying after that. I didn't check for years. We need a new programmer 😁
I could be mistaken, but I thought that I saw the Prolific drivers for Windows 10 somewhere.
Pl2303 driver works in Windows 11 too. I have few devices based in it, no issues
You cauld sniff the web for a Pickit 2 if you're only prgramming PIC mcu.
They work in both Linux (with manditory faul language) and even Win 11
Nte win software are free for the PK2.
@@magicsmokeescapist4069 Thanks, I'll try that 👍
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