30 Minutes of Journalists GRILLING US Official Over Israel, Ukraine, Gaza, and Lebanon

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2024
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    In this video, Matthew Miller, spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, addresses journalists' questions. Topics include U.S. support for Israel's military actions in Lebanon, the role of Hezbollah, UN Resolution 1701, and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Ukraine conflict, the West role in attacking Russia, the escalating tensions with Iran, and the risk of a nuclear war.
    Dans cette vidéo, Matthew Miller, porte-parole du Département d'État américain, répond aux questions des journalistes. Les sujets incluent le soutien des États-Unis aux actions militaires d'Israël au Liban, le rôle du Hezbollah, la résolution 1701 de l'ONU, la crise humanitaire à Gaza, le conflit en Ukraine, le rôle de l'Occident dans les attaques contre la Russie, l'escalade des tensions avec l'Iran et le risque d'une guerre nucléaire.
    در این ویدیو، متیو میلر، سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه آمریکا، به سوالات خبرنگاران پاسخ می‌دهد. موضوعات شامل حمایت آمریکا از اقدامات نظامی اسرائیل در لبنان، نقش حزب‌الله، قطعنامه 1701 سازمان ملل، بحران انسانی در غزه، درگیری اوکراین، نقش غرب در حمله به روسیه، تشدید تنش‌ها با ایران و خطر جنگ هسته‌ای است.
    في هذا الفيديو، يرد ماثيو ميلر، المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية، على أسئلة الصحفيين. تشمل الموضوعات دعم الولايات المتحدة للعمليات العسكرية الإسرائيلية في لبنان، دور حزب الله، قرار مجلس الأمن رقم 1701، الأزمة الإنسانية في غزة، الصراع في أوكرانيا، دور الغرب في مهاجمة روسيا، تصاعد التوترات مع إيران وخطر اندلاع حرب نووية.
    En este video, Matthew Miller, portavoz del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., responde a las preguntas de los periodistas. Los temas incluyen el apoyo de EE.UU. a las acciones militares de Israel en el Líbano, el papel de Hezbollah, la Resolución 1701 de la ONU, la crisis humanitaria en Gaza, el conflicto en Ucrania, el papel de Occidente en atacar a Rusia, el aumento de las tensiones con Irán y el riesgo de una guerra nuclear.
    Neste vídeo, Matthew Miller, porta-voz do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, responde às perguntas dos jornalistas. Os tópicos incluem o apoio dos EUA às ações militares de Israel no Líbano, o papel do Hezbollah, a Resolução 1701 da ONU, a crise humanitária em Gaza
    اس ویڈیو میں امریکی محکمہ خارجہ کے ترجمان میتھیو ملر صحافیوں کے سوالات کا جواب دیتے ہیں۔ موضوعات میں اسرائیل کی لبنان میں فوجی کارروائیوں کی امریکی حمایت، حزب اللہ کا کردار، اقوام متحدہ کی قرارداد 1701، غزہ میں انسانی بحران، یوکرین کا تنازعہ، روس پر حملوں میں مغرب کا کردار، ایران کے ساتھ بڑھتی ہوئی کشیدگی اور ایٹمی جنگ کا خطرہ شامل ہیں۔
    В этом видео официальный представитель Госдепартамента США Мэтью Миллер отвечает на вопросы журналистов. Темы включают поддержку США военных действий Израиля в Ливане, роль Хезболлы, резолюцию ООН 1701, гуманитарный кризис в Газе, конфликт на Украине, роль Запада в нападении на Россию, рост напряжённости с Ираном и риск ядерной войны.
    Dalam video ini, Matthew Miller, juru bicara Departemen Luar Negeri AS, menjawab pertanyaan jurnalis. Topik yang dibahas termasuk dukungan AS terhadap tindakan militer Israel di Lebanon, peran Hezbollah, Resolusi 1701 PBB, krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza, konflik di Ukraina
    इस वीडियो में, यूएस स्टेट डिपार्टमेंट के प्रवक्ता मैथ्यू मिलर पत्रकारों के सवालों का जवाब देते हैं। विषयों में लेबनान में इज़राइल की सैन्य कार्रवाइयों के लिए अमेरिकी समर्थन, हिज़्बुल्लाह की भूमिका, संयुक्त राष्ट्र प्रस्ताव 1701, गाजा में मानवीय संकट, यूक्रेन संघर्ष, रूस पर हमले में पश्चिम की भूमिका, ईरान के साथ बढ़ते तनाव और परमाणु युद्ध का खतरा शामिल हैं।
    In diesem Video beantwortet Matthew Miller, Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, die Fragen von Journalisten. Zu den Themen gehören die Unterstützung der USA für die Militäroperationen Israels im Libanon, die Rolle der Hisbollah, die UN-Resolution 1701, die humanitäre Krise im Gazastreifen, der Ukraine-Konflikt
    In hierdie video antwoord Matthew Miller, woordvoerder van die Amerikaanse Staatsdepartement, op joernaliste se vrae. Onderwerpe sluit in die VSA se ondersteuning van Israel se militêre aksies in Libanon, die rol van Hezbollah, VN-resolusie 1701, en die humanitêre krisis in Gaza
    Bu videoda, ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Matthew Miller, gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtlıyor. Konular arasında ABD'nin İsrail'in Lübnan'daki askeri operasyonlarına verdiği destek, Hizbullah'ın rolü, BM Kararı 1701, Gazze'deki insani kriz, Ukrayna çatışması, Batı'nın Rusya'ya saldırılardaki rolü, İran'la artan gerilimler ve nükleer savaş riski yer alıyor.
    Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    #usa #russia #iran #lebanon #ukraine #gaza #middleeast #palestine #military #war #political #politics #geopolitics

Комментарии • 217

  • @Ilovemyboj
    @Ilovemyboj 3 дня назад +77

    Who is this well spoken journalist asking real questions and making legitimate statements? I need to follow him and support his work!

    • @lydiavui1029
      @lydiavui1029 3 дня назад +16

      Liam Cosgrove.

    • @jsull81
      @jsull81 2 дня назад +1

      He works for one of the few actual journalist outlets left, the Grayzone. If you've never heard of them, I highly recommend you check them out. They're excellent, especially when it to foreign policy

    • @bleaaarghh
      @bleaaarghh 2 дня назад +8

      The Grayzone

    • @Tribalistes_Demasques_CM
      @Tribalistes_Demasques_CM День назад +2

      Liam Cosgrove

    • @Hitchens-t5c
      @Hitchens-t5c 19 часов назад

      Agree! The small political elite and Israel is controlling the American population

  • @timbritt3959
    @timbritt3959 3 дня назад +28

    This is so well said. Thank you for telling Mr. Miller, what we all see. We are not dumb.

  • @JeffHJr
    @JeffHJr 3 дня назад +40

    100’s of 100’s of violations but you’re supporting them still

  • @Sakinehkargar2018
    @Sakinehkargar2018 3 дня назад +83

    I hate this monester miller

    • @napoleonlaguerre5587
      @napoleonlaguerre5587 3 дня назад +4

      not him, the system

    • @annawarner1078
      @annawarner1078 3 дня назад

      War criminal

    • @orbitx5838
      @orbitx5838 День назад +1

      @@napoleonlaguerre5587 F Miller, the system, and your idiocy for defending him

    • @畢仕達
      @畢仕達 День назад

      @@napoleonlaguerre5587 agree. no matter who standing there, they will say the same thing.

  • @bushal1
    @bushal1 3 дня назад +44

    Stop the damn war. Now.

  • @saveriomadia8867
    @saveriomadia8867 3 дня назад +24

    We expect this… We expect that… We have told Israel to be more careful… We ultimately want a ceasefire.. We want to see limited incursions… We want a change a government for the people of Gaza and a change of government for the people of Lebanon… It is obvious to all that the US is orchestrating this entire ‘war.’

  • @starcorpvncj
    @starcorpvncj 3 дня назад +62

    It is a huge mistake for the US to have a Jewish Secretary of State (and dual Israeli citizen) working on Middle East issues and also a Jewish press spokesmen. Their positions are compromised from the very beginning.

    • @tonysmith131
      @tonysmith131 3 дня назад +16

      Conflict of interest..

    • @kentauree
      @kentauree 3 дня назад +11

      They are traitors!

    • @margaretnyboer822
      @margaretnyboer822 3 дня назад +13

      I always thought Miller was not above board and lying to the American public

    • @KK-kv3mz
      @KK-kv3mz 2 дня назад

      Don't forget a Zionist president.

    • @jeraldleung6009
      @jeraldleung6009 2 дня назад

      They infiltrate Hasbah and Iran, what ppl think not in US, now in plain sights

  • @whatsgoingon07
    @whatsgoingon07 3 дня назад +45

    This isn’t grilling, these are softball questions given the context of what Israel has done

  • @arbenukallosky6156
    @arbenukallosky6156 3 дня назад +30

    Free palestine 🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴 Freee Gaza free Lebanon and Stop the genocide Free to all world of dis Planet 🌎🌍

  • @kylelawrence3145
    @kylelawrence3145 3 дня назад +78

    My wife always says miller looks like a cheap version of dracula lol haha

    • @melgray4530
      @melgray4530 3 дня назад +2

      Miller looks like Mr. Burns from Simpson. 😅

    • @sherylgreen762
      @sherylgreen762 3 дня назад +6

      Something really off putting about him. Definitely would not trust him.

    • @Bavafa1
      @Bavafa1 3 дня назад +3

      Far more dangerous though.

    • @kslap2858
      @kslap2858 3 дня назад

      Masked face with a fake skin

    • @ahmederfan8983
      @ahmederfan8983 3 дня назад +4

      Spot on !! I knew he looked familiar 😂😂

  • @AkMS0505
    @AkMS0505 3 дня назад +18

    US Government true colors; muddy as their hearts 🤮

  • @cilsdeluxe3506
    @cilsdeluxe3506 3 дня назад +20

    The guy in the tan/khaki blazer is Liam Cosgrove- he’s a reporter for the Grayzone.

  • @stopthelies4249
    @stopthelies4249 3 дня назад +21

    Miller is a madman

  • @chrismckinstry1183
    @chrismckinstry1183 3 дня назад +10

    What’s the point asking this idiot anything because the press could save themselves time and just report it anyway because it’s the same total and utter nonsense each time

  • @abusubhi311
    @abusubhi311 3 дня назад +18

    It’s incredible still and not in a good way the way they view us here in Palestine. But we will never give up, our freedom will come.

  • @lindanurdreamz
    @lindanurdreamz 3 дня назад +16

    Follow up question should have been .. after 57 years when will Israel agree to the 1967 boarders set by the UN

    • @rachael_grey
      @rachael_grey 2 дня назад

      1948 borders were set by the UN. The 1967 borders were a massive compromise by the Palestinians.

  • @nhc925
    @nhc925 3 дня назад +22

    This is what the world sees everyday, from the US , this sounds so crazy , some people lives meen more than others plain and simple so sad

  • @berosmith9041
    @berosmith9041 День назад +6

    I think the whole wotld is fed up with the US.

  • @turcogrande
    @turcogrande День назад +2

    Thank you journalists with a conscience. Yes, We the People are sick of bullshitting of this administration.

  • @sethhades
    @sethhades 3 дня назад +13

    These guys talk like they're programmed 💯%

  • @gerardsoppe
    @gerardsoppe 3 дня назад +13

    I wish Matt will have to explain his complicity to his God.

  • @daijones101
    @daijones101 3 дня назад +17

    Slimy Miller

  • @ArenAurelius
    @ArenAurelius 3 дня назад +17

    Vice President Kamala Harris “is working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza.”

    • @joeb564
      @joeb564 3 дня назад +6

      More bullshit.

    • @kentauree
      @kentauree 3 дня назад +4

      😂 good one!

    • @syedahrazahmed7542
      @syedahrazahmed7542 2 дня назад

      All American presidents answers of there masters ISRAHELL fist free your state they talk

  • @cilsdeluxe3506
    @cilsdeluxe3506 3 дня назад +7

    I wish someone would’ve asked why is the US not helping the Israeli people put a new government in place? The Israelis keep begging and pleading for a new one but the US is too focused on the Lebanese political issues and insinuating that the people of Lebanon want Hezbollah out but I have yet to hear someone saying that. In fact, they don’t even the politicians themselves are in good terms with to Hezbollah lol.
    Why is the US interjecting themselves into Lebanon’s politics when there is a clear urgent need, as per the Israelis, for a complete government overhaul in Israel?
    And the overused “terrorist” terminology to refer to Hezbollah literally has no effect… it’s so overused and has lost all meaning in regard to resistance fighters. Just like with the Holocaust, it’s been beaten to the ground that it literally does not conjure up any feelings of sadness but rather has the opposite effect.

  • @lalpremi
    @lalpremi 3 дня назад +20

    Findlay's fearless reporter-unwavering and determined.

  • @PatriciaClaireEdelstein
    @PatriciaClaireEdelstein 3 дня назад +7

    Great journalist

  • @napoleonlaguerre5587
    @napoleonlaguerre5587 3 дня назад +10

    True Journalist

  • @RKS454
    @RKS454 3 дня назад +8

    Israel has all the rights. All other just do nothing.

  • @azriym5563
    @azriym5563 2 дня назад +1

    Ask him about P Diddy & the Freak Off parties next time and see what kind of BS he will come up with 🤣🤣🤣

  • @johnstott1431
    @johnstott1431 3 дня назад +5

    Would be interested to know if this guy was ever allowed back to Count Dracula’s castle again. Or did he meet with a dreadful accident. Woohoohahaha

  • @richardt.buryan832
    @richardt.buryan832 3 дня назад +9


  • @daijones101
    @daijones101 3 дня назад +8

    Who’s the terrorist?

  • @arbenukallosky6156
    @arbenukallosky6156 3 дня назад +9

    Bravissimo Journalist ❤

  • @StevenAnthony-v2r
    @StevenAnthony-v2r 2 дня назад +1

    how many times and resolutions has israel ignored to leave occupied territory for 75yrs...

  • @mrperfect87106
    @mrperfect87106 3 дня назад +4

    14:39 unacceptable? Well, if they keep doing it and we don’t do anything to curb it then it clearly is acceptable?!?! I mean, am I in the twilight zone? What the actual f**k? At this point, I could get up there and do this guy’s job. But because I’m not a soulless ghoul, I’m probably not qualified.

  • @thyownshadow5280
    @thyownshadow5280 2 дня назад +1

    Hundreds and hundreds of investigations into military misconduct? Interesting crumb you dropped there. Big clue.

  • @benitomoralesjr1142
    @benitomoralesjr1142 3 дня назад +6

    Just a show.
    He's a IDF forces lip service.

  • @Walter-j9e
    @Walter-j9e 2 дня назад +1

    Yeah yeah, and it goes on 😅.

  • @kentauree
    @kentauree 3 дня назад +5

    This Miller guy has no soule.

  • @glajubutu
    @glajubutu 2 дня назад +1

    They pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of Israel.

  • @chester3925
    @chester3925 3 дня назад +4

    Miller sounds like an old scratch LP!

  • @GeopoliticalInsights-i5o
    @GeopoliticalInsights-i5o 2 дня назад +1

    Matt Miller belongs in prison

  • @hashimbalushi9283
    @hashimbalushi9283 2 дня назад +2

    Let Israel withdraw from golan heights as well?

  • @ahmederfan8983
    @ahmederfan8983 3 дня назад +4

    🇺🇸🇺🇸Free America 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @corybundukamara8069
    @corybundukamara8069 2 дня назад +3

    Matthew "who gives a shit" Miller

    • @glajubutu
      @glajubutu 2 дня назад

      😂😂😂 Real Talk

  • @hashimbalushi9283
    @hashimbalushi9283 2 дня назад +1

    I think all these journalists are wasting their time with this incompetent liar..

  • @revn9203
    @revn9203 3 дня назад +3

    See MM’s nose twitch.

  • @amule1154
    @amule1154 3 дня назад +9

    This is > Say one thing, Do another.

  • @michaelshaboun3573
    @michaelshaboun3573 3 дня назад +2

    As usual he can put 10 pounds of Sh…t. In 3 pound bag just admitted and act like a man and stop the crab and the BS

  • @garrieleepeck8753
    @garrieleepeck8753 3 дня назад +2

    No but you dictoring Matthew the policeman of the world ive heard all this before on liyba iraq look how that turned out

  • @gus2202
    @gus2202 3 дня назад +6

    Whats the name of the first guy?

    • @starcorpvncj
      @starcorpvncj 3 дня назад +5

      His name is Courageous Hero.

    • @cilsdeluxe3506
      @cilsdeluxe3506 3 дня назад +4

      Liam Cosgrove- he’s a reporter for the Grayzone.

  • @kolaking80
    @kolaking80 3 дня назад +5

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that khacki coat reporter!!!!!!

  • @MurrayBogart
    @MurrayBogart 3 дня назад +2

    that is because you fail to look.

  • @ann-maaritjohansson5720
    @ann-maaritjohansson5720 День назад

    To the US government: Would you let a suspected killer investigate his/her own crime??!

  • @elochai81
    @elochai81 3 дня назад +1

    Jesus Wept, What a horrendous piece of "work"! It's like he has the haircut of The Count from Sesame Street but with absolutely none of the intelligence nor charisma.

  • @darlenedowie2926
    @darlenedowie2926 День назад

    The reporter didn't give a speech but asked a long question!

  • @jamesbroughton4706
    @jamesbroughton4706 3 дня назад +3

    israel doesnt want one

  • @Joe-ey7fg
    @Joe-ey7fg 15 часов назад

    Their duty is to represent the military industrial complex and the corporations

  • @Dan-ri1us
    @Dan-ri1us 21 час назад

    You're allowed to ask what the policy is, but not why the policy is.

  • @shs6849
    @shs6849 День назад

    Late last night I was watchin' the tube
    When I saw the most incredible thing
    They built a new mechanical man
    Looked just like a human being.
    He walks and he talks, he smiles, he frowns,
    He does what a human can,
    Country Joe

  • @ericvandenbergh8434
    @ericvandenbergh8434 2 дня назад

    This journalist wow , he asked the only question that every one has been tiptoeing around.

  • @joseviveiros6743
    @joseviveiros6743 День назад

    Miller says that starving civilians is unacceptable but he does nothing about it. If our government really cared, they would have stop supply of offensive weapons. I thought d US was d leader for protecting human rights. What ever happened to our values?

  • @thyownshadow5280
    @thyownshadow5280 2 дня назад

    You are NOT opposed to occupation!! If we don't want that for Lebanon, why is it okay in Palestine?

  • @thyownshadow5280
    @thyownshadow5280 2 дня назад

    Stop saying "north Gaza" GAZA is a single STRIP of land... Don't make it sound bigger than it really is. They have been getting pummeled.

  • @hankbacksquat975
    @hankbacksquat975 День назад

    “We need someone that we can hire to like….idk… say stuff to make people see our side, like a real Dracula flow type of guy” - US government when decideing to hire someone who can say “well I know what was said but yall can’t know 😂”
    Truly a disgusting man.

  • @callamastia
    @callamastia День назад

    he’s literally jewish why would people think he’d be impartial.

  • @bigtexan7562
    @bigtexan7562 3 дня назад +5

    Matthew Miller is one of the worst spokesmen I have ever seen in international diplomacy.

    • @cilsdeluxe3506
      @cilsdeluxe3506 3 дня назад

      I’ve never seen another like him. I don’t know if it’s because I’m fully engaged with aspects of this war that the propaganda isn’t working at all… or is he just as awful and brain dead as he comes off during these sessions?
      I never paid attention to briefings as closely prior to this war, so I can’t really judge previous house speakers but I don’t EVER remember them being this inept.

  • @star67641
    @star67641 День назад

    This fellow calling himself reporter instead of asking question giving a BS lecture and got BS for him…!

  • @haroldsimmons7608
    @haroldsimmons7608 2 дня назад +1

    Bull hockey 🏒😤

  • @Colorquee521
    @Colorquee521 23 часа назад

    Monster miller, once his tenure is over he must never know peace in his life

  • @ThomasMullan-r5s
    @ThomasMullan-r5s 5 часов назад

    Well said the clown runs away war crimes when this is all over shame on yous not in r name 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @anllpp
    @anllpp 3 дня назад +1

  • @jermainemajor8874
    @jermainemajor8874 2 дня назад

    We all are soft wimps. All of us

  • @danielx8
    @danielx8 День назад

    Waste of time talking to Millet

  • @janiceleighton7348
    @janiceleighton7348 День назад

    Yes they are and the world's people know it we see ut

  • @eduardmurison9358
    @eduardmurison9358 2 дня назад

    He moves like a puppet. Look at his eyes👀

  • @svharken6907
    @svharken6907 3 дня назад +2


  • @davewhite3629
    @davewhite3629 3 дня назад

    Free Israel from Israeisl 🤯

  • @NinjaStroll
    @NinjaStroll 2 дня назад

    Show more respect to the vampire

  • @harryteo7801
    @harryteo7801 3 дня назад +6

    I wonder what lies he told his family 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @kolaking80
    @kolaking80 3 дня назад +3

    Matt Millers hairline is receeding a inch a week😮😅

    • @kylea.9830
      @kylea.9830 3 дня назад +1

      Before long it will have withdrawn enough to implement the provisions of 17.01

  • @syedahrazahmed7542
    @syedahrazahmed7542 2 дня назад

    United States of Israhell

  • @annenash6558
    @annenash6558 День назад

    How does Miller sleep at night?

  • @kennymosireland7069
    @kennymosireland7069 2 дня назад

    Sorry, but this american spokesman , looks so creepy.. .you could cast him as the villian in a horror movie,,

  • @BrianBarry227
    @BrianBarry227 2 дня назад

    Looks like a devil to me

  • @akibalan2861
    @akibalan2861 День назад

    Reporter: Does the US support the mass murderers renewed military operations in Gaza?
    State Dept: We will always support the murders even though they will be bogged down in these murders.
    Reporters: Is the US conducting investigations on Palestinians being murdered as they flee the area?
    State Dept: We expect the mass murderers to investigate themselves and to hold themselves accountable.
    Reporter: Are you worried that the mass murderers are laying seige on the food in Northern Gaza?
    State Dept: We are concerned and expect the mass murderers to obey the law.
    Reporter: Is it accurate that the US supports the Lebanese commander of the armed forces as the next President?
    State Dept: I am not going to answer that but what I will say is that we do not take a position on who the next Lebanese President will be and ultimately that is a question for the Lebanese to decide.
    Reporter: Are you looking at diplomatic ways for Iran to weigh in on its proxies to stand down?
    State Dept: I am not going to answer that but we have long urged Iran to stop funding any resistance to the mass murders.
    Reporter: It sounds like the mass murderers are blocking aid?
    State Dept: We have not made that assessment at this time.
    Reporter: Can you share with us if there is a plan for a regional cease fire?
    State Dept: We are not in any talks about such a proposal which would require resistance organizations to stop the mass murderers from their actions in the region.
    Reporter: The mass murderer said to "free your country from Hezbollah so that this war could end". Is that terrorism?
    State Dept: I am not answering that but will say that it is up to the Lebanese people to decide what their government will be.

  • @ColP-q4v
    @ColP-q4v 3 дня назад

    4.10 - 4.30 . . .

  • @rogerrabbitog683
    @rogerrabbitog683 2 дня назад

    Matt Miller sounds gay and works for sleepy joe. So while I disagree with him in those decisions, I respect his intellect and ability to handle those dumb reporters.

  • @HenryBaggins-rz7mq
    @HenryBaggins-rz7mq 3 дня назад +2

    Miller's body language and dead eyes says Psychopath.

  • @carlosjimenez-pu7gb
    @carlosjimenez-pu7gb 2 дня назад

    Vote right people from bottom to top not just president

  • @PeterHooper-o3h
    @PeterHooper-o3h День назад


  • @zenri5363
    @zenri5363 2 дня назад

    Commenting for the algorithm gods 🙏 🙌 ✨️

  • @damlitproductions8126
    @damlitproductions8126 3 дня назад +2

    😱🩸"MATT DRACULA" ; ; 🦇

  • @PeterHooper-o3h
    @PeterHooper-o3h День назад