You've given a lot of advice to the people who are either employed by a company or looking to be employed by a company. Could you make a video on the other end of things? Some background, I'm a developer who created a product and now I'm looking to expand into having employees, although growth is a good thing, I've been a solo developer for a long time and haven't worked in the industry with others. So ultimately, what is the other side of things? Managing a team, repo, etc. I understand if this is too broad of a topic but I think you could provide some great insight to solo devs who are looking to make the same push to grow their software into a company. Appreciate your insights over the years and look forward to hearing back.
Hi, to be honest, I don't think this topic would resonate with a lot of my audience, and I'm trying to pick topics useful to broad audience. That said, from technical point of view, we did release a course recently, focusing on how to work with code in a team to keep it maintainable:
great topic to discuss really helpful because i dont have github link on my CV just because i worked on 2 products in 3 4 years and they cant be on public repository so i choose to present myself verbally in an interview but sometimes didnt get shortlisted because of not having github link on CV
Which part is bad exactly? And yes I applied for jobs long time ago, but mostly my stories are from other people applying for jobs who talk to me. So maybe my thoughts don't apply to your situation, and we can discuss, and I may expand or follow-up in other videos. I'm sharing my OPINION based on the data I have from people. Should I be sorry for sharing that opinion? How can I improve?
у меня 70 приватных коммерческих репозиториев в гитхабе за 7 лет, у меня никогда не было времени на создание бесполезных понтов, так что да, мой публичный аккаунт пустой
I think everything you said was spot on. It could really be summarized as, "It depends".
Yup, all my channel with almost 2,000 videos can be summarized with that phrase :)
Thank you for this information. It's really helpful for me personally.
Even if you're focused on the code and not design you still need to have a beautiful and fancy website.
You've given a lot of advice to the people who are either employed by a company or looking to be employed by a company. Could you make a video on the other end of things? Some background, I'm a developer who created a product and now I'm looking to expand into having employees, although growth is a good thing, I've been a solo developer for a long time and haven't worked in the industry with others. So ultimately, what is the other side of things? Managing a team, repo, etc. I understand if this is too broad of a topic but I think you could provide some great insight to solo devs who are looking to make the same push to grow their software into a company. Appreciate your insights over the years and look forward to hearing back.
Hi, to be honest, I don't think this topic would resonate with a lot of my audience, and I'm trying to pick topics useful to broad audience.
That said, from technical point of view, we did release a course recently, focusing on how to work with code in a team to keep it maintainable:
As always thanks
An awesome Content About Laravel Love From Pakistan!💕
great topic to discuss really helpful
because i dont have github link on my CV just because i worked on 2 products in 3 4 years and they cant be on public repository
so i choose to present myself verbally in an interview but sometimes didnt get shortlisted because of not having github link on CV
Have you ever applied for a tech job? It seems like you are giving advice on topics you have no idea about. The thought itself is ok, but man. Bad.
He at least is an employer
@@abela801 I am also. And I do not like bad way of thinking.
Which part is bad exactly? And yes I applied for jobs long time ago, but mostly my stories are from other people applying for jobs who talk to me. So maybe my thoughts don't apply to your situation, and we can discuss, and I may expand or follow-up in other videos.
I'm sharing my OPINION based on the data I have from people. Should I be sorry for sharing that opinion? How can I improve?
He's an employer who can give advice to applicants on how to better present themselves based on his experience. What part of that don't you get?
@null_dev Same old story learn DS and alogrithsm who have 0 relation with real jobs.
у меня 70 приватных коммерческих репозиториев в гитхабе за 7 лет, у меня никогда не было времени на создание бесполезных понтов, так что да, мой публичный аккаунт пустой