"The man appeared in court was set free on bail by a district judge." This is how judicial system ruins lives of innocent while rewarding criminals. Utterly disgraceful!
Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes that could be perpetrated on another human being. This documentary shows the trauma experienced by adults. Just imagine when children are victims of human trafficking - despicable. I believe they should get life in prison because their moral compass is beyond repair.
It’s not just their moral compass (most are sociopaths - they don’t have a moral compass), but the damage they do. The life long trauma and PTSD their victims are left to live with. It’s like Child Sexual Offenders. The sentences are a bad joke. You can destroy a child’s life, and post images of them that will never NOT be on the dark web somewhere, and the perps get 3 or 4 years. They should get 25 to life.
It's hard to get anything done about sex trafficking children and other human beings. When the government's around the country are involved. The United States government has its own sex trafficking ring. It was run by Jeffrey Epstein. And they protected him to the full extent.
You can see (the man in the beginning) the sadness in and pain i his eyes its heartbreaking! Hope 1 day you can make peace with everything and stop hurting. No one deserves that.
My god, the pain in the man's eyes in the beginning, even before he teared up. How many moments of horrific humiliation and beating of the soul he must have endured. What an absolute legend for coming forward and speaking out. MASSIVE respect.
And when you show people stories from around the world of ALL colors of humans being enslaved, even today, they're still screaming me, me, me! Even though they were never enslaved but others still are. It's sickening. Me, me, me! Makes me sick!!
@@Mazil_5❤ Black’s aren’t saying that “slavery” doesn’t happen to other races. The issue is that the ancestors of most Black’s endured chattel slavery, for 100’s of years, that was approved by the laws of the land, made many countries billion’s of dollars and they were never payed. Then right after slavery came Jim Crow laws that continued to encroach upon the lives of Blacks.
@@jamieusaaprofit from a legit business doesn’t come close to human exploitation. In a legit business there’s a free exchange of goods. Both parties come to an agreement on what is exchanged. Profits in such exchange are earnings to which the person pays taxes. In Human slavery only the oppressors gain something.
Polish here. When I first visited London over 20 years ago I have heard of Roma families from Poland arranging jobs for newcommers in exchange for fees and part of income. This has been going on for decades. Some uneducated and non English speaking Poles were easy pray for them.
we all see the tv series what lawyers are into.But also we should kind of understand them,when they are cnstantly faced with sistemic plans of mus1lims to take everything under shar1ia
I met a young American woman in California. When I asked her about an interesting tattoo she had, she told me she had been kept as a slave in India. The owner had used this tattoo to identify his slaves. She had been living with her parents in India when she was a child. When her parents died, she was taken as a slave. She said she had been rescued by some sort of a nonprofit just a few years before. This is what I learned from a young, blonde woman in her early 20s in a bathroom in rural California. I understand there is quite a lot of this now going on in the U.S.
I believe u. I live n a small rural town n the south. I haven’t seen any slaves that I know of. But I can c how n why it happens and being in the south. Slavery back n the day was rampant and legal. If u think about it as far as I’m concerned it really hasn’t been that long ago since our civil war where slavery was abolished. But there always and is some farms of slavery to this day
Yeah I imagine 85,000 to 200,000 children missing from the border under Harris's watch cuz she was borders are and people want to make her president she can't even keep track of 85,200,000 children or is she involved her and Biden involved with children trafficking cuz you don't just miss 85,200,000 children without knowing where they went come on come on man just like Biden says yeah come on man where are they at by and where are they at Harris is that why you guys want the Border open so bad but you won't go down to the Border yeah😢😢😢😢😢
This programme should be featured on Polish TV with the victims' faces obscured and with Polish narration. These 60 victims could also be assisted in forming an anti-slavery movement and appearing in interviews in magazines and on TV
Zgadzam się z tym. Powinno to być pokazane w telewizji polskiej a ten film nie ma nawet napisów po polsku. Jest możliwe oglądać ten film w języku tajskim, ukraińskim a nie ma języka polskiego. To skandal.
These attorneys and law enforcement officers are truly heroic. Thank you for sharing this story with the public. My heart goes out to each of these victims.
The head of Roma Rights in Europe and a defender of the Roma people turned out to be one of the main traffickers. I know in Rome they have gangs of women and children who beg and steal in the city and then are crowded together in rural barns outside the city at night. These are ROMA children.
Privacy laws - and as long as they are not yet convicted they are protected. That is O.K. but the judges should be VERY careful about allowing bail in that type of crimes. Even more so when these are people from other countries. Of course they have a massive incentive to flee.
And the policemen and womens faces are shown? 🙄🤔 i mean after all, these people have lifes, too and who knows what these trafficer rings are capable of.
The sadness and pain in his eyes is absolutely heartbreaking. My heart hurts for him. I pray that he finds peace and happiness. You deserve better Sir. ❤😢
In Jesus name I pray that God meet them where they are through this season of their lives and be transformed and be made whole: Thru Christ Jesus amen amen and amen .
Good grief. About 44 minutes in and another “ home” for slaves is discovered, and they cannot get them out because there are no resources for another investigation? We know that house closed up and the slaves moved elsewhere. This is horrific.
I work in mental health supporting those substance use, history of trauma, homeless...So vulnerable. Trafficking is real. I have clients who have experienced this-kidnapped, drugged, held hostage, abused, assaulted. I witnessed a kidnapping, police found the woman quickly..in this case. Dark side of humanity and I wish I never heard or observed what I have, but at least I can do something.
Thank You and all those who work hard to find, help and try to repair the damage caused to the victims of crimes. You are so needed. If you didn't try to help who would? The damaged caused is so traumatizing it will stay w them forever. They need encouragement and support to live the rest of their life not being controlled by such evil events. Bless everyone who takes on these horrors and live with the tramas as well....by trying to rescue the victims. Definition of what a Hero/Heroin is. Thank You for your courage, strength and determination that you give for the humanity of another person. The courts that allow the release of these predators have blood on their hands. They need to be required to see and prevent such evil to sliver away....to do to another human this horrific way.
@@zzkokko2954 Actually, it's voters who fail to vote and demand reforms that really need to do something. We need stricter penalties against criminal gangs and the voters gotta push for such laws or slavery will keep on.
Same here. I had to quit because of the burnout. Modern slavery is a lot more common than people think. During covid lockdown children were being trafficked because the government was handing out cash hand over fist. Plus they were forcing them to work in factories. A lot of factories have hidden shifts that illegals & underage kids work. What was shocking was the type of people doing it bc it wasn’t slimy underworld types you’d expect. The saddest & most frustrating part is the factories will never stop employing illegals & children (the major corporations can just claim they weren’t aware). There has to be corruption because they all do it & stay in business and are never held accountable. It’s widespread in the US UK & Canada.
Well done to UK Law Enforcement!! A special shout out to the Cops working undercover to rescue slaves - you may never receive the praise you deserve!! God's speed to you all!! Sadly, the known cases may only be a drop in the bucket. It is so tremendously heartbreaking to see the pain of the victims. Complete healing, prosperity, calm and peace are wished upon each of you. Each one that spoke up is a HERO!!
All of the victims are so traumatized. Look at their eyes; they're holding back tears. They all look so defeated. I hope they can get some type of financial settlement selling the perpetrators' confiscated properties. God bless all the victims.
The traffickers have a top London Law Agency with 8 Lawyers defending them, the man first arrested was released by the Judge fully knowing the likelihood of leaving the Country, the accused has no problem getting through boarders and returning to Poland. Whoever is behind this is obviously high up and has more control over the government, the boarder security, the justice system, then those who have the job to honor law and order and to protect its citizens 😳
Ah...those 8 lawyers from a top London Law Agency are just purely evil! They are dark spirits! Of course the darks spirits, the demons will defend the criminals!!
These criminals are Gypsies. I am a kidnapping and torture survivor. My situation was not like theirs, and I am in the United States. There is nothing like being alive, and no one sees you. You feel invisible. It's an eye-opening experience and makes you wonder how many people are not able or not mentally strong enough to pick up the phone or simply change direction and walk into a police station. Some kidnappers try to make you believe everyone who looks at you is watching you for them. Once you realize how impossible that is, you gain more courage. God bless these survivors and the victims. I hope they get all the help they need. Those items should be sold and the money given to them. I hope the prepatrators get hard labor and life.
What state? In Illinois I heard there’s a lot and it’s growing in Arizona as well. These people follow and stalk them in the parks, restaurants and stores and even medical buildings. If a person looks like one of their victims that’s how you know because of what they tell you. Citizens need to carry guns.
Gypsies tried to lure me to their van. The woman got out and claimed she had “gold” to give me. I stopped, but was suspicious. There were 2 small children in the back in car seats and a guy was driving. I almost walked towards her. She was desperately trying to get me close. I’m so glad that I walked away. I believe they were trying to abduct me in broad daylight, no less!
This documentary shows yet ANOTHER very very dark side of 'humanity'. I feel so helpless in assisting those whom have and continue to be traumatized. Bless those who are able to do so. And special blessings to these brave and courageous people to tell their story. May their futures be blessed with kindness, love and peace.
They only got 6-7 yrs for human trafficking...??? Doesn't seem fair. Each one should have gotten 25 yrs. For the harm and abuse and robbing wages and trafficking. That seems like a slap on the hand. They'll just come out and do it again. The English are light on punishment for crimes of this type.
It’s a shame how dehumanised men are in western society. Very strange that this has to be shown for people to understand that men can be mistreated too
My neighbor in London hired a housekeeper from Sri Lanka, barely spoke a word of English. My parents hired her occasionally for short jobs. One day my mother tried to get her to enroll in English classes, and she said (through an interpreter we found) that she had no money. Her employer had arranged to send her meager wages back to her mother in Sri Lanka (without her consent) and she didn't see any of the money she made. The rich rodents got away with it, and nobody stopped them.
Not the law firm (everyone deserves a defense lawyer in a state under the rule of law) but the decisions of those judges are incomprehensible to me as well, especially if other suspects of this gang have fled the country before.
Laws everywhere are a balancing act between holding the criminals accountable and the innocent not having their rights trampled on by overreaching police powers. It's a grim balance.
I knew a Korean woman who was enslaved in California for 30 years! She worked in a restaurant 6 days a week and on Monday when the business was closed, she was locked inside to perform deep cleaning. The court ordered that she be paid merely $70,000 USD, no ja8l time for the perpetrators.
These victims look absolutely broken. It's awful to see it so plainly in their eyes. This crime should carry the absolute harshest penalties allowed under law for ANY involved.
This reminds me of a man who was trafficked when he was a kid. He said in the interview...he felt guilty for surviving the other kids who died. This poor guy has the same eyes as the other guy years ago.
2 raz Podchodzę do filmu i nie mogę dotrzeć do końca 😢😢😢nie mogę wytrzymać tych smutnych emocji,tego żalu jako osoba duchowa przeszywa mnie to sz za mocno. Przesyłam ogrom dumy dla Panów i Szacunku ❤
The police finding 11 hidden in the house and leaving as they didn't have the resources gives an idea as to why these criminals continue; they get away with it time and time again.
In the 80s there was a show on tv about the orphanages in Romania that was so sad it effected me for years. Just a 1 hr show that hurt my heart and how much more it has destroyed the lives of the children. This video show reveals the eyes and you can see the pain and trauma in each of the men and how months and even years of the slavery will require years of healing but with no money and likely no long term aid, man alone can not restore them to before this crime against humanity. This happens all over the world, in every country. I previously considered only women and children and now I see men also. To lawyers, police depts, judges that helped these and hopefully others...Thank you.
I too was affected by the plight of those Romanian orphanages. What has happened to those poor babies? If they survived, they're now adults. The pain in this man's face is unbearable. He's broken. May he receive all the help he deserves. 🙏
I grew up till age 15 in one of those orphanages in Romania. Despite de hunger, fear , pain etc I learned great things too. I look at the filled half of that cup. And learned from it. It depends on each individual if you want to make u or break u. I'm so fricking strong nothing ever breaks me always fall on my feet. And I love this about me. I became the woman I am due to my past too. I'm 50 now and boy, life has been quite an adventure 😃
Sadly, with children being individuals with differing personalities, not everyone has the resilience or strength to rise above poor early starts in life. A lot of the children had special needs too. Happy to hear you personally have done well.
I too have been deeply hurt by the videos off romanian orphanages,my heart smashed to bits but let me tell you.those ones knew they where being filmed and agreed to it they had weeks to clean and tidy and TIME to hide a lot of disturbing practices.but l have seen footage undercover secretly filmed in orphanages in romania and other country's...even on todays year 2024 and l look at those little ones tied to there filthy cots ,there hands and feet tied😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 not all of them but a lot pf them,they somstimes lie amd say the baby needs it for his own protection but mainly its not not its just in someplace there are good hearted people who try everythong to nurture and show love to the babys WHICH IS CRITICAL .but some are totally apathetic now after seeing it for so long they are DESENSITIZED,also there is people that are just plain evil amd care for NOTHING.obviously these places are massively underfunded hugely by the government but l know the uk amd i think other european countrys gave billions to romania for the orphanage crisis and to help the country clean up there act so they could be accepted by the european union...but how much of that money actually went to those institutions and orphanages????? Amd we all know corruption is everywhere..why there president long long time ago banned contraception in every way amd of course womam where falling pregnant very fast amd too mamy all at the same time ,yet that President knew already the familys where struggling as they where amd where starving in a communist hell amd yet he forced them to make more babys knowing the babys where dying amd parent's had no money to feed or clothe the babys so they had there hearts broken by having to give there babys away to the orphanage which was barely surviving better.these perfect born babys where so deprived of basic humam affection or amy stimulation they developed no cognitive abilitys ,they couldn't talk or react in normal ways..amd now they have serious mental health problems.i know there where many good carers that tried there best amd gave every ounce of love they could but there was not enough staff,no money,no time and child abuse was rampant.l have some images seared into my mind of sunken hollow eyes staring from amaciated bodys as they where tied to there beds or covered in feaces and urine...😢😢😢with such looks that i cant explain but it haunts me .our world is seriously desensitized and sick .😢😢😢😢
Raise your voices. Tell your story. Tell the truth. We need to stand up together and say NO. NO to the abuse. NO to the lies. NO TO EVIL. It's never too late to change, to grow, to be free.
Exactly! In Michigan we have over 4,000 missing and 3000 of those missing from Metro Detroit area! Michigan is international Human Trafficking Hub with Oakland County as it's worst🤮
And we point fingers to Saudis, while this is becoming a normal thing in western world, EU, UK, US...that like to brag about freedom and justice. Look at this, and rulings. No wonder it's so widespread now.
Thank you for bringing forth this horrifying story for the sake of victims and for the sake of the future. May people heed this as a warning. I hope this documentary gets translated in all languages and viewed by all so we can perhaps prevent this atrocity.
For greed to treat a fellow human being like that,oh dear the first Gentleman looks like he went through hell.I hope he is doing better and a big thank you to the whole team for working so hard into helping them get justice.
This man doesn’t even have to speak to see that he holds deep pain and sadness, that he has lived through something awful…just that moment after she clapped and he’s looking at the camera say more than words could. My heart grieves for him and the other men and all they’ve endured…and all the others that have and are suffering a similar fate. They have had a sacred part of them stolen and crushed, they all look so broken. How do you ever trust another person again. I pray for them, for the repair of their souls, bodies and minds. That they are able to find a new sense of well being, happiness, peace and safety that every human deserves.
Imagine releasing human traffickers on bail while denying it to those who write hurty words on social media... Well, that's happening, which is further proof there's no justice in the judicial system.
When that judge said it was the bf fault the pigs shot Breonna, I see the court is now dealing out Injustice. I mean it has been, but blatantly so. In our face.
I have NO respect for judges, lawyers or even the police. They rarely end up serving a good purpose.i can protect myself far better than they can protect me.
4:04 Re: They fled (to Poland) after being arrested and posting bail: Who is running this operation!? ... _They're a HIGH FLIGHT-RISK ... - thus _*_NO BAIL should be offered!_*
Who can say they do not believe that these judge are taking bribes from lawyers to set criminal who should be kept in jail free. Corruption, corruption, corruption!
It has only gotten worse Jordan Peterson has a interview with T/o/m/m/y R/o/b/e/r/t/s/o/n who has been warning about this it has to do with a certain r/e/l/i/e/g/o/n = I/r/a/n
The criminals who have done this covered themselves up during corona histery they forced upon common people, & when the unsuspecting folks were locked in their homes - the monsters grabbed another millions of slaves in each country..
It's crazy that the slaver was released after being arrested!! Why did they let him go and flee to an other country?? Justice nowadays is clearly unfair!
As someone who has worked with trafficked, sexually abused children…I completely understand the frustration of the officers and victims! I will not go into details, but be assured, these sadistic psychopaths have no boundaries of cruelty and take every opportunity to exploit the law to the full extent! Understandably, it’s difficult for us to comprehend the extent of sadism inflicted by these predators. Just as we get a handle on the methods they use to enslave their victims and exploit the law, worse and more complicated methods emerge…this is an ever evolving game of “cat and mouse”…of which we are always on the back foot. I have a personal stake in this, as I have attempted to have my ex-husband be incarcerated for raping children. It took me 30 years of constant effort, via a myriad of ways, to get him imprisoned for life…without the possibility of parole. It took a massive team to arrest him multiple times on abuse and firearms, before he was caught and charged with selling weapons and drugs, along with trafficking of women and children. There are a whole hist of further charges, but the previous ones were the most serious, grace, and sadistic. One of my frustrations is the fact that he was a Music, Physical Education and Special Needs teacher, as well as a private tutor and coach of sport teams outside the arena of school - which provided him the perfect opportunity to exploit the children and offer a “cover” of anonymity. Even his fellow colleagues were targeted by him, in that some female teachers were bullied, while a second teacher in his home room joined efforts in selecting and aiding in his pedophilic fantasies. I cannot express the hundreds of times I have physically vomited while surveying and assisting in the arrest of such vicious, perverted, violent offenders! May we increase our efforts to prevent such individuals from preying on victims. Thank you for this documentary! We know such sadistic, abusive behaviour occurs within every race of people…there are no boundaries…let us combine our efforts and increase the prevention and incarceration of such violent predators…it’s how we protect the innocent and most vulnerable! Many thanks to The Salvation Army and other charities for their efforts to help all marginalized and traumatized victims of various backgrounds! I have volunteered with the church and charity for years, as do my parents and extended family…their mission only increases…which is why it’s crucial we combine our efforts! Discovering a trafficked case is merely the beginning…there is much continued work to follow…so as we can offer continued support. One bright, uplifting note is that many of the victims become volunteers or critical workers of immense experience, strength and courage, and go on to help us understand and identify future victims. It’s critical we provide HOPE for a more compassionate, prosperous, safe future for all involved! Much gratitude!🇨🇦
This man is so emotional From the beginning and this woman does an obnoxious clap right in front got his face which could be traumatic and triggering for someone. So uncalled for.
@@Maynard-il1yj Agreed, it is standard. Non-filmmakers probably aren't aware that audio and video are recorded separately; they're probably unaware that anything they watch that sounds remotely professional, including most RUclipsrs' videos, have separate audio. People who haven't edited may also not realise how difficult it is sync talking with someone's mouth! There's a lot of movement of muscles both before and after sound comes out. A clap with hands or clapper is much more definitive. As to its proximity to his face: with the long lens that they're filming him with, there's not a lot of space for them to clap further away from him. The fact that this woman uses her hands instead of holding up a slate actually speaks to the fact that they're trying to make this less scary and official for him -- interviews can be intimidating to someone unused to being on camera. (This is one of the reasons to use a long lens, by the way: not only does it look more aesthetically pleasing, but it allows them to get a close-up on the man while having the cameras further away from him, not crowding his personal space.) Now, my prosumer movie camera captures its own audio, so it's actually easy to sync up the good audio to it without using any visual clapper: you just have to line up the wave forms when you're editing. But I always try to get the clapper in the shot anyway, and that single spike on the waveform certainly helps. I appreciate that the commenters on this thread are wanting to be considerate of the guy -- that's an admirable desire -- but the woman seemed very gentle in her demeanor prior to the clap, so berating her seems out-of-tune and socially unobservant. The filmmakers almost certainly explained the clapping to the man; he didn't flinch or seem surprised by it. The clap can be a helpful psychological cue to let everyone know that the interview is actually about to begin. The man may've been sitting there for five minutes as they adjusted the lights, did some last throat-clearing, and got the camera and sound rolling, so it's nice to have an obvious start to the interview. It's possible it was a triggering sound, but it's just as possible that it provided him with a useful cue to tether him to the interview, all the more so because of his trauma. He already seemed to be transported back to his trauma BEFORE the clap happened, so I don't think there's any reason to suppose that it added significantly to his pain. But we don't know either way. I don't think it's particularly helpful to start off listening with immediate antagonism to the very people who are trying to give this man a voice. It's rather Monday-morning-quarterback to get outraged at people who are actually doing something to help: I don't know about the rest of you, but I wouldn't want to stack up what I've done against what these filmmakers are doing -- I certainly haven't helped save anyone from slavery lately! And yet I also understand the temptation, when one sees a wrong and feels powerless to help, to criticise the people who are helping, as a way to feel engaged: it gives one the momentary vicarious illusion that one is, oneself, standing up for the people who are being wronged. And yet the irony is -- you wouldn't know this man to sympathise with him, if these filmmakers hadn't sat him down for an interview!
The authorities, the legal team who chose to pursue this case no matter how difficult, they are heroes. There has to be changes to the law. Human trafficking should be a non-bailable offense due to flight risk, which the suspects have done repeatedly. The witnesses are very brave to have chosen to tell their stories to help stop this horrible crime. They, too, are heroes.
Dear Sir, I’m so sorry to hear about your difficult past. Sending virtual hugs and truly hope for you to discover the beautiful soul that you have and find healing within you. Blessings.
My heart is hurting. I feel bad for the victims. Human trafficking is real in today's society. Thank you for this type of information so that we are aware and put a stop into this horrible crime. I felt traumatized seeing him cry.
I sadly also dealt with this..I was taken from my home in the US and lured to Germany.Where all my money was taken and i was held captive for about a year..Got pregnant and hit and treated badly..The family I was with..Was all in it together..I was their first..I couldnt speak the language due to being isolated and they took my child..My food was controlled..I was always so scared i wouldnt eat..Also kept in a room away from people..I was to be a servent for the family and do a lot chores without pay..My passport and papers taken against my will..My money and my kid taken as well..😢 It can happen to anyone..I was 26 when it happened..almost 40 now..been free since 2014 but was captured in 2011..Lied to and promised alot..Nothing that was promised ever happened..I was constantly threatened and exploited for my body and everything..I havent pressed charges because I am free and living on my own and want peace..Plus the person still has my kid..Even though i did go to police and child services..They have ignored my pleas for help and the kid has been abused and used against me..😢 so.I have stayed since..Waiting for the day to come when my kid might come back..The courts anf police dont always lead to a good outcome..I needed years of therapy to heal from the trauma and abuse i went through..
I hope you find an organization that helps and protects you and supports you in getting your child back! You might want to look into the organization led by Tim Ballard. I think it is called Underground Railroad or something. They might help you with everything!!
Are you still in Germany? Do you have German Papers? Or still American? Please can you try to contact me. Could help you, am a German. Very ashamed how things are going here! All the best!!❤
In all cases poverty and vulnerability is the starting point of this plague. Monsters feed on the weakest. The society has an impossible debt with the victims. I’m speechless
This is what happens when you are an east European. I was brutally abused by the westerners for no reason at all. Also victim of abuse. I am from Slovakia. I wish I could hug my Polish neighbour. I love you my Slavic brothers. All of you.
These unfortunate Polish people were taken by their OWN COUNTRY citizens. They were just done in a Western country by Eastern European people! So why is it Western People are getting blamed for what you Eastern Europeans are doing to each other?
During the war in the Balkans human trafficking was blooming. Girls from Ukraine, Latvia, etc.were brought to UN soldiers for entertainment. Poor girls were kept as s.x slaves.
Not smart but this is what corrupt people do. I don't think corrupt people are particularly intelligent. They are just willing to do evil things at a level many are not.
Human trafficking should be a life in prison charge.
No, it should be a life of forced labour!
Yes, and no parole and even capital punishment for extreme cases.
100% agree
In solitary confinement 24/7!
"The man appeared in court was set free on bail by a district judge." This is how judicial system ruins lives of innocent while rewarding criminals. Utterly disgraceful!
It is important to traumatize people because it is easier for the government to control the masses .. who are broken
This needs to stop❣️
Even after the others who were arrested fled to Poland!
It's all about the money.
My heart breaks for these people 😢 I wish I was wealthy that I could help them with a place to stay here in America. It's so sad 😢😢😢
This man needs a million hugs and assurance. The sadness in his face makes me really sad. May he find healing.
Me too. It reaches my stomach. His face is so sad.
This is horrible. That man in the beginning is traumatized. Prayers for him.
The “stop the boats” rhetoric ensure people living in Britain under the same circumstances cannot seek assistance.
21st century “holocaust”…burnt out mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Hope they all get the help they need to put this behind them.
Are you serious?
He looks so sad, poor man, I ' hope he gets some help,( therapy) prayer helps too.
Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes that could be perpetrated on another human being. This documentary shows the trauma experienced by adults. Just imagine when children are victims of human trafficking - despicable. I believe they should get life in prison because their moral compass is beyond repair.
It’s not just their moral compass (most are sociopaths - they don’t have a moral compass), but the damage they do. The life long trauma and PTSD their victims are left to live with. It’s like Child Sexual Offenders. The sentences are a bad joke. You can destroy a child’s life, and post images of them that will never NOT be on the dark web somewhere, and the perps get 3 or 4 years. They should get 25 to life.
It's hard to get anything done about sex trafficking children and other human beings. When the government's around the country are involved. The United States government has its own sex trafficking ring. It was run by Jeffrey Epstein. And they protected him to the full extent.
You are so right. Their moral compass is beyond repair!!!
No parole.
They don't have one.
This man didn’t even have to explain, his eyes said it all. 😢
You can see (the man in the beginning) the sadness in and pain i his eyes its heartbreaking! Hope 1 day you can make peace with everything and stop hurting. No one deserves that.
I hope he has a friend like you with your sweet face. Very sad story and I hope he can overcome his past.
Sadness and pain? He is BROKEN. Traumatized. PTSD for life. I hope he can get the support he needs.
Canada need to come on list
It’s pretty lame that they are given bale and then they escape. Stupidity really, since it happens again and again .
Yes, he truly bracke my heart. 😢
The judges should be held accountable, when they liberally release these monsters. Who then flee or reoffend. It is disgusting.
The unassimilated people bringing their amoral behavior to the West!
Yes! They should be charged with aiding and abeting.
The MUST BE CORRUPT as well. Sickening
And the one guy has topnotch attorneys...are they a part of the scheme?
This is why we MUST be kind. You don't know what that person is going through just by looking at them and judging. He's so traumatized. 😢
Traumatised man would be accused of having white privilege by leftist lunatics.
My god, the pain in the man's eyes in the beginning, even before he teared up. How many moments of horrific humiliation and beating of the soul he must have endured. What an absolute legend for coming forward and speaking out. MASSIVE respect.
And when you show people stories from around the world of ALL colors of humans being enslaved, even today, they're still screaming me, me, me! Even though they were never enslaved but others still are. It's sickening. Me, me, me! Makes me sick!!
@@NC_SUGAR I don't understand what you mean?
@@SpectrumOfChangethat slavery is not exclusive for/to black people. Although many scream it is…
@@Mazil_5❤ Black’s aren’t saying that “slavery” doesn’t happen to other races. The issue is that the ancestors of most Black’s endured chattel slavery, for 100’s of years, that was approved by the laws of the land, made many countries billion’s of dollars and they were never payed. Then right after slavery came Jim Crow laws that continued to encroach upon the lives of Blacks.
I will never understand how a person could treat another human being like this! My heart breaks for these abused people.
They don’t care. They only care about profit. You might wanna look around in your own neighborhood to see who’s profiting off somebody else.
@@jamieusaaprofit from a legit business doesn’t come close to human exploitation. In a legit business there’s a free exchange of goods. Both parties come to an agreement on what is exchanged. Profits in such exchange are earnings to which the person pays taxes. In Human slavery only the oppressors gain something.
Psychopathic…look up the definition, it explains everything!
I agree 100%.... People that treat others like this are not human...
Go to Gaza
Polish here. When I first visited London over 20 years ago I have heard of Roma families from Poland arranging jobs for newcommers in exchange for fees and part of income. This has been going on for decades. Some uneducated and non English speaking Poles were easy pray for them.
"Roma" - are they from capital of Italy, Rome? Or are they simply gypsy?
If they were roma gypsies that should have been an automatic red flag for the Poles.
This should have subtitles. And he broke my heart. His tears are the tears of millions of those who’ve been enslaved
It does have subtitles, in English, click the CC button at the top right of the video.
They are tears of the soul.
we all see the tv series what lawyers are into.But also we should kind of understand them,when they are cnstantly faced with sistemic plans of mus1lims to take everything under shar1ia
I met a young American woman in California. When I asked her about an interesting tattoo she had, she told me she had been kept as a slave in India. The owner had used this tattoo to identify his slaves. She had been living with her parents in India when she was a child. When her parents died, she was taken as a slave. She said she had been rescued by some sort of a nonprofit just a few years before. This is what I learned from a young, blonde woman in her early 20s in a bathroom in rural California. I understand there is quite a lot of this now going on in the U.S.
I am sure it is bad here in the USA where the white elite privileged think they can do what they want to anyone they want
I believe u. I live n a small rural town n the south. I haven’t seen any slaves that I know of. But I can c how n why it happens and being in the south. Slavery back n the day was rampant and legal. If u think about it as far as I’m concerned it really hasn’t been that long ago since our civil war where slavery was abolished. But there always and is some farms of slavery to this day
More than you can imagine.
@@sabrinafehl7861it is the LARGEST FORM OF INCOME IN THE WORLD! Larger than drug trafficking !!
Yeah I imagine 85,000 to 200,000 children missing from the border under Harris's watch cuz she was borders are and people want to make her president she can't even keep track of 85,200,000 children or is she involved her and Biden involved with children trafficking cuz you don't just miss 85,200,000 children without knowing where they went come on come on man just like Biden says yeah come on man where are they at by and where are they at Harris is that why you guys want the Border open so bad but you won't go down to the Border yeah😢😢😢😢😢
Skipped the country on bail. That judge and lawyers need investigating
Also that bank seems like a inside job to open accounts
They could have been threatened or coerced.
These are broken men. The sadness and pain in their eyes tells a tale of horror for them. May they be able to find peace.
Their spirits have been broken. Very sad😢
The pain in his eyes….. I am so sorry to hear what he’s gone through…. May his soul heal and learn to thrive 🙏🙏🙏
What a beautiful person and wishes
Im going to pray for this man. He is severely traumatized.
This programme should be featured on Polish TV with the victims' faces obscured and with Polish narration. These 60 victims could also be assisted in forming an anti-slavery movement and appearing in interviews in magazines and on TV
Zgadzam się z tym. Powinno to być pokazane w telewizji polskiej a ten film nie ma nawet napisów po polsku. Jest możliwe oglądać ten film w języku tajskim, ukraińskim a nie ma języka polskiego. To skandal.
These attorneys and law enforcement officers are truly heroic. Thank you for sharing this story with the public. My heart goes out to each of these victims.
The head of Roma Rights in Europe and a defender of the Roma people turned out to be one of the main traffickers. I know in Rome they have gangs of women and children who beg and steal in the city and then are crowded together in rural barns outside the city at night. These are ROMA children.
AS Roma, Rome and ...gypsy?
I couldn't find any source for this. What is the persons name?
WHY are these sociopaths’ faces being pixelized?!! They’re criminals whose faces should be seen by one and all!! Stop protecting them!!! 😡
My exactly thought
I agree 100% !!!
Privacy laws - and as long as they are not yet convicted they are protected. That is O.K. but the judges should be VERY careful about allowing bail in that type of crimes. Even more so when these are people from other countries. Of course they have a massive incentive to flee.
And the policemen and womens faces are shown? 🙄🤔 i mean after all, these people have lifes, too and who knows what these trafficer rings are capable of.
God bring healing to this traumatized man - Thank him for his bravery in sharing his horrible story.
Amen 🙏🏽🕊️⚖️
I can’t believe he was raped by men! How traumatizing!
Jesus He need Jesus to get realy free🙏
@@giselaprimavera7023 Or whichever way helps him best - Jesus already is watching out for him - if you truly believe.
To all those people 🙏
I will pray for the gentleman in the first minutes. His words and expresion broke my heart. 💔
People who have been affected by PTSD don't need to understand a word this man says in order to recognize his unfortunate experience with PTSD.
You can see it all over his face, from behind him. Poor soul.
This 😢❤
You see it in their eyes.
I agree and can absolutely relate.
Just remember, your petty little arguments and minor deals isn't PTSD.
The sadness and pain in his eyes is absolutely heartbreaking. My heart hurts for him. I pray that he finds peace and happiness. You deserve better Sir. ❤😢
I FELT it through my screen..😢😭
In Jesus name I pray that God meet them where they are through this season of their lives and be transformed and be made whole: Thru Christ Jesus amen amen and amen .
To see him shaken up. His body language tells it all.
I pray he heals completely in mind, body and spirit.
@@HTWJ...so be it in Jesus' name.Amen.❤🙏
I am in Canada , of Polish descent . I could not watch after the man cried.
Good grief. About 44 minutes in and another “ home” for slaves is discovered, and they cannot get them out because there are no resources for another investigation? We know that house closed up and the slaves moved elsewhere. This is horrific.
I work in mental health supporting those substance use, history of trauma, homeless...So vulnerable. Trafficking is real. I have clients who have experienced this-kidnapped, drugged, held hostage, abused, assaulted. I witnessed a kidnapping, police found the woman quickly..in this case. Dark side of humanity and I wish I never heard or observed what I have, but at least I can do something.
Thank You and all those who work hard to find, help and try to repair the damage caused to the victims of crimes. You are so needed. If you didn't try to help who would? The damaged caused is so traumatizing it will stay w them forever. They need encouragement and support to live the rest of their life not being controlled by such evil events. Bless everyone who takes on these horrors and live with the tramas as well....by trying to rescue the victims. Definition of what a Hero/Heroin is. Thank You for your courage, strength and determination that you give for the humanity of another person. The courts that allow the release of these predators have blood on their hands. They need to be required to see and prevent such evil to sliver away....to do to another human this horrific way.
yes at least there are people like you that can do something
@@zzkokko2954 Actually, it's voters who fail to vote and demand reforms that really need to do something. We need stricter penalties against criminal gangs and the voters gotta push for such laws or slavery will keep on.
Thank you for your service to humanity.
Same here. I had to quit because of the burnout. Modern slavery is a lot more common than people think. During covid lockdown children were being trafficked because the government was handing out cash hand over fist. Plus they were forcing them to work in factories. A lot of factories have hidden shifts that illegals & underage kids work. What was shocking was the type of people doing it bc it wasn’t slimy underworld types you’d expect. The saddest & most frustrating part is the factories will never stop employing illegals & children (the major corporations can just claim they weren’t aware). There has to be corruption because they all do it & stay in business and are never held accountable. It’s widespread in the US UK & Canada.
Well done to UK Law Enforcement!! A special shout out to the Cops working undercover to rescue slaves - you may never receive the praise you deserve!! God's speed to you all!!
Sadly, the known cases may only be a drop in the bucket.
It is so tremendously heartbreaking to see the pain of the victims. Complete healing, prosperity, calm and peace are wished upon each of you. Each one that spoke up is a HERO!!
We can all tell how traumatized this human being is, and i am grateful he had the strength to tell us his story.
Yes, so sad.
All of the victims are so traumatized. Look at their eyes; they're holding back tears. They all look so defeated. I hope they can get some type of financial settlement selling the perpetrators' confiscated properties. God bless all the victims.
@@joyful6489 Yes, it's heartbreaking.
Polish are in the EU they can do what they want why not work in the non brexit countries doesn't Germany pay more lol
Poor man I want to hug him and telling him no harm will ever come to him again. Prayers to all the broken souls around in this sick world
The traffickers have a top London Law Agency with 8 Lawyers defending them, the man first arrested was released by the Judge fully knowing the likelihood of leaving the Country, the accused has no problem getting through boarders and returning to Poland. Whoever is behind this is obviously high up and has more control over the government, the boarder security, the justice system, then those who have the job to honor law and order and to protect its citizens 😳
Ah...those 8 lawyers from a top London Law Agency are just purely evil! They are dark spirits! Of course the darks spirits, the demons will defend the criminals!!
Very true
Because they are fully involved
These criminals are Gypsies. I am a kidnapping and torture survivor. My situation was not like theirs, and I am in the United States. There is nothing like being alive, and no one sees you. You feel invisible. It's an eye-opening experience and makes you wonder how many people are not able or not mentally strong enough to pick up the phone or simply change direction and walk into a police station. Some kidnappers try to make you believe everyone who looks at you is watching you for them. Once you realize how impossible that is, you gain more courage. God bless these survivors and the victims. I hope they get all the help they need. Those items should be sold and the money given to them. I hope the prepatrators get hard labor and life.
What state? In Illinois I heard there’s a lot and it’s growing in Arizona as well. These people follow and stalk them in the parks, restaurants and stores and even medical buildings. If a person looks like one of their victims that’s how you know because of what they tell you. Citizens need to carry guns.
@@onewotldgovernmentonlywhen9044 Texas
Gypsies tried to lure me to their van. The woman got out and claimed she had “gold” to give me. I stopped, but was suspicious. There were 2 small children in the back in car seats and a guy was driving. I almost walked towards her. She was desperately trying to get me close. I’m so glad that I walked away. I believe they were trying to abduct me in broad daylight, no less!
I hope you heal❤
Why give bail if they’re high risk for skipping bail?
UK. They put in prison for being unable to pay alimony or child-support but let you flee the country for slavery, murder and r*pe.
That’s what I want to know too?
Bribes paid to judges. This is the only explanation for this. Judicial corruption!
yes something stinks is it the smell of corruption?
I'm crying while watching the victims talking about what they've been through. This is so sad 😞
This documentary shows yet ANOTHER very very dark side of 'humanity'. I feel so helpless in assisting those whom have and continue to be traumatized. Bless those who are able to do so. And special blessings to these brave and courageous people to tell their story. May their futures be blessed with kindness, love and peace.
They only got 6-7 yrs for human trafficking...???
Doesn't seem fair.
Each one should have gotten 25 yrs. For the harm and abuse and robbing wages and trafficking.
That seems like a slap on the hand.
They'll just come out and do it again.
The English are light on punishment for crimes of this type.
Yes, shockingly light.
Life in jail
Of course they are. Colonizers don’t care about humans in general but will French kiss their dog. Nasty people
A pat on the back and cheerio!
Kidnapping gets you life, or up to it. Human trafficking is torture on top of kidnapping.
So 10 lawyers for the slavers from a high profile firm should tell you something!
When I read some comments I’m touched. How sensitive you are guys and the beautiful wishes you send to those who suffered.
The trauma and sadness of these people breaks my heart. I have no words. God help them.
Its Estimated there are 42 million slaves worldwide! End human trafficking through public awareness drives and documentaries like this.
Thank you for showing that men are also vulnerable and victims too
It’s a twist barely EVER seen. The standard is children & women, seen as the most vulnerable.
It’s a shame how dehumanised men are in western society. Very strange that this has to be shown for people to understand that men can be mistreated too
He looks traumatized, I've never seen such, shocked sad eyes. I can't believe what people do to each other.
Wow! As an American, I’m awestruck at how polite and civil and calm this arrest of a suspected trafficker was.
it's the UK - where regular policemen are not allowed to bare arms...
Same. In the US, cops wouldn't handle them in a polite and dignified fashion for this type of crime.
My neighbor in London hired a housekeeper from Sri Lanka, barely spoke a word of English. My parents hired her occasionally for short jobs. One day my mother tried to get her to enroll in English classes, and she said (through an interpreter we found) that she had no money. Her employer had arranged to send her meager wages back to her mother in Sri Lanka (without her consent) and she didn't see any of the money she made. The rich rodents got away with it, and nobody stopped them.
Horrible. Everyone will answer to God in the end. They didn't get away with anything.
Was the lady's mom in on it if the neighbor was sending money to her instead of the lady? Or just a lie to not pay her?
@@GingerNinja007yes,they will answer to God, we will all die and go back to him,
@@purplelove3666 naaah
@@purplelove3666 well some only temporarily for a quick chat
The law firm and judge need to be investigated as well.
No they need to change the laws!!!!
They are likely very well versed in what's going on...another Epstein like group.
But the politicians are all on the take.
Investigated for what?
Not the law firm (everyone deserves a defense lawyer in a state under the rule of law) but the decisions of those judges are incomprehensible to me as well, especially if other suspects of this gang have fled the country before.
He is what i call. An HONORABLE MAN! Im so so sorry for what he went through. Poor guy. Love you Sir!!!
Brawo dla tych Panow, ktorzy zgodzili sie powiedziec ich historie. Przerywaja petle zla.
Zastanawia mnie tylko dlaczego Nie ma tłumaczenia na język polski.
Judges that let a criminal out on bale need to be personally fined if the criminal skips town
It is bail not bale ( a bale of hay).
The UK is a joke
@@anitakephart3851 for most people in this world english is a second language
Laws everywhere are a balancing act between holding the criminals accountable and the innocent not having their rights trampled on by overreaching police powers.
It's a grim balance.
@@skumsters2323 Than what is wrong with extending their knowledge?
I am amazed how lenient the prison sentences are for ruining people's lives. All for the love of money.
Because we are slaves
Well done for letting us hear the original Polish voices without overdubs. A very shocking story.
I knew a Korean woman who was enslaved in California for 30 years! She worked in a restaurant 6 days a week and on Monday when the business was closed, she was locked inside to perform deep cleaning. The court ordered that she be paid merely $70,000 USD, no ja8l time for the perpetrators.
thats cali. the state that hypocritically claims anti-raysizm, hate, pro-migrant. yet essentially yawns at slayvery
This is unbelievable. I am so sorry for all these people 😢
That poor woman, can you imagine? These people should be jailed for life.
@@fatalbertiyet the have a history of discrimination against Asians
That is outrageous. I hope that poor lady is safe today.🙏🏻
These victims look absolutely broken. It's awful to see it so plainly in their eyes. This crime should carry the absolute harshest penalties allowed under law for ANY involved.
This reminds me of a man who was trafficked when he was a kid. He said in the interview...he felt guilty for surviving the other kids who died.
This poor guy has the same eyes as the other guy years ago.
Destruction of the soul… it’s satanic
That man crying is hurting me. We care for you sweetheart. Hope you see this. I am also a trafficking survivor. Still fighting. Don't give up.
❤Thank you for sharing. Please share your story!
2 raz Podchodzę do filmu i nie mogę dotrzeć do końca 😢😢😢nie mogę wytrzymać tych smutnych emocji,tego żalu jako osoba duchowa przeszywa mnie to sz za mocno. Przesyłam ogrom dumy dla Panów i Szacunku ❤
He didn’t even blink when she clapped at the beginning-his mind is a million miles away, steeped in trauma 😢
I pray this man finds healing from trauma
I think the man really appreciated being given a hand and being treated like a human being. You could see the spark in his eyes❤
The police finding 11 hidden in the house and leaving as they didn't have the resources gives an idea as to why these criminals continue; they get away with it time and time again.
Didn’t have resources to pull them out? Says bs.
Wow...they left people...11... that's insane. Call the Queen/king for resources. Unbelievable!
There is no justice for those at all!!! What a shame!
It said in the documentary that these people where not ready yet (afraid) to speak up. So sad.
ID Cards would go a long Way solving this problem.
In the 80s there was a show on tv about the orphanages in Romania that was so sad it effected me for years. Just a 1 hr show that hurt my heart and how much more it has destroyed the lives of the children. This video show reveals the eyes and you can see the pain and trauma in each of the men and how months and even years of the slavery will require years of healing but with no money and likely no long term aid, man alone can not restore them to before this crime against humanity. This happens all over the world, in every country. I previously considered only women and children and now I see men also.
To lawyers, police depts, judges that helped these and hopefully others...Thank you.
I too was affected by the plight of those Romanian orphanages. What has happened to those poor babies? If they survived, they're now adults. The pain in this man's face is unbearable. He's broken. May he receive all the help he deserves. 🙏
I grew up till age 15 in one of those orphanages in Romania. Despite de hunger, fear , pain etc I learned great things too. I look at the filled half of that cup. And learned from it. It depends on each individual if you want to make u or break u. I'm so fricking strong nothing ever breaks me always fall on my feet. And I love this about me. I became the woman I am due to my past too. I'm 50 now and boy, life has been quite an adventure 😃
Sadly, with children being individuals with differing personalities, not everyone has the resilience or strength to rise above poor early starts in life. A lot of the children had special needs too. Happy to hear you personally have done well.
@@barbarajones9385 you are so right. Thank you, best wishes
I too have been deeply hurt by the videos off romanian orphanages,my heart smashed to bits but let me tell you.those ones knew they where being filmed and agreed to it they had weeks to clean and tidy and TIME to hide a lot of disturbing practices.but l have seen footage undercover secretly filmed in orphanages in romania and other country's...even on todays year 2024 and l look at those little ones tied to there filthy cots ,there hands and feet tied😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 not all of them but a lot pf them,they somstimes lie amd say the baby needs it for his own protection but mainly its not not its just in someplace there are good hearted people who try everythong to nurture and show love to the babys WHICH IS CRITICAL .but some are totally apathetic now after seeing it for so long they are DESENSITIZED,also there is people that are just plain evil amd care for NOTHING.obviously these places are massively underfunded hugely by the government but l know the uk amd i think other european countrys gave billions to romania for the orphanage crisis and to help the country clean up there act so they could be accepted by the european union...but how much of that money actually went to those institutions and orphanages????? Amd we all know corruption is everywhere..why there president long long time ago banned contraception in every way amd of course womam where falling pregnant very fast amd too mamy all at the same time ,yet that President knew already the familys where struggling as they where amd where starving in a communist hell amd yet he forced them to make more babys knowing the babys where dying amd parent's had no money to feed or clothe the babys so they had there hearts broken by having to give there babys away to the orphanage which was barely surviving better.these perfect born babys where so deprived of basic humam affection or amy stimulation they developed no cognitive abilitys ,they couldn't talk or react in normal ways..amd now they have serious mental health problems.i know there where many good carers that tried there best amd gave every ounce of love they could but there was not enough staff,no money,no time and child abuse was rampant.l have some images seared into my mind of sunken hollow eyes staring from amaciated bodys as they where tied to there beds or covered in feaces and urine...😢😢😢with such looks that i cant explain but it haunts me .our world is seriously desensitized and sick .😢😢😢😢
Thank you for posting this video. The prosicutor was and the team was excellent.. good Job
Bless his soul, the pain is heartbreaking in his eyes. I'll hold them in my prayers
Raise your voices. Tell your story. Tell the truth. We need to stand up together and say NO. NO to the abuse. NO to the lies. NO TO EVIL. It's never too late to change, to grow, to be free.
This is so touching. I'm sorry you went through that horrible experience. 😢
GOD heal these people. The first man was clearly devastated. Traumatised. How horrible and evil.
The judge that let that man out on bail should be investigated to be sure he isn't paid off by this gang. I wouldn't doubt it.
Arrest that District Judge!
Bring them in for questioning?
Maybe they're part of the slavery gang?
This man broke my heart before he started talking
So little punishment for such misery caused to so many people. It’s shameful.
May the victims have a much better life.
Not tough on crimes like these...at all.
THERE VIDEO NEEDS MORE VIEWS! God bless the courage this man has to come forward. Praying for rull restoration for all the victim's.
Excellent documentary. Alot of people are going missing everywhere.
Exactly! In Michigan we have over 4,000 missing and 3000 of those missing from Metro Detroit area! Michigan is international Human Trafficking Hub with Oakland County as it's worst🤮
Correct! This situation is everywhere!
Yes and police do absolutely nothing as many are on the take.
And we point fingers to Saudis, while this is becoming a normal thing in western world, EU, UK, US...that like to brag about freedom and justice. Look at this, and rulings. No wonder it's so widespread now.
Their plight is so heartbreaking. Huge respect for them using their experiences & voices to speak out & help the guilty be held accountable.
Thank you for bringing forth this horrifying story for the sake of victims and for the sake of the future. May people heed this as a warning. I hope this documentary gets translated in all languages and viewed by all so we can perhaps prevent this atrocity.
The nerve of the first arrestee to complain about being handcuffed after imprisoning others.
Not surprising.
It’s quite ironic
I’d just wanna roll my eyes if I saw that !!!
For greed to treat a fellow human being like that,oh dear the first Gentleman looks like he went through hell.I hope he is doing better and a big thank you to the whole team for working so hard into helping them get justice.
What justice ??
This man doesn’t even have to speak to see that he holds deep pain and sadness, that he has lived through something awful…just that moment after she clapped and he’s looking at the camera say more than words could. My heart grieves for him and the other men and all they’ve endured…and all the others that have and are suffering a similar fate. They have had a sacred part of them stolen and crushed, they all look so broken. How do you ever trust another person again. I pray for them, for the repair of their souls, bodies and minds. That they are able to find a new sense of well being, happiness, peace and safety that every human deserves.
"Top London law firm" & 10 defense lawyers... it must be a powerful corporation
Yep...probably government funded.
and have judges and politicians in their pockets.
Money talks. And many besides these are scared of what it may lead to. Can't poke a hole in that dam...
Imagine releasing human traffickers on bail while denying it to those who write hurty words on social media... Well, that's happening, which is further proof there's no justice in the judicial system.
When that judge said it was the bf fault the pigs shot Breonna, I see the court is now dealing out Injustice. I mean it has been, but blatantly so. In our face.
I have NO respect for judges, lawyers or even the police. They rarely end up serving a good purpose.i can protect myself far better than they can protect me.
@@user-lo9po5mp5u that may be true, but not everybody can
4:04 Re: They fled (to Poland) after being arrested and posting bail:
Who is running this operation!? ... _They're a HIGH FLIGHT-RISK ... - thus _*_NO BAIL should be offered!_*
Who can say they do not believe that these judge are taking bribes from lawyers to set criminal who should be kept in jail free.
Corruption, corruption, corruption!
I can. I don’t believe for a moment the judge was taking a bribe.
Lots of lawyers and judges are corrupt
This trial was 5 years ago. I'd be interested in knowing how the team has done since then.
Nothing, absolute. Nothing has been done !
It has only gotten worse Jordan Peterson has a interview with T/o/m/m/y R/o/b/e/r/t/s/o/n who has been warning about this it has to do with a certain r/e/l/i/e/g/o/n = I/r/a/n
The criminals who have done this covered themselves up during corona histery they forced upon common people, & when the unsuspecting folks were locked in their homes - the monsters grabbed another millions of slaves in each country..
The man was later celebrated by king chuck and encouraged to run for parliament.
Hmmm....during the Epstein exposure. Probably a part of the same clan.
It's crazy that the slaver was released after being arrested!! Why did they let him go and flee to an other country?? Justice nowadays is clearly unfair!
As someone who has worked with trafficked, sexually abused children…I completely understand the frustration of the officers and victims! I will not go into details, but be assured, these sadistic psychopaths have no boundaries of cruelty and take every opportunity to exploit the law to the full extent! Understandably, it’s difficult for us to comprehend the extent of sadism inflicted by these predators. Just as we get a handle on the methods they use to enslave their victims and exploit the law, worse and more complicated methods emerge…this is an ever evolving game of “cat and mouse”…of which we are always on the back foot.
I have a personal stake in this, as I have attempted to have my ex-husband be incarcerated for raping children. It took me 30 years of constant effort, via a myriad of ways, to get him imprisoned for life…without the possibility of parole. It took a massive team to arrest him multiple times on abuse and firearms, before he was caught and charged with selling weapons and drugs, along with trafficking of women and children. There are a whole hist of further charges, but the previous ones were the most serious, grace, and sadistic. One of my frustrations is the fact that he was a Music, Physical Education and Special Needs teacher, as well as a private tutor and coach of sport teams outside the arena of school - which provided him the perfect opportunity to exploit the children and offer a “cover” of anonymity. Even his fellow colleagues were targeted by him, in that some female teachers were bullied, while a second teacher in his home room joined efforts in selecting and aiding in his pedophilic fantasies. I cannot express the hundreds of times I have physically vomited while surveying and assisting in the arrest of such vicious, perverted, violent offenders! May we increase our efforts to prevent such individuals from preying on victims.
Thank you for this documentary! We know such sadistic, abusive behaviour occurs within every race of people…there are no boundaries…let us combine our efforts and increase the prevention and incarceration of such violent predators…it’s how we protect the innocent and most vulnerable!
Many thanks to The Salvation Army and other charities for their efforts to help all marginalized and traumatized victims of various backgrounds! I have volunteered with the church and charity for years, as do my parents and extended family…their mission only increases…which is why it’s crucial we combine our efforts! Discovering a trafficked case is merely the beginning…there is much continued work to follow…so as we can offer continued support. One bright, uplifting note is that many of the victims become volunteers or critical workers of immense experience, strength and courage, and go on to help us understand and identify future victims. It’s critical we provide HOPE for a more compassionate, prosperous, safe future for all involved!
Much gratitude!🇨🇦
Thank you for sharing. It is incomprehensible, to most, how these insidious perpetrators exist in this rotten world.
This man is so emotional
From the beginning and this woman does an obnoxious clap right in front got his face which could be traumatic and triggering for someone. So uncalled for.
I agree.
Totally Agree,,,,,,, VERY uncalled for, people have forgotten gentleness.
Actually it’s pretty necessary to sync the audio and video.
@@Maynard-il1yj Agreed, it is standard. Non-filmmakers probably aren't aware that audio and video are recorded separately; they're probably unaware that anything they watch that sounds remotely professional, including most RUclipsrs' videos, have separate audio. People who haven't edited may also not realise how difficult it is sync talking with someone's mouth! There's a lot of movement of muscles both before and after sound comes out. A clap with hands or clapper is much more definitive. As to its proximity to his face: with the long lens that they're filming him with, there's not a lot of space for them to clap further away from him. The fact that this woman uses her hands instead of holding up a slate actually speaks to the fact that they're trying to make this less scary and official for him -- interviews can be intimidating to someone unused to being on camera. (This is one of the reasons to use a long lens, by the way: not only does it look more aesthetically pleasing, but it allows them to get a close-up on the man while having the cameras further away from him, not crowding his personal space.)
Now, my prosumer movie camera captures its own audio, so it's actually easy to sync up the good audio to it without using any visual clapper: you just have to line up the wave forms when you're editing. But I always try to get the clapper in the shot anyway, and that single spike on the waveform certainly helps.
I appreciate that the commenters on this thread are wanting to be considerate of the guy -- that's an admirable desire -- but the woman seemed very gentle in her demeanor prior to the clap, so berating her seems out-of-tune and socially unobservant. The filmmakers almost certainly explained the clapping to the man; he didn't flinch or seem surprised by it.
The clap can be a helpful psychological cue to let everyone know that the interview is actually about to begin. The man may've been sitting there for five minutes as they adjusted the lights, did some last throat-clearing, and got the camera and sound rolling, so it's nice to have an obvious start to the interview. It's possible it was a triggering sound, but it's just as possible that it provided him with a useful cue to tether him to the interview, all the more so because of his trauma. He already seemed to be transported back to his trauma BEFORE the clap happened, so I don't think there's any reason to suppose that it added significantly to his pain. But we don't know either way.
I don't think it's particularly helpful to start off listening with immediate antagonism to the very people who are trying to give this man a voice. It's rather Monday-morning-quarterback to get outraged at people who are actually doing something to help: I don't know about the rest of you, but I wouldn't want to stack up what I've done against what these filmmakers are doing -- I certainly haven't helped save anyone from slavery lately! And yet I also understand the temptation, when one sees a wrong and feels powerless to help, to criticise the people who are helping, as a way to feel engaged: it gives one the momentary vicarious illusion that one is, oneself, standing up for the people who are being wronged. And yet the irony is -- you wouldn't know this man to sympathise with him, if these filmmakers hadn't sat him down for an interview!
I thought the same thing, totally insensitive to this man's needs at a time when he is in a mental hell. All so she can be dramatic.
😭 Im already tearing up the first seconds.
Dear Jesus heal this man of all trauma.
The authorities, the legal team who chose to pursue this case no matter how difficult, they are heroes. There has to be changes to the law. Human trafficking should be a non-bailable offense due to flight risk, which the suspects have done repeatedly. The witnesses are very brave to have chosen to tell their stories to help stop this horrible crime. They, too, are heroes.
The criminal is "represented by a top London firm". ?????? *AND* set free on bail ?????
Those gangs may be working for bigger enterprises that privide them with high legal support like those top firms. Stinks
Hmmmm something really stinks here
pay offs
corrupt judges
I mean, that's why you always want the best possible representation, isn't it?
Dear Sir, I’m so sorry to hear about your difficult past. Sending virtual hugs and truly hope for you to discover the beautiful soul that you have and find healing within you. Blessings.
My heart is hurting. I feel bad for the victims. Human trafficking is real in today's society. Thank you for this type of information so that we are aware and put a stop into this horrible crime. I felt traumatized seeing him cry.
I sadly also dealt with this..I was taken from my home in the US and lured to Germany.Where all my money was taken and i was held captive for about a year..Got pregnant and hit and treated badly..The family I was with..Was all in it together..I was their first..I couldnt speak the language due to being isolated and they took my child..My food was controlled..I was always so scared i wouldnt eat..Also kept in a room away from people..I was to be a servent for the family and do a lot chores without pay..My passport and papers taken against my will..My money and my kid taken as well..😢 It can happen to anyone..I was 26 when it happened..almost 40 now..been free since 2014 but was captured in 2011..Lied to and promised alot..Nothing that was promised ever happened..I was constantly threatened and exploited for my body and everything..I havent pressed charges because I am free and living on my own and want peace..Plus the person still has my kid..Even though i did go to police and child services..They have ignored my pleas for help and the kid has been abused and used against me..😢 so.I have stayed since..Waiting for the day to come when my kid might come back..The courts anf police dont always lead to a good outcome..I needed years of therapy to heal from the trauma and abuse i went through..
You need to report that as international child abduction and in Germany as well. Don’t give up, get your kid out of there.
Please get your kid!!!
I hope you find an organization that helps and protects you and supports you in getting your child back! You might want to look into the organization led by Tim Ballard. I think it is called Underground Railroad or something. They might help you with everything!!
Are you still in Germany? Do you have German Papers?
Or still American? Please can you try to contact me. Could help you, am a German. Very ashamed how things are going here! All the best!!❤
Please don't give up, get your kid!!! I'm praying for you 🙏🙏
In all cases poverty and vulnerability is the starting point of this plague. Monsters feed on the weakest. The society has an impossible debt with the victims. I’m speechless
Why even bother for such short sentences? They will be out in no time, and it will be business as usual. The justice system is a joke!
It's absolutely ridiculous
The judge was probably a customer
UK sentences are often a joke. Makes you think life is cheap.
The justice dept. Is a criminal operation that benefits from these crimes.
Usually second time offenders, get a harsher sentence. And so on! Other wise you need to build a lot more jails. And cases could last for years.
This won't be limited to the UK. This systematic exploitation will be in every rich country.
Every country. Rich or poor.
in russia happens a lot
Already is. And will get worse.
Yup Dubai is the capital for this people need to boycot countries that allow this freely like Dubai does
It’s in every country, rich countries are more likely to expose it and fight it.
This is what happens when you are an east European. I was brutally abused by the westerners for no reason at all. Also victim of abuse. I am from Slovakia. I wish I could hug my Polish neighbour. I love you my Slavic brothers. All of you.
These unfortunate Polish people were taken by their OWN COUNTRY citizens. They were just done in a Western country by Eastern European people! So why is it Western People are getting blamed for what you Eastern Europeans are doing to each other?
I wish your painful memories fade quickly. Thanks for your words. Hugs from Poland.
During the war in the Balkans human trafficking was blooming. Girls from Ukraine, Latvia, etc.were brought to UN soldiers for entertainment. Poor girls were kept as s.x slaves.
@@JerryReddy-z5u it's crazy how they delete the comments. Mine is gone, but I get notified of any additional comments.
My heart aches for their broken spirits. May their dignity be restored by the love and humanity of good caring humans. 😢😢😢
This is really hard to watch.
Thank you for helping these ppl.
So , they catch them ,then release them so they can spend a lot of public funds to catch them again.
How smart is that 🤔🤔
Not smart but this is what corrupt people do. I don't think corrupt people are particularly intelligent. They are just willing to do evil things at a level many are not.
@@JerryReddy-z5u Yes, Canada is a mess too.