Not really. You're only truly rewarded for catching all of the monkeys, getting all of the coins is mostly icing on the cake. Technically the coins and the time trials contribute to the in-game percentage, but the reason we still label these Ape Escape videos as 100% is because it's 100% for the main story objectives while also showing off the mini-games.
I was never able to beat this game myself. Thank you for 100% this.
No problem!
Thanks upload this Cant wait for Spyro PS1 games I miss your old video.
Expect those to show back up in the future!
Is/are there any reward(s) besides unlock Specter at the snowboard minigame for complete 100%?
Not really. You're only truly rewarded for catching all of the monkeys, getting all of the coins is mostly icing on the cake. Technically the coins and the time trials contribute to the in-game percentage, but the reason we still label these Ape Escape videos as 100% is because it's 100% for the main story objectives while also showing off the mini-games.