Ini compliment paling baik aku boleh terima! Hahaha all editing is done by me bro! I just took some time to properly learn new editing tricks hahaha always trying to improve for you guys!! I’m glad you noticed hahaha inilah sebab kenapa video semua cuma keluar satu seminggu. Learning and improving!
Hahaha will try bro! My problem is I dont have a cameraman or a gimble so my B-rolls are shaky huhu all in good time! I was trying so hard to fix my audio issues from the Atmos vlog, and I think the audio from this vlog is a lot better! First wr fix audio, next up we fix video hahaha
Awwww maaannn!
AWWW MANNN (sorry for asking you to move huhuhu)
Boek on 🔥🔥
Siapa nak beli forum, baik beli skrg. Kat zalora tengah sale. Ada possibility forum akan hype
Hahaha next wave 🌊
Hadir 🔥🔥🔥🔥
My idola 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hahaha kita org biasa!
Gang gang forum low. KFC tu lawak do hahaha 🤣
Hans dari dulu nak tanya nama spec apa?
Terpaksa pergi balik KFC. Hahaha. Good one, Hans.
Stan smith is forever. Nice customa the lace deubré is nice!
Hahaha tbh I didnt have much time to custom it properly! Just did the best I could with the time given! The dubrae’s are my fav part!
Gempak lak animation nama tu
hahahah "the on the way" made my day
Lambang 3 garisan di kasut adidas seperti melambangkan salah satu simbol agama hindu
KFC 😂😂
Forum low tu kool
Sangat kool!
I have nothing to comment but still want to comment for the youtube algorithm anyway great vlog as always Hans!
Shingyi Koh have 400 plus sneakers how many you have bro?
Tbh i don’t know! But shengyi is craaaazy hahahaha
Those hoodie Eric Emanuel..., x ramai org tau ia adalah reversible, luar dan dalam boleh pakai.., gempak..
Pakai jeremy scott
Aku takde jeremy scott huhu
Thank you!
Did you hired a new editor bro? I can see some different on your video . Look more nicer brahh . Kipidapp
Ini compliment paling baik aku boleh terima! Hahaha all editing is done by me bro! I just took some time to properly learn new editing tricks hahaha always trying to improve for you guys!! I’m glad you noticed hahaha inilah sebab kenapa video semua cuma keluar satu seminggu. Learning and improving!
@@HansAbdullah keep up the good work bro 👍 next time try to make it more like professional looks . Boleh pegi jauh lg ni . Keep improving 👍
Hahaha will try bro! My problem is I dont have a cameraman or a gimble so my B-rolls are shaky huhu all in good time! I was trying so hard to fix my audio issues from the Atmos vlog, and I think the audio from this vlog is a lot better! First wr fix audio, next up we fix video hahaha
@@HansAbdullah yeah happy to hear that . Fix the audio & Spend some money on gimbal & it will look more nicer .
Dope bruhh🔥
Saya orang ketujuh yang komen✌🏽
Dpt hadiah ke? 💁🏻♂️
Usaha lagi supaya dapat menjadi number 1! Hahaha
Editing makin padu Bro Hans 🤘🏻
Thank you for noticing! Hahaha kita sentiasa tgh belajar and trying to improve
Lawa doh forum hijau tu 🔥
Lawa boi
Enjoy the customs my bro!
Great work on them!!
Aku napak kau do kat klcc
Hahaha yup hari ahad tu kan? Aku dtg to shoot extra footage. Footage dari hari jumaat tak elok
Adidas pun care pasal youtuber sneaker yg x berapa nak bnyk Subscriber
Jgn la cakap sampai camtu 😭😭
fiyyah 🔥🔥🔥 always contented w your video Hans! kipidap!
Thank you my guyy