@kittensniffles depending on where you are,,,in Canada we can no till every year for years as the frost up here breaks up the plow pan, if that is what you are worried about,,there are no till sub soilers out there,,,Salford sells one,,it looks good,,,Great Plains is another really good one
Where can I buy one of those. I've planted pumpkins on rolled rye and sweetcorn on vetch and was very satisfied with the results but I could use a better roller.
Is there a hand held model of this set up? How would one do this in a green house or small acreage? I saw a video where someone made a device but I can't find it now.
@kittensniffles another good way we find to get ride of compaction,,,if we have any,,,we plant sunflowers every four years on the fields,in our rotation., Tuber cover crops don't work well for where I am at,,too many rocks
@kittensniffles depending on where you are,,,in Canada we can no till every year for years as the frost up here breaks up the plow pan, if that is what you are worried about,,there are no till sub soilers out there,,,Salford sells one,,it looks good,,,Great Plains is another really good one
Where can I buy one of those. I've planted pumpkins on rolled rye and sweetcorn on vetch and was very satisfied with the results but I could use a better roller.
Is there a hand held model of this set up? How would one do this in a green house or small acreage? I saw a video where someone made a device but I can't find it now.
I'm curious where you got the front three point hitch assembly.
There's a handful of manufacturers out there. Orthman, Double R Manufacturing, LaForge
how are the results of the application?
it's not waste the cover crop keeps the weeds down until the new crop is up then provides nutrients to the new crop
much more value in leaving the cover crop on top Tony
@kittensniffles another good way we find to get ride of compaction,,,if we have any,,,we plant sunflowers every four years on the fields,in our rotation., Tuber cover crops don't work well for where I am at,,too many rocks
where can we buy it in India?
I don't mess with cover crops to have to cut through.
alphasxsignal have you ever tried cover crops?
Why dont you bale your cover crop instead of wasting it