El Gaucho : DOMADOR short version

  • Опубликовано: 7 янв 2025

Комментарии •

  • @johnnielaviano
    @johnnielaviano 13 лет назад +9

    Es una pequeña muestra de lo que NO se debe hacer si se pretende domar al caballo!!!

  • @justooviedo212
    @justooviedo212 6 месяцев назад +1

    Este hombre no es un domador es un loco

  • @Sahbay
    @Sahbay 13 лет назад +4

    Thank you for illustrating the difference between breaking a horse and actually training it.

    • @isavelinolefinao6095
      @isavelinolefinao6095 Год назад

      Gaucho ereje así no se mansa ni se tinonea un potro como gaucho es un salvaje

  • @stickshiftstarship
    @stickshiftstarship 12 лет назад +6

    " horse breaking" in every sense of the word. Mind, Body and Spirit.

  • @paolakarolyne
    @paolakarolyne 11 лет назад +3

    nojentooo este video!!!!!

  • @polygringo74
    @polygringo74 13 лет назад +9

    yo soy un seguidor de las tradiciones gauchas,y he visto otras maneras mucho màs sutiles y benevoles para amanzar y domar un caballo,que por cierto de ninguna manera ès èsta,èste tipo ès una bestia,al ver còmo lo trata al pobre caballo.Ojalà que no le den un caballo màs.

    • @Lacurodidad
      @Lacurodidad 3 года назад +1

      Que bruto trata mal al animsl.

  • @gonzalocastillo2068
    @gonzalocastillo2068 5 лет назад

    Hola amigo una pregunta per done la ignoransia Como enrronda ustetet

  • @xxibitsuxx
    @xxibitsuxx 13 лет назад +4

    And, stuck in the dark ages, these people continue to use pain, fear, and domination to train their horses....

  • @meneliqe
    @meneliqe 12 лет назад +1

    de donde seran estas bestias ?

  • @ghodalarkiAmeriki
    @ghodalarkiAmeriki 12 лет назад +4

    These horses will never be 'tame', they will only be *broken*. A horse that is treated kindly never needs to be broken. A human with intelligence can teach a horse in a way that it retains its spirit. Estos caballos nunca será 'tame', sólo serán * rota *. Un caballo que no trata amablemente nunca debe ser roto. Un ser humano con inteligencia puede enseñar a un caballo en un camino que conserva su espíritu.

  • @thiagosteinbeck2739
    @thiagosteinbeck2739 4 года назад +4

    @fedelepra amigo yo me crié con dos caballos y mi viejo me mostró como se amansaba y el caballo así como lo amanZa este tipo no se amanza pa date cuenta q tirándole arena al caballo en la cara lo único q hace es poderle perjudicar la vista

  • @HeyMedic
    @HeyMedic 12 лет назад

    It's really not all that bad or cruel but I don't understand the dirt thrown in the face. What is the purpose?

  • @EddieKM
    @EddieKM 11 лет назад +3

    These are wild horses, not the horses you buy in the U.S and can be broken by a little girl. Try breaking one of these "your way" and see how well it ends for you.

    • @jett888
      @jett888 10 лет назад +2

      doesn't justify cruel behavior- try showing an animal respect and allow for it to start trusting you- and it would probably be like any other animal allowing an owner to handle it and start it under saddle. take away the trauma and abuse these people put onto these horses and you'd have a completely different response. What a bunch of idiots these people are showing their culture and this behavior to be- it's cruelty through and through.

    • @SovereignForever
      @SovereignForever 10 лет назад +1

      So, the horses will be broken in but scared of humans if they do anything wrong. Or you could break in a horse PROPERLY making horses trust you and have strong friendship

  • @lucasb84
    @lucasb84 13 лет назад +9

    lo unico que importa son los resultados , los primeros contactos suelen ser bruscos, pero con el transcurrir de la doma , el caballo adquiere confianza , mansedumbre , y todas la destrezas necesarias para un buen desempeño en las tareas camperas ,
    o sea , si al final de la doma obtienes un caballo fisica y sicologicamente apto , la doma fue buena .

    • @celinabusch2481
      @celinabusch2481 3 года назад +3

      Por lo menos uno q sabe

    • @celinabusch2481
      @celinabusch2481 3 года назад +1


    • @axel6819
      @axel6819 3 года назад +5

      Con esa cagada a palos mucha confianza no creo que tenga. Más bien está sometido.

  • @osvaldomanghi
    @osvaldomanghi 3 года назад +2

    Yo podría obligar a mi hijo a estudiar a los golpes o le puedo explicar que estudiar es bueno para el y para su futuro. Imponerse a un animal tan noble en forma violenta y doblegar su espíritu es dañar su ecencia y le produce un daño dificil de reparar. El consabido dicho de “la letra con sangre entra” remite a un paradigma de educación forzosamente doloroso, que asume un nivel de agresión entre el educador y el alumno: se espera la sumisión incondicional del estudiante y un profesor que exija hasta niveles donde la crueldad no solo es aceptable sino deseable. (SIC)

  • @lachilinga88
    @lachilinga88 13 лет назад

    donde es esto?? tandil? barker en benito juarez? sierra d la ventana?..diganme

  • @dudupereira15
    @dudupereira15 14 лет назад +1

    DOMADOR???? ONDE??

  • @michellelinneatveitnes2019
    @michellelinneatveitnes2019 11 лет назад

    You sick man!

  • @genaroritheauld4636
    @genaroritheauld4636 12 лет назад +1

    Elmo Ayala,, ni idea de porque estas vivo?

  • @AnaAnaliza
    @AnaAnaliza 14 лет назад

    Why do you break these animals?

  • @nacho34341
    @nacho34341 12 лет назад +2

    cualquier caballo se doma lo que pasa que hay que ser mas inteligente que el, a lo mejor esos caballos son rebeldes pero quédate tranquilo que se doman.

  • @Jago1282
    @Jago1282 12 лет назад

    Why ?

  • @ginete5
    @ginete5 13 лет назад +3

    Muito bom o video

  • @Giusseppe1986
    @Giusseppe1986 14 лет назад +1

    Antes de discrepar con uno u otro, primeron miren el perfil de cada uno. (eso da una perspectiva de cada individuo),
    Despues discutan si es necesario!

  • @diegolemos9765
    @diegolemos9765 12 лет назад +1

    no le demos bola a los que no saben muchachos...

  • @patronus23
    @patronus23 13 лет назад +2

    si el potro se lastima gravemente, ¿quien se lo explica al propietario? Esto es una burrada.

  • @swissenkaka
    @swissenkaka 13 лет назад

    @maacrapu no its taming the horse.

  • @diegomeznocedo
    @diegomeznocedo 11 лет назад

    Usar tipos de tranquilizantes????? Pero de que evolución hablas?????? Mirarnos al espejo hace bien.- Saludos desde Uruguay.-

  • @eulalioestevez3404
    @eulalioestevez3404 Год назад

    Hay una diferencia entre adiestrar y quebrantar, este ultimo se usa como ultimo recurso contra un animal que desde potrillo no fue "educado" hacia su destino que es...., servir al hombre.

  • @belenvera7797
    @belenvera7797 12 лет назад +4

    jamas vi que domaran asi! Mis primos son gauchos y nada q ver estoo

  • @rodrigo89359
    @rodrigo89359 12 лет назад +1

    Este tipo de doma irracional não existe mais hje em dia graças á Deus.....

  • @ghodalarkiAmeriki
    @ghodalarkiAmeriki 12 лет назад

    Cruelty and abuse are the same in any country. If you want to boast that your culture is cruel and abusive, that's your choice. We have cruel ignorant cowboys in USA too, but I don't claim their ways as MY culture! Crueldad y maltrato son los mismos en cualquier país. Si quieres presumir que su cultura es cruel y abusivo, es su elección. También contamos con crueles cowboys ignorantes en Estados Unidos, pero no poner excusas para ellos o reclamar sus formas como mi cultura!

  • @udiacho
    @udiacho 14 лет назад +1

    concordo com vc gabriel amigo do gaucho

  • @nfjuanma2303
    @nfjuanma2303 3 года назад

    Baquiano el hombre

  • @4Champ2and0
    @4Champ2and0 12 лет назад

    I cheered loudly when I read this comment. . I couldn't agree w/you more (on everything you said in all your comments). :)

  • @goldielox91
    @goldielox91 12 лет назад

    barbaric cruel people. This goes beyound horse breaking, its horse destroying, those poor animals so beautiful to see such pain and suffering in their eyes, heartbreaking

  • @fedep9
    @fedep9 13 лет назад +1

    @matiasluna Es verdad. Mucha gente lo mas cerca del VERDADERO CAMPO que alguna vez pudo estar es en la plaza del barrio o en un parque municipal.

  • @jaderbrunhauser
    @jaderbrunhauser 13 лет назад +3

    que cosa buena!
    saludos del RIO GRANDE DEL SUL

  • @RubenRamirez-dd8eg
    @RubenRamirez-dd8eg 11 лет назад +2

    terrible la manera!!!

  • @Lacurodidad
    @Lacurodidad Год назад


  • @jenofonte1492
    @jenofonte1492 13 лет назад

    para ver en Argentina domar busquen Doma India, Oscar Scarpati. Estas maneras, mal llamadas "gauchas" estan superadas, ¡¡cuantos caballos se han malogrado descogotados!! si en algo se ha evolucinado ha sido en el trato con los potros y el desbrave

  • @evangelos9275
    @evangelos9275 2 месяца назад

    A muchos les gustó este video, a mí no, nunca había visto a un gaucho tratando de esa manera a un caballo. Se me hace que no sabe lo que hace.

  • @cecipino8103
    @cecipino8103 2 года назад

    Tierra?está mal

  • @agustinechegarayhiriart2865
    @agustinechegarayhiriart2865 3 года назад +2

    Los gauchos no tratamos tan mal a los caballos

  • @matiasluna
    @matiasluna 13 лет назад

    q manera de leer comentarios de gente que no tiene idea de caballos ni de campo ni de nada, limitesen, el gaucho sabe lo que hace , sabe como es el caracter del animal, sabe del campo sabe que zorro anda por ahi espiando, sabe que gallinita esta por empollar sabe, el sabe miren aprendan , y saquen lo positivo

    • @CVP_Alcyone
      @CVP_Alcyone 2 года назад +2

      Positivo? Solo veo un maltrato a un animal que ve a ese ser "humano" como una amenaza, lo mejor es la doma racional, darle la confianza al caballo, el no te respeta, te tiene miedo, un error demasiado grave.

  • @lucyminos7305
    @lucyminos7305 12 лет назад

    THERE GAUCHOS COWBIYS OF SOUTH AMERICA? they have diffrent styles

  • @akanewe
    @akanewe 13 лет назад +1

    @Clara85br Muy bien dicho, la pena es que estos animales no saben leer y nunca podrán entender tus palabras. Yo también domo potros y tengo caballos, qué pena pensar la suerte que tienen los nuestros y terrible realidad que viven otros. Suerte.

  • @maacrapu
    @maacrapu 13 лет назад

    @swissenkaka :O
    ... is that only way to taming a horse?
    What horses are after that..? nothing good. *sigh*

  • @Ledhwen
    @Ledhwen 13 лет назад +2


  • @bluebreyerlover
    @bluebreyerlover 12 лет назад

    THIS IS SICK! no horse/animal deserves this treatment! the people who hurt these wonderful animals deserve this HORRIBLE treatment. These animals can FEEL, THINK, etc! they are not dumb and they have feelings

  • @powernahu
    @powernahu 13 лет назад +1

    me encanta me hace acordar tanto a mi tio el hace lo mismo nada mas no lo hacemos hechar al piso lo maniamos todo y lo encillamos una ves encillado lo hacemos caminar un buen rato lo atamos a la sidera y recien hay lo montan

  • @daianachadarevian7097
    @daianachadarevian7097 11 лет назад

    como le vas a pegar

  • @AnimalLeftist
    @AnimalLeftist 12 лет назад +1

    Oh, so the whack to the face at 0:30 is normal in your cruel little world?
    Ah, well, there's always slaughter when you're done.

  • @blazemyhorse13
    @blazemyhorse13 13 лет назад +1

    imma call the cops on you!

  • @turcosuizo
    @turcosuizo 13 лет назад +2

    ropefast tiene razón, es muy cruel hecharle tierra en la cara a un animal...... QUE NO SALGA CUANDO CORRE VIENTO porque querra enojarse con ¿Quien?

  • @devon435
    @devon435 15 лет назад +1

    how cruel!!!!!!!!

  • @francnmol
    @francnmol 12 лет назад +2

    Ansí no se doma jué mandinga!!!

  • @ramonruizdiaz1168
    @ramonruizdiaz1168 2 года назад +1

    Lo asé sufrir mucho al animal

  • @agustinkuzmicich787
    @agustinkuzmicich787 3 года назад +1

    Quien le enseño a domar a ese?

  • @juangarrido1771
    @juangarrido1771 Год назад

    El animal sufre .mucho asi d esa manera

  • @lucyminos7305
    @lucyminos7305 12 лет назад


  • @horsegirlwhc
    @horsegirlwhc 12 лет назад

    agreed! but umm nvm.

  • @confetti4ever
    @confetti4ever 12 лет назад +2


  • @AnimalLeftist
    @AnimalLeftist 13 лет назад

    The point behind throwing dirt in their faces would be? Maybe you guys could try a less abusive method of breaking. So sad, that this way is considered normal.

  • @vivianagelpi5785
    @vivianagelpi5785 2 года назад +1

    Un horror, que llamen a Scsrpati, le pondría el palenque ya saben dinde

  • @54santino
    @54santino 13 лет назад

    @lapatobruzzo En realidad si tendria que ser la mas mansa o docil pero por lo que se ve en el video es una yegua nueva por lo tanto no va a ser docil ni todo lo otro!!! para mi esa es la respues !¡!¡ saludoss

  • @lolabieri7795
    @lolabieri7795 4 года назад

    Un escarmiento es mejor qe meses de amansar de abajo

  • @215jami
    @215jami 12 лет назад

    The principal is that if every day you walk to school and get beat up for your lunch money ,soon when you see the thug you reach in your pocket and have the money ready. This poor horse doesnt have any money!

  • @salvadoraguiar
    @salvadoraguiar Год назад

    No al mal trato tranqui

  • @Skarmur
    @Skarmur 13 лет назад

    How somebody can do that!?!?!?!?!?? :(

  • @vilmabello4300
    @vilmabello4300 2 года назад


  • @cowpoke02
    @cowpoke02 11 лет назад

    Better to restrain learn fast then getting kicked in the head. They gotta learn restraint . Animals are brutal . I think he was in control.

  • @gabrielrodriguez5820
    @gabrielrodriguez5820 3 года назад +1

    Todo bien con la doma campera p no entiendo el x q de torturar al matungo mientras esta en el palenque tirandole arena en los ojos, me gustaria q me explicara el motivo ya q soy domador y nunca se me ocurrio hacer esa tortura

  • @aztib
    @aztib 12 лет назад

    Discusting how they treat those horses baby's and adulds alike bad way to break them in this is not the way we do it over here.

  • @friendsz123
    @friendsz123 13 лет назад

    uhm you can do that in a normal way -.-'

  • @vilmabello4300
    @vilmabello4300 2 года назад

    Lindo pingoo cheelO.

  • @alfredocopa643
    @alfredocopa643 3 года назад +1

    Como puede maltratar hasi a esos animales.

  • @genevagraceQH
    @genevagraceQH 12 лет назад +2

    What if the fresh hell is this? Scaring a beast like this? What cruelty!

  • @botoymontana
    @botoymontana 12 лет назад

    e votado este vídeo con NO me gusta creo que hay otras maneras mas civilizadas de doma,aun que debe de estar donde esta para que la gente vea lo que se llega a hacer con estos nobles animales, y aprendan otras maneras

  • @260684gisela
    @260684gisela 14 лет назад

    xq esa manera de domar un caballo????????????

  • @bushyjodz
    @bushyjodz 13 лет назад

    that horse will only be loyal 2 u because it has 2 u have taken the spirt out it through ur cruel training, u must have small man sydrome, if u dont know what that means look it up.

  • @ghodalarkiAmeriki
    @ghodalarkiAmeriki 12 лет назад +2

    It's nothing but cruel stupidity to treat horses this way! These guys have more balls than brains - and that would be true if they had only shriveled raisins between their legs. I bet they lose at least 20% of their horses to injuries with this abusive, counterproductive, STUPID horse *breaking* method. The process of training goes much faster, safer for horse and human, and produces an infinitely better horse when the human acts like he has sense.

  • @stephanygonzalez9632
    @stephanygonzalez9632 12 лет назад

    y enves de hacerlo pacifica y humanamente lo hacen como lelos que no saben ni que!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @lucyminos7305
    @lucyminos7305 12 лет назад

    Well the throwing dirt and kicking was a bit extreme, but nothin else

  • @mariliagiannini4554
    @mariliagiannini4554 5 лет назад +1

    Repulsivo. Denunciem, ajudem a combater a violência contra animais.

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola 12 лет назад

    Ingleses llorando por los caballos. Por que no se vuelven hombres.

  • @JJEchandia
    @JJEchandia 8 месяцев назад

    Eso no se hace use una vara con un neilo o un trapo y despacio se lo trabaja en todo el cuerpo.no tierra

  • @israelmonrroy
    @israelmonrroy 14 лет назад

    no jodan es una crueldad --pero el campesino no lo ve haci. solo los de las ciudades poeden ver la crueldad. el campesino no. si el se diera cuanta la tremenda cureldad conntra el animal. no lo llevara acabo su supesta domacion hasi.

  • @jpimenta10
    @jpimenta10 12 лет назад +1

    Doma inrracional, chamar esse individuo de animal é uma ofensa para os animais!

  • @germanflores8578
    @germanflores8578 Год назад

    Violentos que son no lo pueden aser de otra manera no guasa

  • @MichellsAdventures
    @MichellsAdventures 12 лет назад

    Can't you see their spirits dying? I know it's a cultural thing but...Shit. I'm glad the way I learned to do things is honest an true to a horses nature. This makes me sad...so sad.

  • @lachilinga88
    @lachilinga88 13 лет назад

    eso no es brusco para un caballo..si son salvajes se cagan a mordiscones y patadas.. el animal solo se debe asstar un poco..desp entiende qien manda..y q en realidad no se le qeria hacer ningun daño

  • @manuelgestido3845
    @manuelgestido3845 4 года назад

    Un arte

  • @cowpoke02
    @cowpoke02 11 лет назад

    I like this way . I had horses they are dangerous. Safer for horse and man to get it over with. Horse learns man is boss. This looks quicker . I had babies and they tried yo kick your face . But I may of rushed training . I like non violence but I think you need all ways to train for different horses. Me like cause horses are to jumpy and dangerous.

    • @jett888
      @jett888 10 лет назад +1

      a horse can learn "man is boss" ALSO if he is a FAIR and DECISIVE leader- it just shows you are lacking in confidence w/ your horsemanship when you have to use cruel and inhumane measures to get the message across. pathetic!

  • @daianachadarevian7097
    @daianachadarevian7097 11 лет назад +1

    no sabes domar

  • @cathsane8509
    @cathsane8509 10 лет назад

    what the fuck is this?! doesn't anyone care "the trust between horse and rider" anymore? horse is not a predator that we should show who's the boss, it is about trusting...

  • @jaderbrunhauser
    @jaderbrunhauser 13 лет назад

    que cosa buena!

  • @lapatobruzzo
    @lapatobruzzo 13 лет назад


  • @cowpoke02
    @cowpoke02 11 лет назад

    Horses are aggressive and violent so I feel no pain. If he hurt there feet and beating it out of control then I would get mad. Gotta trust yhose smart aggressive jumpy things. I bet his horses are calm happy and trust worthy. More than one way to do it. I would feel safer on his trained horse respecting man . First part kinda sucked but it is effective .

    • @jett888
      @jett888 10 лет назад +2

      YOUR horses are aggressive and mean because they are responding to YOU- and how YOU treat them- i've n ever been bit, trampled or hurt by any of my horses and I start my own under saddle. I've never had my horses buck when they are started. I use patience and a method that allows the animal to feel trust. It's a win win situation- not an over dominating cruel type of procedure- you should try it before you die- you'll discover a gift that was right under your nose all along.

    • @cowpoke02
      @cowpoke02 10 лет назад +1

      jett888 lol. I am a animal lover I just like messing with you babies . to nice just as bad or worse . I got bit cause I had to lead them through other idiots horses . I put them in there pen I made turned around and almost got dragged from my arm pit / shoulder . walk in a pasture full of horses and have them jump buck by you or chase bit a horse almost into you . called pecking order and who is the boss of the group . and they teach manners to other animals except the boss but to the young . I met a lot of horse people that ride or what not but that is it . they don't know animals that well . I think it is a good way to do it if done right . any way you do it you can be abusive . more the person than the technique . not a horse person any way and people get to soft and people are to hard as well . both bad trainers . most people don't hit the middle . I will go with oxen ovefr a jumpy horse . I understand them better. horse are dangerous but that why you like them the challenge and trying to control them . like getting a boy friend you try and control . fun challenge wit a animal to make it do what you like and work together if they catch on and build trust and relations . there like people as well some are the devil some are to nice and shy . need different approaches . more than one way to do things unless you're religious . I just post to bug people . I don't care what you do to you're animal not my business . I would how ever buy a well broke horse a trusted and agreed with . my point I had to deal with other peoples animals while dealing with mine . if you get ideal situations and can control the atmosphere you are lucky and can chose the best horse to work with well most people can't . you must be spoiled and have money to play with and time . most people are not that lucky . in this video he is in control and not doing anything . I could beat a horse in a round pen and natural way it still is animal abuse . person not the method . I will lock you out with a bunch of stallions and see how it turns out . lol. go back read ya message . ya spoiled is all . I have interference and people in the way . you have a perfect ste up and money I am guessing and support . I get neighbors animals dropped of rent free . I am just being a pain for fun haha . food chain and order but you can be humane . I work with cows and they are scared of people easy it bugs me all the time or I come in and get railed by them cause some one else got out of hand and the ycome in looking to hurt some one , that has no idea of the last milking . I can yell they laugh at me . you yell they might fall down and run scared . most people don't eve catch on . why I am retiring . do a service . no hay burners for me to wild crazy and response is to run me no like . go with milking devon . trust buffalo more than horses . I ben at horse barns a bunch of complainers an up tight assholes . to high class in usa . people get carried away and to much the other way .

    • @cowpoke02
      @cowpoke02 10 лет назад

      jett888 put them all in one field and try to lead and train one . feed them out there as well. run around with grain in a bucket as well . video tape it for us . plus a group of untrained horses some trained but they know what grain is . post it on here . throw a couple stallions in for fun . then we will see how safe they are. you're in a controlled one on one situation . even I could train then . to easy .

    • @jett888
      @jett888 10 лет назад +1

      I wouldn't bring a bucket of grain into a mixed herd of horses- one way, domestic or not to get hurt. I do start all my horses under saddle- currently have a colt right now I'm working on- but won't get him under saddle for another 2 years- usually i start them at 5, I'll start him just a tad sooner- but not much sooner. I have stayed safe w/ horses as I can read them and anticipate them- I don't have to dominate them to have them work with me. I do a lot of "at Liberty training" with them. No fighting, beating, cruelty- my horses are my partners and I'm going to keep it that way- with respect

    • @cowpoke02
      @cowpoke02 10 лет назад

      jett888 well get two nice broke horses . one safe for me and take me for a horse ride . ;) . don't worry I am nice to animals . I look at it like people if one attacks me and is punching me I will fight back . that's my animal and I can read it . would you just stand there if some one was beating you up ? I will get a horse or 2 again when I can use them all the time to keep them from acting up . teach me some riding techniques . what country you in ? haha

  • @migue99a
    @migue99a 13 лет назад

    eso es una payasada y si asi doman un potro dejan mucho que desear lo siento me imagino que uds seran de la luna no?
    porque me crie en el campo y amanse mas de un crudo se de que hablo
    la verdad me dan pena
    porfa no digan que asi domamos en uruguay