  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • (19 Apr 1999) Turkish/Nat
    Early results in Sunday's Turkish General Election have incumbent Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's secular party in the lead.
    However, the Islamic Virtue Party - the largest party now in parliament - suffered a major decline in votes.
    While, unexpectedly, the ultra-rightist group Nationalist Movement Party appeared to be making stunning gains.
    With 35 percent of the vote counted, current Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's Democratic Left Party is leading the election.
    They have 23-percent of the vote.
    Ecevit, who has a good reputation, appeared to be picking up votes from people angry over constant scandals that have plagued previous governments.
    The Islamic Virtue Party was taking only 16 percent of the vote, a sharp decline from the 21 percent that its predecessor, the Welfare Party, garnered in 1995 to win parliamentary elections and eventually take power before being pushed out by the military.
    The Nationalist Movement Party was taking 17 percent of the vote. In 1995, the party did not pass the 10 percent mark necessary to gain seats.
    Known as the MHP, the ultra-nationalist party, which will likely be part of a future coalition, calls for no compromise with Kurdish activists and appears to have benefited from the mid-February capture of Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan.
    SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
    "It's a little early on for the result, but I'm expecting a coalition government with the MHP (the Nationalist People's Party) I think these two parties will be able to work together perfectly."
    SUPER CAPTION: Halide Akalin, Vox Pop
    SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
    "I think Ecevit is going to be Prime Minister again, and it will probably be a coalition government, and I hope they pick the right government for the good of our nation."
    SUPER CAPTION: Nalan Guveldiz, Vox Pop
    Speaking from his party headquarters, the Prime Minister said the election result was no surprise.
    SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
    "According to all the opinion polls we have been expecting this result. The fact that the democratic left party is going to finish the elections by a large margin in first place is no surprise. We've been showing this kind of form over the past few weeks."
    SUPER CAPTION: Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit
    Turkey has had six governments since 1995. An unstable coalition government would make it difficult for the country, a NATO member, to tackle economic reforms and would also undermine its push to join the European Union.
    It also would undermine the country's chance to ease tensions with Greece and develop the southeast, where Kurdish guerrillas have battled government forces for more than a decade.
    In the southeast, the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party, or HADEP, appeared to be leading in the races for mayor of Diyarbakir and Siirt, two of the largest cities in the Kurdish areas. The party, however, was only taking about 3 percent of the vote.
    The center-right Motherland Party took 14 percent of the early ballots while the rival center-right True Path Party of former premier Tansu Ciller garnered 11 percent.
    Virtue Party candidates led in early results for the mayorships of Istanbul and the capital, Ankara. The party took control of both of those cities in the 1994 elections.
    All of the major secular parties agree on the need for a pro-Western foreign policy and economic privatization. The major parties also all support membership in NATO and participation in NATO air operations against Yugoslavia.
    Final results will be available on Monday.
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Комментарии • 23

  • @alperene8528
    @alperene8528 6 лет назад +44

    When Turkey was democratic...

    • @muhittin373
      @muhittin373 11 месяцев назад

      Hadi oradan......

  • @hukuk2004
    @hukuk2004 5 лет назад +22

    bu koalisyonun başını Apo'nun asılmaması, ama daha çok 17 ağustos depreminden sonraki kriz yönetim zafiyeti ve 2001 ekonomik bunalımı yedi.

    • @cevahirkirissci
      @cevahirkirissci 2 года назад

      daha çok doksanlarda itelenen kriz bu koalisyona patladı Kemal Derviş'in uyguladığı reçetelerini sonucunu bekleyip seçime gitselerdi her şey bambaşka olabilirdi.

    • @haydolimposofficial
      @haydolimposofficial Год назад

      Koalisyonu CIA'den talimat alıp erken seçim isteyen Bahçeli bitirdi. 2002 sonlarına doğru ekonomik kriz 1990'ların başındaki seviyeye gerilemeye başlamışken ve ortada siyasi bir muhabbet yokken Bahçelinin bir telefon görüşmesinden beş dakika sonra sapsarı kesilmiş bir şekilde kesin tarihler vererek erken seçim istemesi yüzünden battı gitti her şey

    • @haydolimposofficial
      @haydolimposofficial Год назад

      Aponun asılmamasına imza atan Bahçelinin bugün idam çığlıkları da bir o kadar samimiyetsiz

  • @erayozay4498
    @erayozay4498 Год назад +8

    When Turkey was democratic , secular and close to the european union

  • @gwfxtaksim4629
    @gwfxtaksim4629 Год назад +3

    Keşke o güne dönsek 😢...

    • @muhittin373
      @muhittin373 11 месяцев назад

      Hindistan o yıllarda..git

  • @milhapresstv
    @milhapresstv Год назад +13

    Şunu farkettim arkadaşlar, o zaman ki genel merkez binalarına bakar mısınız? 3 katlı bir apartman. Şimdi AKP, CHP, MHP, başta olmak üzere bir çok partinin genel merkez binaları maşallah saray yavrusu gibi. İtibardan tasarruf olmuyor artık...

    • @erayozay4498
      @erayozay4498 Год назад

      Ayrıca gökdelen yoktu hiçbir yerde

    • @burakselimsahin
      @burakselimsahin Год назад

      dsp için dediğin doğru ama anap ve dyp genel merkezlerine bakmanı öneririm. asıl büyük parti onlardı zaten.

    • @chabyberkay5996
      @chabyberkay5996 Год назад

      ​@@burakselimsahin yok onlar yine küçüktü MHP'ninkkne baktım yine küçük

    • @chabyberkay5996
      @chabyberkay5996 Год назад

      ​@@burakselimsahin ANAP dypninkide o kadar büyük değil baktım şimdi