Three Marks of True Conversion ~ 2 Corinthians 13:5

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @olusegunsoneye1531
    @olusegunsoneye1531 4 года назад +1

    May God bless you for this message. More of His Grace and anointing in Jesus Name.

  • @graftme3168
    @graftme3168 10 месяцев назад +1

    I don't even know any unbelievers that PURSUE sin. Most people don't actually persue it. That seems like a superficial test. Especially since even unbelievers have a conscience about right and wrong that God has put in every man. Otherwise they wouldn't have the need to excuse or accuse as the Bible puts it.

  • @ISATŌP1
    @ISATŌP1 8 месяцев назад

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Christ is in you?"
    The old story of Eyes and No-Eyes is really the story of those who walk in Spiritual Truth/Christ Consciousness and those who don't....!!
    "No-Eyes" has fixed his attention on the fact that he is obliged to take a walk. For him, the chief factor of existence is his own movement along the road; a movement which he intends to accomplish as efficiently and comfortably as he can.
    He asks not to know what may be on either side of the hedges. He ignores the caress of the wind until it threatens to remove his hat. He trudges along steadily, diligently; avoiding the muddy pools but oblivious of the light which they reflect.
    "Eyes" takes the walk too: And for him it is a perpetual revelation of beauty and wonder. The sunlight inebriates him, the winds delight him, the very effort of the journey is a joy. Magic presences throng the roadside, or cry salutations to him from the middle fields. The rich world through which he moves lies in the foreground of his consciousness; and it gives up new secrets to him at every step.
    "No-Eyes," when told of his adventures, usually refuses to believe that both have gone the same road. He fancies that his companion has been floating about in the air, or beset by agreeable hallucinations. We shall never persuade him to the contrary unless we persuade him to look for himself!
    Whatever happens to me in the material world I don't look for a material solution because what appears to happen in Time and Space is Never Taking Place.
    Therefore, I look for a Spiritual Realization(which is GOD/SPIRIT is the Only Presence), and this manifests in the material illusion as the solution, as it did with the "miracles" attributed to Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Paul, Buddha, Krishna, and all other Illumined Beings!
    The Holy Ghost is the Expression of Spiritual Truth Realized!!
    PASSOVER = Passing Over from Human Self-Hood to Spiritual Identity
    The Supreme illusion of the World Mind is that it accepts mortality as reality.
    We must abandon the illusion/nothingness of the personal, physical self, and accept the Perfect Spiritual Body of the Kingdom of Spirit as the Only Reality. When this happens there is no longer anything to fight, to correct, pray to, pray for, or to run to or from!!
    "My Kingdom is not of this Material World"
    My Kingdom is the One and Only Spiritual Kingdom! The Kingdom of Heaven Within!
    Christ(Consciousness)is what we are, and The Christ we are doesn't walk in the world of matter, form, physicality, iniquity, mortality.....
    The Christ we are walks in the Kingdom of Heaven right here, where no mortal being or carnal mind can reach it!!
    The Christ we are is Untouchable, and only sees that which is the Kingdom of Spirit/God!!
    All Illumined Beings Rest in this Principle!
    We simply misinterpret it through World Mind and Serve the World Mind of Matter without ever knowing it, and this is:
    The Ignorance of Truth of Being!!
    If you are not a Biblical Mystic you are not following the Teaching of Christ Consciousness!
    “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other"
    The bible, if Spiritually Discerned shows us how to walk out of the appearance of matter, out of the shadow of the Acceptance of birth and death(Atheism), and into the Immortal Christ of Our Being that is Spirit As the Only Presence!!
    Where the human sees Form, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees illness, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Evil, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Good, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Birth and Death, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Duality, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Separation, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Hate, Christ sees Spirit!
    Where the human sees Love, Christ sees Spirit!
    Loving thy Neighbor as Thyself Speaks to the Cornerstone of the message of the Christ through Jesus, which is Spirit/God Being the Only Presence. To love thyself one must love thy neighbor because thy neighbor is thyself, because Spirit/God is Omnipresent!
    Grasp this and the Understanding that Love is not a sensual emotion, but rather a State of Spiritual Integrity will begin to Unfold as the Activity of Truth in Your Consciousness.
    "I and My Father are One"
    Spirit/God IS, Therefore, I AM!!!
    Spirit/God is beyond the illusion of time and space/the 5 senses. Therefore knows nothing of the judgements, choices, iniquities, traumas, pains, joys, and accomplishments of your physical and mental self!
    Everything of the Senses is Perishable because it is not of Spirit....
    Everything of Spirit is Imperishable, and the Christ(Consciousness)of your Being, that which Jesus called The Father Within is Spirit!
    Therefore, No physical birth has ever taken place.
    No evil has ever taken place.
    No racism has ever taken place.
    No heterosexuality has ever taken place.
    No homosexuality has ever taken place.
    No warfare has ever taken place.
    No enslavement has ever taken place.
    No imprisonment has ever taken place.
    No illness or disease has ever taken place.
    No overcoming has ever taken place.
    No victory has ever taken place.
    No resurrection of the body has ever taken place.
    No Jesus has ever walked the earth.
    The Only thing that has taken place is the Binding of the Truth of the Activity of Your Consciousness into a Mortal and Material Sense of Awareneness.
    Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, and Mohammed outlined how to reach this State of UNDISTURBED FLOW OF SPIRITUAL REALITY....
    It's not their fault the ignorance of World Mind is unable to Spiritually Discern this Message of Incorporeal, Immortal, Oneness. Instead, through the Ignorance of Truth of Being the World is Witnessing Thought Forms of the Cosmic Mirage known as Form through the Entertaining of Mortality as Reality!
    The Bible reveals the Unreality of the Material Dream of the Mind, and the Reality of Spirit/God as the Only Presence!
    The Truth and Untruth are placed next to each other in the Bible to show us Immortal Spirit as Reality, and the Mental Distortion we call Finite Form that we Entertain as Reality.
    For Example: Genesis 2:4
    "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens"
    This is a symbol of stepping out of Divine thought into Human thought, and the most important verse in beginning the Development of Spiritual Discernment.
    *God/Spirit "CREATED" the Heavens and the Earth in a 7th Day Perfect Consciousness in which Heaven(Omnipresence) is the Activity of Truth in the Consciousness of all Spiritual Beings, making the Spiritual Body of Earth a Playground for the Experience of the Spiritual Body of "Christ" or God Consciousness....
    *The Lord God(world mind/mortality/finite body)"MADE" the Earth and the Heavens, and this places the Activity of Truth in the material world of the senses. This is a turning away from God, from OMNIPRESENCE! This is Atheism!
    The bible is quite subtle in its message because it was written for those who exist in the Spiritual Kingdom of God Creation.
    Very few are able to grasp this, hence the reason the message of the Illumined has been accepted as religious beliefs!!
    Through the many characters in the bible we are given the difference between what it means to accept Immortal Spirit as Reality, or accept Finite Material World Mind Consciousness as Reality!
    Flesh and Blood are not of God, but of the imitation of God! Of the False Sense of the World Mind!
    MATTHEW 7:13-14
    "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life, and few be that find it."
    Which part of this Scripture sounds like a belief in religion or science based understanding, the wide gate that the overwhelming majority of people on Earth accept as truth, that leadeth to separation, destruction, hatred, racism, jealousy, judgement, lack, imprisonment, illness, evil, etc, that hasn't once Demonstrated the Reality of Spirit/God as Truth, as the Perfection it is....
    Or the strait gate, the narrow gate that is the Acknowledgement and Acceptance that SPIRIT/God as the only Presence, therefore I(Spirit)and My Father(Spirit) are One, that leadeth to life everlasting, and Grace as thy Sufficiency??
    Nothing of the material world is of Spirit/God. Therefore, why Interpret Spiritual Manuscripts such as the Bible, Bhagavad Gita, and the Quran through a Material Thought Process? I wouldn't, and neither would Students of Mysticism for whom they were originally written!
    Where everything appears to be, only Spirit/God is!!
    The Cornerstone of the Christ Teaching is that Spirit/God is the Only Presence, not to worship Jesus the illusory form that is nothing and can do nothing of itself!!
    Therefore, to Be Reborn is to Overcome the Belief of a Human Birth, and Accept Spirit as the Only Presence!
    What is not of Spirit is not of God, and in turn is not reality....!!
    Every Temptation of this World, including Judgement is Meaningless when you know the Truth of Your Immortal Being!! The Evil is not there, ONLY THE TEMPTATION TO ACCEPT IT AS REALITY IS!!

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 5 лет назад +2

    Those who say LORD LORD to whom Jesus says “I know you not” are the ones who rely on their works for salvation. So it’s far more likely that the people who rely on their works are going to be living outwardly right and keeping in line with laws and good works. But the people Paul write to were infant Christians who were allowing sin.
    Paul is NOT telling them to search themselves to see if they are true believers and born of the spirit. Not at all.
    This passage in context Paul is having his apostleship questioned. Quite simply the false apostles had told the people that Paul was a fraud. So they questioned Paul on it.
    His response is brilliant.
    He says “examine and test yourself to see if you are in the faith...”
    What faith? The Christian faith yes, but specifically the faith that PAUL had given them. Shared with them. Brought them. He is the missionary apostle.
    He is saying that the proof that he is genuine is within them.
    “Look in the mirror... do you see a believer? That’s because I am a true apostle.”
    So stop the introspection and causing people to doubt themselves as a way of avoiding criticism for our bad doctrine.

    • @Huero87
      @Huero87 2 года назад +1

      Amen, It's frustrating how pastors can attend bible school and yet fail to understand basic bible study skills.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Huero87That's why Jesus said that God reveals the truth to Babes, because the "learned" seem to miss the simple truths. It's funny that a study showed that a general physician is 60-70% more likely to properly diagnose than a specialist. Over educated people seem to forget the simple things. Pride is very damaging to self AND to others.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 10 месяцев назад

      Exactly! He is basically saying that if he is not saved, then they are not saved. He is telling them that they should judge their own selves with the same judgement they are using on him. He pretty much says that if they have the Spirit in them there is no need to question whether they are in the faith, and if they don't have the Spirit, they didn't believe the true Gospel of salvation. But, if you believe salvation is by grace through faith, then why are you judging by any other standard?