I'm glad you're happy now it's nice to see wisdom from self-refection so young. I've been there too with different details (and for many more years 😅). Hope is awesome if you can summon it but if darkness prevails your hopes can be unhelpful. Never regret or be ashamed of the coping mechanisms that kept you alive... the journey is the point. I found it helpful to remember- you are not what you do or where you live or who/whether you marry./graduate university etc.The real you is so much more. ❤ sorry about the essay 😊
I'm glad you're happy now it's nice to see wisdom from self-refection so young. I've been there too with different details (and for many more years 😅). Hope is awesome if you can summon it but if darkness prevails your hopes can be unhelpful. Never regret or be ashamed of the coping mechanisms that kept you alive... the journey is the point. I found it helpful to remember- you are not what you do or where you live or who/whether you marry./graduate university etc.The real you is so much more. ❤ sorry about the essay 😊