I love Gary Bates so much. Such an effective speaker for Christianity. I was was at a presentation of his at a small Church near Jackson Tennessee a few years ago-only 30 of us there that night...I had been reading Biblical Creation materials for 20+ years and I could tell he provided a high quality presentation...he could have delivered it to 30,000 people. And that shows I believe the person that he is that whether 30 or 30,000 he wanted to reach people! LOVE Gary Bates!
If your thumb doesn't hurt when it is struck with a hammer, people would never realize they shouldn't hit their thumb. If sin didn't cause pain, suffering, death, and shame, people would never understand that sin is harmful. People can't learn from only theory.
God gives us a choice and he tells us to choose good over sin. We cannot stop others from choosing evil. We can only control our choices. Evil causes all to suffer both good and bad.
If you survive what happens to you, you can learn, but if you die, then is any lesson learned? If you die in your mother's womb because a flood comes and drowns your village, is a lesson in learned by mother or her child?
I don't need to hit my thumb to know it's going to hurt hence forth I haven't and don't plan on hitting my thumb with a hammer. I learned without pain. Or are you suggesting that the majority of people are too stupid to learn without pain.
Such a great video , amazing . If we analyze from the beginning of creation , God has always warned us about what is good and what is not good for us and we have always ignored and continue to ignore God's warnings , God's laws and God's commandments .
Most don't want to understand (rebellion). The free will of others affects us all as a whole, and that accounts for suffering. But God must allow free will, because how could He judge the world without it. And how could there be love without it? God tells us how to behave for our own good, but most ignore Him. How is that His fault?
I was so depressed this evening however Gary Bates gave me so much hope in Jesus I came upon this Vido quite by accident but now I think it was not an accident. What a wonderful man I will continue to listen to him.
Excellent interview thank you! Death and suffering is part of the Human experience. It is not God's fault, it is the human experience after sin entered through man. For you that do not turn or believe in God because He allows it you better be more worried about the end of your life than now. God does not think the way we think so we can not understand but that's ok. Do not commit intellectual suicide. Do not be so arrogant to think you know everything. Eternity is forever not like our small time here. Jesus said John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way*, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Just believe in Jesus and secure your eternity. He is waiting on you with His arms out and loves you. Humble yourself.
Actually some of the time the way sickness starts is through the power of the enemy when he asks God permission to test people or a person but this is because God wants to show his power through testing us and he promises to reward us when we make it through. This then also will scare the enemy away more when we successfully stay faithful through tests. Pray and Wish you all safe days ahead and hope this message helps! I got this information from the book of Job.
Our God is a good God. If only people knew Him like we do. That's why we do this right? 🙂 To let people know how good God truly is and lead them to salvation.
@@mattwhite7287 if you just repented and accepted his sacrifice you wouldn't have to worry about it but you're stubborn. All the time you spend attacking God could be spent serving Him and knowing Him but you willingly choose to go there. That makes zero sense to me.
I think that he allows us to suffer because he knows it will bring people closer together and also help us to realize that we need to depend on him more than us focusing on the physical world.
I asked this question a few years ago and all the Christian I knew at the time could not answer adequately nor satisfactorily. It’s not until I figured it out myself after all the searching and praying. God did not allow all the bad things, its ppl who chose to do the bad things starting with Adam and Eve. Because of the original and continuing sin we are committing, Jesus died being the sacrificial lamb so we can come back to God. In order to be saved, we have to believe that Jesus was our savior and he is the only way we can come back. Only way to come back to Paradise the way he originally wanted us to be.
Death is ultimately a mercy of God.....Yes a mercy! If we were to live forever in this depraved world and in these broken, disfigured, and deformed bodies; that would be worse than even hell! God in His infinite wisdom and mercy gave us death as a final end to pain and suffering. Suffering is ultimately the result of our sin both directly and indirectly. If we all could live as Christ...loving one another as He commanded us to do...There would be almost NO suffering even in this world!
This is getting to be tiresome. Gary says @ 3:10 that it is "understandable" why CHRISTIANS would ask why there is death & suffering in the world, then goes on to say that it sounds more like a question a NON-Christian would ask. Let's admit that ALL of us struggle with this paradox: God's love/human suffering---even the Biblical writers likewise struggled. However, Christians' general ignorance of scripture is a multiplying factor here. The Bible is not merely how God describes His redemptive plan---it is also how He explains Himself. If one doesn't have some concept of how God has consistently expressed Himself throughout human history, one invents the God one wants, the God of his imagination, the God of his desires. In such a case, that person cannot but be baffled by God's tolerance of human cruelty and suffering, as if it is inconsistent with His love for humanity. The only alternative is to accept God's love as HE defines it---not as WE define it. Gary starts off by pointing out that there are only 2 alternatives: Either God created all things, or all things created themselves. The latter is so scientifically absurd that it's a non-starter. The former comes with many things difficult to understand (IIPet. 3:16), but it is still the explanation that has withstood historic scrutiny. So, "let God be found true, though every man a liar' (Rom. 3:4).
Clearly, you have little experience in dealing with people in answering this question. You say evolution is absurd but that is so utterly dismissive, because the majority of people in this believe in it. Scripture says "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." Your dismissive approach would not reach anybody who's been taught Evolution their whole life. That's the very reason why CMI exists. Ditto my earlier comment about you reaching people. Most Christians are taught Evolution and accept death as normal. The last enemy is 'death' according to Scripture.
I’m a Christian who believes that God created the cosmos and the evolutionary processes we see. God set in place natural laws and inherent intelligence in everything to ‘naturally’ produce everything we see over billions of years. It is still miraculous to me. Suffering is just a by-product - you can’t have one without the other. It is our contrived definition of what a ‘perfect, loving’ God must be that is flawed.
@@psychologicalprojectionist so you believe we are here by random unguided chance despite the fact that we have never seen life spring from non life and despite the probability of life and the fine tuning of the universe being 1 in 10 to the 40,000 power??
@karimisrael9407 Nothing is random after it has happened. I claim to not understand the universe in exactly the same way as a snail. A snail's existence is not dependent on how he thinks the universe was created and neither does mine. I don't know what the "universe" or anything or nothing inside it really is. And you can't correctly logically induce anything from that which you do not understand. To know what a finely tuned universe is, you would need examples of coursely or detuned universes. To know how unlikely something is you have to know the probability space and number of trials. But to reemphasize my first point, the probability of something happening that has already happened is not 0, and if you are specifically about this universe, it is 1.
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering 1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not tamper with our free will because if he did then we would be robots and therefore not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day. 2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts. 3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be able to be built up, so likewise adverse circumstances are needed for the building up and testing of our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering are a result of adverse circumstances. 4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world, if they were to examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome by education, training, medications, or any other way. 5. God has allowed sin to continue so that the consequences of sin can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal. 6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything. 7. The choice to sin by Satan, Adam and Eve gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness and grace. God uses what is selfish and sinful and is working it out for ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen is being used by God for an ultimate purpose. 8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth is but a vapor. 9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything appears to be bad and out of control? 10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change. 11. If we have truly accepted Christ and are seeking to love others unselfishly and sacrificially then we will follow Christ’s example. We will embrace sacrifice and suffering to benefit others even if they reject and fight us because we love them enough to want what is eternally best for them. Jesus embraced his cross and did not shrink back. We will accept the injustice and evil perpetrated against us as we uphold and proclaim the truth of the Gospel and the Bible. We will forgive them and not curse them because they don’t understand what they are doing. We could not learn this and demonstrate that we are willing to do this unless pain and suffering were in the world. No greater love has anyone but this - that a man (or woman) lay down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart then we will love the world by telling them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn except when there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
@@martinhoy1 So that means death before the fall, which undermines the Gospel message. And there are no millions of years anywhere in the Bible; just thousands.
@@deaconobuasi who says?? Why listen to an atheist evolutionist, who doesn’t have faith, or a fundamentalist, anyway. They weren’t there at beginning of the earth, or even with Jesus. I don’t see it like that, That’s something someone told u. The whole ideology, that we can’t believe in evolutionary processes, is a myth. Why can people not believe in God & evolution. There is some sort of evolution going on now. We’re u meaning human evolution? If not, & u meant the whole idea of evolution of the universe. Please would u tell me what u think on Einstein’s relativity then? What are you thoughts on it.
@@martinhoy1 It is true, the agenda of this theory is nothing else but "There is no God." But if you say you are a Christian, I won't bother you. Einstein’s relativity isn't the same thing. One thing is not another. Have a good day and God bless you.
If you suffer enough in this life you will want to die..now. As a Christian I have suffered enough that I just want it to stop. God will decide when tho, and He promises he won’t give me more than His grace will sustain me thru.
The assertion of a heaven kind of gives rhetorical evidence that if the character in the book wanted to it could have created a place free from evil for all of us to live in for all eternity. Kinda of like if the guy who owns an ant farm wanted to it could choose not to magnify the sun with a magnifying glass to burn the ants. But the man who owns the ant farm works in mysterious ways.
I think a lot of Christians recognize that death and suffering came into the world through human sin and we live in a lost and cursed world. But yet we also know God is sovereign and so nothing happens outside His permissive will. So when extreme evil incidents occur we question why God allowed it. For example, millions of Jews including children perished in Hitler’s gas chambers and yet God could have caused Hitler to be stillborn. And the “why” just leaves people doubting. Oh Lord, only Thou knowest.
People don’t understand that sin is a progressive thing. People are blinded, corrupted, and embittered by the sins they commit. If you give sinners eternal life in a perfect world, they will eventually become miserable beings. Look at the lives of successful people who can afford to sin and escape much of sin’s consequences. Does living in sin make them happy? Most people have a hard time handling unbridled success. Imagine everybody in the world waking up in Eden with eternal life. No death, no suffering, no consequences for our actions. Everyone just hit the lottery jackpot for eternity. No restrictions, no restraints. What would these people be like to live with?
As an atheist, perhaps the kind of person Gary refers to, I think that the first question is not why God allows death and suffering, it is "why does God cause death and suffering?" Image the Egyptian servant girl, not much more than a slave, grinding corn for Pharaoh, who has now power or influence over anything. She is made pregnant not at he own choices, and the only good thing in her life is her first born infant. Then on the night of Passover as she breast feeds the little smiling infant, an angel comes into her room and kills her baby, probably in a way too horrific to be described here. The first question is how could God commit this act?
First, the Bible reminds us that there is none good and elsewhere, that all have fallen short of the glory of God. Consider the time at Sodom and Gomorrah when Abraham questioned god about The impending destruction. How many righteous people were found in that city? Another thing to consider is the actions of leaders of countries. How many 'innocent' people died under the hands of Hitler. In the same way residents of Egypt subject to the decisions of the Pharaoh. And again, even the allegedly innocent people should be asking what will happen to me as a result of his actions? Is there any way out of this?
@@bibbulmun777 I am happy to accept that Hitler was an extremely bad person and that he should be condemned. I am also happy to accept that Pharaoh was not an innocent man. When you use the term 'allegedly innocent' are you suggesting that the girl grinding Pharaoh's corn was not innocent, and that the baby she was feeding in the night was not innocent? I have tried to think of some evilness the baby might have done and failed to come up with any ideas, will you suggest some?
The Egyptians worshipped false gods and idols which is a sin against God in the first place. God told the entire community of Israelites what was going to happen, so they were warned in advance. The girl you refer to was either not an Israelite or didn't do as God had commanded, thus a sinner. He did that because Pharaoh would not release the Israelite slaves. It worked. It isn't difficult to understand when you actually study the scriptures.
@@DavidSmith-xz4zzDavid, thank you for responding, four questions for you; Firstly, Do you agree that Pharaoh would have let the Israelites go, and the girl and her baby have been spared, before the murder of the First Borne had God not hardened Pharaoh's heart? Secondly, how could the girl who ground the flour (who may have been a slave of another ethnic group) for Pharaoh do anything other than what her masters demanded of her? Thirdly, How could the infant have known or acted on anything other than to seek her mother's breast when she was hungry? Fourthly, do all sinners deserve such a fate?
As the video explained, it is not the gravity of the offence that is the problem, but who we are offending. We are born with asin nature inherited through Adam. It was explained for example, that children do not have to be taught how to do wrong things. It is my view that children, before the age of understanding who are not capable of making decisions regarding salvation, will enter the presence of God if they die.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard the argument that the atheist believe God use evolution in their creation… I thought the atheist didn’t believe in God it was all by chance? 6:20
I don't understand why you use the word 'allowed', surely God 'made' his son suffer and die? if Jesus had to die in order to open the doors of Heaven to mankind, that was a rule of God's making, and God could surely just have changed the rule?
@@fannieallen6005That may be so, but why did Jesus have to die to open the doors of Heaven? Presumably God, could determine what the rules were, and change them if He so wished? So what it appears to be the case is that Jesus had to die because God made a determination that he had to die? Can you offer me any explanation as to why God could not have just opened the doors to Heaven?
@@fannieallen6005 you and a friend go out for a walk one frosty evening and you encounter a young boy running barefoot carrying a basket. His feet look sore and he looks cold and tired. Your friend asks why he is out running in bare feet and asks if he has no shoes? The boy said he has got shoes, but his parent's rules are that he cannot wear them when he takes the basket of food to his grandmother's house. Your friend asks if his feet hurt, and he said they hurt a lot and are often bleeding by the time he gets home. He smiles and said "I don't mind, my grandmother needs the food." And runs off. Your friend asks you if you should report this to Social Services? What would you say or do?
Romans 9:22 is about as close as we get to this tough question. The situation is, God made creation knowing exactly how it would play out Rev 13:8. God is certainly not the creator or initiator of Sin but he is in complete understanding and control over what He created 'Job'. Is 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.
@@simonthorneycroft1339 Hey Simon, I was more speaking about why God created a world knowing Sin would eventuate Rom 9:22, and Christ's death pre-planned before creation Rev13:8. Its true to say that Sin is totally a result of Man's actions. The question still remains how/why Sin occurred with God being sovereign over every atom in the universe, before it was created. To your Question, An individual doesn't know their final destination, but God sure does, before creation, and nothing can change that outcome.
The whole point is Faith. Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Should we be seeking to prove God exists using scientific methods? when we are supposed to come by Faith, this way is faith based, that is what we believe, and I am absolutely positive that there are many reasons that can be given for using science to reach the atheists, but we are to come by faith, ifwe preach the Gospel according to faith and people refuse to accept it, that is on them. as long as we give a good witness, with our life measuring up as representees of Christ.
i bet Adam and Eve were just devastated after their sin. realizing what a mistake they’d made.. i can’t imagine the absolute heart break and devastation they felt in disappointing their creator and loving Father.
@@wearyandheavyladen23 hahaha I didn’t think anyone still believed in Adam and Eve you are joking right you have seen the fossils that back up evolution
Sin is selfishness. Selfishness is the motivating and driving force of all sin. Heaven and hell are real, as described in the Bible. These two places are what they are because humans, made in the image of God, will either be consumed by the corruption of selfish sin into a satanically evil being, or they will accept the way out of corruption by accepting Christ and pursuing holiness. Christ freely gives salvation to those who want to be free from the corruption of sin. It is in the daily struggle against sin that we develop a heart attitude of truly not wanting to sin. And that heart attitude will carry over through our soul into the new sinless bodies we are to receive.
If we are all born with sin, if sin is thrust upon us by our heritage from Adam, is there any hope that any of us will not be taken to Hell on our Deaths? Even the babies and the infants who have not yet had chance to act on their volitions?
@@simonthorneycroft1339you have some pretty interesting questions but I wonder about your intentions with the questions? I could be wrong, but it seems like you are trying to come up with some sort of "gotcha" question, rather than come to a genuine understanding of what the bible teaches.
@@BornAgain223 No, no gotcha questions. I think differently on the subject as an atheist but have no contemplation that anyone discussing the comments is suddenly going to change their thinking, abandon religion, or anything so dramatic. If I give people food for thought, that is fine. I do admit however that I sometimes feel that people who take the Bible literally are not struck by the cruelty of God in the Old testament. Some correspondents when presented by God committing cruel action resort to a response along the lines of "How can we interpret God's actions?" Again that is fine, but suggests that they should not interpret any of God's actions, positive or negative.
0 seconds ago Happy Easter. On My Family group it’s all Easter Eggs & Chocolate Bunnies. I’m the only one who mentioned the true meaning of Easter, He has Risen !! This is coming from a Christian who believes evolution, & inflation theory of the universe. I like to seek for truth. I was like this at School & College, & work places. When it cropped you in conversation, I would put a good word in for Jesus & where so could, the Bible. Likewise, in creationist meetings, it tried ( where I could ) to mention modern science. This was quite natural for me, as I was trying to make up the balance, that scripture doesn’t always give, if taken literally. Some people think there is more to Christianity than only what is written by man. Personally I believe The event of the Resurrection is most important. I said this to an Atheist person the other week. If I had have gone in all guns blazing, about Bible, it would have put him off. I think defending the Bible is wrong approach to what’s driving all this energy against Religion, & the false assumption that Unbelievers think, “ As the Bible goes, so goes the Christian faith. “ It should be , “ As the event of the Resurrection goes, so goes the Christian faith “. This comment has nothing to do with going out of my way to try & prove creation theory wrong or trying to bust the bubble, but likewise at least you could respect other People’s views on the Bible aswell, even if that’s what you choose to believe. 😀👍 Blessings.
Our sinfulness has impacted creation. God isn’t and wasn’t a part of His creation that was messed up. He has shared His creation with us from the beginning (Gen. 1:28) and chose to let people do what they want with it for awhile, whether for good or bad. He hasn’t lost power by anything we’ve done. And He says that He’s got plans to recreate everything from scratch to fix what mankind has messed up (2 Peter 3:13). He will do it when He has chosen to in the future.
Happy Easter. On My Family group it’s all Easter Eggs & Chocolate Bunnies. I’m the only one who mentioned the true meaning of Easter, He has Risen !! This is coming from a Christian who believes evolution, & inflation theory of the universe. I like to seek for truth.
When a person accepts the exchange of our nasty life with the Son of God and the Holy Spirit indwells the person they can't separate themselves from God. It's similar to a single drop of water entering and becoming one with a larger body of water, it can't be done. A massive internal change occurs and nobody who has experienced this transformation would ever consider wanting to leave. John 10:27-30 covers this subject about being removed from the Son's or Father's hand.
He doesn't believe but he makes a living tearing apart God and the Bible. He should become a medical doctor so that he can bring physical health to people.
IMO, suffering and happiness are two sides of a same coin. We won't know what happiness is unless we know what suffering is and vice versa. If a person has lived a so called 'Happy Life' in a traditional sense all his lifetime then he surely hasn't felt the sweetness of happiness because he hasn't felt the pain of suffering. A person who can comfortably eat 3 meals a day doesn't know the suffering of a poor who can only afford 1 meal a day and consequently doesn't know the happiness of the poor when he gets to eat 3 meals a day. That's why there is suffering not because God created it but the existence of happiness itself leads to inevitable suffering. Consequently this chain of reasoning leads to the concept that happiness is relative. No one is truly happy. The poor has other things to worry now that his stomach is full. So one of objective of religion is to find the true happiness. So almost all religions offer salvation and is made to believe that only through salvation you'll be truly happy.
Up to this date we don't have any evidence for any higher being. It all comes down to faith. Also, which God would you choose? According to human kinds' history there are thousands of Gods. Which one is the right one? Could it be they invented them all because they didn't understand how things work on this planet? Could it also be that some clever men started to use religion as a way to control the masses and get super a** rich by it? Me thinks atheism is a much more genuine way of living. Also I don't need a purpose in life in order to live decently and be a nice person. And I don't need a hereafter to look forward to; it takes away the preciousness of every moment I'm breathing. Most beliefs are fear driven and not followed by being convinced. That's not enough reason for me to fall for it.
After. The record in Genesis also put his birth after the Fall and expulsion from Eden. Cain, like every human after Adam and Eve, was born with a sin nature. All their children came after the Fall.
My problem is i feel god punished us for adam and eve. Seems thats not fair it had nothing to do with that so why punish others if he loves us like they say
if you read the Bible you know that wasn't God's plan, Adam sinned and changed our nature from a companion of God, to a sinner that dies and we are by our sinful nature going to die. I think most folks have no clue what Bible says, but yet we all have a sense if right and wrong, Love and hate.. So we are angry at God, but refuse God's help.
I understand from my limited knowledge of the Bible that Adam was not the father of all of mankind? When Cain murdered his brother, he was marked and sent to live among the people of Nod. The marking of Cain was to indicate that Cain was not to be killed by the people of Nod. Is that correct?
@@simonthorneycroft1339 Not quite. Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters. Cain received the Mark for protection from the other family members who would be unhappy about the murder of family.
@@simonthorneycroft1339It depends on whether you interpret parts of the book of genesis as more historical or allegorical. Some people take Genesis less literally and as a result believe that there were possibly other humans created even before Adam and Eve, or they were made along side them. There are quite a few different interpretations if the Genesis story.
@@BornAgain223 I agree, and as allegory that is fine. It is also fine if people (like these presenters) believe in a more literal / historical belief. I am just curious as to how people who believe things I don't believe rationalise their thinking.
The problem is no one reads. Vid is not just good he is just and promises a new earth with God at the head. Those who believe will inherit the earth for ever and ever. How can you be angry about that. Death is necessary because it is necessary to separate evil from good. Eventually the great evil one will be cast in pit with all his followers. In the end God wins and his saints win.
I hope you can see why God mercifully took away the Tree of Life so that man could not live forever in this fallen state: To live forever with sin inside would mean that God would have to send us to hell along with Satan and the demons. That answers so many theological questions: That is why our life span is limited. That’s why we lack strength and power like the angels. That is why we die to this mortal life to be raised into an immortal life. The fact that we die physically gives mankind a second chance at heaven based on whether we seek, accept, and obey God or whether we choose to reject God in this mortal life. When you look at things considering these facts, we can see that God was merciful in not immediately condemning mankind to hell as He did to Satan and the angels that sided with him. Satan and his angels are under the sentence of condemnation with no chance of pardon. But mankind gets a second chance. Can’t you see why Satan and his kingdom are so jealous of mankind and hate us so much? That is why they work every day unceasingly to destroy us. They hate God but can’t hurt Him directly. So, Satan and his kingdom go after as many humans as possible to make them not believe and not accept Christ so that most humans will end up in hell. In that way, they hurt God’s heart because the Bible says God is “not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b, NASB).
Yes God created the universe, now he sits in real time watching countless girls being raped each day, sitting on the shoulder of the rapist and doing nothing. He is watching a young mother giving her children cholera infected water and listening to her prayers as they die a terrible death, he could just help a father look the other way as he crossed the rode , being killed and leaving his family destitute. He is everywhere, and watching as ordinary people go about there lives then sending them to everlasting torture for not believing he died for 3 days 2000 years ago ( most never even heard the story because they where born in the wrong country) your, or the real God has no interest in you or anyone else.
People ask the question, bur they don't really want the answer. Because they don't want to deal with the dark reality of the nature of Sin. They just want the sunshine and lollipop version of reality.
No. We just want REALITY. The concept of sin doesn't exist in the secular world. Yes, there's good and bad like everywhere, but there's no such thing as sin. Sin is a nice invention to keep believers under control and on a leash (and often getting their money this way).
Without suffering we could not live. Death is essential to life. Suffering teaches us how not to suffer. A mythic God has nothing to do with our suffering, it is part of nature, it exists in every species. Even love travels on the edge of suffering, it is not “…an ever fixed mark/That looks on tempests and is never shaken”.
Pain suffering and death is a consequence of sin. its not Gods action its mans. and the devil is responsible for all the suffering in the world not Gods,Jesus came to save and not to Destroy, the Curse is the consequence of Adam and Eves disobedience and God was declaring the result of their choice, God is not willing that any should perish .
God is going to be completely victorious and save his entire creation. It’s God‘s will that everyone be saved ,,,they’re just not saved at the same time. Eventually, every knee bows and every tongue acclaims that Jesus is Lord. At that time, there are no more unbelievers. God is a savior of all mankind. 1 Timothy 4:10,,,, God reconciles all things Colossians 1:20,,, in the end God is, ALL IN ALL,,1 Corinthians 15:28. God will be everything in everyone. The unbelieving do not have Aionion life,,, that is life in the age to come. It’s not eternal punishment. It’s punishment in the age to come no one is eternal, except God with no beginning and no end.. people have beginnings they are created by God they are not eternal. We have.Aionion life as believers and then we put on immortality.❤ God is not going to eternally punish anyone.
What do you mean through creation passages? God spoke to Job personally. Note He let Job cry out first. I think you have a lousy view of Christianity. Salvation is being in a personal relationship.
Light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of child mind rule of self and our world in Mercy Mercy Me The Veil into the holiest of holies Solomon's Temple of three the veil is over the memory Mind through all previous child mind lifetimes as we learn the PowerHouse of our three-ring Mind Body Mind Spirit light color sound mind I am 369 all thought thought me the Mind controls the body with an all bodies universally to know your own mind and the power of it is key I see you Mirror Mirror I see me wisdoms unconditional love and forgiveness is our master key and open Heaven's Gates heartlight mind coherence Holy Grail found Cosmos blessed are those who have faith for they shall see the kingdom of God and blessed are those who with pain and measure find our infinite treasure without measure for all work together for the good of the whole
@TracyMorton-i1e Souls wear a brain to exist in this material environment, but a soul exists without a brain as it is immortal once the Creator brings it into existence.
@@TracyMorton-i1e What debate? Why do you have an opinion on something you have obviously never researched. Reality exists you should probably try and figure out what it is. Just because you don't know about a thing doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Probably should get off RUclips and figure out the purpose and meaning to your life, just saying.
@ well that’s very rude and yes I have researched and my opinion is there is no god I very much live in reality I am sure you know there is zero evidence for a god or a soul I have asked you questions you have failed to answer anyway if the medical profession has no evidence of a soul I am sure you don’t and clearly you do not know much if you think a tree is evidence of a god because science can’t answer all the questions doesn’t mean you say god did it that would be silly science only deals with evidence religion is a faith god is made up by man now as said I think you are school age so I will leave it there have a nice night and bye
@@TracyMorton-i1e So you're wrong about everything. It's strange you don't know who or what you are. You are an eternal soul by the mercy of the Creator.
@ there is no evidence for this unless you have evidence I am not interested in what ever point you are trying to make scientific evidence is needed to prove that and there is zero now bye
The musings put forward in this sort of discussion may have been fair enough in the 18th century, but in the 21st, it's frankly despicable and breathtakingly idiotic
Right from the Start he creates a division between Evolution & Creation. I’m a Christian who believes in evolution. Sorry I don’t believe, that if we all stop believing in evolution we wouldn’t die. I know there’s more to the fall of man than that, but that’s effectively what he’s saying.
Sounds like you didn't bother to watch the video. Your question would have been answered. Did God cause millions to die in the concentration camps or was it the acts of sinful men? Actually, thank you for actually making the point in the made in the video.
@@sciencefirst7880Everything is his doing? What about your own personal choices and responsibility? Was it God's fault that terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Centre? If not, it sounds like your preference is to be a robot with no free will.
Read your bible. God did put a curse on the earth. Increase pain in childbearing, for example, and He put thorns and thistles in the ground to remind us of hard labour and the consequences of sin. He introduced death but later on Jesus reminds us the death is an enemy.
I love Gary Bates so much. Such an effective speaker for Christianity. I was was at a presentation of his at a small Church near Jackson Tennessee a few years ago-only 30 of us there that night...I had been reading Biblical Creation materials for 20+ years and I could tell he provided a high quality presentation...he could have delivered it to 30,000 people. And that shows I believe the person that he is that whether 30 or 30,000 he wanted to reach people! LOVE Gary Bates!
That's a great point and compliment to Gary.
Awesome conversation ❤❤❤
If your thumb doesn't hurt when it is struck with a hammer, people would never realize they shouldn't hit their thumb. If sin didn't cause pain, suffering, death, and shame, people would never understand that sin is harmful. People can't learn from only theory.
God gives us a choice and he tells us to choose good over sin. We cannot stop others from choosing evil. We can only control our choices. Evil causes all to suffer both good and bad.
If you survive what happens to you, you can learn, but if you die, then is any lesson learned?
If you die in your mother's womb because a flood comes and drowns your village, is a lesson in learned by mother or her child?
I don't need to hit my thumb to know it's going to hurt hence forth I haven't and don't plan on hitting my thumb with a hammer. I learned without pain. Or are you suggesting that the majority of people are too stupid to learn without pain.
Good illustration.
@@freddiegarland4485 Have you ever put your had in a fire? I have not done so, but still I know not to do it.
Such a great video , amazing . If we analyze from the beginning of creation , God has always warned us about what is good and what is not good for us and we have always ignored and continue to ignore God's warnings , God's laws and God's commandments .
Most don't want to understand (rebellion). The free will of others affects us all as a whole, and that accounts for suffering. But God must allow free will, because how could He judge the world without it. And how could there be love without it? God tells us how to behave for our own good, but most ignore Him. How is that His fault?
@@akmurf7429 What you said is very true 👏👏👏
2:00 that's really good! Great explanation. Thank you
What a great ministry you have CMI. Very much appreciate what you do and you are in my prayers 🙏🙏🙏✝️
I was so depressed this evening however Gary Bates gave me so much hope in Jesus I came upon this Vido quite by accident but now I think it was not an accident. What a wonderful man I will continue to listen to him.
''Death is that dark backing that a mirror needs if we are to see anything.'' Saul Bellow
If there is no need for salvation, there is no need for a Savior 🙏
Excellent interview thank you! Death and suffering is part of the Human experience. It is not God's fault, it is the human experience after sin entered through man. For you that do not turn or believe in God because He allows it you better be more worried about the end of your life than now. God does not think the way we think so we can not understand but that's ok. Do not commit intellectual suicide. Do not be so arrogant to think you know everything. Eternity is forever not like our small time here. Jesus said John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way*, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Just believe in Jesus and secure your eternity. He is waiting on you with His arms out and loves you. Humble yourself.
Actually some of the time the way sickness starts is through the power of the enemy when he asks God permission to test people or a person but this is because God wants to show his power through testing us and he promises to reward us when we make it through. This then also will scare the enemy away more when we successfully stay faithful through tests. Pray and Wish you all safe days ahead and hope this message helps! I got this information from the book of Job.
Our God is a good God. If only people knew Him like we do. That's why we do this right? 🙂 To let people know how good God truly is and lead them to salvation.
@@mattwhite7287 petty points? Like helping us to see that sin destroys people's lives and corrupts society?
@@mattwhite7287 if you just repented and accepted his sacrifice you wouldn't have to worry about it but you're stubborn. All the time you spend attacking God could be spent serving Him and knowing Him but you willingly choose to go there. That makes zero sense to me.
This has just restored my lost christian faith in God and resurrection. Brilliant !
Praise the Lord!
Just wonderful
This deserve way more views . Like 8 Billion . Everybody should watch this ... God bless you all
God did not create a broken world...
Great info, love this series.
I think that he allows us to suffer because he knows it will bring people closer together and also help us to realize that we need to depend on him more than us focusing on the physical world.
I asked this question a few years ago and all the Christian I knew at the time could not answer adequately nor satisfactorily. It’s not until I figured it out myself after all the searching and praying. God did not allow all the bad things, its ppl who chose to do the bad things starting with Adam and Eve. Because of the original and continuing sin we are committing, Jesus died being the sacrificial lamb so we can come back to God. In order to be saved, we have to believe that Jesus was our savior and he is the only way we can come back. Only way to come back to Paradise the way he originally wanted us to be.
This man makes. Our. Minds. Work ... And. Consider. Situations. Thankyou
This video was incredible and really touched me. Homeschooling would be easy with content like this, and exciting!
Good to hear Gary speak the truth as it is in Jesus thank you
Awesome explanation.... Amen.
Amazing video y’all, keep up the good work!
God could speak to us directly and answer all our questions. But he doesn't want to put so many folks like this out of work.
Death is ultimately a mercy of God.....Yes a mercy! If we were to live forever in this depraved world and in these broken, disfigured, and deformed bodies; that would be worse than even hell! God in His infinite wisdom and mercy gave us death as a final end to pain and suffering. Suffering is ultimately the result of our sin both directly and indirectly. If we all could live as Christ...loving one another as He commanded us to do...There would be almost NO suffering even in this world!
i recently found so much about God’s character in the book of Job.
it’s such a neat book.
I prefer the question, why is there needless suffering if there is a god that can prevent it?
This is getting to be tiresome. Gary says @ 3:10 that it is "understandable" why CHRISTIANS would ask why there is death & suffering in the world, then goes on to say that it sounds more
like a question a NON-Christian would ask. Let's admit that ALL of us struggle with this paradox: God's love/human suffering---even the Biblical writers likewise struggled. However, Christians'
general ignorance of scripture is a multiplying factor here. The Bible is not merely how God describes His redemptive plan---it is also how He explains Himself. If one doesn't have some concept of how God has consistently expressed Himself throughout human history, one invents the God one wants, the God of his imagination, the God of his desires. In such a case, that person cannot but be baffled by God's tolerance of human cruelty and suffering, as if it is inconsistent with His love for humanity. The only alternative is to accept God's love as HE defines it---not as WE define it. Gary starts off by pointing out that there are only 2 alternatives: Either God created all things, or all things created themselves. The latter is so scientifically absurd that it's a non-starter. The former comes with many things difficult to understand (IIPet. 3:16), but it is still the explanation that has withstood historic scrutiny. So, "let God be found true, though every man a liar' (Rom. 3:4).
Clearly, you have little experience in dealing with people in answering this question. You say evolution is absurd but that is so utterly dismissive, because the majority of people in this believe in it. Scripture says "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." Your dismissive approach would not reach anybody who's been taught Evolution their whole life. That's the very reason why CMI exists. Ditto my earlier comment about you reaching people. Most Christians are taught Evolution and accept death as normal. The last enemy is 'death' according to Scripture.
@@bibbulmun777 Would you answer this question? Did you take the Covid-19 shot?
If so, why? If not, why not?
I’m a Christian who believes that God created the cosmos and the evolutionary processes we see. God set in place natural laws and inherent intelligence in everything to ‘naturally’ produce everything we see over billions of years. It is still miraculous to me. Suffering is just a by-product - you can’t have one without the other. It is our contrived definition of what a ‘perfect, loving’ God must be that is flawed.
Simple, He doesn't prevent evil because he doesn't exist.
@@psychologicalprojectionist so you believe we are here by random unguided chance despite the fact that we have never seen life spring from non life and despite the probability of life and the fine tuning of the universe being 1 in 10 to the 40,000 power??
@karimisrael9407 Nothing is random after it has happened.
I claim to not understand the universe in exactly the same way as a snail. A snail's existence is not dependent on how he thinks the universe was created and neither does mine.
I don't know what the "universe" or anything or nothing inside it really is.
And you can't correctly logically induce anything from that which you do not understand.
To know what a finely tuned universe is, you would need examples of coursely or detuned universes.
To know how unlikely something is you have to know the probability space and number of trials. But to reemphasize my first point, the probability of something happening that has already happened is not 0, and if you are specifically about this universe, it is 1.
Death, pain and suffering are natural things. Leading to the assumption that there are no gods.
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering
1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not
tamper with our free will because if he did then we would be robots and therefore not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free
will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be
made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his
promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil
seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day.
2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain
and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into
pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts.
3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be able to be built up, so likewise adverse circumstances are needed for the building up and
testing of our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering are a result of adverse circumstances.
4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be
good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world, if they were to
examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome
by education, training, medications, or any other way.
5. God has allowed sin to continue so that the consequences of sin can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of
the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be
eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal.
6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people
more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can
cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything.
7. The choice to sin by Satan, Adam and Eve gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness and grace. God
uses what is selfish and sinful and is working it out for ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen
is being used by God for an ultimate purpose.
8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get
without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth
is but a vapor.
9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith
relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we
think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything
appears to be bad and out of control?
10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change.
11. If we have truly accepted Christ and are seeking to love others unselfishly and sacrificially then we will follow Christ’s example.
We will embrace sacrifice and suffering to benefit others even if they reject and fight us because we love them enough to want what is
eternally best for them. Jesus embraced his cross and did not shrink back. We will accept the injustice and evil perpetrated against us
as we uphold and proclaim the truth of the Gospel and the Bible. We will forgive them and not curse them because they don’t
understand what they are doing. We could not learn this and demonstrate that we are willing to do this unless pain and suffering were
in the world.
No greater love has anyone but this - that a man (or woman) lay down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to
take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart then we will love the world by telling
them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn except when
there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
Makes sense. You cannot rebel against your own Creator, the source of all life, without something bad happening.
I’m a Christian who believes in evolution.
@@martinhoy1 So that means death before the fall, which undermines the Gospel message. And there are no millions of years anywhere in the Bible; just thousands.
@@martinhoy1 I cannot understand you because the real (unspoken) goal of evolution theory is simply "There is no God"
@@deaconobuasi who says??
Why listen to an atheist evolutionist, who doesn’t have faith, or a fundamentalist, anyway. They weren’t there at beginning of the earth, or even with Jesus.
I don’t see it like that, That’s something someone told u. The whole ideology, that we can’t believe in evolutionary processes, is a myth. Why can people not believe in God & evolution. There is some sort of evolution going on now. We’re u meaning human evolution? If not, & u meant the whole idea of evolution of the universe.
Please would u tell me what u think on Einstein’s relativity then? What are you thoughts on it.
@@martinhoy1 It is true, the agenda of this theory is nothing else but "There is no God." But if you say you are a Christian, I won't bother you. Einstein’s relativity isn't the same thing. One thing is not another. Have a good day and God bless you.
Stunning! Thank you
Because God gave us the will to choose, because He loves us and the answer is in John 3:16, and because He is a Just God Deuteronomy 32:4.
If you suffer enough in this life you will want to die..now. As a Christian I have suffered enough that I just want it to stop. God will decide when tho, and He promises he won’t give me more than His grace will sustain me thru.
The assertion of a heaven kind of gives rhetorical evidence that if the character in the book wanted to it could have created a place free from evil for all of us to live in for all eternity.
Kinda of like if the guy who owns an ant farm wanted to it could choose not to magnify the sun with a magnifying glass to burn the ants.
But the man who owns the ant farm works in mysterious ways.
I haven’t been able to access the main site for a while. Is it under maintenance?
It should be up now!
I think a lot of Christians recognize that death and suffering came into the world through human sin and we live in a lost and cursed world. But yet we also know God is sovereign and so nothing happens outside His permissive will. So when extreme evil incidents occur we question why God allowed it. For example, millions of Jews including children perished in Hitler’s gas chambers and yet God could have caused Hitler to be stillborn. And the “why” just leaves people doubting. Oh Lord, only Thou knowest.
People don’t understand that sin is a progressive thing. People are blinded, corrupted, and embittered by the sins they commit. If you give sinners eternal life in a perfect world, they will eventually become miserable beings. Look at the lives of successful people who can afford to sin and escape much of sin’s consequences. Does living in sin make them happy? Most people have a hard time handling unbridled success. Imagine everybody in the world waking up in Eden with eternal life. No death, no suffering, no consequences for our actions. Everyone just hit the lottery jackpot for eternity. No restrictions, no restraints. What would these people be like to live with?
As an atheist, perhaps the kind of person Gary refers to, I think that the first question is not why God allows death and suffering, it is "why does God cause death and suffering?"
Image the Egyptian servant girl, not much more than a slave, grinding corn for Pharaoh, who has now power or influence over anything. She is made pregnant not at he own choices, and the only good thing in her life is her first born infant.
Then on the night of Passover as she breast feeds the little smiling infant, an angel comes into her room and kills her baby, probably in a way too horrific to be described here.
The first question is how could God commit this act?
First, the Bible reminds us that there is none good and elsewhere, that all have fallen short of the glory of God. Consider the time at Sodom and Gomorrah when Abraham questioned god about The impending destruction. How many righteous people were found in that city? Another thing to consider is the actions of leaders of countries. How many 'innocent' people died under the hands of Hitler. In the same way residents of Egypt subject to the decisions of the Pharaoh. And again, even the allegedly innocent people should be asking what will happen to me as a result of his actions? Is there any way out of this?
@@bibbulmun777 I am happy to accept that Hitler was an extremely bad person and that he should be condemned.
I am also happy to accept that Pharaoh was not an innocent man.
When you use the term 'allegedly innocent' are you suggesting that the girl grinding Pharaoh's corn was not innocent, and that the baby she was feeding in the night was not innocent?
I have tried to think of some evilness the baby might have done and failed to come up with any ideas, will you suggest some?
The Egyptians worshipped false gods and idols which is a sin against God in the first place. God told the entire community of Israelites what was going to happen, so they were warned in advance. The girl you refer to was either not an Israelite or didn't do as God had commanded, thus a sinner. He did that because Pharaoh would not release the Israelite slaves. It worked. It isn't difficult to understand when you actually study the scriptures.
@@DavidSmith-xz4zzDavid, thank you for responding, four questions for you;
Firstly, Do you agree that Pharaoh would have let the Israelites go, and the girl and her baby have been spared, before the murder of the First Borne had God not hardened Pharaoh's heart?
Secondly, how could the girl who ground the flour (who may have been a slave of another ethnic group) for Pharaoh do anything other than what her masters demanded of her?
Thirdly, How could the infant have known or acted on anything other than to seek her mother's breast when she was hungry?
Fourthly, do all sinners deserve such a fate?
As the video explained, it is not the gravity of the offence that is the problem, but who we are offending. We are born with asin nature inherited through Adam. It was explained for example, that children do not have to be taught how to do wrong things. It is my view that children, before the age of understanding who are not capable of making decisions regarding salvation, will enter the presence of God if they die.
Have you ever had an evil thought? Poof, you are gone!
Lust, hate, theft, denying God, blaming God? These are all forms of evil. No one would be left!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard the argument that the atheist believe God use evolution in their creation… I thought the atheist didn’t believe in God it was all by chance? 6:20
@@greginfla_1 I've heard this argument before, but from theists
People who believe in god are starting to use that argument because they know that there is to much evidence now for evolution
God allowed His son to suffer and die. Why should we be any different?
I don't understand why you use the word 'allowed', surely God 'made' his son suffer and die?
if Jesus had to die in order to open the doors of Heaven to mankind, that was a rule of God's making, and God could surely just have changed the rule?
@@simonthorneycroft1339 Do you think Jesus had no say. It was his choice to die for us. He could have just let humans go yo hell.
@@fannieallen6005That may be so, but why did Jesus have to die to open the doors of Heaven?
Presumably God, could determine what the rules were, and change them if He so wished?
So what it appears to be the case is that Jesus had to die because God made a determination that he had to die?
Can you offer me any explanation as to why God could not have just opened the doors to Heaven?
@@fannieallen6005 you and a friend go out for a walk one frosty evening and you encounter a young boy running barefoot carrying a basket.
His feet look sore and he looks cold and tired.
Your friend asks why he is out running in bare feet and asks if he has no shoes?
The boy said he has got shoes, but his parent's rules are that he cannot wear them when he takes the basket of food to his grandmother's house. Your friend asks if his feet hurt, and he said they hurt a lot and are often bleeding by the time he gets home. He smiles and said "I don't mind, my grandmother needs the food." And runs off.
Your friend asks you if you should report this to Social Services?
What would you say or do?
Romans 9:22 is about as close as we get to this tough question.
The situation is, God made creation knowing exactly how it would play out Rev 13:8.
God is certainly not the creator or initiator of Sin but he is in complete understanding and control over what He created 'Job'.
Is 45:7
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.
Are you proposing a situation of predestination? Where people's lives are determined in advance of their lives actually being lived?
Hey Simon,
I was more speaking about why God created a world knowing Sin would eventuate Rom 9:22, and Christ's death pre-planned before creation Rev13:8.
Its true to say that Sin is totally a result of Man's actions. The question still remains how/why Sin occurred with God being sovereign over every atom in the universe, before it was created.
To your Question,
An individual doesn't know their final destination, but God sure does, before creation, and nothing can change that outcome.
1. Where did we come from?
2. Where did we go?
3. Where did we come from cotton eye Jo?
The whole point is Faith.
Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Should we be seeking to prove God exists using scientific methods? when we are supposed to come by Faith, this way is faith based, that is what we believe, and I am absolutely positive that there are many reasons that can be given for using science to reach the atheists, but we are to come by faith, ifwe preach the Gospel according to faith and people refuse to accept it, that is on them. as long as we give a good witness, with our life measuring up as representees of Christ.
the question is:
suffering and have hope (god)
suffering without hope (god)
chooce and take what make your life easier.
i bet Adam and Eve were just devastated after their sin. realizing what a mistake they’d made.. i can’t imagine the absolute heart break and devastation they felt in disappointing their creator and loving Father.
@@wearyandheavyladen23 hahaha I didn’t think anyone still believed in Adam and Eve you are joking right you have seen the fossils that back up evolution
If, if, if there only was one and only answer
Why aren't church folk battling against MGM ???
Sin is selfishness. Selfishness is the motivating and driving force of all sin. Heaven and hell are real, as described in the Bible. These two places are what they are because humans, made in the image of God, will either be consumed by the corruption of selfish sin into a satanically evil being, or they will accept the way out of corruption by accepting Christ and pursuing holiness. Christ freely gives salvation to those who want to be free from the corruption of sin. It is in the daily struggle against sin that we develop a heart attitude of truly not wanting to sin. And that heart attitude will carry over through our soul into the new sinless bodies we are to receive.
If we are all born with sin, if sin is thrust upon us by our heritage from Adam, is there any hope that any of us will not be taken to Hell on our Deaths?
Even the babies and the infants who have not yet had chance to act on their volitions?
@@simonthorneycroft1339you have some pretty interesting questions but I wonder about your intentions with the questions? I could be wrong, but it seems like you are trying to come up with some sort of "gotcha" question, rather than come to a genuine understanding of what the bible teaches.
@@BornAgain223 No, no gotcha questions.
I think differently on the subject as an atheist but have no contemplation that anyone discussing the comments is suddenly going to change their thinking, abandon religion, or anything so dramatic.
If I give people food for thought, that is fine.
I do admit however that I sometimes feel that people who take the Bible literally are not struck by the cruelty of God in the Old testament.
Some correspondents when presented by God committing cruel action resort to a response along the lines of "How can we interpret God's actions?" Again that is fine, but suggests that they should not interpret any of God's actions, positive or negative.
God will allow what people allow, buf He never commissions bad things to happen.
0 seconds ago
Happy Easter. On My Family group it’s all Easter Eggs & Chocolate Bunnies. I’m the only one who mentioned the true meaning of Easter, He has Risen !!
This is coming from a Christian who believes evolution, & inflation theory of the universe. I like to seek for truth.
I was like this at School & College, & work places. When it cropped you in conversation, I would put a good word in for Jesus & where so could, the Bible. Likewise, in creationist meetings, it tried ( where I could ) to mention modern science. This was quite natural for me, as I was trying to make up the balance, that scripture doesn’t always give, if taken literally.
Some people think there is more to Christianity than only what is written by man.
Personally I believe The event of the Resurrection is most important. I said this to an Atheist person the other week. If I had have gone in all guns blazing, about Bible, it would have put him off. I think defending the Bible is wrong approach to what’s driving all this energy against Religion, & the false assumption that Unbelievers think, “ As the Bible goes, so goes the Christian faith. “
It should be , “ As the event of the Resurrection goes, so goes the Christian faith “.
This comment has nothing to do with going out of my way to try & prove creation theory wrong or trying to bust the bubble, but likewise at least you could respect other People’s views on the Bible aswell, even if that’s what you choose to believe. 😀👍
At 30.35 the guy says that we messed up God’s creation, so we are obviously more powerful than God…
Our sinfulness has impacted creation. God isn’t and wasn’t a part of His creation that was messed up. He has shared His creation with us from the beginning (Gen. 1:28) and chose to let people do what they want with it for awhile, whether for good or bad. He hasn’t lost power by anything we’ve done. And He says that He’s got plans to recreate everything from scratch to fix what mankind has messed up (2 Peter 3:13). He will do it when He has chosen to in the future.
Happy Easter. On My Family group it’s all Easter Eggs & Chocolate Bunnies. I’m the only one who mentioned the true meaning of Easter, He has Risen !!
This is coming from a Christian who believes evolution, & inflation theory of the universe. I like to seek for truth.
Bart Ehrman says this is the main reason for leaving the faith. The theistic evolution position has no answer to this.
When a person accepts the exchange of our nasty life with the Son of God and the Holy Spirit indwells the person they can't separate themselves from God. It's similar to a single drop of water entering and becoming one with a larger body of water, it can't be done. A massive internal change occurs and nobody who has experienced this transformation would ever consider wanting to leave. John 10:27-30 covers this subject about being removed from the Son's or Father's hand.
Theistic evolution is a joke and even atheists say it's a ridiculous idea.
Ironic, given that Bart Ehrman does not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture.
He doesn't believe but he makes a living tearing apart God and the Bible. He should become a medical doctor so that he can bring physical health to people.
IMO, suffering and happiness are two sides of a same coin. We won't know what happiness is unless we know what suffering is and vice versa. If a person has lived a so called 'Happy Life' in a traditional sense all his lifetime then he surely hasn't felt the sweetness of happiness because he hasn't felt the pain of suffering. A person who can comfortably eat 3 meals a day doesn't know the suffering of a poor who can only afford 1 meal a day and consequently doesn't know the happiness of the poor when he gets to eat 3 meals a day. That's why there is suffering not because God created it but the existence of happiness itself leads to inevitable suffering. Consequently this chain of reasoning leads to the concept that happiness is relative. No one is truly happy. The poor has other things to worry now that his stomach is full. So one of objective of religion is to find the true happiness. So almost all religions offer salvation and is made to believe that only through salvation you'll be truly happy.
How can I know there is a God?
Up to this date we don't have any evidence for any higher being. It all comes down to faith.
Also, which God would you choose? According to human kinds' history there are thousands of Gods. Which one is the right one?
Could it be they invented them all because they didn't understand how things work on this planet?
Could it also be that some clever men started to use religion as a way to control the masses and get super a** rich by it?
Me thinks atheism is a much more genuine way of living.
Also I don't need a purpose in life in order to live decently and be a nice person. And I don't need a hereafter to look forward to; it takes away the preciousness of every moment I'm breathing.
Most beliefs are fear driven and not followed by being convinced.
That's not enough reason for me to fall for it.
Was Cain born after Adam and Eve sinned or was he born before their sin?
After. The record in Genesis also put his birth after the Fall and expulsion from Eden. Cain, like every human after Adam and Eve, was born with a sin nature. All their children came after the Fall.
about a third choice is we simply do not know
Good point 14:45
My problem is i feel god punished us for adam and eve. Seems thats not fair it had nothing to do with that so why punish others if he loves us like they say
Because he's a moral monster. Cruelty, slavery, genocide.. It's all in the Bible.
if you read the Bible you know that wasn't God's plan, Adam sinned and changed our nature from a companion of God, to a sinner that dies and we are by our sinful nature going to die. I think most folks have no clue what Bible says, but yet we all have a sense if right and wrong, Love and hate.. So we are angry at God, but refuse God's help.
I understand from my limited knowledge of the Bible that Adam was not the father of all of mankind?
When Cain murdered his brother, he was marked and sent to live among the people of Nod. The marking of Cain was to indicate that Cain was not to be killed by the people of Nod. Is that correct?
@@simonthorneycroft1339 Not quite. Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters.
Cain received the Mark for protection from the other family members who would be unhappy about the murder of family.
@@23Raind I knew they had further children but was not sure they went to live in the land of Nod. Thank you for the insight.
@@simonthorneycroft1339It depends on whether you interpret parts of the book of genesis as more historical or allegorical. Some people take Genesis less literally and as a result believe that there were possibly other humans created even before Adam and Eve, or they were made along side them. There are quite a few different interpretations if the Genesis story.
@@BornAgain223 I agree, and as allegory that is fine.
It is also fine if people (like these presenters) believe in a more literal / historical belief.
I am just curious as to how people who believe things I don't believe rationalise their thinking.
Jesus is not a God but Jesus is a messenger of God
My answer is: Why does game-developers create computer games where your avatar can get hurt and die?
The problem is no one reads. Vid is not just good he is just and promises a new earth with God at the head. Those who believe will inherit the earth for ever and ever. How can you be angry about that. Death is necessary because it is necessary to separate evil from good. Eventually the great evil one will be cast in pit with all his followers. In the end God wins and his saints win.
If god created the universe then who created god? if either has always existed, it just as well be the universe as god.
Eve was tricked.....Adam knew what he was doing
Because man brought it upon himself. Adam and Eve chose to sin, having been warned of the consequences
Was Adam scared of a lion after he sinned?
@@VictorC-f6y Adam didn’t exist did you not get biology at school
I hope you can see why God mercifully took away the Tree of Life so that man could not live forever in this fallen state: To live forever with sin inside would mean that God would have to send us to hell along with Satan and the demons. That answers so many theological questions: That is why our life span is limited. That’s why we lack strength and power like the angels. That is why we die to this mortal life to be raised into an immortal life. The fact that we die physically gives mankind a second chance at heaven based on whether we seek, accept, and obey God or whether we choose to reject God in this mortal life. When you look at things considering these facts, we can see that God was merciful in not immediately condemning mankind to hell as He did to Satan and the angels that sided with him.
Satan and his angels are under the sentence of condemnation with no chance of pardon. But mankind gets a second chance. Can’t you see why Satan and his kingdom are so jealous of mankind and hate us so much? That is why they work every day unceasingly to destroy us. They hate God but can’t hurt Him directly. So, Satan and his kingdom go after as many humans as possible to make them not believe and not accept Christ so that most humans will end up in hell. In that way, they hurt God’s heart because the Bible says God is “not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b, NASB).
Yes God created the universe, now he sits in real time watching countless girls being raped each day, sitting on the shoulder of the rapist and doing nothing. He is watching a young mother giving her children cholera infected water and listening to her prayers as they die a terrible death, he could just help a father look the other way as he crossed the rode , being killed and leaving his family destitute. He is everywhere, and watching as ordinary people go about there lives then sending them to everlasting torture for not believing he died for 3 days 2000 years ago ( most never even heard the story because they where born in the wrong country) your, or the real God has no interest in you or anyone else.
Because Christ being GOD was still in flesh so he had feelings
People ask the question, bur they don't really want the answer. Because they don't want to deal with the dark reality of the nature of Sin. They just want the sunshine and lollipop version of reality.
No. We just want REALITY. The concept of sin doesn't exist in the secular world. Yes, there's good and bad like everywhere, but there's no such thing as sin.
Sin is a nice invention to keep believers under control and on a leash (and often getting their money this way).
Read the bible. God gave man free will. Man decided to ignore GODs laws. Hence man put the woes of life upon himself.
Without suffering we could not live. Death is essential to life. Suffering teaches us how not to suffer. A mythic God has nothing to do with our suffering, it is part of nature, it exists in every species. Even love travels on the edge of suffering, it is not “…an ever fixed mark/That looks on tempests and is never shaken”.
Pain suffering and death is a consequence of sin. its not Gods action its mans. and the devil is responsible for all the suffering in the world not Gods,Jesus came to save and not to Destroy, the Curse is the consequence of Adam and Eves disobedience and God was declaring the result of their choice, God is not willing that any should perish .
God knew they would touch the forbidden fruit. So it was his plan right from the beginning. It IS his fault.
Jesus was Jewish and kept the Sabbath as God blessed it as the resting day and not Sunday or Friday!
God is going to be completely victorious and save his entire creation. It’s God‘s will that everyone be saved ,,,they’re just not saved at the same time. Eventually, every knee bows and every tongue acclaims that Jesus is Lord. At that time, there are no more unbelievers. God is a savior of all mankind. 1 Timothy 4:10,,,, God reconciles all things Colossians 1:20,,, in the end God is, ALL IN ALL,,1 Corinthians 15:28. God will be everything in everyone. The unbelieving do not have Aionion life,,, that is life in the age to come. It’s not eternal punishment. It’s punishment in the age to come no one is eternal, except God with no beginning and no end.. people have beginnings they are created by God they are not eternal. We have.Aionion life as believers and then we put on immortality.❤ God is not going to eternally punish anyone.
so because not follow follies not suffer your forthcoming generations .
Because he does not exist?
What do you mean through creation passages? God spoke to Job personally. Note He let Job cry out first. I think you have a lousy view of Christianity. Salvation is being in a personal relationship.
Sin is lawlessness, I.E transgressing Torah, that is what the Bible says sin is. 1 John 3:4
Light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of child mind rule of self and our world in Mercy Mercy Me The Veil into the holiest of holies Solomon's Temple of three the veil is over the memory Mind through all previous child mind lifetimes as we learn the PowerHouse of our three-ring Mind Body Mind Spirit light color sound mind I am 369 all thought thought me the Mind controls the body with an all bodies universally to know your own mind and the power of it is key I see you Mirror Mirror I see me wisdoms unconditional love and forgiveness is our master key and open Heaven's Gates heartlight mind coherence Holy Grail found Cosmos blessed are those who have faith for they shall see the kingdom of God and blessed are those who with pain and measure find our infinite treasure without measure for all work together for the good of the whole
Because heaven is not here on earth, duh!
We "taste" death but our souls are eternal.
Souls wear a brain to exist in this material environment, but a soul exists without a brain as it is immortal once the Creator brings it into existence.
What debate?
Why do you have an opinion on something you have obviously never researched. Reality exists you should probably try and figure out what it is.
Just because you don't know about a thing doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Probably should get off RUclips and figure out the purpose and meaning to your life, just saying.
@ well that’s very rude and yes I have researched and my opinion is there is no god I very much live in reality I am sure you know there is zero evidence for a god or a soul I have asked you questions you have failed to answer anyway if the medical profession has no evidence of a soul I am sure you don’t and clearly you do not know much if you think a tree is evidence of a god because science can’t answer all the questions doesn’t mean you say god did it that would be silly science only deals with evidence religion is a faith god is made up by man now as said I think you are school age so I will leave it there have a nice night and bye
So you're wrong about everything.
It's strange you don't know who or what you are.
You are an eternal soul by the mercy of the Creator.
@ there is no evidence for this unless you have evidence I am not interested in what ever point you are trying to make scientific evidence is needed to prove that and there is zero now bye
God did not allow it. God imposed it because of Adam's sin.
The musings put forward in this sort of discussion may have been fair enough in the 18th century, but in the 21st, it's frankly despicable and breathtakingly idiotic
Either god is non existent or he is unimaginably cruel...
Right from the Start he creates a division between Evolution & Creation. I’m a Christian who believes in evolution.
Sorry I don’t believe, that if we all stop believing in evolution we wouldn’t die. I know there’s more to the fall of man than that, but that’s effectively what he’s saying.
is evolution implied in the bible?
@@BornAgain223 Hi, it doesn’t say no.
@@martinhoy1 It says no in the very first verse Genesis 1:1
"If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness."
Anonymously written on a wall in Auschwitz
Sounds like you didn't bother to watch the video. Your question would have been answered. Did God cause millions to die in the concentration camps or was it the acts of sinful men? Actually, thank you for actually making the point in the made in the video.
@bibbulmun777 he'll have to beg my forgiveness too... everything that happens on this earth is his doing. But he's not real so... it's all good.
Why are you saying, but his not real, and yet you call him, him?@@sciencefirst7880
@@sciencefirst7880Everything is his doing? What about your own personal choices and responsibility? Was it God's fault that terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Centre? If not, it sounds like your preference is to be a robot with no free will.
@bibbulmun777 There simply is no God.
God is the most bullshit talk ever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sin is a distorted form. God did not put a curse. We don't need to be told to comment kindly. Your distorted form is why there is death.
Read your bible. God did put a curse on the earth. Increase pain in childbearing, for example, and He put thorns and thistles in the ground to remind us of hard labour and the consequences of sin. He introduced death but later on Jesus reminds us the death is an enemy.