Why pandavas went to hell? kauravas went to heaven? Sadhguru explains...

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • In this video sadhguru explains pandavas vanaprasta journey. Continue reading to know why kauravas made it to heaven.
    After ruling for 36 years Yudhishthira coronated parikshith as the emperor of kuru dynasty and left the kingdom along with other padavas and their wife draupati to mount mandara in himalayas.
    Only Yudhishthira completes his journey to the peak of mount mandara which gives him opportunity to go heaven with his physical body while others fell and die.
    Sadhguru explains wonderfully...
    Why only yudhisthira made it to heaven while others fell and die?
    How Yudhishthira won over hatred against kauravas and became jaya, went to heaven along with his brothers?
    Duryodhana along with his brothers went to heaven. It was the very nature of his death that took him to heaven.
    The great ancestor Kuru (after whom the land around Hastina-puri called as Kuru-kshetra) kept tilling the earth using his flesh as seed and blood as water until an exasperated Indra appeared, asked him why. Kuru said he wanted nothing for himself but his only wish was that those who die on the land tilled by him would ascend to paradise instantly. Indra accepted to this on one condition. It was not enough to die in Kuru-kshetra; the manner of death mattered too: either death by renunciation or death in war.
    Since Duryodhana died as a valiant warrior on the battlefield, he ascended to heaven.

Комментарии • 624

  • @deepthisuresh3653
    @deepthisuresh3653 4 года назад +87

    The reason for kauravas going to heaven is mentioned in the description box.

    • @ksh1692
      @ksh1692 4 года назад +3

      thnku for saving may data

    • @geethanjalikumar2549
      @geethanjalikumar2549 4 года назад +2

      Lord Yama explained that the Kauravas had been allowed into heaven because they died as warriors on the battlefield. This earned them so much merit and credit that it wiped out all their debts. Yudhisthira demanded to know where his brothers and his wife were. He was then taken to hell.

    • @prp3778
      @prp3778 3 года назад +2

      @@geethanjalikumar2549 it was boon given by lord Shiva. Whoever diying in the kurukshetra will be granted heaven

    • @gorachand1235
      @gorachand1235 3 года назад +1

      @@prp3778 but they had Lord Krishna with them then why did they go to hell

    • @prp3778
      @prp3778 3 года назад +4

      @@gorachand1235 it was illusion created by lord Yama himself to test yudhisthira

  • @deeptirane3602
    @deeptirane3602 4 года назад +134

    Regardless of Pandavas going into hell and Kauravas going into heaven, it was a test for Yudhistra, planned inorder to make him realise he cannot attain Moksha keeping seeds of hatred. He was the Dharmraj, the just king, who always seeked to make justice, he was one step away from Moksha, after realising his hatred he did introspection, and won over himself.

    • @prasanthadusumalli6614
      @prasanthadusumalli6614 4 года назад +1


    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад +9

      Pandavas went to hell because God lied God the Krishna dealed that he will not interfere in war but he did so as karma , kaurava went to heaven cuz they were cheated .. but Krishna who committed this didn't go to hell .... So m hindhu I know karma is spiritual law but God is above it.
      So I will.also.say God is a dictater who does as he see fit there fore he is powerful so praying is good for our walfare but is he fair ... It seems politics exceeds realm of mankind and even hinders gods .. so think mahavaratha is story stating kauravas are papi and pandavas are darmis yet God sends kauravas to heaven and pandavas to hell

    • @govindthangan8071
      @govindthangan8071 4 года назад


    • @adityayadav7434
      @adityayadav7434 4 года назад +7

      @@sherparinji1941 The problem is with the fact that you heard something somewhere and believed it. Krishna never lifted a weapon in whole war but warned bhisma that he could kill him with a chariat wheel. Kauravas were not all good they broke all the ethics to kill a 16 yr. Abhimanyu still he took 10,000 of those men also abhimanyu defeated karana 4 times but didn't kill as his father have vowed pandavas sin majorly include arrogance. The real reason kaurava went to heaven was because they died in the war. Or it was all an illusion to yudhistir

    • @adityayadav7434
      @adityayadav7434 4 года назад +2

      @@sherparinji1941 he vowed not to lift an Astra or weapon which he didn't. Pandavas won because they were avenging a women's disrespect fighting against the odds for the equal right they deserved from birth so I can't change the way you think but questioning God is some other level theory

  • @udhishtiranudhis3306
    @udhishtiranudhis3306 4 года назад +55

    This is not the end of story....but the last test for dharmaraj to bring their beloved one to heaven

    • @gairickdam18
      @gairickdam18 3 года назад

      Have you read the description?

    • @bkit5
      @bkit5 9 месяцев назад

      No test. All won died in war went to heaven. Plus if you actually read the original Mahabharata everyone had justification for their doing even Shakuni. There is no bad or good people in the war. Just one big misunderstanding. That’s why Krishna tells Arjuna, this is war is my work so don’t feel guilty.

  • @newhope5729
    @newhope5729 3 года назад +10

    For the people who think this story is wrong,
    This is the "KALYUGA" and we can never know the stories of older yugas accurately..........
    So, take the good qualities in you 😊❤

    • @zudinz55
      @zudinz55 3 года назад +1

      Basically u want us to believe in a lie. Knowing the story is not correct u still want people to follow it and take the positive side of the lie., wow 😳

    • @newhope5729
      @newhope5729 3 года назад +1

      @@zudinz55 What lie??
      If some positives can build our lives then what's the harm of it's coming out of a lie??
      What's even the point of knowing anything if the magic's working for you????

    • @yashvi2048
      @yashvi2048 3 года назад +1

      @@zudinz55 People believe in adam and eve but not these STRANGE 😂

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      Stop this stupidity, in that case according to u we should even trust the Kritivasi Ramayan and believe Ram had thousand wives is it?

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @raginireddy3
    @raginireddy3 4 года назад +25

    I am not giving much importance to wether this story is true or not. For those who have suffered a lot , it tells them to let go hatred and any negativity and move on. For one’s own health, peace of mind, growth, moksha or for a better next life....

    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад

      Pandavas went to hell because God lied God the Krishna dealed that he will not interfere in war but he did so as karma , kaurava went to heaven cuz they were cheated .. but Krishna who committed this didn't go to hell .... So m hindhu I know karma is spiritual law but God is above it.
      So I will.also.say God is a dictater who does as he see fit there fore he is powerful so praying is good for our walfare but is he fair ... It seems politics exceeds realm of mankind and even hinders gods .. so think mahavaratha is story stating kauravas are papi and pandavas are darmis yet God sends kauravas to heaven and pandavas to hell

    • @sdypg
      @sdypg 3 года назад

      This seems to be the reason for this epic story. The long battle within ourselves is the most important battle. Who we are in essence. Seeing the virtue of a dog & standing up for the dog as a creation too. And clearing up every particle of yr negativity.

    • @sdypg
      @sdypg 3 года назад

      This seems to be the reason for this epic story. The long battle within ourselves is the most important battle. Who we are in essence. Seeing the virtue of a dog & standing up for the dog as a creation too. And clearing up every particle of yr negativity.

    • @manipur9808
      @manipur9808 3 года назад

      Forgive someone only when they have received punishment of their deeds

  • @deekshadwivedi4507
    @deekshadwivedi4507 4 года назад +32

    My parents told us the same story in our childhood. Thanku for being YOU Sadhguru.

    • @Surya99999
      @Surya99999 4 года назад +1

      The only way to get complete details is reading original books or learning from true gurus. Hope u get true details this time.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      Draupadi lusted over Karn? Which parent ever told this? Which Mahabharat mentions this?

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Surya99999and in Mahabharat book nowhere is mentioned that Draupadi wanted Karn as husband, this is fake story made-up by serials promoted by people like sadhguru who never read Mahabharat

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Surya99999In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @NavoShant
    @NavoShant 4 года назад +13

    The Pandavas and Kauravas went to Heaven. Right before the war Lord Shri Krishna mentions it. That they all contribute to the 'Dharam Yudh' and they doings will be a teaching for the human race.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      No, Kauravs went to hell.. stop believing TRP loving manipulative serials and READ Mahabharat book

  • @bhagwatshah
    @bhagwatshah 4 года назад +14

    There was no 'hell' - it was all an illusion to make Yudhishthir realise what an egotistical fool he was! Draupadi was a sati - Yudhishthir gambled her away! He didn't reform and stop gambling, instead, he tried to become a better gambler!! Without Bhima and Arjuna, could have become an emperor? But his pride was such, he NEVER acknowledged the suffering of those around him. Only when he saw 'hell', did he realise what a hell it was to live with him!
    Moment he realised this, the illusion ended and saw that others were already in their own heavens!

  • @quicktestpro
    @quicktestpro 4 года назад +45

    i think the video is incomplete or sadhguru must have forgotten to say why kauravas were there in heaven. The answer is Kauravas also would have done few good things in their life for which they enjoy short span of time in heaven and then go to hell for the remaining long period.

    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад +4

      I think you forgot most the kaurabas were killed via sudarasan chakra by God himself so according to purans a death by God sends you to heaven forever.still it was unfair that Krishna lied and interfered in the war and took one side...okey as famouse line goes.
      Krishna kare to Lila
      Hum kare to pap

    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад +6

      @@AbhishekKumar-vp7ey arey Bhai tum log Indian Hoke bhi mahabarata puri nahi jantey... The war ,everything is gods doing according to Gita.. in the end of mahabarata brikuti clearly say s to pandavas that they won only because of Krishna.. Krishna severely depowered kauravas and karna he manipulated whole war . This is not a false accusations cuz Krishna himself told arjuna that everything in the world good or bad pandavas or kauravas all represents gods work . There are good and bad people in both sides who have their own good and bad qualities. So this war is purely controlled by gods to decrease the overpowered human beings .. butd sadly it's a story like Batman and joker . Welove boths and both are not great whitouy each other

    • @vamsikrishna9501
      @vamsikrishna9501 4 года назад

      Kauravas also carry warrior karma for dying in battlefield of Kurukshetra.

    • @Naturenaturalscene
      @Naturenaturalscene 4 года назад +3

      The reason why Kauravas went to heaven is because they died while fighting in a war in Kurukshetra, it was a boon given to King Kuru that whoever dies while doing their duty in Kurukshetra they will go to heaven.

    • @lsdpiece__of__mind3534
      @lsdpiece__of__mind3534 4 года назад

      Real Truth

  • @rkjain1248
    @rkjain1248 5 лет назад +81

    If you say that Duryodhana, Dushashan and Shakuni went to heaven and Pandavas went to hell, then the whole purpose of Mahabharata and Krishna's Geeta (Karma theory and all that) is totally lost. ..RK/17.10.2019

    • @ariari4133
      @ariari4133 5 лет назад +2


    • @ShivaKrishnan
      @ShivaKrishnan 4 года назад +25

      RK, the Kuru's went to heaven because anyone who died in the Kurukshetra war attained mukti straight away. Whereas the Pandavas remained at the mercy of their Karma.

    • @jorgikralj905
      @jorgikralj905 4 года назад +11

      Yes, heaven is temporary solutuon! End solution is sitting by the God Himself! So Hindus can say in Krišna-loka!

    • @ariari4133
      @ariari4133 4 года назад +1

      @@jorgikralj905 the only way to bee free 100% HARI KRISHNA,PRABHUPADA,

    • @arjunbalakrishna2375
      @arjunbalakrishna2375 4 года назад +7

      Don t take this literally. The concept of heaven and hell is unique to each individual. In this case Yudishtara s final frontier was to realize he had seeds of hate in him and to realize he had to destroy it.

  • @sunandhsubramaniam3620
    @sunandhsubramaniam3620 4 года назад +3

    We are all missing a point Yudhishthira being follower of Dharma , never sinned in his life, told a half lie in Mahabharata that Ashwathama has been killed, infact Ashwathama elephant was killed and that led to killing of Dronacharya. This led him to take journey to hell and the dog was Yamraj himself who followed with him long, who had it finish his last Karma, before he sees his brothers and Draupadi in Vaikuntha Log.

  • @727Rajeev
    @727Rajeev 4 года назад +2

    My answer to the question that *why are Kauravas in the heaven* is not answered properly is, I read somewhere that before the war began krishna blessed the place *Kurukshetra* that who ever dies during a war in this very place would eventually end up in heaven be it Kauravas or pamdavas or anyone for that matter.

    • @msd3053
      @msd3053 2 года назад

      That’s why it was known as dharmyudh

  • @srinitaaigaura
    @srinitaaigaura 5 лет назад +20

    Once the Buddha said that if he wanted to go somewhere, he would go to hell and deliver those there. It takes divine compassion to say such a thing. We cannot really understand what is a blessing until later. In the Mahabharata many suffering souls experienced great relief from Yudhisthira being there.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @jakkarao690
    @jakkarao690 3 года назад +3

    Why back ground music. It’s very annoying please remove

  • @visionx5607
    @visionx5607 3 года назад +2

    Indra with all adharma is still the king of heaven..plz solve this problem

    • @oaven9136
      @oaven9136 3 года назад

      ..begger indra begged Kavacha kundala...

    • @bkit5
      @bkit5 2 месяца назад

      Well that’s the position he chose. We all chose to be humans. Being human is way more adventurous than sitting in heaven as a king and not having anything to do.

  • @anuj_sajwan
    @anuj_sajwan 4 года назад +26

    I thought bhima was the last one who died after yudhishthira left for heaven

  • @udayabhanu9155
    @udayabhanu9155 3 года назад +1

    This could be attained to our own daily life.We see so many people having peaceful deaths though they had broken many families with out any moments of joy .The persons they pained had done so many virtual things but still in bad pains mentally day to day.I would be thankful if any one answers this.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @suneel258
    @suneel258 4 года назад +25

    Sadguru faked some of it as per real mahabharat
    It was final test to yudhishthir before accepting him to heaven alive
    which existed just a couple of minutes to clear his only sin of his life of half truth so gods showed half truth and cleared all this illusion once yudhishthir accepted his mistake
    Neither pandavas in hell not duryodhan in heaven it all faded in couple of minutes after test

    • @kunalsaini9037
      @kunalsaini9037 4 года назад

      how do u know have u read sanskrit mahabharat?

    • @gorachand1235
      @gorachand1235 4 года назад

      How do you know that Sadhuguru is faking it?

  • @dvanra2903
    @dvanra2903 4 года назад +72

    This story was what bugged me for long time .Sadhguru explanation is quite different than original.Dont he says that there is no heaven or hell?So confusing.But then when I think back,this story is never meant to be explained.i think it's just a message to conclude the end of the Mahabharata . the concept Of Dharma and Karma is its fundamental core.Victory for the Pandavas is just victory in the world.The true victory is when he finally realise his mistake and correct it.Then Dharma won

    • @ellish1ashir569
      @ellish1ashir569 4 года назад +4

      but why did the kauravas went to the good place or whatever? Is it because they passed negatively or something by following their Dharma honestly or something? do you know about it?

    • @ellish1ashir569
      @ellish1ashir569 4 года назад +1

      Balarama told his favorite student Yudhishtira that He will make sure he goes to Indraloka.... But don't know about other kauravas....
      Or this could just be for the sake of a lesson...

    • @nandha6659
      @nandha6659 4 года назад +2

      @@ellish1ashir569 kauravas went to heaven because of land of kurukshetra. Land of Holiness. which was blessed by Vishnu and indra to King Kuru. whomever lost their life in kurukshetra went to heaven. plus Kauravas penance for the sins they have made is neutralised in the war. hence karma is answered

    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад +1

      @@ellish1ashir569 Pandavas went to hell because God lied God the Krishna dealed that he will not interfere in war but he did so as karma , kaurava went to heaven cuz they were cheated .. but Krishna who committed this didn't go to hell .... So m hindhu I know karma is spiritual law but God is above it.
      So I will.also.say God is a dictater who does as he see fit there fore he is powerful so praying is good for our walfare but is he fair ... It seems politics exceeds realm of mankind and even hinders gods .. so think mahavaratha is story stating kauravas are papi and pandavas are darmis yet God sends kauravas to heaven and pandavas to hell

    • @sherparinji1941
      @sherparinji1941 4 года назад

      @frank fernandes Pandavas went to hell because God lied God the Krishna dealed that he will not interfere in war but he did so as karma , kaurava went to heaven cuz they were cheated .. but Krishna who committed this didn't go to hell .... So m hindhu I know karma is spiritual law but God is above it.
      So I will.also.say God is a dictater who does as he see fit there fore he is powerful so praying is good for our walfare but is he fair ... It seems politics exceeds realm of mankind and even hinders gods .. so think mahavaratha is story stating kauravas are papi and pandavas are darmis yet God sends kauravas to heaven and pandavas to hell

  • @rishabprakash2541
    @rishabprakash2541 3 года назад +28

    Here after watching Ludo!

  • @emmylouemanuel7744
    @emmylouemanuel7744 3 года назад +2

    😲😲real eye opener about victory sadhguru😊😊thank u😊

  • @sharanya8008
    @sharanya8008 4 года назад +3

    Why couldn't Karna make it to Heaven? Didn't he die as a true valiant warrior too? He renounced his life for his brothers after all..

    • @jhanvijanani8943
      @jhanvijanani8943 4 года назад +1

      hell and heaven are two worlds people went to hell and heaven depends on their good and bad then they again reborn and live their life but karna got mokthi he went to gods not every one got mukthi he is equal to good because of his character

    • @oaven9136
      @oaven9136 3 года назад +1

      Karna went to suryalocka...

    • @kamalamijar6177
      @kamalamijar6177 3 года назад

      Yes, but he was adharm site!

  • @nirmalya_nanda
    @nirmalya_nanda 3 года назад +2

    Did anyone hear the end of dhritrastra,gandhari and kunti story from sadhguru and at last there was a song at last saying something like rage to ruins cold winds blowing..
    I can't find that now if someone knows please help

  • @rameshwarpatil6297
    @rameshwarpatil6297 3 года назад +1

    Does Kauravas left the hatred about Pandvas in heaven ?

  • @summonedv1
    @summonedv1 4 года назад +9

    Yes after death, The most important thing is to get rid of hate.
    The hate seed that did not turn into a forest in the entire life, has high risk of doing so after death.

    • @radhikanamburi5412
      @radhikanamburi5412 4 года назад +1

      The difference between vijay and jay was beautifully explained🙏
      Why one must achieve jaya rather than vijaya was also understood.
      What is the purpose of knowing mahabharath , if we r told kavravas r bad but they go to heaven ultimately?
      What is the moral of this video?
      Whom should we be like pandavas so we go to hell or like kavravas and go heaven?
      Confusing 😊

    • @summonedv1
      @summonedv1 4 года назад +1

      @@radhikanamburi5412 pandavas spent most of their prime in penance or exile.
      Fought a war and had to kill their most beloved relatives and elders.
      Died and went to hell for all eternity.
      Duryodhana lived a life of luxury, gained full control of a kingdom which wasn't supposed to be his.
      Misbehaved with women , took advantage of the downtrodden, attempted to murder the entire pandava family in lakhsagraha, poisoned bheem while in his childhood,
      Ordered the public royal humiliation of his brothers' wife in royal court by stripping her after defeating the pandava brothers in a game of gambling by deceit. My fingers are hurting now.
      Two things are very clear Duryodhana deserves the highest seat in heaven.
      Shorter life, indefinite crimes, straight access to heaven.
      Secondly, who should one be like- The pandavas or Duryodhana.

    • @sudhakar..9899
      @sudhakar..9899 4 года назад


    • @sudhakar..9899
      @sudhakar..9899 4 года назад


    • @savelives3763
      @savelives3763 3 года назад

      Sadhguru and most people make this war look like a war between black and white. It wasnt the case. Both sides were grayscale.
      Pandavas made lots of bad karmas as eell during their life. For one instance they killed 6people in their burning palace so people would think it was them that were burnt. Many other instances as well.

  • @vamsikrishna9501
    @vamsikrishna9501 4 года назад +3

    People wondering why Kauravs went to heaven and Pandavas to hell - Kauravs were enjoying their warrior karma for dying in the battle of Kurukshetra. This is the promise made in Vedas for warriors who die in the battlefield.
    According to Mahabharata, the Kauravas were bereft of hate after realizing their position in the cosmos- "that they are nobody". But Dharmaraja has a quint of hate for Kauravas for what they have done to them. The heavenly abode of Indra resides in piety, love and happiness. There is no place for hate and revenge. Still, hell awaits for Kauravas for their bad karma. Once their karmic balance of good gets finished, they'll pay for their sins, either in hell or in their subsequent rebirths.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      Stop mixing cooked up fake stories, can you prove any such thing written in Mahabharat that you are claiming here? I have read Mahabharat and no such thing is mentioned there, it's just fake stories you r narrating here & u should be ashamed of speaking on an event that you haven't read

  • @nikitvhatkar1214
    @nikitvhatkar1214 4 года назад +1

    We are nobody to say wrong or right story i still appreciate because every author wrote Mahabharata in their nostalgia

    • @hamiranaify
      @hamiranaify 3 года назад

      Yeah its in their nostalgia, whatever they wrote, Because in real author is creator of his creations who wrote ramayana and mahabharata, it has been told on their thought, that somewhere they makes us confused with the moral of the story. Its like said the war against Adharma, at the end Dharma goes to hell.

  • @bisamsapkota4068
    @bisamsapkota4068 4 года назад +10

    There are all kinds of magic, maricles, cause and effects.
    The main logic and reasoning is, sacrifice is wrong.

  • @nikitadomb4094
    @nikitadomb4094 4 года назад +6

    What is the reference of this story...from which scripture?

  • @sreevanisadhu4179
    @sreevanisadhu4179 3 года назад +1

    Being wife of 5 husband how they managed was clearly stated in Vyasa Mahabharata, so no question she didn’t do due diligence as wife with any one of his husband.she loved Arjun bit more but she was dutiful wife for All.
    She was pativrata, so she having any feeling for Karna is fake , that was never mentioned in vyasa Mahabharata
    Arjuna fell before Bhima and bhima himself asked yudhistara why he fell , after knowing reason he died

  • @Rocky-ip2tg
    @Rocky-ip2tg 5 лет назад +34

    Then what made kauravas to stay in Heaven...???

    • @amitdas8762
      @amitdas8762 4 года назад +11

      Because whomever died in kurushetra he will go heaven it's rule but I think later padavas also go to heaven and later kaurava to hell

    • @rutvikshukla4615
      @rutvikshukla4615 4 года назад +11

      It was trap set by indra to test yudhishthir... I don't think kauravas were there

    • @suneel258
      @suneel258 4 года назад +14

      They didn't sadguru faked some of it as per real mahabharat
      It was final test to yudhishthir before accepting him to heaven alive
      which existed just a couple of minutes to clear his only sin of his life of half truth so gods showed half truth and cleared all this illusion once yudhishthir accepted his mistake

    • @pratimparashkalita7347
      @pratimparashkalita7347 4 года назад +12

      I think ts because the true wisdom in Mahabharata lies in the interpretation of death and time. The Kauravas died in Kurukshetra in a battle ground, a violent death, perhaps an honorable death because just before their death they gained the complete wisdom of letting go of hatred and ego , but nobody can know for sure, since there is not a living soul who have come back from death. And since they died an honorable death they get heaven after their true wisdom. While Pandavas continued to live and with TIME their inadequacies fostered (since Krishna was no longer with them to guide anymore) . Their bad qualities kept building, since they think after their Kurukhsetra victory they had earned all the brownie points of dharma (Same mistake as done by Bhisma after his celibacy swear) and by the TIME they DIED they deserved hell.

    • @suneel258
      @suneel258 4 года назад +4

      @@pratimparashkalita7347 No it's fake read actual mahabharat
      It's just a illusion or a test to yudistir by yama

  • @hpsb6737
    @hpsb6737 4 года назад +9

    This story is incomplete!! Kauravas in heaven + Pandavas and Draupadi in hell was all part of illusion created by Devas to test king Yudhishthira !!

  • @rakeshdhar8629
    @rakeshdhar8629 3 года назад +2

    Feedback: this voice recognition software is mistyping crucial words, mostly Indic languages. Pls see 2 it

  • @Rocky-ip2tg
    @Rocky-ip2tg 3 года назад +4

    By Sadhguru claims in other videos that there is no such thing called Heaven... Which is geographically located somewhere.... There is nothing like that...
    But here he is explaining about Heaven for Pandavas and Kauravas....!!!

    • @roshnik5137
      @roshnik5137 3 года назад

      Exactly , that's why I don't believe anything that can't be seen

    • @minikiransruthikiran2293
      @minikiransruthikiran2293 2 года назад

      Sadguru tells it as story based. But we should experience both in our mental realmn. Warriors enjoy piece for a short period.

  • @ajitkumarmahapatra4920
    @ajitkumarmahapatra4920 4 года назад +2

    Every one missing the point.Yusdhisthira even he was an ordinary man and has many shortcomings ,his accumulated Karma entitled him Nirvan and out weighted others who couldn't withstand time.His repentance and sufferings in the earth has washed away all his sins which he always accepted and realised.He can not be punished twice for same act.And all his human qualities are eternal.It will impossible to cover his deeds here which requires several books if you look back to his past .I am overwhelmed when he rejected Heaven for a dog. Preferred to stay in hell with his wife and brothers than in heaven.Even in heaven he has not discarded his human nature of attachment like an ordinary house holder.In the first sight of life in the gate of heaven he asked Indra to take his wife and brother with him .People forget that all his brothers had accepted him as their Guru and Master.All their merits and religions are his.

    • @kaushikshankar6051
      @kaushikshankar6051 2 года назад

      How did the Kauravas not have accumulated Karma though ?

  • @AK-su8be
    @AK-su8be 4 года назад +13

    Perfect! Thanks for uploading.👌
    The same I heard from my Grandparents in childhood.
    Many of those who commented here opinions that Kauravas shouldnt have reached Deva lok.
    They failed to comprehend the fact, Kauravas and Karna were killed by Sudarshan Chakra of Krishna in Kurukshethra and Panadavas were only an instrument for their death. (This point is mentioned by Barbarik after the war). They were given Moshka on their death as it is brought by Vishnu.
    While Pandavas lived on with their worldly pleasures.
    Only DharmaPuthra was perfect in his Dharma and given entry to Devaloka.
    The dog that followed was his last test to show how much cared to protected his Dharma.

    • @Surya99999
      @Surya99999 4 года назад

      Then u know nothing about original mahabharat.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      Not perfect, where in Mahabharat book is it mentioned that Draupadi wanted Karn as husband?
      How could u belief that never happened just because sadguru says it based on serials?

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад


  • @VoiceOfTheVoiceless-1
    @VoiceOfTheVoiceless-1 4 года назад +5

    What the hell did pandavas actually goes to hell?? I think this man is just trying to prove the world that he was wrong

    • @FloralTarotReader
      @FloralTarotReader 3 года назад

      It was a test for Yudhishthir. Listen to whole story.

  • @manus5710
    @manus5710 4 года назад +2

    Please let us know why the pandavas went hell and kowvravas went to heaven

  • @sriranganathar9427
    @sriranganathar9427 3 года назад +1

    Pandavas never went to hell.
    Dharmaraja was taken to heaven by Yama. Arjuna was reborn as kannappar and now he sits right side of Bhagavan Shiva. Beema went to heaven before Dharmaraj. Ref: last chapter of srimath bagavatham.
    May be this sad guru will say Sri Krishna never went back to vaikuntam

  • @anushahegde9774
    @anushahegde9774 3 года назад +2

    As per the original Mahabharat,Pandavas going to hell was a test put forth by Lord Yama .Yudhishthira had comitted only sin in his lifetime by uttering a lie in Kurukshetra war to his Guru Dronacharya about death of Ashwathama.So this was the punishment for that lie.After the punishment Yudhisthira was taken back to heaven and vision of Pandavas in hell was just an illusion not true.Sadhguru needs to read scriptures in depth and then give lectures instead of misguiding people

  • @jagdishwarrao4287
    @jagdishwarrao4287 5 лет назад +18

    Thank you soo much dear friend Sumanth for a nice Audio of Jagath Guru Jaggi Vasudev... I subscribed to you immediately :-)
    And yes absolutely. ... One fine day.... I'll watch & read everything about Mahabharath ☺
    Takecare & God Bless you dear friend & wish You & Everyone, A Beautiful Day ahead of you all :-) 🌄

  • @chintamanivivek
    @chintamanivivek 3 года назад +1

    Can people change to heaven once they've had enough of hell?

  • @armstrong2450
    @armstrong2450 4 года назад +7

    My mind has been blown.

  • @RadhikaMig
    @RadhikaMig 4 года назад +6

    This video doesn’t answer “WHY” - given their lifelong karmas - the Kauravas went to heaven? And the Pandavas to Hell?

    • @Raikantirahul_8086
      @Raikantirahul_8086 4 года назад

      whatever kauravas did in there life time was in there nature and they were true to it and fulfilled it perfectly.....they dint do anything against there default nature and sometimes BAD has so be done for a greater good .... (my opinion ah!)

    • @manus5710
      @manus5710 4 года назад

      It was just a small panishment to the yudisttira coz when ashwattam was died yudisttira is lieng to guru dhronna so for that reason he went to hell for a small duration after tat pandavas return to heaven....

    • @RP-kr2mg
      @RP-kr2mg 4 года назад +1

      The fact that the Kauravas paid every ounce for even the smallest of mistakes, including Karna, makr them sin free at death probably. Pandavas on the other hand did a lot of sins for the greater good, and some grave mistakes as well, for which they didn't pay in their lifetime.

  • @aviraljanveja5155
    @aviraljanveja5155 4 года назад +2

    The Mahabharata was written by ved vyasa as a message for the future generation. So don't take it literally.
    The Bhagavad Gita gives transcendental Truths.

  • @pallavi.bharati
    @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

    In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @himadri801
    @himadri801 4 года назад +4

    Very good lesson learned today which will help me in my self healing process

    • @nativeam25
      @nativeam25 2 года назад

      The Mahabatata show series is on RUclips the old one made in the 90's. I'm still learning spiritually about how it's like the battle at the end of kali yuga.

  • @turvekereshashikala6211
    @turvekereshashikala6211 4 года назад +6

    Shashikala bangalore this was something which l wanted to know since long time. Thanks

  • @dineshdinu538
    @dineshdinu538 4 года назад +2

    Yudhister is my hero in Mahabharata, I love him very much.. He is a greatest man.. Only one men enter into heaven without death.. What a men he is he is greatest of all

    • @keyagupta9309
      @keyagupta9309 4 года назад

      if he were the greatest, he would not bet his wife and then saw her being disrobed by his own bro

    • @Yo-pz1em
      @Yo-pz1em 4 года назад

      Lol the greatest man on Earth should never enter a casino. The credit debt collectors will be after him for years

  • @nishabedekar5845
    @nishabedekar5845 4 года назад +4

    What qualities of Kauravas made them to heaven? They also had similar hatered for Pandavs

    • @drkb392
      @drkb392 4 года назад +6

      They all died in Kurukshetra.And any Warrior who dies in Kurukshetra directly goes to Heaven irrespective of their sins committed.

    • @mihirsinha3270
      @mihirsinha3270 4 года назад +1

      @@drkb392 and Karna

  • @ninaj4323
    @ninaj4323 4 года назад +8

    After listening to all these it feels everything is so unfair.

    • @positivethinking5499
      @positivethinking5499 4 года назад +2

      Kabir says " Mujh se bura na koi "

    • @RobertLewis-jv4lv
      @RobertLewis-jv4lv 4 года назад +1

      Can't be dedicated and have tempting thoughts in your mind for an easy life even if you remain dedicated to devotion

  • @kaumudibisht5333
    @kaumudibisht5333 4 года назад +60

    Why do sadhguru do this? Always tells a complete different story then leave us all confused as dumb.

    • @sangrampetkarmechanicalwor5634
      @sangrampetkarmechanicalwor5634 4 года назад +4

      Bcz he has different perspective

    • @Surya99999
      @Surya99999 4 года назад +17

      Perspective changes among persons but truth doesn't change, so those who claims themselves as guru should say originals but not perspectives and mix-ups.

    • @kaumudibisht5333
      @kaumudibisht5333 4 года назад +2

      @@Surya99999 exactly.

    • @kaumudibisht5333
      @kaumudibisht5333 4 года назад +2

      @@sangrampetkarmechanicalwor5634 yes he can have a different perspective regarding the original story. Having a different perspective and telling a complete new story are completely different.

    • @sangrampetkarmechanicalwor5634
      @sangrampetkarmechanicalwor5634 4 года назад +2

      @@kaumudibisht5333 every one have different perspective on various Truth stories. Bcz believing and seeking is different.

  • @rupamdas6672
    @rupamdas6672 4 года назад +1

    As far i know soul is free from hatred and all other materialistic things...... Then after death pandava's souls should also free from hatred.... Then why did they proceed to hell???

  • @manojshiva13
    @manojshiva13 3 года назад +2

    But there is no such thing as heaven or hell.! May be its an analogy used referring to the way we die will decide our after life.

  • @heideeyouthereimhere7036
    @heideeyouthereimhere7036 4 года назад +2

    Such a wonderful story

  • @ratcat7801
    @ratcat7801 4 года назад +2

    मुश्किल तब बढ़ जाती है,जब अंश-मात्र जानने वाला स्वयं को सर्वज्ञानी मानने लगता है।

  • @markbane4253
    @markbane4253 4 года назад +17

    16:18 Great song

  • @SV-vm1rm
    @SV-vm1rm 2 года назад

    Greatly explained the "true success" & "material success"

  • @ArjunYadav-oy8fc
    @ArjunYadav-oy8fc 3 года назад +1

    Sorrt sadguru but from what i have got after listening shreemadbhagvatam pandavas were themselves son of devas and draupadi was herself like goddess
    They went to heaven surely

  • @adityavyas5768
    @adityavyas5768 4 года назад +13

    The flute music in the background just make my eyes sheed tears

    • @Rajat-qo7ot
      @Rajat-qo7ot 4 года назад +1

      I have been where you are, your energies are unbalanced.
      Your emotions have taken over your mind and you think its the opposite.
      Meditate everyday for more then half an hour, focusing on ur breath.

  • @gangasharma9749
    @gangasharma9749 4 года назад +3

    Pranam to Guru ji Thanks for sharing the valuable messages

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      Wrong message, Draupadi never wanted Karn as husband, she loved all 5 husbands equally and hated Karn even after knowing he is Kunti's son (mentioned in Shanti Parv chapter of Mahabharat) and Pandavas never had ego on anything.. they even went to heaven whereas Kaurav Karn went to hell. I've read this in Mahabharat book but Sadhguru has said exact opposite of what's written in Mahabharat based on TRP loving manipulative serials. Message doesn't matter more than historical facts. Philosophy should not be mixed in history.

    • @pallavi.bharati
      @pallavi.bharati 10 месяцев назад

      In Swargarohan Parv this is definitely written that Draupadi fell first because she loved Arjun more but that too was a later interpolation not found in the 11th century manuscripts of Mahabharat, as per the manuscripts swargarohan ends at Pandav Draupadi leaving for heaven through Himalayas that's it, there is no such thing that who fell first and who went to heaven/hell, in Van Parv Yudhishthir himself says Draupadi loves all 5 husbands equally why would he counter this? Even in Virat Parv Draupadi herself says to Bheem that she loves all 5 equally and is sad to see them suffer like this in disguise. And even when added later Yudhishthir is shown saying that Draupadi loved Arjun more but regarding Karn nothing is mentioned, why would Draupadi ever want Karn as per husband when he tried killing Pandavas from childhood and even said Dushasan to disrobe her? Sadhguru saw serials and made this perspective about Karn, even regarding Eklavya.. Arjun was undoubtedly the best archer and he never said his Guru to take someone's thumb, Eklavya wasn't better than him even at that time because Arjun learnt "shabd bhedi baan (aiming just by hearing and staying blindfold)" whereas Eklavya never could never learn this even while having the thumb, Guru Dron was harsh but he asked for the thumb because Eklavya was the son of King Nishaad who was right hand of torturer King Jarasandh and Jarasandh sent Eklavya to learn from Guru Dron and he had learn many things by observing, Guru didn't want to kill him and didn't want his skills to be usefull to evil Jarasandh thus asked for his thumb. Eklavya even attacked Krishna during Shalv War (where Krishna was busy while Dyut), Eklavya was killed by Krishna, so what to say now? Karn was never rejected by Guru Dron, he was his Guru and taught him along with others (there were no discrimination done with Soot people as Mahabharat begins with Rishi Ugrashava who is a Soot himself, Keechak was commander in chief of Virat and a Soot as well.. Karn always got equal opportunities too, he was jealous of Pandavas since childhood and suggested Duryodhan to give Pandavas poison and to burn them, later seeing Arjun's focus towards Guru's teachings he wanted to be better than him thus asked Guru Dron to teach him Brahmastra but Guru Dron knowing Karn's intentions of being superior he refuses to teach only this when he goes to Lord Parshuram to learn it still even after learning from Dron and Parshuram, even after having the shield still he lost to Arjun without Krishna's help in Gandharv war, Virat war and after Swayamvar faceoff.. Arjun even defeated all Gods and proved himself still had no ego because Krishna and his brothers used to scold him and he always took it very litely whereas whenever Karn was scolded he showed his ego like when Pitamah Bheeshm scolded him Karn took oath that he won't join the war until Pitamah Bheeshm is killed, this is ego which Arjun being real best archer never had. Similarly Nakul Sahdev Bheem too never had any such flaws as mentioned here.. even regarding heaven/hell that was a delusion where Yudhishthir saw Pandavas and Draupadi in hell and Kauravas in heaven, Yamraj took off the delusion and showed Yudhishthir at last that Pandavas and Draupadi were in heaven in real and Karn Kaurav in hell this is written in Mahabharat. As per Skand Puran and Shiv Puran Draupadi was Aadishakti Parvati while 5 Pandavas were Panchmukhi Shiva with major powers of different Gods and Karn was a cursed Gandharv, that's why they all didn't took birth like humans and were self created, do you really think Parvati would wish to marry a Gandharv instead of Shiv? Do you think anyone can be greater archer than Shiv himself? Can Shiv have any ego? Arjun could win over all Gods and all Kaurav/Karn alone because he himself was one of the forms of Mahakaal, all 5 Pandavas were Shiv himself that's why other 4 Pandavas didn't even have Krishna with them still remained indestructible and stronger than all because the Pandavas were themselves Shiva the God of Death whom no one can kill and even Draupadi came in her Aadishakti Parvati's Shachi form when Yudhishthir reached heaven and even while killing the demon Trimraasur Draupadi took Aadishakti form and gave birth to many warriors from her hands. I really didn't expect Sadhguru to be this ignorant and to teach about Draupadi Pandav to people without even reading Mahabharat book once, just on the base of TRP focused serials.

  • @Krsna927
    @Krsna927 Год назад

    Actually as per original Mahabharata, all Pandavas went to heaven. What Yudhistira initially saw (other 4 pandavas suffering in hell) was only an illusionary vision created by Devatas. Later on they show him the reality where all 4 panadavas are enjoying in heaven. Duryodhana got heaven (sankalpika swarga) only because he died a warrior. It's not for any virtues of his, as he didn't really have any virtue.

  • @mayanktanwar1849
    @mayanktanwar1849 3 года назад +1

    Where was suryaputra karan in the story

  • @maichyang2912
    @maichyang2912 3 года назад

    Why Krishna insisted Arjun to marry subhadra knowing he is married.and why he sacrificed aravan before the Mahabharata

  • @nirmalya_nanda
    @nirmalya_nanda 2 года назад

    Has anyone saw a video of mahabharat end where Sadhguru was saying how kunti and all were burnt in the forest and there was a beautiful song at the last so if anyone finds that pls give me the link

  • @shantagoudahp6993
    @shantagoudahp6993 4 года назад

    All serials and cinema spoiled essence of Mahabharata teaching
    If you agree then like the comment

  • @rupeshchitari
    @rupeshchitari 4 года назад +7

    I am now convinced that hypocrisy is in dev loka as well . Just shut up and continue working seems the logic everwhere and its cmng from top

  • @AyushRaj-tg7tf
    @AyushRaj-tg7tf 3 года назад +4

    After watching Ludo🙄

  • @surajacharya8376
    @surajacharya8376 4 года назад +1

    I an addicted to his videos

  • @Ankit-ss4xo
    @Ankit-ss4xo 5 лет назад +2

    People are complaining that this story is not true.. Doesn't matter...there is so much to learn. Ramayan and Maharashtra are all about learning life lessons. Yes there are many distortion happened in last 1000 years in our scriptures and we have to protect them.. But here we can learn lessons.. Learn

  • @dhruvdubey4363
    @dhruvdubey4363 4 года назад +1

    From where do you read it?? Evidence

  • @udayabhanu9155
    @udayabhanu9155 3 года назад

    Are our souls dreaming If having pains or sufferings are they bad dreamsand going through joyous moments called good dreams.The soul within going through all these and paining n enjoying for its good deeds n bad deeds before destining itself n judjing itself where to go recollecting what it did and how many it did before going to heaven or hell.One is answerable to their own deeds and drive itself before divider comes.

  • @soedeshbechan55
    @soedeshbechan55 4 года назад +1

    Krishna always was Pandava shield, sins could not touch Pandava.
    Durga BLESSED Arjuna at Kuruksetra, where Dharma, their Krishna is. Their I am too. Victory is at your side.
    Where DHARMA, SINS CANNOT cause damages that leads to hell.
    A-Dharma is cause of beeing put into HELL.
    Krishna in Bhagavad Gita confirms that path of TRUTHS is without SINS. Pandava wars were done to protect TRUTHS.

  • @FlipMacz
    @FlipMacz 3 года назад +3

    Thank you🌹

  • @Highlander21
    @Highlander21 3 года назад

    God is only one and is reflecting his energies in various forms and names so don’t get confused and worship god in any of his form as it’s one in all his form .ishwar allah Tero naam sabko sammati de bhagwaan

  • @bkit5
    @bkit5 2 месяца назад +1

    Obviously this story is fake no one can tell if someone went to heaven or hell unless they themselves died 😂😂😂 History is written by winners and Krishna devotees cannot accept Krishna was on the side of unworthy people. People forget that was Dhyrudhona foolish choice, to chose his army instead of god himself on his side.

  • @gigogigo5607
    @gigogigo5607 4 года назад +1

    Is he narrating Devdutt's JAYA ?

  • @markbane4253
    @markbane4253 4 года назад +5

    Hi! Thanks for this audio! Can you please tell me what the name of the song that plays in the end?

  • @shivigupta6878
    @shivigupta6878 4 года назад +9

    Well.. I'm so confused now. Like what is the meaning of mahabharat & dharma & karma when evil can go to heaven & good people suffer in hell???

    • @shivigupta6878
      @shivigupta6878 4 года назад

      @Karan Kaul ok.. so everyone who dies in battlefield goes to heaven!! Doesn't matter how much big sinner he/she was??? Right?

    • @shivigupta6878
      @shivigupta6878 4 года назад

      @Karan Kaul my comment is not about the Sadhguru and his explanation... It is purely about mahabharat. And I'm going on your words... You indirectly said that everyone who dies in battlefield goes to heaven doesn't matter how much sins he/she have committed..right???

    • @subodhp7145
      @subodhp7145 4 года назад +1

      @shivi gupta Whatever sadhguru explained everything is right......but it's not the complete story. .....here is the complete story ....whoever is confused after this sadhguru's video plz watch this one ://ruclips.net/video/kT-JIGQieYw/видео.html

    • @яфвеятплдшым
      @яфвеятплдшым 4 года назад

      Yes because killing those people itself is a crime.
      No human should kill another human. All this crap like death of criminals for welfare of society is necessary and all.
      Let the death be natural because no human is perfect, it's just that criminals commit something against human society norms otherwise there's no strict definition of truth and false, it's just human perception.
      The fact is pandavas won the war and kauravas lost it!!
      There's no dharm/adharm it's just winners right the history and glorify themselves.
      That's how Alexander is known as great as he was a winner irrespective of his crimes.
      Draupadi committed a monstrous sin like putting the human blood on her hair and drinking it, laughing on human deaths for her revenge.
      Mahabharat is something in which no one is perfect and one should learn from their mistakes and not follow the winners.
      This geeta and all are interpolations and life lessons recorded by priests.
      In reality there was no krishna Or God because God will never side one and leave another.

    • @яфвеятплдшым
      @яфвеятплдшым 4 года назад

      Also feminism is human quality and perception as one can see in today's world as well.
      Women are regarded pure and their respect is given high importance. The fact is we all are borned naked and if God really cared for women's respect in that regard he would have never borned girl child naked.
      It's just human perception nothing else.
      Humans try to develop different mentalities and thus set the laws to overcome their insecurities.
      All this feminism and everything is shit, it's just human perception.

  • @haribhaktha2573
    @haribhaktha2573 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Sadhguru

  • @saivamsi5254
    @saivamsi5254 4 года назад +1

    Its all about percentage the people who done good things more first go to hell and clear the remaining deeds (bad) and comeback to heaven but kauravas on the other hand did bad things more so they first go to heaven and clear the remaining good deeds and go back to hell for a long time .
    And also see the description of this happening happening

  • @basantagurung369
    @basantagurung369 3 года назад

    Much of the subtitle is worng

  • @mdg767
    @mdg767 4 года назад +1

    But why kauravas went to heaven.. Dats so unfair.. So that means ppl will do any worst to others and still go to heaven.. I mean common..he didnt explain the main part why did kauravas went to heaven??????

  • @Globalme24
    @Globalme24 4 года назад +2

    The irony. This man said he has not read the gita. But he knows all the characters in the Mahabharata. Now you know why only true wisdom is found by a few. But soap opera stories majority public follow.

  • @RaiseTheWorldProjectNow
    @RaiseTheWorldProjectNow Год назад +1


  • @Surya99999
    @Surya99999 4 года назад +6

    every person in this world will do either good deeds or sins (bad deeds)or both , if one's good deeds are more and sins are less he'll go to hell first and get's punishment for their sins then go to heaven and live there till their good deeds are expended. If one's sins are more and good deeds are less will first go to heaven and expend ther punya and go to hell and face punishment for sins done in their life. So here duryodhana and others that died in war go to heaven first bcz they died in war and their punyas < sins. duryodhana enjoyed 2000 years in heaven then went to hell till end of Kaliyuga. So now duryodhana is in hell since >3000 years. For those who thinks Karma theory is lost, 2 min silence for them. You all keep on gaining knowledge you'll get it eventually 💯% but don't stop at 50%.
    Edit: half knowledge will make u lough at the other half, 95% people are this category.

  • @jeminmangukiya8655
    @jeminmangukiya8655 3 года назад

    What’s the soundtrack playing in the background?

  • @shaashi1
    @shaashi1 4 года назад +2

    Very very meaningful message

  • @joem4122
    @joem4122 4 года назад +14

    Wahhh re justice!!!!🙏🙏 🙏 pandavas committed only one sin they headed towards hell and on the other side kauravas committed uncountable sin but ..but only one righteous thing and they went to the heaven. ridiculous

    • @shayranashayaroka4107
      @shayranashayaroka4107 4 года назад +3

      If u dnt undrstnd the depth of things dnt open ur shitty mouth

    • @joem4122
      @joem4122 4 года назад +2

      @@shayranashayaroka4107 hey unprejudiced person please shower your wise, sage intellectual advice to us.. Don't attack me by your censure lambaste comments

    • @nishantshrestha1747
      @nishantshrestha1747 4 года назад +4

      Pandavas known there dharma from the beginning of their life even though they keep hatred in there heart for Duryodhana, but for Kurus they were misguided by there mama Shakuni that's why. At last when there were in state of mukti they had realised there sins & clearly felt the dharma within their heart. Dhuryodhana didn't hate pandavas after death. That's the truth behind the concept of heaven and hell.

    • @shreyaverma7361
      @shreyaverma7361 4 года назад +3

      Thing is duryodhan ko dharm ke sanskaar nhi mile the but pandavas ko mile the. Gyaan hone k Baad bhi they committed sin. But, duryodhan always went the way he was taught. If he would be given the teachings of dharma, then things would be different

    • @anushachitragar7821
      @anushachitragar7821 4 года назад +2

      Yes dhuryodana realized his mistakes when he was dying and accepted his mistakes . That made him to go to heaven. Accepting and moving on is all we need to reach the ultimate power.

  • @bharatindian6633
    @bharatindian6633 3 года назад

    It means the Islamic concept that jihadis will go to heaven is not incorrect....

  • @pratikhonrao733
    @pratikhonrao733 3 года назад

    does anyone has any reference on the dog? why was he in the story?

  • @Tanjirosan7
    @Tanjirosan7 2 года назад

    They didn't go to hell...it was just a glimpse shown to yudhishthira for the half lie he said which resulted in a brahma-hatya.

  • @VitomirMilosevic
    @VitomirMilosevic 3 года назад

    If dog is not alowed in devaloka,it is NO devaloka for me eighter!

  • @one5608
    @one5608 3 года назад

    But i think one or two reasons out of this are not justified for sending them to hell

  • @kamalakarpatil5088
    @kamalakarpatil5088 5 лет назад +3

    Disturbing Background music. Why music is required ?

  • @VamsiKrishna-ox9po
    @VamsiKrishna-ox9po 4 года назад +49

    @sadhguru, you confused every one with this story bringing the heaven and hell concept.

    • @GoldSpot-pf1yb
      @GoldSpot-pf1yb 4 года назад +9

      He got his knowledge from Amar chitra katha comics.

    • @preethyrajesh7353
      @preethyrajesh7353 4 года назад +3

      He confused me @first....But when I thought and also read comments...My confusion ended...Analyse it slowly

    • @themysteriousmists
      @themysteriousmists 4 года назад +13

      Heaven and Hell are not geographical places . It's an dimension !!!!

    • @sathyasharvesh9498
      @sathyasharvesh9498 4 года назад +7

      Heaven and hell is also there in Hinduism, but it is not the final stop. The truly pure leave the cycle of birth and merge into the cosmos or God. Whereas the rest after their death enter hell or heaven pay for their sins or enjoy bliss for their good deeds, once their deeds both good and bad are cleansed they enter rebirth.

    • @annhans3535
      @annhans3535 4 года назад +3

      And it's not heaven and hell but the various ways we have to work out our karmic debts.

  • @beingthegamer4258
    @beingthegamer4258 4 года назад +4

    If it is like this then how indra is ruler of heaven ..he to had bad qualities...why is he allowed to rule..
    This was only to test yudhishthir

  • @anumol3324
    @anumol3324 4 года назад

    But Karna has also a son who born after his death.

  • @maheeinvest
    @maheeinvest 2 года назад

    Sadguru please read true Mahabharatha and give your comment. Dharmaraja was in Hell for few moments due to his confusion to say "ASHWADHAMA HATHA ", he must be straight forward and not confused which created a rift not hatred against Duryodhana. Please dont fabricate fairy tales like NTR. Dharmaraja is an embodiment of wise, dharma, love and affection, he helped Duryodhana many times despite his plight over Pandavas.

  • @Aesthetic_leen
    @Aesthetic_leen 3 года назад

    Agar Arjun mein ghamand tha, aur pakki pandavo mein bhi apni apni khoobiyo ko leke ghamand tha toh duryodhan mein bhi toh rajya ka lobh aur apne ke raja ka beta hone ka ghamand tha. Usne ek stree ka apmaan Kiya tha. Agar padavo ne apna kshatriya dharm nhi nibhaya to shakuni aur duryodhan ne bhi toh chhaal karke rajya jeeta tha. Duryodhan ne bhi apna kshatriya dharm nhi nibhaya . Keval yudh karna hi kshatriya dharm nhi Hota..... Yudh toh pandav ne bhi Kiya tha . Asli kshatriya kapat nhi karte. Par kauravo ne kapat Kiya... Toh kauravo ko nark Kyu nhi Mila?
    Jaha Tak rahi pandavo ki baat to agar bheem ko bhojan ka lalach tha toh bhagwaan Krishna ko bhi toh makhan ka lalach tha.... Agar draupadi Arjun se adhik prem karti thi to Krishna bhi toh apni sari patni mein se rukmani ko sabse adhik prem karte the... Maine bohot see video dekhe jisme yeh kaha gaya h ki kaurav swarg aur pandav nark Gaye the ... Par mujhe kabhi Bhi vishwaas nhi hua. Aur agar aisa hua that toh Meri nazro mein yeh anyay h ...... 😞