SN Subramanian belongs to the age of slave drivers. I have worked in engineering industries for a quarter century. All the employers want their workers to put in long hours. But nobody demanded it as brazenly as this man.
Surely, the quality of work vs quantity of time is debatable. But he proved that he is the most stupid head of an organization by making unnecessary comments about what someone does during their personal time. Media is not highlighting and questioning that enough. It reflects the slave owner attitude of these so called bosses.
income tax bracket has nothing to do with hard work. daily wage worker does more hard work than online idiotic commentators, but he wouldn't fall into "income tax bracket". That's the same argument as only wealthy should be allowed to vote and express their opinions.
Quality of work must be prioritised. Flexibility of work must be prioritised. Employment avenues must be widened and more innovation hubs must be created.
This 90-hour work week is a manufacturing sector (or say factory) mindset where workers have to do the same task repeatedly and without much of thinking. So, working long hours means more products manufactured and more profit. However, this concept doesn't work in financial or IT sector where mental work is primarily required leading to mental exhaustion. A tired brain means error prone and buggy output. It is completely counterproductive and defeats the whole purpose being more productive.
All said & done , Indian Private Culture is long hours work ; Anybody starting for home ding dong at 5 PM is under watch ; Entire office will leave , the moment CEO leaves ; What L & T chairman told is already in vogue ;
India is a multiverse. In one of these Indian universities, decoding somebody's off-handed comments is a full-time job. Only Govt babus and perhaps journos get these 9 to 5 pm luxuries. I do not intend to take a potshot at the presenter nor endorse a 90-hour culture. Just wish to point out that many of us work multiple jobs and even among those with only one job, many tend to have tight schedules amidst deadlines that push the weekly number closer to 90.
SN Subramanian belongs to the age of slave drivers. I have worked in engineering industries for a quarter century. All the employers want their workers to put in long hours. But nobody demanded it as brazenly as this man.
Surely, the quality of work vs quantity of time is debatable. But he proved that he is the most stupid head of an organization by making unnecessary comments about what someone does during their personal time. Media is not highlighting and questioning that enough. It reflects the slave owner attitude of these so called bosses.
For a country that has less than 1% population falling under the taxable income bracket, surely lots of people have opinions about hard work.
income tax bracket has nothing to do with hard work. daily wage worker does more hard work than online idiotic commentators, but he wouldn't fall into "income tax bracket". That's the same argument as only wealthy should be allowed to vote and express their opinions.
Quality of work must be prioritised. Flexibility of work must be prioritised. Employment avenues must be widened and more innovation hubs must be created.
This 90-hour work week is a manufacturing sector (or say factory) mindset where workers have to do the same task repeatedly and without much of thinking. So, working long hours means more products manufactured and more profit. However, this concept doesn't work in financial or IT sector where mental work is primarily required leading to mental exhaustion. A tired brain means error prone and buggy output. It is completely counterproductive and defeats the whole purpose being more productive.
All said & done , Indian Private Culture is long hours work ; Anybody starting for home ding dong at 5 PM is under watch ; Entire office will leave , the moment CEO leaves ; What L & T chairman told is already in vogue ;
Gobi works 24x7! And look what has he done 😂
India is a multiverse. In one of these Indian universities, decoding somebody's off-handed comments is a full-time job. Only Govt babus and perhaps journos get these 9 to 5 pm luxuries. I do not intend to take a potshot at the presenter nor endorse a 90-hour culture. Just wish to point out that many of us work multiple jobs and even among those with only one job, many tend to have tight schedules amidst deadlines that push the weekly number closer to 90.