Please fix the back ground "Walia Book" ....O is missed... when the video started also there was no sound for couple of seconds...intro/exit sounds/messages matter. The presenter should also dress formally and have hair cut too to effectively lead the session.(In terms of managing the discussion, I find the presenter excellent!)
🤣🤣 honestly selling eggs in university would be better than wasting 3 or 4 yrs in hate & fighting to each other..But thank you for the discussion guys, it was wonderful
እናመሰግናለን አባቶቻችን
ድንቅ አገላለጽ ነበር....
እሚገርም ትንታኔ ነው::
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልኝ በእውነቱ።
እጅግ የጓጓሁለት፤አንደ ሳይሆን ሁለት ሶስቴ እየደጋገምኩ የምሰማው ነው የሚሆነው።
ዶክተር ዳኛቸው እውነትን ሁሌ ፍርጥር አርገው ስለሚናገር ሁሌም አድናቂ ነኝ ::
ጠቢብን የሚያከብር እርሱን ደግሞ ጥበብ ታከብረዋለች በርቱልን ተተኪ ምሁራን ይኖሩን ዘንድ እንዲ የመሰሉ መረዓ ግብራት ያስፈልጉናል
24 min please simulign
Please fix the back ground "Walia Book" ....O is missed... when the video started also there was no sound for couple of seconds...intro/exit sounds/messages matter. The presenter should also dress formally and have hair cut too to effectively lead the session.(In terms of managing the discussion, I find the presenter excellent!)
ፋንታሁን ዋቄን እጠብቃለ እዚ መድረክ ላይ
Benatachihu metsafun yetbagegnehut
pdf ale
@@lebawi918 ምን ይላል ርእሱ
ከፍ ያለ ድንቅ ውይይትና ምስከርነት ።
የት በክቼ ከርሜ ነው ?
በራሴ አፈርኩ ።
where shall i get the book please!?
any book store in addis
🤣🤣 honestly selling eggs in university would be better than wasting 3 or 4 yrs in hate & fighting to each other..But thank you for the discussion guys, it was wonderful
አቤት እዚህ መርሐግብር ላይ መምህር ጋዜጠኛ ዮርዳኖስ አበበ መምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄና መምህርት መስከረም ለቺሳ ቢኖሩ
በሰላም ነው?! አየ አለመታደል!