It appears you are right! I forgot to show creating a border around the reversed Female. I believe the files for download are correct. I will mention this in the beginning of the final video in the series, Vol #5. Thank you!!!
when I do wood inlays I find the the male piece always chips out in a couple places which ruins the male or I put in what I have and fill with putty or epoxy of the same color to fill the voids. I guess my question is has this happen to you if so what's the remedy.
None of my Males have chipped or broken prior to glue up. They have chipped out when i surfaced the male part off after the glue up. I used dust and glued mixture to replace and worked fine. Again, not the perfect scenario but it worked. I guess slower speeds helped as well as using end grain.
How do you reset your XY zero to the exact same spot for female #2? Seems like those coordinates would have been lost after setting the zero for the surfacing in between.
Question: Why didn't you cut the male portion on the top LONGMILL while the female was being cut on the bottom LONGMILL? It seems like it would have worked out faster.
that is awesome you do great stuff
Thank you kindly
Great inlay Dana! now on to a 10 color one lol
Great job!!!! will be watching more of these videos of yours want to start inlays with my newer cnc
Glad you enjoyed!! Thank you for supporting the channel!!
The video portion of the male inlay looked more like a reversed female. Did you not show a step in the software portion?
It appears you are right! I forgot to show creating a border around the reversed Female. I believe the files for download are correct. I will mention this in the beginning of the final video in the series, Vol #5. Thank you!!!
when I do wood inlays I find the the male piece always chips out in a couple places which ruins the male or I put in what I have and fill with putty or epoxy of the same color to fill the voids. I guess my question is has this happen to you if so what's the remedy.
None of my Males have chipped or broken prior to glue up. They have chipped out when i surfaced the male part off after the glue up. I used dust and glued mixture to replace and worked fine. Again, not the perfect scenario but it worked. I guess slower speeds helped as well as using end grain.
Try running the V-Bit first. Works much better for me.
How do you reset your XY zero to the exact same spot for female #2? Seems like those coordinates would have been lost after setting the zero for the surfacing in between.
I just marked the center the way I did in the beginning carve.
With the start depth of the male at .18 That is making the 1/4 clearing bit cut too deep, (in my opinion) how can you eliminate this?
I suppose I could change the start depth to .1 for the clearance and add more passes but, I just ran them very slow.
Question: Why didn't you cut the male portion on the top LONGMILL while the female was being cut on the bottom LONGMILL? It seems like it would have worked out faster.
Yes, it would have been faster for sure. This series is just the MK2.