I am a fifth generation Californian, I am both angry and saddened by what the leadership has done to this state. Victor Davis Hanson is spot on with his assessment of our state.
I’m a 60 year old 4th generation Southern Arizonan of Mexican descent and this entire state is falling to the type of policies that have been incrementally destroying California. Illegal immigration changed the culture, population and economics of Tucson among other factors at the hands of liberal lawmakers. My city was historically Kennedy-era Democrat (I don’t think any blue city is anymore) and a quite nice, well managed, business friendly, police supporting city. Like so many places though, it’s all gone to utter shit at the willfully negligent and incompetent actions of extreme liberals. I PERSONALLY have no friends or acquaintances I grew up with who didn’t welcome everything Trump stood for at the time of his initial presidential run.
@xavierdaume2757 Victor is an amazing person, but he's been speaking on this for many, many years and no one is listening.. well.. I guess some people are listening but nothing is changing. San Francisco is lost and I think that issue is more relevant especially for the people who live there.
*YOU NEED TO REALISE - THIS IS NOT THE DEMISE OF CALIFORNIA* this is the demise of America, it is just manifesting itself FIRST in California as CF is the most American part of America In 20 years ALL of America will look like this - so don't be looking on smugly thinking "it can't happen here" - IT CAN AND IT WILL. And dont be smugly thinking the GOP did this to America, and don't be smugly thinking the Dems did this to America - they BOTH did this to America. It started with Reagan, Clinton accelerated it, Bush got you into unwinnable wars, Obama promised change and a new world and delivered NOTHING except Trump. And YOU did this to America, the people of America. You made money your God and you voted for the parties who promised cake today over long-term investment in society and infrastructure. I'm an author on psychology and the collapse of civilisations - and this is the end.
He was one of the ignorant, incompetent, corrupt, unethical, negligent, all mouth and nothing for the taxpayers benefit but himself and his goons, perennially leeching, in a chain of incompetent and corrupt to the last minute!
He speaks so calmly while delivering devastating news. Why don’t the leaders listen to what he’s saying? He knows what’s wrong and yet no one will try to fix it.
They have to admit they are wrong. They won’t do that. Their plan is to keep themselves in power and it’s working. Surround yourself with stupid people, and you will be the most intelligent person in the room, even with an IQ of 9.
I don’t believe anyone could identify a major policy area in California that isn’t in crisis I.e. Water, Natural Resources, Education, Criminal Justice, etc. and all of these problems are self-inflicted.
What Davis fails to realize is housing costs driven by wealthy real estate investors is a driving force for much of California problems and homeless. Population control and regulating real estate greed solves a bunch of it. Build resident managed homeless cabin camps with free micro doses of fentanyl solves the homeless issue. Does Davis have any ideas to improve the situation?
And just think... the Democrats are actually thinking of making Gavin Newsom the next President of the United States, *the same guy California unsuccessfully tried recall from office.* This is a truly terrifying prospect. I left my home in Los Angeles 25-years ago, and I never regretted it. The entire state has become an annex of Mexico, and it will continue to degrade. I predict that San Francisco will be the first US city to become extinct, with other major Blue States failing in swift succession.
I am a Brit drove the West Coast down to San Diego and up to Lake Tahoe in 94 and all the sites between, absolutely loved it, it is heartbreaking to see this. It is also happening in Britain now, the West needs to wake up to this shocking turn of events
*** Here is some GOOD news. A, B, and C, are NOT going to wake up. The POLITICIANS are quite HAPPY with the chaos and imbalance in their countries. They do not KNOW how to solve problems, and they insist on TAKING loose-leafed ADVICE from people for whom I did not vote. You and I can see the implications of massive immigration, but they see themselves as acting "HUMANELY." They have IGNORED the POOR in their own countries, but they are importing MORE poor people to join the burgeoning ranks. America, Britain and Canada.
Yes, Dems control CA but Repubs are equally as bad. Why? Both parties take money from the same donors. ZERO money to help citizens, but plenty for military & Ukraine.
My dad and uncle grew up around Bakersfield in the mid-60s. Listening to them describe their childhood it’s like something outta Andy Griffith/Leave it to Beaver/American Graffiti… a wholesome world completely different from the migrant-infested/socialist homeless camp of today.
I was there in Kern Co. California at that time as a teen and it was paradise to anyone who tried hard! None of the imbeciles in charge in today's world have a clue. All they do is spread their lies, deceit, 3rd world B.S. and hate and talk about poor old minorities and the supposed mean old white race who is the reason they can't make it as adults.
Never laid eyes on Mr Victor Davis Hanson before in my life, but that was one of the most succinct, comprehensive and accurate descriptions of what has and is happening to this once great state that I have ever heard. I would have loved to be in his class at university!
The longer I live, the more I appreciate this man's unusually brilliant mind. His wisdom and and academic experience is like finding gold in a played out mine, truly "one of a kind."
It's sad listening to how resigned he always sounds now - he's been warning people of where things are headed for so long, and for so long he's been ignored, and been proved right again and again and again.
I agree , but would add Thomas Sowell , Larry Elder, Jordan Peterson to name a few but we have to search them out because most of media dose not. want us to hear what they have to say.
Sad to say but all of those great minds are part of the problem. They have no problem making millions speaking on these problems and being part of the elite. But when it comes time to act and actually run for positions that could actually change anything, they are nowhere to be found. Jordan Peterson is just watching while his country falls apart, while he simultaneously saying he has the answers
@@dougmiller7944BINGO! It's called Education! We MUST start educating youngsters from the minute! they are born! so they won't listen to the bought off indoctrinating media! Love how Mr. V D Hanson tells it like it is!
I lived in Alameda in 1969- 1971... Go Navy... California was a beautiful state back then... never been back. USS MIDWAY was my ship. I won't be going back to see her in San Diego.
We moved to California for a short time when I was a little child in the early sixties, it was a paradise then. Look how they’ve destroyed it to conquer it. 😢
@@fromthepeanutgallery1084 The only people who are flocking here are illegal aliens, criminals, and homeless people. But middle class people are leaving socialist shit-hole California for free states like Florida, Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, and South Dakota because they want a better quality of life. California has already lost over a million people in the last two years and has actually lost a congressional seat because of it. I'm 52 years old and I was born in California and I've lived here my whole life and I have watched this once great state turn into the socialist shit-hole that it is today. That's what happens when you have a one-party state run by a socialist party called the Democratic Party. As soon as I retire from my job I will definitely be getting the fuck out of California and moving to a free state.
@@fromthepeanutgallery1084It is thinking like that that has caused this once great state to plumet into a cesspool of crime, drugs, and out of reach prices. Wake up and stop feeding the problem!
I grew up in Southern California and in 1993, after the Rodney King riots I packed up and left the state. Bailed on a good paying job. I was 30 years old and figured to start over in another state. I could clearly see what was coming and I wanted no part of it. It's even worse than I could have imagined. California will end up like a third world country south of the border...rich and poor and nothing in between with dilapidated cities segregated by two distinct classes...one of them swimming in filth and garbage. It's already there, really.
So you miss living in the best state in the union, so you have to justify that mistake by pretending to hate it and you are a paranoid racist who is a perfect person in every way. Just like Donnie! Gotcha.
My family came to wonderful California in 1928. It is almost unbelievable to see what lousy leadership and unbridled illegal immigration has done to our once great Golden State.
It's not just illegal immigration and the financial burdens that creates for the state. Many immigrants from Central America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East have come to California as he mentions in the interview. Many tech workers from India earning six or seven figures bring their parents and many of them get free Medi-Cal and get better health care services at Stanford than most native Californians. The state is overcrowded, dirty and the infrastructure is poor condition.
My family came to California in 1903 - from…….Mexico, and loved California and the USA and became citizens as soon as they could! They assimilated well, learned the language quickly (there were no ESL classes back then) and eventually purchased land to farm in Southern California! About forty years later, they sold their lots of land and became millionaires! They were humble people who worked hard and saved their money! I also have extended family (uncles, aunts and cousins of my grandfather) who were living in California for many generations- even before it became a part of the United States! The media NEVER tells the public about minority/Hispanic success stories, only the stories that Hispanic and other minorities are “always poor, uneducated, illegal, criminal; etc.” Many Hispanic families that have been in California for generations are also proud Americans and proud Californians too! PEOPLE ARE INDIVIDUALS, and NOT all Hispanics fit a negative stereotype!! And if you’re going to lament how deteriorated California has become, POINT THE FINGER IN THE DIRECTION OF THE LEFT LEANING LEADERSHIP - not a particular ethnic group.
Thank you every democrat member of congress from California, specifically Pelosi, and of course Newsom. When they think of you as a basket of deplorables that is exactly how they will treat you.
I'm from the East Coast. Back in '71, my buddy and I hitch hiked out to California with Big Sir our first goal. We spent a couple of months traveling up and down the coast and in those days, California was a magical place. I was 19 and my friend was 17. It is sad to see what it has become.
I was down in that area a few weeks ago and it is still breathtakingly beautiful and magical. Don't believe all the BS the Donnie party is crying and lying about. Ever since Pelosi make look like the stupid fool he is, he has gaslit our state and our people with his hatred and ignorance. Don't buy his Nazi brainwashing crap he dishes out daily. California is still a great state! Like when you travel to big cities on the east coast, or anywhere in the world, avoid the well-known bad areas and you should just fine. The only real problem I have looking back at the 60's, 70's and 80's, was everything was affordable back then if you had a full time job. That was before hyper greedy white collar criminals reared their ugly heads in the mid 80's, wiping out the middle class, led by silver spooned a-holes like Donnie and politicians like Reagan and his trickle down BS. Have a nice day and visit again soon!
@@kratz57x I'm thinking Trump and Elon Musk know the truth. I've heard Trump say he cares about "Beautiful California" that has been destroyed. Once he's in office we can contact our Senators and Assemblyman for help.
I was born & raised for the first 18 years of my life in SW Los Angeles. In 1971 I left California, I went back 30 years later for a visit, my god! My beautiful old neighborhood looked liked a war zone, with homeless tents everywhere. Our beautiful old family home was turned into a crash pad for homeless winos & junkies, liquor bottles & used syringes scattered all over the yard. I’m glad my mom never had to see what happened to her beautiful home!
Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your possessions, your power, and your status.
Rome collapsed when Romans allowed too many non-Romans into their borders and hired foreigners to serve in the military. The non-Romans wanted the life Romans lived but didn't have the culture to support it.
Rich men north of Richmond is also about corrupt California left wing government. Filling the pockets on high taxes. But is also applies to Europe. Where most people are paying high taxes to socialist corrupt governments.
Yep…and history is full of the same kind of elitists from all over the world…and eventually, they all end up against the wall, facing a firing squad… And it couldn’t come soon enough…
Brilliantly, truthfully ....and very sadly, described on the part of Mr. Hanson. Great minds always see the 'big picture'. In this case, it's an orchestrated ugly 'picture' based on ideologies that don't 'square' with this nation's founding principles.
Texas suffers from many of the same problems to be honest. This isnt a Democratic only issue. Texas has terrible energy infrastructure, squalid rural poverty for hundreds of miles on end and rampant obesity.
I grew up in Ca in the 60s 70s. It was awesome then. I hiked all over the hills above Ventura without fear. I was such a rural kid living in suburbia. Watching it change over the years has been so sad. Especially with Democratic rules.
I grew up in the LA suburbs during that same time. We’d go hang out at the beach by ourselves…no parents…drive all over the place at night…no fear. My parents would let us have free run at Magic Mountain (just meet back up with us at 5pm for dinner). In 7 years it was over run with gangs and 100% unsafe. Between 1979 and 1980, in one year, Santa Monica Pier became dangerous: I was at the arcade one night and saw all the exits were blocked by a sea of Pendleton’s and khaki chinos. I remember my first exposure at 18 to a co-worker whose friend was shot in a gang related shooting. It took 3-4 years from what I remembered as my safe suburb to change. California and it’s policies have now infected every state.
@techrecycle4udrops in the bucket … try going into a shopping center and just standing there while a bunch of kids steal and break everything because if you smack one or take the bag they are stealing your now at fault . These laws and lack of accountability are here for one reason . To separate our country .
I'm 67 years old. My parent moved their family out of California in 1965. They saw it as a place where they did not want to raise me and my siblings. I am grateful for that.
Poor thing, that's when the Beach Boys were in the process of making the next two decades awesome here in CA!! We're the same age, sorry you missed out on all the beaches and fun, but more girls for us!!
@@stillanoldman How can you know that if you weren't there. Back in the 60's and 70's California was really great - especially from a child's point of view. It was just the right amount of freedom AND responsibility.
Victor D. Hanson is one of the few intelligent voices out there. He reminds me of Thomas Sowell and Niall Ferguson. These guys are all encyclopedic in their knowledge. I don't know how they keep so many facts in their head and still hold onto a coherent train of thought. Very impressive! I was a professor too but I doubt I could perform like them. I would need many days to prepare. These guys just talk on and on spitting out fact after fact off the top of their head.
I am an immigrant living in the US for half of my life at this moment. I would probably considered part of the diversity, but it really saddens me to see the decline of this country, deeper and deeper every day. People in this country have been diverse from its inception. The problem is not diversity. The problem is the emphasis in tribalism and group think. I always thought the special thing about the USA is that you could preserve the customs of your country of origin, and at the same time feeling proud of being an American and embrace the founding principles of this great nation. I agree with Mr Hanson that assimilation is key. A country made of tribes will implode. Very sad indeed
The wealthy elites coupled with their corporate transnational vehicles have done a fantastic job of obfuscating the reasons and problems that have transformed California and the rest of the US since the boom after WWII. It's quite convenient that the Unions and Tax policies that really laid down the foundations for US prosperity got demonized and neutered by the transformation of Politicians from serving their constituents to serving their lobbyists and corporate/private interests. Trickle down is a lie. There's enough wealth to be taxed that's being extracted by the Corporations, Stock Market system, and the Exploitation of Labor that Modern Economics embraces to reinvigorate and transform the US. Look to the policies that created the Interstate system, something that's currently in a neglected state due to a lack of budgeting to keep infrastructure like bridges and highways properly maintained. Look to the current insane cost of living, where a mere 40 years ago one could rent in most areas off of a typical wage and still have enough to live and save. Now, with the same wage, it's impossible without special accomadation like being a liveaboard on a boat or renting from a friend. It's insane to just pick one side to blame in this, and if we can't collectively realize this, we are doomed. There's so many things to look at that are problems caused by both sides of the Political aisle being so unbelievably Polarized that the lockstep it creates in US Leadership will march us off the proverbial precipice sooner or later.
As a 5th generation native Californian it is rare to hear a voice of reason speaking out on California. Our education system is near last in the nation, our tax the highest and our homelessness population beyond description albeit a lot of that has to do with the affordability of everything. California was great once under conservative leaders but now it’s a one party system that has doomed by people like Newsom.
It doesn't help matters that the California climate (especially near the Pacific) is so temperate. Would a homeless person want to live somewhere with normal temps in the moderate range or in a hell hole like Texas (where temps are over 100 for several months)? Air conditioning costs money in a hot climate.
I too WAS a 5th gen. Native Californian. My family on my mother’s side, are one of the founding families of Huntington Beach. That town is a total shit show now. I grew up all over Orange County. It too is a total shit show. My wife and I left California in 2019 and haven’t looked back. Because of the ass high cost of living, there was no way we could live on my pension. We would have lost our house if we stayed. We qualified for a bigger house on 1/2 an acre on my pension where we are now. We love it!
I am 75 years old. I’ve lived in San Diego since 1952. I enjoyed the real California until 2013. I moved to Las Vegas in May of 2013 and was the saddest and best decision I could have made for my wife and I. Do I miss San Diego? But every time I visit I’m glad I no longer live there. The cost of living seems to be 25-30% higher than Las Vegas and the traffic is intolerable. It’s so sad to see the once and beautiful city and state that I called here has gone to shit. More sadly, the rest of our country with crooked politicians and greedy corporations are taking the rest of our country down the same path as California. The city and state i once love are gone, and the country I still love is killing itself. 😢
And you no longer have the ocean. You have extremely dry and hot weather. You can’t take a quick road trip to the mountains. I wouldn’t move to Vegas if you paid me.
@@corgising5606 I stay with friends and they pay the taxes. Also I don’t need the beach that much as I was a surfer and city lifeguard for many years. You can’t even park at the beach.
Like Mr. Hanson, I grew up in the Central Valley of CA (French Camp, just south of Stockton) in the mid 50's to mid 60's and then moved to the South Bay area until the early 70's. I moved from San Jose to Sacramento in the early 70's, where I lived & worked until 2010. CA was once a beautiful and great state. I loved the Pacific Coast, the Great Valley, and the Sierra Mountains, which were all within a days drive from Sacramento. They slowly turned this wonderland into hell. The homelessness, open drug use, crime, woke politics, and taxes were pervasive. I got to the point where I left my state of birth and retired to TX, my fathers state of birth. I still miss camping on the Pacific Coast and hiking in the Sierra's, but TX is overall a better place to live. Long live the 'Lone Star State'.
💔Native Midwesterner here for 26 years and counting. Sucks that you had to leave the state you love because of Left-wing moronic demons whose end goal is that of a 3rd world country. God bless
So you miss California and are disappointed in yourself for leaving because of blown out of proportion lies and Donnie's hatred and hysteria. Got it. Oh and you are a bigot and probably a racist too. Yeah, maybe Texas is more your style. Not to worry, it will all be over soon.
I graduated from Stanford. Went work for the San Jose school district. The daily commute was too much. Finally, moved to Denver. Now Denver has become overcrowded, crime ridden, and housing costs are outrageous. I really miss my days in Morgan Hill.
Yes, a lot of people like to cap on California but a lot of the problems that are experiencing this state are happening in other states as well. Thanks for pointing that out.
I grew up in California on the coast. I really felt like I got lucky to have a childhood there. I visited a couple of years ago my wife said why do you look so sad I said look what they’ve done to my town.
OMG YES .... best comment on this threat today. I live in CA and am trying to explain to folks who don't understand that THIS, THIS is the very utopia the blind, smug, self-rightous whackos on the far left of the D party want. They orgasm at the victory! This is all going just as they planned ....if not, better even!!!!!
my grandparents moved to LA just after ww2, the lived wonderful lives of freedom and wealth and died happily in palm springs in the mid 90s just as the cities were turning to excreta, we moved to Washington state in the early 80s as the cultured turned sour. everyone we know that actually stayed lives part time behind gates and sent their kids to private schools even in Beverly hills. i am convinced the democrat party of my grandparents have become the greatest threat this country has ever faced.
That is amazing, your grandparents would be so disappointed with the current condition of California. Same thing is happening in Chicago, my grandparents lived on the south side, my grandfather was an amazing guy- he became significantly wealthy as an executive at Standard Oil, serving as treasurer and later worldwide logistics/international regulations. He could have raised his family anywhere but south Chicago was a wonderful place, it is almost unrecognizable in its present state.
The Democrat party is a product of its doners and the institutions who dictate the culture. In this case woke culture. The poison runs a lot deeper than a political party.
So you don't think the people who attacked and trashed the Capitol on 1/6/21 are a threat? They literally wanted to overthrow the government and hang Mike Pence. You need a brain transplant.
And while I hate to agree with you, I do. I left the D party because it changed so much. My politics didn't really change, at heart I'm still a 1990s style liberal, but this new woke D party .... it is unrecognizable to me, especially the anti-semitism that comes out of it (namely, The Squad) that never ever gets condemned. I remember in the 1980s when Jew-hater David Duke called himself a R. The R party stood up to him and publically denounced him. The D party has failed to to this with the likes of Ilan Omer and her crew if haters. WTF is wrong with these people?
It is stunning how far CA has fallen due to progressive policies. I am old enough to remember when CA was viewed as the promised land of the US. This was not in ancient times but as recently as the 1980s. CA was a place people went for a fresh start. It was affordable. You could work a regular job in CA and afford an apartment and a used car. Now CA is unaffordable with a large homeless population. LAPD used to be feared, now the police are so undermined that crime is running rampant. I live in a no name suburb in the Midwest and have much lower costs, better police protection and better quality of life. Primarily due to my state being red.
Although the poverty rate is higher in districts represented by Democrats, most poor people in the United States live in a community represented by a Republican. Taken together, the poverty rate in districts represented by Democrats in 2016 (“blue” districts) was 17.1 percent in 2010-14 compared with 14.4 percent in those represented by Republicans (“red” districts). But Republican districts have more poor residents overall: 25.1 million poor people lived in red districts in 2010-14 compared with 22.7 million in blue districts. The problem is outside of political governance. It’s cyclical decline through corruption and fiscal mismanagement and yes, governance/policies.
True. Heartbreakingly true. I was born in 1951 in a middle class family. North San Diego Co; 4th generation Californians thru and thru. We struggled and worked hard, but it was a wonderful life. I am glad my parents didn’t live to see this. I am a teacher, and so glad my grandkids are no longer in that school system. So sad. Thank you for this video. I am sending it to all my relatives.
We left 15 months ago. I grew up in the LA Basin. We Moved to the high desert where we could afford a home. After 40 years it was time to go again. We were seniors and Dangerous roads and crime were too much for seniors. A wonderful Latino family purchased our home. They were so happy to move out of an apartment. We moved to a small town in Wyoming that was dieing except for out of state retirees. We got a lovely home and a new van to travel around the United States. Plus we have a nice retirement nest egg. Thats all thanks to California. I believe The new Californians will eventually clean up the State. So Thank You California! Best wishes for you!
Not just CA. The whole of "western civilization" is headed in the same direction. The super rich paying politicians to enable their complete disconnection from the real world have left us in very scary times.
Exactly. Those people who set these prices and regulations that ruin the economy, will never be subject to the consequences of it. Time to change that!
I can't imagine what it's like to live in the US today. I spent most of my military career abroad, and left the US permanently immediately after retiring in 2006. Every visit I've made to the US (2 in the past 18 years) I couldn't believe how far the country had sunk, and I couldn't wait to leave. It's a shameful situation, bordering on uncivilized.
Some say we are the last place to go and at one point we were, sadly not so much anymore so long as our foundational laws are ignored. The drug problem is so bad right now I'm thinking of leaving. The condition of the average American rich or poor is a shit show of stress and complaining.
Don't let Donnie's trashing of CA and America brainwash you into having an excuse you left here, because you know that was a mistake and you miss America.
blame the election fraud that put awful people into office. Newsom could win. So could Michelle Obama. Beause the Dems can control the outcomes of elections.
Spot on.... history has shown us repeatedly... Bolshevists, Weimar Republic, Cultural Revolution in China....when issues are not addressed history tends to repeat itself sadly....🦁
Everyone overlooks the fact that history has proven time and time again that such consolidation of money to a very small percentage of people is ruinous to any state or country. THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM.
I agree. This was a major theme in Arnold Toynbee's "Mankind and Mother Earth". This world history book was very well received at first but Margaret Thatcher and her party got it delisted from many British universities because the concept offended the conservatives. But, it seems to be a valid concept that a by product of peace and stability is that wealth concentrates into fewer and fewer hands. Ideally, this would be addressed .... but just exactly HOW to address this is not so clear and even the discussion is political toxin. @@chynnadoll3277
TRY AGAIN. it is the corruption of the democratic party that brought california down and people who keep voting for the same poloticians and their corrupt policies.
While watching this, I was thinking....Does anyone out in the rest of the country really care what happens to California? The answer to myself was, NO.
Here in San Francisco almost 30 years. Right now it's a downward spiral that only accelerates. More and more abusers, more and more producers leaving the city. Death loop. Businesses leave tax-based disappears tourism disappearing, no more conventions. There is no reversing it at this point. The only thing to do is to decide at what point leaving is the best course of action.
@KarmaMechanic988 You described it perfectly. Even when faced with the obvious, moving is still not an easy thing to do. Especially as we get older and rely on friends and family more.
The main problem is that the toxic ideology doesn’t stay inside California but spreads around like cancer especially to Washington where it affects our domestic and foreign policy
The South Bay Area (Torrance, Redondo, Hermosa, etc.) was an incredible place to grow up in the 1970-80’s. Left in 1990 to serve in the Army and get an education. Due to cost of living increases decided to relocate to Texas. Same problems that California has been dealing with for 20 years now are starting to occur in Texas. I just believe that populations of large states are ungovernable. CA, TX and even FL should consider splitting into multi states, with state governments and regulations commensurate with geographic, production, and ideological concerns of a given area.
Born and raised in northern Cal and just left in 2021 for a nearby state. There is life outside of Cal I am happy to report! You honestly do not realize how bad things are from schools/homelessness/crime/costs of utilities/etc. UNTIL you get out. Miss the beauty of what it once was but so much happier now and don't really have a urge to go back to visit..too depressing to see how its now ruined due to policies/lawmakers there.
So sad what’s happened to California. I lived there over 50 years in OC and it’s not the same at all. We used to have the best schools, the best neighborhoods, everything. We left.
@@Thedrunkenswede1337 Certainly has much to do with drugs. If these people wanted work they could find work. They would attempt to re educate them selves or at least travel away for opportunity. In our country we cant even get fruit pickers. Majority of these people lick there wounds and get high. The Government enables them to a degree.Look at Kensington Philadelphia what a mess and shamefull, Remember God loves you, and keep off the wacky tabacky or whatever else mind altering spirit ceasing substance that the devil tempts you with.Love you Mr swedish Guy.
Ojai is very beautiful-still-even after the thomas fires. Lake Casitas is in overflow during the rain. California is the most beautiful state/my opinion/. I will not leave my very valuable land-property home, views. sheri g-
I was born in Calif. but grew up mostly in So. Oregon. I visited my Grandparents in N. Calif. often and spent several weekends in San Francisco on band trips in the mid 60’s. It was lovely! I’m so sad our cities are such a mess. I’m near Seattle now and it is following a similar trend.
My American aunt owned a huge apt. on Russian Hill. I used to visit SF and it was a wonderful world. She had a successful paper goods business selling to all schools in California. She began with a salmon plant high up the coast of BC but after WW2 went to SF while we were in Vancouver. SF was beautiful and full of cultural variety. In a good way.
I am born in Ca. life long resident born in 1962, I have worked at the same job since 1980 in the aerospace industry. I will be retiring at 62 selling my home and moving to a better state, that is not California.
They will. Conservatives act like people leaving California and New York for Texas and Florida is a good thing. NO IT IS NOT. They will take their beliefs and crazy policies with them.
@@88cricketbird88 _What do you see them doing to save it? To rebuild it?_ 'Them'? If you mean California's political leaders, then nothing. They are what the medievals called 'fey', seeing their doom coming yet continuing to race toward it. _Blow wind, come wrack! At least we'll die with a harness on our back!_ Leftist theory is more important to them than truth or the lives of their citizens.
I have watched as the state of California has slipped down the tubes while politicians have screwed up everything and the idea of home ownership and rent has become impossible. 😢
I used to vacation in California nearly every year, for nearly two decades, an achievement considering I would drive from Texas. I about quit that 7 years or so ago when I got sick of the open sewer stink of Market Street, the rent a cops in every shop, the rampant car break ins. I have since gone back once, 2 years ago, to San Diego and Orange County and up into LA. I had not been there in a while, but the degradation was appalling. The downtown SD mall area was abandoned, Venice Beach was a homeless encampment, Santa Monica seeming too dangerous to walk around, as was downtown LA. Even Laguna Beach's downtown seemed run down, with lots of empty storefronts. This is what socialism does, turns a virtual heaven on earth, a state that blossomed under free market Americanism, into a hopeless hell in mere decades.
@@breadcrumbtv Cali is a one party state, and it is not conservatives running it, but big government socialists. But truly, I am being too kind, because what runs CA is a fascist globalist kleptocracy.
@@breadcrumbtvhe gave you a perfect example of it. What do you think it is? I'm guessing they are no longer teaching about the danger of it in schools anymore.
Victor Davis Hansen is a measured articulate man. He is able to 'cut to the chase' we used to say when a person cuts through all the BS to the facts. Thankyou
I moved my IT company from CA to NV 20 years ago...I won't bore you with the details of $$$ saved
You had foresight. Stay well.
I am a fifth generation Californian, I am both angry and saddened by what the leadership has done to this state. Victor Davis Hanson is spot on with his assessment of our state.
I’m a 60 year old 4th generation Southern Arizonan of Mexican descent and this entire state is falling to the type of policies that have been incrementally destroying California. Illegal immigration changed the culture, population and economics of Tucson among other factors at the hands of liberal lawmakers. My city was historically Kennedy-era Democrat (I don’t think any blue city is anymore) and a quite nice, well managed, business friendly, police supporting city. Like so many places though, it’s all gone to utter shit at the willfully negligent and incompetent actions of extreme liberals. I PERSONALLY have no friends or acquaintances I grew up with who didn’t welcome everything Trump stood for at the time of his initial presidential run.
Victor is a dying voice. Good luck folks
@@fearsomefan1 ""Victor is a dying voice"" you said , and San Francisco is a dying city ... Tell me , What do you think is more relevant ??
@xavierdaume2757 Victor is an amazing person, but he's been speaking on this for many, many years and no one is listening.. well.. I guess some people are listening but nothing is changing. San Francisco is lost and I think that issue is more relevant especially for the people who live there.
*YOU NEED TO REALISE - THIS IS NOT THE DEMISE OF CALIFORNIA* this is the demise of America, it is just manifesting itself FIRST in California as CF is the most American part of America
In 20 years ALL of America will look like this - so don't be looking on smugly thinking "it can't happen here" - IT CAN AND IT WILL. And dont be smugly thinking the GOP did this to America, and don't be smugly thinking the Dems did this to America - they BOTH did this to America. It started with Reagan, Clinton accelerated it, Bush got you into unwinnable wars, Obama promised change and a new world and delivered NOTHING except Trump.
And YOU did this to America, the people of America. You made money your God and you voted for the parties who promised cake today over long-term investment in society and infrastructure.
I'm an author on psychology and the collapse of civilisations - and this is the end.
Best thing about California was seeing it in my rear view mirrors. Never going back.
And to think just a few years back, Arnold Schwarzenegger was putting up commercials telling people " Move to paradise, California."as Governor.
He was one of the ignorant, incompetent, corrupt, unethical, negligent, all mouth and nothing for the taxpayers benefit but himself and his goons, perennially leeching, in a chain of incompetent and corrupt to the last minute!
Arnold is a Republican.
Unfortunately, Arnold Swartzennegger Is a RHINO 🦏
All governors promote their 'wonderful' states.
He speaks so calmly while delivering devastating news. Why don’t the leaders listen to what he’s saying? He knows what’s wrong and yet no one will try to fix it.
Because the elites of California are aware and don't care, it doesn't affect them. "They're never subjected to the consequences of their own actions".
That is indeed his strength. If you read him, however, he may be perceived quite differently.
They'd have to want to fix it, and they don't.
They have to admit they are wrong. They won’t do that.
Their plan is to keep themselves in power and it’s working.
Surround yourself with stupid people, and you will be the most intelligent person in the room, even with an IQ of 9.
Because democrats are evil fascists who only care about power.
I don’t believe anyone could identify a major policy area in California that isn’t in crisis I.e. Water, Natural Resources, Education, Criminal Justice, etc. and all of these problems are self-inflicted.
It is almost as if Leftists like to destroy things.
Suicide by legislation and voter ignorance?
What Davis fails to realize is housing costs driven by wealthy real estate investors is a driving force for much of California problems and homeless. Population control and regulating real estate greed solves a bunch of it. Build resident managed homeless cabin camps with free micro doses of fentanyl solves the homeless issue. Does Davis have any ideas to improve the situation?
And just think... the Democrats are actually thinking of making Gavin Newsom the next President of the United States, *the same guy California unsuccessfully tried recall from office.* This is a truly terrifying prospect. I left my home in Los Angeles 25-years ago, and I never regretted it. The entire state has become an annex of Mexico, and it will continue to degrade. I predict that San Francisco will be the first US city to become extinct, with other major Blue States failing in swift succession.
You communist in California have what's coming to you this is what you get for voting BIDEN
I am a Brit drove the West Coast down to San Diego and up to Lake Tahoe in 94 and all the sites between, absolutely loved it, it is heartbreaking to see this.
It is also happening in Britain now, the West needs to wake up to this shocking turn of events
It's happening across Europe. We are all downstream of California. Where California leads, we can't stop ourselves from following.
*** Here is some GOOD news. A, B, and C, are NOT going to wake up. The POLITICIANS are quite HAPPY with the chaos and imbalance in their countries. They do not KNOW how to solve problems, and they insist on TAKING loose-leafed ADVICE from people for whom I did not vote. You and I can see the implications of massive immigration, but they see themselves as acting "HUMANELY." They have IGNORED the POOR in their own countries, but they are importing MORE poor people to join the burgeoning ranks. America, Britain and Canada.
Britain always was a Sch@thole
That’s why mixing of races and different cultures are so bad for all countries. John Cleese stated that London in no longer English.
@@leonidas7776 Agreed. Lack of assimilation (learning the language and history of that culture, etc.) will bring down any society.
Mr. HANSON you are a national treasure of common sense and truth.
Thank you very much
For bringing sanity to this country and the world.
Pray for Mr Hansen because they're trying to take him out
Great job Democrats for completely effing up the entire country. A huge FU to you.
The 1% sent the jobs away and pitted us against each other. You are complaining about one side of a coin.
Hey, give Republicans the credit they deserve! They helped!
Yes, Dems control CA but Repubs are equally as bad. Why? Both parties take money from the same donors. ZERO money to help citizens, but plenty for military & Ukraine.
You gotta stop thinking in terms of team politics. They all serve corporate power. It's exactly how our rulers wanted it.
@@jamesdavis9036Did they really? How, exactly how, did they do that? I'll wait.
I would love to see Victor Davis Hanson and Thomas Sowell in the same room discussing the problems of this country. I would pay to see that.
Did Hanson have any useful ideas? Sowell? Jordan Peterson?
Sin is the number one problem. When do they ever talk about sin?
@@bobbyadkins6983 How do you define sin?
Thomas Sowell was a Reagan architect, he's one of the ones RESPONSIBLE for the state of america. Anybody that thinks thats just california is crazy.
Acting against ones self. The moral law based on logos. ...
My dad and uncle grew up around Bakersfield in the mid-60s. Listening to them describe their childhood it’s like something outta Andy Griffith/Leave it to Beaver/American Graffiti… a wholesome world completely different from the migrant-infested/socialist homeless camp of today.
I'll take migrants over socialist any day. But fuck me if all the migrants aren't socialist
I was there in Kern Co. California at that time as a teen and it was paradise to anyone who tried hard! None of the imbeciles in charge in today's world have a clue. All they do is spread their lies, deceit, 3rd world B.S. and hate and talk about poor old minorities and the supposed mean old white race who is the reason they can't make it as adults.
I could almost imagine myself hearing those stories...ITS JUST NOT FAIR OR RIGHT OR HUMAN..❤ I LOVE YOUR COMMENT ❤
I grew up in New York, same story. I'm 70 so I remember a better world.
Never laid eyes on Mr Victor Davis Hanson before in my life, but that was one of the most succinct, comprehensive and accurate descriptions of what has and is happening to this once great state that I have ever heard. I would have loved to be in his class at university!
Doesn’t help that Texas deals with illegal immigrants by sending them here. What’s CA supposed to do, toss them in the ocean?
Well done! Lucky you, you now have a new wise old uncle who will tell you the truth about things….
He is brilliant and honest
VDH a brilliant farmer with wisdom.
You should check out the Hoover Institute. Big fan here
The longer I live, the more I appreciate this man's unusually brilliant mind. His wisdom and and academic experience is like finding gold in a played out mine, truly "one of a kind."
It's sad listening to how resigned he always sounds now - he's been warning people of where things are headed for so long, and for so long he's been ignored, and been proved right again and again and again.
I agree , but would add Thomas Sowell , Larry Elder, Jordan Peterson to name a few but we have to search them out because most of media dose not. want us to hear what they have to say.
Sad to say but all of those great minds are part of the problem. They have no problem making millions speaking on these problems and being part of the elite. But when it comes time to act and actually run for positions that could actually change anything, they are nowhere to be found. Jordan Peterson is just watching while his country falls apart, while he simultaneously saying he has the answers
@@dougmiller7944BINGO! It's called Education! We MUST start educating youngsters from the minute! they are born! so they won't listen to the bought off indoctrinating media!
Love how Mr. V D Hanson tells it like it is!
Totally agree. But men like Jordan Peterson are clinical psychologists, NOT appropriate to this conversation.
I grew up in California. California has been turned into a toilet....wife and I left in 08. Will never go back.
smart !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's only gotten worse since. I've lived in Los Angeles since 1999. Probably move back East in the near future.
Are you real estate refugees like myself and my wife?
I lived in Alameda in 1969- 1971... Go Navy... California was a beautiful state back then... never been back. USS MIDWAY was my ship. I won't be going back to see her in San Diego.
Just don’t blue again
Thank you for posting this. I hope many people will watch this and wake up
Dr. Hanson’s analysis is spot on. He is brilliant!
We moved to California for a short time when I was a little child in the early sixties, it was a paradise then. Look how they’ve destroyed it to conquer it. 😢
@@fromthepeanutgallery1084 The only people who are flocking here are illegal aliens, criminals, and homeless people. But middle class people are leaving socialist shit-hole California for free states like Florida, Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, and South Dakota because they want a better quality of life. California has already lost over a million people in the last two years and has actually lost a congressional seat because of it. I'm 52 years old and I was born in California and I've lived here my whole life and I have watched this once great state turn into the socialist shit-hole that it is today. That's what happens when you have a one-party state run by a socialist party called the Democratic Party. As soon as I retire from my job I will definitely be getting the fuck out of California and moving to a free state.
@@fromthepeanutgallery1084It is thinking like that that has caused this once great state to plumet into a cesspool of crime, drugs, and out of reach prices. Wake up and stop feeding the problem!
Direct consequences of woke ideology. Dear Californians you voted for it, so just suck it up.
@@fromthepeanutgallery1084Let me guess, your on public assistance.
should of stayed in montana.
Money is King. People haven't mattered for a long time.
Well thank you Mr. Helper.
If ever.
Direct consequences of woke ideology. Dear Californians you voted for it, so just suck it up.
Ideology has always mattered more than both. 😅
Freaking sucks to be me.
I grew up in Southern California and in 1993, after the Rodney King riots I packed up and left the state. Bailed on a good paying job. I was 30 years old and figured to start over in another state. I could clearly see what was coming and I wanted no part of it. It's even worse than I could have imagined. California will end up like a third world country south of the border...rich and poor and nothing in between with dilapidated cities segregated by two distinct classes...one of them swimming in filth and garbage. It's already there, really.
So you miss living in the best state in the union, so you have to justify that mistake by pretending to hate it and you are a paranoid racist who is a perfect person in every way. Just like Donnie! Gotcha.
For sure.
Democrats destroyed Detroit Michigan.
Which is how California voters like it.
That's leftism aka defacto for you.
A voice of reason that needs to be heard around this country!
My family came to wonderful California in 1928.
It is almost unbelievable to see what lousy leadership and unbridled illegal immigration has done to our once great Golden State.
Legal or illegal, immigration is a disaster.
It's not just illegal immigration and the financial burdens that creates for the state. Many immigrants from Central America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East have come to California as he mentions in the interview. Many tech workers from India earning six or seven figures bring their parents and many of them get free Medi-Cal and get better health care services at Stanford than most native Californians. The state is overcrowded, dirty and the infrastructure is poor condition.
You guys voted your lousy leadership in.
Keep voting democrat.
My family came to California in 1903 - from…….Mexico, and loved California and the USA and became citizens as soon as they could! They assimilated well, learned the language quickly (there were no ESL classes back then) and eventually purchased land to farm in Southern California! About forty years later, they sold their lots of land and became millionaires! They were humble people who worked hard and saved their money! I also have extended family (uncles, aunts and cousins of my grandfather) who were living in California for many generations- even before it became a part of the United States!
The media NEVER tells the public about minority/Hispanic success stories, only the stories that Hispanic and other minorities are “always poor, uneducated, illegal, criminal; etc.” Many Hispanic families that have been in California for generations are also proud Americans and proud Californians too! PEOPLE ARE INDIVIDUALS, and NOT all Hispanics fit a negative stereotype!!
And if you’re going to lament how deteriorated California has become, POINT THE FINGER IN THE DIRECTION OF THE LEFT LEANING LEADERSHIP - not a particular ethnic group.
Thank you every democrat member of congress from California, specifically Pelosi, and of course
Newsom. When they think of you as a basket of deplorables that is exactly how they will treat you.
Feel sad about this happening
People everywhere tolerate these ignorant wicked inept actors, even vote for them.
Much better then deep red southern states like Mississippi. Republicans utopia!! 😂🤣😂🤣
How do you defend failed red states? Is that the dirty Dems too?
blame the election fraud that put awful people into office
California has accomplished one very important thing. It has shown others “what not to do”.
Don't think the nation is learning anything
@@thomascsmlth9126 🤞🏻
I respect Victor Davis Hanson. 🍁
Thank-you for having Dr. Hanson on your show.
Hope Everyone will SHARE this video to Everyone they know!! TRUE Education is what can help save our country!! USA USA USA.
I'm from the East Coast. Back in '71, my buddy and I hitch hiked out to California with Big Sir our first goal. We spent a couple of months traveling up and down the coast and in those days, California was a magical place. I was 19 and my friend was 17. It is sad to see what it has become.
Travel up and down the coastline and you will still see it as magical, as is Big Sur. Just stay away from the big cities.
try hitching today. stay in montana.
I was down in that area a few weeks ago and it is still breathtakingly beautiful and magical. Don't believe all the BS the Donnie party is crying and lying about. Ever since Pelosi make look like the stupid fool he is, he has gaslit our state and our people with his hatred and ignorance. Don't buy his Nazi brainwashing crap he dishes out daily. California is still a great state! Like when you travel to big cities on the east coast, or anywhere in the world, avoid the well-known bad areas and you should just fine. The only real problem I have looking back at the 60's, 70's and 80's, was everything was affordable back then if you had a full time job. That was before hyper greedy white collar criminals reared their ugly heads in the mid 80's, wiping out the middle class, led by silver spooned a-holes like Donnie and politicians like Reagan and his trickle down BS. Have a nice day and visit again soon!
California started to go downhill in the early Seventies. You miss the time when California was a magical place to live in like Disneyland in 1955.
Cali is still great
Can you imagine alot of dems considering Newsom as a viable candidate in place of tired Joe? That is mind twisting.
They will vote for whoever CNN tells them to. Quintessential NPCs.
He is easy on the eyes, and is persuasive. The People will prefer a 'Movie Star', rather than policy.
That might be their plan tbh.
But a lot of women will vote for him, purely for looks.
Klanocrats continued their support of Ted Kennedy after the murder of MARY JO KOPECHE @ CHAPPAQUIDDICK
Thank God for someone who speaks about reality.
But who is listening?
@@kratz57x The residents and businesses who are leaving California.
@@kratz57x I'm thinking Trump and Elon Musk know the truth. I've heard Trump say he cares about "Beautiful California" that has been destroyed. Once he's in office we can contact our Senators and Assemblyman for help.
I was born & raised for the first 18 years of my life in SW Los Angeles. In 1971 I left California, I went back 30 years later for a visit, my god! My beautiful old neighborhood looked liked a war zone, with homeless tents everywhere. Our beautiful old family home was turned into a crash pad for homeless winos & junkies, liquor bottles & used syringes scattered all over the yard. I’m glad my mom never had to see what happened to her beautiful home!
Cancer man! It's all a cancer that just keeps spreading.
That's what happens when the soul is so ignored it starts eating itself.
Good post😊
Diversity is *not* a strength. A truth of history no one seems willing to admit anymore.
diversity is just another term for less huite pea pull
That was the conclusion of a liberal Harvard professor's 2002 study. Not the outcome wanted but the truth.
@@joefell7845 "Bowling Alone," by Robert Putnam.
Yes.. as the Native American classic " Bury my heart at wounded knee" alluded to so poignantly?
Diversity is a lie what they want is anti-White, anti-Christianity, anti male, and anti-capitalist… In other words, they are racist, communist clowns.
Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your possessions, your power, and your status.
Possessions, power, and status are all earned qualities you’re not given those things unless your last name is Biden.
Rome collapsed when Romans allowed too many non-Romans into their borders and hired foreigners to serve in the military. The non-Romans wanted the life Romans lived but didn't have the culture to support it.
yeah thats total bullsh!t
Rich men north of Richmond is also about corrupt California left wing government. Filling the pockets on high taxes. But is also applies to Europe. Where most people are paying high taxes to socialist corrupt governments.
Victor Davis Hansen is absolutely a national treasure, I applaud him. Thank you for having him on your show. 👍✌️
Pretty amazing how a handful of tech execs make policy not only in California but also nationwide.
Yep…and history is full of the same kind of elitists from all over the world…and eventually, they all end up against the wall, facing a firing squad… And it couldn’t come soon enough…
It's been true in Soviet Union/Russia for decades. The oligarchs control the government.
The way it should be.
Brilliantly, truthfully ....and very sadly, described on the part of Mr. Hanson. Great minds always see the 'big picture'. In this case, it's an orchestrated ugly 'picture' based on ideologies that don't 'square' with this nation's founding principles.
Texas suffers from many of the same problems to be honest. This isnt a Democratic only issue. Texas has terrible energy infrastructure, squalid rural poverty for hundreds of miles on end and rampant obesity.
Does Davis have a solution?
He and his kind are all about the money, human beings don't even come into their thinking.
Mr Davis, thank you for being honest with true Americans. God bless you! 🙏
RESPECT. Brilliant and well-spoken.
I grew up in Ca in the 60s 70s. It was awesome then. I hiked all over the hills above Ventura without fear. I was such a rural kid living in suburbia. Watching it change over the years has been so sad. Especially with Democratic rules.
I grew up in the LA suburbs during that same time. We’d go hang out at the beach by ourselves…no parents…drive all over the place at night…no fear. My parents would let us have free run at Magic Mountain (just meet back up with us at 5pm for dinner). In 7 years it was over run with gangs and 100% unsafe. Between 1979 and 1980, in one year, Santa Monica Pier became dangerous: I was at the arcade one night and saw all the exits were blocked by a sea of Pendleton’s and khaki chinos. I remember my first exposure at 18 to a co-worker whose friend was shot in a gang related shooting. It took 3-4 years from what I remembered as my safe suburb to change. California and it’s policies have now infected every state.
@techrecycle4uthose are anomalies. Definitely not the norm at that time. Take your strawman home and play video games with him/her/it.
We have a systemic problem in a two party dualistic insanity. Republican leadership is worse!
@techrecycle4udrops in the bucket … try going into a shopping center and just standing there while a bunch of kids steal and break everything because if you smack one or take the bag they are stealing your now at fault .
These laws and lack of accountability are here for one reason . To separate our country .
@techrecycle4uI bet this person lives in detroit or memphis
Great interview. VDH is an intelligent man. The leaders need to listen to what he has to say.
I'm 67 years old. My parent moved their family out of California in 1965. They saw it as a place where they did not want to raise me and my siblings. I am grateful for that.
Poor thing, that's when the Beach Boys were in the process of making the next two decades awesome here in CA!! We're the same age, sorry you missed out on all the beaches and fun, but more girls for us!!
In 1965 it was a paradise, and for 10 years beyond that.
I didn't miss a thing!
@@stillanoldman How can you know that if you weren't there. Back in the 60's and 70's California was really great - especially from a child's point of view. It was just the right amount of freedom AND responsibility.
Damn you missed out on the best life.
Dr. Hanson is absolutely correct.
Victor D. Hanson is one of the few intelligent voices out there. He reminds me of Thomas Sowell and Niall Ferguson. These guys are all encyclopedic in their knowledge. I don't know how they keep so many facts in their head and still hold onto a coherent train of thought. Very impressive! I was a professor too but I doubt I could perform like them. I would need many days to prepare. These guys just talk on and on spitting out fact after fact off the top of their head.
I could listen to VHD all day long.
Thank you for the short but informative interview.
The wealthier they get the faster they fall, the story of Rome, the story of Cal and on and on.
And Krypton 🤔
Most likely corrupted their monetary system to and caused corruption from the top, downward.
should of stayed in montana.
It’s more about policies than wealth.
Very sad cause I'm here in CA: single trying to make it on my own. TY for ALL this wisdom & truth. Been praying about leaving for yrs
I am an immigrant living in the US for half of my life at this moment. I would probably considered part of the diversity, but it really saddens me to see the decline of this country, deeper and deeper every day. People in this country have been diverse from its inception. The problem is not diversity. The problem is the emphasis in tribalism and group think. I always thought the special thing about the USA is that you could preserve the customs of your country of origin, and at the same time feeling proud of being an American and embrace the founding principles of this great nation. I agree with Mr Hanson that assimilation is key. A country made of tribes will implode. Very sad indeed
Well said. I totally agree with you.
The wealthy elites coupled with their corporate transnational vehicles have done a fantastic job of obfuscating the reasons and problems that have transformed California and the rest of the US since the boom after WWII. It's quite convenient that the Unions and Tax policies that really laid down the foundations for US prosperity got demonized and neutered by the transformation of Politicians from serving their constituents to serving their lobbyists and corporate/private interests. Trickle down is a lie. There's enough wealth to be taxed that's being extracted by the Corporations, Stock Market system, and the Exploitation of Labor that Modern Economics embraces to reinvigorate and transform the US. Look to the policies that created the Interstate system, something that's currently in a neglected state due to a lack of budgeting to keep infrastructure like bridges and highways properly maintained.
Look to the current insane cost of living, where a mere 40 years ago one could rent in most areas off of a typical wage and still have enough to live and save. Now, with the same wage, it's impossible without special accomadation like being a liveaboard on a boat or renting from a friend. It's insane to just pick one side to blame in this, and if we can't collectively realize this, we are doomed. There's so many things to look at that are problems caused by both sides of the Political aisle being so unbelievably Polarized that the lockstep it creates in US Leadership will march us off the proverbial precipice sooner or later.
For the first 150 years the country was mostly British, with some Germans thrown in, white Anglo Saxon protestant.
Nah it’s diversity. You just care more about yourself than the country you ruined. America was 90+ % white until a few decades ago.
There are 2 tribes - Democrats and Republicans - assimilation won't solve that problem.
As a 5th generation native Californian it is rare to hear a voice of reason speaking out on California. Our education system is near last in the nation, our tax the highest and our homelessness population beyond description albeit a lot of that has to do with the affordability of everything. California was great once under conservative leaders but now it’s a one party system that has doomed by people like Newsom.
It is so sad! The violence is just out of control! Savage 😢
It was never great under the conservatives, they are the ones that ruined California for all but the rich people
Oh, like when Reagan got rid of free college in California?
It doesn't help matters that the California climate (especially near the Pacific) is so temperate. Would a homeless person want to live somewhere with normal temps in the moderate range or in a hell hole like Texas (where temps are over 100 for several months)? Air conditioning costs money in a hot climate.
I too WAS a 5th gen. Native Californian. My family on my mother’s side, are one of the founding families of Huntington Beach. That town is a total shit show now. I grew up all over Orange County. It too is a total shit show. My wife and I left California in 2019 and haven’t looked back. Because of the ass high cost of living, there was no way we could live on my pension. We would have lost our house if we stayed. We qualified for a bigger house on 1/2 an acre on my pension where we are now. We love it!
I am 75 years old. I’ve lived in San Diego since 1952. I enjoyed the real California until 2013. I moved to Las Vegas in May of 2013 and was the saddest and best decision I could have made for my wife and I. Do I miss San Diego? But every time I visit I’m glad I no longer live there. The cost of living seems to be 25-30% higher than Las Vegas and the traffic is intolerable. It’s so sad to see the once and beautiful city and state that I called here has gone to shit. More sadly, the rest of our country with crooked politicians and greedy corporations are taking the rest of our country down the same path as California. The city and state i once love are gone, and the country I still love is killing itself. 😢
“…the saddest and best decision…” I hear you. We moved from CA to TX.
And you no longer have the ocean. You have extremely dry and hot weather. You can’t take a quick road trip to the mountains. I wouldn’t move to Vegas if you paid me.
Yes crooks greedy all of them
@@corgising5606 I stay with friends and they pay the taxes. Also I don’t need the beach that much as I was a surfer and city lifeguard for many years. You can’t even park at the beach.
Vegas is a hell hole as well. No culture. No ocean.
Victor is a national treasure of wealth and knowledge that truly teaches, making us more aware , thank you sincerely
Like Mr. Hanson, I grew up in the Central Valley of CA (French Camp, just south of Stockton) in the mid 50's to mid 60's and then moved to the South Bay area until the early 70's. I moved from San Jose to Sacramento in the early 70's, where I lived & worked until 2010. CA was once a beautiful and great state. I loved the Pacific Coast, the Great Valley, and the Sierra Mountains, which were all within a days drive from Sacramento. They slowly turned this wonderland into hell. The homelessness, open drug use, crime, woke politics, and taxes were pervasive. I got to the point where I left my state of birth and retired to TX, my fathers state of birth. I still miss camping on the Pacific Coast and hiking in the Sierra's, but TX is overall a better place to live. Long live the 'Lone Star State'.
💔Native Midwesterner here for 26 years and counting. Sucks that you had to leave the state you love because of Left-wing moronic demons whose end goal is that of a 3rd world country. God bless
So you miss California and are disappointed in yourself for leaving because of blown out of proportion lies and Donnie's hatred and hysteria. Got it. Oh and you are a bigot and probably a racist too. Yeah, maybe Texas is more your style. Not to worry, it will all be over soon.
My father lived in California in the 50s and 60s. He would be so ashamed of what it's degenerated to.
I spent time in California in the 70’s. It’s no exaggeration to say it was the most beautiful state in the union.
Still is and the redwoods are a lot bigger! C'mon out for a visit!
Still is. They are too lazy to wreck the 1,000 mile long state. It’s still great. Just don’t live in a blue county.
Still is, just ignore the homeless…
The CA coastline is unsurpassable. Florida has the best beaches, but CA comes close.
The optimum word in your post is "was". And yes, I agree with you -- it WAS a beautiful state.
I graduated from Stanford. Went work for the San Jose school district. The daily commute was too much.
Finally, moved to Denver. Now Denver has become overcrowded, crime ridden, and housing costs are outrageous.
I really miss my days in Morgan Hill.
Yes, a lot of people like to cap on California but a lot of the problems that are experiencing this state are happening in other states as well. Thanks for pointing that out.
Because 700,000 Californians moved to Colorado and started doing the same thing they did back home.
@@robjimson1374 I have to agree with you.
I grew up in California on the coast. I really felt like I got lucky to have a childhood there. I visited a couple of years ago my wife said why do you look so sad I said look what they’ve done to my town.
Oh....no more Leave it to Beaver for you???
Ditto. It’s heartbreaking to go back and see it.
And the people who live there now like what they've created.
It's all going as planned.
should of stayed in montana.
OMG YES .... best comment on this threat today. I live in CA and am trying to explain to folks who don't understand that THIS, THIS is the very utopia the blind, smug, self-rightous whackos on the far left of the D party want. They orgasm at the victory! This is all going just as they planned ....if not, better even!!!!!
my grandparents moved to LA just after ww2, the lived wonderful lives of freedom and wealth and died happily in palm springs in the mid 90s just as the cities were turning to excreta, we moved to Washington state in the early 80s as the cultured turned sour. everyone we know that actually stayed lives part time behind gates and sent their kids to private schools even in Beverly hills. i am convinced the democrat party of my grandparents have become the greatest threat this country has ever faced.
That is amazing, your grandparents would be so disappointed with the current condition of California. Same thing is happening in Chicago, my grandparents lived on the south side, my grandfather was an amazing guy- he became significantly wealthy as an executive at Standard Oil, serving as treasurer and later worldwide logistics/international regulations. He could have raised his family anywhere but south Chicago was a wonderful place, it is almost unrecognizable in its present state.
The Democrat party is a product of its doners and the institutions who dictate the culture. In this case woke culture. The poison runs a lot deeper than a political party.
So you don't think the people who attacked and trashed the Capitol on 1/6/21 are a threat? They literally wanted to overthrow the government and hang Mike Pence. You need a brain transplant.
And while I hate to agree with you, I do. I left the D party because it changed so much. My politics didn't really change, at heart I'm still a 1990s style liberal, but this new woke D party .... it is unrecognizable to me, especially the anti-semitism that comes out of it (namely, The Squad) that never ever gets condemned. I remember in the 1980s when Jew-hater David Duke called himself a R. The R party stood up to him and publically denounced him. The D party has failed to to this with the likes of Ilan Omer and her crew if haters. WTF is wrong with these people?
👉 Washington St Is Sooo Bad!👈
Amazin how relevant this is. Thanx
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
Aldous Huxley
It is stunning how far CA has fallen due to progressive policies. I am old enough to remember when CA was viewed as the promised land of the US. This was not in ancient times but as recently as the 1980s. CA was a place people went for a fresh start. It was affordable. You could work a regular job in CA and afford an apartment and a used car. Now CA is unaffordable with a large homeless population. LAPD used to be feared, now the police are so undermined that crime is running rampant. I live in a no name suburb in the Midwest and have much lower costs, better police protection and better quality of life. Primarily due to my state being red.
Agree 100%. I retired and moved out of California. Because I couldn’t afford to retire in California.
Although the poverty rate is higher in districts represented by Democrats, most poor people in the United States live in a community represented by a Republican. Taken together, the poverty rate in districts represented by Democrats in 2016 (“blue” districts) was 17.1 percent in 2010-14 compared with 14.4 percent in those represented by Republicans (“red” districts). But Republican districts have more poor residents overall: 25.1 million poor people lived in red districts in 2010-14 compared with 22.7 million in blue districts.
The problem is outside of political governance. It’s cyclical decline through corruption and fiscal mismanagement and yes, governance/policies.
Nailed it.
Thank you mr victor for sharing your wonderful perspective
a master of eloquence.
More like a mumbling malcontent using bitterness as a platform for his hatreds.
True. Heartbreakingly true. I was born in 1951 in a middle class family. North San Diego Co; 4th generation Californians thru and thru. We struggled and worked hard, but it was a wonderful life. I am glad my parents didn’t live to see this. I am a teacher, and so glad my grandkids are no longer in that school system. So sad. Thank you for this video. I am sending it to all my relatives.
Did you vote for Biden
That was excellent and spot-on!
We left 15 months ago. I grew up in the LA Basin. We Moved to the high desert where we could afford a home. After 40 years it was time to go again. We were seniors and Dangerous roads and crime were too much for seniors. A wonderful Latino family purchased our home. They were so happy to move out of an apartment. We moved to a small town in Wyoming that was dieing except for out of state retirees. We got a lovely home and a new van to travel around the United States. Plus we have a nice retirement nest egg. Thats all thanks to California. I believe The new Californians will eventually clean up the State. So Thank You California! Best wishes for you!
We left California in 2002. We left the United States in 2020.
Where did you go??
Hope you didn't move to Canada. TruDick and FreeLoader have made the entire country a California.
Aaahhhhh, Russia. The homeland of MAGA!
should of never traveled here.
good riddence!
This is a man with a wealth of information that has know support whatsoever. How sad as we all slip away.
The Jordan Petersen of California! Intelligent interview. Thank You
VDH is a national treasure
Victor is so knowledgeable. He has a true idea of what is going on now and where California is headed.
Indeed, where America is headed. Did you not hear what he said about the federal legislative and executive branches?
Not just CA. The whole of "western civilization" is headed in the same direction. The super rich paying politicians to enable their complete disconnection from the real world have left us in very scary times.
Great job Victor. It is nice to have a voice that I can rely on to speak the truth. Hope you and your lovely bride are doing well.
Exactly. Those people who set these prices and regulations that ruin the economy, will never be subject to the consequences of it. Time to change that!
I can't imagine what it's like to live in the US today. I spent most of my military career abroad, and left the US permanently immediately after retiring in 2006. Every visit I've made to the US (2 in the past 18 years) I couldn't believe how far the country had sunk, and I couldn't wait to leave. It's a shameful situation, bordering on uncivilized.
I hear a lot of Americans wishing to leave this Country, me being one of them. Congrats to you !
Some say we are the last place to go and at one point we were, sadly not so much anymore so long as our foundational laws are ignored. The drug problem is so bad right now I'm thinking of leaving. The condition of the average American rich or poor is a shit show of stress and complaining.
Don't let Donnie's trashing of CA and America brainwash you into having an excuse you left here, because you know that was a mistake and you miss America.
Just out of curiosity, were do hang you're hat now.
@@frankburklin1116 Thailand
Imagine the Governor of California is going to run for president. And some people are actually going to vote for him! ha!
All the dead ones and non English speaking for sure.
Imagine the country poor like Arkansas or Mississippi. Republicans utopia!! 😂🤣😂🤣
@@bidencrimefamilymottof-cky953👌👍💯 true
They hate conservatives and it's ideology so much they'll vote for death.
blame the election fraud that put awful people into office. Newsom could win. So could Michelle Obama. Beause the Dems can control the outcomes of elections.
Communist/Marxist ideology always does this. Everywhere, always.
Spot on.... history has shown us repeatedly... Bolshevists, Weimar Republic, Cultural Revolution in China....when issues are not addressed history tends to repeat itself sadly....🦁
The same group that murdered Christian Russia is now destroying the US. The elephant in the room.
Look at Biden's cabinet.
Thanks for your help through words of knowledge, wisdom and understanding
How he can sound so calm is beyond me.
Everyone overlooks the fact that history has proven time and time again that such consolidation of money to a very small percentage of people is ruinous to any state or country. THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM.
No, that is most definitely not the problem.
I agree. This was a major theme in Arnold Toynbee's "Mankind and Mother Earth". This world history book was very well received at first but Margaret Thatcher and her party got it delisted from many British universities because the concept offended the conservatives. But, it seems to be a valid concept that a by product of peace and stability is that wealth concentrates into fewer and fewer hands. Ideally, this would be addressed .... but just exactly HOW to address this is not so clear and even the discussion is political toxin. @@chynnadoll3277
TRY AGAIN. it is the corruption of the democratic party that brought california down and people who keep voting for the same poloticians and their corrupt policies.
What a man. Thank you, Victor, for speaking for the working class.
Sucker....Reagan's policies destroyed the middle class here, then he introduced his rip-off trickle down economics to the rest of the country.
TO VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: GET A EDUCATION : UAW Pres. Walter Reuther on Profit Sharing Plan: ruclips.net/video/TVtXB0P5P9Q/видео.html
That’s right, we loved LA and couldn’t afford to stay, left ten years ago. It was outrageous then, can’t imagine it now. Sad.
A brilliant man
While watching this, I was thinking....Does anyone out in the rest of the country really care what happens to California? The answer to myself was, NO.
You will when Newsom is elected President. Scary thought, huh? 😵💫🥴
Problem is it won’t stay in Cali and we can’t all move to Florida.
Here in San Francisco almost 30 years.
Right now it's a downward spiral that only accelerates. More and more abusers, more and more producers leaving the city. Death loop. Businesses leave tax-based disappears tourism disappearing, no more conventions.
There is no reversing it at this point. The only thing to do is to decide at what point leaving is the best course of action.
@KarmaMechanic988 You described it perfectly. Even when faced with the obvious, moving is still not an easy thing to do. Especially as we get older and rely on friends and family more.
The main problem is that the toxic ideology doesn’t stay inside California but spreads around like cancer especially to Washington where it affects our domestic and foreign policy
The South Bay Area (Torrance, Redondo, Hermosa, etc.) was an incredible place to grow up in the 1970-80’s. Left in 1990 to serve in the Army and get an education. Due to cost of living increases decided to relocate to Texas. Same problems that California has been dealing with for 20 years now are starting to occur in Texas. I just believe that populations of large states are ungovernable. CA, TX and even FL should consider splitting into multi states, with state governments and regulations commensurate with geographic, production, and ideological concerns of a given area.
A brilliant man who should be in leadership.
Born and raised in northern Cal and just left in 2021 for a nearby state. There is life outside of Cal I am happy to report! You honestly do not realize how bad things are from schools/homelessness/crime/costs of utilities/etc. UNTIL you get out. Miss the beauty of what it once was but so much happier now and don't really have a urge to go back to visit..too depressing to see how its now ruined due to policies/lawmakers there.
So sad what’s happened to California. I lived there over 50 years in OC and it’s not the same at all. We used to have the best schools, the best neighborhoods, everything. We left.
people keep voting for corrupt democrats and still not awake after all the destruction the party has brought.
Is what happens when you legalize weed, then the lazy stoners move to harder drugs, next your unemployed and stuck in a vortex of addiction.
@@lumberjaxe8910litteralt has nothing to do with weed your words prove whats wrong with your country. 🤦♂️
@@Thedrunkenswede1337 Certainly has much to do with drugs. If these people wanted work they could find work. They would attempt to re educate them selves or at least travel away for opportunity. In our country we cant even get fruit pickers. Majority of these people lick there wounds and get high. The Government enables them to a degree.Look at Kensington Philadelphia what a mess and shamefull, Remember God loves you, and keep off the wacky tabacky or whatever else mind altering spirit ceasing substance that the devil tempts you with.Love you Mr swedish Guy.
Ojai is very beautiful-still-even after the thomas fires. Lake Casitas is in overflow during the rain. California is the most beautiful state/my opinion/. I will not leave my very valuable land-property home, views. sheri g-
Oh....so sad...remember the golden state once upon a time!! Had the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the old Cali then...👀😔🥀🎉
I was born in Calif. but grew up mostly in So. Oregon. I visited my Grandparents in N. Calif. often and spent several weekends in San Francisco on band trips in the mid 60’s. It was lovely! I’m so sad our cities are such a mess. I’m near Seattle now and it is following a similar trend.
So let’s make Newsome president. Yeah that’s what we should do.
Hahhahaahahahhahah……it will happen….as long as the machines can be hacked.
You communist in California have what's coming to you this is what you get for voting BIDEN
They will cheat him in, just like biden
Direct consequences of woke ideology. Dear Californians you voted for it, so just suck it up.
Victor Davis Hanson; a brilliant dialog!!
My American aunt owned a huge apt. on Russian Hill. I used to visit SF and it was a wonderful world. She had a successful paper goods business selling to all schools in California. She began with a salmon plant high up the coast of BC but after WW2 went to SF while we were in Vancouver.
SF was beautiful and full of cultural variety. In a good way.
I am born in Ca. life long resident born in 1962, I have worked at the same job since 1980 in the aerospace industry. I will be retiring at 62 selling my home and moving to a better state, that is not California.
I have a condo for rent in nice suburb of Pittsburgh if interested.
Well, it's Californians who did it. As Casey Stengel put it, "Wherever you go, there you are." So, are they gonna Californiaify other states?
They will. Conservatives act like people leaving California and New York for Texas and Florida is a good thing. NO IT IS NOT. They will take their beliefs and crazy policies with them.
They already are.
It's not that simple.
Yep , they will bring their voting habits with them .
@@uptoolate2793 Oh? Explain, please.
I lived in San Jose a little while back. It is so sad seeing a once great city and state becoming uninhabitable.
Victor Davis Hanson - Wow! You are brilliant Sir. Thank you.
and for years people sneered at the army major who said, 'It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.' Democrats have done that to California.
Yeah, I'm sure they'll do a fine job of saving it
So they are making serious progress at destroying it. What do you see them doing to save it? To rebuild it?
@@88cricketbird88 _What do you see them doing to save it? To rebuild it?_
'Them'? If you mean California's political leaders, then nothing. They are what the medievals called 'fey', seeing their doom coming yet continuing to race toward it. _Blow wind, come wrack! At least we'll die with a harness on our back!_ Leftist theory is more important to them than truth or the lives of their citizens.
I have watched as the state of California has slipped down the tubes while politicians have screwed up everything and the idea of home ownership and rent has become impossible. 😢
I used to vacation in California nearly every year, for nearly two decades, an achievement considering I would drive from Texas. I about quit that 7 years or so ago when I got sick of the open sewer stink of Market Street, the rent a cops in every shop, the rampant car break ins. I have since gone back once, 2 years ago, to San Diego and Orange County and up into LA. I had not been there in a while, but the degradation was appalling. The downtown SD mall area was abandoned, Venice Beach was a homeless encampment, Santa Monica seeming too dangerous to walk around, as was downtown LA. Even Laguna Beach's downtown seemed run down, with lots of empty storefronts. This is what socialism does, turns a virtual heaven on earth, a state that blossomed under free market Americanism, into a hopeless hell in mere decades.
I'm not sure that I'd call it socialism. It's just a sign of corruption and insincerity on the part of leaders.
“This is what socialism does” Not sure you know what socialism is mate
@@breadcrumbtvyou’re probably the ignorant one.
@@breadcrumbtv Cali is a one party state, and it is not conservatives running it, but big government socialists. But truly, I am being too kind, because what runs CA is a fascist globalist kleptocracy.
@@breadcrumbtvhe gave you a perfect example of it. What do you think it is? I'm guessing they are no longer teaching about the danger of it in schools anymore.
Victor Davis Hansen is a measured articulate man. He is able to 'cut to the chase' we used to say when a person cuts through all the BS to the facts. Thankyou
Calling CA a dumpster fire would be an insult to dumpster fires.