Castle Super Beast Clips: Seagulls Are WEP Encrypted

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 170

  • @dylansharp4564
    @dylansharp4564 4 года назад +174

    My ISP once told me that my service keeps cutting out because the corn in the field in front of my house is too tall.

    • @zeterzero4356
      @zeterzero4356 4 года назад +33

      Would it be alright if I laughed at your hilarious but understandable frustrating circumstances?

    • @dylansharp4564
      @dylansharp4564 4 года назад +30

      @@zeterzero4356 Oh laugh away it's the price I pay for living in a wasteland with no neighbors

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад +3

      Satellite internet?

    • @zeterzero4356
      @zeterzero4356 4 года назад +32

      @@dylansharp4564 Thank you. Someday a company will develop a corn by corn connection system for those in your unique circumstances. I pray for your situation to improve ye of the corn fields.

    • @ContactM1ke
      @ContactM1ke 4 года назад +7


  • @woodgatejack
    @woodgatejack 4 года назад +198

    A few years ago, my landline and Internet would sporadically cut out. There were some road-works going on and so I assumed that they were working on the phone-lines. I went out to ask them how long they were going to be working on them, but they told me that they were working on the gas-lines and the phones were nothing to do with them. So I called British Telecom and they tested my line, it wasn't working and they said it could cost over £100 to reconnect me.
    However, when the road-crew left, I had no problems with my internet and landline. So, somebody was bullshitting me.

    • @cordia96
      @cordia96 4 года назад +25

      Nobody wants to admid a mistake. Nobody wants to pay.

    • @pathfindersavant3988
      @pathfindersavant3988 4 года назад +15

      Gotta squeeze you to ensure you're still willing to pay for your TV loisance

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад +15

      Everyone, everyone was bullshitting you

    • @zandobando2064
      @zandobando2064 4 года назад +14

      @@pathfindersavant3988 Oi m8, do you know how loud you were meme'in back there. It's 8 past bong it is.

    • @lilmonstercc1
      @lilmonstercc1 4 года назад +1

      100 eruos? To fix their own fuck ups? Thar shit wouldnt fly in america.

  • @BrazillianCara
    @BrazillianCara 4 года назад +243

    "Why is nature and Man conspiring against Man like this?!"

    • @twocalicocats5511
      @twocalicocats5511 4 года назад +5

      Every time someone comments faster than they physically could have possibly watched the whole video, your doing the content creators a disservice

    • @syrushbluhr
      @syrushbluhr 4 года назад +22

      Nah, its an introduction. We help to build the lore and funny gags that already present in this content. So just enjoy. Also there's people that leave the comment because they already watchd live or heard the podcast.

    • @justalittlerest
      @justalittlerest 4 года назад +2

      Idk man at this point it feels like the lore and funny gags have completely stagnated, Crazy Talk has been ran into the ground and yet you’d think that meme was still hot off the presses.

    • @Some__Guy
      @Some__Guy 4 года назад +13

      @@twocalicocats5511 Oh no, someone scrolled down during a clip from a pre-recorded podcast, and made a jokey comment about the topic of conversation before it was done. That's so disrespectful.

    • @SuperZergMan
      @SuperZergMan 4 года назад +1

      @@justalittlerest Crazy Talk is never not fresh and hot.

  • @Umberman
    @Umberman 4 года назад +108

    The Videotron guy comes in with his shitty jumpsuit and toolbox and does the GioGio Pose and goes "Did someone order a SUPERSTAR?"

    • @zigmus00A
      @zigmus00A 4 года назад +34

      I, Giorno Giovanna, have come to fix your internet

    • @LordOsiris499
      @LordOsiris499 4 года назад +35

      “Oh? Your approaching me?”
      “I can’t fix the shit out of your internet without getting closer.”

    • @airesfoxx9145
      @airesfoxx9145 4 года назад +27

      Cody Peterson the idea of the internet guy saying “I need to fix the shit out of your internet” fucking cracks me up

    • @JameboHayabusa
      @JameboHayabusa 4 года назад +7

      If someone did that Id assume someone ordered a stripper lmao

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад +7

      “Oh don’t worry, I have one! A wire stripper, gotta make some new CAT5 cables for you”

  • @Crasical
    @Crasical 4 года назад +28

    I've worked ISP Customer Service before. It sucks. I hated when customers would pull that 'reimburse me for the money I lost because I couldn't work!' line, because I gotta PM a supervisor (Who is busy and doesn't want to answer the request), fill dead air with corporate pleasantries until they respond, get told 'no', and then get yelled at by the customer, and NOBODY wants to be there, the customer doesn't wanna be there, I don't wanna be there, the Sup doesn't wanna be there, we're not getting paid enough, and it's just awful.

    • @Arkv01
      @Arkv01 4 года назад +2

      yeah I feel you, especially if pats retentions guy followed through and inquired the nature of his 'work'. I wouldn't even be mad if the retentions guy straight up got pissed enough to dox him, pat needs to wake the fuck up and quit calling his obesity abetting lifestyle 'work'. I have never heard Woolie call it 'work' cause he knows well enough how repulsive it sounds to the rest of us.

    • @alexanderfreeman3406
      @alexanderfreeman3406 2 года назад +5

      Christ alive somebody is jealous and insecure. If Pat’s job is so easy, why aren’t you doing it?

  • @smd242
    @smd242 4 года назад +82

    The squawk of a seagull is actually the wifi reverberating in the air.

  • @DesClone
    @DesClone 4 года назад +216

    Pat's misery is evergreen content.

    • @rommlll
      @rommlll 4 года назад +7

      ever RED content
      haha hahaha

    • @monsterhiddenfromthesun210
      @monsterhiddenfromthesun210 4 года назад +6

      No..... It's everBROWN content.

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад +1

      Pat is lucky in that he gets paid for his misery

  • @AidanKiely
    @AidanKiely 4 года назад +165

    Pretty sure the squirrel is the protagonist in this story.

    • @Yoshiman360
      @Yoshiman360 4 года назад +24

      He chewed cables in order to get Pat the best internet service around. That's nothing if not a heroic squirrel in my opinion!

    • @goodninji8
      @goodninji8 2 года назад +3

      Ending B:
      Nuts For *B* etter Service

  • @HelixSnake
    @HelixSnake 4 года назад +55

    "With quantum entanglement you can go faster than the speed of light" no there's a logical reason that there is not even theoretically true but the gist is that while you can collapse the waveform of an entangled particle faster then light so both particles are in the same state, there's no way to actually send data that way because if they check from the other end there's no way for them to know whether you collapsed it or they did, and there's no way to control what state the particle ends up in, the only way to even verify that both particles have collapsed to the same state is through light speed (or slower) means in the first place. There is no faster than light data transfer even with quantum entanglement.

    • @ethicalcheeze1407
      @ethicalcheeze1407 3 года назад +3


    • @ZeOHKay
      @ZeOHKay 3 года назад +1

      With Quantum Entanglement, you can also not get a potential Eternal Darkness spiritual successor because fuck you.
      Or maybe it was the other studio, IDR.

    • @jonahszaro3545
      @jonahszaro3545 2 года назад


  • @thestray9084
    @thestray9084 4 года назад +85

    You know just once in my life before I die, I want to see woolie with straightened long hair....and pat with his head full of hair, even if its a wig.

    • @metalwater81
      @metalwater81 4 года назад +15

      Osiris Eryx what a cursed comment

    • @IPFreelly604
      @IPFreelly604 4 года назад +12

      Chewie and Fuckface prime, never to be seen again.

    • @Brave_SJ
      @Brave_SJ 4 года назад +10

      I tried to imagine this and there's blood running out of my ears

    • @arthurgomes5188
      @arthurgomes5188 4 года назад +13

      Those would be their fate grand/order alter variations

    • @jacpas2012
      @jacpas2012 4 года назад +7

      oh it will happen, but by then they'd be under a different alias.

  • @Smoofyful
    @Smoofyful 4 года назад +29

    "I switched between Bell and Vidéotron enough now that I hate them both." Oh boy don't tell me. At this point just get your internet from satan.

  • @arthurgomes5188
    @arthurgomes5188 4 года назад +31

    Pat now basicaly sleeps the same way people did back in the medieval times

    • @jacpas2012
      @jacpas2012 4 года назад +12

      he's always has one eye open.

  • @en4135
    @en4135 4 года назад +53

    Big corrupt ISP story time
    I've never had good internet if it cuts out less than 30 times a day it is a good day, Over a year ago however, I had an instance so infuriating I had to switch providers. At one point in the winter a pole holding my line fell down, it took them about a month to get the pole back up and it took my ISP another three to get somebody out to look at it, annoying but fine it was during a bad blizzard and people all over the state was having trouble. For whatever reason every single person sent by my ISP did everything in their power not to do their job, the first drove up my street, went up to the wrong house literally next door to us, asked if they were us and when they were told no left, when we called my ISP about 5 minutes after that man left we were told it would be another week before they could send another man despite the fact the first was still in view and only driving down Mainstreet.
    When the 2nd arrived, almost 5 months after the pole fell, he actually picked the right house but then took one look at the pole and said he would need a bucket truck to reach it and told us to call the company to get one out here, once again we were told this would take a week or two. Our Fury at this point was massive but fine there was nothing we could do, it was a safety issue and though we could've saved time if the first asshole had done his job we just had to accept it. Two weeks later another man shows up in a regular truck, no extendo-bucket-arm power to be seen we all collectively groaned and were ready to be told he couldn't do it, except this time, the man took one look at the pole pulled out a ladder and had successfully run the lines in about 30 minutes.
    We all had a weird mixture of grateful fury as we realized that everybody else that had shown up had merely been lazy but were just glad to finally have our lines setup, only issue was that it had effectively been 5 months since we had internet and we hadn't been paying because why would we pay for a service we can't use? our ISP informed us we would have to pay 5 months worth of bills plus a reconnection fee, while years before they would not charge you if something beyond your control damaged your service however that was no longer the case, when we told them this was stupid they informed us that it was our responsibility to call them when this sort of thing happened and have our service disconnected which meant that if we had done that at minimum we would have to have paid a $60 reconnect fee because a storm knocked over a pole. They also ignored us when we told them we had called them less than a day after it had happened and how they had not bothered to tell us this.
    After a yelling fit we effectively told them to fuck off and signed on with a new ISP the next day, which took less than a week for them to get out to us and set us up.

    • @nedinnis6752
      @nedinnis6752 4 года назад +3

      I think that would've gave me an aneurysm, Christ.

  • @armchairmaster
    @armchairmaster 4 года назад +6

    What we didn't know was the tech guy on the other end was Mista, explaining why the four F's fucked him up.

  • @RGcrasyRG
    @RGcrasyRG 4 года назад +10

    If only copper wires could be twisted in pairs and be differential... Ow well, we are not here yet.

  • @mortified0
    @mortified0 4 года назад +11

    How Hath God Blighted Pat This Week makes a return with a divine vengeance

  • @SG-bp4lg
    @SG-bp4lg 4 года назад +21

    Wait...Pat has a backyard? I thought he lived like...downtown in some apartment.

      @TAMAMO-VIRUS 4 года назад +16

      He and Paige moved out of the apartment awhile ago.

  • @infiniteFERN
    @infiniteFERN 4 года назад +25

    Maybe seagulls are full of mercury from all the fish they eat, causing them to emit EMI as they fly around 😂

    • @HyakumeTitan
      @HyakumeTitan 4 года назад +2

      "Ah, mercury....sweetest of the transitional metals..."

  • @Jhylla81
    @Jhylla81 4 года назад +14

    I had a tech guy come to install my internet for my current apartment. Someone had snipped the cable inside the wall so he had to run a new wire from the box. He then tells me he needs written permission from my landlord to run the wire. I get that and the second guy shows up like 'What the hell do I need that for?' Turns out, that first guy was brand new and had a reputation for skipping work and making dumb excuses.

  • @BasicSub
    @BasicSub 4 года назад +17

    Meanwhile I'm here dealing with Comcast and their constant mysterious "extra" charges on my bill every month.

  • @shinyblackcshoes
    @shinyblackcshoes 4 года назад +5

    It's funny that they mention quantum entanglement. If I recall correctly, this year an actual breakthrough was made in that field, successfully holding entanglement and getting pictures of the quantum particles. ∞ up ∞ down internet next millennia bois!

  • @Leeffron
    @Leeffron 4 года назад +20

    I feel like I have never seen Woolie in a blue shirt....
    That EVO jersey is so sick though

  • @JohnAtDawn
    @JohnAtDawn 4 года назад +9

    Two years ago in January our city had a bunch of lightning storms that knocked out our modem twice in a month. They didn’t check our grounding line until the third time they came out to our house. The dipshit who had installed our internet when we FIRST moved in had for some reason cut it.

  • @leehollings79
    @leehollings79 4 года назад +5

    Signal disrupting seagulls sounds like something from know what, screw that "like" BS, that IS something straight from Shadowrun. They literally have animals that eat wifi

    • @Azzabackam
      @Azzabackam 4 года назад

      Wait what

    • @leehollings79
      @leehollings79 4 года назад


    • @Azzabackam
      @Azzabackam 4 года назад

      @@leehollings79 ARE YOU SERIOUS!?

    • @leehollings79
      @leehollings79 4 года назад +1

      @@Azzabackam didn't know that part about them being sometimes called Digimon, but yeah this is for real. It's in a handbook and everything, with stats to kill it or have as a pet. Shadowrun is a craaaaazy place :)

    • @Azzabackam
      @Azzabackam 4 года назад +1

      @@leehollings79 As someone who's never played a TTRPG, Shadowrun seems like the guys that made Deus Ex just went "Hey..... what if we wrote a bunch of dumb shit while stoned out of our gourds?"

  • @bittipasuta
    @bittipasuta 4 года назад +8

    Woolie damns Pat with the Red Bar Curse as revenge for his Shitstorm Curse.

  • @Hiro1oo1
    @Hiro1oo1 4 года назад +8

    Coax cables typically have insulation and shielding that help protect them from interference. Low quality or damage coax cable with breaches in this shielding could be the vulnerability.

    • @jacpas2012
      @jacpas2012 4 года назад +1

      if a coax cable shielding and insulation are gone, and if you happen to have one in the bathroom with a hairdryer, the ingress can knock out a whole neighborhood internet at once.

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад

      “Low quality”
      Well there’s your problem!

  • @phonzeh
    @phonzeh 4 года назад +24

    5 hours is my natural amount of sleep. Any more or less and I feel like a sac of foie gras when I try to get moving

    • @iller3
      @iller3 4 года назад +9

      that doesn't sound. . . . normal

    • @phonzeh
      @phonzeh 4 года назад +4

      @@iller3 normally I feel like a bin of rabid hamsters

    • @jakesommer3914
      @jakesommer3914 4 года назад

      Ah, the old Dave Attell sleep schedule.

    • @itezel2
      @itezel2 4 года назад +4

      you need 7 my dude. Trust me I've managed to switch and i feel much better. I'm no longer constipated! (I have no idea how sleep affected my bowel movement, but there you go..)

    • @Abdega
      @Abdega 4 года назад +1

      Some people are literal mutants who can run off of 4 hours of sleep

  • @theprofesionalist7927
    @theprofesionalist7927 4 года назад +54

    Forgive me for sounding like a socialist or someone that hates the idea of making a profit, but could companies just not lie for once? Or when they say they're going to fix the problem could they know...fix the problem.

    • @QuasarKnightGaming
      @QuasarKnightGaming 4 года назад +6

      We all want what we can’t have. If I give somebody my word at work that I will get something working, I don’t give a shit if it’s 1 minute to closing time and I was supposed to be off 15 minutes, I am not leaving until it’s either fixed, or the only way to fix it is through someone who won’t be there until tomorrow morning, and even then I give them MY cell number so they can call me if anyone says it’s not an issue on their end.

    • @werewolf873
      @werewolf873 4 года назад +14

      Cant really blame the company for shit employees being shit employees. Personally, i think there's just something wrong with montreal. I live out in the sticks of rural ohio and i've never in my life had a problem with installation or customer service. Ever. From any company selling any product

    • @Jackboy019
      @Jackboy019 4 года назад +12

      No shut up commie, we’re privatizing the air next due to global warming.

    • @GearGearRingLeader
      @GearGearRingLeader 4 года назад +3

      Oh you have no idea, I live in Laval, meaning right next to Montreal, back during a major anniversary for Montreal, the Mayor at the time planned to have all the streets repaired at the same time to be ready for the anniversary... It took 2 years longer, and because we are Quebec, we spend more and more yearly to repair our shit and always breaking roads.
      The construction companies incharge of doing so said maybe 2 weeks ago we could get decent roads, despite paying more than the rest of Canada for worse roads, if we payed them 1 billion more.
      We also last winter had our new mayor decide to let nature melt the snow that fell down onto some roads, which then later frozen and became over an inch thick of ice over those roads, like for my street, and that ice did not melt evenly, so you had to drive over swiss cheeze in some places.
      And I promise you their is so so so so so so so much more Bullshit in Montreal it isn't even funny.

    • @Joe-lr9ou
      @Joe-lr9ou 4 года назад +8

      replace "companies" with "people" and you'll find the answer to your question

  • @raymondzhou2341
    @raymondzhou2341 4 года назад +2

    Quantum entanglement does not allow information to be transmitted faster than the speed of light.

  • @Gitskreig
    @Gitskreig 4 года назад +5

    Meanwhile in rural England: only the biggest of cities get fibre and BT (who own ALL the lines and were privatised not too long ago) had to be massively bribed to even consider fibre to cabinet on a national roll-out.

  • @Hegataro
    @Hegataro 4 года назад +1

    If you've ever owned a rodent or a bird, you know for a FACT that animals fucking love chewing through cables

  • @SpartanSniper3
    @SpartanSniper3 4 года назад +1

    Man, if you want to see some incredible effects that a lack of good sleep can have, talk to someone who's active duty military. I was in the Navy and cultivated quite an ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere but there were absolute legends who actually learned to sleep standing up. Best I can do is nap with one eye open. I won't get stage four REM but I can catch a quick nap that way.

  • @pyropoyo
    @pyropoyo 4 года назад +15

    Every time Woolie and Pat (Pat especially) talk about their sleeping habits I wanna tear my hair out. Pat’s like “yeah the guy was coming at like 8AM and that’s a problem cuz I went to bed at 6” and I’m just thinking.... why? Why do that to yourself??

    • @pyropoyo
      @pyropoyo 4 года назад +10

      “Oh I’ve been going to bed like twice a day now” JUST GO TO BED AT A NORMAL HOUR YOU ANIMAL

    • @IPFreelly604
      @IPFreelly604 4 года назад +7

      It's totally fine if you sleep twelve times a day for thirty minutes.

    • @JameboHayabusa
      @JameboHayabusa 4 года назад

      @@pyropoyo Shit I dont even g3t home from work until at least 2 am lol

    • @pyropoyo
      @pyropoyo 4 года назад +3

      JameboHayabusa See I find that understandable tho. Your job keeps you up to 2 and as long as you get like a solid 8 hours sleep, wake up around 9 or 10, you’re fine. These two tho have super flexible occupations that allow them to get to sleep at good times so they ain’t dead the next day, but instead decide to play God for a bit.

    • @DaBoweh
      @DaBoweh 4 года назад +1

      Having a super flexible schedule is a bad thing for sleep, not a good thing, speaking from experience. Sleep is best aided when your body can get into a pattern, a set rhythm, and not when you're interacting with people on different time zones and planning events around midnight releases and travelling to various conventions and just in general do not have to be up at a specific time. A sleep pattern is a _pattern_ , and one interruption can spiral out of control when you don't have outside pressure to force you back on course.

  • @Brucifer2
    @Brucifer2 4 года назад +3

    My advice to anyone with beef with their cable/internet provider. If you get the idea to say "oh ill just go to the local news, FCC, atourney general, blast on social media" etc...dont tell them, the only thing that does is cause that representative to escalate you to someone higher up with the tact to convince you that this is ok...just fucking do what youre threatening, dont bring it up. EVER. If you ever tell the company youre doing these things, even if you leave the provider, you lost.

  • @BitterBlack
    @BitterBlack 4 года назад +16

    Me with 200Kbps down 90Kbps up Venezuelan internet: God I wish this were me

    • 4 года назад +1

      I feel you

    • @iller3
      @iller3 4 года назад +2

      What the hell man, is the US Sanctioning these people's Porn browsing too? ... they've suffered enough!

    • @EarthGainX
      @EarthGainX 4 года назад

      Pouring one out for you from Japan. I’m sorry man.

    • @CynicalZielony
      @CynicalZielony 4 года назад +1

      I live in the southern US and get the same shit speed ;_;

  • @badwinkles7896
    @badwinkles7896 4 года назад +2

    that guy was scoping out victims

  • @RubyRoks
    @RubyRoks 4 года назад +1

    My only experience with ISPs was the mad dash to clean my entire apartment, including my bedroom and bathroom, so the dude could stand in a corner of the living room attaching coax to my modem, because my ex was fucking crazy

  • @wolfen9113
    @wolfen9113 4 года назад +11

    I see the title and I'm just like... What?

    • @iller3
      @iller3 4 года назад +5

      W.E.P is a type of radio wave Protocol. It reverberates at cyclical patterns which results in a type of natural signal Encryption. Interestingly enough, PHOTOSYNTHESIS also interferes with it due to the solar energy conversion and very small degrees of quantum particle interactions

  • @UCannotDefeatMyShmeat
    @UCannotDefeatMyShmeat 3 года назад

    I think it’s in Enders game (remember that?) where quantum entanglement/mirror particles as we will call them for simplicity’s sake, is used for ftl communication, except it’s not faster than light, it’s just ignoring distance

  • @SirItGoBoomAlot
    @SirItGoBoomAlot 4 года назад +1

    Bell customer service is the reason Bell supports mental health.

  • @amfram
    @amfram 4 года назад

    Honestly that fiber optic to telephone coaxel to you thing is a neat way to save money, I’d imagine in some form or another it speeds up your internet. They just needed to tell the truth in advertising.

  • @zgSH4DOW
    @zgSH4DOW 4 года назад

    Pat woke up at 7:30 and had to go back to bed?
    The actual fuck

  • @KlassicGhaminG
    @KlassicGhaminG 4 года назад +1


  • @jproductions1739
    @jproductions1739 4 года назад +1

    Quantum entanglement can't break the speed of light

  • @TigerClaws
    @TigerClaws 4 года назад +1

    So they're not posting the indivisvible discussion? That's fucked.

  • @Neostrius
    @Neostrius 4 года назад +3

    35:00 Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't it been possible for scientists to intentionally quantum entangle two atoms for a while now?

    • @Neostrius
      @Neostrius 4 года назад

      @@normandy2501 Oh yeah, of course. I was responding specifically to the part where Pat claims it's, "not a thing."
      Though now that you mention it, I may have misunderstood. Perhaps he didn't mean that in the sense that it can't be done, but rather that it is not something the general public is going to be utilising anytime soon.

    • @RipOffProductionsLLC
      @RipOffProductionsLLC 4 года назад +1

      @@Neostrius quantum entanglement "isn't a thing" because while the phenomenon is real, there is no way to use it to send data because it's random.
      to use an analogy I've heard, if the entangled particles were coins, all I can do is flip it with no control over how it will land, and which ever side it lands on yours will land the opposite, but sometimes the coin flips itself.

    • @The5lacker
      @The5lacker 4 года назад

      It's one of those things where it's a "technically yes...". Like, it's POSSIBLE, but it's unstable as fuck and monitoring the condition of a single atom is a nightmare. You'd want to entangle larger systems, but that's practically impossible as far as we know.

  • @Hekat1988
    @Hekat1988 4 года назад +3

    downloading RE2 off steam would take me like 2 solid days : _ :

  • @oxybe
    @oxybe 4 года назад +1

    Oh man they would've sent John Cena to fix Pat's internet? Pat sure ate an L changing service.
    Also: I keep forgetting that here in downtown Charlottetown fucking PEI we actually have really good internet. Expensive, but good.

  • @donsacacaca3706
    @donsacacaca3706 4 года назад

    when they were talking about the seagulls fucking up the internet i just thought about the future when we have super amazing technology that borders on magic and its just getting fucked by some animal not even trying

  • @thuongn85
    @thuongn85 4 года назад

    I've had 1 issue with my internet providers for as long as I had internet and its the fact that my router is old and can't install the new updates causing them to constantly disconnect and restart over and over all day. But that's not the main problem that cause the issue to last for weeks. The issue are the supposed IT guys these companies hire. The last 2 times the problem occurred I tell them, I know what the problem is, I just need a new router, only to be told we don't know that for sure and I have been working here for 15 or whatever years and have never heard that to be the case before. 2-3 weeks of trouble shooting and bumbling goes by, they finally decide to send a guy over to physically see what the issue might be. Guess what, the router was a really old model that just needed to be replaced. The last guy that replaced it just straight up says he doesn't know why it took them so long to figure out that all I needed was a new router and if they had just sent him down from the start they could have solved the issue in no time. Turns out, they are just fucking stingy when it comes to having to replace old routers with a newer model.

  • @Ryans_tryin
    @Ryans_tryin 2 года назад +1


  • @ZimMan2
    @ZimMan2 4 года назад +1

    Bad luck to kill a sea bird....

  • @hunterballew7698
    @hunterballew7698 4 года назад

    And I’m sitting here with my 100 kilobyte-on-average shitty satellite internet.

  • @Arassar
    @Arassar 4 года назад

    I'm pretty sure fiber to the node is plenty fast enough to get you way over gigabit

  • @DDespicable
    @DDespicable 4 года назад +2

    I work for Ups, get around 5 to 6 hours a night unless im lucky and start nodding off sooneror unlucky and just toss and turn all night; reason being I have to go to bed at like 4 to try and be in bed and maybe get 8 before getting ready for work at around 2 or 3 at night. and i'm a morning person so little chance im gonna go home and take a nap (mainly cus i dont wanna wreck my night schedule). Am I slowly killing myself?

  • @riastradh
    @riastradh 4 года назад +1

    I had inconsistent 15 mbps and eventually had someone come out and set me up with a solid 20ish and a bit higher and it was great. But a couple months after that I moved to Florida and holy shit I get 160 consistently. It got up to 400 once. So I’m enjoying myself. On Sunday, Rise of the Tomb Raider installed in 20 minutes WHILE AC Unity was installing and finished 30 minutes later
    Just checked and got 331 yeet

  • @osok.o.8354
    @osok.o.8354 4 года назад

    Choked hearing about the raccoon. Fucking hilarious.

  • @gato23
    @gato23 4 года назад

    I would have offered those two guys that actually worked some snacks and drinks.

  • @hymao1
    @hymao1 4 года назад +1

    google "sleep calculator" it might change your life

  • @bigrubberfist2945
    @bigrubberfist2945 3 года назад

    Wow Canada has commercial access to fiber internet, internet in the remote part of california where I live is essentially comcast or nothing

  • @youcutmelegoff
    @youcutmelegoff 4 года назад

    I work for a uk ISP and all installs are super great no problems no sir.......

  • @grim566
    @grim566 4 года назад

    I tried to get Fiber only to be told because I live in the old part of the city they couldn't do it. So had either go AT&T basic for super slow internet or Spectrum for the same price for almost 3 times the speed. Oh well

  • @ChargeQM
    @ChargeQM 4 года назад

    I HATE that 'we could have sent a superstar' bullshit. What they mean is this: "we will make sure to send a direct employee of our company and NOT a third-party contractor, because if they fuck up, we can actually punish and re-educate them as needed, while the contractors, we can only slap them on the wrist and they have to take care of their discipline."
    First off, if your guy fucks up, it doesn't matter if he's a contractor or not. YOUR company screwed up. You need to put more stringent terms in the contracts you offer, or find some way to make reporting and training more reliable.
    Secondly, MAKE FORGETTING TO DOCUMENT CALLS AND WORK A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY TERMINATION. If I get a call from Mr. A and he's furious, claiming he has had 5 techs out, and has names and employee ID numbers, I had BETTER see their reports on the account. I can't fucking help the customer if the damn tech doesn't record his work!

  • @theangryfinger5795
    @theangryfinger5795 4 года назад +1

    But meeeeeeeee though.

  • @valeria262
    @valeria262 3 года назад

    I average a 4-5 hour sleep schedule except on sundays where I sleep in, am I good or am I fucked?

  • @axelskull
    @axelskull 4 года назад

    i always got tons of problem with bell or videotron. small companies seem to always have better prices and ive only heard the best things about teksavvy in particular. For someone who really needs the highest level internet and real accountability though i guess there's not really any choice but bell

  • @Dr.Spatula
    @Dr.Spatula 4 года назад

    I have to spend $100 a month for 100Mb because any other company in my area only has 10Mb, maybe 20Mb

  • @jclcc9996666666
    @jclcc9996666666 4 года назад

    Back when I lived with my ex we couldn't get internet to lock and we couldn't set a code cause our service company hwas very unhelpful and we could nvr set a password

  • @Ultimaniacx4
    @Ultimaniacx4 4 года назад +1

    Iron man sleep schedule works for me. The hard part is training your brain to get r.e.m. sleep whenever it can.

  • @lol_no_man
    @lol_no_man 4 года назад

    >seagulls not using wpa2
    fucking security casual fowl

  • @ssmodk
    @ssmodk 4 года назад

    Man... 100 Mb is fast for him? Canadian internet really is dogshit, isn't it? I'd heard that from my expat friends.

  • @spinningchurro
    @spinningchurro 4 года назад +7


  • @pocenha
    @pocenha 4 года назад +1


  • @ZeludeRose
    @ZeludeRose 4 года назад

    im the raccoon

  • @CommunistJugular
    @CommunistJugular 4 года назад

    FTN is the best we have in most of Australia. It's Murdock's fault

  • @axelskull
    @axelskull 4 года назад +1

    we need that elon musk satellite internet

  • @JulesJuno737
    @JulesJuno737 4 года назад


  • @whatsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    @whatsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 4 года назад

    Bell sucks( canadain prices way to expensive compared to Europe and US) but hey at least there somewhat competent

  • @Birmanncat
    @Birmanncat 4 года назад +2

    Am I the only one who's waiting for them to bring up Destiny 2?

    • @theothermc
      @theothermc 4 года назад

      Birm is it in this cast? I’m interested

  • @jarritostf2188
    @jarritostf2188 4 года назад +2

    What a boomer way to open this clip lmfao

    • @mothermushroom_
      @mothermushroom_ 4 года назад +8

      Saying good morning is a boomer thing now?