When you balance the audio to the right speaker, you'll only hear Language Nursery, Baby Mozart, Baby Bach, Baby Santa's Music Box, Baby Beethoven, and Numbers Nursery. Because of this, these 3 videos are best viewed on an iPhone or iPad. Also, Baby Beethoven is very loud (Numbers Nursery is pretty loud too), and Baby Galileo's frame rate is very low.
Wait what is this crazy and I can't hear neighborhood animals and baby Bach and every time I see that baby Galileo s frame rate is low and I can hardly hear neighborhood animals and also baby beethoven is very loud and numbers nursery has been quiet so I can not hear language nursery which is why but baby Newton won in the first place and I can hardly hear Neptune of course and I can hardly hear Shakespeare of course and baby Mac Donald is not the best way lately but I can hardly hear canons from baby Bach and
When you balance the audio to the right speaker, you'll only hear Language Nursery, Baby Mozart, Baby Bach, Baby Santa's Music Box, Baby Beethoven, and Numbers Nursery. Because of this, these 3 videos are best viewed on an iPhone or iPad. Also, Baby Beethoven is very loud (Numbers Nursery is pretty loud too), and Baby Galileo's frame rate is very low.
And numbers nursery is very loud too
What is that about
And I have a prize for baby Galileo 2003 vhs
Wait what is this crazy and I can't hear neighborhood animals and baby Bach and every time I see that baby Galileo s frame rate is low and I can hardly hear neighborhood animals and also baby beethoven is very loud and numbers nursery has been quiet so I can not hear language nursery which is why but baby Newton won in the first place and I can hardly hear Neptune of course and I can hardly hear Shakespeare of course and baby Mac Donald is not the best way lately but I can hardly hear canons from baby Bach and
Which is funny because it
What the heck is this even about