DBFZ 1.33 Beerus BnB / Advanced Combos | DRAGON BALL FighterZ

  • Опубликовано: 16 янв 2025

Комментарии • 30

  • @KuwangerKRT
    @KuwangerKRT  11 месяцев назад +6

    Midscreen BnB
    0:15 2M 5M jc9MLL j2H SD jLL dj9MLLS(3) j214M (4195)
    0:23 xx jLL dj9MLLS(4) j214M (4223)
    0:29 2M 5M jc9MLL j2H SD jLL dj9MLLS(2) j214L vanish dl j236L 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4819)
    Advanced Midscreen Combos
    0:42 5M 2M 2S 5H dl [SD] 66 jM dl j236[M] 669 jLML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (4446)
    1:02 5M 2M 2S 5H dl SD 66 jM dl j236[M] sj9LML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (4446)
    1:12 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H 2M [SD] 66 jM dl j236[M] 669 jLML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (5101)
    1:22 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H 2M 5M jc9ML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (4946)
    1:32 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM 9 jLL djML j2H j214M (5319)
    1:43 5LL 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H 214M (3902)
    1:53 5LL 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM 9 jLLS(1) j214M (3895)
    2:04 jML 5LL 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H 214M (3947)
    2:15 jML 5LL 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM 5H 214M (3897)
    2:27 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (6286)
    2:43 5LL 2M 5M jc9M dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jM djLLS(3) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4651)
    Situational Combos
    2:59 [DR] jML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (2883)
    3:08 2H dl SD jMLL djMLLS(3) j214M (3589)
    3:15 2H dl SD jMLLS(4) j214H [SD] 66 jML dl j236[M] 669 jLML dj9MLLS(3) j214M 236L+M (5304, 4494 before supers)
    3:28 2H dl SD jMLLS(4) j214H 66 jM 5L sj9M dl jL dl jL dj9MLLS(3) j214M 236L+M (5249, 4439 before supers)
    3:41 SD jM dj9M j236H 2M [SD] 66 jM dl j236[M] 669 jLML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (3579)
    3:52 SD jM dj9M j236H 2M 5M jc9ML dj9MLLS(3) j214M (3506)
    4:01 SD jM dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM 669 jMLL djLLS(3) j214M (3747)
    4:12 SD jM dj9M j236H[2] 2M dl 5M dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4379)
    Post vanish
    4:28 5S vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 66 5L dl L sj9M dl jL dl jL dj9MLLS(3) j214M (2479)
    4:38 5S vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 5M sj9LM dl jL dj9LMLS(3) j214M (2439)
    4:47 5S vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 2M [SD] 66 jM 669 jLL dj9MLLS(3) j214M (2544)
    4:58 5S vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 2M 5M sj9MLL dj9MLLS(3) j214M (2539)
    Corner BnB
    5:08 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jM djM j2H j214M (4879)
    5:19 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jM djLL j2H j214M (4869)
    5:30 5LL 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM 669 jMLL djLL j2H j214M (3700)
    5:41 jML 5LL 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM sj9LML j2H j214M (3642)
    5:52 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLL jS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (5688)
    6:07 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jML djMLL jS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (5633)
    Advanced Corner Combos
    6:22 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM 9 jLL djML j2H j214M (5109)
    6:34 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (6096)
    6:50 5LL 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jM djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4529)
    7:07 jH 5LL 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4734)
    7:23 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jMLL djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (6033)
    7:39 5LL 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jML djLLS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (6033)
    7:56 jML 5LL 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jM djMS(4) j214L vanish 66 5L(whiff)LL 214M (4501)
    Orb Loop Combos
    8:13 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S 8 dl jH 2H 236S sj9ML djLLS(4) j214L dl jM sj9 j214M (6835)
    9:09 2L 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9M djLLS(3) j214L dl jM sj9 j214M (4966)
    9:24 5LL 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9 dl jM djMS(2) j214L dl jM sj9 j214M (4881)
    9:38 jML 5LL 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH dl j214L dl jM sj9 dl jM djLLL j214M (4540)
    10:08 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9ML djLLS(4) j214L j214H jH 9 [jDR] 214L+M (10597, 8597 before supers)
    10:30 2L 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9M djLLS(3) j214L j214H jH 9 [jDR] (5117)
    10:46 5LL 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9 dl jM djMS(2) j214L j214H jH 9 [jDR] (5032)
    Situational Corner Combos
    11:02 2H dl SD jM j2H j214H 66 dl jM 5L dl 5H dl 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLLS(3) j214L 236L+M (6197, 5387 before supers)
    11:17 SD j236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jML djLLS(4) j214M (3437)
    11:28 SD j236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jM djMS(4) j214M (3394)
    11:39 2M 5M j236M jDR A1 OR A2 (3250)
    Assist combos examples
    11:45 2H SD jM dj9M jS(2) j214L A1 2M [SD] 66 jM 669 jLML dj9MLLS(4) j214L dl A2 [DR] 214M 236L+M (5218 before supers)
    12:05 5MMM 5L(whiff)LL dl 5M dl 5H 214L 66 jLM dl j236[M] 5H SD jMLL djLLS(4) j214L A2 [4] 5L(whiff)LL 214M 236L+M (6046 before supers)
    12:25 2M 5M 236M 2M 5H 5S 214L 66 jLM 5H SD jMLL djLL jS(4) j214L dl A1 dl j236[L] 5H 214M 214L+M (5448 before supers)
    12:44 2M 5M 236H[8] 66 2H 236S 8 jH 4 2H 236S dl 8 jH 2H 236S sj9ML djLLS(4) j214L dl jM sj9 j214M dl A1 [DR] 236L+M dl ~L (7204 before supers)

    • @TheSecondRunner
      @TheSecondRunner 8 месяцев назад

      I've been working on Mastering Beerus, so these videos are helpful, but the issue I have continued to have is that I can't perform the rejumps, no matter how hard I try to do it; I try to delay the Super Dash, but it just drops because the hit-stun chance to connect is VERY SMALL, and if I do the orb, I can't connect with a jump to continue the combo.
      Just something that I struggle with, but overall, I will do the best i can to get good at this character.

  • @roller_
    @roller_ 11 месяцев назад +66

    Amazing that a person still works for teaching others how to play the game after six years of the release of this game. Thank you very much!

  • @vallyent_
    @vallyent_ 11 месяцев назад +7

    Kuwanger the GOAT back with another combo video, les go!

  • @silverwolf27
    @silverwolf27 11 месяцев назад +2

    Goodness🎉 I always love you combo videos!

  • @Bnekeo
    @Bnekeo 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great vid! I’ve been trying to touch up my Beerus to make my team unstoppable 🫡

  • @Null_Horse-xh5xf
    @Null_Horse-xh5xf 28 дней назад

    0:51 I can’t really even do REGULAR 5H rejumps with other characters that well, but I guess I’m ready to have a headache because this is gonna be one of the first things I’ll try in the morning. 💀

  • @Gr1zzlyNN
    @Gr1zzlyNN 11 месяцев назад

    Tus guias son simplementes las mejores bro, muchas gracias

  • @jairsanchez2103
    @jairsanchez2103 11 месяцев назад

    Gracias por la explicación de cada mov eso me ayudó a extender los combos con este personaje y muy bien explicado cada detalle ahora a practicar gracias Bro

  • @McPatoo
    @McPatoo 8 месяцев назад +2

    ppl who can't apply combos correctly, please read description and pinned comment ))))

  • @kurokaen1234
    @kurokaen1234 11 месяцев назад +1

    The god of destruction

  • @SirWinnigton
    @SirWinnigton 6 месяцев назад +1

    in the vanish combo bnb at 0:34 after the 236L i dash up and hit them with the 2nd light but they always tech out before the 3rd light connects and if i delay more orb anymore it comes out too late

    • @SirWinnigton
      @SirWinnigton 6 месяцев назад +1

      well it seems i just got it, i think i wasnt dashing enough.

  • @nikolasdragatakis5542
    @nikolasdragatakis5542 11 месяцев назад +1

    Keep up the good work Kuwanger!

  • @andegrvz
    @andegrvz 11 месяцев назад +1

    My favorite character

  • @cribabey
    @cribabey 10 месяцев назад

    Banger video as always, but I have a question. In your button prompts when you're mid combo I notice you're pressing multiple buttons at once. Is that just by accident or is there some sort of reason you do so?

    • @KuwangerKRT
      @KuwangerKRT  10 месяцев назад +1

      If you're talking about stuff like the rejump at 0:45, that's because to you can hold S to get a super jump instead of doing 2 then 8 (or 7, or 9)
      Doing 6629 manually is very hard so instead doing it like that i hold S then do 669, but because holding S to then press L quickly is awkward with my controller (PS4's Dualshock 4 when this video was made) i hold the superdash button, which is H+S
      So the input feeding back of holding H+S (SD is short for Superdash in the notations at the top) while doing 66 jM delay j236[M] 669 jLML end up looking like i'm pressing a lot of things at once

  • @skies531
    @skies531 10 месяцев назад +1

    I need help for the first rejump how do connect the mll from the lml every time I connect the lml to mll my s always whiffs

    • @skies531
      @skies531 10 месяцев назад

      Never mind I figured out what I was doing wrong but thanks I’ve used your vids to learn characters since I started

  • @user-ktj26
    @user-ktj26 9 месяцев назад

    9:00 ....wut in the Neptune inhabitant...
    Edit: Here I am, 3 months later hitting it after training in the mountains... where the time go😂

  • @SaneU_c
    @SaneU_c 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks brotha! Btw did A16 get any new optimal combos since ur last vid on him in 1.31?

    • @Spawnamvs
      @Spawnamvs 11 месяцев назад

      Im sure he has from what ive practiced but I havent labbed him much over the last month

  • @nightish_one6007
    @nightish_one6007 11 месяцев назад +2

    Kuwanger is not beating the dbfz player allegations

  • @darrionjohnson3142
    @darrionjohnson3142 8 месяцев назад

    In the 236[M] rejumps, during the dj9MLLS(3) portion, I can only ever get one light otherwise they end up too high to connect the ki blasts. Do you know why that might be?

  • @StarOf.Martyrdom
    @StarOf.Martyrdom 9 месяцев назад

    All of this looks so hard, i feel like my wish to be a pro at this game is just a garbage. No matter how much i'll try i'm always failing.

    • @giraoshaw
      @giraoshaw 6 месяцев назад

      don't give up!

    • @RST_Omega
      @RST_Omega Месяц назад

      We all gotta start somewhere, you think sonicfox and wawa popped out the womb and were like "I am a beast at fighterz?" Grind and improve, just start with simple combos and work your way up

  • @Orangeboy1345
    @Orangeboy1345 11 месяцев назад

    don't trsut guys, if this were BnBs he wouldn't upload it 😮‍💨

  • @Dashcam_hub
    @Dashcam_hub 11 месяцев назад

    i love you

  • @GiannakidisNikolaos-b9h
    @GiannakidisNikolaos-b9h Месяц назад

    Ee mit freundlichen Grüssen ihr Team der Schule sein aber die richtige Richtung Arbeit im Urlaub bin ich habe zwei Wochen im Urlaub bin kann man sich nicht gemeldet haben und die Rechnung für