Illyrian Language - An Insight into a Lesser Known Indo-European Language

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 827

  • @krunomrki
    @krunomrki 4 месяца назад +19

    I have seen the film "Illyricum" . And I have privilege to know prof. Ranko Matasović from days when I was a student of History and Slavistics at University of Zagreb. Also, I have a copy of book "Ancient languages of the Balkans" by prof. Radoslav Katičić. My final thesis at the History department was about origin of Etruscans. About Illyrian language.... Roman writers were making distinctions between "Illyrii propriae dicti" and other nations of "Illyricum" in wider sense, placing "Illyrii propriae dicti" in area of mostly modern Montenegro (Crna Gora = Black Mountain) and to the southernmost part of modern Croatia, making the river Neretva as most northern border of their influence; and to the south only small part of north of modern Albania. Why was that so, and why Romans didn't consider entire area of modern Albania as "Illyricum in sensu stricto", I dont know. It could be that Romans named as "Illyricum propriae dicti" exclusively only that area where specific "Illyrian kingdom" as dynastic tribal state was developed. Romans have entered into conflict with Illyrian kingdom during the 3rd and 2nd century BC, especially because of Illyrian piracy on Adriatic. Namely, illyrians were attacking and plundering ships belonging to the Greek colonies as, for example, those of Issa (modern day island Vis). An arrogant answer received from Illyrian queen Teuta and especially the killing of official Roman envoys were the cause of the war in 229/228 BC. Not only that: after the initial defeat by Romans, Illyrian kingdom started to making anti-Roman alliance with Macedonians during the Second Punic war (218-201), when Hannibal of Carthage had his campaign in Italy (Hannibal ante portas!). This was the cause of final destruction of "Illyrian kingdom"; Ardieii, the leading tribe was resettled from coast and forced to interior. Although, Greeks were using name Illyris for area of modern Albania. It was tribal region with: Penestai living in north (to the east of Penestae nation), and the Taulanti were inhabitants closer to the sea coast, where Greek Doric colonies Epidamnos (Dyrrhachium, modern Albanian city Durres, in Slavic: Drač) and Apollonia were established; to the south of Taulanti were Parauaei and Chaones, already nations belonging to the ancient Epirus, although today in southern Albania.In Greek writers we can read the story how Illyrians attacked city Phoenice in territory of Chaones (in vicinity of island Corcyra /Corfu). In Greek mythology hero Kadmos and his wife Harmonia settled among Chaones. However, we dont know nothing about language of Dalmatae, who were the strongest nation in area to the north of river Neretva; they fought many wars against Romans from 2nd century BC till the last, Batonic war in years 6 to 9 AD.The province of Dalmatia was named after them. And Roman colonia Salonae (at location of modern town Solin) near city Split, was the capital of province Dalmatia. From the river Krka, the northern neighbours of Dalmatae were nation of Liburni in area where today is city Zadar (in antiquity known as Iadera and Diadora). Liburnians also hold all the islands between Zadar and peninsula of Istria. In ancient times, before 6th century BC, Liburni were known to Greeks as a skilful seamen. The only word known from Liburnian language is "Anzotica", the name of Venus/Aphrodita . In film Illyricum that name is mentioned. It is possible that words in Croatian and Serbian language: kiša (rain) and vatra (fire) have pre-Slavic origin, because other Slavic languages for "fire" have "ogień" , ogon, ogan and similar (in Croatian language also exists word "oganj" (archaic), in Kaikavian dialect: ogenj; and rain (in Croatian: kiša) in other Slavic languages is mostly as in Polish: "deszcz" (dešč/dežđ also in Kaikavian and in Slovenian) or archaism "dažd" in shtokavian ... Some linguists consider word "vatra" as derivation from Latin "atrium" with typical prothetic Slavic voice /v/; that word is attested also in Albanian and in Romanian language and what is especially interesting in language of people Lemki (Ruthenians, subdivision of Ukrainians, historical inhabitants of Carpathian mountain region on todays border between Poland and Ukraina); so called "Lemkivske vatri" manifestation (search in internet) ... As it seems, word "vatra" in Romanian has meaning not of fire as it is, but of "fireplace". Intriguing is that in ancient Iranian language of Avesta exists word "athar"; with typical Slavic prothesis /v/ + athar, this could be also source for word "vatra". Also interesting is that in Albanian language is word "mir" meaning "good"; in South Slavic and in Ukrainian "mir" means "peace", and in Russian can also have meaning "world". It would be good thing to compare the lexic (vocabulary) of Slavic languages and of Albanian language and to see all possible borrowed words.

    • @user-kb5py3hm2e
      @user-kb5py3hm2e 3 месяца назад +3

      Good post, but the majority of linguists consider 'vatra' a word of Albanian origin. Its different meanings (fireplace, home, house etc.) and dialectal variations should be proof enough.

    • @krunomrki
      @krunomrki 3 месяца назад +1

      @@user-kb5py3hm2e It seems to me that "vatra" could not be considered as an Albanian word. Why? because it exists in both Croatian and Serbian shtokavian and today as a standard word in entire central Southslavic area (Serbia, Bosna, Montenegro/Crna Gora/Croatia); also in Romanian language, and what is surprising in language of Lemki people (on border of Poland and Ukraina in Carpathians; because I'm speaker of Croatian and also studied Polish language, when I was listening to the Lemki people language, it seems to me as being between Ukrainian, Polish, but also I recognised some connections to south Slavic languages ... namely, area of Lemki together with people of Boiki (Slovak, Hungarian, Ukrainian border) and Hutsuli (Ukraina and Romania border) is actually region where tribe/protonation of Ukrainian Croats was living during the 9th and 10th century according to the chronicle of Nestor ... So, "vatra" could be considered as word common to the Dinaric-Carpathian region ... (name Balkan is not proper name to use in this situation because the Balkan mountain is in Bulgaria and in Bulgaria as far as I know they don't have this word, neither it exists in other Slavic languages ...

    • @user-kb5py3hm2e
      @user-kb5py3hm2e 3 месяца назад +7

      @@krunomrki the fact that it exists in some West Slavic languages as well makes it very complicated but Albanian sound changes (*o- > vo-/va-) are normally very straightforward, that's why I don't think it has been a borrowing. The fact that the word occupies the same semantic field in both Albanian and Romanian indicates a Paleo-balcanic origin in my opinion.

    • @krunomrki
      @krunomrki 3 месяца назад +1

      @@user-kb5py3hm2e In modern standard Croatian language word "vatra" has the meaning of "fire", the same as today archaic word "oganj", which is found in all other Slavic languages, as in Polish: ogień. In Kaikavian and Slovenian: ogenj. In other Slavic: ogon, ogan, ohon, etc. We have in Croatian also word in meaning "fireplace": ognjište (it is related usually and traditionally with the house, expanding its meaning metaphorically to the house it self , usually as: old or ancient seat of the family). Besides the word "vatra" and "oganj" we have also word "požar" what means big , open uncontrolled, devastating fire that consumes objects like houses but also forests. (I don't know do you speak Croatian or some other Slavic language.) For example, in Kaikavian "domestic" word is "ogenj" and "vatra" is coming from shtokavian. In chakavian (spoken today in Adriatic islands in Istria and in some part of northern sea coast (primorje around city Rijeka, Vinodol) is form "oganj" ... Chakavian and Kaikavian dialects were in the past, before the Ottoman conquest during the 15th and 16th century, spoken in much larger territory than today (although Kaikavian is internationaly recognised as a language with tradition of written literature from 15th century till today). And shtokavian was penetrating with migrations during Ottoman wars from Bosna and from other regions in the Balkan interior. And "vatra" spread with those migrations. Territory of Croatian state before Ottomans was mostly chakavian and shchakavian (using "ča" and "šća" for "what" while in shtokavian is "što" and often "šta"; in Kaikavian: kaj? Some Croatian poets of 17th century were using the a mixture of all three Croatian dialects, as Fran Krsto Frankopan did.

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад +1

      Shouldn't be hard at all to see Illyrian/Albanian deep in antiquity with Greek dieties.
      Aphrodite (Venus) in Albanian is Aferdite, where afer= near and dite= day. Near day or morning star.
      Thalia muse if comedy. Albanian Tallja = The Mocking
      Pythia, Oracle at Delphi. Albanian Pytja = The question.
      Demetria, godes of harvests. Albanian Dhemitra where dhe= earth and mitra= woumb/uterus.
      Thetis, goddess of the sea. Albanian Deti = Sea.
      Ionian Sea. Albanian Deti Jon meanin Our Sea. Jon = our. Same as Romans called the Mediterranean, Mare Nostum (our sea)
      There are so many more just the more obvious ones, that for some strange reason are not mentioned by linguists.

  • @mendjelire8392
    @mendjelire8392 3 месяца назад +27

    There actually is a whole paragraph in mesapic on stone writing in puglia Italy and is easily recognisable as Albanian. It also provides evidence of mesapic contribution to Latin/Italian.

  • @jakr9303
    @jakr9303 10 месяцев назад +16

    Brilliant video. So, am I correct in my understanding that you more or less think Albanian should be considered it's descendant?

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  10 месяцев назад +18

      The evidence is extremely limited so we have to bear that in mind but put it this way, if someone asked me for some reason to recreate a sentence in Illyrian - I'd do exactly what Matasovic did and base it on Albanian.

    • @jakr9303
      @jakr9303 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@LearnHittite I lean this way myself. It also used to be widely thought that Albanian descended from Thracian, but, not sure how much of a thing that still is. Anyway, excellent work, thank you.

    • @historyofillyria2737
      @historyofillyria2737 8 месяцев назад +10

      First fix map and then greek population never existed in balkan. All balkan were illyria

    • @davidaxelos4678
      @davidaxelos4678 5 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@historyofillyria2737First learn history!😂

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA 2 месяца назад +2

      @@davidaxelos4678he’s right tell me why Greece people looks like Turks?

  • @MC-vf4mk
    @MC-vf4mk 4 месяца назад +8

    ...Neacșu's Letter (Scrisoarea lui Neacșu de la Câmpulung) from 1521 is formally considered the first known written document in Romanian. ..Romanian and Albanian are two close languages ​​and it is interesting that the oldest records in those languages ​​appeared at the same time.

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +2

      no. They arent close at all. Nor is the albanian language so young

    • @adrianog4148
      @adrianog4148 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@MilkmanEditsALthis is wrong. you have whole sentences same in romanian and in albanian.
      for example: ' punt ma e nalt'

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +2

      @@adrianog4148 that’s not even Albanian🤣🤣

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +3

      @@adrianog4148 “punt” and “nalt” aren’t even words in the Albanian vocabulary

    • @adrianog4148
      @adrianog4148 3 месяца назад

      @@MilkmanEditsAL you are not albanian, nor romanian. otherwise you would understand that sentence.
      please translate.

  • @drenibrahimi4249
    @drenibrahimi4249 20 дней назад

    This is brilliant! Regarding the word “dhünoti” at 11:10, it seems very similar to the word “Dhunti” in modern Albanian, which sort of means talent, or a natural skill that is “given” to someone.

  • @jeremycline9542
    @jeremycline9542 10 месяцев назад +26

    Illyrian, Thracian, Scythian...seems like all three are claimed by various modern nation-states as ancestors. But how can we be sure?

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  10 месяцев назад +11

      We can't be sure, at least in the case of Illyrian

    • @ginaibisi777
      @ginaibisi777 5 месяцев назад +14

      ​@@LearnHittiteyeah right😂 how come only Albanians always clame that are the Illyrians and nobody has an idea where we come from. Did we just fall from the sky one night or were we there before all others 😂

    • @user-kb5py3hm2e
      @user-kb5py3hm2e 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@LearnHittitemate we literally have LESS evidence about the other languages

    • @Svarog187
      @Svarog187 4 месяца назад

      @@user-kb5py3hm2e There is evidence. Just google "Illyrian Personal Anthroponyms" for scientific proof, but it doesnt fit mainstream and Albanian history so people dont wanna talk about it.

    • @adrianog4148
      @adrianog4148 3 месяца назад

      @@LearnHittite illyrian hat plis/pileus was on roman coins. today says nothing more albanian than this white hat. illyrians were well known in roman empire. everything else is slavic propaganda.

  • @catapetrovich6688
    @catapetrovich6688 3 месяца назад +2

    Lots of politics entered into the Illyrian question. When I lived in Trieste in the 1950s my school friends used to call me "Illyrico" after telling them that my ancestors hailed from the Serbian land of Montenegro. Later, when I went to university one of my professor postulated that we only have sources that they existed in the Balkans and fused with others as migrations shifted, but we have no evidence of their written or spoken language and if it is a "lesser-known Indo-European language", then it can only be closer to old Romanian (Cici, a Vlah people living near Trieste) with many Latin and Slavic words in the mix.

  • @blerimsyla7483
    @blerimsyla7483 4 месяца назад +9

    Nephilim it means the begining you all have it written in each bible including 40 saints with Albanian origin

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад +4

      Not only Nefillim = In the Begining in Albanian.
      Bereshit, or Genesis, where Beresit = The Making in Albanian.
      Hyll, in Isaiah, which was translated as Lucifer. In Albanian Hyll= Star. The passage says if I remember correctly "Oh Hyll of the morning how low you have fallen."
      Urim and Thumim. Albanian Urim = Blessing, and Thumim Geg Dialect or Thumbim, literary = Sting.
      But even Genesis, in Albanian Gjenesa, where Gje = things/matter, and Nisa= Start. Basically the beginning of creation.
      Albanian is a goldmine kept hidden in plain site. Those Pelasgians must have traveled a lot.

  • @Annatar
    @Annatar 4 месяца назад +42

    Serbian nationalist arguments are pathetic, especially when considering the recent DNA studies that clearly show a local Balkan origin for the Albanians, vs the Slavs that nobody in academia doubts came into the Balkans for the first time in the 7th century.

    • @LobotimirMerkanski
      @LobotimirMerkanski 2 месяца назад +1

      "The first certain Slavic raids date to the early 6th century during the time of the Eastern Roman Emperor Justin I (r. 518-527), coinciding with the end of the Vitalian revolt of 511-518.[8] Procopius recorded that in 518 a large army of the Antae, "who dwell close to the Sclaveni", crossed the Danube River into Roman territory"

    • @Annatar
      @Annatar 2 месяца назад +5

      @@LobotimirMerkanski ok, 6th not 7th. Raiders and invaders. Not Illyrians, not Thracian, not Greek. Outsiders

    • @StokaNeDaVidljivNazivAzbukom
      @StokaNeDaVidljivNazivAzbukom 2 месяца назад +2

      Albanians cant be Illyrians. Illyrians was great sailors and accused for piracy at the sea... Albanians on the other hand never were and on top of that doesnt have a single naval word of Albanian origin...

    • @kaljus8431
      @kaljus8431 2 месяца назад

      @@Annatar I could agree with you on the genetic aspect of the Balkan origin but the aspect i find pathetic in the Albanian national arguments is equalizing Illyrians and Albanians in would be same as if the Serbs were to equalize Serbs and Slavs, or Germans claiming all Germanic lands. and are using these terms like Not native-Invaders, raiders for people who have been living in the area for 1400 years. the reality is even if you are descendant from Illyrians you have no idea which tribe would it be or even if it is strictly the Illyrians and not Thracians. because there is no direct historic connection between Albanians and any of the Balkan people. That's why Albanians claiming Illyrian lands has the same basis as Albanians claiming Indo-European lands the only difference is proximity and time the argument is the same.
      And if genetics are relevant for the claim its quite obvious that Slavs assimilated many native tribes as reflected in the south Slavic DNA, so what are we doing now measuring the average representation of the of haplogroups in general population to validate land claims? Such arguments are beyond pathetic and ridiculous.

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA 2 месяца назад +1

      @@LobotimirMerkanskitypical lier

  • @fionadea
    @fionadea 5 месяцев назад +12

    Refer to Leibniz for albanian language
    Also the latest publication in Science journal which qualifies albanian, together with helenic and armenian languages, as more than 8000 years

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Месяц назад +3

      Only difference is that what's called Greek today has very little to do with ancient Greek. It developed in Macedonian colonies in Asia and Africa and was not spoken in Greece until it was forced on the population through force replacing the native language which was Tosk Albanian.

    • @milic5068
      @milic5068 Месяц назад +1

      bro what are you talking about Indo-European is only like 5000 years old. Any linguist will tell you it is IMPOSSIBLE to study a language older than 7000 years ago

    • @fionadea
      @fionadea Месяц назад

      @@milic5068 u istrazivanju origine indo-evropianslih jezika nisu ucestvovali samo lingvisti nego i geneticari, antropolozi, isoricari, i drugi i to ne iz jedne drzave nego sa nekolicine od njih, od kanada preko evrope do australije. Njih 27-ro mislim. Journal science 2023 godine.
      Jos nesto, begradski universitet u saradnji (mislom sa harvadskim) uradili su studiju (2023) o genetici balkanskih naroda i pogledejate ko su etnicki starosedeoci balkana a ko su dosljavi.

    • @JuanilloR9
      @JuanilloR9 11 дней назад

      @@GJ-dj4jx no. As a Greek I can assure you that modern Greek uses the exact same vocabulary with ancient Greek (Attic and Koine). I can easily prove this to you. Give me any ancient Greek text, from Homer, Herodotus, etc, you name it, and I will tell you in English what is says. Also I will show you that nearly 100% of the "ancient" words are used today by Greeks. I really want to know your source when you say "the native language was Tosk Albanian". What do you mean by that? It is true that we had a large Arvanite population, nearly 15% or even 20% of the total population in the 1800s, but Albanian the native language?? How??

  • @mariomarino3020
    @mariomarino3020 Месяц назад +2

    The reason why Illyrian is connected with Venetian is Alfoldy. He was the first to try to theorize how the inhabitants of Illyricum spoke, and given the lack of records, he studied personal names from the 1st century in the Roman province of Dalmatia (southern half of Illyricum). Among other things, he found 2 Venetian names in the north of Liburnia and first concluded that the Liburni were close to the Veneti, and then others immediately applied it to the whole of Illyricum, considering the Liburni as one of the Illyrians. Subsequently, when other scientists made a more detailed study and included toponyms in consideration, the categorization changed. The Liburnians have nothing to do with the Veneti, but they are not Illyrians either. In that film, a Liburnian person speaks "Illyrian", it's a big mistake. Liburnian should be at least one I-E migration older than the others in Illyricum. Centumization is obvious with personal names and toponyms from these studies so it was easy to relate Illyrian to Centum group.
    Messapic is the result of the migration of the Proto-Illyrians, not the Illyrians, that migration happened at the end of the Bronze Age and was not the only one of its kind, Iapodes also crossed the Adriatic, the Siculi too (500 years later they would move from Italy to Sicily and give it its current name). The languages ​​and cultures of the Illyrii, Delamate, Panoni were then only emerging at the beginning of the Iron Age, while the Liburnians made their way from the Bronze to the Iron with an older speech - due to their geographical location, they were bypassed by the stratification of the population with new arrivals from the I-E migration 3,300 years ago. In short, Illyrian and Messapic share a source and were probably in contact at the beginning or the 1st part of the Iron Age. Since the middle of the Iron Age, the situation was changing on the Adriatic but also on the Apennines, and the connections between the two coasts weakened.

  • @Keni-R
    @Keni-R Месяц назад +4

    This is Albanian as well.
    It's in your London museum. Go see it. Written by CAR JELE ( JULIUS CESAR ) and my grandfather's words. Left by QORR ILIAZI ( BLIND ILIAD ), go see it ? And get back to me

  • @walterht8083
    @walterht8083 10 месяцев назад +6

    Do you know anything about Hurrian?

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  10 месяцев назад +3

      A video on Hurrian will appear in the first week of the new year!

  • @陈天雄-i6w
    @陈天雄-i6w 10 месяцев назад +3

    Sir , i like your videos really much. Could you consider making a video on the also mysterious Thracian or ancient Macedonian language ❤

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  10 месяцев назад +2

      Thracian will be the second video in the new year! Expect it towards the end of January.

    • @陈天雄-i6w
      @陈天雄-i6w 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@LearnHittite thanks for your work sir. I will tell my friends about this channel.

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you very much for your support!

  • @JetonHoxha99
    @JetonHoxha99 3 месяца назад +3

    Last year prof. Matasovic was invited in the The 41st International Seminar on the Albanian Language, Literature and Culture organized by the University of Prishtina to hold a lecture on this topic. He participated online and did a presentation called "Reimagining Illyrian". I wasn't able to go to Prishtina and listen to what he said but i wrote him an email and he kindly sent me the Power Point presentation. Of course a ppt presentation is only a shadow of a lecture but still it was kind of him to respond. I haven't seen the film yet, but i saw some interviews from a few albanian actors who were in the project, and who claimed to have been an interesting experience.

  • @johng799
    @johng799 Месяц назад +3

    Albanian nationalists claim that certain words in Homer’s Iliad have Albanian roots as part of a broader narrative to assert the ancient origins of the Albanian language and link it to the Illyrians, who they considered the ancestors of Albanians. These claims often suggest that traces of the Albanian language, appear in ancient Greek texts, thereby emphasizing a long-standing historical presence in the Balkans. However, mainstream linguistic scholarship dismisses these claims as linguistically unfounded, noting that any perceived similarities between Albanian and Greek words are coincidental and lack historical or linguistic context. Additionally, the Iliad was composed centuries before the development of the Albanian language, and no credible evidence suggests a connection between ancient Greek and Albanian in this regard. This type of claim is typically part of nationalistic revisionism, aimed at establishing a deep-rooted historical continuity for modern Albanian identity.😂

    • @ElvisKrasniqi-x2m
      @ElvisKrasniqi-x2m Месяц назад +1

      Hahahaha hahahaha hahah

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 11 дней назад +1

      Some peoples in the Balkans try to add certain Greek flavour in their culture to make it appear somehow more historic and appealling.

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 11 дней назад

      Some peoples in the Balkans try to add certain Greek flavour in their culture to make it appear somehow more historic and prestigious..
      Albanian language is of no significance in the world linguistic science being poor , of limited to zero productive in the world literature .. Albanian "invented" an alphabet just in 1908... before that date no written culture !!! like Aboriginals .!!

    • @johng799
      @johng799 10 дней назад

      Very true. Albanians are notorious for historical revisionism

  • @tiagorodrigues3730
    @tiagorodrigues3730 10 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks for the video! It seems like things are more or less about where they were when I was in college back around the year 2000 (although I was an Engineering major, so probably not the best position to know the latest and greatest in Indo-European studies).
    Regardless, these ancient minority languages which are scarcely attested are a dime a dozen, and Illyrian is one of the more important ones (for example, the languages of the Sea Peoples are even more of a mystery).
    I guess that save for a sudden discovery of a cache of Illyrian texts, this is where the state of the art will remain for the foreseeable future...

  • @Ana-og2le
    @Ana-og2le 3 месяца назад

    Is it true that the Ladinians in Central Europe come from the Illyrians too?

  • @ginaibisi777
    @ginaibisi777 5 месяцев назад +14

    Deny it all you can, the real Illyrians are the Albanians. MESAPIK MES A PIK IN ALBANIAN MEANS MIDDLE or peak.

    • @DirtyThug1
      @DirtyThug1 Месяц назад


    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Месяц назад

      There is still an area near Albanian Adriatic coast right across Italy call Mesapik. You can google it. In Albanian 'mes' means 'middle'.
      You also have Messina, a city in Italy right in the middle of the small strip of land that connects Italy to Sicily.

  • @occasionalwind
    @occasionalwind 3 месяца назад +19

    Illyrian Is The 'Old' Albanian Language!

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 3 месяца назад +3

      Show us one ancient written documents.. Only one

    • @PlisChroniclerAL
      @PlisChroniclerAL 2 месяца назад +1


    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +3

      @@PlisChroniclerAL my friend.. This is only theory.. If you understand word theory.. Which is Greek word.. 😂 😂
      Show us something acceptable from all civilization countries.. 😂 😂

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +2

      Or show us one archeological place in Albania that belongs to illyrian.. Only one
      😂 😂 😂 😂.. Sorry Billys. Was half and half.. Other????

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      @@PlisChroniclerAL just the coins that fought in bil3was in clear Greek

  • @harusha9020
    @harusha9020 6 месяцев назад +3

    Fantastic video!

  • @NS-mz8gq
    @NS-mz8gq 4 месяца назад +8

    Well since the DNA science is now available there is going to be more work done in Albania and Kosova with old bones and new digs.

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA 2 месяца назад

      Do you believe in dna science what if is wrong i never did dna I’m afraid if show up only 1% not illiryan i will end my life 😂

    • @NS-mz8gq
      @NS-mz8gq 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ZOTIMETROJETTONA DNA science is a breakthrough that shows that we are all a mix like a minestrone soup.I have watched many people’s DNA results and what it shows is history.

    • @Metanoia000
      @Metanoia000 День назад

      Where my family is from in what is today Montenegro the government will not allow Albanian archaeology teams to come and investigate.

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA День назад

      @@NS-mz8gq ye it’s true I will buy a dna test I want check results my heart blood saying I’m illiryan let’s see if dna saying that too

    • @NS-mz8gq
      @NS-mz8gq День назад

      @@Metanoia000 Don’t worry,the worst thing that happened to the invented history is DNA science and now we are at the early stage.The so called Balkan DNA has 18% Albanian haplogroup.So we have to invest in our own land and do our own investigation because if you listen to them we come from Asia but when you test our DNA we are similar to Greeks and Italians which means they lie to themselves.

  • @TheBegaj2005
    @TheBegaj2005 9 месяцев назад +16

    Bardhyll king have 100% translate bardh-white yll-star whitestar

    • @LudwigWhitby
      @LudwigWhitby 2 месяца назад +1

      How can you be 100% sure? Firstly the Greeks write it down as either Bardylis or Bardulis, not Bardhyll. There is an alternative explanation. We can start with the PIE root *wor which means 'to watch over' 'protect'. Balto-Slavic languages had the sound change *o to *a - *war. We add the ending -da (words like pravda, krivda, vražda) and get *warda/*varda which would mean something like protection. To that we add the suffix -ul which was used in making names (example Radul from 'rad') and you get Wardul/Vardul meaning 'protector' 'defender'. That would basically be the same name as Alexander, Alexius or Slavic names like Branko. The Greeks wrote B instead of the /w/ or /v/ sounds they did not have and added their grammatical ending -is so they wrote it down as Bardulis.

    • @beratmaliqi5445
      @beratmaliqi5445 2 месяца назад +2

      what are you talking of ?
      Bardh Yll ->. White Star
      Albanian believed in the Sun, Stars before the christianity cames to our region.
      we where PAGAN, lived with the nature
      pershendetje nga Dardania - Republika e kosoves 🇽🇰🇽🇰🇽🇰🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

    • @LudwigWhitby
      @LudwigWhitby 2 месяца назад

      @@beratmaliqi5445 How do you know Bardulis is Bardhyll?

    • @beratmaliqi5445
      @beratmaliqi5445 2 месяца назад

      there is no similarities with another language. it make sense in Albanian. Bardh Yll-> white star
      Albanian and greek is one of the oldest language in Europe ( still spoken)

    • @LudwigWhitby
      @LudwigWhitby 2 месяца назад +1

      @@beratmaliqi5445 There are with Balto-Slavic languages. Bardylis can be Vardul - meaning 'protector' Furthermore, languages change and you have to use Illyrian or some sort of pre-proto Albanian and not modern day Albanian. Nobody in the ancient world spoke the language that you speak.

  • @pubgm_zenga
    @pubgm_zenga 3 месяца назад

    Are scythian some like Illyrians? Did they live with Illyrians? Can someone explain?

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад

      @@pubgm_zenga Pan- Illyrianism, that's where it's at. The Pelasgians were the original Arians and spread the language/culture which was kept as pure as it can be in the Albanian mountains, and especially by the Dardanians, who had colonies such as Troy and never got fully subjugated.

  • @adrianog4148
    @adrianog4148 3 месяца назад +2

    messapians were settlers from today korça in albania.
    thats a fact.

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 3 месяца назад

      Messapians are from chaonians, liburnians and Taulantii

    • @adrianog4148
      @adrianog4148 2 месяца назад


  • @a.a-ks8sv
    @a.a-ks8sv 3 месяца назад

    The population of Balkan is almost genetically same language on different places have evolved

  • @Ana-og2le
    @Ana-og2le 3 месяца назад

    A N A is a pure goddess for the indoaryan tribes.

  • @Trontotario2
    @Trontotario2 3 месяца назад

    2:57 source?

  • @DimitrisDim-n4p
    @DimitrisDim-n4p 7 месяцев назад +6

    The Albanian language has a strong resemblance to the Messapic language,Illyrian or not,it has ancient roots and its attested early.On the other hand there is absolutely no proof that the irish and scottish people descended from celts,as there is no recorded celtic migration in these lands,the celts were propably primitive tribes which spoke different languages and went extinct.But also the Illyrian ethnonym is wrong,because in these lands there were organised Kindoms such the Ardiaean Kingdom,the Kingdom of the Dardanians,and the Kingdom of the Taulantians,no such thing as" Illyrians" they were called Illyrians by others.The film Illyricum do not illustrate the true culture of these people, and portrays them as uncivillised as the celts or the germanics,and mind you the terms "celts" and "germanics" are not correct as we do not know how these tribesmen called themselves

    • @fallenstate5933
      @fallenstate5933 5 месяцев назад +2

      Are you serious? All of England was Celtic before AngloSaxon invasions and so was most of Europe. Celts even invaded south all the way to Greece which is attested by historians before they were defeated and returned north. Where is Albanian language ever attested?

    • @DimitrisDim-n4p
      @DimitrisDim-n4p 5 месяцев назад

      @@fallenstate5933 All England were celltic,since when?there is no recorded celtic migration there.And Albanian is closely related to Messapian language .And "celts" is an exonym that other people gave to these probably unrelated tribes....

    • @fallenstate5933
      @fallenstate5933 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@DimitrisDim-n4p You will find the influence of Celts and Celtic languages in England in Wales and Ireland very much so. Yes there is recorded celtic migration to England before the AngloSaxons moved there from todays Denmark(because they were Scandinavian tribes). It's an interesting theory that Albanian is related to Messapian with no conclusive evidence though. If it were, how is it possible Albanian never got an alphabet? The whole of Europe used an alphabet, for gods sake even the barbarian Slavs got educated and given an alphabet

    • @DimitrisDim-n4p
      @DimitrisDim-n4p 5 месяцев назад

      @@fallenstate5933 Acording to your logic even the Romans got no alphabet also,because they adapted a form of the Greek one which in turn propbly derived from the Phoenician one,now the Athenians also got no alphabet?The Messapians used the Greek one,and the whole of Europe uses the Latin,except Greece and some Slavic countries which use the Cyrillic, of course Albanians use the Latin one since the early Albanians were well integrated in the Roman society and the nobles communicated in writen forms with Latin and later on the high middle ages that changed to Attic Greek.On the other hand how can you prove that Britain and Ireland was Celtic,the Celtic theory invented in the 18th century,none of those people called themselves celts before,and even the Roman's called the tribes of Scotland "Picts" and "Calledonians"in the 3rd century, were on earth do you see Celts?Ireland in those times was unexplored territory, since nothing new nothing about it.Plus Slavs were not barbarians because it's a fact they descent from Scythians and Sarmatians,sophisticated peoples which recorded in lands which Slavs appeared...

    • @UnlimitedAspirations24
      @UnlimitedAspirations24 5 месяцев назад

      @user-xk4ug5du5z - Illiria is the name for all the Tribes. Messapic is an illiran Tribe so are the Etruscans and lots more tribes ✌️

  • @kkech1
    @kkech1 9 месяцев назад +4

    10:45 Deu a dai sounds to me like Dheu a dai, meaning Earth is heroic/noble. Or read back to front Dai i dheut, meaning ~Hero of Earth, or earthen hero.
    Dai is also pretty archaic and mostly used as an adjective nowadays, not as a name in itself. Dai also sounds like Dhi-a to me, meaning goat.

  • @farukbajraktari9224
    @farukbajraktari9224 Месяц назад +2

    Bardylis (“Bardhyll” in modern Albanian language meaning “White-Star”) was king of the Illyrians during 393-358 B.C.E. He was born around 448 B.C.E. as a member of the Illyrian tribe of the Enchelei. The Enchelei inhabited primarily the area around lake Lychnidus (Ohrid).

  • @intelliGENeration
    @intelliGENeration Месяц назад +1

    11:12 “dhunoti” … Alb. “tundi” (tunëdi?) = “he shook”

  • @darladallddoria143
    @darladallddoria143 3 месяца назад +1

    Illyrian language was a Greek dialect without letters

    • @One-IronOX
      @One-IronOX 3 месяца назад +3

      ancient greeks themselves said they spoke a different language from their own

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад +1

      @@darladallddoria143 I agree about the possibility that Illyrian, Albanian and Ancient Greek might have been dialects of the same language. It explains why Greece was mostly Albanian until they whiped it out and introduced a technical Greek version no one spoke and everyone was forced to learn it. But the letters are not coming from Greece, they were used way before.

    • @darladallddoria143
      @darladallddoria143 2 месяца назад +3

      @@GJ-dj4jx the letters are by the Greeks...
      The latin alphabet is the ancient Greek Alphabet from the ancient Greek island Ευβοια, but with two letters Y and Z from the ancient Greek Attic Alphabet...
      The official alphabet in Greece is the " ΑΤΤΙΚΟΝ - Αttic"

    • @darladallddoria143
      @darladallddoria143 2 месяца назад +2

      @@GJ-dj4jx No,,, The Greece was Not albanian because the Greeks are not turk-albanians..
      The Greeks have not caucasian turk - albanian dna.
      ,, you don't know about the Greek Language, so you don't know that the Greek Language is The same Language from the ancient Greek period, before 10000 years..
      The Greeks speak the same Language from the ancient Greek period..
      The turk-albanians came from the abanian caucasian river along with turks after the Greek Byzantine Empire means after the year 1453 and spoke a turkish type caucasian language without alphabet and letters..
      The turk-albanian language today has mainly turk-caucasians words, slavic words, Greek words and latin words..
      The Greek Language is Not a version and the last 10000 years has the same Greek words and Alphabet..
      The Greeks from the ancient Greek period they spoke and speek only the Greek Language

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад

      @@darladallddoria143 You don't even deserve a reply because you're obviously an ignorant troll.
      But anyways, what is Greece now was mostly Albanian and many of the so called Greek mythological figures make sense in Albanian not in Greek. So Albanians were probably there way before ;)
      Here are just a few obvious examples:
      Aphrodite (Venus) in Albanian is Aferdite, where afer= near and dite= day. Near day, or morning star. Instead linguists say it come from greek foam.
      Thalia muse if comedy. Albanian Tallja = The Mocking. Linguists say it comes from Greek Thalien, to flourish.
      Pythia, Oracle at Delphi. Albanian Pytja = The question. All kinds of worthless explanations connecting it to Greek.
      Demetria, godes of harvests. Albanian Dhemitra where dhe= earth and mitra= woumb/uterus.
      Thetis, goddess of the sea. Albanian Deti = Sea.
      Ionian Sea. Albanian = Deti Jon meanin Our Sea. Jon = Our in Alb. Same as Romans called the Mediterranean Sea, Mare Nostum (Our Sea)
      There are so many more just mentioning most obvious ones, that for some strange reason are not mentioned by linguists.

  • @RGB81-vr2se
    @RGB81-vr2se 6 месяцев назад +70

    Only Albanians use names Like Agron, Liburn, Dardan, Ilirë, Teuta So there is no doubt that Albanians are descendents of Ilirians

    • @CobraRedstone
      @CobraRedstone 5 месяцев назад +42

      Nationalist sentiment leads people to name their children in a way which fits their narrative even if there's no cultural or historic basis in doing so. None of those names were used in the past.

    • @iliadmalka
      @iliadmalka 5 месяцев назад

      Indeed we are , and its only matter of time now for the truth to come out for what it is , the greek propaganda its coming to an end preatty fast.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +12

      @@iliadmalka you speak of truth ? But you have no proof … I can show you Ancient Greek can you show me ancient Albanian ?

    • @iliadmalka
      @iliadmalka 5 месяцев назад +8

      @@davidscwimer1974 proof !!? Well if language its not enaugh for you ( by the way its the only language in which all those proofs u have of about greeks make sense ) just wait , time will give u tons of proofs . Untill than i wish u well.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +10

      @@iliadmalka time 😂 this theory has been around since the communist era in Albania! How much time do you need ?

  • @henkstersmacro-world
    @henkstersmacro-world 9 месяцев назад

    👍👍👍 Interesting!!

  • @shabankullolli1499
    @shabankullolli1499 3 месяца назад

    Look, a million leke is not that high of an amount, it goes about less than 10 thousand EUR.

  • @blerimsyla7483
    @blerimsyla7483 4 месяца назад +4

    It's so simple it's pre Albanian pelazgian related language so it's Albanian original

    • @krunomrki
      @krunomrki 3 месяца назад

      Pelasgians are by ancient Greek writers related with Tyrsenians/Tyrrhenians ... in northern Aegean Khalkhidike peninsula, with Pelasgiotis region of ancient Thessalia and with not far from Thessaly Dodona in Epirus ... also, Pelasgians and Tyrrhenians are mentioned as inhabitants of island Lemnos in northern Aegean ... in Odyssey Pelasgians are mentioned as one group of inhabitants of island Crete ... Herodotus mentioned Pelasgians in a few cities in Propontis (Marmera sea) ...

    • @wodzisaww.5500
      @wodzisaww.5500 3 месяца назад

      ‘Pelasgians’ were non Indo European.

  • @davidscwimer1974
    @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +6

    It’s funny how nobody has been able to prove the Albanian Illyrian theory properly … everything is just conjecture

    • @UnlimitedAspirations24
      @UnlimitedAspirations24 5 месяцев назад +1

      @davidscwimer1974- The word
      Illirian Is Albanian - that means
      Free or Some spell it Ylliri -in Albanian that mean Youngstar !!
      What more proof do u want !?

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@UnlimitedAspirations24 how are you using modern Albanian written in an Italian alphabet to find a meaning of a word that was coined by the Greeks and then the romans 😂wake up 🔝

    • @pranveraohri1204
      @pranveraohri1204 4 месяца назад +4

      @@davidscwimer1974 How were these words coined?Whats their etymology. An example please.If possible the etymology of the greek word FISIS and the latin NATURAE.Thank you.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 4 месяца назад +1

      The name “Illyrian” is derived from “Illyrii,” which was the name used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to describe the people living in this region. It is not a modern Albanian name 😂
      Show me how you come to the conclusion of what it means using modern Albanian … I love those !

    • @Kryptohan
      @Kryptohan 4 месяца назад

      @@davidscwimer1974david stop hating accept the truth u look like 8 years old kid man come on little boy 😂

  • @Agapi-dg7th
    @Agapi-dg7th 4 месяца назад +1

    Very informative greek language lessons, can we have more of the same?

    • @uneti463
      @uneti463 3 месяца назад

      elaborate pls

    • @ArditSr
      @ArditSr 3 месяца назад


  • @armandemsha1976
    @armandemsha1976 3 месяца назад +1

    LiBur-born men or brave
    SiLeUc-born as a Wolf
    Shkodra or Kodra-Hill
    Ilir or Ilyr-Free or Painted (men)
    AgRon- leader live
    Le Li or Lind -Birth Born
    Goja Goia-Mouth
    Thoni Thut -Nail Nails
    Hena Hona-Moon
    Ylli or Hyli -Star
    Dielli ,Dilli -Sun
    Za ,Zani -Voice
    To be continued

  • @bjerliu1979
    @bjerliu1979 Месяц назад

    Hello from Iliricum Islands 🇦🇱⚜️🇽🇰💀✝️☦️☪️ autochthon, Kingdom‘s Illyria🇦🇱 and Dardania🇽🇰!

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Месяц назад

      Autochthon is Albania word????

  • @Heavy-metaaal
    @Heavy-metaaal 5 месяцев назад


  • @apo.7898
    @apo.7898 2 месяца назад

    Do you have a photo of the ring? You say that the interpretation by Ognenova is forced but the other one isn't?
    It is even more forced. It just needs imaginary deities, a loan from Greek etc.
    IC was used by Christians for Jesus. X IC could possibly have been used for Χριστός Ιησούς (Christ Jesus).
    I would like to see a photo though to have an opinion.

  • @DacusMaIus
    @DacusMaIus Месяц назад

    Should I or should I not?😂😂😂
    I think people far to much concentrate on descending theories. Almost like it would be impossible for a language to be born aside from dialectal and chronological spread.
    But language hybridization and creoles are a thing!
    Not to mention, that the further back we go, we expect the languages should become more similar.
    If now a proto Ilyrian word in the balkans, has similarities to a proto Celtic word in Irland, then these two words dont mean that they are descendents of each other.
    Km pretty sure Ilyrian is also considered a IE language, so similarities to other IE languages should be expected, and unless we can reliably reconstruct the proces of one word entering another language, we can not simply imply a heritage.
    Lets just further ignore that the eastward expandi celts surely had contact with Ilyrians and it also coud be a loan the other way around. None the less, it remains speculative.

  • @mladenzrnic2669
    @mladenzrnic2669 23 дня назад

    Сербы або Сорабы, або Венды, як нас называў Германі. А горад Вена паходзіць ад слова Венд, якім называлі сербаў.

  • @blerimsyla7483
    @blerimsyla7483 4 месяца назад

    I wish I can help you but tru archeological research will prove the truth

  • @The_Albanski
    @The_Albanski 2 месяца назад

    What about Albanian’ connection with Romanian?
    Do you think proto-Albanian originated further north than modern Albania? Were proto Albanians neighbors with proto greeks?

  • @tony232cool
    @tony232cool 2 месяца назад +1

    according to albanian dictionary channel the Illyrian and Hellenic language were one and the same. however, it was not one language but rather a group of more than a dozen dialects some non intelligible with each other. For this reason we have the dictionary of Hesychius which you referenced in your presentation. the Helens did not understand many of the iylyrian words that were in their ancient texts, thats why they created the dictionary in alexandria. also albanian language cannot be explained by toponims because o more then 30 invasions throughtout history and names which each culture has left behind. there are many other arguments that the researcher brings out

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад

      There ate ancient text or writing documents from illyrians..

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад


    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад +1

      @@tony232cool I tend to agree. Many dialects/languages like Illyrian ones all coming from same proto Greek and Albanian. It would explain why so many ancient dieties being in Albanian, like Aphrodite, or Aferdite in Alb. In Alb 'afer' means near and 'dite' means day. Near DayBasically the Morning star, Venus, the planet. There are so many more, but we get the idea.

    • @tony232cool
      @tony232cool 2 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq many many text but especially the coins which albanin dictionary has mention in some of the videos, all of them have the insignia koinon... however primarly it is supported on the gramar syntax and verb tenses and name declensions. verb tenses are identical in albainan as in hellenic not similiar but identical. all verbs not some all of them whic means albania ia direct descentant of illyro hellenic ancient language. greek is a reconstructed language of the 4th centy ac based in the only surving dialect of the time the greikos

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      @@tony232cool show us something ot one text from illyrians.. Only one please and left your poem who learn from hotza.. Show us one.. And coins in Billys.. Are in clear Greek.. 😂 😂 😂 100%%

  • @andyorfanakos8169
    @andyorfanakos8169 9 месяцев назад +6

    It’s probably closer to a Greek dialect then any other language
    I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned that the Greeks knew and wrote more then anyone else about the Illyrians

    • @hannahanna941
      @hannahanna941 8 месяцев назад +3

      What a strange little comment. It's not a dialect of Greek but a sister language.

    • @Doniiks1
      @Doniiks1 7 месяцев назад +1

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 greks

    • @Doniiks1
      @Doniiks1 7 месяцев назад +1

      Kings and queen names only albania has these names ilir teuta agron bardhyl genti

    • @LilBriskoTV_
      @LilBriskoTV_ 6 месяцев назад +3

      A lot of modern Greeks(Arvanites) have Albanian ancestry, and the modern Greek language is constructed with a lot of Albanian elements in it. Most likely the ancient Greeks were part Illyrians as well, the Dorians for example, associated with the words Dru- ( wood, woodland, etc. ), Dor- (hand, to give etc. ) and the -ian(they are). Illyrian/Yllirian/Hellenes/Ellines --very similar words and meanings, probably different variants.

    • @farijeleka2890
      @farijeleka2890 5 месяцев назад +2

      Greci 😂😂😂😂😂stato religioso creato dal inglesi tedeschi francesi ed russi 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @MC-vf4mk
    @MC-vf4mk 4 месяца назад +3

    ....The linguists Stefan Schumacher and Joachim Matzinger (University of Vienna) assert that the first literary records of Albanian date from the 16th century. The oldest known Albanian printed book, Meshari, or "missal", was written in 1555 by Gjon Buzuku, a Roman Catholic cleric......
    If the Albanian language is so old, why are there no written documents in that language in 1500 years. Illyrians have haplogroup I2, which is dominant among the people of the former Yugoslavia (Dinarians), while this haplogroup is negligible among Albanians.

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 4 месяца назад

      I2a is Ukrainian/sclaveni. It originates from the Danube.

  • @YT-gj6nq
    @YT-gj6nq 3 месяца назад

    I see Greek resemblance. The analysis of the Illyrian is so off. Ana = Nene?

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 3 месяца назад

      Languages develop over time, proto albanian it’s nana just drop the n

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад

      IN Gheg dialect is Nana. But we also use Ama for mother.

    • @YT-gj6nq
      @YT-gj6nq 2 месяца назад +1

      @@GJ-dj4jx Exactly! Illyrian is called Matera.

  • @rv9785
    @rv9785 Месяц назад +1

    The language of Illiriians, Paianians and Thracians was based on Greek by more than 50%. Thats a fact.

  • @adriaticheart82
    @adriaticheart82 3 месяца назад

    What this proves is that there's not enough evidence to concluded anything about Illyrian language. We have to have some interdisciplinary studies going

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  3 месяца назад


    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi 3 месяца назад

      @@LearnHittite I think the people that make mistake is if a leanguage have been writen very late in History this doesent mean that a leanguage was not spoken before
      We must know the difference of Spoken Leanguage and Writen Leanguage am I right

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 3 месяца назад

      ​@@vigisisisiif there is no ancient written documents.. Wr can created a new language and we said that is new.. 😂 😂
      Latin alphabet
      30 % latin words
      20.000 greek words special in high level speaking education
      . And is old????

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi 3 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq You didnt Understand I sayed if a leanguage was writen very late in history this doesent mean that leanguage was not spoken before it was writen

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi 3 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq Lets take an example a Person from the day he born till the day he died he didnt go to school he didnt know to write and read and how he learned to speak and comunicate with peoples that he meets all his life till the day he died

  • @ArditSr
    @ArditSr 3 месяца назад +9

    If you take the Slavic out of the equation, in the once called Illyrian peninsula, you are left with a bunch of Illyrian-Thracian-Dardanian tribes, that in reality are the same people, with the same language but in dialects. Because that in modern times we have many countries, all pretending to be native to the land, of course you are going to have mysteries like this. But the ancient Balkans was all Albanian. They traveled and fought so far, from India to Africa and Great Britain. This is the one thing that modern historians can't swallow.

    • @ellinmakedon1216
      @ellinmakedon1216 Месяц назад +1

      Albanian dreams 😂

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Месяц назад +1

      The knew that's the case that's why there was a good number of linguists that believed in Pan- Illyria. But for political reasons modern linguists ignores the evidence.

    • @ellinmakedon1216
      @ellinmakedon1216 Месяц назад +1

      @@GJ-dj4jx Only albanian nationalists

    • @armanto8271
      @armanto8271 27 дней назад

      @@ellinmakedon1216NORTHmazedonia alexandrowski velikovski 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 27 дней назад

      Albanians through propaganda like in this video try desperately to convince themselves and others that they have not been goat growers only but that they do have some history as nation. Albanians do not appear in any significant historic event during last 3000 years and the Albanian language is poor in diction and of miserable sound , being without alphabet until 1908 !!!! .

  • @christopherellis2663
    @christopherellis2663 8 месяцев назад +2


    • @UnlimitedAspirations24
      @UnlimitedAspirations24 5 месяцев назад +1

      @christopherellis2663 - That is Albanian so the word NANA that everyone uses for grandma in states is NOT Italian it IS ALBANIAN!
      So NËNË / NANË/ = NANA means mom in ALBANIAN ✌️

    • @christopherellis2663
      @christopherellis2663 Месяц назад

      Nënë Teresa ​@@UnlimitedAspirations24

  • @ardiankryemadhi4985
    @ardiankryemadhi4985 4 месяца назад +1

    Ment Albanian

  • @Dragonman998
    @Dragonman998 Месяц назад +1

    Can anyone provide linguistical proofs that will counter the fact that only through obvious Albanian linguistic connection we can relate the meanings of Thraco-Illyrian personal names, name of tribal communities and regions which prove that Albanian language and ethnos is the only survivor of Thraco-Illyrian Branch (Balkan Indo-European) of Indo-European language family and descendants of the last unified small isolated linguistic Thraco-Illyrian dialects fused in some sort of last linguistical and cultural effort to survive in form of partially or weakly Latin influenced Thraco-Illyrian creole and last cultural remnants of Thraco-lllyrian culture in the age of intense linguistical and cultural Latinisation and Hellenisation.
    -Liburni (alb. Lumbron = navigate / Lundron = sail or 'Liburnët' i.e. Sailing/Navigating-people),
    -Pirustae (alb. Prrush = ore/coal or 'Prrushtarët' i.e. Mining people),
    -Sciritari (alb. Shkretë = Wilderness or 'Shkretarët' i.e. Wildernes dwelling-people, there's still existing Gheg Albanian tribe named 'Shkreta' or 'Shkreti'),
    -Dalmatae (alb. Delmë = Sheep or 'Delmatët' i.e. Sheep-herding people),
    -Dasaretae (alb. Dash = Ram or 'Dasharetët' i.e. Ram-like or Ram-herding people),
    -Amantes (alb. Amë =River bed or 'Amantët' i.e. Along river-beds dwelling people),
    -Bylliones (alb. Bullë = Oxen or 'Bullonët' i.e. Oxen-herding people),
    -Dindari (alb. Dhenë = Goat / 'Dhindarët' i.e. Goat-like or Goat-herding people),
    -Enchelei (Ngjala = Eel or 'Ngjalenët' i.e. Eel-herding or Eel-fishing people),
    -Labeates (Lap/Lepur = Rabbit i.e. Rabbit-hunting, Rabbit-like or Rabbit-herding people, there's still Tosk Abanian subgroup of 'Labë' and ethnological regions in Albania called 'Labëria' and in Kosovo called 'Lapi'),
    -Derretini and Derroi (alb. Derr =Pig or 'Derronët' i.e. Pig-herding people),
    -Barridustae (alb. Bari = Shepherd or 'Bardushët' i.e. Shepherd-people),
    -Taulanti (alb. Tallëndyshe/Dallëndyshe = Swallow bird or 'Tallandët' i.e. Swallow bird-like people or Swallow-like migrating Transhumance-people),
    -Glintidiones (alb. Gdhend = Wood-engarving or 'Gdhendtonët' i.e. Wood-engarving, wood-cutting people or Woodcraft people),
    -Lopsi (alb. Lopë = Cow or 'Lopsët' i e. Cow herding-peoples),
    ■-Dardani (alb. Dardhë = Pear or 'Dardhanët' i.e. Pear-like or Pear farming-people, which also perfectly explain the Slavic translation of the name of the town of Kruševac (Peartown) in present-day central Serbia which is the suposed location of ancient Dardanopolis),
    (alb. Kalë = Horse or 'Kalabrët' i.e. Horse-herding people),
    ●-Thunatae/Thunaki (alb. Thuna = Cornel or 'Thunakët' i.e. Cornel bush-dwelling people or cornel farming people).
    -Illyri (alb. "I lirë"= Free or Yll =Star, same meaning as:
    'Free people' or 'Freedom loving people' and 'Stars-worshiping people),
    (alb. Arbër or Arbëria oldest endonym of Albanians)
    -Bato (alb. Bac/Bats = Title of Most prominent shepherd-king and most fearsome warrior in some tribe),
    -Burrebista (alb. Burrë =Man Bishë = Beast i.e. Beast Man or title given to most fearsome warrior or Burrë=Man + Bisht =hair tail i.e. Hair tail man, usualy most prominent warriors had distinctive hair tails style, especially among Illyrian, Thracian, Dacian, Celtic and Germanic tribes, even one century ago many hair tails styles were used among Gheg Albanian tribal warriors to be distingushed from one another),
    (alb. Dhjetë-ballë i.e. Ballë =Handle i.e. (Strong) or Handling as ten man)...etc.
    -Bardylis (alb. Bardh = White +Yll = Star = Whitestar)
    (alb. Tuta = Fear i.e. title of most prominent and most fearsome women warrior)
    -Dimale (alb. Dy =Two + Male =Mountains i.e. 'Dymale' or Between two mountains),
    -Lissos {Lezha}
    (alb. Lis = Oak)
    -Birmizium {Podgorica}
    (alb. Bir =Hole or Walley + Zi =Black i.e Black walley),
    -Brindizi {Brindisi}
    (alb. Brin/Brind = Horn + Zi = Black i.e. Black horn, which perfetcly fits the explanation due the fact that town's natural port is in shape of horn),
    -Scodra {Shkodra}
    (alb. Shkëmb=Rocky + Kodër=hill i.e. Rocky hill),
    -Ulqin {Ulcinj}
    (alb. Ujk =Wolf),
    (alb. Epër/Epëri = Upperland or Highland),
    (alb. Malësia = Mountain massif),
    -Chaonia/Chaomia (corresponds with Albanian-populated region called 'Çamëria' and Tosk Albanian subgroup of Çamë in Epirus),
    -Hum, an old name of the region of Herzegovina
    (alb. 'Humë' or Humnerë = Abys, Gulf, Chasm)
    -Lika, name of the region in Croatia (alb. 'Likë' or Lajkë = Flat highland)
    -Trogir, (alb. Tre = Three + Gurrë = Rock i.e. 'Trigur' or Between three rocks, perfectly fits the explanation as town of Trogir in Dalmatia is located between three rocks).
    -Apulia/Puglia, region at the 'heel' of the Italian peninsula (alb. Pulë = Fowl or Poultry, its located at the exact opposite coastline from the ethnographic region in Albania called 'Pulat')

    • @Dragonman998
      @Dragonman998 Месяц назад

      Albanoi (Arbanoi) were an Illyrian tribe. They were possibly first mentioned by Hecataeus of Miletus (550-476 BCE) under the name 'Abroi'. ClaudiusPtolemy (100-170 CE) is the first author who mentions them under the name 'Albanoi'. Their central settlement was called Albanopolis and was located roughly between the Mat and Shkumbin rivers, in present-day central Albania. The archaeological site of Zgërdhesh near town of Krujë has been identified as the likely location of Albanopolis.
      Stephanus of Byzantium who reproduced Hecataeus added an entry for another settlement named 'Arbon' in Illyria whose inhabitants were called 'Arbonioi' or 'Arbonites'. Another Arbon was recorded by Polybius. John of Nikiû wrote in the 7th century CE about a people known as 'Arbanitai' in the Greek translation of the manuscript.
      In the Middle Ages, the names 'Albanoi' and Arbanitai/'Albanitai' referred to medieval Albanians as an ethnic group. The equivalent terms in Latin are 'Albanenses'/'Arbanenses', in Vlach: 'Arbineș', in Slavic: 'Arbanasi' and later in Turkish: 'Arnaut'. These names reflect the Albanian ethnic endonym 'Arbër'/'Arbëreshë'/'Arbëneshë', which 'Albanoi' derives itself.
      In the archaeological records, the Albanoi are mentioned on a funeral inscription in Stobi (present-day central North Macedonia) and Albanopolis is mentioned on another funeral inscription near Scupi (Skopje). Another ethnonym, 'Arbaios' found in locality of Finiq (Phoenice) is likely linked to them.

    • @Dragonman998
      @Dragonman998 Месяц назад

      Polybius (200-118 BCE) mentions a location named "Arbon" in his description of the Roman-Illyrian Wars. "Arbon" in a series of mistranslations has been named an "island" or a "city" even though Polybius never mentions it as such. The place has not been identified, and it is unlikely that it refers to the northern Adriatic island of Rab (attested for the first time as Arba (Arbëria) by Pliny).
      An interdisciplinary reading of the passage indicates that "Arbon" might actually have been in central Albania, roughly in the same location as the later Albanopolis (Ptolemy) and Arbanon (Anna Komnene). Wilhelm Tomaschek (1841-1901) considered Arbon to be the "first attestation of the modern name of Albania".
      Ptolemy (100-170 CE) is the first author who mentions the ethnonym of the Albanoi in "Geographia". The Albanoi are mentioned in the third book of "Geographia". They were a people who lived in the region between Mat and Shkumbin rivers and held the settlement Albanopolis. Johann Georg von Hahn first noted that the suffix -polis ("city") was probably added at a later date by other authors as in other editions it is mentioned as "Albanos polis" or "Albanos".
      Archelogical site of Zgërdhesh near town of Krujë has been identified as the likely location of Albanopolis. It is not certain if its location corresponds to the region mentioned as Arbanon mentioned by Anna Komnene in the "Alexiad" about events related to the First Norman invasion of the Balkans(1081). An indication of movement from higher altitudes in a much earlier period has been detected in the distribution of Albanian place names ending in -esh, derives from the Latin -ensis (Vulgar Latin -ēsis), between the Shkumbin and the Mat rivers, with a concentration between modern towns of Elbasan and Krujë.
      John of Nikiû (7th century), a Coptic bishop mentions in the French translation of a manuscript titled "Chronicle" that barbarians, foreign peoples and Illyrians, ravaged the cities of the Christians and took the inhabitants alive in the Byzantine Empire.
      Hermann Zotenberg who translated the "Chronicle" from Geʽez (Ethiopian) to French rendered with the term Illyrians, a term which in the original manuscript corresponded to 'Alwerikon'. 'Alwerikon' in the Romaica (Byzantine) Greek translation of the "Chronicle" corresponded to the term Albani(k/t)on (genitive of Albanitai).
      Constantine Sathas (1842-1912) who first recorded the discrepancy between different translations considered the mention of 'Alwerikon' an attestation of the same population as the Illyrian 'Albanoi'.
      Michael Attaleiates (1022-1080) mentions the term 'Albanoi' twice and the term 'Arbanitai' once. The term 'Albanoi' is used first to describe the groups which rebelled in southern Italy and Sicily against the Byzantines in 1038-40.
      The second use of the term 'Albanoi' is related to groups which supported the revolt of George Maniakes in 1042 and marched with him throughout the Balkans against the Byzantine capital, Constantinople.
      The term 'Arvanitai' is used to describe a revolt of Bulgarians (Boulgaroi) and Arbanitai in the Theme (Province) of Dyrrhachium (Durrës) in 1078-79. It is generally accepted that 'Arbanitai' refers to the ethnonym of medieval Albanians. As such, it is considered to be the first attestation of Albanians as an ethnic group in Eastern Roman (Byzantine) historiography. The use of the term 'Albanoi' in 1038-49 and 1042 as an ethnonym related to Albanians have been a subject of debate. In what has been termed the "Vranoussi-Ducellier debate", Alain Ducellier proposed that both uses of the term referred to medieval Albanians. Era Vranoussi counter-suggested that the first use referred to Normans, while the second didn't have an ethnic connotation necessarily and could be a reference to the Normans as "foreigners" (aubain) in Epirus which Maniakes and his army traversed.
      This debate has never been resolved.
      A newer very possible synthesis about the second use of the term Albanoi by historian Pëllumb Xhufi suggests that the term Albanoi may have referred to Albanians of the specific district of Arbanon, while Arbanitai to Albanians in general regardless of the specific region they inhabited.
      From thereon, in the next centuries, the term Albanoi is used extensively as the ethnonym for medieval Albanians in Byzantine literature. Albanoi is the formal term for Albanians in modern Greek and until the 20th century it was used interchangeably with the term Arbanitai, which now in Greek refers exclusively to Arvanites.
      These names reflect the Albanian endonym Arbër/n + esh which itself derives from the same root as the name of the Albanoi.

  • @Johnny-pk3iq
    @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +3

    Ἧλθον ἐγὼ (Ἀθήνη) παύσουσα τὸ σὸν μένος, αἴ κε πίθηαι, οὐρανόθεν· πρὸ δέ μ' ἧκε θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη ἄμφω ὁμῶς θυμῷ φιλέουσά τε κηδομένη τε·(A 205-209).

  • @GGTanguera
    @GGTanguera 5 месяцев назад

    Beer = zobaja, not sobaia. Beer is made from zob 😅

  • @seamussc
    @seamussc 2 месяца назад

    It seems to me that there is some kind of connection from Illyrian to Albainian, but maybe it's like comparing, say, Oscan to Spanish. A more recent connection to a common ancestor than other languages but not necessarily a direct descendant.
    But, I think people hate that it's just not entirely knowable. It's certainly plausible that Albanians are the direct descendants of Illyrians, but probably just not so certain that's it's a wagon to hitch all your nationalist aspirations to, though. However, I think the notion that Albanians are not Paleo-Balkan at all is implausible to the point that's it's swinging a nationalist pendulum too far in the opposite direction.

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  2 месяца назад

      Finally! A sensible comment.

  • @Elstocks21
    @Elstocks21 Месяц назад

    Considering the most recent data by Matzinger, there is no doubt Albanian and Illyrian were two completely different languages. Proto-Albanian was alongside Messapic and Armenian part of the half-satemized paleo-Balkan branch. Not Illyrian and not Thracian, but probably unattested populations with a homeland in the central Balkans, from where Armenians migrated to the east and Messapic speakers to the west, before the Bronze Age collapse.

  • @nebojsapavlovich6054
    @nebojsapavlovich6054 3 месяца назад +1

    Gente della montagna per lungo tempo rimane isolata, si mescola poco con altri popoli. Se i Sciptar si credono originari del posto, che gli altri li davano i nomi come Dardani, Iliri, o Arbanas, tutta la logica dice di si, sono del posto. Questione della lingua e' diverso, lingue sono in continua evoluzione e mescolamento e sono tante lingue abbandonate, ma la gente invece, sembra la stessa.

  • @LudwigWhitby
    @LudwigWhitby 5 месяцев назад +2

    The Albanian connection is dubious to say the least. The small amount of words recorded makes it easy to swing the theory in any way you want. Just by using your own examples I can explain 'sica' with Slavic root word meaning 'to cut' *sěkti. 'Sabaia' can be explained with Slavic word for 'oat' *zobъ, being an oat-beer of sort.
    Edit: Sibina as spear can also be explained with South Slavic 'svib' meaning dogwood. Dogwood was widely used in the ancient world for spears and the 'v' in old Slavic was most likely pronounced as /w/ which is why it is often omitted in Greek writings.

    • @besnikillyrian8520
      @besnikillyrian8520 5 месяцев назад

      Slavic ? Come on man , dont make the whole world foolish as you are

    • @KingLinm
      @KingLinm 4 месяца назад

      Are you really trying to turn slavs into illyrians? Youre traitors to the culture, maybe you are genetically illyrian, but you have lost all the language and culture. Illyrian myths remain in Albanian culture and language to this day.

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +4

      slavs didnt exist in balkans at time of illyrians. Try again

    • @LudwigWhitby
      @LudwigWhitby 3 месяца назад

      @@MilkmanEditsAL The post was about the possibility of analysing Illyrian as a Slavic language... That's basically proof that Slavs existed in the Balkans at that time and that Illyrians were in fact Slavs. Archeology points to no significant change in material culture before and after the 'Slavic migration' as well. There was an influx of 'Prague culture' pottery, and a reversal of the process of Latinization and even Christianization which might point to the root of the misconception. Illyrians were Slavs just as the Slavs that lived outside of the Roman Empire, but were by the 6th century culturally partially romanized. A new wave of Slavic elites came from accross the Danube and pulled the partially romanized Slavs/Illyrian back into Slavdom. The new Slavic elite was most likely from the Prague culture, which would also explain how come that culture was seemingly placed upon the local Illyrian without any break in continuity.

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад

      Not sure if you're a troll. But how do you explain so many Greek deities being in Albanian then?
      Aphrodite (Venus) in Albanian is Aferdite, where afer= near and dite= day. Near day, or morning star. Instead linguists say it come from greek foam.
      Thalia muse if comedy. Albanian Tallja = The Mocking. Linguists say it comes from Greek Thalien, to flourish.
      Pythia, Oracle at Delphi. Albanian Pytja = The question. All kinds of worthless explanations connecting it to Greek.
      Demetria, godes of harvests. Albanian Dhemitra where dhe= earth and mitra= woumb/uterus.
      Thetis, goddess of the sea. Albanian Deti = Sea.
      Ionian Sea. Albanian = Deti Jon meanin Our Sea. Jon = Our in Alb. Same as Romans called the Mediterranean Sea, Mare Nostum (Our Sea)
      There are so many more just mentioning most obvious ones, that for some strange reason are not mentioned by linguists.

  • @ArberKastrati-x5t
    @ArberKastrati-x5t 2 месяца назад

    I m proud to be ipetar, Dardania, Illyria, Shqiptare, Albania 🇦🇱🇽🇰❤

  • @Agapi-dg7th
    @Agapi-dg7th 2 дня назад

    The real albanian language is aboriginal,, ❤❤❤❤❤❤all aboriginals understand albanian😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤ american sientists are clear...aboriginals migrated to albania,,,,and they started the first european albanian sivilisation,,,strabo the geographer,, is clear.. only aboriginal tribes could creat such a language and suvilisation ,,,❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊

  • @lekjaku7378
    @lekjaku7378 2 месяца назад

    Una lingua così diversa non credo ché è sceso da cielo e linguistici non sono in grado di rispondere?
    Lingua è spagnolo, francese, inglese? Non! Sono tutte lingue ché vengono da latino come lingua italiana. Ma, lingua albanese è tutto diverso da tutti i vicini ché lo chiamavano "lingua maledetta".
    Quando i vicini hanno fatto guerra e genocidio contro chi parla lingua albanese è logico ché loro hanno fatto guerra anche in campo culturale e nascondono qualcosa particolare.
    Non è possibile ché Chiesa Ortodossa Greca non sa meglio di tutti quanti, non è possibile! Non è possibile ché in Monte Athos non hanno informazioni più ché tutti quanti.
    Questa lingua e popolo ché lo parla non sceso da cielo, ma non poteva venire da altre parte per mettersi in catene montuose balcanica, è un ragionamento semplice, lingua albanese era diffusa almeno in maggior parte del balcani ma pian piano è ristretto.
    Grande scienza linguistica? 6 secoli fa i Arberesh sono fuggito da Peloponneso loro parlano lingua albanese e lo considerano se stesso Arberesh perché così si chiamava albania in Medioevo, Arberia.
    Sono prove vivente e linguistici non sono in grado dare risposte precise?
    Allora, linguistica non è scienza e andate via non parlate...

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      In this video said about illyrian language..
      Where is proof.. Albania language is technically
      Latin alphabet
      30 % latin words
      20.000 greek words special in high level speaking education as in many languages around world
      Without proof is not history..

    • @lekjaku7378
      @lekjaku7378 2 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq Grazie! Lingua inglese è 60% latin, più tedesco, greco, francese e soltanto 6% è proprio inglese e si chiama lingua. Conoscendo altre lingue capisco quanto è differente lingua albanese quanta semplice e sintetiche ed escluso da studi serie e indipendenti senza essere eclissato da latino e greco.
      Comunque, Grazie!

  • @marseldapelli-tp9sc
    @marseldapelli-tp9sc 2 месяца назад

    What does it mean in other languange "Illirians"? Nothing! In albanian means, free.....

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      Call ambulance.. In above i left text from iliada.. Translate.. Or sleep

  • @Trontotario2
    @Trontotario2 3 месяца назад

    We wuz illiranzz 🇷🇸🙍🏿‍♂️-homosexualityvić

  • @nukhetyavuz
    @nukhetyavuz 10 месяцев назад +1

    could be possibly protoalbanian...but why not consider a uralic language deriving from the step?protohungarian and prototurkish have the word ANA which means mom (in hungarian its actually ANJA) but apart from that,BİCAK resembles the turkish form for knife and spear could be MİZRAK...

    • @KingLinm
      @KingLinm 4 месяца назад +1

      Because it make zero fucking sense. The word for mother is practicaly the same in languages that arent even in the same family.

  • @LeonardDurrsi
    @LeonardDurrsi Месяц назад +2

    only the Albanian language is the Illyrian Pelasgian language and the old Greek, the Slavic language is a language similar to Russian, while the "Greek" language is a religious language, not an old language, today's Greek language has no resemblance to the ancient Hellenic language, while the Albanian is the most ancient language in the Illyrian peninsula, which today is called (Balkan) and in the Iliad in Homer there are words of the Albanian language.

    • @johng799
      @johng799 15 дней назад +1

      Your wrong

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 11 дней назад +1

      Greek language is older than Christianity by more than 1500 years. Therefore it is totally wrong to say that Greek is a religious language ( i.e. not an Ethnic one) is true though that Christianity managed to spread all over the place using the Greek language as a tool being the most known in the world at that time.

    • @LeonardDurrsi
      @LeonardDurrsi 11 дней назад

      @@georgegiallousis4400 The language (Greek) spoken today in Greece is a technical language, the Greek language has changed twice since 1823, the Greek language spoken today in Greece has nothing in common with the ancient ( Helen) language, it is a religious language.🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 11 дней назад +2

      Greek is not similar to Russian and IS NOT a religious language as it is active and evolving since antiquity i.e. it is older than Christianity therefore cannot be religious..
      The first written Greek letters were found on baked mud tablets, in the remains of the Minoan Knossos Palace of Crete island. This language is known as Linear A and it has not been fully decoded till today. The most famous example of Linear A is written in the famous Phaistos Disc. In the 12th century BC, a new language started to develop, called Linear B, where each drawing symbol is a consonant-vowel combination. Linear B dates from the Mycenaean civilization.

    • @georgegiallousis4400
      @georgegiallousis4400 11 дней назад +1

      The Greek language is well documented as being one of the oldest languages. In fact, it has the most extended history of all Indo-European languages. The earliest inscriptions of Greek words written using the Ancient Greek alphabet date back to 1400 BC, equating to 3,400 years of written records. At the time, more people were speaking Greek than any other language across the Mediterranean. Today , as the Ancient Greek language evolved through ages in various forms , modern Greek is the version of the language that evolved from Ancient Greek through the Medieval Greek .

  • @siyacer
    @siyacer 3 месяца назад


  • @Dragan-t6w
    @Dragan-t6w 2 месяца назад +1

    Germans published dictionary in year 1791 German- Illyrian so you can read the words and speak, it is today Serbian.

    • @VangjelCala
      @VangjelCala 2 месяца назад +1

      Ju are gips😅😅

    • @Dragan-t6w
      @Dragan-t6w 2 месяца назад

      @@VangjelCala Sorry I didn't understand ?? what are you saying??

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@Dragan-t6ware illyrians dictionary.. 😂 😂 You drink something..
      Illyrians was Bigest zero in humanity as civilization nothings left to the next generations in order to remember them
      No archeological places
      No any written documents..

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA 2 месяца назад +2

      @@Johnny-pk3iqthat’s why ILLIRYA is Albanian because you hate ILLIRYA thanks

      @ZOTIMETROJETTONA 2 месяца назад +2

      @@VangjelCala😂gips me ly shpin a magjup i indis 😂

  • @gentjanhasani5955
    @gentjanhasani5955 2 месяца назад

    Mes a pik = the dot of the center.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 2 месяца назад +2

      Alben jolen = Angelina Jolie

    • @gentjanhasani5955
      @gentjanhasani5955 Месяц назад

      @@davidscwimer1974 that is keeping the world from knowledge. The words have meaning that you must learn.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 Месяц назад +1

      @@gentjanhasani5955 they mean something in Latin and in Greek which doesn’t need word semantics 😂
      • Messa- or Messa- derived from a local word for “middle” or “between.” Greek
      • -apia relate to the term for “water” or “land” (similar to the Greek word “apios,” meaning “water” or “fertile land”).

  • @Dragan-t6w
    @Dragan-t6w 2 месяца назад

    World first cultures Vucedol, Lepenski Vir (Iron Gates) starts 11500 BC, Starcevo culture starts 6200 BC, Vinča culture starts 5700 BC, today Serbia. Samarra culture 5500-4800 BCE, Cucuteni culture starts 4800 BC, Varna culture starts 4500 BC, Yamnaya culture 3300 BC.
    World first industrial revolution ca. 6000 BC. Bronze metallurgy. Today Serbia, (BBC History news March 2010)
    Gordon Childe-The Danube in Prehistory, Jacque Pirenne-Agriculture at Danube. Today Serbia.
    Farming start about 6000 BC. Vinca First Calendar start to count years at 5508 BC. (Now in 2024 we have year 7532) Farming wouldn’t be possible without knowledge of calendar. Both development started and developed together. Today Serbia.
    Harald Haarmann about first Cyrillic writings in Vinca culture in 5500 BC, today Serbia, so 2000 years before any writings anywhere else on the world.
    Vinca Iron production 1400 BC. Today Serbia.
    In today English language there is more than 2000 same or similar Serbian words.
    Names of the Balkan tribes: Pelasgians, Mycenaeans, Etruscan-called themselves Rasi, in Serbia exist even today province Ras. Wendi, (Wendisch museum in Cottbus, Germany, Lusatian Sorbs, Lužički Srbi.) Illiyrians, Macedonians (Homer is saying Paeonian people walked on foot 11 Days to help Trojans war), Dardanians (Original Troy is here, not in Turkey, Homer wrote sea is freezing in the winter-Panonian sea), Moesians, Dacians, Thracians, Rasci, Celts, Scythians, Sarmatians, Arians, Sea People, Peleset, Philistines, Hittites, Bhrygians. Tribes spread in all directions all over Europe and Asia …….
    Wild Greeks arrived ~ 1000 BC from Egipt, Hungarian from Asia and Bulgars from Asia they found culture on the Balkans, writings and language and they mixed with domestic people. 18 Roman emperors were born in Serbia because of Etruscan connection.
    After Trojan war many groups of people left Troy in all directions to middle Europe, northern Europe to Britain and Scandinavia, south to Anatolia.One group under Aeneas sat sail with 22 ships and about 3400 followers and reach Italy-Etruscans.
    (There is no such thing as Indo-Europian, or Indo-German how used to be called before) Proto Serbian language is mother of all languages, spoken all over the Balkans in Illyria, Thracia, Dardania, Moesia, Pelasgia, Macedonia, Etruria, Bhrygia, Sarmatia and so on….Germans published dictionary in year 1791 German- Illyrian so you can read the words and speak, it is today Serbian.It is older than Sanskrit, Greek, Latin or all western European languages. Plato confirms in his work The Dialogues of Plato-Cratylus the Greeks used Pelasgian (Proto Serbian) to develop their own language.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      Proto Serbia language.. What is this.. With all repsect if you are Serbia..
      To prove something you need ancient written documents.. You have.. Sorry for my English.
      I ask from Albanians to show us something before 1550.. But there is not..
      So all are theories and fantasy

    • @Dragan-t6w
      @Dragan-t6w 2 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq Hey Johnny, Germans published dictionary in year 1791 German- Illyrian so you can read the words and speak, it is today Serbian.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +2

      @@Dragan-t6w German.. Illyrian.. 😂 😂 Dictionary..
      Illyrians not left even one written document...
      Illyrians was Bigest zero in humanity as civilization
      Nothing left to the next generations in order to remember them
      Mo archeological places
      No any written documents

  • @darladallddoria143
    @darladallddoria143 3 месяца назад +3

    The albanian language is not from the Illyrian dialect.
    The albanian language is a Caucasian language which has turkish, Greek, slavic, and latin words..
    The albanians came from the Albanian Caucasian river along with turks after the byzantine period means after the year 1453 and spoke a turkish type language without alphabet and letters

    • @adrianlacazete6030
      @adrianlacazete6030 2 месяца назад +1

      Sit down 4 for today. Next time open some fucking book.

    • @darladallddoria143
      @darladallddoria143 2 месяца назад +3

      @@adrianlacazete6030 sit down and read the books better...
      The turk-albanian are not Illyrians

  • @farijeleka2890
    @farijeleka2890 5 месяцев назад +4


  • @GJ-dj4jx
    @GJ-dj4jx 2 месяца назад +3

    Shouldn't be hard at all to see Illyrian/Albanian deep in antiquity with Greek dieties.
    Aphrodite (Venus) in Albanian is Aferdite, where afer= near and dite= day. Near day, or morning star. Instead linguists say it come from greek foam.
    Thalia muse if comedy. Albanian Tallja = The Mocking. Linguists say it comes from Greek Thalien, to flourish.
    Pythia, Oracle at Delphi. Albanian Pytja = The question. All kinds of worthless explanations connecting it to Greek.
    Demeter, goddess of harvests. In Albanian it's Dhemiter where dhe= earth and miter= womb/uterus.
    Thetis, goddess of the sea. Albanian Deti = Sea.
    Ionian Sea. In Albanian it's called Deti Jon, which literally means Our Sea. Jon = Our in Albanian (Albanian J is pronounced as Y in English, as in You). It's the same as Romans called the Mediterranean Sea, Mare Nostrum which in Latin also means Our Sea. Coincidence? I don't think so.
    There are so many more just mentioning most obvious ones, that for some strange reason are not mentioned by linguists.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +3

      Pcyhopath is Albania word... Ok so explain us why in Albania language are 10.000 Greek words special in high level speaking education.. Or i am wrong

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +3

      As about your examples that you wrote i am sure you make joke or in Albania country international etymology dictionary no works.. And you have only for Albanians
      Etymology.. Is Albanian word.. 😂 😂 😂???

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Месяц назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq What does this have to do with what I'm bringing?

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Месяц назад

      @@GJ-dj4jx my friend you need medical help.. You translate as you want and make etymology.. One more time etymology is Greek word..
      Open international etymology dictionary.. To see all these bulshit that you wrote above..
      According you ancient Greek is Albanian language??
      So you can translate Homer.. 😂 😂 Only this answer me..
      If you said me yes.. I will send you any text from iliada.. To translate... Can you do

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Месяц назад

      @@GJ-dj4jx i can understand you.. 80 years you are closed from all civilization countries.. Is so pity

  • @kristijangrgic9841
    @kristijangrgic9841 4 месяца назад +2

    How can Albanians be real Ilyrians when first record of Albanians is in 13th century and all of Ilyrians were romanised by 4th century. Ilyrians became Romans and 1000 years later Albanians appear.

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +1

      the first record of albania is in 13th century? propaganda is insane

    • @kristijangrgic9841
      @kristijangrgic9841 3 месяца назад

      ​@@MilkmanEditsAL name a source which mentions Albanians before.

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад +5

      @@kristijangrgic9841 the tribe “albanoi” predates any existence of Slavic existence in Balkans and even the Macedonian empire.

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад

      @@kristijangrgic9841 you do know that the name Albania is a Latin term used to describe us. We call ourselves “shqiptar” and our country “shqiperi”. Again, if you trace the Illyrian language and look into the very few documents written in it, it will come out to Albanian being the closest match. Not a single trustworthy history disagrees with this

    • @kristijangrgic9841
      @kristijangrgic9841 3 месяца назад

      ​​​@@MilkmanEditsAL ancient Albanians have nothing to do with modern Albanians. Not even name. You are not called Albanoi in your own language. Show me document in which Albanians are first time mentioned. There is none prior to 13th century. Show me if there is

  • @miraman1516
    @miraman1516 3 месяца назад

    There is no evidence about Illirians language or any proof. How can that be considered as a fact?

  • @shabankullolli1499
    @shabankullolli1499 3 месяца назад +1

    Also, Kosovo is a free country now. The map used is not updated.

  • @maricallo6143
    @maricallo6143 Месяц назад +1

    Shame that Illyricvm is not on Netflix while a lot of other Croatian bullshit films are (just because they're either comedies or tell about the war in ex-YU.

  • @rydanslogos
    @rydanslogos 3 месяца назад +1

    no need for any of these question at all ,, DNA shows our yllirian ancestry,, 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @korda-u7r
    @korda-u7r 4 месяца назад +1

    only Croats and Serbs are true Illyrians because the Albanians got information about their Illyrian origin only after the wars between the Serbs and them in order to have more rights to the territories

    • @korda-u7r
      @korda-u7r 4 месяца назад

      You are from the Caucasus. Genetically and culturally, you are the most similar to them. I don't want to argue with you, but I'm just stating my facts.

    • @KingLinm
      @KingLinm 4 месяца назад +6

      ⁠@@korda-u7rgenetically we are the same as half of greeks and south serbs. Literally cant tell the two apart. South serbs are assimilated albanians, greeks and albanians are made from the same dough. We have nothing to do with the Caucasus, meanwhile we have surviving documents rhat demonstrate that slavs come from there. There isnt a single mention of albanians or albanoid speaking peoples moving into the balkans. But somehow every other nation is attested (the slavs, the bulgars, the goths, heck even the greeks), this is because the albanian ethnogenesis happened in the balkans from the few surviving tribes in the mountains of the original paleobalkanic peoples. Everything else is just a cope. Doesnt make albanians better doesnt make them worse, but the only logical scientific explanation is this one. You can keep your Belgrade pseudoscience to yourself.

    • @Joeb269
      @Joeb269 3 месяца назад

      @@korda-u7rthe only truth is that you are true Slavs. You call yourself Slavs and the world calls you Slavs. You got nothing to do with the ancient history of the Illyrian Peninsula. 😅😅😅😅

    • @Dorian-wf1iv
      @Dorian-wf1iv 3 месяца назад

      I was born east istra I'm lllyrian

    • @MilkmanEditsAL
      @MilkmanEditsAL 3 месяца назад

      @@korda-u7r you are cringe

  • @chompriest
    @chompriest Месяц назад

    So in essence, made up language.

  • @danielpetrovski6662
    @danielpetrovski6662 Месяц назад

    Albanoi is a Celtic tribe vanquished by illirian tribes..more than 90% of Shqip language is latin..its close to Aromani-Vlach language..Slavic culture derives its origin from Illirian&Macedon culture&tounge..and within the experience of ancient history its like the Etruscan people moved to Apolonia (todays Albania) and the Tosca people also..mind you that the Geg people came from old Albania (Azerbeijan) in the 10thcentury and in the Turkish conquer sided with the Turks&Kurdish people and made the bashibozuk regime on the Balkans(turkish synonim for bloody honey)..

  • @adrianlacazete6030
    @adrianlacazete6030 2 месяца назад

    There are a lot illyrian writing but the archologist hide it. In ancient city of apolonia in albania in a kid tomb was writed the words "fimia hiyneron haire" wich is still translatble from albanian today but archoligist in albanian forced themself to read it difrent and make it greek with some words meaningless.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад +1

      You reallgood in your mind
      Apollonia is Greek ancient archeological place
      From illyrians there is no ancient written documents
      Only bla bla in Albanian kafenio

    • @adrianlacazete6030
      @adrianlacazete6030 2 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq who told u that!! Wikipedia!?? They are making all illyrian cityes in albania as greek now throw albanian goverment. Albania since 1990 become vasal to greek state and we do what greeks want

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад

      @@adrianlacazete6030 my friend.. All universe knlw about illyrians.. 😂 😂 That was Bigest zero in humanity as civilization nothings left to the next generations in order to remember them
      No archeological places
      No any written documents.. 😂 😂 😂

    • @adrianlacazete6030
      @adrianlacazete6030 2 месяца назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq just because u dont know that doesent mean there is zero. U dont have idea of ancient cityes we have in albania so take a nap and see dream with greek bullshits

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад

      @@adrianlacazete6030 show us one ancient archeological place from illyrians.. Show us one ancient written documents from illyrians.. 😂 😂 😂 😂 And then speak

  • @mladenvuksinic8608
    @mladenvuksinic8608 Месяц назад

    Rubbish !!

  • @DorinaAlidini
    @DorinaAlidini 5 месяцев назад +1

    Ilyrian ore albanian language is the first language of humaniti go se the tre of language the sekond is armenin and tre is tocarian.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +4


    • @DorinaAlidini
      @DorinaAlidini 5 месяцев назад +1

      Go ask one historian about this a now you dont belive this

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад

      @@DorinaAlidini I’m asking you

    • @davidaxelos4678
      @davidaxelos4678 5 месяцев назад

      Nonsense, Basque is the "oldest" surviving European language.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@davidaxelos4678 don’t try and use reason and logic with these brainwashed people.

  • @damjan9753
    @damjan9753 7 месяцев назад +5

    Propagande !

    • @erviram5494
      @erviram5494 7 месяцев назад +3

      Why do you say that !?? Give some evidence?

  • @aleksandarnikolic2743
    @aleksandarnikolic2743 10 месяцев назад +3

    Try to find Olga Luković-pjanović book:"Srbi narod najstariji."(Serbs,the oldest nation).
    Book will be interesting to you as linguist!

    • @branimirradinovic9535
      @branimirradinovic9535 10 месяцев назад +10


    • @arianl5903
      @arianl5903 9 месяцев назад +1

      If world history began in the 8th century AD, perhaps this would be true, but history begins at least 5,000 years earlier! You Serbs are 4,200 years too late.

    • @TheBegaj2005
      @TheBegaj2005 9 месяцев назад +6


    • @NoraLatifi-dl2vh
      @NoraLatifi-dl2vh 7 месяцев назад +5

      She should have known that serbia comes from russia 😅

    • @pranveraohri1204
      @pranveraohri1204 5 месяцев назад +4

      Maybe elsewhere.Not in the Illyrikum where they faced like barbarians about VI century.There is no archeological ore historical data to conferm.Have serbs fought against romans ore Alexander the Great? Don't be ridiculous.

  • @miroslavblagojevic2402
    @miroslavblagojevic2402 4 месяца назад +1

    Croats, Montenegrians, Bosnians and Serbs are Ilirian descendants.

    • @australiaprisonisland9156
      @australiaprisonisland9156 4 месяца назад

      Some historians claim Illyrians were R1b carriers. Some say J2b carriers. Neither say they were I2a or I2b. Strange.

  • @davidscwimer1974
    @davidscwimer1974 7 месяцев назад +7

    No such thing as ancient Albanian

    • @sylvien2599
      @sylvien2599 7 месяцев назад +8

      I was only going to just downvote this comment, but then I thought I would try and find out what's actually going on in your head? Does your comment add anything at all to the discussion about Illyrian language? or are you implying that Albanian has no historical roots? The Albani and the Abroi, considered as proto or early Albanians, were first attested in the 6th century BCE, is that not ancient enough for you?

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@sylvien2599 there is no
      Proof that the extinct Illyrian language is linked in anyway to modern Albanian. The claim of a direct and continuous linguistic connection between the ancient Illyrian language and modern Albanian is not universally supported by linguists and scholars. the evidence is insufficient to establish a direct evolutionary link. The Illyrian language is poorly attested, primarily through ancient inscriptions, making it difficult to discern its precise linguistic features and relationship to other languages. Additionally, the development of the Albanian language involved significant influences from Latin, Greek, Slavic, and other languages due to the region's history of cultural exchange and conquest. There is no evidence for this bold claim. Relaying on old communist propaganda is not history. You can downvote the truth … now days the truth means very little to people like yourself

    • @sylvien2599
      @sylvien2599 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@davidscwimer1974 But your comment merely stated 'no such thing as ancient Albanian', the video is well researched and actually just does a kind of meta analysis of modern, peer reviewed and published research. Your comment added nothing to the discussion. No evidence, no citations just a random and vague comment.

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@sylvien2599 really .. check again is there no implication that Albanian is some how an ancient language?

    • @LearnHittite
      @LearnHittite  7 месяцев назад +12

      Hi there! What exactly did I say where you seem to have issue? I will just give you a quote from Routledge 'The Indo-European Languages' Second edition - 'Two main theories consider Albanian as a descendant of either Illyrian or Thracian langauges, respectively' and then the author recommends reviewing the work from Matzinger 2009 and 2012. Olander 2016, groups Albanian on the 'Illyric' branch ultimately descending from Paleo-Balkanic - but they stress caution with the label 'Illyric' due to lack of sufficient linguistic data (just as I said in my video). Mallory and Adams in the Encyclopaedia of Indo European (1997) states regarding lexical items 'by far the strongest connectionsncan be argued between Albanian and Illyrian' but again stresses to be conservative with any conclusions. Ultimately, Albanian descended from one of the Balkanic varieties of Indo-European brought to the region by whoever replaced the pre-Indo-European speakers of the region. I think nothing here in my statement is controversial and agrees with many leading names in IE studies, although some will disagree for sure but I try not to present minority views.

  • @billyroud6877
    @billyroud6877 Месяц назад


  • @LeonardDurrsi
    @LeonardDurrsi Месяц назад

    Big Albanian Albanian 🇦🇱🙏, Illyrian, no Slavs no fake Greeks, only Albanian Ilyrians.

  • @Čukanović1993
    @Čukanović1993 3 месяца назад

    Hahahahhahahahah so funy! Šiptaria
    P R O P A G A N D A 🤮🤮

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 3 месяца назад

      Smederovskis cope

    • @valentinkulla2381
      @valentinkulla2381 2 месяца назад

      Kurve you Come Here in Balkan From Azia mongol. albania Is here AUTOCHTONE ILLYRICUM BLOOD🇦🇱🇽🇰✝️✝️🦅

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад

      ​@@valentinkulla2381i like autókhthōn word.. You know the etymology.. And is Albania word??? 😂 😂 😂 😂..

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 2 месяца назад

      ​@@valentinkulla2381illirian.. 😂 😂 😂 😂 Wad biggest zero in humanity as civilization nothings left to the next generations in order to remember them
      No archeological places
      No any written documents.. Zero big